Alex Levin Portfolio Winter 2011

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Through winter 2011

P R E FA C E A portfolio allows a viewer to learn of the creative trajectory of an individual. The assembly and sequence of a portfolio is essential for the viewer to understand the mind of the expressed individual. The curation of and writing of and about my work and myself proved to be a bit more strenuous than I had anticipated. That being said, I am very proud to share with you my life’s work to date. I would like to thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. The collection of work represents my path as a creative thinker. Included are projects that allowed me to evolve my vision, and guide the concept through its entirety. “The world is but a canvas to the imagination” – Henry David Thoreau

Alex Levin P O R T F O L I O Through winter 2011

View final presentations, images, and files corresponding to each project, on my website:


MILK Ad Campaign Emulations

8 |

The Tip Party Residency

2 |

Image Manipulations

9 |

Marker Renderings

3 |

Chasing Rainbows Book

10 |

Avant-Baurd Product Development

4 |

Human Centered Design

11 |

Scratch-Off Business Card

5 |

SliqCase Business Plan

12 |

BVLGARI High-End Watch Campaign

6 |

Clarus Group Premier Party

13 |

Phyta Brand Development and Strategy

7 |

Green Washing Study

14 |

Two Degrees Customer Experience

1999 |

MILK Ad Campaign Emulation Play Inc’s Snappy Capture Device • Microsoft paint

I saw the first Got Milk commercial on TV when I was around ten years old. I remember collecting the print advertisements, ripping them out from my parent’s magazines, at doctor’s office waiting rooms, and family friend’s houses. The spectacular TBWA Absolute Vodka print campaign also had caught my eye around that time, but you can imagine my parents maneuvered me in the direction of the less harmful milk industry. I had amassed a collection of close to fifty different advertisements. I’ll assume that back then, due to my many other accumulated collections, the recurrent mustache faces had fascinated me. But I now understand the true draw of this campaign. Not only enabling the company to place their campaign in almost any industry magazine, with the complementary celebrity, but allowing audiences to connect with the product based on an unbound array of interests and passions. Seeing the zestful, yet static relationship between each famous familiar face involved in the campaign, I took it upon myself to include my own self into the collection. Even before truly understanding what techniques I was emulating and how it would be the first step towards my quest to discover, not only principles of graphic design, but a deeper understanding of what facilitates a truly evocative visual production.

By Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Processor Board


2003 |

Image Manipulations

Photoshop Image Manipulations • Member/JurOr •

As the internet was on its rush into popular culture, I discovered the website Worth1000. com after researching a program called ‘Photoshop’ that my uncle had introduced me to after I had sent a birthday card of him sporting a milk mustache. Worth1000 was a training ground for all levels of skill. Driven by daily contests of various themes that inspired visual concepts, evoking cleverness, humor, and technique into learning the software. It was the first online community I was a part of and it provided me with tons of insight into the online interaction of people around the world. I had the good fortune of being published in the When Pancakes Go Bad book published by Thomson Course Technology in 2004. The book was used as a textbook for teaching students about Photoshop and it was very exciting for me to be a part of.


2008 |

Chasing Rainbows Book

Design 1 • Freshman • Parsons School Of Design

In 2007, after graduating from high school, I promptly moved to New York City to attend Parsons School of Design. My first collegiate design course’s final project was to create a visual story and physical book based off an assigned phrase. I was given “Chasing Rainbows” and I created an illusory and curious story of Roy G. Biv, a guy who wants to bring vibrancy and life to New York by searching around the city collecting colors from various locations and storing them in a glass. He then finds out that after running around, he had mixed up his colors. Once he realizes this he pours the mixed glass of color over himself to create a beautiful spectacle of himself amongst the city’s monotony of hues. I chose to visualize this by simply desaturating all the colors in the photo except the object Roy was collecting the color from. Using Photoshop, Illustration board, hand made paper, magnets and book binding tape, I constructed an accordion-bond book to display my story.





Innovation Inspirired by Humans Innova tio spirired by Huma In nonvIn aIn ns tio nonvIn pirired b atsio n Ins y Humans pirire d by Huma n



1 1


Alex levin | MArch 2009 Alex levin | M Arch 2009 A 1 Alex lex levin | M Arch levin 2009 | MA 1 rch 2009



2009 |

Human Centered Design

Departmental Seminar • sophomore • Parsons School Of Design

Reviewing IDEO’s Human Centered Design Kit served as a guide in the examination of the microenvironment of New York City’s public transportation. Four design solutions were created, describing a story, a need and opportunity and a researched and formulated design solution. I addressed the difficulty for parents to carry strollers up and down the subway stairs due to the poorly accommodating elevators, among other obstacles, and proposed a solution to the stroller design. I then discussed tourists and first time users of subway gates. They are not intuitive in their use, and as a result, many users end up wasting money. This could be remedied by a simple modification to the design. I also thought the wall real estate in the subway, which are seen by millions of people a day, could be better utilized by communicating weekly news and events in the area of the particular station. Lastly I examined the fact that there are over 90,000 taxi cab drivers coming from 20 different countries. I thought the city should embrace this and organize an annual event for taxi drivers to share their culture with their passengers. Each of the proposals were inspired by observing and understanding the way in which people interact with the world engaging theory into conscious, observant and analytical practice.


2009 |

SliqCase Development & Business Plan New Product Development • Junior • Parsons School Of Design

The New Product Development course at Parsons began with the entire class individually brainstorming one innovative product. The class voted on the best and most viable products and services, the top five where chosen, and the class was divided into teams to develop each product throughout the semester. Because I was the inventor, I was put to the task of lead creative and led the team throughout the semester. Throughout the semester we were taught and tested on the movement to bring an innovation to market. This included the development an AIDA marketing plan, SWOT analysis, financial documents such as costing the product from manufacturers in wholesale and retail, startup capital costs, operational costs, constructing income statements and a balance sheet, a production milestone, and constant communication with buyers and with a manufacturer in Shenzhen, China. The outcome of the class was to potentially create a sustainable business at the end of the semester. The product/company we created was SliqCase, a producer of a molded silicon mobile phone cover that had a slot in the top and a hole cut in the back to allow a finger or thumb to slide a card in and out.


Photo by Devon Morgan

2009 |

Clarus Group Premier Party

Managing Creative Projects • Junior • Parsons School Of Design

Managing Creative Projects and Teams was a course that was designed to give a hands-on approach of how projects are related to the processes that they encompass as well as the organizational structures in which they are situated. In addition, we studied relationships between different phases and activities that unfold throughout the project life-cycle and learned specific skills and competencies that are intrinsic to successful project management. Our project included developing an innovative consulting firm that catered to up-andcoming music performers in the digital age of online music sharing, social media, etc. After learning about the Blue Ocean Strategy, we positioned the company to approach problems that were significant topics of incumbent labels. As a final deliverable, the group organized a photoshoot, volunteering a fashion photography major and a stylist, and our final presentation was a premiere party at a nightclub in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I took on the position of the brand and strategy manager as well as the event coordinator. I acquired two beverage sponsorships and arranged communication with the venue. I also played the role of one of the clients in the project.


2009 |

Green Washing Study

Design Research Methods • Junior • Parsons School Of Design

Design Research Methods was a course involving the practice of research as an integral and indispensable component of the design process. The objective of this course was to exercise the ability to define a topic and field of inquiry, develop a research question, strategically select and deploy research techniques, develop insights from collecting and analyzing data, interpret and critique research findings, evaluate and model design and business opportunities and articulate arguments that are logical, persuasive and engaging. Our topic was consumer spending trends and the influence of marketing campaigns that are related to eco-friendly and organic offerings, both factual and not. I led the group and designed the layout for the final document, which included section cover pages of cash register displays and page numbers as price tags. The study covered such topics as the legality of falsely advertising ‘eco’, the buying trends of the consumer in interaction with product packaging, and the psychology of the consumer and their role in purchasing a product that is better for them and better for the environment.



2009 |

The Tip Party Residency

Co-Founder, DJ, Manager • Happy Ending Lounge • Rare nyc

I was first introduced to DJing by my brother when I was around thirteen, but it wasn’t until I was living in New York that I was inspired to actually work in the field. While in the city I met a music producer, who hired me to work at his company. He had gotten an offer to create a party residency and wanted me on the team. The two of us along with another team member created a weekly nightclub event in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. My role included branding, management, promotion and development. Throughout our run of close to thirty consecutive parties, I was able to obtain apparel and liquors sponsors, as well as put on musical guests including semi-pro disco and house DJs, a hip hop tap dancer, and dance performers, among others. I also had the pleasure to meet an owner of a design agency from the UK, who was the party’s photographer capturing the essence of the entire night’s atmosphere. I designed the digital and print material for the party, including the logo, the special event flyers, the website, and the newsletter, each encompassing the vibe we had developed and created.


2009 |

Marker Renderings


Studio Skills, is a course offered by Fashion Institute of Technology to educate students on the processes before the computer, the time of marker renderings and art director roughs. Using Charpack markers, a Mircon pen and Bienfang paper, the assignments and projects involved visual concept creation following polished thumbnails and the final full size spreads, and pages. I saw it as an opportunity to practice my visual communication of an intelligible idea quickly. Projects included the rendering of type dominant advertisements, art dominant advertisements, a magazine cover, and spread and a storyboard.


2009 |

Avant-Baurd Design Proposal

Design Development • Junior • Parsons School Of Design

This project for Design Development during my junior year at Parsons was to choose a line of inquiry, develop supplementary user profiles and propose a solution through elements of the design process. My partner and I addressed the issue of, “What universities can do to promote a better classroom learning experience through the space’s layout, equipment and furniture?” From this initial inquiry we created a plan of action work-plan, and began to approach the problem. This involved the conducting of a survey, investigation of the psychologies of color, space and layout philosophies, observation of classes in multiple universities and creation of case studies surrounding the issue. We discovered the stakeholders were not the ones purchasing the equipment in the classrooms. The administration, who placed the order, took little account of the utilities needed by the professors, students, A/V personal and custodians to ensure a productive environment. To learn of the product development process, we then focused on the specific design of imperative facets in our own classroom. We designed the Avant-Baurd to approach the problem where technology had failed to solve. We approached the solution using our stakeholder assimilation formula. The intent of the design and concept of the board focused more on the process and the ideation of understanding what truly is needed for a productive and seamless classroom experience throughout its existence. INSPIRATION






Large schools looking to improve and modernize quality of learning:

Traditional classroom furniture retailers



Stakeholder Value COSTLY


Innovative classroom furniture retailers


The customer is usually not the primary user, so how will the customer know what the user wants?



Architecture and Interior Designers/Contractors/Developers:


Not just Customer Value,




Classroom furniture manufacturers QUALITY




Key components of a classroom In order to approach new design concepts, a number of observations, analysis, and prototyping were conducted...



2010 |

Scratch-Off Business Cards DJ Ecks • Sound Is Money

These cards were to contact my ironic DJ moniker, DJ E¢K$, pronounced like the letter ‘X’. The optimistic opulent principles of the card and my curiosity of valuing and monetizing music is a fun innuendo to associate with my DJ persona. When scratched, it reveals my email and my phone number with a preceding ‘$’. The design of the business cards was inspired the New York State Lottery tickets. Created with Photoshop and InDesign, the cards were hand-made, printed and cut using a rotary cutter with a perforation blade.


2010 |

BVLGARI Time Marketing Initiatives

Design and Marketing of Luxury • Senior • Parsons School Of Design

The Luxury Education Fund was established in 2004 as an organization to lead in the education of the conception and marketing of luxury goods and services. Parsons School of Design and Columbia Business School are the two educational institutions involved, along with top luxury companies. All enrolled in the course from Parsons must be referenced by faculty, apply and interview in order to enroll in the course. The course matches four Parsons students in varying majors with four Columbia Business School second-year graduate marketing MBA students to work on projects with luxury firms. There were five groups, each working with an individual company; including Hermes, Bulgari and Haviland. Each group experienced the convergence of creative and business strategies and an opportunity for students to interact personally with senior executives of these lavish companies. The firm I worked with was Bulgari Spa. The company is over 120 years old and an iconic Italian jeweler and manufacturer of luxury brand products. The company’s recent cobranded Daniel Roth and Gerald Genta timepiece collections ranged from $15,000 to $890,000. We were given the task to design marketing initiatives in its US launch. I was able to pitch many ideas, including special events, after-sale services, an iPad application, event sponsorships, and the flagship store window display.


2010 |

Phyta Brand Development and Strategy Advanced brand strategy • senior • parsons school of design

The focus of the course was understanding the fundamentals of branding and its key disciplines, the importance of innovation thinking, and how to leverage design as part of an innovative branding program that extends past a marketing initiative. I developed Phyta, a consumer electronics and pro audio manufacturer that reaches beyond traditional structures of audio equipment manufacturing and brick and mortar retail. Phyta provides a platform for electronic musicians, DJs and producers of all skill sets to learn, collaborate and interact. I wrote a vision statement, pinpointed a target audience, constructed consumer personas, explored naming exercises, decided upon brand drivers, conducted competitive analysis, conceptualized product offerings, designed the in-store experience, devised the brands diffusion into market and a plan for future developments.


2011 |

Two Degrees Customer Experience

Brand strategy consulting • Two Degrees food • San Francisco, CA

Two Degrees is a food bar manufacturer that operates with a buy one give one offering. In partnership with Valid Nutrition and Partners In Health, Two Degree purchases and donates one nutrition pack for a malnourished child in Malawi. The company has recently incorporated and is growing quickly. I was hired to both consult for the companies overall branding, including design collateral items and redesign their packaging for the next iteration, the customer experience, relating to the company’s validity and transparency and ensuring honesty, and work with the CEO to develop marketing initiatives and point of purchase drivers to increase sales for the social venture.


I appreciate the time spent reviewing my work. Continuing in the development and discovery of my role as a creative thinker and innovative producer, I strive to create meaningful work developing solutions in my community both locally and globally.

Alex Levin P O R T F O L I O Through winter 2011

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