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Executive Summary Core is a graphic design firm based in Cambridge Massachusetts. Core will be concentrating primarily on companies that are looking to build or improve their company’s brand. Though we do work across the world we will mainly target companies that are living in or around Boston. For Months one through eight, Alex Korth and Kris Swedberg will be partners, By the ninth month Kris and Alex will have hired on at least two more employees. They have also built relationships with contractors that will provide other services for their customers. Core will provide customers with a whole new look to their company that will stand out from their competitors. Together Alex and Kris have extensive knowledge in the creative industry. Apart from their education at The New England Institute of Art, they have also found other creative recurses(Skillshare, you tube, textbooks, other designers.) Core will gain a powerful trust in our employees by providing effective work on in a timely manner. Core will reach profitability by the ninth month.
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Company Summary We are a small firm that is located in the heart of Cambridge Massachusetts. We are a small firm filled with a group of creative and young thinkers. We two college graduates who have spent the last four years learning how to bring ideas to life! We do thorough research on our clients competitors and the latest trends to ensure that our work will effectively attract our customers target audience. In three short years we would like to: • Have consistent clients who trust our work come to us for all of their design needs. • Have reliable connections with other professionals(accountants, photographers, screen printers, etc) • Become faster and better at what we do! • Be able to make a large profit by doing primarily branding.
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Start Up Summary Core will be liable for thee following costs • Monthly Subscriptions (Adobe CC, Skillshare, code school, etc.) • Office Supplies - (2 Mack Pro desktop and laptop computers, Ink-jet and Laser jet printer, scanner, usb(4+), terabyte harddrives(2+), anti virus software,Office Manager, white board, tack board.
• Art Supplies - sketchbooks, tracing paper, pencils, pens/pencils, exact-o knife/table, mat board, light • • • • • •
box. Internet connection Stationary and Brochures Printing (stationary, brochures, inspiration, roughs. Transportation Furniture (2 large desks, shelves(4+), Rug, Microwave, file cabinet, plants(3+), modern artwork(3+), trash can(2+), coffee maker. Library of inspiration (books, magazines, photos, etc)
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Company Summary Start-Up Requirements Start-up Expenses to Fund
• • • • • • • • • •
Legal $500 Supplies Online Services Advertising Cell Phone Business Insurance 150 Stationary $200 Brochures $200 Other $500 Total Start-up expenses - $1400
Start- up Assets to Fund Assets (equiptment, software, etc) $15,000 Cash Requirements (salary) $40,000 Total Assets $55,000
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Services Core is a graphic design firm that services “mostly” companies in or around Boston Massachusetts. We are primarily known for building new brands for companies however we also provide various other design related services such as:
• • • • • •
Social media marketing Infographs Minimal Websites Illustrations Posters Publications
The pricing is based per project. Generally Core will be charging an estimated $45 an hour. If there is work(photography, shirt, ect) then our rate will be partially based on what the contractor charges. All services will be offered within the creative space at Core. Our modern building consists of the most innovative technology and even a large hammic for “thinking.” We also have a “collaborative area where we meet one on one with all of our clients to discuss their goals and what we can do to exceed their expectations.
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Market Analysis Summary Core will be targeting start-up, and mid sized companies. Primarily these companies have a desire to build a stronger brand so they can attract more customers and stand out from their competitors. Because our target audience is so diverse we make it our goal to research everything about the market that your company is in. For instance if you are a salad dressing company then you know we have gone to every store and done thorough research to find ways to make your bottle stand off the shelf! When we have a choice we target companies that are: Small/Start-Up Companies - 1- 10 employees Mid-Sized Companies - 15 - 30 employees Because Boston is such a compacted city we find it very easy to work with companies in and around the city. However technology (skype, email, face time, ect) allows us to work with further clients who are interested in working with us. As a company we are committed to finding creative solutions for your company.
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Strategy and Implementation Summary Networking - Over the years we will spend building strong relationships with our clients and other contractors. We will also build relationships with what could be potential customers by attending events such as AIGA and other local events. Where ever we are in the public world we must maintain a positive and friendly attitude. At every conversation we must find a way to share who we are as a company and pass out business cards. Client Referral - Because we are also a new company we must treat our customer with the utmost respect. We will provide hard work to ensure that we are meeting are customers needs. This is especially important in our first years because we will need to rely on our current customers to help refer us to other clientele. This is also why we have made it a goal to send work to other contractors so they will send services they cannot provide onto us. Targeted Customer Acquisition - We have built small packages with a small version of our portfolio and business card that we will send out to potential employers. This package will also consist of useful materials such as pens and cups. This will be an effective way to show our creativity and desire to work for them.
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Strategy and Implementation Summary Networking Building consistent relationships with our customers, competitors, contractors, and the community. Client referral Building strong relationships with all of our clients and the individuals that we meet. Meeting all of our clients expectations will open other doors to potential clients. Targeted customer acquisition - target our potential customers and find creative way to show them who we are and what we can do for them. Sales Strategy The best way to grab a potential customer is by effectively showing that we are capable of meeting their expectations. We do this by utilizing our clean portfolio on our company website. On our website the potential client will be introduces to our entire process from sketch to finish. This will allow our potential clients to see that our work is authentic and original. This will also give them a better understanding of the process when designing for a client. When the client receives a good representation of our work they will then want us to design for them. Our website will also include links to our social networking sites so they can see our most recent work. Linked in will also allow our potential clients to review comments from our satisfied clients.
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Milestones Korth will have several milestones in advance • Company website • Social media pages • Blog • Profitability • Contractor Connections • Thorough Business Plan • Stationary • Marketing Milestones
Start Date
End Date
Company Website
Social Media Pages
Business Stationary
Contractor Connections
Business Plan
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Business Analysis In todays world their are tons of avenues when being a graphic designer. This is all due to the increase in technology. Their are a number of graphic design services such as freelance, ux agency, advertising agency, in-house company, web design firm, and retail stores. Because of the rapid growth in technology there has been a number of different needs for graphic designers such as layout, ui, and email marketing. We as a company recognize this rapid change in the design industry so we make it our goal to follow the market trends and keep up with the latest trends. Large Agencies - Large agencies are usually well known because they have been around for a very long time. Clients with a larger budget turn to large agencies because they have done work for very large corporations and there is a lot of people specializing in different departments. Freelance Designers - These competitors are similar to ours n that they are a very small operation. Freelance graphic designers are often a little more desperate than a firm because it is one person trying to make a living on their own. There are a lot of freelance graphic designers that do tons of great work for a number of large and small companies. Being a freelancer is a very tough and competitive position. Staples - There are tons of people out there that don’t know anything about design. All they know is that they need something(business card, brochure, logo) for their business and they don’t have a lot of money to spend so they turn to large companies like Staples of FedEx. These companies offer a ton of services which makes getting branding material very easy. As a company it is our job to show the importance of getting a custom logo/stationary from an innovative design firm.
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Management Summary Plan
Alex Korth Kris Swedberg Total People Total Payroll
Year 1 $30,000 $30,000 2 $60,000
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Year2 $36,234 $36,234 2 $72,468
Year 3 $45,924 $45,924 2 $91,848
Legal Page - Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by Alex Korth in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of Alex Korth. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may cause serious harm or damage to _______________. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to Alex Korth. ___________________ Signature ___________________ Name (typed or printed) ___________________ Date
This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.
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Call 928. 951. 3751