Breguet cg 2016 en 0

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Contents A passion for Haute Horlogerie // 4 A passion for invention and innovation // 8 A passion shared // 20 Passion from the age of reason // 34 A passion for writing // 40 Tradition // 50 Classique // 72 Classique Grandes Complications // 122 Marine // 154 HĂŠritage // 180 Reine de Naples // 192 High Jewellery // 238 Type XX - XXI // 254 Type XXII // 262 A dictionary of passion // 266

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A word from Marc A. Hayek

Breguet evokes a genuine fascination through its capacity for innovation. Its inventions have left an indelible imprint on

watchmaking history and the developments currently being achieved within the Manufacture make Breguet an undeniable reference in its field. This philosophy is entirely in tune with my vision of fine watchmaking: its ability to push the boundaries of horological construction, blending aesthetics with mechanical constraints, makes it a full-fledged art in its own right.

Breguet is not only a brand embodying watchmaking excellence, but also a part of our cultural heritage, brimming with history

and emotions. The timepieces emerging from the Manufacture Breguet are works of art rendered unique by the artisans’ hand, and endowed with genuine soul. Technology dedicated to serving Art is our watchword, and creating technical masterpieces is our daily challenge. A mere stylistic exercise? Far from it: our technical accomplishments are intended to provide tangible improvements to the performances of the watch, its precision and its daily use, the sole purpose being to satisfy the person who has acquired it.

From the start, Breguet had woven close ties with science and astronomy, placing the brand at the heart of European intel-

lectual development. My grandfather and I have made a priority of Research & Development. Today more than ever, engineers and watchmakers play a pioneering role, working notably on fields such as magnetism, high frequency and the properties of new materials – like silicon and Liquidmetal ® – resulting in major breakthroughs for the entire watch industry. Breguet takes pride in offering exceptional models – as is vividly illustrated by the Tradition Minute Repeater Tourbillon 7087.

It is this singular alchemist’s blend of hand-craftsmanship expertise and cutting-edge technologies that I invite you to explore

through our collections.

Marc A. Hayek President and CEO of Montres Breguet SA

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Breguet, from rebirth to continuity.

In 1999, Nicolas G. Hayek took over one of the most pre-

Recruitment of the best-qualified watchmakers was reinforced, as

cious names in fine watchmaking which was lying somewhat

was training and the passing on of time-honoured skills by artisans

dormant at the time. Driven by a genuine passion, he infused

excelling in their respective arts and crafts.

peerless vitality into a brand endowed with an exceptional herit-

age and know-how that are recognised by its most prestigious

of-the-art testing machinery as well as in research and

peers. But the creative and visionary genius that was Nicolas

development. Nicolas G. Hayek attached great importance to

G. Hayek also revived the cultural and emotional dimension of

research and initiated work on whole new movement projects

the brand and restored it to its noble pedigree.

and new materials such as the application of silicon in watchmak-

A new chapter in Breguet history began, studded with fab-

ing, for components like the escapement. Under his leadership,

ulous projects, daring challenges and guided by the principle

Breguet developed and registered more than 77 new patents, and

of unveiling the finest treasures that emerge from an encounter

also built a new movement each year, several of which were

between art, beauty and technology.

truly revolutionary, such as the double tourbillon. This innova-

Now able to draw upon the industrial and commercial

tive capacity made Breguet a reference in the field of Haute

strength of the Swatch Group, the brand had all the material and

Horlogerie, alongside its unique status as an integral part of the

technical resources it would need to perpetuate the art of fine

European cultural heritage.

watchmaking and to create exceptional models in order to meet

the expectations of brand devotees and connoisseurs.

museums to welcome the brand’s legendary timepieces. These

Signs of renewal soon appeared. The brand was first of all

initiatives were of course fervently supported by Breguet.

equipped with a manufacturing facility on par with its ambitions.

Exhibitions in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, or in the Louvre

Substantial and regular investments were made in state-

It is this unique position that inspired the most prestigious

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in Paris, are just two of these exceptional events that have delighted connoisseurs and aficionados, as well as Nicolas G. Hayek, who loved to view culture as synonymous with sharing. This same desire also led the Manufacture Breguet to take up magnificent challenges, including that of reproducing the legendary Marie-Antoinette watch that had vanished without trace.

This challenge was all the more daring in that the Breguet

master-watchmakers and engineers had only a handful of archives and technical descriptions, and had to make use of the techniques prevailing at the time of its making.

This love of art and beauty led Nicolas G. Hayek toward

the principle of preserving humanity’s historical and cultural heritage well beyond the watchmaking world through various prestigious patronage activities with a powerful emotional con-

tent. The most iconic of all, to mention but one, is undoubtedly

and exceptional achievements that Nicolas G. Hayek loved to

the restoration of the Petit Trianon, an authentic tribute paid by

share. Following his untimely death on June 28th 2010, Marc

Breguet to Queen Marie-Antoinette, a sincere admirer and loyal

A. Hayek has taken up the reins of the brand. The spirit remains

customer of the brand.

and the story continues‌

It was this universe mingling art, culture, understatement

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Watchmaking at Breguet.

Breguet’s archives, kept in Switzerland and in Paris, record

Watch production is divided into a dozen very different

the developments that have sustained Breguet watchmaking for

workshops. In one, massive presses exert tremendous forces

more than two centuries. The firm is committed to remaining

to cut tiny metal components. In another, removed as far as pos-

ahead of its time with a flow of inventions and improvements.

sible from all sources of vibration, digitally controlled transfer

Today Breguet watches are made in the Vallée de Joux,

machines mill complex shapes in metal to tolerances of a few

the centre of advanced mechanical horology. The Breguet work­

microns. Concentration is palpable in the dust-free atmosphere

shops bring together extraordinary resources to handle the

of the assembly and casing-up workshops.

essential aspects of watchmaking.

tration of a Breguet watch need deft hands, experienced eyes

Equipped with watchmaking tools that A.- L. Breguet could

scarcely imagine, his successors in the Breguet workshops

All of the hundreds of operations that go into the orches-

and an ear for the melody of time.

combine avant-garde processes with closely guarded traditional

Each feature expresses the quiet pride of expertise in

techniques. The constant modernization of their equipment

superior performance. In a magnified world, tiny components

reveals the motivation of the craftsmen who build the Breguet

are progressively made true, and their surfaces finished for

watch : pride in their work.

unforgiving inspection, before they are combined into the

mechanism of astounding complexity that gives a Breguet

Driven by the same enthusiasm that A.- L. Breguet brought

to his art, craftsmen work daily to perfect the timepieces that earn Breguet its position as the architect of fine horology.

watch its life.

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Breguet watchmakers regard exactitude as the sacred duty of their art. Behind individual methods lies a common commitment to achieving the highest standard of workmanship through constant refinement. Applying techniques that pre-date machines, they work quickly and precisely to create instruments in harmony with the most demanding score of all, the silent music of time. Breguet’s approach to watchmaking preserves the individuality of each watch in a world of standard products. A.- L. Breguet never made two watches exactly alike, and there is no reason for the firm that he founded to break from that tradition. Besides, collectors of Breguet watches would never allow it.

Artistic craft or the art of craftsmanship, the know-how of the artisans in the Manufacture Breguet remains one of the brand’s key assets.

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Pivotal inventions from 1775 to the present. If Breguet holds a special place in our cultural heritage,

workshops demonstrated the latest horological improvements in

it is because its founder, A.- L. Breguet ( 1747-1823 ), set the

an original movement, mostly fitted with lever or ruby-cylinder

standard by which all fine watchmaking has since been judged.

escapements that he perfected.

Today, his heirs at Breguet still make each watch as a model of supreme horological art.

A.-L. Breguet took refuge in Switzerland from the excesses of the French Revolution. He returned to Paris overflowing with

A.- L. Breguet was born in Neuchâtel, but it was in Paris that

the ideas that produced the Breguet balance spring, his first

he spent most of his productive life. No aspect of watchmaking

carriage clock (sold to Bonaparte), the sympathique clock and

escaped his study, and his inventions were as fundamental to

its dependent watch, the tact watch, and finally the tourbillon,

horology as they were varied. His career started with a series of

patented in 1801.

breakthroughs : the development of the successful self-winding

Breguet became the indispensable watchmaker to the

perpétuelle watches, the introduction of gongs for repeating

scientific, military, financial and diplomatic élites of the age.

watches and the first shock-protection for balance pivots.

His timepieces ruled the courts of Europe. For his most distin-

Louis XVI and his Queen, Marie-Antoinette, were early

guished clients, Breguet designed his most remarkable pieces,

enthusiasts of Breguet’s watchmaking. Each watch from his

such as the first ever wristwatch for Caroline Murat, Queen of

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Naples, in 1810. Honors saluted his enormous contribution to horology. Appointed to the Board of Longitude and as chronometer-maker to the French navy, he entered the Academy of Sciences and received the Legion of Honour from the hands of Louis XVIII. When he died in 1823, all mourned the architect of the greatest revolution in the science and art of time-keeping. Today more than ever, its capacity to innovate reflects a brand’s vitality. Breguet’s creativity and ingenuity have not dwindled over time, but have on the contrary steadily increased : witness the fact that since 1999, under the impetus of Nicolas G. Hayek and the current management of Marc A. Hayek, the list of patents registered during this recent period is now considerably longer than that of the founder’s inventions.

The Breguet workshops on Quai de l’Horloge in Paris, in 1775.

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A selection of Breguet inventions and innovations, from 1775 to the present day. 1780 Development of the perpétuelle, or automatic watch

1795 First description of the sympathique clocks

Development of the perpetual date calendar

1783 Invention of the gong spring for the minute repeater

The Breguet balance spring

The ruby cylinder

Design of the famous Breguet hands and numerals

1786 The Breguet dial, engine-turned by hand 1789 The ratchet key known as the “Breguet key” Escapement working without oil 1790 Invention of the pare-chute ( timepiece shock absorbers ) 1792 Development and production of the mechanism for the Chappe optical telegraph

1796 The single-hand watch known as the “subscription” watch 1798 Patent of the constant force escapement ( March 9 )

Invention of the musical chronometer, the clockwork mechanism that acts as a metronome

1799 The tact watch 1801 Patent of the Tourbillon Regulator (June 26 ) 1810 Development and production of the first wristwatch, ordered by the Queen of Naples

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1812 Appearance of dials with off-centred chapter ring 1815 Fine-tuning of the double-barrelled marine chronometer 1819 Ocular of an astronomical telescope 1820 Invention of the montre à double seconde or observation chronometer, forerunner of the modern chronograph

1996 Timepiece movement equipped with a perpetual calendar mechanism 1997 Patent of the in-line perpetual calendar wristwatch 1998 The world’s smallest self-winding chronograph movement 2002 5 patents registered, including :

1830 First watch with keyless winding

1938 Start and reset mechanism of a movement with direct-drive seconds hand

2003 7 patents registered, including :

1939 Patent of the sidereal time-keeper ( February 28 ) 1950 Chronograph reset mechanism

Chronograph minute counter ( 2 patents )

1990 The sympathique wristwatch and its clock

Moon-phase mechanism ( Reine de Naples )

Patent for a mechanism to lock the alarm function, column-wheel system ( Réveil du Tsar )

2004 7 patents registered, including :

Balance for timepiece movement, titanium balance ( Tradition Tourbillon Fusée )

2005 15 patents registered, including :

Watch equipped with at least two regulating systems ( Double Tourbillon )

1991 Timepiece with a running equation-of-time, perpetual equation-of-time wristwatch

Shock-protection device for balance pivot ( Tradition )

1994 Perpetual calendar mechanism, in-line perpetual calendar wristwatch

Double power reserve

2006 13 patents registered, including : A musical module for a watch movement ( La Musicale )

12 // A P A S S I O N F O R I N V E N T I O N A N D I N N O V A T I O N 2007 3 patents registered, including :

2012 5 patents registered, including :

Balance-spring with two spiral springs featuring improved isochronism

2008 8 patents registered, including :

Contact-free torque transfer for timepiece

Gong for a striking or alarm mechanism ( minute repeater )

2013 10 patents registered, including :

Balance spring with “overcoil” terminal curve in silicon ( Tradition Tourbillon )

Timepiece comprising a power-reserve display device ( Tradition Tourbillon )

Wheel in a watch pivoting in a magnetic or electrostatic field

2009 8 patents registered, including :

Setting the frequency range of a device that produces sound with vibrating blades

Gong for a timepiece striking mechanism (minute repeater)

2014 5 patents registered, including :

Tourbillon timepiece movement equipped with a shock-protection device ( Tradition Tourbillon )

Mainspring barrel with enhanced transmission

Comb for a music box

2010 11 patents registered, including :

Musical watch case featuring enhanced acoustics

Timepiece comprising a high-frequency mechanical movement ( Type XXII )

2015 14 patents registered, including :

Striking watch equipped with an acoustic membrane ( La Musicale )

Magnetic anti-shock device for a mobile timepiece component

Magnetic pivots and magnetic anti-shock ( Classique Chronométrie )

Chronograph mechanism ( Tradition Independant Chronograph)

Magnetic pivoting of a mobile timepiece component

2011 19 patents registered, including :

A musical module for a watch ( La Musicale )

A balance-spring with two spiral springs

Magnetic governor for the transmission wheel(s) of the movement or strike ( La Musicale )

A total of 130 patents registered since 2002

The first magnetic strike governor in watchmaking history equipping the model 7800 “La Musicale”.

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The advent of silicon at Breguet.

In the watchmaking field, the properties of silicon also

prove mechanically useful for certain movement parts such as the balance spring. The production method for silicon components, deep reactive ion etching ( DRIE ), makes it possible to create extremely complex shapes while ensuring extreme precision, such as those required to optimise the flat balance spring.

In January 2006, Nicolas G. Hayek officially announced

The balance spring is a central component of the movement and

the result of several years of research that was to lead to a

represents the beating heart of the watch. It is also the most

technological innovation of capital importance to the entire

sensitive part if one is seeking to improve the precision of time

Swiss watch industry : the advent of silicon and its applications

measurement. Coiled in a spiral shape and coupled with the

in manufacturing a certain number of components. One of

balance, its regular oscillations impart a certain cadence to the

the advantages of silicon is that this material does not react

movement and regulate the measurement of time. It is usually

to magnetic fields. Moreover, its density which is three times

made from a metal alloy and is subject to disturbances relating

lower than that of steel or brass facilitates the making of lighter

to shocks, magnetic fields, and the earth’s gravity. The flat

parts with lower inertia, while the material itself remains extre-

balance spring, which is extremely slender, may be made from

mely solid and highly resistant to corrosion and wear.

silicon with a degree of precision verging on perfection in terms

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of the shape of its curves, thereby considerably enhancing the

Therefore, Breguet naturally owed it to itself to develop

movement’s isochronism.

a silicon version of the “Breguet balance spring” with its

Research on silicon began as early as 2006, with the

famous overcoil or terminal curve invented in 1795 by the

first applications in Breguet modules. The new Classique 5177

brand founder. Breguet had conceived the ingenious idea

watch was equipped with an escape-wheel and a lever in silicon,

of raising the end of the flat balance spring and bending

while the Classique 5197 watch featured a silicon version for

it slightly towards the balance-staff, thereby ensuring a

three components : the escape-wheel, the lever and the flat

concentric development and thus enhancing the precision of

balance spring.

the watch. Putting a curve into a sliver of silicon in order to

Silicon and its use for the flat balance spring led to

give this part its third dimension was a major feat in the watch

some spectacular feats. By way of example, the ultra-thin

industry. Silicon is not malleable like metal and forming this

reference 502.3 movement equipped with this component

bend rising up from the coil required a complete rethinking

and housed within the 5157 model represents a major accom-

of the production process. Breguet rose to the challenge and

plishment combining slenderness ( 2.4 mm ) with exceptional

the results of the research and development were unveiled


in 2010 in an exceptional model : the Tradition 7047 with a

tourbillon and a fusée and chain type transmission, equipped

The use of silicon balance springs in various movements

over the past four years has shown totally convincing results.

with a world-first “silicon Breguet balance spring”.

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From silicon to high frequency. way in which the seconds hand moves is visibly modified: since the increase in frequency influences the duration of the tiny

The watchmakers of the Manufacture Breguet have

jumps made by the hand, the latter appears to be gently sliding

worked on other properties of silicon which imply that parts

around the dial. This softer motion is combined with higher

may be accurately machined and are distinctly lighter. This led

resolution and a more accurate display. Each second being

them to develop the Type XXII 10 Hz with silicon balance spring,

divided into 20 fractions makes it possible to measure time by

lever and escape-wheel, which became the first and only

this same unit, meaning to the nearest 20th of a second.

series-made mechanical chronograph with a frequency raised

to 10 Hz or 72,000 vibrations per hour, capable of marking off

frequency above all enhances the rate precision and stability of

20ths of a second.

the watch by improving the performance of the balance-wheel.

This increase in the frequency of the oscillator also led to

This work undertaken on high frequency thereby offers the

a real improvement in the operation of the chronograph. The

prospect of new applications beyond the realm of chronographs.

In addition to the display characteristics, the increase in

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From silicon to the first magnetic components.

Developing solutions to withstand the detrimental effects of

the governor, guaranteeing the constancy of the tempo, was

the external magnetic fields present in the environment has ope-

already a challenge in itself. Nonetheless, the company watch-

ned up whole new vistas for the Breguet Research & Development

makers, who were not only concerned with overcoming the

team. The use of balance springs and escape-wheels in silicon,

disadvantages of the classic friction-based strike-governor sys-

boasting anti-magnetic properties, as well as a better understan-

tem, but also with enhancing its performance, achieved the feat

ding of the way in which magnetic fields affect the inside of the

of creating an innovative system equipped with magnets and

movement, served to envisage the use of magnets inside the

working on the principle of eddy currents (Foucault currents).

watch mechanism in order to improve its performances.

This magnetic governor thereby does away with issues of wear,

noise and the need for a large supply of energy, while ensuring

The first results were applied to the heart of the 7800

“La Musicale� model, a striking watch equipped with the first

increased precision.

magnetic governor in watchmaking history. Incorporating within

a wristwatch mechanism a music-box mechanism as well as

magnetic components opens up exciting new prospects.

Hitherto considered horological heresy, the introduction of

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Magnetism and high precision. With the patent, issued on November 9, 2010 protecting the

shocks. The performance of the balance is thus much enhanced

magnetic pivot, Breguet set a new milestone in watchmaking

since it does not have to contend with the friction of a conven-

history by using magnetism to improve the precision and the

tionally pivoted balance, particularly in a vertical position.

reliability of its timepieces. The engineers and watchmakers of

Magnetic induction brings many advantages to the ratekeeping

the Manufacture Breguet have not only mastered the negative

of the movement. The balance-staff is placed in the magnetic

effects of magnetism in a mechanical watch, they have also man-

field and held against the endstone due to the magnetic flux that

aged to harness them to significantly improve the pivoting, rota-

also tends to bring the staff back to its optimal position. Thus

tion and stability of the balance-staff.

maintained in this ‘artificial gravity’, the balance-staff no longer

The magnetic pivot uses the field of the magnets in a con-

perceives the differences in position adopted by the watch and

trolled and localised way in order to ensure the stability and

the pivoting conditions remain identical at all times. If the staff is

performance of the balance. The magnetic field crossing through

knocked sideways, the system acts like a pare-chute anti-shock

the balance-staff keeps the balance stable: it is immune to the

system, thanks to the magnetic return forces generated by the

low-intensity shocks ( the most frequent type ) as well as the

displacement of the staff that automatically bring it back into

accelerations to which the watch is subjected. It also returns

position to resume maximum magnetic flux. The result is a

almost instantly to its correct position after stronger accidental

balance that is more stable and resistant to shocks.

20 // A P A S S I O N S H A R E D

Breguet archives. A.-L. Breguet took pains to register the production and

Breguet registers, contributing to the history of its prestigious

sales of the company he founded in 1775. Each timepiece

timepieces. Today still, the company registers, constituting

was thus recorded under its individual number with a short

the core of the company archives in the Breguet Museum,

description, the date of sale and the name of the purchaser.

are a valuable source of information for watch experts and

Since that time the company has made it a point of honor to keep up a tradition it holds dear and which underlines the importance that it accords to each of its clients.

historians. Opening the registers is like delving into history. In them are the famous names that have marked their era, from Queen

A case in point is Breguet’s first 2003 institutional

Marie-Antoinette, Napoleon Bonaparte and many others, to

advertising campaign. Designed to alert brand enthusiasts

those in the news today. Discretion, however, prevents the

throughout the world to the importance of keeping this tradi-

company from revealing the names of living owners.

tion alive, its message immediately generated sharp interest. Hundreds of family names continue to be added every year to

By acquiring a Breguet watch, each client enters into a privileged relationship with many generations of time.

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That is why Breguet invites all those acquiring the brand’s models to record their names in the company registers, there­b y perpetuating this time-honoured tradition as well as enhancing its clients’ sense of belonging to an exclusive circle of passionate enthusiasts.

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Distinguished Breguet’s patrons.

The great and the good of every age have recognised in a Breguet watch expressions of high human ideals – creativeness, beauty,

impartiality. The watch owned by the world’s most prominent individuals holds equal fascination for their literary contemporaries.

For the most fashionable writers of every era, it’s a Breguet, rather than a watch, that comes into the story. The firm’s famed

archives record every Breguet watch sold since 1787. For its advertising campaign, Breguet selected a few of their owners who warrant the attention of history.

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A selection of Breguet’s distinguished patrons. Duc d’Orléans (1780 )

Prince Orloff (1810 )

Queen Victoria (1838 )

Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France (1782 )

Prince Poniatowski (1811)

Duc de Morny (1841)

Louis XVI, King of France (1783 )

Prince Ferdinand of Spain (1812 )

Gioachino Rossini (1843)

Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1787)

Prince Charles of Spain (1812 )

Horace Vernet (1855 )

Marquise de Condorcet (1792 )

Baron Hottinguer (1812 )

Comte de Paris (1863 )

Empress Joséphine of France (1798 )

The Florence Observatory (1812 )

Empress Isabelle du Brésil (1871)

Napoleon Bonaparte (1798 )

Empress Marie-Louise of France (1813)

Sir Winston Churchill (1901)

General Charles Victor Emmanuel Leclerc (1801)

Michel Ney, Marshal of France (1813)

King Fuad I of Egypt (1924 )

The Prince of Wales (1803 )

General Davidoff (1814 )

Maharadjah of Kapurthala (1924 )

Giovanni Paisiello (1804 )

The Duke of Wellington (1814)

Arthur Rubinstein (1930 )

The Prince of Wurtemberg (1805 )

Baron Rothschild (1815 )

Sergei Rachmaninov (1931)

Sélim III, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1806 )

The Duke of Marlborough (1818)

Ettore Bugatti (1932 )

Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples (1807)

The Duke of Norfolk (1821)

Prince George of Greece (1934 )

Tsar Alexander I of Russia (1809 )

Louis XVIII, King of France (1821)

The Duke of Windsor (1950 )

George III, King of England (1810 )

Count Axel von Fersen (1835 )

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Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France

In October 1782, A.- L. Breguet “invented, perfected and

completed” watch number 2 10/82 for Queen Marie-Antoinette. It was a self-winding perpétuelle repeater with a date indication. The queen recognised the work of a master, and the following year Breguet received an astonishing request from an officer of the Queen’s Guard : to make for her a watch incorporating all the known horological complications and inventions.

Time and cost were apparently no object. It indeed took a

long time for the watch to catch up with A.-L. Breguet’s flow of invention, for watch number 160 was only completed after the queen’s death.

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General Napoleon Bonaparte In April 1798, a few weeks before he left for Egypt, General Bonaparte acquired three important timepieces from Breguet : a repeating watch, a repeating carriage clock with a calendar, and a self-winding perpétuelle repeating watch. The future emperor’s family soon became Breguet’s clients.

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Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples

Napoleon’s young sister began purchasing timepieces from

Breguet in 1805, at the age of 23, and continued at a steady rate until 1814, thereby acquiring no less than 34 watches and clocks. In 1810, based on an order from this authentic watchmaking enthusiast who had by then been crowned Queen of Naples, A.-L. Breguet developed especially for this purpose the world’s first known wristwatch. This exceptionally slender, ovalshaped watch, fitted with a wristlet composed of hair entwined with gold thread, was distinguished by its entirely original architecture and inimitable sense of refinement.

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Gioachino Rossini

The illustrious Gioachino Rossini once owned Breguet

watch number 4604, a simple, modestly sized design displaying the date. It featured an engine-turned gold case, an off-centred silver dial and a lever escapement. This high-quality timepiece was initially purchased by the banker Schickler in 1828 for 3,600 French francs. By the 1830s, the watch had passed to a certain Mr Church. It was then owned by Rossini, who had it serviced in 1843. After the composer’s death, in 1868, his widow continued to have the piece serviced by Breguet.

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The watch and the pen: literary passions.

A number of literary figures have paid tribute to the art of Breguet in their writings, among them : Stendhal, Pushkin, Prosper

Mérimée, Balzac, Alexandre Dumas, Henry Murger, Victor Hugo, and, more recently, John Fowles, Patrick O’Brian and Jiro Asada.


(1783-1842 )

“ Breguet makes a watch which for twenty years never goes wrong,

while the pitiful machine by which we live runs amiss and produces pain at least once a week.

Rome, Naples and Florence (1817)


(1799-1837 )

“ A dandy on the boulevards (...), strolling at leisure

until his Breguet, ever vigilant, reminds him it is midday.

Eugene Onegin (1825-1833 )

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Prosper Mérimée

(1803-1870 )

“ The traveller regrets taking so much money with him. He looks at his Breguet watch — perhaps it’s for the last time.

He would have been happier if it were hanging safely from his mantelpiece in Paris.

Lettre d’Espagne (1830 )


(1799-1850 )

“ He drew out the most delicious thin watch that Breguet had ever made. Fancy, it is eleven o’clock, I was up early.”

Eugénie Grandet (1833 )

Alexandre Dumas

(1802-1870 )

“ Danglars’ watch, a masterpiece by Breguet which he had rewound with care before

setting out the previous day, chimed half past five in the morning.

Henry Murger

The Count of Monte Cristo (1845 )


“ Rodolphe found Mademoiselle Laure at the trysting place.

Good, said he, for punctuality she is a feminine Breguet.

“Scenes of Bohemian Life” (1848), the work that inspired Puccini for his opera “La Bohème”

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Victor Hugo

(1802-1885 )

“ At times the heart plays tricks and lets us down. The vigilant are right.

For God ( the mighty Breguet ) gave us faith, and seeing it was good, improved it with a watchful eye.

Chansons des Rues et des Bois (1865 )

John Fowles

( 1926 - 2005 )

“ He takes out his watch, a Breguet, (…) an instrument from the bench of the greatest of watchmakers.” The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1969 )

Patrick O’Brian

(1914-2000 )

“ They were both indeed Breguet repeating watches, wonderfully accurate, wonderfully resistant (…).” Blue at the Mizzen (1999 )

Jiro Asada

“ My watch that you see here is a jewel made by a great craftsman called Breguet.

It seems that it was once treasured by King Louis and Queen Marie-Antoinette. It’s a real masterpiece, of unequalled precision.

Tooi Tsutsuoto (2002 )

34 // P A S S I O N F R O M T H E A G E O F R E A S O N

The Breguet style.

Breguet watches are unmistakable for their perfectly rational styling where lines are clean and functions clear. To create the

style that time cannot age, A.-L. Breguet turned to the classical rules of proportion and order. As in all precious objects, it is the sum of detail that gives a watch its particular presence. Today Breguet watches carry the pedigree of an original design in sharp, blued-steel hands and the crisp engine-turning of the dial.

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A single number

Watch enthusiasts agree that each Breguet watch represents an exceptional standard of horological art that deserves to be

identified for posterity. Since Breguet’s early days, the manufacturing numbers of its watches have enabled collectors to confirm their origin and provenance. In keeping with tradition, the unique production number assigned to each Breguet watch will testify to the talent and the care of its manufacture for generations to come.

The secret signature Their very success soon made Breguet’s watches a tempting target for counterfeiters. In 1795, Breguet came up with a

countermeasure : the secret signature. Etched into the dial, the signature is all but invisible unless the dial is examined in oblique light. Still a token of authenticity today, the secret signature has remained a feature of most Breguet dials down to the present.

36 // P A S S I O N F R O M T H E A G E O F R E A S O N

Engine-turned dials

Around 1786, Breguet began fitting his watches with engine-turned silver or gold dials of his own design. Hand-crafted

engine-turned motifs are one of the unmistakable hallmarks of a Breguet watch. The brand’s famous dials are immediately recognisable and celebrated for the fineness of their patterns, reflecting the regularity of the movements within.

An engine-turned dial is indisputably a true work of art. Smooth to start with, the solid gold dial plate is first worked with

a hand graver to outline and hollow out the areas of the dial reserved for such indications as the power reserve, the phases of the moon, the subdial for the seconds and others, depending on the model. Engine-turning as such can now begin, resulting in a finely textured, glareproofed matt surface. Not only do the decorative patterns selected – clou de Paris hobnailing, pavé de Paris cobbling, sunburst, barleycorn, waves, crossweave, checkerboard, flame and many more – make the dial far easier to read, they also contribute greatly to its unique character.

Today still, Breguet craftsmen continue to use engine-turning lathes designed and built over a century ago. With a precision

of a tenth of a millimeter, they engrave intricate patterns reflecting their uncommon virtuosity. From start to finish, engine-turning depends essentially on the craftsman’s sharp eye and steady hand, of which the lathe is but an extension. Once the dial plate has been meticulously engine-turned by hand, it is silver coated using techniques developed over two

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centuries ago : powdered silver is delicately brushed on the plate with circular or linear movements, depending on the type of satin-like finish desired.

Today, the same kind of engine-turned guillochĂŠ work engraved on gold Breguet dials is also executed on delicate and brittle

plates of mother-of-pearl – a truly impressive achievement in its own right.

38 // P A S S I O N F R O M T H E A G E O F R E A S O N

Breguet numerals Some Breguet watches display the distinctive numerals that A.- L. Breguet designed. Although he himself was no calligraphist,

Breguet’s Arabic numerals show his flair for combining function with elegance. Still used today, particularly on watches with enamel dials, Breguet numerals first appeared before the French Revolution when they shared the dial with tiny stars to mark the minutes and stylised fleur-de-lys at five-minute intervals. By 1790 they had assumed their definitive form.

Caseband fluting The fluting ( fine grooves enhanced with double beading ) on the caseband of Breguet’s watches is another of the discreet

decorative details that constitute what has become known as the Breguet style. In common with many period Breguet timepieces, most of its modern wristwatches have fluted casebands - one of the features that set them apart from other watches. The fluted pattern is cold-rolled into the caseband then finished by hand on a mechanical workpiece-holder.

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Breguet hands Breguet watches have featured its founder’s celebrated hollow, eccentric “moon” tip watch hands for over two centuries now.

Designed around 1783, his slim, sleek hands proved an instant success and the expression “Breguet hands” soon became a common watchmaker’s term. Simple and easy-to-read, they are found on most Breguet timepieces and have been widely imitated by others.


Although essential only to wristwatches, the lugs that link the strap to the case bear all the hallmarks of authentic Breguet

styling. Screw-pins, rather than the more usual sprung bars, hold the strap between the horns, a solution that is not only better looking but also more secure. The lugs have to be welded onto the caseband as much for the technical reasons of rigidity and strength as for aesthetic consistency. Equally exacting is the drilling of the hole for the winding stem. Only absolute precision ensures a watertight case.

40 // A P A S S I O N F O R W R I T I N G

Writing instruments. Elegance and refinement. Conveying an ultimate touch of elegance and refinement, these writing instruments reflect the brand’s signature features, such as engine-turned motifs. The Tradition, Reine de Naples and Classique models are inspired by the eponymous timepiece collections. They pay tribute to literature and to the authors who have honoured Breguet, while testifying to life’s milestone moments.

Tradition pencil in titanium and 18-carat rose gold, ref. WI06TR07F.

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Tradition roller pen/ballpoint pen in titanium and 18-carat rose gold, ref. WI05TR07F Tradition fountain pen in titanium and 18-carat rose gold, ref. WI01TR07F Two-piece edition, fountain pen and roller pen, ref. WIS2TR07F

42 // A P A S S I O N F O R W R I T I N G

Tradition fountain pen in titanium and 18-carat white gold, ref. WI01TB07F.

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Tradition roller pen/ballpoint pen in titanium and 18-carat white gold, ref. WI05TB07F. Tradition pencil in titanium and 18-carat white gold, ref. WI06TB07F. Two-piece edition, fountain pen and roller pen, ref. WIS2TB07F.

44 // A P A S S I O N F O R W R I T I N G

Reine de Naples roller pen in silver, ref. WI02AG08A.B.F. Reine de Naples fountain pen in silver, ref. WI01AG08A.B.F.

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Reine de Naples roller pen in silver, ref. WI02AG08B.S.D.F. Reine de Naples fountain pen in silver, ref. WI01AG08B.S.D.F.

46 // A P A S S I O N F O R W R I T I N G

Classique roller pen in silver, ref. WI02AG03F. 

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Classique fountain pen in silver, ref. WI01AG03F. Classique ballpoint pen / mechanical pencil in silver, ref. WI03AG03F. Complete set, ref. WIS1AG03F.

Hand chamfering. Hand chamfering or bevelling is a meticulous and delicate finish that calls for a blend of know-how and dexterity. The operation consists of rounding off the sharp edges of watch parts using a succession of different files and then a buff composed of a lath of wood covered with emery paper. The chamfer achieved is polished with a burnisher, a small tool generally made of ground steel coated with diamantine polishing powder. The outline of the parts is thus accentuated by creating a luminous shimmering effect.

50 // T R A D I T I O N

The Tradition collection by Breguet. An invitation to journey through time and beyond time.

The Tradition collection pays a vibrant tribute to the memory of Breguet. Inspired by the legendary souscription watches of

Breguet, Tradition timepieces suggest both a return to the brand’s origins and a vision of its future. Aptly reconciling established and avant-garde styling, their dial face accommodates horological complications in trim, aesthetically sweeping compositions. True to the rules of flawless craftsmanship instituted two centuries ago, even their most modest parts receive a sand-blasted surface finish, meticulously applied by hand. Masterly expressions of time’s elusive complexity, Tradition timepieces deftly capture its innermost spirit.

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7027BB/G9/9V6 Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement with power reserve indicated above and underneath. Off-centred black dial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 37 mm.

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7027BR/R9/9V6 Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement with power reserve indicated above and underneath. Off-centred black dial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 37 mm.

7027BR/G9/9V6 Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement with power reserve indicated above and underneath. Off-centred black dial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 37 mm.

54 // T R A D I T I O N

7057BR/R9/9W6 Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement with power reserve indicated on the dial and on the back. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred black dial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

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7057BB/G9/9W6 Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement with power reserve indicated on the dial and on the back. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred black dial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

7057BR/G9/9W6 Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement with power reserve indicated on the dial and on the back. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred black dial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

56 // T R A D I T I O N

7097BR/G1/9WU Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with retrograde seconds. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

7097BB/G1/9WU Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with retrograde seconds. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

58 // T R A D I T I O N

7038BB/1T/9V6 D00D Tradition wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel set with 68 diamonds, approx. 0.895 ct. Self-winding movement with retrograde seconds. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred dial in Tahitian natural mother-ofpearl, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Diameter  : 37 mm.

60 // T R A D I T I O N

7067BB/G1/9W6 Tradition GMT wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement. Second time-zone indicator. Day/night indicator. Off-centred local time subdial in silvered gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Black off-centred reference time subdial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Power-reserve indicator on the back of the movement. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m  ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

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7067BR/G1/9W6 Tradition GMT wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement. Second time-zone indicator. Day/night indicator. Off-centred local time subdial in silvered gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Black off-centred reference time subdial in gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Power-reserve indicator on the back of the movement. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m  ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

62 // T R A D I T I O N

7077BB/G1/9XV Tradition independent chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement. 20-minute subdial and powerreserve indication also appearing on the back of the movement. Chronograph activation indicator at 6 o’clock. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Diameter : 44 mm.

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7077BR/G1/9XV Tradition independent chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement. 20-minute subdial and powerreserve indication also appearing on the back of the movement. Chronograph activation indicator at 6 o’clock. Breguet balance spring in silicon. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Diameter : 44 mm.

66 // T R A D I T I O N G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S


Available with a rose-gilted movement, ref. 7047BR/R9/9ZU.

Tradition “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold with fusee tourbillon. Balance spring in silicon. Hand-wound movement with power reserve displayed on the barrel drum. Black off-centred gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 41  mm.

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7047PT/11/9ZU Tradition “Grande Complication” wristwatch in platinum, with fusee tourbillon. Balance spring in silicon. Hand-wound movement with power reserve displayed on the barrel drum. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 41 mm.

68 // T R A D I T I O N G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

7087BB/G1/9XV Tradition “Grande Complication” minute repeater wristwatch in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Power-reserve indicator. Self-winding movement. Breguet balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Diameter  : 44  mm.

7087BR/G1/9XV Tradition “Grande Complication” minute repeater wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Power-reserve indicator. Self-winding movement. Breguet balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. Off-centred silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Diameter  : 44  mm.

Engine turning an oscillating weight. The engine-turning lathe, or rose engine, is a time-honoured instrument enabling the artisan to engrave tiny tenth of a millimetre motifs in gold using a traditional technique. The comb ination of straight and circular lines creates intricate yet elegantly restrained patterns.

72 // C L A S S I Q U E

The Classique wristwatches exemplify the watchmaking ideals of precision, clarity and elegant lines.

Whether extra-thin models or complicated watches, they are all true to the technical principles, the artistry and the traditional

values of the Breguet watch. Classique wristwatches capture the essence of Breguet’s original features. In some models, the precious materials of former times and fired enamel dials with Arabic numerals will delight Breguet enthusiasts.

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5157BB/11/9V6 Extra-thin Classique wrist­watch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

74 // C L A S S I Q U E

5277BR/12/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement with seconds subdial and 96-hour power-reserve indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar (30m). Also in white gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

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5207BB/12/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement. Retrograding seconds subdial and power-reserve indicator. Off-centred chapter ring. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

5207BA/12/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Self-winding movement. Retrograding seconds subdial and power-reserve indicator. Off-centred chapter ring. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

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5177BR/15/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow or white gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

78 // C L A S S I Q U E

5177BR/12/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

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5177BB/12/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

80 // C L A S S I Q U E

5177BB/29/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Selfwinding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial. Breguet Arabic numerals. Secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Waterresistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow or rose gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

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5178BR/29/9V6 D000 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel set with 84 diamonds, approx. 0.634 ct. Self-winding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial. Breguet Arabic numerals. Secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 38 mm.

82 // C L A S S I Q U E

5140BB/29/9W6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with small seconds. Balance spring in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial. Breguet Arabic numerals. Secret signature. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 40 mm.

5140BA/12/9W6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Self-winding movement with small seconds. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 40 mm.

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7147BR/12/9WU Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with small seconds. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

7147BB/12/9WU Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with small seconds. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 40 mm.

84 // C L A S S I Q U E

8067BA/52/964 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 30 mm.

Available with yellow gold bracelet, ref. 8067BA/52/AC0.

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8068BB/52/964 DD00 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and lugs set with 64 diamonds, approx. 1.09 cts . Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-ofpearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 30 mm.

8068BB/52/BCO DD00 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and lugs set with 64 diamonds,approx. 1.09 cts . Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-ofpearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 30 mm.

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9087BR/52/964 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with moon-phase indicator and small seconds. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, handengraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 30 mm.

9087BB/29/964 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with moon-phase indicator and small seconds. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial with Breguet Arabic numerals and secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter : 30 mm.

88 // C L A S S I Q U E

9088BR/52/964 DD0D Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and lugs set with 66 diamonds, approx. 1.04 cts. Self-winding movement with moonphase indicator and small seconds. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-ofpearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 30 mm.

9088BR/29/964 DD0D Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and lugs set with 66 diamonds, approx. 1.04 cts. Selfwinding movement with moon-phase indicator and small seconds. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial with Breguet Arabic numerals and secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 30 mm.

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9088BB/29/964 DD0D Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and lugs set with 66 diamonds, approx. 1.04 cts. Selfwinding movement with moon-phase indicator and small seconds. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial with Breguet Arabic numerals and secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 30 mm.

9088BB/52/964 DD0D Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and lugs set with 66 diamonds, approx. 1.04 cts. Self-winding movement with moonphase indicator and small seconds. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-ofpearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 30 mm.

90 // C L A S S I Q U E

9068BB/12/976 DD00 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and lugs set with 88 diamonds totalling approx. 0.606 ct. Selfwinding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 33.5 mm.

9067BB/12/976 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 3 0m ) . Diameter  : 33.5 m m.

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9067BR/12/976 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Diameter  : 33.5 mm.

9068BR/12/976 DD00 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and lugs set with 88 diamonds totalling approx. 0.606 ct. Selfwinding movement with date. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 33.5 mm.

92 // C L A S S I Q U E

7787BR/29/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with power-reserve indicator and phases and age of the moon. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial with Breguet Arabic numerals and secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 39 mm.


Also available: 36 mm diameter, ref. 8787BR/29/986.

Also available: 36 mm diameter, bezel and lugs set with diamonds, ref. 8788BB/12/986 DD00 and 8788BR/12/986 DD00.

Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with power-reserve indicator and phases and age of the moon. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter  : 39 mm.

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Cufflinks in 18-carat rose gold with moon-phase display on grand feu enamelled background, ref. 9905.BR.7787.

7788BR/29/9V6 DD00

Also available: 36 mm diameter, bezel and lugs set with diamonds, ref. 8788BR/29/986 DD00.

Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and lugs set with 96 diamonds, approx. 0.768ct. Self-winding movement with power-reserve indicator and phases and age of the moon. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. White grand feu enamel dial with Breguet Arabic numerals and secret signature. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 39 mm.

94 // C L A S S I Q U E

Watch No.5, started in 1787 but only finished in March 1794 by A.-L. Breguet for Count Journiac St. MĂŠard. In 2001, it was bought back by Nicolas G. Hayek for the Breguet Museum. This watch inspired the reference 3137 wristwatch of today.

// 95

3137BA/11/986 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Selfwinding movement with date, power-reserve indicator and phases and age of the moon. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 35.50 mm.

96 // C L A S S I Q U E

7137BA/11/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Selfwinding extra-thin movement with date, power-reserve indicator and phases and age of the moon. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 39 mm.

// 97

7337BR/1E/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Selfwinding movement showing the date, the day and the phases and age of the moon. Balance spring in silicon. Seconds subdial. Off-centred chapter ring. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 39 mm.

100 // C L A S S I Q U E

Classique ChronomĂŠtrie 7727. High frequency and high precision. A concentrated blend of horological innovations, the Classique ChronomĂŠtrie 7727 with its balance fitted on magnetic pivots and operating at a frequency of 10 Hz achieves an average rate of -1 to +3 seconds per day. Notably thanks to complete mastery of silicon properties and magnetism, this new milestone in the field of high-precision mechanical watchmaking embodies the spirit of innovation of Abraham-Louis Breguet.

// 101

7727BB/12/9WU Classique Chronométrie wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. High-frequency escapement ( 10Hz  ) composed of a magnetic balance with double balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Hand-wound movement with running seconds. 1/10th of a second subdial and power-reserve indicator. Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 41mm.

7727BR/12/9WU Classique Chronométrie wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. High-frequency escapement ( 10Hz  ) composed of a magnetic balance with double balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Hand-wound movement with running seconds. 1/10th of a second subdial and power-reserve indicator. Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 41mm.

102 // C L A S S I Q U E

5707BA/12/9V6 Le Réveil du Tsar. Classique alarm wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Self-winding movement with seconds subdial and date. Second time-zone indicator. Alarm time and alarm power-reserve indicators. Alarm on/off indicator. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

// 103

5707BB/12/9V6 Le Réveil du Tsar. Classique alarm wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with seconds subdial and date. Second time-zone indicator. Alarm time and alarm power-reserve indicators. Alarm on/off indicator. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

104 // C L A S S I Q U E

“La Musicale” watch by Breguet. An encounter between Music and the Art of Watchmaking. The classic “La Musicale” watch plays a crystal-toned version of a famous tune, either on demand or at the desired time, like a melodic reminder. Each model plays a different composition: Rossini’s The Thieving Magpie overture or The Badinerie by Johann Sebastian Bach. Based on the 777 self-winding movement incorporating an escapement as well as a balance spring both made in silicon, this technical masterpiece houses a patented musical mechanism. A disc carrying the pins replaces the traditional musicbox cylinder and alternately acts on the 15 metal teeth of the comb. A metallic glass membrane, engine-turned by hand, placed beneath the movement and serving to amplify the frequencies required to emit the tune, sets the finishing touch to this exceptional mechanism. The back of the gold case protecting the membrane in Liquidmetal ® is drilled with several openings designed to ensure optimal sound transmission. To enhance listening pleasure, the model is equipped with the first magnetic strike governor in watchmaking history. This patented system, equipped with magnets isolated within a cage, manages to eliminate background noise as well as the characteristic wear typical of classic strike-governors. Further expressing the inimitable Breguet flair for details, the presentation box is crafted from resonance wood. Resonance spruce is the main type of wood chosen by luthiers as the vibrating membrane on stringed instruments. This wood, found in the Risoud forest of the Joux Valley which is home to the Manufacture Breguet, remarkably amplifies the tune of La Musicale.

// 105

7800BR/AA/9YV 02

La Musicale. Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold chiming “La Badinerie” by J.-S. Bach. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Rotating platinum-plated dial hand-engraved on a rose engine. Silvered gold chapter ring. Melody on/off and autonomy indicators. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 48 mm.

// 107

7800BB/11/9YV La Musicale. Classique wristwatch in 18-carat white gold chiming “The Thieving Magpie” by Rossini. Selfwinding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Rotating platinum coat dial hand-engraved on a rose engine. Silvered gold chapter ring. Melody on/off and autonomy indicators. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 48 mm.

7800BA/11/9YV La Musicale. Classique wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold chiming “The Thieving Magpie” by Rossini. Selfwinding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Rotating platinum coat dial handengraved on a rose engine. Silvered gold chapter ring. Melody on/off and autonomy indicators. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 48 mm.

108 // C L A S S I Q U E

5287BB/92/9ZU Classique chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement with double seconds and 30-minute totaliser. Tachometric scale surrounding the chapter ring. Black rhodium-plated gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter  : 42.5 mm.


Classique chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement with double seconds and 30-minute totaliser. Tachometric scale surrounding the chapter ring. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter  : 42.5 mm.

110 // C L A S S I Q U E

5238BB/10/9V6 DD00 Classique openworked chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement with seconds subdial. 30-minute totaliser. Bezel, lugs and caseband paved with 96 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 13cts. Diameter : 40.30 m m.

// 111

Gold, platinum, precious stones, mother-of-pearl. Breguet makes a point of selecting only the finest and noblest metals and materials for its exceptional timepieces.

// 113

5327BR/1E/9V6 Classique wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement engraved by hand, with perpetual calendar showing the day, date, month, leap year and the phases and age of the moon. Balance spring in silicon. Power-reserve indicator. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Diameter : 39 mm.

114 // C L A S S I Q U E

Hora Mundi. A new generation of time-zone watches. The Hora Mundi model now features a new design in keeping with the finest tradition of Breguet dials hand-engraved on a rose engine. Whether it bears a depiction of the globe or now a Clou de Paris motif in its centre, the dial, which has unusually understated indications for a time-zone watch, conceals a single and extremely ingenious mechanism. The fact that the display of the local time zone and of any other selected time zone is provided by the same hands implies instant time change in order for the watch to be truly functional. This technical feat is accomplished by means of a mechanical memory system featuring two heart-shaped cams. Another challenge it embodies lies in ensuring that the date and the day/night indication are instantly aligned with the time displayed. The Classique Hora Mundi is thus the first mechanical instant-jump time-zone watch with a mechanical memory providing synchronised displays of the date, day/night indication and city.

// 115

5727BB/12/9ZU Classique “Hora Mundi” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement. Instant-jump time-zone display with synchronised date, day/night indication and city. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Dial in silvered gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 43 mm.

5727BR/12/9ZU Classique “Hora Mundi” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement. Instant-jump time-zone display with synchronised date, day/night indication and city. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Dial in silvered gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 43 mm.

116 // C L A S S I Q U E


Available with America dial, ref. 5717PT/US/9ZU, or Asia-Oceania dial, ref. 5717PT/AS/9ZU.

Classique “Hora Mundi” wristwatch in platinum. Self-winding movement. Instant-jump time-zone display with synchronised date, day/night indication and city. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Gold dial depicting the continents of Europe and Africa, hand-engraved on a rose engine with “wave” motif coated with translucent lacquer. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter  : 43 mm.

118 // C L A S S I Q U E


5717PT/US/9ZU Classique “Hora Mundi” wristwatch in platinum. Self-winding movement. Instant-jump time-zone display with synchronised date, day/night indication and city. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Gold dial depicting the American continent, handengraved on a rose engine with “wave” motif coated with translucent lacquer. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter : 43 mm.

Available with Europe-Africa dial, ref. 5717PT/EU/9ZU, or Asia-Oceania dial, ref. 5717PT/AS/9ZU.

Available with Europe-Africa dial, ref. 5717BR/EU/9ZU, or America dial, ref. 5717BR/US/9ZU.

Classique “Hora Mundi” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement. Instant-jump time-zone display with synchronised date, day/night indication and city. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Gold dial depicting the continents of Asia and Oceania, handengraved on a rose engine with “wave” motif coated with translucent lacquer. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Diameter : 43 mm.

// 119

5719PT/AS/9ZV DD0D

Available with America dial, ref. 5719PT/US/9ZV DD0D, or Europe-Africa dial, ref. 5719PT/EU/9ZV DD0D.

Classique “Hora Mundi” wristwatch in platinum. Self-winding movement. Instantjump time-zone display with synchronised date, day/night indication and city. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Dial depicting the Asia-Oceania continent set with 154 diamonds totalling approx. 0.399 ct with “wave” motif coated with translucent laquer. Chapter ring paved with 76 baguettecut diamonds, approx. 2.01cts, and with 83 baguette-cut sapphires totalling approx. 1.98 cts. Bezel, dial flange and lugs set with 130 baguette-cut diamonds totalling approx. 17.32cts. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar (30m). Diameter  : 46 mm.

Chasing a movement. Using one of the many scorpers or gravers that he himself fashions on a grinding-wheel according to the motif to be executed, the artisan engraves the drawings freehand. Gifted with artistic flair and exemplary dexterity, he contributes to the unique nature of each part.

122 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

The Classiques “Grandes Complications”. The Tourbillon. A watch balance will go fast or slow depending on the position of the watch. Breguet addressed the problem by rotating the entire balance and escapement around their common axis once a minute. This constant rotation averages out all the positional errors. A.-L. Breguet received a patent from France’s Ministry of the Interior for a new regulating device known as the tourbillon on June 26, 1801. The document was dated according to the Republican calendar of the time, 7 Messidor, Year 9. The tourbillon was perhaps too technically sophisticated for everyday use ; only 35 were sold between 1805 and A.-L. Breguet’s death in 1823. But it came into its own in the hands of his successors, who acknowledged it as horology’s most ingenious invention. Although progress has given watchmakers more conventional means of obtaining accuracy in wristwatches, the tourbillon retains its fascination by reason of the complexity of its action and the sheer genius of its concept. For many, the tourbillon embodies the scientific thinking of the Age of Reason. Breguet’s tourbillon survives today because its complexity offers unlimited scope for refinement and improvement. In the space of a wristwatch, balancing the forces and inertias generated by rotating and oscillating mechanisms becomes even more exacting. The critical element is the construction of the lightweight yet strong carriage that rotates the movement’s regulating organ.

// 123

5377PT/12/9WU Classique “Grande Complication” extra-thin wristwatch in platinum, with tourbillon. Self-winding movement with peripheral oscillating weight. Balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. 80-hour power-reserve indicator. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter  : 42 mm.

124 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5377BR/12/9WU Classique “Grande Complication” extra-thin wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Self-winding movement with peripheral oscillating weight. Balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. 80-hour power-reserve indicator. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Diameter  : 42 mm.

126 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5317BR/12/9V6 Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Self-winding movement engraved by hand. 5-day power-reserve indicator. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 39 mm.

5317PT/12/9V6 Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in platinum, with tourbillon. Self-winding movement engraved by hand. 5-day power-reserve indicator. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 39 mm.

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3357BB/12/986 Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 35 mm.

Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 35 mm.

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3355PT/00/986 Classique “Grande Complication” openworked wristwatch in platinum, with tourbillon. Handwound movement, engraved by hand. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Chapter ring and seconds semi-circle in silvered gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 35 mm.

130 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

3358BB/2Y/986 DD0D Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement. Bezel and lugs set with 74 diamonds totalling approx. 1.33 cts. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Gold dial hand-engraved on a rose engine, with translucent blue enamel coating. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 35  mm.

3358BB/2P/986 DD0D Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement. Bezel and lugs set with 74 diamonds totalling approx. 1.33 cts. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Gold dial hand-engraved on a rose engine, with translucent red enamel coating. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 35 mm.

// 131

3358BB/52/986 DD00 Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement. Bezel and lugs set with 74 diamonds, approx. 1.33 cts . Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Breguet Arabic numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 35 mm.

132 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5335BR/42/9W6 Tourbillon Messidor. Classique “Grande Complication” openworked wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Invisible tourbillon bridge. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Diameter : 40 mm.

134 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

3797BR/1E/9WU Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement with perpetual calendar showing the day, retrograde date, month and leap year. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Diameter: 41mm.

// 135

3795BR/1E/9WU Classique “Grande Complication” openworked wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement with perpetual calendar showing the day, retrograde date, month and leap year. Chapter ring with Roman numerals on a sapphire disc. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Diameter : 41mm.

136 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

3795PT/1E/9WU Classique “Grande Complication” openworked wristwatch in platinum, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement with perpetual calendar showing the day, retrograde date, month and leap year. Chapter ring with Roman numerals on a sapphire disc. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter : 41mm.

138 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5359BB/6B/9V6 DD0D Classique “Grande Complication” in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Bezel, lugs and caseband paved with 134 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 10.37 cts . Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine and paved with 356 diamonds, approx. 0.50ct . Sapphire caseback. Diameter : 40.30 mm.

In 1795, Breguet bent the outer coil of a balance spring towards the balance-staff to form a carefully calculated curve. Thanks to their “Breguet overcoil�, balance springs could now develop concentrically, thereby improving timekeeping precision.

140 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

The Classiques “Grandes Complications�. The Twin Rotating Tourbillon Watch. Technically and aesthetically innovative, it comes equipped with twin rotating tourbillon carriages powered by a hand-wound mechanical movement. Working independently from one another, the tourbillons are coupled via differential gears. These transmit the tourbillons’ mean rate to the rotating centre plate. The time of day is shown by an hour hand mounted on the mechanism bearing the pair of tourbillons and a standard minute hand at centre. Protected by a sapphire crystal, the back of this exceptional timepiece reveals the fascinating beauty of its movement, itself engraved with a representation of the solar system.

// 141

5347BR/11/9ZU Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with twin rotating tourbillons. Two independent tourbillons affixed by a bridge to a centre plate completing a rotation in 12 hours. Balance springs with Breguet overcoil. Manually engraved hand-wound movement. Silvered gold chapter ring. Centre plate hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Diameter : 44 mm.

142 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5347PT/11/9ZU Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in platinum with twin rotating tourbillons. Two independent tourbillons affixed by a bridge to a centre plate completing a rotation in 12 hours. Balance springs with Breguet overcoil. Manually engraved hand-wound movement. Silvered gold chapter ring. Centre plate hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Diameter : 44 mm.

// 143

5349PT/11/9ZU DD0D Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in platinum, with twin rotating tourbillons. Two independent tourbillons affixed by a bridge to a centre plate completing a rotation in 12 hours. Balance springs with Breguet overcoil. Manually engraved hand-wound movement. Bezel, lugs and caseband paved with 107 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  29 cts. Silvered gold chapter ring and centre plate paved with 310 diamonds, approx. 1.62 cts. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 50 mm.

144 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5347PT/2P/9ZU Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in platinum with twin rotating tourbillons. Two independent tourbillons affixed by a bridge to a centre plate completing a rotation in 12 hours. Balance springs with Breguet overcoil. Hand-wound movement engraved by hand. Silvered gold chapter ring. Centre plate hand-engraved on a rose engine, with translucent red enamel coating. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 44 mm.


Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold with twin rotating tourbillons.Two independent tourbillons affixed by a bridge to a centre plate completing a rotation in 12 hours. Balance springs with Breguet overcoil. Hand-wound movement engraved by hand. Silvered gold chapter ring. Centre plate hand-engraved on a rose engine, with translucent grey enamel coating. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 44 mm.

// 145

5349PT/2Y/9YV DD0D Classique “Grande Complication” wristwatch in platinum with twin rotating tourbillons. Two independent tourbillons affixed by a bridge to a centre plate completing a rotation in 12 hours. Balance springs with Breguet overcoil. Hand-wound movement engraved by hand. Bezel, caseband and lugs paved with 107 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 29 cts. Silvered gold chapter ring. Centre plate hand-engraved on a rose engine, with translucent blue enamel coating. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 50 mm.

146 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

The Classiques “Grandes Complications”. The minute repeater.

The leading horologists of the late 17th century vied to create a chiming watch that would allow the time to be known on

demand in the dark. Around 1680 they produced the first repeating watches. Since then, a number of watchmakers have contributed to the development of the repeater, improving its accuracy from the nearest quarter-hour to the nearest minute. A.-L. Breguet was responsible for a decisive invention in the development of the repeater. Replacing the bells of the early repeaters with strip-steel gongs curved around the movement, he greatly reduced the size of the repeating watch while retaining a good quality of sound.

A.-L. Breguet’s gongs are still essential to repeaters, while metallurgical advances have considerably improved their sound.

Building a minute repeater is the task of an experienced watchmaker. Along with a musical ear, it demands great manual dexterity. The slightest mistake can ruin hours of work.

// 147

7637BB/12/9ZU Classique “Grande Complication” minute repeater wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand. Double seconds. 24-hour display with day and night sectors. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Also in rose gold. Diameter : 42 mm.

148 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5447BB/1E/9V6 Classique “Grande Complication” minute repeater wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand with perpetual calendar showing the day, date, month, leap year and phases and age of the moon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Diameter : 40 mm.

5447BR/1E/9V6 Classique “Grande Complication” minute repeater wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand with perpetual calendar showing the day, date, month, leap year and phases and age of the moon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Diameter : 40 mm.

// 149

7639BB/6D/9XV DD0D Classique “Grande Complication” minute repeater wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand. Bezel, caseband, repeating-lever and lugs set with 160 baguettecut diamonds, approx. 10.82 cts. Dial paved with 392 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 6.73 cts, silvered gold chapter ring with 12 diamond hour-markers, approx.  0.017ct. Sapphire caseback. Diameter : 44.50 mm.

150 // C L A S S I Q U E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

The original drawing of the tourbillon in the patent awarded to its inventor, A.- L. Breguet, by France’s Ministry of the Interior on June 26, 1801 ( 7 Messidor Year 9 ).

// 151

1907BA/12 Classique “Grande Complication” pocket watch in 18-carat yellow gold, with grand strike and tourbillon. Manually engraved hand-wound movement with 2-way rotating crown. Off-centred chapter ring. Centre minute hand. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Diameter : 56.50 mm.

Engine-turning a case-back. Expressing a keen sense of detail, the caseback is engraved by an artisan who handles the engine-turning lathe with great sensitivity: the operation is performed by the craftsman’s hand, of which the instrument is but an extension.

154 // M A R I N E

The Marine Collection. Breguet, chronometer maker to the French Royal Navy.

On October 27th 1815, Abraham-Louis Breguet was appointed chronometer maker to the French Royal Navy by the king

of France, Louis XVIII. This title was not only a symbol of recognition and prestige, but also involved exercising a truly important role on behalf of the nation. At the time, marine chronometers were vital for fleets, since they enabled calculations of ships’ positions. Therefore, they had to be accurate and able to withstand the constant pitching and rolling of the boats.

Marine watches are based on the traditional Breguet values, while interpreting them in a contemporary way in order to create

sporty timepieces. Endowed with all the qualities developed by Abraham-Louis Breguet, Marine watches are designed to meet contemporary demands. Their sturdy construction, reinforced case and protected crown, along with refined craftsmanship, give them an elegant and sporting nature that makes them suitable for wear in all circumstances.

// 155


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5817BR/Z2/RM0.

Marine wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with large date. Balance spring in silicon. Black rhodium gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

156 // M A R I N E


Available with steel bracelet, ref. 5817ST/92/SM0.

Marine wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement with large date. Balance spring in silicon. Black rhodium gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Waterresistant to 10 bar (100m). Diameter: 39mm.

158 // M A R I N E

Cufflinks in 18-carat white gold with Clou de Paris hobnail motif, ref. 9901.BB.CP.

5817ST/12/5V8 Marine wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement with large date. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

Available with steel bracelet, ref. 5817ST/12/SM0.

// 159


Available with yellow gold bracelet, ref. 5817BA/12/AM0.

Marine wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Selfwinding movement with large date. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

160 // M A R I N E

5827BB/12/5ZU Marine chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date and seconds subdial. 15-minute sector. Centre chronograph minutes and seconds. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 42 mm.

5827BB/12/BM0 Marine chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date and seconds subdial. 15-minute sector. Centre chronograph minutes and seconds. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Also in yellow gold. Diameter : 42 mm.

// 161

5827BR/12/5ZU Marine chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date and seconds subdial. 15-minute sector. Centre chronograph minutes and seconds. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5827BR/12/RM0.

Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5827BR/Z2/RM0.

Marine chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date and seconds subdial. 15-minute sector. Centre chronograph minutes and seconds. Black rhodium gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

162 // M A R I N E


Available with rubber strap, ref. 5857ST/12/5ZU.

Marine GMT wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Second time-zone, 24-hour and date indications. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Waterresistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

// 163


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5857BR/Z2/RZ0.

Marine GMT wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement. Second time-zone, 24-hour and date indications. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold and black rhodium dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

166 // M A R I N E


Available with white gold bracelet, ref. 5847BB/12/BZ0.

Marine Royale alarm wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date. Alarm power-reserve indicator. Self-winding alarm on/off indicator. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 30 bar ( 300 m ). Diameter : 45 mm.

// 167

5847BR/Z2/5ZV 5847BB/92/BZ0 Marine Royale alarm wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date. Alarm powerreserve indicator. Self-winding alarm on/off indicator. Black rhodium gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Waterresistant to 30 bar (300 m ). Diameter : 45 mm.

Available with rubber strap, ref. 5847BB/92/5ZV.

Available with rose-gilded gold dial, ref. 5847BR/32/5ZV. Rose-gilded gold dial with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5847BR/32/RZ0.

Marine Royale alarm wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date. Alarm powerreserve indicator. Self-winding alarm on/off indicator. Dial in slate grey rhodium-plated gold, handengraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 30 bar ( 300 m ). Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5847BR/Z2/RZ0. Diameter : 45 mm.

168 // M A R I N E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 5837BR/92/RM0.

Marine chronograph “Grande Complication” in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Handwound movement. Balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. Tourbillon carriage in titanium. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Black rhodium dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

170 // M A R I N E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5839BB/6D/9ZU DD0D 5837PT/U2/5ZU Marine chronograph “Grande Complication” in platinum, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement. Balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. Tourbillon carriage in titanium. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter  : 42 mm.

Marine chronograph “Grande Complication” in 18-carat white gold, with tourbillon. Hand-wound movement. Balance spring and escape wheel in silicon. Tourbillon carriage in titanium. Running seconds on the tourbillon shaft. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Bezel, caseband, lugs, crown and pushpieces paved with 186 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 11.77cts. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and set with 132 diamonds, approx. 0.35 ct. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter  : 43 mm.

// 171

5829BR/8R/9ZU DD0D Marine chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date and small seconds. Centre chronograph minutes and seconds. Bezel, lugs and caseband paved with 158 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 10.45 cts. 15-minute sector paved with 55 baguette-cut rubies, approx. 1.12 cts. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

5829BB/8D/9ZU DD0D

Available with a 15-minute sector paved with baguette-cut diamonds, ref. 5829BR/8D/9ZU DD0D.

Available with a 15-minute sector paved with baguette-cut sapphires, ref. 5829BB/8S/9ZU DD0D.

Marine chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date and small seconds. Centre chronograph minutes and seconds. Bezel, lugs and caseband paved with 158 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 10.45 cts . 15-minute sector paved with 55 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 0.85 ct. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

172 // M A R I N E

A masterpiece in miniature. The smallest self-winding chronograph movement in the world.

Women have demanded and inspired some of Breguet’s most spectacular achievements from the firm’s earliest days. The

Marie-Antoinette watch, for example, is one of the most important ( and sought-after ) timepieces in the history of horology. Noteworthy also is the first wristwatch, a Breguet invention for Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples. It is thus for ladies’ watch that Breguet has stretched technical limits to create the smallest self-winding chronograph of its class. Full chronograph functions, governed precisely by a column-wheel and a self-winding movement with a date and running seconds interact in a 10 1/2 line calibre barely 6 mm thick. In a lady’s watchcase, the chronograph is transformed into a tiny, but perfect, mechanical jewel.

// 173


Available with steel bracelet, ref. 8827ST/59/SM0.

Marine chronograph in steel. Self-winding movement with date calendar and subdial for the seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 5 bar (  50 m ). Diameter  : 34.60 mm.

174 // M A R I N E

8827ST/5W/986 Marine chronograph in steel. Self-winding movement with date and seconds subdial. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 5 bar (  50 m ). Diameter  : 34.60 mm.

8827ST/5W/SM0 Marine chronograph in steel. Self-winding movement with date and seconds subdial. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 5 bar (  50 m ). Diameter  : 34.60 mm.

// 175


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 8827BR/52/RM0.

Marine chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date calendar and subdial for the seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 5 bar (  50 m ). Diameter  : 34.60 mm.

176 // M A R I N E

8828BR/5D/586 DD00

8828BB/5D/586 DD00 Marine chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Self-winding movement with date calendar and subdial for the seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and set with 7 diamonds, approx. 0.0105 ct. Bezel and lugs set with 74 diamonds, approx. 1.16 cts. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 5 bar ( 50 m ). Diameter : 34.60mm.

Available with white gold bracelet set with diamonds, ref. 8828BB/5D/BM1 DDD0.

Available with rose gold bracelet set with diamonds, ref. 8828BR/5D/RM1 DDD0.

Marine chronograph in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement with date calendar and subdial for the seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and set with 7 diamonds, approx. 0.0105 ct. Bezel and lugs set with 74 diamonds, approx. 1.16 cts. Water-resistant to 5 bar ( 50 m ). Diameter : 34.60mm.

Straightening. At the crossroads between finishing and decoration, straightening serves to create a satin-brushed effect on the parts, thus contributing to the play on aesthetic contrasts within the movement. The steel parts are held securely in their bases and hand-worked on emery paper.

180 // H É R I T A G E

HĂŠritage collection. The curve that challenges technical mastery.

A Breguet watch does not need its conventional round case to be recognised for what it is. The HĂŠritage models show that even

in a curved tonneau case, a Breguet remains unmistakably a Breguet. Adapting late 18 th century styling concepts to the shapes of the 21st century demands a great deal from design engineers, casemakers and dialmakers. But the perfect curves of the case and the delicately engine-turned dial set off the caseband fluting and exquisitely designed lugs to their best advantage.

// 181

5410BR/12/9VV Héritage watch in 18-carat rose gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Self-winding movement with large date and small seconds. Balance spring in silicon. Dial in silvered gold, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Dimensions : 42 x 35 mm.

// 183

5400BB/12/9V6 Héritage chronograph in 18-carat white gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Self-winding movement with date and small seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Balance spring in silicon. Curved silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Dimensions : 42 x 35 mm.

184 // H É R I T A G E G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

5497BR/12/9V6 Héritage “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold, with tourbillon. Curved tonneaushaped case. Hand-wound movement, engraved by hand. Small seconds on the tourbillon shaft. Compensating balance spring with Breguet overcoil. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Partial sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in platinum. Dimensions : 42  x  35 mm.

186 // H É R I T A G E

3661BR/12/984 DD00 Héritage wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Self-winding movement with running seconds. Bezel and lugs set with 56 diamonds, approx. 1.869 ct. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Curved silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Dimensions : 35  x  29.60 mm.

// 187

8860BR/11/RB0 Héritage wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Self-winding movement. Retrograde moon-phase indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Cambered frosted silvered and natural motherof-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Dimensions : 35 x 25 mm.

8861BB/11/386 D000

Available with leather strap, ref. 8860BR/11/386.

Available with white gold bracelet, ref. 8861BB/11/BB0 D000.

Héritage wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Bezel set with 140 diamonds, approx. 1.14 cts. Self-winding movement. Retrograde moon-phase indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Cambered frosted silvered and natural motherof-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Dimensions : 35 x 25 mm.

188 // H É R I T A G E

8861BB/15/986 D000

8861BR/15/986 D000 Héritage wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Bezel set with 140 diamonds, approx. 1.14 cts. Self-winding movement. Retrograde moon-phase indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Cambered frosted silvered dial and natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 35 x 25 mm.

Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 8861BR/15/RB0 D000.

Available with white gold bracelet, ref. 8861BB/15/BB0 D000.

Héritage wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Bezel set with 140 diamonds, approx. 1.14 cts. Self-winding movement. Retrograde moon-phase indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Cambered frosted silvered dial and natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 35 x 25 mm.

// 189


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 8860BR/11/RB0.

Héritage wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Curved tonneau-shaped case. Self-winding movement. Retrograde moon-phase indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Cambered frosted silvered and natural motherof-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Dimensions : 35 x 25 mm.

Engraving an oscillating weight. Hand engraving is an art form that highlights the aesthetic beauty of the component and also endows it with unique character.

192 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

Reine de Naples Collection. Breguet created the first wristwatch for a queen. Breguet creations have consistently attracted and fascinated women, including famous patrons such as Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France, the Marquise de Condorcet, and the Empress Josephine of France. The list of Breguet’s fervent female admirers also includes Caroline Murat, to whom he delivered in 1812 – more than two hundred years ago – a model that was truly unprecedented at the time: the first wristwatch. Its oval shape was not less exceptional. The description meticulously recorded in the company archives hints at the refined and ingenious nature of this model: “oblong-shaped minute repeater watch (...), the said watch being fitted with a wristlet made of hair intertwined with gold thread”.

The models in the Reine de Naples line, anthems of praise to femininity, are inspired by this legendary creation: resolutely

modern, refined and suffused with an exquisitely poetic touch.

// 193

8918BR/58/J20 D000

Available with satin strap, ref. 8918BR/58/864 D00D.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 117 diamonds weighing approx.  0.99 ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine and partly in white natural mother-of-pearl. Breguet Arabic numerals. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow or white gold. Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

194 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8918BB/58/J39 D00D

Available with a white gold bracelet set with diamonds, ref. 8918BB/58/J31 D0DD.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 117 diamonds weighing approx. 0.99 ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and partly in white natural mother-ofpearl. Breguet Arabic numerals. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

// 195

8918BB/58/864 D00D Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 117 diamonds weighing approx. 0.99 ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and partly in white natural mother-of-pearl. Breguet Arabic numerals. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

8918BR/58/864 D00D

Available with white gold bracelet, ref. 8918BB/58/J20 D000.

Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 8918BR/58/J20 D000.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 117 diamonds weighing approx. 0.99 ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and partly in white natural mother-of-pearl.Breguet Arabic numerals. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow gold. Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

198 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8928BB/51/J60 DD0D Reine de Naples “Charleston” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 139 diamonds totalling approx. 1.32 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. White natural mother-of-pearl dial. Offcentred chapter ring with Roman numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

8928BA/51/J60 DD0D Reine de Naples “Charleston” wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 139 diamonds totalling approx. 1.32 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. White natural mother-of-pearl dial. Offcentred chapter ring with Roman numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

200 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8928BB/51/844 DD0D

Available with white gold bracelet, ref. 8928BB/51/J20 DD00.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 139 diamonds totalling approx.  1.32 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. White natural mother-of-pearl dial. Off-centred chapter ring with Roman numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow and rose gold. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

// 201

8928BB/8D/844 DD0D Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 139 diamonds totalling approx. 1.32 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial paved with 211 diamonds, approx.  0.63 ct. Off-centred chapter ring in natural mother-of-pearl with Breguet numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow and rose gold. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

8928BB/8D/J20 DD00 Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 139 diamonds totalling approx.  1.32 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial paved with 211 diamonds, approx.  0.63 ct. Off-centred chapter ring in natural mother-of-pearl with Breguet numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow and rose gold. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

202 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8928BB/51/J20 DD00

Available with satin strap, ref. 8928BB/51/844 DD0D.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 139 diamonds totalling approx. 1.32 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. White natural mother-of-pearl dial. Off-centred chapter ring with Roman numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in yellow and rose gold. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

204 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8908BB/52/864 D00D

Available with white gold bracelet, ref. 8908BB/52/J20 D000.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 128 diamonds weighing approx. 0.83 ct. Self-winding movement with running seconds. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine and partly in white natural mother-of-pearl. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

// 205

8908BA/52/864 D00D

Available with yellow gold bracelet, ref. 8908BA/52/J20 D000.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat yellow gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 128 diamonds weighing approx.  0.83 ct. Self-winding movement with running seconds. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and partly in white natural mother-of-pearl. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

206 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8908BB/5T/J70 D0DD Reine de Naples “gold thread” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 117 diamonds, totalling approx. 0.99 ct. Lugs set with 22 diamonds, approx. 0.22 ct. Self-winding movement with small seconds. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine, and partly in natural Tahitian mother-of-pearl. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 36.50  x  28.45 mm.

208 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8909BB/VD/J29 DDDD Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband paved with 86 baguette-cut diamonds, weighing approx. 6.85 cts. Self-winding movement. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine paved with 67 diamonds, approx. 0.168 ct, and partly in blue natural mother-of-pearl. Bracelet set with 650 diamonds, approx. 3.661 cts, 151 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 5.538 cts, and 11 diamonds, approx. 1.188 cts. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

8909BB/VD/864 D00D Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband paved with 89 baguette-cut diamonds, weighing approx. 7.12 cts. Self-winding movement. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine paved with 67 diamonds, approx. 0.168 ct, and partly in blue natural mother-of-pearl. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

// 209

8909BB/VD/J29 DDD0 Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband paved with 86 baguette-cut diamonds, weighing approx. 6.85 cts. Self-winding movement. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine paved with 67 diamonds, approx. 0.168 ct, and partly in blue natural mother-ofpearl. Bracelet set with 650 diamonds, approx. 3.661 cts, 151 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  5.538 cts, and 11 sapphire cabochons, approx. 1.705 cts. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

210 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8909BB/5D/J21 RRRR Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband set with 48 baguette-cut rubies, approx. 4.31cts and 38 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 2.80 cts. Self-winding movement. Power-reserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and paved with 67 diamonds, approx. 0.168 ct, and partly in white natural mother-of-pearl. Breguet Arabic numerals. Bracelet set with 371 diamonds, approx. 1.949 cts and 11 oval rubies, approx.  1.56 cts. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

// 211

8909BR/8T/J29 DDDR Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and caseband paved with 86 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 6.59 cts. Self-winding movement. Powerreserve and moon-phase indicators. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine, paved with 67 diamonds weighing approx. 0.194 ct and partly in natural Tahitian mother-of-pearl. Bracelet paved with 658 diamonds, approx. 3.70 cts, 151 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 4.65 cts and 11 oval diamonds weighing approx. 1.221cts. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions  : 38.50  x  30.45  m m.

212 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8939BB/6D/864 DD0D Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband set with 91 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  6.65 cts. Self-winding movement. Chapter ring paved with 42 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  2.77 cts, and hour markers in natural mother-ofpearl. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

8939BB/6D/J61 DDDD Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband set with 76 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  6.06 cts. Self-winding movement. Chapter ring paved with 42 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 2.77 cts, and hour markers in natural mother-ofpearl. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, handengraved on a rose engine. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Bracelet paved with 320 diamonds, approx.14.05 cts. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

// 213

8939BB/6D/J49 DD0D Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband set with 76 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  6.06 cts. Self-winding movement. Chapter ring paved with 42 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  2.77 cts, and hour markers in natural mother-ofpearl. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Pear-cut diamond, approx. 0.09 ct, at 6 o’clock. Bracelet with pink Akoya pearls. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 38.50  x  30.45 mm.

// 215

8998BB/11/874 D00D Reine de Naples “Grande Complication” Day/Night wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 143 diamonds weighing approx. 1.45 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance depicting the sun integrated within the day/night indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in rose gold. Dimensions : 40.05  x  32 mm.

216 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

8998BR/11/874 D00D Reine de Naples “Grande Complication” Day/Night wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Bezel and dial flange set with 143 diamonds weighing approx. 1.45 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance depicting the sun integrated within the day/night indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Also in white gold. Dimensions : 40.05  x  32 mm.

// 217

8999BB/8D/874 DD0D Reine de Naples “Grande Complication” Day/Night wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and caseband set with 131 baguette-cut diamonds totalling approx. 5.59  cts. Self-winding movement. Balance wheel depicting the sun integrated within the day/night indicator. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine and paved with 147 diamonds totalling 0.40  ct. Dial flange set with 73 diamonds totalling approx. 0.332  ct. Lug set with 35 diamonds, approx. 0.464  ct. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 40.05  x  32 mm.

218 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S G R A N D E S C O M P L I C A T I O N S

8973BB/6S/8H4 SD0D Reine de Naples “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold with hour strike. Bezel and lug set with 29 diamonds totalling approx. 0.918  ct and 27 blue sapphires totalling approx. 2.84  cts. Dial flange set with 77 diamonds, approx. 0.16 ct. Alarm on/off indicator set with one diamond. Self-winding movement engraved by hand. Balance spring in silicon. Dial paved with 156 diamonds, approx. 0.42 ct and with 303 blue sapphires, approx. 0.84 ct. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 40.10 x 32 mm.

// 219

8978BB/58/974 D00D Reine de Naples “Grande Complication” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold with hour strike. Bezel set with 30 diamonds weighing approx. 2.93 cts. Alarm on/off indicator set with one diamond. Self-winding movement engraved by hand. Balance spring in silicon. White natural mother-of-pearl dial. Off-centred chapter ring with Breguet Arabic numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 38.45  x  30.40 mm.

// 221

9808BR/5T/922 0D00 Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Lug set with 16 diamonds, approx. 0.08  ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Tahitian natural mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals in Tahitian natural mother-of-pearl marquetry. Sapphire caseback. Waterresistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Dimensions : 32.70  x  27.30 mm.


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 9808BR/5T/J50 0D00.

Available on a steel bracelet, ref. 9807ST/5W/J50.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Natural white textured mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals in white natural mother-of-pearl marquetry. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Dimensions : 32.70  x  27.30 mm.

222 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

9808BR/5T/J50 0D00 Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Lug set with 16 diamonds, approx. 0.08  ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Tahitian natural mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals in Tahitian natural mother-of-pearl marquetry. Sapphire caseback. Waterresistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Dimensions : 32.70  x  27.30 mm.


Available with leather strap, ref. 9808BR/5T/922 0D00.

Available with leather strap, ref. 9807ST/5W/922.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Natural white textured mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals in white natural mother-of-pearl marquetry. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Dimensions : 32.70  x  27.30 mm.

// 223

9818BB/5V/J51 DDD0

Available with leather strap, ref. 9818BB/5V/922 DD0D.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel and lug set with 64 diamonds, approx. 1.654 cts. Selfwinding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Lavender-coloured mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals in white natural mother-ofpearl marquetry. Sapphire caseback. Bracelet set with 104 diamonds, approx. 0.63 cts. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30m ). Dimensions : 32.70  x  27.30 mm.

224 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8967ST/V8/986 Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial with Breguet Arabic numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43  x  34.95 mm.

8967ST/V8/J50 Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial with Breguet Arabic numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43  x  34.95 mm.

// 225


Available on a steel bracelet, ref. 8967ST/58/J50.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial with Breguet Arabic numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43  x  34.95 mm.

226 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S


Available on a blue leather strap, ref. 8967ST/51/986.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural motherof-pearl dial with Roman numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43 x 34.95 mm.

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Available on a steel bracelet, ref. 8967ST/G1/J50.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in steel. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Natural motherof-pearl dial with Roman numerals. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43 x 34.95 mm.

230 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8968BR/X1/986 0D00

Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 8968BR/X1/J50 0D00.

Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Anthracite and silvered dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Lug set with 26 diamonds totalling approx. 0.14  ct. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43 x 34.95 mm.

// 231

8968BR/11/J50 0D00 Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Lug set with 26 diamonds totalling approx. 0.14  ct. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43 x 34.95 mm.

8968BR/11/986 0D00 Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat rose gold. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Silvered dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Lug set with 26 diamonds totalling approx. 0.14  ct. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 43 x 34.95 mm.

232 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

8958BB/65/974 D00D Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel set with 40 diamonds, totalling approx. 2.42 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape-wheel in silicon. Gold dial hand-engraved and set with 54 diamonds, approx. 1ct. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 40  x  31.95 mm.

Available in rose gold with a dial set with brown diamonds, ref. 8958BR/75/974 D00D.

234 // R E I N E D E N A P L E S

Reine de Naples Cameo. Breguet honours the hand-crafted cameo carving tradition.

The Reine de Naples Cameo features an unusual encounter between two arts: haute horlogerie and cameo carving, of which the

international capital, Torre del Greco, is located in the region of Naples. Distinguished by its unique nature, the cameo dial is a true miniature sculpted in genuine seashell. Off-centred at 6 o’clock, the hour and minute hands seem to make themselves as discreet as possible so as to let the cameo fully express its resplendent beauty. Using a simple steel stylus, the craftsman carves the different layers of shell material to a depth of no more than two millimetres, achieving a sculpture of uncommon fineness. To achieve this, he carefully selects and examines the shell’s various hues, its stratification, its perspectives and shadings as well as its overall transparency.

// 235

8958BB/55/974 D00D 08 Reine de Naples Cameo wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel set with 40 diamonds, totalling approx. 2.42 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape-wheel in silicon. Dial cameo carved out of natural seashell. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 40 x 31.95 mm.

8958BB/55/974 D00D 11

Available with a dial displaying the other signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Available with a dial displaying the other signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Reine de Naples Cameo wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel set with 40 diamonds, totalling approx. 2.42 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape-wheel in silicon. Dial cameo carved out of natural seashell. Sapphire caseback. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 40 x 31.95 mm.

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8958BB/51/974 D00D Reine de Naples Cameo wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel set with 40 diamonds, approx.  2.42 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring, lever and escape wheel in silicon. Dial made out of seashell, crafted as a cameo. Water-resistant to 3 bar ( 30 m ). Dimensions : 40  x  31.95 mm.

238 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

In salute to the contemporary woman. An homage to her sensibility and a celebration of her elegance.

From the beginning, Breguet’s timepieces have captured the inner grace and harmony that cast women in the exalted role of

poet’s muse, inspiring artists and enthralling writers. Through the centuries, the spellbinding beauty, refinement and cultural significance of its designs have never failed to appeal to discerning women everywhere. Aesthetic excellence and superlative technical construction have thus earned watches by Breguet a fabled role in the life of history’s most illustrious women, including Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France, and Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples.

// 239

GJ25BB8989DDDD Reine de Naples “Be Crazy” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Caseband set with 1’320 baguette-cut diamonds on a moveable setting, approx. 57.9 cts. Dial flange set with 56 diamonds, totalling approx. 0.79 ct. Inward-sloping dial paved with 133 baguette-cut diamonds totalling approx. 2.54 cts. Bracelet paved with 462 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 24.04 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

240 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

GJE25BB20.8989DB1 Crazy Flower. Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Caseband set with 116 petals of baguette-cut diamonds on a moveable setting, totalling approx. 34.57 cts. Dial flange set with 66 diamonds, approx. 0.13 ct. Balance spring in silicon. Inward-sloping dial paved with 206 diamonds totalling approx. 0.80 ct. Off-centred chapter ring set with 20 baguette-cut diamonds, approx.  0.46 ct. Self-winding movement. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

242 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

GJE25BB20.8989FB1 “Crazy Flower Full Baguette”. Reine de Naples wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Caseband set with 193 petals of baguette-cut diamonds on a moveable setting, totalling approx. 58.87 cts. Dial flange set with 66 diamonds, approx. 0.13 ct. Balance spring in silicon. Inward-sloping dial paved with 206 diamonds totalling approx. 0.80 ct. Bracelet set with 130 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 22.10 cts. Off-centred chapter ring set with 20 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 0.46 ct. Self-winding movement. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33  x  24.95 mm.

// 243

GJE26BB20.8589DB1 Petite Fleur wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Caseband set with 43 petals of baguette-cut diamonds on a moveable setting, totalling approx. 12.56 cts. Dial flange set with 48 diamonds, approx. 0.10 ct. Balance spring in silicon. Snow-set inward-sloping dial paved with 141 diamonds, approx. 0.52 ct. Selfwinding movement. Sapphire caseback. Also in yellow gold. Diameter: 17mm.

244 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

GJ24BB8548DDC3 Secret de la Reine wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Handsculpted cameo floral decoration revealing the dial and its bow motif paved with 596 diamonds totalling approx. 3.64 cts. Selfwinding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Sapphire caseback. Also in rose gold. Diameter  : 31.5 mm.

// 245

GJ24BB8548DDCJ99 Secret de la Reine wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Handsculpted cameo floral decoration revealing the dial and its bow motif paved with 596 diamonds totalling approx. 3.64 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Sapphire caseback. Also in rose gold. Diameter  : 31.5 mm.

246 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

GJE23BB20.8924D** Le Petit Trianon wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, caseband, dial flange and lugs paved with 294 diamonds, approx. 3.31 cts, 2 princess-cut diamonds, approx.  0.815 ct and one emerald-cut diamond, approx. 2.01 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial paved with 211 diamonds, approx. 0.63 ct. Off-centred chapter ring in natural mother-of-pearl with Breguet Arabic numerals. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33.20  x  26.15 mm.

// 247

GJE16BB20.8924R** Marie-Antoinette “Dentelle” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, caseband, dial flange and lug paved with 245 diamonds, totalling approx. 3.36cts. Lacework paved with 89 diamonds, approx. 5.30cts and set with a ruby, approx. 1.30cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Silvered gold dial, set with 123 diamonds, approx. 0.30ct, partly in white natural mother-of-pearl. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33.5 x 26.45 mm.

248 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

GJ27BB8924DDD8 Désir de la Reine wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange, caseband and lug paved with 251 diamonds totalling approx. 3.5 cts. Bow motif set with 2 pear-cut diamonds, approx. 0.61ct and with 45 brilliant-cut diamonds, approx. 0.66 cts. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial set with 2 pear-cut diamonds, approx. 0.285 ct and with 18 brilliant-cut diamonds, approx. 0.121ct. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33.5 x 24.95 mm.

// 249

GJ28BB8924DDS8 Les Volants de la Reine wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange, caseband and lug paved with 273 diamonds totalling approx. 3.46 cts. Flounce motif set with 193 diamonds, approx. 1.07 cts, 11 baguette-cut diamonds, approx. 0.35 ct and two cushion-cut sapphires approx. 0.59 ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial set with 20 diamonds, approx. 0.02 ct. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 33.5 x 24.95 mm.

250 // H I G H J E W E L L E R Y

GJ15BB89240DD8 “Rêve de plume” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, dial flange and lug set with 116 diamonds totalling 2.83 cts. Feather motif paved with 21 baguette-cut diamonds totalling approx. 0.42 ct, trapeze-cut diamond totalling approx. 0.24 ct and 81 snowset diamonds totalling approx. 0.96 ct. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. White natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine. Sapphire caseback. Also in rose gold. Dimensions : 34.4 x 28.7 mm.

// 251


Available in rose gold with Tahitian mother-of-pearl and pearl, ref. GJ29BR8924TDT8.

“Perles Impériales” wristwatch in 18-carat white gold. Bezel, flange and caseband set with 128 diamonds, approx. 5.45 cts and an Akoya pearl. Self-winding movement. Balance spring in silicon. Natural mother-of-pearl dial, hand-engraved on a rose engine, with diamond hour-markers. Sapphire caseback. Dimensions : 34.4 x 28.7 mm.

Chamfering on a lathe. This finish is performed by hand on a lathe equipped with various grinding wheels, and requires considerable dexterity: since a substantial amount of matter is removed, any mistakes would be hard to correct. The ultimate stage of this finish consists of polishing the chamfered part with a rubber block that gives the chamfer its full radiance.

254 // T Y P E X X   - T Y P E X X I

An uncompromising look. The Type XX and Type XXI Breguet chronographs.

Designed in the 1950s for the French naval air arm, the Type XX returns to the Breguet collection in a civilian version fitted with

a self-winding movement. Its chronograph, however, retains the flyback function needed for flying search patterns. Its uncompromising looks and strong construction have made the Type XX and Type XXI popular among those seeking an original and technical sports watch.

// 255

3800ST/92/9W6 Type XX Aéronavale flyback chronograph in steel. Selfwinding movement, subdial for the seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

3800ST/92/SW9 Type XX Aéronavale flyback chronograph in steel. Selfwinding movement, subdial for the seconds. 30-minute and 12-hour totalisers. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 39 mm.

256 // T Y P E X X I

3810ST/92/9ZU Type XXI flyback chronograph in steel with elapsed-minute register on a centre hand. Self-winding movement with date and subdial for the seconds. Day/night indicator and 12-hour totaliser. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

// 257

3810ST/92/SZ9 Type XXI flyback chronograph in steel with elapsed minute register on a centre hand. Self-winding movement with date and subdial for the seconds. Day/night indicator and 12-hour totaliser. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

3810BR/92/9ZU Type XXI flyback chronograph in 18-carat rose gold with elapsed minute register on a centre hand. Self-winding movement with date and subdial for the seconds. Day/night indicator and 12-hour totaliser. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

// 259

3810TI/H2/TZ9 Type XXI flyback chronograph in titanium with elapsed minute register on a centre hand. Self-winding movement with date and subdial for the seconds. Day/night indicator and 12-hour totaliser. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and hour-markers. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

3810TI/H2/3ZU Type XXI flyback chronograph in titanium with elapsed minute register on a centre hand. Self-winding movement with date and subdial for the seconds. Day/night indicator and 12-hour totaliser. Graduated turning bezel. Luminous hands and hour-markers. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter : 42 mm.

260 // T Y P E X X I

3817ST/X2/3ZU Type XXI flyback chronograph in steel with elapsed minute register on a centre hand. Self-winding movement with date and subdial for the seconds. Balance spring in silicon. Day/night indicator and 12-hour totaliser. Graduated turning bezel. Luminescent hands and hour-markers. Screw-locked crown. Sapphire caseback.Waterresistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Diameter  : 42 mm.

262 // T Y P E X X I I

World First at 10Hz. When the Type XXII redefines the notion of precision.

The Breguet Type XXII chronograph offers an aesthetic reinterpretation of the legendary Type XX, but above all embodies a

high-precision achievement. This creation is equipped with the first and only series-made mechanical chronograph movement with a silicon escapement and balance spring boasting a frequency raised to 10 Hz, meaning 72,000 vibrations per hour. This extremely high frequency endows the Type XXII with exceptional accuracy and rating efficiency, thus enabling it to mark off 1/20ths of a second. The seconds hand performs a complete rotation in 30 seconds. This technical feat is made possible by the use of silicon, which serves to lighten the weight of the mobile escapement components and to reduce the lubrication constraints linked to such high frequencies.

// 263


Available with rose gold bracelet, ref. 3880BR/Z2/RXV.

Type XXII flyback chronograph in 18-carat rose gold with seconds hands on a 30-second basis at the centre. Half-minute totaliser at the centre. Highfrequency escapement (10Hz ) composed of a Breguet balance wheel with timing screws, a balance spring, a lever and escape wheel in silicon. Self-winding movement with date and small seconds on a 30-second basis. 24-hour indicator and second timezone indicator. Two-way rotating and graduated bezel. Luminous hands. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Partial sapphire caseback. Diameter : 44 mm.

264 // T Y P E X X I I

3880ST/H2/3XV Type XXII flyback chronograph in steel with seconds hands on a 30-second basis at the centre. Half-minute totaliser at the centre. High-frequency escapement (10Hz ) composed of a Breguet balance wheel with timing screws, a balance spring, a lever and escape wheel in silicon. Self-winding movement with date and small seconds on a 30-second basis. 24-hour indicator and second timezone indicator. Two-way rotating and graduated bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Partial sapphire caseback. Diameter : 44 mm.

3880ST/H2/SX0 Type XXII flyback chronograph in steel with seconds hands on a 30-second basis at the centre. Half-minute totaliser at the centre. High-frequency escapement (10Hz ) composed of a Breguet balance wheel with timing screws, a balance spring, a lever and escape wheel in silicon. Self-winding movement with date and small seconds on a 30-second basis. 24-hour indicator and second timezone indicator. Two-way rotating and graduated bezel. Luminous hands and numerals. Screw-locked crown. Water-resistant to 10 bar ( 100 m ). Partial sapphire caseback. Diameter : 44 mm.

266 // A D I C T I O N A R Y O F P A S S I O N

Glossary. • Breguet spring. The spiral hairspring on which the balance swings on itself. As it expands and contracts, its coils tend to cluster alternately at either of its extremities. This constant shift in its centre of gravity negatively affects the rate of the balance. In 1795, A.-L. Breguet solved the problem by upraising the spring’s last coil and reducing its curvature. Called the “Breguet overcoil”, it forced the spring to develop concentrically, reducing the wear on the balance pivot, thus improving the movement’s precision. Breguet springs are still widely used in the finest wristwatches. Breguet further contributed to balance spring performance with a temperature-compensating device featuring a bimetallic blade. • Calibre. Since the early 18th century, the calibre of a movement has denoted the position and size of its different components, notably the wheel train and the barrel. Today, the term is used more generally to refer to the shape of the movement, its origins or its maker. • Chronograph. A watch that both measures and displays elapsed times and shows conventional time. The chronograph mechanism, driven by the movement of the watch, controls a centre seconds hand that can be started and stopped to time an event. A subsidiary dial records the elapsed minutes. Two pushpieces in the caseband serve to operate and return the chronograph to zero. • Chronometer. A precision watch with a movement that has been rated by an observatory or official testing laboratory. The standard procedure involves measuring the performance of the movement at different temperatures and in different positions for 15 consecutive days. Movements that meet the standard are issued a chronometer certificate. In Switzerland, these are issued by the COSC, the official chronometer-testing organisation. • Chronometry. A science devoted to the accurate measurement of time. • Escapement. The device at the heart of virtually all time-keeping mechanisms. It provides the impulses to maintain the oscillations of the balance wheel or pendulum, which in turn governs the rate at which the escapement lets the wheels and the hands of the watch revolve. The

// 267

main escapement used by A.- L. Breguet were, in turn . 1. the lever escapement, still universally used. The lever divides into two pallets which lock and unlock the escape-wheel teeth. The action is governed by the balance engaging the other end of the lever. The escape teeth sliding on the inclined pallets lift the lever to impulse the balance. 2. the ruby cylinder, which Breguet perfected. The teeth of the escape wheel engage the inside and outside of a vertical hollow cylinder swinging on the balance-staff. The impulse is given by the inclined teeth of the escape wheel on the lip of the ruby cylinder. A.- L. Breguet experimented with various escapements, developing his own designs – a natural-lift, oil-free escapement in 1789, and a constant-force escapement in 1795. • Flyback ( retour en vol ). A chronograph which restarts the instant it is brought back to zero. It is particularly useful for pilots. Actioning the lower pushpiece only, they can time each successive leg of a search pattern, for example. Without this feature, they would have to use two pushpieces to stop, return to zero and restart the chronograph while starting a new leg. • Fusee-chain transmission. The fusee-chain transmission system improves rate regularity by guaranteeing constant torque to the movement whatever the degree of wind of its mainspring ( a mechanical watch mainspring’s torque generally varies in step with its degree of wind ). The cone-shaped fusee contains differential gears that transmit continuous force to the movement. When its mainsprings are fully wound ( i.e. with the chain wound all the way to the top of the fusee ) and traction strength is high, the chain linking the barrel to the fusee coils itself around the narrowest part of the fusee. On the contrary, when the mainsprings are partially slack and their torque is weaker, the chain will coil around the broadest part of the fusee. • Grand strike. Strikes hours and quarter-hours automatically ; on request, can also be made to repeat hours, quarter hours and minutes by actioning a slide-bolt.

268 // A D I C T I O N A R Y O F P A S S I O N

• Minute repeater. A watch that strikes the hours, quarters and minutes on gongs. The repeater is activated by a slide in the caseband. • Pare-chute ( shock absorber ). The old term for a device to prevent the delicate pivots of the balance wheel snapping under shock. A.-L. Breguet’s solution was to hold the pivot point in a concave cap-jewel held on a blade spring. A violent blow caused the pivot point to slide in the hollow of the jewel, displacing it on its spring. The reduced shock could then be taken on the thicker shoulder of the balance staff. Also known as a sprung-balance suspension, A.-L. Breguet’s invention is the ancestor of modern shock proofing for watches, such as the Incabloc system. • Pendule sympathique (clock and watch combination). Conceived by A.- L. Breguet in 1795 and unveiled at France’s National Exhibition of 1798, it consists of a pocket watch that sets and adjusts itself by a clock. The watch fits in a cradle on the clock. At 12 o’clock, the clock releases a mechanism inside the watch which sets the watch to the same time. The watch determines the amount of error and adjusts its rate faster or slower accordingly. A.-L. Breguet went on to develop even more ingenious versions that set and wound the watch hourly or daily. In the latest development, dating from 1991, the clock sets and winds a wristwatch. • Perpetual calendar. Showing the date, the day and the month, a watch or clock calendar is described as perpetual when it can auto­matically adjust for short and long months as well as for leap years. • Perpétuelle ( self-winding ) watches. The name given by A.- L. Breguet to watches that are automatically wound in the pocket while the wearer is walking or riding. A sprung weight on a pivoting arm jumps up and down to wind the mainspring. The modern self-winding wrist­­watch has a spinning weight. • Power-reserve ( up-down ) indicator. An indication of the state of wind of the mainspring. A hand on the dial points to the number of hours

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the movement will go before it runs down. A.- L. Breguet fitted his first perpétuelle self-winding watches from 1780 with this device, showing a maximum of 60 hours’ power reserve on a sector on the dial. The power-reserve indicator is still used in certain types of watches. • Repeating gong. For chiming watches, A.- L. Breguet replaced the bulky bells with resonant steel bars curved around the movement. His development of the gong, dating from 1783, revolutionised the design of repeating watches, allowing them to be made much thinner. • Split-seconds chronograph. A chronograph with two centre seconds hands. The extra hand runs concurrently with the main chronograph hand but can be stopped independently then made to catch up with the running chronograph. The split-seconds mechanism thus records the successive times of events that start together. The modern chronograph has its origins in the “observatory chronometer with twin seconds” devised by A.- L. Breguet in 1820. It could record intermediary times or the duration of two concurrent events. • Strike governor. A device ensuring a regular tempo for chiming watches. • Tachometric scale. Dial divisions enabling speeds to be read in kilometres per hour or in another unit. • Tact watch. An invention of A.- L. Breguet enabling the time to be felt on a watch. A hand on the back or front of the case can be moved until it blocks. Its position ­– and thus the time ­– can be felt against hour-markers studding the case. • Tourbillon. A.-L. Breguet was granted a patent for his best known invention on June 26, 1801 ( 7 Messidor, Year 9 of the French Republican calendar ). The tourbillon compensates for differences in rate caused by a watch adopting different positions. The principle is to mount the balance and escapement in a rotating carriage. They revolve about their common axis, going through all positions to average out the errors. Tourbillon carriages or platforms usually rotate once a minute, but four-minute or six-minute tourbillons are also found.

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Reference index 1907BA/12 3137BA/11/986 3355PT/00/986 3357BB/12/986 3357BR/12/986 3358BB/2P/986 D00D 3358BB/2Y/986 DD0D 3358BB/52/986 DD00 3661BR/12/984 DD00 3795BR/1E/9WU 3795PT/1E/9WU 3797BR/1E/9WU 3800ST/92/9W6 3800ST/92/SW9 3810BR/92/9ZU 3810ST/92/9ZU 3810ST/92/SZ9 3810TI/H2/3ZU 3810TI/H2/TZ9 3817ST/X2/3ZU 3880BR/Z2/9XV 3880ST/H2/3XV 3880ST/H2/SX0 5140BA/12/9W6 5140BB/29/9W6 5157BB/11/9V6 5177BB/12/9V6 5177BB/29/9V6 5177BR/12/9V6 5177BR/15/9V6 5178BR/29/9V6 D000 5207BA/12/9V6

p.151 p.95 p.129 p.127 p.127 p.130 p.130 p.131 p.186 p.135 p.136 p.134 p.255 p.255 p.257 p.256 p.257 p.259 p.259 p.260 p.263 p.264 p.264 p.82 p.82 p.73 p.79 p.80 p.78 p.77 p.81 p.75

5207BB/12/9V6 5238BB/10/9V6 DD00 5277BR/12/9V6 5287BB/92/9ZU 5287BR/12/9ZU 5317BR/12/9V6 5317PT/12/9V6 5327BR/1E/9V6 5335BR/42/9W6 5347BR/11/9ZU 5347BR/2A/9ZU 5347PT/11/9ZU 5347PT/2P/9ZU 5349PT/11/9ZU DD0D 5349PT/2Y/9YV DD0D 5359BB/6B/9V6 DD0D 5377BR/12/9WU 5377PT/12/9WU 5400BB/12/9V6 5410BR/12/9VV 5447BB/1E/9V6 5447BR/1E/9V6 5497BR/12/9V6 5707BA/12/9V6 5707BB/12/9V6 5717BR/AS/9ZU 5717PT/EU/9ZU 5717PT/US/9ZU 5719PT/AS/9ZV DD0D 5727BB/12/9ZU 5727BR/12/9ZU 5817BA/12/9V8

p.75 p.110 p.74 p.108 p.108 p.126 p.126 p.113 p.132 p.141 p.144 p.142 p.144 p.143 p.145 p.138 p.124 p.123 p.183 p.181 p.148 p.148 p.184 p.102 p.103 p.118 p.116 p.118 p.119 p.115 p.115 p.159

5817BR/Z2/5V8 5817ST/12/5V8 5817ST/92/5V8 5827BB/12/5ZU 5827BB/12/BM0 5827BR/12/5ZU 5827BR/Z2/5ZU 5829BB/8D/9ZU DD0D 5829BR/8R/9ZU DD0D 5837BR/92/5ZU 5837PT/U2/5ZU 5839BB/6D/9ZU DD0D 5847BB/12/5ZV 5847BB/92/BZ0 5847BR/Z2/5ZV 5857BR/Z2/5ZU 5857ST/12/SZ0 7027BB/G9/9V6 7027BR/G9/9V6 7027BR/R9/9V6 7038BB/1T/9V6 D00D 7047BR/G9/9ZU 7047PT/11/9ZU 7057BB/G9/9W6 7057BR/G9/9W6 7057BR/R9/9W6 7067BB/G1/9W6 7067BR/G1/9W6 7077BB/G1/9XV 7077BR/G1/9XV 7087BB/G1/9XV 7087BR/G1/9XV

p.155 p.158 p.156 p.160 p.160 p.161 p.161 p.171 p.171 p.168 p.170 p.170 p.166 p.167 p.167 p.163 p.162 p.51 p.53 p.53 p.58 p.66 p.67 p.55 p.55 p.54 p.60 p.61 p.62 p.63 p.68 p.68

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7097BB/G1/9WU p.56 7097BR/G1/9WU p.56 7137BA/11/9V6 p.96 7147BB/12/9WU p.83 7147BR/12/9WU p.83 7337BR/1E/9V6 p.97 7637BB/12/9ZU p.147 7639BB/6D/9XV DD0D p.149 7727BB/12/9WU p.101 7727BR/12/9WU p.101 7787BB/12/9V6 p.92 7787BR/29/9V6 p.92 7788BR/29/9V6 DD00 p.93 7800BA/11/9YV p.107 7800BB/11/9YV p.107 7800BR/AA/9YV 02 p.105 8067BA/52/964 p.84 8068BB/52/964 DD00 p.85 8068BB/52/BCO DD00 p.85 8827BR/52/586 p.175 8827ST/59/586 p.173 8827ST/5W/986 p.174 8827ST/5W/SM0 p.174 8828BB/5D/586 DD00 p.176 8828BR/5D/586 DD00 p.176 8860BR/11/386 p.189 8860BR/11/RB0 p.187 8861BB/11/386 D000 p.187 8861BB/15/986 D000 p.188 8861BR/15/986 D000 p.188 8908BA/52/864 D00D p.205 8908BB/52/864 D00D p.204

8908BB/5T/J70 D0DD 8909BB/5D/J21 RRRR 8909BB/VD/864 D00D 8909BB/VD/J29 DDDD 8909BB/VD/J29 DDD0 8909BR/8T/J29 DDDR 8918BB/58/864 D00D 8918BB/58/J39 D00D 8918BR/58/864 D00D 8918BR/58/J20 D000 8928BA/51/J60 DD0D 8928BB/51/844 DD0D 8928BB/51/J20 DD00 8928BB/51/J60 DD0D 8928BB/8D/844 DD0D 8928BB/8D/J20 DD00 8939BB/6D/864 DD0D 8939BB/6D/J49 DD0D 8939BB/6D/J61 DDDD 8958BB/51/974 D00D 8958BB/55/974 D00D 08 8958BB/55/974 D00D 11 8958BB/65/974 D00D 8967ST/51/J50 8967ST/58/986 8967ST/G1/986 8967ST/V8/986 8967ST/V8/J50 8968BR/11/986 0D00 8968BR/11/J50 0D00 8968BR/X1/986 0D00 8973BB/6S/8H4 SD0D

p.206 p.210 p.208 p.208 p.209 p.211 p.195 p.194 p.195 p.193 p.198 p.200 p.202 p.198 p.201 p.201 p.212 p.213 p.212 p.237 p.235 p.235 p.232 p.226 p.225 p.227 p.224 p.224 p.231 p.231 p.230 p.218

8978BB/58/974 D00D 8998BB/11/874 D00D 8998BR/11/874 D00D 8999BB/8D/874 DD0D 9067BB/12/976 9067BR/12/976 9068BB/12/976 DD00 9068BR/12/976 DD00 9087BB/29/964 9087BR/52/964 9088BB/29/964 DD0D 9088BB/52/964 DD0D 9088BR/29/964 DD0D 9088BR/52/964 DD0D 9807ST/5W/922 9807ST/5W/J50 9808BR/5T/922 0D00 9808BR/5T/J50 0D00 9818BB/5V/J51 DDD0 GJ15BB89240DD8 GJ24BB8548DDC3 GJ24BB8548DDCJ99 GJ25BB8989DDDD GJ27BB8924DDD8 GJ28BB8924DDS8 GJ29BB89245D58 GJE16BB20.8924R** GJE23BB20.8924D** GJE25BB20.8989DB1 GJE25BB20.8989FB1 GJE26BB20.8589DB1

p.219 p.215 p.216 p.217 p.90 p.91 p.90 p.91 p.87 p.87 p.89 p.89 p.88 p.88 p.221 p.222 p.221 p.222 p.223 p.250 p.244 p.245 p.239 p.248 p.249 p.251 p.247 p.246 p.240 p.242 p.243

Breguet Boutiques Switzerland




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Shop 009, Level 3, Great Hall Shoppes at Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel MACAO

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Malaysia LL1, Main Lobby, JW Marriott Hotel Kuala Lumpur 183, Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 KUALA LUMPUR Taiwan Taipei 101, 45 Shifu Road 4F Xinyi District 11001 TAIPEI

Shanghai Xintiandi Langham Hotel No. 168 Tai Cang Road Lu Wan District 200021 SHANGHAI

G067 G/F The Promenade Galaxy Macao TM Cotai MACAO Korea

Ningbo Heyi Avenue Shopping Center Shop 1048A, Zone C, No. 88 Heyi Road 315000 NINGBO

2F, Hyundai Main Dept. Store 429 Apgujeong-ro Kangnam-gu 06001 SEOUL

Beijing Scitech Plaza 22 Jianguomenwai Avenue 100004 BEIJING

B1F, Galleria Luxury Hall East 515 Apgujeong-ro Kangnam-gu 06009 SEOUL

GFL Grand Hyatt No. 1 East Chang An Avenue 100738 BEIJING Shop No. 128, Building 4 No.2 Jianguomenwai Avenue 100022 BEIJING D1057, No.87 Jianguo RoadSKP Shopping MallChaoyang District 100022 BEIJING Shop No.1121, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu No.2 Middle Shamao Street Jinjiang District 610021 CHENGDU Hong Kong S.A.R Shop G05 & 205, 1881 Heritage 2A Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon HONG KONG

Montres Breguet SA reserves the right to change models and prices. Printed in Switzerland. 06.16.

2F Lotte Avenuel 73 Namdaemun-ro Jung-gu 04533 SEOUL 3F. Shinsegae Dept. Store 176 Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu 06546 SEOUL Japan Nicolas G. Hayek Center 7-9-18 Ginza Chuo-ku 104-8111 TOKYO

Montres Breguet SA CH-1344 L’Abbaye ( Vallée de Joux) Switzerland Tel. +41 21 841 90 90 •

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