oing back to school at the beginning of COVID 19, taught us many things about our own capacity for persistence, creativity, and community. While we were confronted with sheltering in place and staying at home, we found ways to strengthen connections to each other and the outside world. This challenged us to look at life from so many new perspectives.
We, much like flowers, are capable of blossoming, flourishing, and blooming under some of the most difficult conditions.
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.
— Zen Shin
Carrington Singmaster is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a specially-defined audience and clientele She did not have a website yet, and wanted to create one that mirrored her particularly vibrant and playful style, using colors that she chose herself. While needing a website for functional and practical purposes, Carrington wanted her website to particularly reflect her own style as well as the style of her actual office space, which consists of bright magenta, gold, and tan.
D iscipline: Interactive design
Talent is like a little seed; when nurtured, it will flourish.
— Matshona Dhliwayo
An exercise in expressive typography exploring the color blue, set into a series of posters.
We were tasked to create a series of images and posters, either by hand or using digital techniques, to display the concept of the color blue using typographic interpretations.
D iscipline: Typography
If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.
— Frances Hodgson BurnettConference redesign for the annual Midwest UX Conference including website, postcards, poster, and program. The conference needed a fresh new look, branding, and program for 2022.
D iscipline: Print, Interactive Web Design
“People who say you great experiences didn’t Midwest UX last year. great ideas, major shenanigans.”
—Boon SheridanColumbus, Ohio
The Midwest UX Conference is a unique three-day event combines inspiring talks hands on activities presented by a mix of regional profession als and international experts. Join us May 31–June 2, 2021 in Columbus, Ohio.
Presentations Speakers Sponsorship Venue Register
can’t design didn’t go to year. Smart people, shenanigans.”
Conference is event that talks with presented professionexperts. Ohio.
Presentations Schedule
As promised, our exciting program combines with hands-on pre-conference workshops mix of regional professionals and international
Gallery One Galaxy Theatre
7:30 Registration
Let’s Sketchnote!
Binaebi Akah, Veronica Erb, Charlene McBride
Zen and the Art of Planning Derren Hermann Corey Allenbach
12:00 Lunch break, on your own. 120 minutes to find
Design Mobile Apps for Behavior Change
Haig Armen
Experience Design Practice Development Livia Labate
6:00 Kickoff Mixer at Barley’s Brewing Company; Join us for pub crawlsimmediately after.
Presentations Speakers Sponsorship Venue Register
combines inspiring talks
workshops presented by a international experts.
Content Strategy 101
Laura Creekmore
find food.
Design Development
Hands-On Responsive Web Design
Ben Callahan
Th e Midwes t UX C onference i s a unique three -day eve nt that comb ines inspiring talks w it h hands on a ct ivities pr esen te d by a mi x of r egional professionals and international expe rt s. Join us May 31–June 2, 2021 in Columbu s, O hi o.
The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.
— Molière
Maui Now is a news site, aimed at locals, or Kama'aina
This project had us take an outdated site and give it a fresh new look, new wordmark for its brand, and new layout for its website and mobile applications.
Discipline: B randing, Web and Interactive Design
The Japanese say if the flower is to be beautiful, it must be cultivated.
Infographic to visually display a timeline and create an accompanying artifact.
Date Night Popcorn was the timeline of two young people watching The Titanic movie, while eating popcorn, on a date night. Popcorn bag was printed on brown grocery bag, fed through printer.
Discipline: Print, Infographic Design
Manufacture Dimensions Size
6.25 in * 4.25 in * 2 in Thickness
0.5 mm
Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would. —
E.V. RoginaMarketing materials for an aerial yoga studio. Website and print materials to expand the presence of a local aerial yoga studio through web presence, and printed materials including postcards and a brochure that could fit into a mailing envelope.
Discipline: Graphic Design, Web Design
This book, as well as my entire school experience, is dedicated to those without whom I could not have done any of this.
I am so grateful to the instructors at Academy of Art University, for putting up with my relentless peskiness, spelling corrections, and eager inquisitiveness.
I also want to thank Custom Printing Inc., of Oxnard, California, for always supporting me and printing the projects along the way, and for our 20 year print relationship. Your service has always been absolutely five star, and I appreciate you so much.
To Carrington, who hung in there with me, literally with me in my office during COVID 19, answering endless questions about color choices and preferences and without whom I would truly have lost my mind.
And to my son, Henry, who has been the greatest inspiration in my life. Thank you for the unicorn lunchbox on the first day, the unending support and encouragement throughout the entire process. You and Gracie are my shining lights.