Front Desk Manual for student staff
This manual will provide an overview of the major workflows and procedures for student staff at the Art & Architecture library. Please read this manual carefully and refer back to it as needed.
Art & Architecture Library
Table of contents
This manual will provide an overview of the major workflows and procedures for student staff at the Art & Architecture library. Please read this manual carefully and refer back to it as needed.
Overview of Library Tasks Procedure for opening the library Procedure for closing the library Service Desk Tasks Coverage Checkingitems itemsout outtotopatrons patrons(charging) (charging) Checking Chargingtotospecial specialpatrons: patrons: Charging -ArtHistory HistorySlide SlideRoom Room -Art Chargingspecial specialItems: Items: Charging -Reserves -Reserves -Closedstacks stacks -Closed -Videotapes(VHS) (VHS) -Videotapes -InterlibraryLoans Loans(ILL)with (ILL)withwhite whitejackets jackets -Interlibrary -InterlibraryLoans Loans(ILL) (ILL)with withblue bluejackets jackets -Interlibrary Checkingininreturns returnsfrom frompatrons patrons(discharging) (discharging) Checking Callslip requests Callslip requests requests FaxedFaxed requests -ILL lending -ILL lending -ILL scanning & Document Delivery -ILL scanning & Document Delivery Shelving Shelving A overview quick overview of LC call numbers A quick of LC call numbers Other daily tasks Pullingexpired expiredbooks booksoff offthe thehold holdshelf shelf Pulling Walksaround aroundthe thelibrary libraryuser userareas areas Walks Processingnew newbooks booksand andjournals journalsreceived receivedby bythe thelibrary library Processing Missingbooks books&&searches searches Missing Emptyingshred shredboxes boxesand andrecycling recyclingboxes boxes Emptying Stockingand andtidying tidyingthe thefront frontdesk deskand andoffice officeareas areas Stocking Refillingpaper paper Refilling Customer service and research tips -Customer -CustomerService Servicefor forthe thefront frontdesk desk -Phone -Phone protocol protocol -Privacy -Privacy and and confidentiality confidentiality -Reference -Reference questions questions -Tips -Tips forfor helping helping someone someone find find aa book book -Answering -Answering questions questions -Triggers -Triggers forfor supervisor supervisor intervention intervention Additional resources Definitions & additional tips Voyager – a quick orientation
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Overview of Library Tasks: The nature of a public service desk is that work is intermittent. Sometimes the desk will be slow, while other times it will be busy. In addition, a library is a time-sensitive environment and delays in staff work can inhibit a patron’s access to materials. Thus, we need to constantly monitor our workflows and immediately respond to work as it arises. This will ensure we are processing everything in a timely manner. Priority tasks: The following workflows need to be monitored at all times and any related tasks should be completed promptly. - Service desk tasks - Callslip requests - Faxed requests - Shelving carts Routine tasks: Many other tasks are needed on a daily basis to make sure the library is running smoothly. -Pulling expired books off the hold shelf -Walks around the library user areas to pick up stray books, tidy study areas, and monitor patron activities (minimum of 4 times per day). -Processing new books and journals received by the library -Searching for missing books -Emptying shred boxes and recycling boxes -Stocking and tidying the front desk and office areas -Refilling paper in the printers and fax machine Seasonal tasks: Other tasks will occur on a seasonal, or as-needed basis. When needed, these tasks will be assigned by the Operations Manager: -Changing out the new book area -Shelf reading and shifting -Inventory of certain parts of the collection -Cleaning user spaces and public equipment -Rotating the poster wall -Putting items on reserve and pulling items off reserve Since this manual focuses on the day-to-day processes for the front desk, the procedures for seasonal tasks will not be included in this manual. Instead, instructions for seasonal tasks will be given at the time of assignment. The following sections of this manual will provide procedures for all of the major workflows and routine tasks in the library.
Procedure for Opening the Library: Upon Arrival:
-Unlock the library doors Upon unlocking the inside library door and switching on the lights (if they are not already on), go to the drawer behind the front desk to get the library’s allen wrench so you can unlock the exterior doors. If you turn the computers on before you do this, they will be ready for logon when you get back. -Turn on computers/other library equipment Turn on both of the service desk computers and the scanning computer. Turn on all work stations in the library and flip the main switch for the copier to ON. On the service desk stations, open Chrome, Voyager Circulation, and CallSlip and clock in using the WebClock. -Empty the outside book drop Depending on the time of year, you may need to bring the entire cart back inside through the service entrance. Be careful, it can be heavy! BEFORE discharging books from the book drop, be sure to “back date” the discharge window to closing time when the library was last open—this is very important with the Voyager circulation system and has an impact on fines.
-Ready the mail crates Be sure that the crates for library mail are properly filled and ready for pickup. Bruce generally arrives between 8:15 and 8:45am. -Record the gate count If it has not already been done, remember to record the gate count on the stats sheet behind the front desk. -Stock Supplies/Organize Book Trucks
You are ready for the day to begin! 4
Procedure for Closing the Library: 30 Minutes Prior: - Round up books
Take some time to walk around and pick up books from tables and study carrels. Mark down the number of books found on the gate count sheet behind the front desk.
- Empty Book Drop
Empty the drop at least a half an hour prior to closing, just in case there are many items to be discharged.
15 Minutes Prior: - Flash the lights/locate remaining patrons
Flash the lights several times. Walk around entire library, locating patrons. If necessary, inform them that library will be closing in 15 minutes. Begin switching off lights in bathrooms and seminar rooms.
- Begin turning off equipment
At your discretion, begin turning off all public computers and other equipment, including the public copier and the digital screen. The scanners stay on.
10 Minutes Prior: - Flash the Lights again - Turn off remaining public equipment
Turn off lights in the compact stacks area. If anyone is still using the copier or computers, make them aware that they have a couple of minutes to finish what they are working on.
5 Minutes Prior: - Last Things to Do
Close down one of the circ terminals and make sure that the ILL scanning workstation in the office is shut down. Escort all stragglers to the door. It must be exactly 10:00pm before locking the doors to the library. Retrieve Allen wrench from drawer and lock the two outside doors—return Allen wrench to front desk after use. Clock out and shut down remaining terminal. Switch off all lights, collect personal belongings and lock the wooden doors to the office. Make sure the glass door latches behind you as you exit through the gate. Double check the entry door also. When you exit the building, make sure the outside doors latch behind you and double check that they have locked.
Service Desk Tasks: Coverage: Our main priority is to ensure that the service desk is staffed at all times. This is crucial because without someone available at the desk, patrons cannot check out materials. In addition, we want to provide the best customer service possible for our patrons, so that also means being available to assist with questions when they arise. We take several steps to ensure that the desk is covered at all times: -If you will be late by 5 minutes or more, notify the service desk and the Operations Manager by calling the office phone at (785)-864-3626. -When stepping away from the service desk, inform your coworker or other staff members so that they know they will need to cover the desk. -When a conflict with your work schedule arises, make alternate arrangements for coverage of your shift well in advance of the conflict. When you find a substitute, update the schedule hanging on the office door and inform the Operations Manager of the change. -If you are having trouble finding coverage for a schedule conflict, notify the Operations Manager several days in advance of the shift.
Service Desk Tasks: Checking items out to patrons (Charging) 1. Click on the charge button the Voyager Circ module.
in the upper left hand corner of
2. Swipe the patron’s KU Card through the card readers at either front terminals. a. If the patron does not have their ID, please see the “Workaround for KU Borrowers without their KU cards” on page XX. 3. Scan the barcode of the item the patron wants to check out. Please note that this could be either an OCR or a barcode (see examples below). a. OCR: In older books, located on cover page and in the inside of the back cover.
Example: b. Barcode: 4. Watch for Pop-ups after each scan:
This pop-up happens when the location of the book doesn’t match the location of your Voyager session. If the book is on reserve, check that you are using the correct Voyager location (Art Circulation vs. Art NO). If we are checking out a book from another KU library (Watson, Anschutz, etc.), we can hit “Override.” Ask a supervisor if you are unsure.
5. Desensitize all items and remove any additional security elements, such as DVD locks. 6. Always give the due date information to the patron, as occasionally due dates are different between several items. 7. For privacy purposes, close the charge window after completing the transaction. This pop-up occurs when you scan a non-circulating book. Double check that the book is stamped “Non-circulating” in the back. If so, let the patron know that this is a non-circulating item and it can’t leave the library. Offer to let them scan what they need from the book. If patron
Service Desk Tasks: Charging to Special Patrons: Art History Slide Library When someone wants to check an item out on behalf of the slide library be sure to:
1. Ask the person their name to verify that they are on the approved list of slide library employees. The list is hanging behind the front desk and will be updated as needed. 2. Type the slide library’s barcode (999898) into the patron barcode area of the charge screen in Voyager. 3.. Continue checking out the items as normal. Non-circulating items may be checked out to the slide library without special permission, but you will still need to get a supervisor for help with the overriding the pop-up.
- Special items:. Charging Reserves Reserve items are held on the reserve shelf at the request of a professor so that the materials will be available for students in their class. These items have shorter loan periods so that if many people would like to use the same item, they can all have the chance to see it. The library offers four types of loans: -2 hours in library use only with no overnights (book never leaves the library) -2 hours in library use with option to take overnight if book is checked out within 2 hours of closing time. The book needs to be returned when library opens the next morning. -One day with overnight use. (24 hour loan) -One week loan. When checking out/in a reserve item: 1. Look at the color of tape on the spine to determine which location to use Red = Art-NO Yellow = Art Circulation 2. Look at the card in the back pocket of the book to identify loan period. 3. Ask the patron if they’ve checked out a book on reserve before. If no, explain the rules for the loan period and tell them they need to return the book to someone at the desk when they are finished (otherwise hourly fines). 4. Charge book to patron and tell them when it is due back at the desk (the time and day will appear in the discharge screen). 5. Desensitize books if needed. We never desensitize books with red tape because they don’t leave the library. 6. When the book is returned, discharge it using the correct location and reshelve it on the reserve shelf in call number order.
Service Desk Tasks: Closed Stacks: Closed stacks items follow similar rules as a reserve book with red tape and do not leave the library. The complete rules for closed stacks items are on the yellow “closed stacks” flags which are below the service desk and taped to the door of the closed stacks. When checking out a closed stacks item:
1.Retrieve the item from the closed stacks for the patron. 2.Grab a yellow “closed stacks” flag from below the service desk and explain the rules to the patron. Also let patron know they need to return the item to someone at the desk. 3.Put a “closed stacks” yellow flag in the book. (This will help us recognize that it is a closed stacks item when the patron returns it) 4.Charge the book to the patron in Art-NO (don’t desensitize). 5.When the book is returned, discharge the item in ART-NO, take out the yellow flag and put it below the desk with the others. Re-shelve the book in the closed stacks.
Videotapes (VHS): Videotapes are held in the office because they do not have a security device. When a patron would like to check out a videotape:
1.The patron can bring the empty case that is sitting in the stacks to the service desk. 2.Go and retrieve the actual videotape from the shelves near the closed stacks and put the empty case in its place. 3.Check out the videotape to the patron as normal.
4.DO NOT DESENSITIZE THE VIDEOTAPE. It will erase the tape.
5.When a tape is returned, remember to re-shelve it in the office and if the empty case is on the office shelves, put it back out on the shelf in the stacks.
Service Desk Tasks: When checking out ILL items to a patron, there are several steps to follow to be sure that the item is properly processed.
1. Always be sure that the patron name matches the name on the KU Card. 2. Modify the due date to match the one on the book jacket. Make sure to type the due date exactly as it appears on the flag.
3. If the patron has any questions about renewals, please see this line for more information.
4. Desensitize the item and be sure to notify the patron of the due date.
Service Desk Tasks: Interlibrary Loans (ILL) with BLUE JACKETS MUST REMAIN IN THE LIBRARY. These are in library use only
1. Charge item out to patron and modify the due date to match what is on the jacket. Retain hold slip with patron’s name on it. Do not desensitize the item. 2. Notify patron that the item is for In Library Use Only. They can use it as long as they like, but it may not leave the library. The patron will have to return it to the circ desk when they are done using it that day. a. It is not recommended that the items are kept in a locker in the library—they should be returned to the desk when they are not in use. 3. Discharge book when the patron returns it to the circ desk. 4. If the patron would like to access the book again in the future, put the hold slip with the patron’s name on it back in the book, and place it on the hold shelf. 5. If the patron is completely done using the item, have the patron sign the jacket and place it in the green mail tote. Place hold slip in the shredding box.
Service Desk Tasks: Checking in returned items from patrons (discharging): Returns should be checked back in as soon as they reach the desk so that patrons do not accrue fines. This is especially important for reserve books that will accrue an hourly fine to the patron.
When checking in returns: 1. Check the book for damage (tears, spills, writing/highlighting). If you find a damaged book, STOP! Do not discharge the book. Instead, give it to the Operations Manager. 2. Discharge the item by scanning the barcode into the discharge window. 3. Determine if the book needs routed to another library or to a supervisor by looking at the item’s FYI column in the discharge window.
a. If the book needs routed to another library, place the appropriate
routing flag in the book and then put it in a blue mail tote. Books for the Annex don’t need a routing flag if they have orange an Annex flag. Annex books get placed in the green mail tote.
b. If the book has an “Art” location, and no FYI messages (besides
browse or discharged), then re-sensitized the book and place it on a shelving cart.
c. Books with special “Art” locations (reserve, reference, closed
stacks, etc.) get re-sensitized and shelved in their correct location.
d. If the book has a message about a hold or recall in the FYI column, we need to send the book to the library that is indicated in the FYI column, NOT the library in the location column. For items that need to go on the hold shelf in Art, you’ll hear the printer automatically start to print a hold slip and the FYI column will show “On hold for” + the patron’s name. If the item needs to go to another library’s hold shelf for pick-up, the FYI column will show after “Route to” + the destination library. Put the appropriate routing flag in the book and place the book in the corresponding mail tote.
Service Desk Tasks: Example of a book going on hold at Art:
Example of book that is going on hold at another library:
4. Watch for pop-ups after each scan
You’ll see this pop-up when an item is “Lost”. Click cancel immediately. Place the item on the Operations Manager’s desk with a note and include your initials, the date, and “lost book” Note: If you accidentally hit OK and discharge the book, STOP! Go back to the open discharge window by clicking on it and highlight the line for the book. With the line highlighted, click the patron button in Voyager. Write down the patron’s name and barcode and put note with the lost book on Operations Manager’s desk. Tip: When we discharge a book, it breaks the connection between the patron who had it checked out and the book. This means that once something has been discharged, we will not know which patron should have their fines cancelled.
Service Desk Tasks:
You will see this pop up when discharging an item that has a hold or recall waiting on it. Discharging the book activates the hold/recall. Click “OK” and then check the FYI column in the discharge window to find out where the item needs to go for patron pick-up.
If you see this pop-up when discharging an item, click cancel immediately. Do not discharge the item. Place the item on the Operations Manager’s desk with a note. Include your initials and the date.
Service Desk Tasks: Callslip Callslip is a program that KU Libraries uses to manage requests made by KU patrons through the online catalog for KU books. When the library is open, CallSlip should be open on the front desk stations and a student monitoring it at all times. When a request drops into CallSlip, the icon will flash yellow in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
Processing Callslip requests: There are two parts to processing these requests… Part 1 1. Print the request from Callslip (go to File > Print > “All” or “Selected”) 2. Pull the item from the shelf: a. If the book is not on the shelf, check the entire section (all the shelves above and below the correct location). If not found, write “can’t find” on the request and place it on Operation Manager’s desk. 3. Once you have the item, you need to fill the request in CallSlip:
a. In Callslip, highlight the item you would like to fill. b. Make sure drop down menu at the bottom of the screen shows “fill request”. c. Click on “Process.” d. The next window will ask you to scan the barcode of the book. (Make sure that it is the correct book by comparing the barcode on the book to the barcode on the request.) e. After scanning the barcode, the request will disappear from Callslip.
Part 2 1. Look at the pickup location at top of the printed CallSlip request a. Art Circulation: Discharge the item in Voyager. A hold slip will print off on the office printer. Put the printed Callslip request in the shred bin and put the folded hold slip in the book. Put the book on the hold shelf in order by patron’s last name. b. zTripSaver or zHomeDelivery: fold printed callslip request in half, put it in the book about halfway through the pages. Place book in the green mail tote for ILL. c. Pick up location for libraries other than Art: fold printed callslip request in half, put it the book about halfway through the pages. Place book in a blue mail tote.
Service Desk Tasks: Helpful tip: How does a patron request a book through the catalog? When looking at a record for a book in the online catalog, the patron can click on the “Recalls & Requests” button at the bottom of the screen.
Faxed requests:
We receive 2 types of faxed requests: requests to send an item to another library, requests for scans of books in the art library. We need to complete these requests quickly because if we run into a problem fulfilling the request, then it can severely delay the turn-around time to the patron. Requests progress through a chain of lenders and if delays happen at every point along the chain, it could take a very long for a request to be filled. We need to make sure that we uphold our part of the chain and reply to these requests quickly.
ILL lending loans (Sending something to another library): 1. Pull the item from the shelf a. If the book is not on the shelf, check the entire section (all the shelves above and below the correct location). If not found, write “can’t find” on the request and place it on the Operation Manager’s desk. 2. Check that the item can go out on ILL a. Non-circulating - item should never go out on Interlibrary Loan. The request needs to be cancelled in ILLIAD. b. New book shelf - please give both the request and the item to the Operations Manager for approval. c. Locations outside the USA - If the requesting library is not within the United States, please give both paper request and the item to Operations Manager for approval. (Note: Hawaii is OK) d. Multiple volumes or pieces – If we get a request for multiple volumes or pieces, please give the request to the Operations Manager for approval. 3. If the item can go out on ILL, charge the item out to “Retrieval Services 4. Fold the request in half, and place midway through the book or item.
Paron ID is RETSERILL. There is no numerical account.
5. If it is a DVD, remove the red DVD lock. 6. Place the item in the ILL (green) bin.
Service Desk Tasks: ILL lending article & Document Delivery (Scans) Both of these requests come through the fax machine and require scans of books that are located in the Art library. 1. Pull the item from the shelf a. If the book is not on the shelf, check the entire section (all the shelves above and below the correct location). If not found, write “can’t find” on the request and place it on Operations Manager’s desk. 2. Check that we have the requested article or chapter in the book. Also look for associated footnotes or images that may be in a separate section of the book. 3. Check that the request is within our copyright restrictions a. The scan must be either 1 chapter/article, less than 50 pages, or less than 10% of the book. If unsure, ask the Operations Manager for assistance. 4. Scan the article a. Log in to the scanning station b. Open up Illiad Client c. On the Home tab, type the transaction number (ILLiad TN) from the faxed request into the search box (upper left hand corner) and hit enter. i.If a “charge” window appears, look at the amount being charged. If amount is over $15, then notify the Operations Manager; if less than $15, click “OK”. d. The request will open up in a new window. In the window, click the “Mark found scan now” icon in the toolbar at the top of the window. e. This will open up a scanning window. Hit scan to start making the scan. This will open up the Epson scanning program in a new window. i. Adjust your color settings to match the page being scanned (black & white for text only, 8-bit Grayscale for black and white images + text, and 24-bit color for color images + text. We want to give our patrons the best quality scan possible with the smallest file size. ii. Click “Preview” to set your scan area, then click “Scan” to make the actual scan. f. Scan the following things in this order: i. The faxed request page ii. KU’s copyright policy (in the blue box next to scanning station) iii. The title page of the book or journal issue (for journals this will identify the volume and issue of the journal) iv. The publication information of the book or journal issue (publisher, date, place of publication – usually found together) v. Scan the article. (If over 40 pages, break into separate scans)
Service Desk Tasks: g.When you’ve completed the scan, click “Send via Odyssey.” If the button is greyed out, hit “Send via Article Exchange” i. Watch the green status bar at the bottom of the window. If the file does not send, click “Export” to save a copy of your scan, otherwise you will have to make the scan all over again. :( h. Once the scan is sent, put the faxed request in a shred box and put the book on the re-shelving cart, or re-shelve the book immediately. Please do not leave stray books in the office.
Shelving Shelving needs to be completed regularly because books that are behind the desk are not accessible to patrons. There is no guarantee that someone looking for a book will come and ask us for help if they can’t find a book on the shelf. When a book truck is about halfway full or more, it is ready for shelving. The Operations Manager may also request shelving to occur if the cart is less full and books have been sitting on the cart for over 24 hours (this often happens with the folios which accrue less quickly). If two student staff members are on the desk, the shelving should be split between both workers. If you need help deciding how to split up tasks, please consult the Operations Manager.
Procedures: • Sensitize items before placing them on the shelving carts. • Books are placed on the shelving carts in call number order as the carts fill up. The books are separated by size (regular and folio) between two separate carts. • All DVDs on the shelving carts should have red locks in the cases. • Before heading out into the stacks, organize the books on the cart. Make sure they are in correct call number order, and if needed, compress books onto one or two shelves to help prevent them from falling over while you are walking. • When shelving items, be very careful to place items in the correct spot on the shelf in the library. Double check yourself by looking at the call numbers on either side to make sure your book falls between them. (Note: Books that are mis-shelved become “missing books.” We will search for them for 1 year and then ultimately buy the same book again! We can save ourselves a lot of effort and money through careful shelving practices.) • Deciding between shelves: When a book belongs at the beginning or end of a shelf, we can choose which shelf to use. Choose the shelf with more free space to the right. Our goal is to keep extra space at the end of every shelf in the stacks. Keep multi-volume sets together on same shelf as much as possible. • If you find mis-shelved books while shelving, bring them back to the desk and discharge them. If they have a lost or missing status, hit “cancel” on the pop-up and give to the Operations Manager. Leave a note with the book if the Operations Manager is not at their desk.
Service Desk Tasks: A quick overview of LC call numbers: KU Libraries use the Library of Congress or “LC� classification system to organize the collections. The LC classification system uses a combination of letters and numbers to organize materials by subject. How to Read LC Call Numbers:
To put items back on the shelf in order according to LC classification be sure to look at each section of the call number.
Other Daily Tasks: Pulling expired books off the hold shelf KU Books: We pull KU books off the hold shelf after the expiration date on the hold slip -Take the book off the shelf and put the hold slip in a shred box. -Discharge the book in Voyager -If the book belongs to another library, put the correct routing flag in the book and put the book in a blue mail tote.
*Note: if the book is from the Art library, or if the patron has several books on hold and only 1 or 2 have expired, it is ok to leave the books on the shelf for an extra day or two to give the patron more time to pick them up. There’s a good chance that patron is going to show up soon. ILL Books: We pull ILL books off the hold shelf the day after the due date on the jacket. -Write PNP (patron never picked up) on white ILL jackets. -Discharge the book in Voyager (this gives it “in-transit” status) and put it in the green mail tote. *Note: Disregard the expiration date on the hold slip for ILL books. Also disregard the “pull from hold shelf” date on the jacket. The only date we use is the due date. Walks around the library user areas to pick up stray books, tidy up study areas, and monitor patron activities. Every two hours a front desk staff member should take a walk around the library. -Inform your coworkers that you are leaving so that they know to cover the desk. -Walk- around the entire library and observe the library’s user areas. Observe patron behavior and notify the Operations Manager if you see anything questionable (i.e. someone damaging books, etc.) -Push in chairs that are away from the desks. -Pick up stray books that you find on tables or ends of shelves and bring them back to the service desk. -Count the stray books that were found and write the number on the statistics sheet hanging between the service stations. -Discharge the books and sort them on to the re-shelving carts. -Watch for pop ups and give any books with a “lost”, “missing” or “claims returned” status to the Operations Manager. *Note: don’t discharge reference books! Just record on stat sheet and re-shelve in the reference area.
Other Daily Tasks: Checking in newly received books/ journals: New books come to us through the blue and green bins that are delivered twice per day. Books with any of the following flags get sorted on the shelves near Ann’s desk with the corresponding flag.
Once Ann has processed the new books, she puts them on the bottom shelf of the new book staging area. Regularly check this shelf for new books and use the following procedure to check them in. At a front desk station, 1. Look up the call number on the book in the online catalog. a. Make sure that the call number brings up the book that is in your hand b. Also check that same call number does not bring up more than one book in the online catalog 2. Click on the title and check the following things by comparing the book to the onlin-
a. On title page verify: title, author, publisher, place of publication and year of publication b. Check number of pages 3. At the bottom of the record in the online catalog a. Check that the location is “Art & Architecture” b. Check that the call number includes “folio” if the book’s label is folio. (same for Oversize or DVD) 4. If everything matches, then complete the following steps. a. Discharge the book in Art circulation b. Put the book on the shelves (by Ann’s desk) standing upright with the other new books. Note: We DO NOT need to sensitize the books. New books should already be sensitized when they come to us through the bins.
5. If you see any errors, please give the book to Ann and show her the error you found. 6. Once there are 3 shelves of checked in books, let the Operations Manager know. Wait to switch out books from the shelves to new book area until Fine Arts Librarian or Operations Manager gives the OK.
Other Daily Tasks: Missing books & searches When we are unable to find a book for a patron, fill out a green missing book card with the book’s information (author, title, call number) and the patron’s name and email address. Put the card on the Operations Manager’s desk. Once the manager has verified the book is missing, it will be moved into an active search. All green cards that are on active search are located in the box on the shelf behind the Operations Manager’s desk. Often time books that are missing are actually mis-shelved somewhere in the library. We will search for these items regularly over the course of 1 year. To organize our search efforts over that time, we use a checklist to guide us through the steps of the search. Complete these steps thoroughly. Emptying shred boxes and recycling boxes There are two shred boxes in the office – a small one on the hold shelf and a large one by the scanning station. All papers with patron information must go in one of these shred boxes. When you see the small shred box on the hold shelf getting full, empty it into the large shred box by the scanning station. When the large shred box is completely full, place the lid on top and wrap tape around the box to securely close it. Write “Shred” on all 4 sides and place it on the work table near the delivery bins. Bruce will take it with him on one of his next trips. Get an empty copy paper box from the closed stacks and place it where the previous box was located. There are two recycling bins for non-sensitive papers. They are located under the service desk and behind the office door nearest the phone. All types of paper (i.e. newspaper, copy paper, colored paper, etc.) can be mixed together now that KU has single stream recycling. These bins can be emptied into the large blue recycling containers in the closed stacks. Stocking and tidying the front desk and office areas We want to keep the front desk and the office in a stocked and tidy state to facilitate easy use and a professional appearance. -Pick up loose papers left out on desk tops. If you see any scrap papers with patron information on it, move them to a shred bin. Other papers without sensitive information and newspapers can be moved to a recycling bin. -Throw out any trash (usually food wrappers) left on the work desk in the office. -Tidy the handouts that sit in front of each work station and at the end of the counter. Let the Operations Manager know if any handouts are running low so more can be made. -Check that the teacups by each computer have scrap paper and pencils in them and refill if needed. -Check that the stapler, pencil holder, and scrap paper basket at the end of the counter all have sufficient supplies in them. Restock any supplies that are low (staples and pencils are in the supply closet, scrap paper is in the closed stacks). -Use a dusting cloth (located below the refrigerator) to wipe up any crumbs or dust. Shake out over a trash can and then put it back under the fridge. If dusting cloth is too dirty to be used again, throw it out. -Clean up sink area (wash dishes, put away clean dishes, stock coffee) Refilling paper in the printers and fax machine During certain times of the semester, paper can run low quickly. Check paper levels and add more paper if needed in the office printer, fax machine, and the public copier. Copy paper is located in the closed stacks. Load the bottom tray of the office printer and the fax machine. For the public copier, load paper into the rectangular box that sits to the right of copier. It can hold several reams. Do not load paper into the trays of the actual copier.
Customer Service and Research Tips: Customer service for the front desk Our goal is to create a friendly, welcoming, and neutral environment for patrons. We employ several core values to ensure positive and effective customer service experiences. Approachable: Remain attentive and available to patrons, even while doing other tasks, such as homework. Look up when people walk in the library or approach the desk and completely put away anything you were working on to give the patron your full attention. When people walk in the front door, look up and greet them with a smile or friendly “hello!” Impartial: So that patrons feel they can freely pursue their research interests or ask for help with sensitive scenarios (such as fines or damaged books), we don’t comment or offer personal opinions on patron’s research interests or their questions. Anticipate user’s needs: Look for people who seem like they might need some help (i.e. they walk in the front door and stop, or you see someone walking back and forth across the library). Ask them “Can I help you with anything?” Offer up services that patrons may not know we offer, such as holding books behind the desk for their convenience, etc. Accommodating: We want patrons to perceive our desk as a place where they can easily get help. For some people it is hard to ask for help, so we make the process easier by being friendly and accommodating every time we get a question, even if the question they ask is vague or is the same question you just answered a few minutes ago. Remember, this could be that patron’s very first interaction with this library and it will shape how they perceive us. “Full-circle” assistance: As you help someone, ask them if they’ve used whatever tool you are using to help them (i.e. the online library catalog). If not, show them what you are doing and explain as you go along. Always walk a patron to the stacks to help them find a book. We want to help educate our users so they can use the library’s resources independently as well as with our help. Wrap up interactions with an offer for more help, such as “let me know if you need anything else!” Smile! ☺ Phone protocol Answer the phone with a friendly and professional greeting such as “Art & Architecture library, how can I help you?” When putting someone on hold or transferring a call, tell the caller what you are doing before you do it. For example, “Do you mind if I put you on hold for a moment?” “Hold on one moment while I transfer you.” This helps clarify what’s happening to your caller and gives a professional tone to the interaction.
Customer Service and Research Tips: Privacy and confidentiality: Patron information is to be treated with respect and confidentiality. KU Libraries policies states that information regarding a patron’s library transactions will be protect by library staff and kept private. -Close out of the charge and discharge screens in Voyager and always remove hold slips from items. -Shred any documents with patron information on them. -Patrons and their requests should not be discussed outside of a professional context. -When discussing private information at the desk, do so in a lowered voice and directly with the patron (not from far away) -Never release information about another patron to other patrons. We can tell a patron when an item is due, but not who has it checked out (even if the patrons know each other!) -If you are unsure how to answer a question at the desk, get a supervisor for help. In some situations the Operations Manager can mediate between to patrons to facilitate access to materials. Reference Questions: Many of the research questions we get at the service desk can be resolved just by knowing some of the in’s and the out’s of how the library works. Tips and Tricks to help someone find books: Because Library of Congress call numbers group books by subject, it is easy for patrons to browse a section and find books that fit their interests. We just have to help them find the right section of the library. Search the online catalog using their topic as the keyword. If they give you a broad topic, like “contemporary design,” ask them if there is a specific aspect of that topic they are interested in. They will often reply with a more specific topic, like “contemporary publication design”. You may need to try a couple of searches using different keywords to get good results. When looking at the results in the online catalog, look for titles that seem relevant to the patron’s topic. Often, the call numbers of the best titles will group together around one or two areas in the library. That’s because the first two lines of a call number describe the subject of a book (see image below) and some topics may fall in more than one subject area.
The different sections of the LC call number represent the subject, author, and date of publication. Images courtesy of Honolulu Community College
Customer Service and Research Tips: Write down the call numbers for the patron and walk them out to the right spot in the library. If they are finding good resources in those sections, remind the patron to check the same sections on the folios side, especially if they need books with nice pictures! If someone isn’t having luck finding books on their topic, we can also help them look for journal articles and other resources in our electronic databases. An easy way to search part of this content is through the “primo” search box which is on the KU Libraries home page (the big search bar at the top). We can try the patron’s keywords in this search box as well. If you get stuck or the patron’s topic is complex, grab the Operations Manager for help. For complex questions about in-depth research in Art, Architecture, and literature, please give the patron the business card for the Fine Arts Librarian (currently Andi Back) who is the subject specialist in these areas. Answering questions: Troubleshooting someone’s question can be tricky because often times they are not really sure what they are asking for. Sometimes we need to ask follow-up questions to lead the person to their actual question. Here are some customer service tricks to try in these situations. If you are still unsure how to help the patron, call over a supervisor for additional help. 1. Ask clarifying questions such as, “is this something you requested through the online catalog?” “Is this something your professor put on reserve?” 2. Ask open ended questions, such as: “Can you expand on that”, or “could you give me an example” 3. Ask them to elaborate by asking if there is a specific artist, artwork, or aspect of the subject that they are researching. 4. Paraphrase the patron’s question by repeating back what the patron said in their words without adding thoughts or questions of your own. This lets the patron know that you have heard them correctly, and helps them to hear their own question. Often this will prompt them to elaborate. Triggers for supervisor intervention: The following topics need special handling and should be directed to a supervisor. Please notify a supervisor when a patron needs help with: -Lost books -Fines (Ok to give information on how to pay, but questions about how much, etc. need more research and should be directed to a supervisor) -Missing books -Reserves -Library policies -If someone is upset or irate. A supervisor can also help with any other complex questions that come up. It’s always ok to ask a supervisor for help!
Additional Resources
Definitions & Additional tips: Art Circulation: This location is used to charge/discharge items that can leave the library (reserves with yellow stickers, ILL’s with white jackets, and items out on the shelves in the library) Art-NO: This location is used to charge/discharge items with no overnight use (reserves with red stickers, headphones, closed stacks items, ILL’s with blue jackets). When using Art-NO we do not desensitize the item because it will not be leaving the library Auction catalogs: KU has an extensive collection of auction catalogs from large art dealers such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s. They are housed in Anschutz on the first floor and are not accessible to the public. Please direct requests for auction catalogs to the Operations Manager. Blocked accounts: Patrons with over $80 in fines cannot check out books, renew books, or make ILL requests until they resolve their fines. If the patron has additional questions, please get the Operations Manager for assistance. Book drop: Sometimes the book drop can get very full. In this case, we can either take totes outside to fill and then carry inside, or we can even bring the rolling bin from the book drop inside the library through the delivery door. When moving the book drop bin inside the library, be very careful because the sidewalk is sloped and a loaded book bin can be very heavy. Book drop lock: The lock can sometimes stick and not lock correctly. Always double check that the book drop door is locked by twisting the handle after relocking the door. BookEye scanner (overhead): if the screen is showing the desktop, try re-opening the scanning software by clicking the KIC icon on the desktop with the mouse inside the case. If you need to restart the BookEye, turn off the scanner using the button on the front (turns red), then turn off the CPU inside the case. Turn the scanner back on and wait until voice says “scanner starting” then turn the CPU back on. Borrowing loan periods: undergraduates and resident borrowers = 6 weeks w/ 5 online renewals; grad students, faculty and staff = 4 months w/5 online renewals. DVDs 1 week with 1 online renewal. CallSlip: Also called a hold or retrieve from shelf request. Made by a KU patron for a KU item.
Additional Resources Collection Emergencies: Since the library is in the basement of a building we need to remain watchful for water leaks from severe rain or building equipment. In case of small leaks, supplies with absorbent “snakes” for soaking up water are in the coat closet in the office and more supplies are in a plastic tub underneath the work table behind Ann’s desk. For emergencies that threaten the collection, call Ann Snow as the primary contact. Andrea and Jeromy can also be contacted as back-ups. Community Access workstation: Patrons who are not KU students can access the library’s online resources through the Community Access Workstation. The patron must get a ticket from the front desk. Each and ticket is for one hour of computer use. If no one is waiting to use the station when the hour expires, we can give the patron a 2nd ticket if needed. No one should use the station for more than 2 hours per day, unless the Operations Manager has granted special permission (only for legitimate research). Let the Operations Manager know if tickets are running low. Damaged books: If you find evidence of damage to KU items, please notify the Operations Manager or give the items to the Operations Manager if it is not already checked out. Discharge slips: If a patron requests a receipt for discharged books, we have to change the setting in Voyager BEFORE discharging the item. In Voyager, go to Options -> Session Preferences -> then check the box for “Print discharge slips” and click OK. Discharge the book as usual and you will hear the office printer kick on. Give the printed discharge slip to the patron and then go back into your session preferences and un-do the discharge slip setting. If you already discharged the book before changing your settings, look up the book in the online catalog and print the book’s record (at the bottom it will show the item as discharged). Add your initials and the date to this print out and give to the patron. Document delivery: These are faxed requests for scans of KU items for a KU patron (usually requested by professors, but anyone can request this service). Must be 1 chapter/ article, less than 50 pages, or less than 10% of the book. Document Delivery cancellations: These cancellations can only be done by a supervisor because they require special handling. Do not cancel these requests. Fines: Patrons can dispute or appeal fines by contacting the Library’s business office (8-5, M-F) 785-864-4715 or email For questions at the desk about fines, please get a supervisor for help. Gifts: All gifts/donations must be approved by the librarian (Andi Back). When accepting the gift, write down the person’s name, phone number, email address, and whether they would like the items returned to them if we decide not to keep the items. Ask donor if they need a receipt for tax purposes. If so, fill out the gift receipt form (located under the service desk) and give to the donor.
Additional Resources Home delivery: Service for KU faculty, staff, authorized affiliates and students, who live outside of Douglas and Johnson Counties which allows delivery of library items to their home. Requests come through Callslip. More info here: home-loan-delivery ILL (Interlibrary Loan): This is a reciprocal service where KU agrees to send KU books to other libraries for their patrons to use, and in return those libraries agree to send books to KU when requested by our patrons. All ILL requests are handled by the Resource Sharing department at KU Libraries. ILL renewals: If a patron wants to renew an ILL, they must follow instructions on the ILL jacket. ILL’s with multiple volumes: If an ILL item on the hold shelf has multiple pieces/volumes, the patron must take all of the pieces/volumes when checking out. If we check one out, we check them all out. ILL’s returned without a jacket: If an ILL book is returned without a jacket, we cannot discharge it because it is missing the transaction number. Use the flag located below hold shelf called “ILL Returned w/o book jacket” and place the book in the green bin. KKU Lending loans: These are faxed requests for a KU item to be sent through ILL to a non-KU patron. Lending articles: faxed request for a scan of a KU item for a non-ku patron. Locker checkout: The binder with the list of reserved lockers is below the service desk. Ask the patron for their ID and write down their information in the binder. Pick a lock from the box of locks under the printer and write that information on the patron’s line in the binder. Walk patron over to the lockers in room 104 and help them choose a locker that isn’t already reserved. Write the locker number in the binder. Show them how to use the combination lock and explain the guidelines for locker use. Lost books: If a book is “lost” hit CANCEL on the pop-up, and place the book on Andrea’s desk with a note, even if it is not an Art Library book. Lost & found: If you find things left behind in the library, place the items in one of the lost & found drawers at the service desk with a note showing the date found. If the item has personally identifiable information on it, please give it directly to the Operations Manager. Valuable items (cell phones, jewelry, etc) and KU cards must be given directly to the Operations Manager for special handling.
Additional Resources Mail totes: Blue: Transports returns and callslips for other libraries (Watson, Anschutz, Music, Engineering, Law), campus mail, and books for other library departments (cataloging, conservation, etc.) Green: Transports books to Resource Sharing/ILL department (ILL’s returned by patrons, books being sent out for ILL, Annex items, Edwards items, callslips with pick up location of zTripSaver and zHomeDelivery) Microfilm/microform viewer: The viewer can load both film and reel formats. Instructions to use the viewer are in the handbook next to the viewer. Prints are free. New periodicals: The newest issues for some of our journals are highlighted on the new periodical shelf, located next to the new book shelf. These issues will all have a blue dot on the cover to show that they belong on the new periodical shelf. Pamphlet file: This collection lives in room 103 in the file cabinets. Each file folder contains small pamphlets and brochures that we have collected for specific artists or institutions. Items in the pamphlet file do not leave the library, even if it has a barcode on it. The files show up in the online catalog with the call number of “Pamphlet File”. Printing: The quick print station and all the user work stations in the library print to the public MFD. The service desk stations print to the office printer. To send a print job to the public MFD from a laptop, or any computer, go to -> web print -> submit a job (note all web print jobs print single sided and in black & white). Printing funds: KU patrons can add money to their Beak’Em Bucks account by recharging their card online ( -> finances -> recharge your card -> make a payment) or using the cash to card machine on the 4th floor of the union across the street. Non-KU patrons must purchase a printing voucher over at Watson library or Anschutz library. Printing problems: To report problems with papercut (the window that shows your printing account balance) loading on the public work stations or with the copier (MFD), call Rose Winters (4-0455) during M-F, 8-5, and on weekends or evenings call IT (4-8080). If a patron was incorrectly charged for a mi-print, they can request a refund (see printing refunds below). If the MFD goes down and patrons are unable to wait until it is repaired, we can print urgently needed documents on the office printer. Have them save the doc to a flash drive (either their own or one of ours) and print the document for them from the service desk station. Printing refunds: Users charged incorrectly for things not printed or misprints can request a refund at -> recent print jobs -> then click on “request refund” on the print job line. Give them a handout on the service desk if they need to see the steps.
Additional Resources Proxy patrons: If a patron would like to allow someone else to borrow books on their behalf (usually a spouse, TA, etc.) they can designate a proxy. They will need to complete the proxy form (in the forms drawer at the service desk) and return the form to the circulation desk at Watson library. Purchase request: Any library patron can make a request for KU Libraries to purchase materials that we don’t already own. Requests are made online at this link: https://lib. Reduce size of scan: Convert or save file as a PDF. Open in Acrobat and choose “Save as other” then “Reduced size PDF”. Reserve requests: Professors wanting to put items on reserve must contact the Operations Manager. If they bring books down to the library for reserve, please write down the professor’s name, the class number, and the loan period they would like for the items (2 hr w/no overnight, 2 hr w/overnight, 24 hr, or 1 week). Place the books and the note on the Operations Manager’s desk with your initials and the date. Security Gate: The security gate goes off for many reasons. Have the person come back over to the desk and offer to re-desensitize any KU books or check out any KU books that the patron forgot to check out. Cell phones, laptops, books from other libraries, used textbooks, or groups of people passing through at once can all set off the gate as well. If we can’t identify the reason the gate went off, just let the person go through. In the rare event that someone tries to run out the gate with library books, do not pursue them. Get a good description of the person and make a report to public safety. Scanning requests: Professors and students who would like a scan from a KU book must submit the request through WebRetrieve. If the patron feels a special exception should be made, they will need to contact the Operations Manager. Trouble finding an article: Sometimes scan requests are sent out by a patron with incorrect citation information. If we can’t find an article with the information provided on the request, try doing a google search for the article. Also try searching in a couple of electronic databases. If no additional information can be found, give the request to a supervisor with note “can’t find” on the request. Tripsaver: This is a service that KU faculty & staff can use to have library items delivered to their office. Requests come through Callslip. More info here: request/tripsaver
Additional Resources WebRetrieve: This is the online service that patrons use to make ILL and document delivery scan requests. If it is their first time logging in, they need to click on “Create an Account” (it is very quick and easy to make an account). Link for WebRetrieve site is: https:// What to do when Voyager goes down: Notify IT (4-8080). Use the manual charge form in the card catalog drawers at the front desk. Check if book is non-circulating. For books that can circulate, fill out the manual charge form as follows: the patron’s name, barcode number (last 8 digits of KU ID number), book title, call number and last 5 digits of the book’s barcode. Keep all manual charge forms together. Collect returned books on a separate book truck and label with a note “Books to be discharged” When Voyager comes back online: Give the manual charge forms to the Operations Manager. Wait to discharge the returned books until the Operations Manager gives the OK and back date if needed. What to do when the Internet is down: Notify IT (4-8080). If the internet is down, then it is likely that Voyager will be down too (see procedure for when Voyager is down). Also, with the internet down, then KU’s automated emergency notification system will be down as well. If a fire alarm goes off, we need to call 911 to notify them of the alarm. Workaround for KU Borrowers without their KU cards: If a patron doesn’t have their KU card, we can accept a government issued photo ID (Driver’s license, passport, military ID, state ID). Look up the person by name in Voyager. Make absolutely sure you select the correct patron record! If needed, ask them to verify another piece of information such as middle name or email address to make sure you have chosen the right record. If they don’t have a KU card or a government issued ID, get a supervisor for additional help. If no supervisor is available, offer to hold the books behind the desk for 24 hours. Write the patron’s name and the date on a piece a scrap paper and put it with the books on the hold shelf.