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Alex Listengort

Moscow, Russia

The author: Alex Listengort (Александр Листенгорт) was born in Moscow in 1993. After his travel to Jurmala, Latvia, he began to write. He started to work on his first book (“The New Stage of Awakening”) at 18. Now, he studies on the 5th course of Moscow State Linguistic University (the Maurice Thorez InYaz) at the faculty of international relations (this University was finished as well by Alex’s grand- and great-grandfather, Yuri and Michael Rozenshtekhers). Besides the literary creation and journalism, the author is also engaged professionally in linguistics, teaching and practice in the international relations’ scope. Alex speaks 8 languages on different level on which he writes poems. The main topic of his creations are: esoterics and spirituality, philosophy, psychology, self-development, Reiki and linguistics.
