7 minute read
Kharkov city analysis

City analysis Tutor: Petr Navrat Subject: Urban Planning
Alex Yeloyeva Semester: winter 18/19 ARCHIP

1. 1654 - 1765 - cossacks period

2. 1765 - 1860s - the development of Kharkov as an administrative, trade, craft and cultural center of the Sloboda- Ukrainian province.

In 1765, Kharkiv became a provincial town - the center of the Sloboda-Ukrainian province. Since 1835 - the center of the Kharkov province/ region. In 1787- the City Duma began its work. At this time, under the leadership of the provincial architect P. Yaroslavsky, a student of the famous Russian architect V. Bazhenov, work was done on drawing up plans for building up the city.

Kharkov university, 1805
3. Middle XIX - 1917 - Industrialization

Rope factory exterior. 1890sRope factory interior. 1890s
Kharkiv is becoming one of the largest economic centers of the country. Factors that have a direct impact on the economic growth of Kharkov are the development of the city as a transport hub, and the abolition of serfdom. Since 1858, “exemplary projects” have been abolished, architects and customers have complete freedom in choosing a style. Eclectic buildings appear in the style of pseudo-gothic, neoclassicism, in the “Russian” brick style and in the new “modern” style.

First electro-station, 1997

Hours tram, 1882

City master plan 1903
4. 1917-1934 - first capital

Realised parts of city master plan of 1934

1930 - Tractor factory

1930-32, Residential quarters of the first phase of the construction of the social city “New Kharkov”.

1935 - bird eye view on new main square district
5. 1941 - 1948 - The period of war, occupation and post-war reconstruction of the city.

1941 - air-shot of city before occupation

1943 - main square during occupation
6. 1948-1991 - Soviet Kharkov

1950 - air-shot of “Pavel’s field” district

1970s - Aleksyevka
1966 - Lenina avenue

986 - Saltovka

986 - University hill from east

1986 - Rose Luxemburg square
7. 1991 - 2018 - Independent Ukraine

7 main city directions

contrastgrey city with bright houses
all the layers behind illusion of emptiness

Alex Yeloyeva D. O. B. 25.01.1998 P.L.B. Voronez, Russia Nationality: Ukrainian
Contact +420 608 953 021 +38 067 57 17 123 alex.yeloyeva@gmails.com
ARCHIP Masters’ in Architecture and Urbanism 2018 - present
ARCHIP Bachelors’ in Architecture 2015-2018