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Index A

Abutment teeth anterior all-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis, 122–123, 123f appearance of, single ceramic crown material selection affected by, 87–93, 88f–92f cementation preparation of, 173–174, 181 composite resin, 163 computer-aided impressioning isolation of, 266f conventional all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses, 140–141 discolored, 87, 88f, 89, 90f, 208–209, 208f–209f preparation design of, 56 pulpal protection in, 174 resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis, 128, 129f–131f staircase testing of, 10 surface roughness of, 174 universal tooth preparation of, 140–141, 141f zirconia, 156–157, 157t–158t, 159, 161f Acid etching, 110, 180, 184 Active triangulation technique, 264 Active wavefront sampling, 264–265 Additive manufacturing, 274 Adhesive systems, 86 Advanced virtual articulation, 271–272, 272f Aesthetic functional area protection, 73, 73f Aesthetic pre-evaluative temporaries, 104, 115 Aging, of zirconia ceramics, 155, 163, 167 Air abrasion alumina particles for, 184 description of, 174, 179 of oxide ceramics, 183 All-ceramic bridge, 256f All-ceramic crowns. See also Ceramic crowns. framework design for, 72 luting of, 181, 181f–182f prospective study design for, 38

All-ceramic fixed dental prostheses conventional abutment tooth preparation, 140–141, 141f in anterior regions, 140 clinical example of, 142, 143f–144f clinical procedures for, 140–142 description of, 138 impression techniques for, 142 material selection for, 140 in posterior regions, 140 resin-bonded abutment teeth for, 122–123, 123f advantages of, 121, 126 canine replacement using, 122, 122f ceramics used in, 121, 126–127 connector area of, 126 contraindications for, 124–125 description of, 119–120 design of, 125–126 framework for, 120, 120f incisor replacement using, 121 indications for, 121–124 limitations of, 121 multiple vs single retainer, 125–126 posterior restorations using, 123f, 123– 124 site-specific requirements for, 122–123 success rates for, 120 summary of, 145 All-ceramic materials properties of, 70t translucency of, 88f All-ceramic restorations database fields and codes, 41b partial-coverage CAD/CAM procedures for, 57–58 clinical outcomes of, 58–59 failure of, 58 practice-based research network study designs for, 37–38, 39f Alumina, 151–152, 152f Alumina-zirconia, 152f, 153 Aluminum oxide ceramics composition of, 176t description of, 64–65, 69, 151–152 implant-supported restorations, 160

Amalgam restorations, 55 Ameloblasts, 2, 3f, 5 Amelogenesis, 2 Anatomical coping design, 72 Anatomically designed framework, 72 Anterior restorations all-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses for, 121–123 conventional all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses for, 140 Approval processes, 29


Basic virtual articulation, 271, 272f Bioceramics, 6–7 Biofilm, 1, 7 Bite registration, 106 Biting forces, 66t Bonding for adhesive cementation, 175–179, 176t, 177f–179f description of, 103 to high-strength oxide ceramics, 176t to lithium disilicate ceramics, 176t, 177 to unconditioned oxide ceramic surfaces, 179 Bruxism, 50 Butt-joint margins, 56


CAD/CAM additive manufacturing, 274 all-ceramic partial-coverage restorations, 57–58 in ceramics development, 24, 26f closed systems, 267 composite resin implant abutments, 163 composite resin-based, 164–165 definition of, 273 inlays fabricated using, 55f monolithic lithium disilicate glassceramic crown restorations, 160, 161f–162f nesting, 274, 275f open systems, 267, 276


Index polymethyl methacrylate-based, 163–164, 164t, 165f sintering of, to zirconia coping, 163 software for, 273 subtractive manufacturing, 274–275 veneers, 163 zirconia frameworks, 141f Canine replacement, using all-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis, 122, 122f Case studies ceramic application on various substructures, 206–233, 207f–233f labial veneering on zirconia frame, 200f–202f, 200–203 stained monolithic zirconia prosthesis, 189–199, 190f–199f zirconia ceramic implants, 242–257, 243f–256f Cast fabrication, from IOS systemobtained data, 268f, 269 Cement(s) description of, 84, 86t–87t glass-ionomer, 84, 175f hardness values of, 115 mixing of, 174 polymerization of, 115 resin, 85f, 86t–87t, 115, 133 Cementation abutment preparation for, 173–174, 181 adhesive all-ceramic crowns, 181, 181f–182f bonding methods for, 175–179, 176t, 177f–179f controversies in, 183–184 resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses, 180f, 180–181 conventional, 173–175 of implant restorations, 160 of partial-coverage restorations, 58 of porcelain laminate veneers, 110–111 procedures for, 174–175 of resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses, 133 restoration surface preparation for, 174 of single ceramic crowns, 84–86, 86t–87t of zirconia ceramic fixed dental prostheses, 142 Centric occlusion, 128f, 271 Ceramic crowns lithium disilicate, 77 long-term performance of, 71–78 materials used in, 64–65 single. See Single ceramic crowns. try-in, 231, 231f Ceramic implants description of, 235 zirconia advantages of, 235


animal investigations of, 237–240, 238t–239t biomechanical stability of, 237 bone-to-implant contact of, 237 case studies of, 242–257, 243f–256f clinical research on, 240–241 commercial systems for, 240b illustration of, 236f materials science research regarding, 236–237 prosthetic considerations for, 246–257, 247f–252f stability of, 241 surgical considerations for, 241–245, 243f–245f, 252–257, 253f–256f two-piece, 237 Ceramic veneers aesthetic pre-evaluative temporaries, 104 bite registration for, 106 clinical follow-up for, 114 clinical procedures for, 103–111 complications of, 115 esthetic evaluation for, 104, 105f failure of, 114–115, 155–156 impression for, 106 laboratory communication regarding, 106, 107f–109f, 112–113 machining of, 113 materials selection for, 101–103, 113 preclinical consultation for, 103–104 provisional restoration, 106, 110 stratification of, 113 tooth preparation for, 104, 106, 106f try-in of, 110, 110f Ceramic–composite resin materials, 165f, 165–166 Ceramics aluminum oxide. See Aluminum oxide ceramics. classification of, 47, 64–65 composite-based, 49–50 fabrication methods, 101–102 fatigue testing of, 8–14 flexural strength of, 154 glass-ceramics. See Glass-ceramics. high-strength oxide. See High-strength oxide ceramics. mechanical testing of, 8–14 oxide, 49 particle-filled glasses, 64–65 polycrystalline, 65 powder/liquid, 102 pressed, 206 product development of, 19–22 properties of, 67–71, 70t single-load-to-failure testing of, 8 thickness of, 56 transformation-toughened, 154–155 translucency of, 65–66 veneering. See Veneering ceramics.

zirconia, 65 Certification processes, 29 Chipping, of veneering ceramics, 71b, 72f, 74, 74f, 138–139, 139f, 145, 160f Clinical research coordinators, 34 Coefficient of thermal expansion, 48 Complete-arch reconstructions, 272 Composite resin abutment teeth, 163 Composite resin cement, 85f, 86t, 93f Composite resin materials CAD/CAM-based, 164–165 ceramic–composite resin materials, 165f, 165–166 restorations using, 88f Composite-based ceramics, 49–50 Computer-aided impressioning, 262, 265–267, 269 Constant stress testing, 9, 9f Copings case study, ceramic application on various, 206–233, 207f–233f characteristics of, 216–221 metal, 230f translucency of, 208, 209f–211f Cores, 94, 95f Corporate partnerships, 23–24 Crowns all-ceramic. See All-ceramic crowns. ceramic. See Ceramic crowns. glass-ceramic, 63 metal-ceramic. See Metal-ceramic crowns. zirconia. See Zirconia crowns. Crystalline ceramics, 113 Cuspal stiffness, 56


Data collection, individual practice, 40, 41b, 42t Dental ceramics. See Ceramics. Dental porcelains, 48, 64 Dentin bonding to, 58, 115 properties of, 1–7, 70t Dentinoenamel junction, 2 Design input regarding, 27 review of, 28 verification and validation of, 27–28 Design control, 27–28 Desktop scanners, 270–271, 271f Digital photography, 261, 262f Digital workflow CAD/CAM, 273–275, 275f. See also CAD/ CAM. data acquisition, 261 desktop scanners, 270–271, 271f IOS systems. See IOS systems. overview of, 261–262

Index summary of, 276 virtual articulation, 271–273, 272f–273f Discolored teeth, 87, 88f, 90f Dispersion strengthening, 49 Dixon-Mood method, 10 Dual-curing luting resins, 181 Dual-polymerizing resins, 180


Enamel acid etching of, 180 esthetics of, 1, 7 hydroxyapatite composition of, 1 mechanical efficacy of, 1–6 permeability of, 6 porosity of, 1, 6–7 properties of, 1–7, 70t proprioception, 1, 6 stress-strain response of, 70 wear characteristics of, 6 Enamel crystallites cross-sectional structure of, 6 description of, 4 discontinuities of, 4, 6 histology of, 5f Enamel decussation, 3 Enamel prisms, 3, 5f Endodontically treated teeth failure rate for, 59 high-strength ceramic posts and cores for, 94, 95f study design algorithm for, 37f Erosion, of tooth structure, 50 Esthetics of enamel, 1, 7 Evidence-based literature review, 113–114 Extended partial-coverage restorations, 50–51 Extrinsic strength, 102–103


Facebow-based mounting, 272–273 Fatigue constant stress testing, 9, 9f definition of, 8 mouth-motion, 14 porcelain-fused-to-zirconia restorations, 72 S-N diagram for, 9 staircase testing, 9–11, 10f step-stress accelerated life testing, 8, 11–14, 12f Feasibility and definition phase, 20 Feldspathic ceramics description of, 64 illustration of, 26f synthetic, 64–65 types of, 64 veneering, 48

Feldspathic porcelains, 150, 150f Finishing line, 174 Five-axis scanner, 270f Fixed implant reconstructions, 149 Fixed dental prostheses all-ceramic resin-bonded. See All-ceramic fixed dental prostheses, resin-bonded. cementation of, 142 clinical procedures for, 128–132, 129f–131f conventional all-ceramic abutment tooth preparation, 140–141, 141f in anterior regions, 140 clinical example of, 142, 143f–144f clinical procedures for, 140–142 description of, 138 impression techniques for, 142 material selection for, 140 in posterior regions, 140 glass-ceramic resin-bonded, 127, 127f, 140 materials for, 126–127 metal-based resin-bonded description of, 126 illustration of, 120f metal-ceramic, 140 purpose of, 119 zirconia ceramic cementation of, 142 chipping of, 138–139, 139f, 145 description of, 138 digital fabrication of, 142 fracture strength of, 159 indications for, 138, 140 in posterior regions, 140 survival rates of, 138 zirconia-based resin-bonded abutment tooth preparation for, 127 indications for, 127, 127f success of, 119 Fracture strength of implant-supported zirconia-based fixed restorations, 158t of zirconia abutments, 157t Fracture toughness, 67–68, 154 Full-veneer restorations illustration of, 50f preparation design of, 57


Generalizability, 35, 38 Glass-ceramic crowns, 63 Glass-ceramic restorations cementation of, 133 fabrication of, 113 monolithic CAD/CAM lithium disilicate, 160, 161f–162f

Glass-ceramics advantages and disadvantages of, 126 dark-colored substrates and, 87 feldspathic veneering ceramics versus, 48 leucite-reinforced, 48–49, 58, 121, 150 lithium disilicate, 23, 24f, 49, 59, 133, 151, 151f properties of, 70t substructure use of, 66 Glass-infiltrated ceramics, 65 Glass-infiltrated crowns failure of, 67, 67f survival rates for, 63 Glass-ionomer cement description of, 84 hardening of, 175f Good clinical practice, 35 Grinding, 274


Hardness, 68 Health improvement network, 34 High-strength oxide ceramics anatomically designed framework for, 72 bonding to, 176t cementation of, 58 composition of, 176t, 177 description of, 47 posts and cores, 94, 95f surface preparation, for cementation, 174 Hunter-Schreger bands, 3, 4f Hydrofluoric acid, 110, 177, 184 Hydroxyapatite, 1


Implants ceramic. See Ceramic implants. titanium description of, 235 osseointegration of, 238t–239t zirconia ceramic. See Zirconia ceramic implants. Implant-supported restorations aluminum ceramics for, 160 cementation of, 160 ceramic materials for, 149–153 screw retained, 160 zirconia-based, 158t–159t, 159–160 Impressions for ceramic veneers, 106 computer-aided impressioning, 262, 265–267, 269 for conventional all-ceramic fixed dental prostheses, 142 IOS systems versus, 265, 266f


Index Incisors all-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis for replacement of, 121 endodontic treatment of, 207f Individual practice data collection, 40, 41b, 42t Individual virtual articulation, 272f–273f, 272–273 Industry in new product training, 29–30 universities and, relationship between, 22–23 Inkjet printing, of zirconia prostheses, 167 Inlays CAD/CAM-fabricated, 55f indications for, 50–51 longevity of, 54 occlusal, 53f preparation design for, 54f–55f, 54–56 Institutional review boards, 36 Internal line angles, 56 International Organization for Standardization, 27, 29 Interpit enamel, 3, 5 Intraoral scanners. See IOS systems. Intrinsic strength, 102 IOS systems applications of, 266–269, 269t cast fabrication from, 268f, 269 commercial types of, 262f, 268t computer-aided impressioning, 262, 265–267, 269 data capture technologies, 263–265 efficacy of, 265–266 future uses of, 269–270 history of, 262 impressions versus, 265, 266f indications for, 269–270 laser beam-based, 263–264, 264f light beam-based, 264–265 limited application of, 267f, 269 partial edentulism use of, 269 rationale for, 262


Labial veneering, on zirconia frame, 200f–202f, 200–203 Laboratory desktop scanners, 270–271, 271f Laboratory–dentist communication, 106, 107f–109f, 112–113 Lanthanum oxide, 176t Laser beam-based IOS systems, 263–264, 264f Laser scanning, 270 Laser sintering, 274 Laser triangulation imaging, 263–264 Leucite-based veneering ceramics, 48


Leucite-reinforced glass-ceramics, 48–49, 58, 121, 150 Light beam-based IOS systems, 264–265 Lithium disilicate ceramic veneers, 163 Lithium disilicate ceramics bonding to, 176t, 177 CAD-processed, 23, 24f cementation of restorations made from, 173 cleaning method for, after clinical try-in, 184 monolithic CAD/CAM restorations, 94, 160, 161f–162f SEM image of, 24f surface of, 177f, 183 Lithium disilicate crowns etching of, 175f porcelain veneer layer exclusion in, 77, 77f Lithium disilicate glass-ceramics, 49, 59, 133, 151, 151f Lithium metasilicate, 49 Lithium oxide, 176t Lost wax press technique, 49 Low-filled sealers, 174 Low-temperature degradation, 154–155 Luting of all-ceramic crowns, 181, 181f–182f of resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses, 180f, 180–181 Luting agents, 84 Luting resins description of, 58, 173 dual-curing, 181 excess, foam pellets used to remove, 181, 182f mixing of, 180 for resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses, 180f, 180–181

Metal-ceramic crowns case study of, 91f–93f fabrication of, 79f fatigue testing of, 71 Metal-ceramic restorations indications for, 63 marginal adaptation of, 79–81 3-Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, 177 Methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate, 175, 178f, 179 Microleakage, 175 Milling, 274 Modulus of elasticity, 68–69, 95 Molar crown, zirconia framework for, 73f Molars mandibular, wax-up of, 76f–77f maximum voluntary biting forces in, 66t Monolithic CAD/CAM lithium disilicate glass-ceramic crown restorations, 160, 161f–162f Monolithic zirconia restorations advantages of, 163 case study of, 189–199, 190f–199f crowns, 77–78, 78f issues associated with, 163 stained, 189–199, 190f–199f Mouth-motion fatigue, 14 Mucoperiosteal flaps, 254



Mandibular molar, wax-up of, 76f–77f Manufacturing, 21–22 Marketing, 22, 29 Maryland-type fixed dental prostheses, 173, 176 Maxillary second premolar, 81f–83f Maximum voluntary biting forces, 66t MDP. See Methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate. Mechanical efficacy, 1–6 Mechanoreceptors, 6 Metal oxides, 102 Metal substructure, 103, 206, 208, 209f Metal-based resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses description of, 126 illustration of, 120f


Nanoceramic implant-supported crowns, 165f Nesting, 274, 275f New products industry’s role in, 29–30 marketing of, 29 Non–facebow-based mounting, 271–272

Occlusal forces, 66 Occlusal inlays, 53f Onlays indications for, 50–51 palatal, 56 preparation design for, 52f, 56 Opaque cores, 89 Optical coherence tomography, 270 Optical-stripe light projection, 270 Overlays, 56 Oxide ceramics air abrasion of, 183 aluminum. See Aluminum oxide ceramics. bonding to, 179 composition of, 176t description of, 49

Index high-strength. See High-strength oxide ceramics. surface conditioning methods for, 184 Oxygen inhibition gel, 180, 180f


Palatal onlays, 56 Parafunctional habits, 58 Parallel confocal imaging, 263 Partial-coverage restorations all-ceramic CAD/CAM procedures for, 57–58 clinical outcomes of, 58–59 failure of, 58 cementation of, 58 indications for, 50–51 Partially stabilized zirconia, 152 Particle-filled glasses, 64–65 Partnerships, corporate, 23–24 PBRNs. See Practice-based research networks. PEARL Network, 34–36 Perikymata, 7 Periotomes, 242 Phase V studies, 33 Phosphate monomers, 178f, 179 Phosphoric acid etching, 184 Phosphorus pentoxide, 176t Polycrystalline ceramics, 65, 67, 80 Polymethyl methacrylate-based CAD/ CAM materials, 163–164, 164t, 165f Porcelain cohesive fractures, 71, 74 Porcelain laminate veneers adhesive cementation of, 113 aesthetic pre-evaluative temporaries, 104 bite registration for, 106 bond interface with, 114–115 bonded, 114 cementation of, 110–111 ceramics used in, 113–114, 115 complications of, 115 contraindications for, 103–104 dental substrate for, 114–115 discoloration of, 115 esthetic evaluation for, 104, 105f evidence-based literature review regarding, 113–114 failure of, 114–115 fracture of, 67, 67f, 115 impression for, 106 incisal edge, 106 indications for, 103 laboratory communication regarding, 106, 107f–109f, 112–113 machining of, 113 occlusal adjustment, 111 polishing of, 111 preclinical consultation for, 103–104 preparation of, for cementation, 110

provisional restoration, 106, 110 refinishing, 111 resin cements for, 115 stratification of, 113 success rates for, 114 surface texture of, 111f tooth preparation for, 104, 106, 106f, 114 tooth surface preparation, 110 try-in of, 110, 110f Porcelain-fused-to-zirconia restorations failure of, 68, 69f fatigue testing of, 72 laboratory handling of, 71 Porosity, of enamel, 1, 6–7 Posterior restorations all-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses for, 123f, 123–124 preparation designs for, 54 Posts and cores, 94, 95f Potassium oxide, 64, 176t Practice-based research networks function of, 34–37 history of, 33–34 PEARL network, 34–36 practitioner-investigators, 35, 35t, 36b, 37 practitioner’s role in, 34 structure of, 34–37 study designs, for all-ceramic restorations, 37–38, 39f summary of, 42–43 Premanufacturing, 21 Preparation design(s) abutment teeth, 56 description of, 53 full veneers, 57 inlays, 54f–55f, 54–56 minimally invasive, 53f onlays, 52f, 56 overlays, 56 Presintered zirconia, 193 Pressed ceramics, 206 Pressing, 113 Process validation, 28 Product development, 19–22, 21b Product registrations, 29 Production process, 29–30 Product/process development, 21 Professional organizations, 22–23 Project/product management systems, 20 Proprioception, 1, 6 Provisional restoration, 106, 110, 192


Quality assurance, 27–28


R-curve behavior, 67, 70 Registration process, 29

Regulatory requirements, 27–29 Resin bonding, 175 Resin cements, 85f, 86t–87t, 115, 133 Resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses abutment tooth preparation for, 128, 129f–131f all-ceramic resin-bonded. See All-ceramic fixed dental prostheses, resin-bonded. cantilevered zirconia, 121 cementation of, 133, 180f, 180–181 clinical site for, 129f contraindications for, 124–125 goal of, 128 metal-bonded, 123, 124f–125f minimally invasive preparation for, 128 technical fabrication procedures for, 133 zirconia ceramic cementation of, 133 clinical example of, 133, 134f–137f illustration of, 124f minimally invasive preparation procedure for, 128 Restorations all-ceramic. See All-ceramic restorations. anterior. See Anterior restorations. implant-supported. See Implantsupported restorations. monolithic zirconia. See Monolithic zirconia restorations. posterior. See Posterior restorations. surface preparation of, for cementation, 174 Robocasting, 167 Rubber dam, 86


Sales launch, 22 Scalloped preparation, for single ceramic crowns, 80, 80f Silane coupling agent, 110 Silica-based ceramics, 48–49 Silicate glass-ceramics, 47 Silicon dioxide, 64, 176t Single ceramic crowns cementation of, 84–86, 86t–87t marginal adaptation, 79–81 material selection for abutment appearance effects on, 87–93, 88f–92f circumferential position of preparation margin and, 79–86, 80f–83f clinical criteria for, 78–94 position in arch effects on, 94 scalloped preparations for, 80, 80f tooth preparation for, 80 Single-load-to-failure testing, 8 S-N diagram, 9 Sodium oxide, 64


Index SSALT. See Step-stress accelerated life testing. Stained monolithic zirconia prosthesis, 189–199, 190f–199f Staircase testing, 9–11, 10f Step-stress accelerated life testing, 8, 11–14, 12f STL file format, 267, 273, 275f Stratification, of porcelain laminate veneers, 113 Strength, of ceramics description of, 69 extrinsic, 102–103 intrinsic, 102 methods to increase, 102–103 Substructures case report of, 206–233, 207f–233f copings. See Copings. description of, 205 glass-ceramics, 66 metal, 103, 206 pressed ceramics, 206 zirconia, 205 Subtractive manufacturing, 274–275 Surface preparation for high-strength oxide ceramics, 174 for lithium disilicate ceramics, 183


Teeth abutment. See Abutment teeth. fracture resistance of, 54 Tetragonal zirconia polycrystals, 65, 152f, 153–154, 236 Three-dimensional structures, solid freeform fabrication of, 167 Titanium implants description of, 235 osseointegration of, 238t–239t Titanium tetrafluoride, 183 Tomes process, 3–4 Tooth color, 7 Tooth fracture, 58 Transformation theory, 34 Transformation toughening, 154–155, 236 Translucency, 65–66, 88f, 208, 209f–211f Try-in ceramic crowns, 231, 231f cleaning methods after, 184 porcelain laminate veneers, 110, 110f Two-layer application technique, 221–229


Ultrafast optical sectioning technique, 265 Universal tooth preparation, 140–141, 141f Universities, 22–23



Veneering ceramics adhesive failure of, 69f air abrasion protection of, 179 chipping of, 71b, 138–139, 139f, 145, 160f feldspathic, 48, 69f, 70t fracture of, 167 properties of, 70t Veneers CAD/CAM, 163 ceramic. See Ceramic veneers. porcelain laminate. See Porcelain laminate veneers. Virtual articulation, 271–273, 272f–273f


Wax printing, 274 Wax-up, 76f, 193f Wear of enamel, 6 of veneering ceramic, 138 Weibull analysis, 154 Weibull modulus, 11, 13f


Yttrium oxide, 176t, 236 Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals, 154–155 3Y-TZP, 236–237


Zhang-Kececioglu method, 10 Zinc phosphate cement, 84 Zirconia ceramic implants advantages of, 235 animal investigations of, 237–240, 238t–239t biomechanical stability of, 237 bone-to-implant contact of, 237 case studies of, 242–257, 243f–256f clinical research on, 240–241 commercial systems for, 240b illustration of, 236f materials science research regarding, 236–237 prosthetic considerations for, 246–257, 247f–252f stability of, 241 surgical considerations for, 241–245, 243f–245f, 252–257, 253f–256f two-piece, 237 Zirconia ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses cementation of, 133 clinical example of, 133, 134f–137f

illustration of, 124f minimally invasive preparation procedure for, 128 Zirconia ceramics abutments, 156–157, 157t–158t, 159, 161f advantages and disadvantages of, 126 aging of, 155, 163, 167 air-abraded, phosphate monomers used on, 179 alumina-zirconia, 152f, 153 biocompatibility of, 154 biological properties of, 154–155 chipping of, 138–139, 139f, 145, 160f cleaning method for, after clinical try-in, 184 colored, 179f description of, 65, 152 as framework material, 156 handling of, 156 illustration of, 26f implant applications of, 167 mechanical properties of, 154–155 partially stabilized, 152 properties of, 70t, 152, 154–155 stained monolithic zirconia prosthesis, 189–199, 190f–199f surface roughness of, 174, 177f–178f tetragonal zirconia polycrystals, 152f, 153 thermal conductivity of, 74 veneer failure with, 155–156, 156f yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals, 154–155 Zirconia copings CAD/CAM material sintering onto, 163 case study of, 206–233, 207f–233f opacity of, 206 Zirconia crowns clinical studies of, 67 failure of, 69f, 71 fracture of, 68f implant-supported, 158t–159t inkjet-printed, 167 monolithic, 77–78, 78f reliability of, 74 Zirconia framework illustration of, 194f labial veneering on, 200f–202f, 200–203 Zirconia posts, 94 Zirconia prostheses, inkjet printing of, 167 Zirconia substructure, 205 Zirconia-based reconstructions applications of, 119 implant-supported, 158t–159t, 159–160 Zirconium dioxide, 176t Zirconium oxide, 203, 237

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