2 minute read

Sahara Rose





Sahara describes Bali as her happy places. She spent four months here after graduating college and fell in love with the freedom and power to tap into her spirituality. She describes this experience as life changing.

Reflective Journal

Journaling helps to go through each day with purpose, lessons, and self love. Sahara sells a personalized journal with guided prompt and concepts.

Sahara Rose is a leading voice for her generation in helping individuals come into their higher power through personal spiritual awakening. She also has a deep passion for inspiring her listeners to discover their dharma, or their souls purpose. She is the speaker on iTunes #1 spirituality podcast, “ Highest Self Podcast ”and the bestselling author on a number of self-help books. Her list of accomplishments keeps growing, as she co-founded the Dharma Coaching Institute. This organization trains Spiritual Life Coaches to expand her reach of those wishing to find their Dharma. Sahara has also founded a sacred sisterhood collective named the Rose Gold Goddesses, which embodies finding your inner goddess. Sahara defines her mission as “reminding people of their highest selves so they can share their gifts with the world and raise the vibration of the planet.” When she isn’t busy writting books or facilitating workshops, you can find her DJing or drumming.

In the past few years, Sahara has discovered a love for Ayurveda, the world’s oldest health system, and is passionate about sharing all the ways it has healed her body and mind. While she finds Ayurved is an amazing tool for physical and mental wellbeing, she also finds it serves as a pathway for finding the soul. She believes the purpose of health is not just to feel healthy, but also to blossom into her highest self.

Sahara has dedicated her life to helping others find their own purpose and pathway. She sums up her own purpose, “I always knew I was born on this planet to help others. But I didn’t know how... I always felt it was my personal responsibility to save the world. I realized the true way to change the world was to change the way people think.” https://iamsahararose.com/

It isn’t easy to find the perfect statement wallpaper, but Sahara finds this to be the perfect touch inside her beautiful Florida home.

Oracle Cards

Each card represents aspects of the self, symbolized by sacred figures. These concepts are integral to yoga, Ayurveda and chakras. This process helps her remain in touch with her intuition.

Healthy Line Crystal Mat

The surface of this mat is filled with 7 gemstones that each align with one of the 7 chakras. The mat is pulsed with electromagnetic therapy to stimulate cells and remove blockage to the chakras. Lying on this mat will provide tranquility, balance and peace.


This method of dharma embodiment is an expression of the soul. Dance helps her to release accumulated tension and come into her Goddess nature. When she isn’t recording her Highest Self podcast, you can find her in motion.

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