Alex Raymundo 2013 Portfolio

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a l e x r ay m u n d o

2 013 a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n p o r t f o l i o

O B J E C T I V E Seeking a position as a Designer or Tec hnologist E D U C A T I O N Bachelor of Technology in Architectural Science l 2012 - Present British Columbia Institute of Technology l Burnaby B.C. Architectural Studio l Sustainability Design l Heritage Building Conservations & Preservations l Building Science l Diploma in Architectural Building Engineering Technology l 2010 - 2012 British Columbia Institute of Technology l Burnaby B.C. Building Construction l BCBC 2006 l Planning Regulations l Structural Analysis l Construction Estimating l Environmental Sustainability l Green Building Design High School Graduate l 2008 John Oliver Secondary School l Vancouver B.C. E X P E R I E N C E Architectural Technologist l Spring 2012 DYS Architecture l Vancouver B.C. Worked alongside one of the principal architect of the firm and dealt with deficiency list for occupancy in an apartment in Coquitlam. Office tasks included working with an associate on interior details of retail stores in New Doha International Airport located in Qatar. Sales Associate l May - Sept. 2011 Bootlegger l Burnaby B.C. Provided excellent customer service and made sure they receive the satisfaction that they deserved. The job also included stock processing and as a cashier. Stock Manager l 2008 - 2011 Esprit De Corp l Downtown Vancouver B.C. Dealt with receiving and processing inventory delivered to the store. The job also included organization of product, file management and managerial communications. At times when needed, I also provided customer service, served as a cashier and helped with visual management of the store.

ALEX RAYMUNDO E: C: 7 78 237 2539

S K I L L S Proficient in: Operating Systems: Mac OSX Mountain Lion l Windows 7 & 8 Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint & Excel Adobe: Photoshop & InDesign 2D l 3D: AutoCAD l 3D Studio Max l Podium (SketchUP) R E F E R E N C E Available Upon Request

01.g r a n v i l l e i s l a n d s e c t o r s t u d y . . .............................. 0 4 0 2 .g a v i n ’ s s h e l t e r ................................................... 0 6 0 3 .g a v i n ’ s d w e l l i n g ................................................ 0 8 04.b u r k e v i l l e p a v i l i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1


0 5 .b u r k e v i l l e c o m m u n i t y c e n t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 0 6 .w e s t c o a s t m o d e r n i s m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8

01 Granvi l l e Isl and S ector S tudy

ARSC 7001 - Foundation Studio Fall term 2012 Johnston Street - Granville Island, Vancouver B.C. Team: David Gordon, Riley Syjuco & Alex Raymundo

Granville Island has been a primary attraction for any locale and tourists people in Vancouver. The man made island consists of tourist attracting activities that is very alive and vibrant. The island gives people great physical experience and a breathe of fresh air. The intent of the site study is to observe thoroughly the activities and the character of the sector provided by the instructor. David, Riley and I were assigned to investigate Sector 4 which is on Johnston Street along the Public Market. We did several site visits and produced sketches to capture the main characterstic of the sector. Through a series of investigation and compilation of ideas, our group produced a rendered site plan that we think best describes Sector 4.

character statement The market district is eminently vibrant and diverse. The market mesmerizes tourists and locals alike. They bustle in and out daily, entering the space either for pleasure or to experience the waterfront. Without the populace and their curiosity to investigate the market, this space would be a colourful collection of tin faced boxes. There is a feeling of history, of culture that resides on the island with the waterfront buildings, historically being an important part of Vancouver’s growth. The bones of the island can be felt, underfoot, from the uneven pavers and hidden railroad tracks. When you look up and see this massive steel platform in the sky, you can almost hear the ironworkers working. This significance can be best described as controlled chaos, not without a purpose but chaos in its primal state of disorder. To inhabit and navigate this space you must be able to control the chaos, at least for a while.

Key Plan

Sector 4 site plan - interpretation 5

02 Gavi n’s S hel ter

ARSC 7001 - Foundation Studio Fall term 2012 Johnston Street - Granville Island, Vancouver B.C.

The project calls for a shelter design for Gavin, a stranded Kayaker in Granville Island. The site location is in relation to the sector study in which each student must find an empty location for the shelter to be built. The project intent is to have a minimalistic approach. Each element must be designed in accordance to the client needs - nothing more, nothing less. Several factors were considered as well during the design process such as light and the kayak storage. Light was important because the chosen site is right under Granville Bridge which overshadows the site every hour of the day. Skylights were incorporated to let Northern light in. The 16 ft long kayak must also have a storage for Gavin to place it after use. Because of the tight space of the building location, the Kayak is to be placed hanging under the floor assembly.

Modeled with Google SketchUp and rendered with Podium Plug-In 6

Light Study


3 2



the size of the bed is only perfect for the client’s need.

main floor plan



1.Meet 2.Small Kitchen 3.Read 4.Open to above 5.Open to below 6.Rest

reading: bookshelf/stair is then removed to free up more space for the reading area upper floor plan wall section


03 Gavi n’s D w el l i ng

ARSC 7001 - Foundation Studio Fall term 2012 Garry Point Park, Richmond B.C.

Gavin, who used to live in a small shelter in Granville Island, now moves onto another stage of his life, together with his wife, Mel, and his kid, Billy-Jean. The family of three are nature loving, outdoor enthusiasts and enjoys their simple lifestyle. The project is to design a small dwelling house for Gavin’s family. The house is to be open internally, with divisions only as needed for their lifestyles and family comfort. Functionally - all devices and furnishings are built-in, components are to be analyzed for their function and designed appropriately - such as closets or cabinets. These components must be viewed based on minimalistic living, suitable to the rural lifestyle. The house will include a washing/bathing plus toilet facility. Mel and Gavin engage the public on the entry side of their home, but they keep a private side which is engaging of the nature that surrounds them.

Modeled with Google SketchUp and rendered with Podium Plug-In 8

CLIENT PROFILE Gavin used to live in a small shelter in Granville Island. He is 32 years old and continues his writing career. He loves to read, cook and play his lovely instruments. Above all else, his family comes first. Melanie, at 29 years old, is a Fisheries Researcher and is a collector. She is a very active woman and well educated. She loves to exhibit her work to the public and use her great social skills. Billy-Jean is only 19 months old and is a very curious kid. She is very mobile and needs constant attention.

Upper Floor Plan

Detailed Wall Section

Ground Floor Plan 9

The main facade is facing the south side and is fully exposed to the sun’s extreme heat gain. A deep overhang provides the building from passive solar protection during the summer and allows solar heat gain in the winter.

The approach also serves as an extension to the vast nature providing an experience for visitors to feel the natural beauty of the surroundings.

The existing Arc is used as a stopover and a meeting place before arriving to the building.

3D Perspection 10

04 B urkevi l l e P avi l i on

ARSC 7102 - Tectonics Winter term 2013 Burkeville Community, Richmond B.C.

The project is located in the center of Burkeville park. Burkeville is a friendly warm family oriented community. It is pretty much the only true neighborhood left in existence today in the lower mainland where families live and thrive. The building will be multi-functioning open air shelter for the community of Burkeville. Outdoor concerts & performances, farmers markets, exhibitions, eating, & outdoor classes are some variety of functions of the pavilion. The overall design focuses on form, light control, structural lightness and acoustic performance in an outdoor environment. The Pavilion promotes a new experience of gathering for the community of Burkeville. It expreses lightness through its minimalistic elements, a sense of interest because of its physical characteristics and respect to the city’s historical bachground going back to the World War. It will serve the community of Burkeville as a center for cultural and festive events every year which will increase the area’s sense of community and togetherness.

Roof Assembly flat roof sheet metal 18mm x 18mm purlins 80mm x 190mm glulam beam 18mm x 18mm spacers wood slots ceiling finish Floor Assembly wood planks 13mm plywood TJI joists 450mm elevated flooring reinforced concrete slab & foundation gravel & soil 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Stage: Pavilion will host outdoor events such as acoustic and full band performances. The concrete vertical wall panels in the back serves as an acoustical reflector.

formed acrylic dome concealed beam hanger simpson strong-tie post caps galvanized metal fascia simpson strong-tie concealed post tile pressure treated sill plates

wall detail 0




Lightness: The design intent also focuses on the construction using thin columns and elevated flooring which supports the concept of “lightness� and also serves as a bench. 12

05 B urkevi l l e C ommuni ty C enter

ARSC 7100 - Studio Winter term 2013 Burkeville Community, Richmond B.C.

burkeville community

sea island



Burkeville Community represents the “true neighborhood� in the lower mainland. It is a friendly warm family oriented community that has all the amenities that responds to this communities’ needs. There are several annual events happen here such as Halloween Mini Theme Park, the aviation-themed Flight Path Park that the kids love and Burkeville Daze in the summer where there is a live band, fashion show, movie nights and more. The central park in Burkeville has been the location of these events ever since the town was established in 1943. Challenges were obvious based on the location of the site. Burkeville is 3 kilomters away from YVR international airport which means the flight path is very close by. Airplane engines imposes very loud sound in times of departure and arrivals almost every hour in the community. Burkeville is also a well established community that strives on its own, therefore it is important to make sure future developments will not stain but rather improve the sense of community within Burkeville. The Community Center will be the cornerstone of Burkeville and will hold the annual events. It will also be a location for small activities such as yoga, karate, chaperoned evenings out for youths, adult evenings and many more. The design intent of this project is to create an interactive community center in the middle of Burkeville Park to serve the community of Burkeville. There are three things to be considered during the design process: Introduce new experiences through its flat landscape, respect the central axis of the site by rearranging the roads and encourage a sustainable design to achieve a distinct identity but not to undermine the presence of the town.


4 4 3 2 Existing landscape l Least Intrusive l No roads added








Medium Intrusive l Few trees removed l One road added


e an


te as

Heavy Intrusive l Added park space l One road added & two roads removed


Site Plan






1 Proposed Building 2 Relocated Playground 3 Basketball Court 4 Tennis Court 5 Open Field 6 Plaza 7 Car l Bike Parking 14

parti sketches

southwest elevation

northwest elevation


Ground Plan

Longitudinal Section


3 1

10 6


06 West C oast Moderni sm Tri p - C al i forni a

ARSC 7100 - Studio Winter term 2013 Los Angeles & Palm Springs, California

In celebration of Architectural Modernism in February 2013, me and my team decided to pay a visit in some of the modern buildings in the area of Los Angeles. Some of these classic buildings are the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Schindler’s House and the Eames’ House in Los Angeles. The intent of our visit is to analyze the organization of spaces, materials used and natural lighting. The architects’ background were also looked at as well as their contributions in the world of architecture.

Entrance to The Schindler’s House by Rudolf Schindler

The Courtyard. The house is shared between Schindler and Chase Family. This has been a common area between the two families.

Materials.The Schindler’s House is constructed using the most basic materials in the industry; Wood and Concrete. Lighting. The house is installed with several skylights and clerestories for natural lighting. 18

The courtyard of Salk Institute by Louis Kahn

Corridor of Salk Institute by Louis Kahn


Arriving at the Eames House. The house is barely seen because of the nature surrounding it. The Eames house is a perfect example of how nature and building can blend together perfectly.

Collage of Materials. The facade materials consists of different materials. The main facade is considered as a piece of art collage of building materials and nature. 20

thank you for viewing

special thanks to my instructors We s l e y Wo l l i n l B E d s , M A r c h , M A I B C Pauline Thimm l MArc h, MAIBC, LEED AP

ALEX RAYMUNDO E: C: 7 78 237 2539

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