Graze Submission Boards

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YCN Competition Graze Brief Alex & Ben

Introduction Started in 2008 graze is a way of offering office workers a tasty nutrious alternative to those 3pm temptations. ‘Grazers choose from a varity of products and send out a handpicked box of tasty snacks to homes or offices. We were asked to: Refresh their graze box. Redesign their logo to make it more distinctive and unique. Create a direct mail marketing campaign.

YCN Competition Graze Brief Alex & Ben

Audience & Context Who is the average ‘grazer’? Typical grazer is female 25 - 45 and works in a office but they say that the do have customers who are male and female too.

The Brand Graze are all about eating healthy and staying fit. They want to be seen as charming, natural, honest. also a mordern digital buisness and that need to protray both online and natural elements.

YCN Competition Graze Brief Alex & Ben


The Graze mail shot is based around the idea of the natural foods falling on to the customers door step. Filled with info about graze and whats on the menu.Simple method, simple design.

The new redesign of the graze logo. Based on the idea of health snacks falling on to the door step. The examples are the primary colours of the logo.

When the the box we had to design with restrictions. We had to keep the same stock, and keeping the natural texture and feel. This is why photograhed natural produce and incorporated it into the packaging.

YCN Competition Graze Brief Alex & Ben

Proposal In our survey we found that people who used graze would only use it for a short period of time. Because of cost and delivery time and also the convenience. We have proposed a solution of having graze vending machines which would we recommend they be situated in: - Student Accommodation - Office Canteens and Waiting Rooms. - University Campus - Travel Hubs (Airports, Train Stations & Bus Stations)

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