Issue 2 - Matrix Revelations

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ISSUE#02-Q4.2011 the official alfa-matrix magazine


PSY’AVIAH [introspection I extrospection]

PSY'AVIAH . introspection - extrospection [2CD box] Belgian trio PSY'AVIAH do it again on this 4th album on which they provocatively and deliberately blend eclectic music genres and modern styles, fusing laid-back moody piano songs, upbeat technorave, dark elektro or yet female fronted EBM-pop. Isn't it what we should call futuristic wave pop? Featuring guest vocals by Kari Berg ex-ASHBURY HEIGHTS) and MISERY.

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editrix From the bottom of our heart: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL! And sorry for not having been able to reply individually to each and every message of congratulation that we have received from all over the world... In all honesty, when launching the 1st issue of the official Alfa Matrix magazine this past summer, we had never thought that "Matrix Revelations #001" would have been read in only 3 months by no less than 10.435 unique readers, and a total today of over 1.343.000 page views! 3 months later, we are knocking at your door with our #002 issue in which the interactivity with the fans progressively started to take shape, and we also added new sections to meet some of the requests we received... Besides the creation of this label magazine we decided to also celebrate Alfa Matrix's 10th anniversary by offering to you, for a limited time only the FREE anniversary compilation "Matrix Downloaded 001". Simply click "Like" on our Alfa Matrix Facebook page at to dowwload the compilation! Some 34 tracks including many, many rare or previously unreleased songs!!! Have a look! 01. PSY'AVIAH . ok * 02. ESSENCE OF MIND . in the night (edit) * 03. STRAY . miles from here * 04. DISKONNEKTED . atlantis (re:discovered) * 05. AYRIA . blue alice (DEAD WHEN I FOUND HER mix) * 06. VIRGINS O.R PIGEONS . gotta get mad * 07. SIVA SIX . faileth stars 08. MALAKWA . monster (KANT KINO mix) ** 09. DUNKELWERK . kommt (short cut) * 10. HAUSHETAERE . hetaere (exclusive AM version) * 11. AIBOFORCEN .shadows * 12. 32CRASH . the man who came from later * 13. HALO IN REVERSE . into it * 14. I:SCINTILLA . swimmers can drown 15. STAR INDUSTRY . heart man angel (single edit) ** 16. RAZORFADE . clear shining (radio edit) * 17. TECHNOIR . shapes (rough mix) * 18. IMPLANT feat. LEAETHER STRIP . lord knows I tried * 19. PLASTIC NOISE EXPERIENCE . electronic bodies (long edit) * 20. POUPPEE FABRIKK . symptoms (disease mix) * 21. ARMAGEDDON DILDOS . high * 22. DIFFUZION . dbd (while u can) * 23. KANT KINO . owner of this house lives here (club mix) * 24. FREAKANGEL . my darling bullet 25. SCHWARZBLUT . schlusspoetiek * 26. KRYSTAL SYSTEM . nuclear winter (north star side) * 27. UNTER NULL . godless (DEDMAN Mix) ** 28. ACYLUM . your pain v2.0 * 29. AMGOD . hospitalism [jactatio corporis] * 30. MENTALLO & THE FIXER . legion of leper (re-edit) * 31. NEIKKA RPM . warped (version 2) * 32. KOMOR KOMMANDO . the factory incident (IVARDENSPHERE mix) ** 33. HELALYN FLOWERS . e-race generation (STUDIO-X mix) * 34. ALIEN VAMPIRES . won't see ya even in hell * Rendezvous here in the beginning of 2012 for our next issue and more news, gossip and revelations about our artists' musical endeavours present and future. Your Alfa Matrix Team benoĂŽt blanchart . bernard van isacker . seba dolimont code: alfa matrix genesis: august 2001 target: connecting hearts & brains trademark: electronic music with attitude credo: together we are stronger operational HQ: brussels . belgium

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a retro-futuristic playground...


ow difficult is it for you to find enough time to work on a project like 32CRASH next to all your musical duties? JL. One can always find time provided there is a strong motivation behind the chosen activity. I always prefer to have too little time rather than too much, it forces me to remain short, direct and simple. J. 32CRASH finds me. Sometimes new ideas pop up by ten times the speed of light, so having no time is not an option. L. It's not an option, it's an issue. There is only so much you can do in a day. I think we all invested a lot of free time in this album. And I'm happy I didn't waste that time on something else.

measures or unusual song structures, weird effects, extreme tempo´s or a layer of fucked up ukuleles, anything is possible. L. The freedom and 'fun' that is felt on the album, is something of a unique feeling for me. Although it took 4 years to make this album, it was a blast doing it. And it even formed us more as a band than the sum of the individuals. And I think that the freedom is part of the formula that makes it work. JL. We feel like a real band indeed, because that is what we are. And as for freedom and fun, yes , that would describe it quite well. The album has many dark sides, but there is a lot of humour and irony in it also. And, most of all, working in that band is a real treat.

I have the feeling though that 32CRASH is more than just a “side-project” in the traditional sense of the word. I have the feeling that it's the place where each of you finds the opportunity to experiment at will, without boundaries, to let your imagination go berserk. The album breathes freedom and “fun”? Am I wrong? J. It is a true playground. Odd

Jean-Luc, Where do you find all these kinds of crazy influences, ideas and references… Sometimes I have the impression when listening to the album that it's a new form of futuristic art, a bit like what comics are bound to be tomorrow? Is there a real scenario behind each album or are they more a collection of sonic postcards? JL. There is an elaborate real


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scenario, like a storyboard, for most of the songs - that's an old F242 habit that I gladly share with each of my musical partners because it really works. We spend a lot of time piling up ideas and trying to imagine in details what the world in 100 years could be, what the situation would be, the dangers, the outcomes, the challenges. We find inspiration in sci-fi in general, in the state of the world today, in many forms of art… Are you all really into all these sci-fi movies and literature stuff, or is it only a part of your personal interests and part of the 32CRASH concept itself after all? L. Jean-Luc and I are really into this sci-fi stuff. Many phone calls and studio-sessions start, end or are interrupted with : 'You know what I read yesterday?' or 'I found a comic you must read'. We are easily getting Jan into the same level of enthusiastic craziness by feeding him 'must reads', or forcing him to sit through a conversation in a car while driving to a concert. I also think the inspiration can't run dry. There is so much room for 'anything-goes' when dealing with sci-fi. The main idea will always

electronic music with attitude

interview remain that the future isn't that bright. If we read in a newspaper they discovered a solid diamond planet, we start talking about a race of two corporations trying to land on it first. Keep in mind, sometimes it is a long drive to a concert (laugh). JL. Don't get us wrong we are not sci-fi geeks, there are many other topics we are interested in also. My favourite author is John Varley, and there are 5 sci-fi movies in my top 10.

for journalists and audiences. I thought what matters was to make a good album (laugh). J. It´s not what we put in the blender, it´s what comes out after we flipped the switch. We don´t really beg to differ, but when the work is done we realize that often we do.

How easy is it for you to bring the 32CRASH concept on stage and render visually the overall feel of the project? L. We have Peter (Borg) Mastbooms doing live visuals now. And this sure helps to create the atmosphere we want to create. We are currently fine-tuning the visuals after a first tryout at NCN this year. We'll get there for sure. JL. It's quite easy to bring the songs on stage as they are direct and rather compact. We add pictures that are an obvious illustration of the contents, and I don't think the live formula needs more…


So... What is your mental image of an alien? Something invisible? Alien or E.T.? (laugh) J. I just hope it´s something I can have sex with. JL. There are many types of aliens. Each species looks very different, and globally they are not worse than us, which however makes them very dangerous when they master advanced technologies. In front of an alien holding a laser gun and considering you as an insect, you are in serious trouble. L. My mental image of an alien is a guy in Brussels that runs a record label and constantly asks people to stay connected. It's more scary than the BORG if you ask me.

I heard some people were shocked to see the album was counting 20 songs… Some could even say: better focus on the 12 best songs and offer the perfect album rather than 20. What is your answer? JL. That's a question for Len. I would make albums with 8 songs, no problem! J. We had over 30 songs, but only 20 survived the selection. Come to think of it, I´m surprised we only had 30 songs after 4 years. We should do better next time. L. See it as a homage to THE RAMONES! The truth is that we all wanted to delete tracks that the other one really wanted on the album. A long democratic process (a Belgian specialty) resolved eventually in a compromise to release 20.

What's on your schedule for the next months? Live shows? JL : We will play on weekends in several European countries, and might go to North America at some point. L. We recently joined Pluswelt. We hope to play as many shows as possible in the next months / year to get the madness going. We also started working on some new songs. The story and fun will continue...

Musically, 32CRASH enjoys blending 80's wave with a punkish touch, but still in a total electronic environment and some references to the Belgian EBM roots. You're not making life easy to journalists describing your sound, do you? Isn't it difficult for music fans to identify themselves with your music style? JL. I think that, no matter the style / type / definition of the music, people can always connect to good songs, and I think we have many. L. I didn't know you had to make music in one style

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A clash of genres / a generation thing?


hat I love about PSY'AVIAH is how you guys always manage to surprise the listener. Never resting on your laurels but always daring to push your artistic limits. Experimenting, growing, exploring... You are very eclectic in your influences I presume? E. I like many genres of music, almost all actually. As a teenager I was a total rock-chick, but when I met Yves I learnt there was so much more. At first I got very into electronic music, but today I am in love with almost all genres out there. Y. I listen to a lot of different music, and this is indeed reflected in our music. I mean, this time we explored and expanded our sound with a clash between rave & hip-hop,


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electro versus reggae and of course elements of ebm, pop and rock have always been the core of what we do. What use would it be to repeat oneself? We do have a certain “sound”, but we do not try to limit ourselves in the genres we explore within that sound and, what do genres mean in today's world anyway? Would I be wrong if I interpret this new album as having two faces? The "Introspection"' part with slower moody songs, piano lines and emotional female vocals, and "Extrospection" revealing a very club oriented face of PSY'AVIAH? Y. Exactly. I didn't realize it yet, but you pointed it out right. The reason we chose the title was in fact

because of the lyrical themes, they are both focused on exploring the intimate and personal world, whilst also raising questions in the global space. But your description fits the bill as well, tracks are indeed varied between slow / moody to harsh, electro, rave. The exclusive bonus disc of the album "Retrospection" is very dance rave oriented. And it works very well actually. A surprising evolution from you while the previous record was maybe a bit more electric oriented? E. Dance and rave are some of the genres that make me a bit nostalgic. We grew up with this kind of music, and even though back then we weren't old enough to go out to clubs

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interview and party down to these particular tunes, this music always made me long for the times that would one day come. I couldn't wait to go out, explore the world... and dance! Y. Yes, that disc mainly focused on the dance & rave, where remixes of NOISUF-X and SAM bring us to the more industrial rave aspect of it and RADICAL-G and BAK XIII give a rather more electro rave feel. And of course trance-legend M.I.K.E. (of PUSH and PLASTIC BOY) delivering a progressive mix for the track “OK”. We chose danceoriented remixes deliberately to provide a clubby atmosphere. Because our originals, though always dance and electro influenced, are more based around a song structure, these remixes bring along the club vibe. But "Retrospection" also brings the renditions (aka cover versions) by bands like CHAOS ALL STARS feat. MONA ROUKACHI, MISERY, NTRSN and LEAETHER STRIP. You once again collaborated with a bunch of artists, one more surprising than the other... How do you select your collaborations? Y. I'm a lot on soundcloud, facebook and I listen to various things. This means being exposed to the musical world, and it's a blessing, for you get to know a lot of interesting people. When I hear an interesting voice or sound, I contact those people and see what they would think of a collaboration, but I don't just select based on name or fame. It's always with an interest in their sound and to see how PSY'AVIAH would fit in there… Like you just mentioned, you also launched a big challenge by lining-up several bands who made complete reinterpretations of your songs!? Y. Yes. After the success of our previous remix contest, this time we wanted something different. That is, a remix contest, but with a twist! Simply because we were bored of

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doing just another “standard” remix contest… Thus remixers were given all the files except the vocal parts, meaning they had to team up with a vocalist, or make a cover version with their “band”. It was in the spirit of “breaking the traditional rules”, in that sense it's quite funny that the winners (CHAOS ALL STARS feat. MONA ROUKACHI) chose the song “Something Evil”. They also did “break the rules”, by completing a very well made music video for their entry. Fantastic what comes out of these contests! E. Definitely a very interesting project! I recommend it to every band. I really enjoy the way you constantly interact with your fans, through videos, contests, etc. You are really into modern ways of communication aren't you? E. I guess it's a generation-thing... This is the Era of the internet, social networks, etc. Online is where it's all happening. It is the perfect way to communicate and interact with just about anyone. So why not use this wonderful tool to play, discover and be creative? Y. I'm an analyst / developer of training, so I'm well adapted to new technologies. We indeed use them to our advantage. Interactivity and feedback is crucial, even if it sometimes turns out unexpected, it is a valuable asset. We really appreciate it when people reach out. The behind-the-scenes videos we make and post on our youtube are a means of showing how we work, what we do, etc. It seems like you put a lot of energy and effort into the videos for this new album. Any funny anecdote you want to share with us? Y. Videos are an extension of the story and sound of a song, you can dig deeper. The funniest moment, or most frustrating one, for me must have been when I spend ages on working on a stop-motion animation

for “Song Of Independence”… Damn, cutting out figures, drawing, animating, picture by picture, what a process! We shoot most of them ourselves, except the one for “Virtual Gods” is done by the talented “Duncan Catterall” of Amoebe Clockwork. I'd say check out our channel to find out about our vids! E. We planned to film the video for "OK" somewhere in the industrial area of our city; Antwerp. We tried various locations, seeking out very cold and 'industrial' sceneries. At some point we came across a small bank of withered long grass that waved so beautifully in the wind, with a pile of big rocks on the other side of this small terrain... And we ended up filming everything there, on a location we absolutely did not have in mind but eventually turned out to be just perfect for the atmosphere of the video. How much will this new album's sound influence your new live performances? Y. We will of course play the new songs, and as we did before, sometimes even invite guest vocalists on stage. But we always play a mix of our oldest, new and even sometimes unreleased tracks to keep things fresh & exciting for both the audience and us. What's next on your plate? Y. First of all promoting this album by videos and live performances, we're actually accepting bookings right now for the upcoming period, so feel free to spread the word or send in requests! There's also a lot of remixes we made, and are still making that will come out, for example GHOST & WRITER, renowned trip-hop band KOALA, SUICIDAL ROMANCE, AÏBORFORCEN etc. E. A fifth album, of course! And I'm planning on making a new video for one of the tracks on "Introspection/Extrospection". Which track... will remain a secret for now.

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Winter Cities

DIFFUZION . winter cities [2CD box] Armed with an overall solid club compatibility, the new DIFFUZION songs plunge you into an uplifting emotional depth where intelligent synthetic song arrangements enter in symbiosis with addictive melodies and the strong and sensual female vocals. Alternating harder industrial moments and lingering mid-tempo darkwave textures, "Winter Cities" will surprise you with its unique mixture of frozen electronic tones and haunting catchy vocals.

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aïboforcen “I'm not writing music to make people happy!”



years have already pasted since the “Kafarnaüm” album… Time is flying isn't it? We could have thought the project was dead. What have you been doing during all this time and was there any trigger that made you decide to come back with this 5th album now? B. Well, shortly after the release of the previous album (Kafarnaüm) many changes occurred in my life: I got married, became father and also more recently moved to a new house. In addition to a full-time job, my work with alfa-matrix didn't leave me much time any more to dedicate to my own music. So working on new tracks for aïboforcen never was a major

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interview priority during these 7 years. Nevertheless I never really stopped making music during all this time. I did a few tracks under the « SKANDA » name together with J3 from à;GRUMH... and I programmed several demo tracks. So I slowly gathered a collection of potential « songs » that needed vocals and a bit of work to become real « songs ». There was no pressure at all on my shoulders. And when we thought we had a decent collection of tracks for an album we started selecting the best one working on the final details… I was quite surprised to hear that “Dédale” is actually a sort of “logical” next chapter to what you have been doing with AIBOFORCEN. I mean, your fans will not be deceived by your current sound, you stayed faithful to the AIBOFORCEN concept overall? What changed in the AIBOFORCEN camp the last years and in your studio? B. It's always difficult to produce something completely different from your previous work. I have my particular taste for sounds and atmospheres and thus always come back to something that sounds like « aïboforcen ». I sometimes try to do something harsher but in the end I incorporate melodies as well. I like to offer a complex, dark and tense sound. I want to surprise the listeners either with unexpected structures, sounds and break. It's thus faithful to the aiboforcen style and rather close to the Kafarnaum album though a bit more polished here and there. The melodies (both vocally and musically) are also more worked out. As far as the studio is concerned it's pretty much the same: half hardware (nordlead,

electronic music with attitude

virus, jd800, sh303,...) and software (cubase and reason). P. I am much more involved in the vocals this time around, which I find very exciting, because I truly love the tracks and believe in the project. Wrex is more involved too simply because there are more tracks that include my lead vocals, and thus lyrics, recording, and even his own vocals here and there. Seba left the project for personal reasons as his life became extra busy. He is of course missed, but stays active in some of the decision making and ideas for AIBOFORCEN. He is pleased with the results of Dedale, which makes me so happy to hear. Patrice, you are also the leadsinger of REGENERATOR. How different is it for you to work on AIBOFORCEN and where do you place this project in your personal artistic priorities? P. It is quite different in several ways. Benoit makes the music and sends over the working tracks to us in their infant stages. Then Wrex writes lyrics, which he and I redefine together along the way when recording the vocals here in our home studio near Los Angeles. We then send back the vocals to Benoit and he pieces the songs together. It's really a nice collaboration and fun to get the final result back. It's a surprise each time when we hear the finished song sent back with my vocals placed. We are always pleased with the results! I enjoy each project very much, but I suppose REGENERATOR is my first baby. AIBOFORCEN has more of myself as the lead vocalist, although Wrex adds some too, so personally it is special and rewarding to me in that way. It's also nice singing together with artists such as Clause from Leaether Strip among others - and nice to make

those new relationships within the scene. AIBOFORCEN has indeed always enjoyed collaborating with many artists. I even have the impression that this aspect keeps growing album after album. How do you select the persons you want to work with. How does it all happen? Which are the next names on your wish list for future other collaborations? B. I always liked collaboration because it adds variety to the album. For me working with different vocalists is the opportunity to give the tracks the real feel I want: some more aggressive cuts, some more sensual and delicate touches. Like you know, the main vocalist on “Dédale” is Patrice Synthea (female vocalist in the US band REGENERATOR) who got more involved than ever on this new release (together with Wrex who did the lyrics and provided some vocals as well) but I had the great pleasure to record tracks with some other artists / singers I like very much. I just contacted them friendly through e-mail and most of the time got positive responses. Generally I choose to approach them because I think they have the right voice for the selected track and also because I like their bands of course. For instance we got guest vocals from Donna Lynch (Ego Likeness) Jennifer Parkin (Ayria), Dominik Van Reich (amGod), Claus Larsen (Leaether Strip), Claus Kruse (PNE) or yet Len Lemeire (Implant) or Tatiana (Diffuzion). I indeed have plenty of names on my wish list but these collaborations might never happen, who knows…Take people like Decoy from FADING COLOURS or Gregg Anthe (Morthem Vlade Art) for instance...

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When I hear some of your lyrics, the tone of the album is sometimes quite dark and pessimistic… I think for example of words like “Our golden dreams are dying, freedom is not for free”, “faith slips away like sand”, “is death our only cure”, “it hurts to wander throughout all history”, … Is our world so dark and we have no rescue?

graphical universe matching the theme and atmospheres of the album. This concerns the sleeve and booklet but also the limited edition box and the various extra features (like posters and cards...). It really helps building the atmosphere and the conditions to plunge into the album. I see it as a whole. The same counts for the album. We're maybe in contradiction with the current market that boosts club-minded stuff, singles and one-hit bands but I really wanted to have a real album. Not just a few good dance tracks and the rest being average tracks just present to fill the album.

the end of the tunnel. The end of the final track (featuring some children voices) shows an alternative solution. P. Ultimately it is this very quest that becomes the light. It begins within: only through acknowledging, understanding, and finally facing problems, even unto death, does one conquer. In the end, darkness flees from light, because the path to

P. If you look at the powers and principalities that rule by stealth, and how they view humanity and the planet, it is quite depressing. Crisis and conflict are being created in order to destroy personal and national sovereignty. By mass confusion, brainwashing, disorder and suffering, a mechanism (known as the Doomsday Machine) is gradually being imposed. The nefarious goal is for hopes and dreams to be placed in tyranny. The lyric "Is death our only cure?" is a question: it is up to each of us to find the answer. Actually, the world of today is far darker than I am capable of writing, but indeed our eventual future is perfectly optimistic. The album sounds like a travel in a labyrinth in desperate quest for the light throughout the darkness? Is this the concept behind it all? I'm not really sure you find the light in the end, do you? B. Yes indeed I see the album as a whole; kind of discovery travel through the dédale / labyrinth of your mind... It has maybe a larger cohesion both musically and lyrically than our previous efforts. The album also reflects the perception of the world we live in and our inner thoughts. This doesn't mean we're depressed or sad people... I'm not interested in recording and programming joyful music... We're not here to release music that will make people happy... others do that better than us! This does not mean there is no light at

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finding light begets knowledge of it. The opposite is also the case: if you ignore darkness (and thus serve it) the journey is full of woe, and the destination is nothingness. The album design perfectly fits and depicts the atmosphere of the album. How important was the design for you? B. The design is very important and needed to fit the concept of the album and illustrate the music as much as possible. We worked with talented designer Oliver Haecker ( who developed a

What's next now for AIBOFORCEN? Concerts? Remixes for others? A next album in 2018 (laugh)…? B. There will be a digital ep out rather soon featuring some exclusive tracks and collaborations among which a cover of Joy Division (She's Lost Control) with Claus Kruse from PNE. We're also working on a first video clip for the song “Light”. I might remix a few bands in the coming months as well. As far as concerts are concerned there is no plan since it would be too difficult (both financially and timewise) to come up with a professional show. Hopefully the next album won't take that much time but first we have to see the results from “Dédale”. P. I personally would LOVE to see some concerts happen. It would get Wrex and I over to Belgium and Germany, and that return trip for us is long overdue. It would be a blast to create these tracks onstage! Remixes are always nice to do for others. This would be up to Benoit and perhaps I could add a vocal backing which I like to do when REGENERATOR remixes others. Hopefully another album would be much quicker than the last. Ha! I'm so excited about the results of Dedale, that I am already anxious to continue!

electronic music with attitude

aïboforcen the new album, Dédale out 10.2011

1 disc-reg ed


elgium's AIBOFORCEN returns with their 5th album! Faithful to the band's sound trademark, "Dédale" offers a complex and modern mixture of eclectic electronic styles ranging from harsh elektro to catchy synth body music through dark trip hop with a certain future pop touch and that characteristic combination of harsh male growls and sensual female vocals which made their name. Mostly centered today around the intriguing personality of mastermind Benoit Blanchart and the enigmatic female singer Patrice Synthea (REGENERATOR lead singer), AIBOFORCEN once again could not resist collaborating with another astounding plethora of guest vocalists including Jennifer Parkin (AYRIA), Claus Larsen (LEAETHER STRIP), Dominik Van Reich (amGod), Xev (DIFFUZION) or yet Donna Lynch (EGO LIKENESS).

limited box edition

2-discs 2nd disc feat. exclusive tracks and collaborations + remixes by Acretongue, Celluloide, Kant Kino, Beati Mortui,...

free 8-cm mini-cd for 50 first online orders

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Dédal e

photos cards


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A giant mind-fuck! D

amn! Finally‌ the 3rd Neikka RPM album... So what's the deal? Why did you make us wait so long? Dominique: Easy there! It was all really just about

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electronic music with attitude

interview timing…all about the right time and right frame of mind. Plus, we got so freaking busy with all kinds of side projects especially with music for television. But just a delay, I always find my way back to my first love... Your first love, what was he like? You don't have to answer that. How would you describe your music evolution from your debut "Gemini Prophecies" to “Rise of the 13th Serpent” and now "Chain Letters"? Dominique: First love? I'm talking about the band…Well I think there are different sides of Neikka RPM but all the elements are there, we touch on heavy-hitting beats, trip "Chain Letters" took a turn for the “hard hitting” this time around. “Industrial N Beats still holds strong. Very cool, I also have the impression that the new album is more upbeat techno oriented...? Are you intentionally trying to kick ass? Dominique: Oh yes, very much so with my shiny leather high-heeled boot. Hurt me baby! Sexappeal, darkness and big beats... Is this what the Neikka RPM world is

electronic music with attitude

made of? How about those chains…whips too? Dominique: Um, I think maybe you should get your own whips and chains. Yes! Let's compare! I'll show you mine…if you show me yours. Dominique: Yeah, yeah definitely, when the next album comes out. But that could be at least a year from now? Dominique: Exactly. You keep entertaining this myth around you, Dominique. I think I read somewhere that you would be a famous actress or mannequin and was not revealing her real identity for this reason? Can you tell us more about yourself Dom? Can I call you “Dom”? Dominique: Sure “Dom” is OK. You should probably keep that info to yourself.

Hell yeah! (laugh) Well I also hear a guy singing on some of the new songs. Is it more a kind of experiment or a new direction in your work? Dominique: Richard is always yelling about something…but usually just talking to the wall. I figured I should just record it. Adding his voice is just part of the evolution. I see. Your albums have always been constructed around strong concepts... Tell us more about "Chain Letters"? Dominique: Absolutely, like chapters in book. The journey takes you deeper into the abyss...deeper... it is all a giant mind-fuck. What's next for Neikka RPM? Dominique: The next chapter.

OK, well the first time I discovered Neikka RPM, I had the impression that your whispered vocals were like subconsciously infiltrating my brain, very bewitched... Dominique: Yes, the songs were written all for you. I always wanted to whisper in your ear. You're very sexy.

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32CRASH Y2112Y

32CRASH . y2112y [2CD box] FRONT 242's lead-vocalist and his gang lead us through this 20-track album, depicting a detailed state of the World, in the year 2112. With this new 'Y2112Y' full length album, 32CRASH opens the door to a parallel 'music' universe where upbeat futuristic electronic tunes led by the unmatchable vocal talent of Jean-Luc De Meyer crash into electric wave vibes with a fresh minimal retro punk touch. A beautiful piece of art on which 3 human beings managed to bridge futuristic technologies with sonic experimentation, an extravagant concept and a strong vocal performance. An album that breathes freshness and freedom! Visit our e-shop:

Injecting sexuality into EBM...


our new album “Winter Cities” deals with isolation in an icy land… Is it the way you are feeling in Belarus? Tell us more about the album's concept? There can be many interpretations of Winter Cities. Yes, some parallels can be drawn with our reality here - some things seem like they are frozen, same with people. And the winter is always so long here - I often feel like I'm frozen myself. But in general I believe that many have had the feeling like you're trying to break through the wall of ice at least once in their life or have felt like they are surrounded by ice mannequins instead of living people. Most tracks were worked on last winter when we were disappointed with economic, political and social tendencies in our country and of course it had an effect on us and our work. How difficult is it for you to be an underground band in Belarus? I wouldn't call it difficult - we enjoy what we are doing. This music has never been mainstream in any country,

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though the problem here is that there are really few media that could help us with promotion. Few events take place. If to speak about performing outside our country - yes, there's a feeling that we are isolated taking into consideration visas and the fact that the average salary in our country is about 150 EUR. We didn't go further than Moscow, Kiev or Vilnius with live concerts. We are lucky to be signed with a European label that effectively promotes our music outside Belarus. Also, the Internet helps to widen the frontiers at least virtually. Although DIFFUZION still stands for a good balance between melodic choruses and harsher beats, the album is much more “club” oriented? Is it intentional? Statistically there are more slow- or mid-tempo tracks on the album than upbeat club oriented ones. Our intention was to make an album that could also be enjoyed outside the club. You are a female fronted band. 20 years ago, strong

EBM music was more reserved to males… How important is it for you to be a female-fronted band? Can we talk about a new “female movement”? I wouldn't place us among "classical" EBM bands like Front 242 or Nitzer Ebb. We are more like the result of EBM penetration into club culture or vice versa. I don't think it is appropriate to think about a new “female movement”, frankly speaking I don't know a single femalefronted EBM band (even taking into consideration very good ones) that could be able to compete with the best male bands. But we do add more diversity and sexuality to this scene (laugh). Something that caught my attention and teased my curiosity… Several songs on this new album are titles after letters only, “C.S.”, “Dbd”, “CY-27”…? What is their meaning and why using such abbreviations? "C.S." stands for Commander Shepard - the main character of the science fiction RPG/shooter Mass Effect. She's a real

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bitch and I enjoyed playing for her so much, I devoted her a song... CY-27 (SU-27) is a Russian supermanoeuvrable jet fighter (also known as Flanker), and I won't give comments about Dbd, because it's too silly (laugh). You also included several cover versions on this album‌ Why the need to cover other bands' songs? There are three covers indeed! One for DEPECHE

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MODE, we made an alternative mix of the version featured on Alfa Matrix's new tribute sampler... The second cover song is "Vogue". We actually first did that song for VICIOUS CRUSADE (the metal band I am singing in), but we liked it so much that decided to keep it for our DIFFUZION album too. We chose that song because we liked the message and the music. We also have our own track "Trapped" from the "Body

Code" album covered by our friends TILL IT BLEEDS on this album - I guess the same - they are just fond of this song. In general I believe that giving a new interpretation to something familiar and bringing your own vision into somebody else's music is always a challenging and highly interesting process which also helps you develop your own imagination and creativity in what concerns music.

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chain letters

NEIKKA RPM . chain letters [2CD box] "Chain Letters" holds true to the unique sound of New-York based act NEIKKA RPM: Their 3rd album offers a collection of techno grooves, hard-hitting EBM and complex break beat with a dark sinister flair. Dominique's slinky she-demon vocals seduce the soul while deep bass-lines and diabolic beats rip through the entire album.

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Hate us... We love it!


ou return with a new album e n t i t l e d "Karzinom". Does the title of the album say it all? The name of the album means nothing good to us actually... It's our current reality: Nadine was diagnosed with a tumour in her eye, which will be surgically removed in January 2012. That's why the word "Karzinom" is haunting our minds permanently and the album turned into a personal matter. Now you know where the album's name came from... Wouwh! I'm really sorry hearing this... Stay strong Nadine and I'm sure things will turn out fine. I must say that the themes you are dealing with on this new ACYLUM album are not the easiest ones! Rape, abuse, murder. You call it the "ACYLUM way of life"!! Is it pure provocation? Subjects like rape, abuse and

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murder are our concern as well. Don't get us wrong, that's not our way of life! We like to bring up topics like these to trigger public discussions. Those topics should neither be overseen, ignored nor covered up. But provocation is definitely our way of life and ACYLUM is proud of that. Your sarcastic sense of humour does not make you the most loved band on the dark elektro scene. How do

you feel towards this a n d y o u r uncompromised attitude? Yo u m i g h t b e surprised, but we are quite crazy and funny people. We know that most people think differently. (laugh) We are pleased to play the part of the "bad guys". No one else can say they're the most hated electro band. We find it funny and we can still laugh about ourselves. People shouldn't take everything dead serious all the time. Most of the fans won't do it either, we think. What does a song like "Deutsch" stand for? We knew that this song will start a big discussion again. Nearly 70 years after the end of World War II there's no need to point at us anymore. In our opinion it's time to stand up and say: we are Germans and proud of it. And NOOOOOOOOOO, we are not fascists. And YESSSSSSSSSS,

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we have friends from other countries like Turkey. There will always be dumb people who don't or won't understand the deeper meaning of our songs. They might call us fascists: but like many times before: we don't give a fuck! I find that the design of this album is extremely good and reflects the atmosphere of "Karzinom". How did you come to work with that designer? The designer for "Karzinom" was the same like for our other music project HAUSHETAERE art work: Bastart Worx. We really appreciate his work and would hire him again as soon as possible, because we are busy with the next HAUSHETAERE album... Check his great work on-line on this website: The new album is also available as a 2CD limited edition which includes the remastered version of your selfreleased debut album. How did you come up with that idea? And how do you yourselves experience the evolution of ACYLUM from

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'Your Pain" until "Karzinom". Which have been the major milestones in ACYLUM's career? Because of the big demand for the sold-out and long-time deleted album "Your Pain" we came up with the idea to rerelease the album as a bonus cd. An improved album of course, slightly altered plus unreleased tracks. We got better with every released album. "Karzinom" is finally an album as we had it in our minds. We're still proud of its ancestors, but this one is beyond belief and imagination. Rumours say that you are preparing to start performing live? Is this true? Can you tell us more? What can we expect from ACYLUM live? We're working on it, to bring ACYLUM on stage finally for our fans. Maybe we will play a few festivals in 2012, but it's still too early to be definite. We will keep you informed for sure! What's next for ACYLUM ? Our next project is almost ready actually. Nadine's Project AENGELDUST is about to be completed. The finishing touches to the debut album

"Freakshow" which should be released in 2012, but we still are working on how to release it. AENGELDUST is an industrial/hardcore project with In the plenty of noise. meanwhile we're working on the second HAUSHETAERE release as well. The ACYLUM machine is running full steam ahead!!!

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1 1 0 .2 0 .1 0 3 Y A D N SU









SD2011 POSTER A4 07.indd 1

8/09/11 11:35

ACYLUM . karzinom [2CD box] The ACYLUM duo strikes back and signs in with “Karzinom” its hardest and most uncompromising album to date. With a hardcore “fight-club” attitude, East-German sound terrorist Pedro Engel sets to attack the dark elektro scene with solid harsh beats, crunching distortion, sinister cinematic atmospheres, massive orchestral arrangements and intense harsh vocals, with the whole collection hammered by ACYLUM's now so “(un)popular” highly provocative lyrics. Lingering dark noise, dramatic heavy electronics and creepy melodic moments, the whole tempered by the contrasting bewitching female backing vocals of Nadine Cooraz Engel (HAUSHETAERE). Visit our e-shop:

matrix flashback [2011] I

n this section, we decided to introduce a kind of nostalgia feel into the Matrix by simply revisiting the label's repertoire year per year and this way progressively retracing the Alfa Matrix history in sound and image… Giving you the excellent opportunity to rediscover these good old releases!

Created in Brussels - Belgium in 2001, the Alfa Matrix label announced its label concept: an eclectic palette of sounds from bands playing electronic based music, a new approach in artists management and communication and a strong focus on direct contact and sales with the fans, plus the launch of the tradition of limited double-CD editions for most albums released on the label.


t was on August 17th 2001 when the label announced its first release with catalogue number AM1001CD (and AM2001DCD). The debut album of the American duo HUNGRY LUCY. This album is now totally sold out and a true collector item in its limited edition format! HUNGRY LUCY would later release 2 more albums and one EP on Alfa Matrix… HUNGRY LUCY apparitions: revisited [CD / 2CD dvd box] The American duo HUNGRY LUCY take you on a dark trip-hop journey hovering between melodic low-tempo electronics and ghostly emotional female vocals. The mysterious depth and subtle innocence of Christa Belle's sombre lyrics give a certain gothic twist to the modern electronic compositions. If comparisons will probably be made with Portishead or even Switchblade Symphony, the strong identity of Hungry Lucy makes them stand out as different and unique. The triphop rhythm arrangements are surrounded with lush melodic avantgardish orchestrations, creative electronic loops and shimmering atmospheres, while the catchy vocals delicately merge with the music. Their debut album "Apparitions: Revisited", released in Europe on Alfa Matrix, is a splendiferous symbiosis of emotions that can't leave you unaffected and can appeal to a rather wide audience (from the modern goth wave listener to the trip-hop goer through any romantic synth pop lover).



lmost a month later, on September 14 2001, the Belgian label dared to reveal another newcomerdiscovery, the German duo MNEMONIC (AM1002CD / AM2002DCD). An album clearly in contrast with HUNGRY LUCY which definitely confirmed the label's wide music scope! From then on, we all knew that one could expect the unexpected from the Matrix… A few copies of this album are still available via the e-shop, but the limited edition sold out quite fast and is another much sought after item today with its amazing aluminum fold paper design! MNEMONIC wouldl later release one more EP and album on Alfa Matrix. MNEMONIC identifikationsstörung [CD / 2CD dvd box + available on i-tunes & other digital platforms] It was around 1994 when the German band project MNEMONIC was initiated. After the release of several self-produced demo-CD's, they joined Alfa Matrix for the release of their debut album "Identifikationsstörung". They are an interesting and challenging mixture of newer Front Line Assembly with modern ambient industrial elements and a refined predilection for melodic power. Their biggest assets are for sure their unpredictable song writing attitude and their steady quest for new soundscapes and emotions that brought them comparisons with Autechre or yet Haujobb. Always ready to push away the virtual sonic frontiers, the cyber high-tech chameleons of MNEMONIC will freeze you with their intricate rhythm patterns, dense atmospheres and modern tunes hovering between power-ambient & new forms of EBM.

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n November 9 2001, label creators Benoit and Seba released their own AIBOFORCEN 3rd album "Sons Palliatifs". With catalogue number AM1003CD and AM2003DCD, this album is also almost sold out today. Only a few copies are left via from AIBOFORCEN's own archive collection, which even includes a couple of limited DVD box editions! Let's note that that album was also released by the band as a super limited carton box edition of only 30 copies… This album also was released in a Russian edition later.

AIBOFORCEN sons palliatifs [CD / 2CD dvd box + available on i-tunes & other digital platforms] The Belgian act AIBOFORCEN close with this new album the death-related trilogy they had initiated with the 2 previous releases "Elixir Lytique" & "Face (of) Death". Centred around a partially new line-up, the band reveals a more mature, characteristic and better mastered type of sound. "Sons Palliatifs" confirms their open-minded song-writing attitude as well as the complexity of their music arrangements: incorporating modern trip-hop beats, techno bleeps and heavily fused samplings, AIBOFORCEN inscribe themselves in the newEBM generation (future pop?) who intelligently marry power and energy with catchiness and melody. The album takes you on a dark trip through synthetic industrial/techno pop realms haunted by male/female vocals. Hovering between dancefloor tunes and music for tortured brains, the exploding diversity of this album makes its force and wealth. The album also features some highly praised guests like ICON OF COIL, FLESH FIELD, REGENERATOR or yet NEGATIVE FORMAT, as well as a cover version of THE CURE's "A Strange Day".


he last release of the label's first year of existence: "War" REGENERATOR's 5th album came out on November 26th 2001 after some prestigious releases on labels like Hyperium and Synthetic Symphony/SPV, the American duo joined the Belgian label for several new releases… Released some th weeks after September 11 tragedy, and although it really had nothing to do with the events, the promotion campaign for this album generated some emotional reactions from short-sighted individuals… Almost sold-out, some last copies of this album (AM1004CD / AM2004DCD) are still available via the label's e-shop:

REGENERATOR war [CD / 2CD dvd box + available on i-tunes & other digital platforms] The American duo Regenerator returns with their 5th full length album in which they express nothing less than the simple emotion of "War". This is perhaps the band's darkest and most emotionally triumphant effort to date, but it's definitely the most club-minded and catchy work they have ever written. With spiritual and physical conflicts as core subject, "War" is an album of rich rhythm and haunting atmosphere, which evokes contemplation yet urges people to the dancefloor... for battle! Regenerator's characteristic male / female seductive vocals beautifully enter in symbiosis with their enticing melodies, carrying synth lines and pumping groundbreaking industrial beats. Tuneful songs like "Shores Of Forever", "Faith", "Nowhere" or yet the surprising cover version of Psychedelic Furs' "Love My Way" will get you singing along in no time; while pumping tracks like "God Is On My Side", "Blink" or the harsh industrial club mix of "War" will make you dance and sweat. Regenerator are renown for the beautiful and shimmering contrasts in their work where love and hate struggle, where male and female vocals intermingle and where melody and energy make one. "War"'s force and emotion captures you in a fraction of a beat and leaves you breathless. Do not forget: "the blood is red, the light is white, the heart is black, the dream is bright!".

In our next edition, we will carry you through the year 2002 and it's 9 next releases by Alfa Matrix...

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connecting wi AIBOFORCEN . digital 12trackEP "L'Errance"

Aïboforcen are currently working on a music video for the song "Light" taken from their new album "Dédale". In addition to their cover of "New Year's Day" by U2 on the same album, the band also recorded a dark EBM version of, "She's Lost Control". On this classical track from Joy Division, the vocals were conducted by none other than Claus Kruse from PLASTIC NOISE EXPERIENCE!! Furthermore, French batcave artist Jacquy Bitch provided vocals for yet another cover song: Sandpaper Lullabye (taken from VIRGIN PRUNES' 7" "A New Form Of Beauty") delivering a rather haunting and tortured experience! Those two tracks will be released (together with an alternative and longer version of "New Year's Day") on the digital-only 12-track EP "L'Errance" to be released on all best digital platforms this October 2011…

DIFFUZION . new album and more collaborations

formulate a release date at this point but Jan guesses that the album should be there after the start of 2012. Jan: "I aim high for this one and I want to make the best album that I am capable of at this point. I refuse to make compromises because that would lead me to mediocrity. Instead I want to give myself time to evolve and to make a cool record."


While putting the finishing touches on the upcoming second album "Winter Cities" which will be r e l e a s e d t h i s N o v e m b e r, DIFFUZION have also recently been working on a cover version of a track for PSY'AVIAH as well as a remix for label mates ACYLUM. Their female lead-singer Xev also appears as a guest vocalist on AIBOFORCEN's new album…

DISKONNEKTED . one promise: no compromise!

ESSENCE OF MIND's remix of the song "Shadowed" is featured on the new Apoptygma Berzerk release "Black EP vol.2". In related news, their upcoming album is progressing very well and we can start dreaming of a release date in the first months of 2012. A promo video will be revealed soon via Facebook and Youtube. Keep your eyes open!

HELALYN FLOWERS . before the sunshine…

Diskonnekted is working on what will become the fourth studio album "Hotel Existence". The title refers to "The Brooklyn Follies" by Paul Auster in which Harry introduces the idea of a 'promise of a better world, a place that is more than just a place, but an opportunity, a chance to live inside your dreams'. Diskonnekted teamed up with some external producers to finalize the sound and mix. This adventure started in August. It's hard to

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ith the oracle HELALYN FLOWERS have just recorded a brand new song "Before The Sunshine", anticipating the most Metallic Goth Rock side of what's coming next on their eagerly waited third album which will be released in 2012. This will see a return to more electronic and aggressive stuff, still maintaining all highlights of their own sound. Title and contents to be revealed soon!

Kristiansen for the Depeche Mode cover of “Nothing`s Impossible”, that was released with vocals by Ayria for the Re:Covered vol. 2 tribute….

MALAKWA . live assault

journalists for the positive feedback and to all radio stations and SJ's who are regularly spinning these tunes of the future!

NEIKKA RPM . new album from our favouriteseductress

KANT KINO . work in progress

Norwegian electro act KANT KINO arrived at the EBM scene last year with their debut release “We Are Kant Kino You Are Not!”. The album received a lot of very positive reviews. The band has started to grow a strong fanbase, with their mixture of hard electronics with both oldschool and modern scene influences. The KANT KINO guys are now busy finishing their yet untitled follow up release, which sees the band mature in sound and production. Also, a lot of remix action is going on, with the band remixing acts like Nitzer Ebb, Suicide Commando, Code 64, SITD, Polaroid Kiss and De/Vision the last year. The latter also chose to include the Kant Kino remix of “What`s Love All About” in their live set for their tour with And One this fall. Kant Kino also recently performed at the successful X e l a b r a t i o n Fe s t i v a l i n O s l o (Norway) where they gave their best show to date featuring video projections and guest vocal appearances from Claus Larsen aka Leaether Strip for a cover of the classic “Warm Leatherette”, and talented female singer Karine

electronic music with attitude

O u r F r e n c h d u o M A LA K W A reinforced their live reputation through 2 kick-ass live shows this September in Switzerland at the Biomechanic Day celebrating HR Giger and industrial music where their shared the stage with AMBASSADOR21, PUNISH YOURSELF, etc.; and in Czech Republic at the Moravian festival with 10 other ear terrorist acts

KRYSTAL SYSTEM . nuclear contamination

After 5-years of lurking in shadows and collecting souls, our seductress Dominique now sends us word that the new Neikka RPM album is imminent. The third album, “Chain Letters” is a ferocious, tempting and unbelievably sinister/sexy collection of hardhitting club-bangers and ominous break-tracks that live up to the band's Industrial N' Beats signature sound. Expect surprises and great remixes.

PSY'AVIAH . shooting video for "Virtual Gods" with ClockworkAmoebe

After having invaded the German alternative DAC charts, our French duo KRYSTAL SYSTEM continue receiving amazing feedback from all over the world on their brilliant second album "Nuclear". From Auxiliary magazine to Grave Concerns through the French Obsküre and D-Side webzine, this album seems to be highly recommended… Thanks to all

While they have just finished the mastering and design of their new album "Introspection / Retrospection", Belgian duo PSY'AVIAH are currently shooting a new video for the song "Virtual

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connecting with the oracle Gods" together with the amazing creative team of Duncan Caterall of Clockwork Amoebe. A video clip revealing 2 teenage characters who have been spending far too much time in cyber space, displaying their on-line behavior in the real world… Check our youtube channel to soon discover this promising video!

SIVA SIX . preparing a new tour in Europe!

Besides this, as previously announced, the band is currently recording new material for their forthcoming studio album announced for 2012!

SUICIDE INSIDE . welcome to the matrix!

SCHWARZBLUT . industrial revolutionliterary works… After having done quite well in the German alternative charts, and receiving good international resonance on their new album from Germany to Peru through Australia and Canada, our Greek duo SIVA SIX are currently busy shooting a video clip for one of their new club hits "Valley Of The Shadows". SIVA SIX is also currently booking concert dates for a tour in Europe any interested organisor out there can contact them urgently via Facebook or via Alfa Matrix.

STAR INDUSTRY . back from China… SCHWARZBLUT's forthcoming new a l b u m h a s a n a m e : "Maschinenwesen" which speaks for itself!! To be released round spring 2012, the Dutch band's second album will feature their signature style of pounding dark industrial electro and historical German poetry. 10 songs have already been written so far!! This new release focuses on literary works from the age of industrial revolution. A theme that will not only be confined to the poetry used on the album, but will also reflect in the music and artwork. Expect a living, breathing steampunk powered album.

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The band's tour in China was a true great experience, and normally if all goes as planned, STAR INDUSTRY will fly back to China next year for some more gigs!! The Belgian combo will also be playing the "Lock The Target" festival in Porto Portugal on November 25t h …

Last but not least… We are proud to welcome Alexey and Natasha to the Matrix family. Especially known through their expanding live activities across the world and huge repertoire under the AMBASSADOR21 moniker, it is though first with their new SUICIDE INSIDE album that we will start our collaboration in the first weeks of 2012. "Homicide" will be one of the most powerful female fronted album ever released by Alfa Matrix pure adrenaline pumping electro industrial! Watch out! (live photo in Geneva Switzerland by Denis Charmot)

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matrix downloaded [ 001 ] 01. PSY'AVIAH . ok * 02. ESSENCE OF MIND . in the night (edit) * 03. STRAY . miles from here * 04. DISKONNEKTED . atlantis (re:discovered) * 05. AYRIA . blue alice (DEAD WHEN I FOUND HER mix) * 06. VIRGINS O.R PIGEONS . gotta get mad * 07. SIVA SIX . faileth stars 08. MALAKWA . monster (KANT KINO mix) ** 09. DUNKELWERK . kommt (short cut) * 10. HAUSHETAERE . hetaere (exclusive AM version) * 11. AIBOFORCEN .shadows * 12. 32CRASH . the man who came from later * 13. HALO IN REVERSE . into it * 14. I:SCINTILLA . swimmers can drown 15. STAR INDUSTRY . heart man angel (single edit) ** 16. RAZORFADE . clear shining (radio edit) * 17. TECHNOIR . shapes (rough mix) * 18. IMPLANT feat. LEAETHER STRIP . lord knows I tried * 19. PLASTIC NOISE EXPERIENCE . electronic bodies (long edit) * 20. POUPPEE FABRIKK . symptoms (disease mix) * 21. ARMAGEDDON DILDOS . high * 22. DIFFUZION . dbd (while u can) * 23. KANT KINO . owner of this house lives here (club mix) * 24. FREAKANGEL . my darling bullet 25. SCHWARZBLUT . schlusspoetiek * 26. KRYSTAL SYSTEM . nuclear winter (north star side) * 27. UNTER NULL . godless (DEDMAN Mix) ** 28. ACYLUM . your pain v2.0 * 29. AMGOD . hospitalism [jactatio corporis] * 30. MENTALLO & THE FIXER . legion of leper (re-edit) * 31. NEIKKA RPM . warped (version 2) * 32. KOMOR KOMMANDO . the factory incident (IVARDENSPHERE mix) ** 33. HELALYN FLOWERS . e-race generation (STUDIO-X mix) * 34. ALIEN VAMPIRES . won't see ya even in hell *

matrix revelatio Keep on sending us your questions about Alfa Matrix and our artists. We'll be happy replying to the most relevant questions or content suggestions for our magazine sent to Thanks for being part of the present issue: Adrien Parisot, Adriano Destilo, Franck Dumont, Keith Fracassa, Nina Blanc, Rik Jansen, Sven Müller, Theresa Drozdowski. COMPETITION: WIN 3 CD'S OF YOUR CHOICE For our next issue, we will select 3 amongst you who sent us the most pertinent and challenging questions who will receive 3 FREE CD's of their choice from our label catalogue! Winners of the contest will be announced in this section of our next issue…

When the remastered edition of FRONT 242's Geography was released, it was said that the band planned to reissue their other albums as well. It's been a few years with no sign of any more releases? Seba. It is true that when Daniel B. started "redoing" the whole "Geography" album, the intention of the band was to give the same sound treatment to "No Comment". Cos it's mostly their very first work that could best benefit from such reengineering treatment while still remaining faithful to the original sound. Now, the work on "Geography" turned out to be way more exhaustive and timeconsuming than we had all estimated it initially. When the band started checking the available data for "No Comment" and the instruments & softwares that they needed to locate to give this album a similar treatment such project rapidly took gigantesque dimensions and could not fit Daniel and Patrick's heavy plannings. So let's say we do not say "never" of course, but there is nothing on the agenda for this for the moment. Now one thing that is annoying us though is that some albums including "No Comment" or yet "Politics of Pressure" are no longer available on the European market. Maybe we should do something to change this and avoid piracy… (hint Daniel hint!!!)

Is FRONT 242 releasing new

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things in the future? They're now playing several festival dates again i just read? Seba. Well… Having been working with them for nearly 10 years now, and knowing them for much longer, I have learnt that they always manage taking us by surprise! One day they tell me there is nothing concrete… A few weeks later, I have Patrick Codenys at my door with a finished product to release urgently! Right now there is nothing on the agenda. There are ideas and sketches in the air, but nothing black on white if you see what I mean. Although keep in mind that lately all band members have been actively working on other projects of theirs liked 32CRASH, NOTHINGBUTNOISE, etc. myself wish there would be something for me under the xmas tree with a 242 tag on it ;))

These days you see more and more labels abandoning traditional jewel cases to release CDs in cardboard sleeves. While it may save shelf space, it does nothing to protect the discs. Many CDs in sleeves end up being quite scratched, even when they are brand new. Please tell me that Alfa Matrix will keep using traditional jewel cases? Seba. Well… Packaging is an issue indeed. At Alfa Matrix we have always privileged a higher quality

standard cos it's a way also to respect the music fans who still buy hard copies today! For this reason we also launched the traditional concept of limited edition 10 years ago, which since then was copies and followed by many other labels (laugh)… At some point in history we switched from the DVD box format for our ltd editions to the carton box format in which we could indeed insert standard jewel cases, this way better protecting the discs. It was also a way to avoid being put in the DVD section of some record chain stores who were judging our products by their format without reading the mentions on the CD sleeves. But this was also for me a better switch towards higher quality standards. Now there is of course still that environmental issue, where buying plastic is not good for the environment, but I don't think that it's this that made people stop buying CD's… At least this would be a more acceptable reason, wouldn't it? Now to answer to your question, we also favour jewel cases, I sometimes dream of exploring other limited packagings but am still searching for the right thing. And we also always take into account the requests of our artists. It happened that some do prefer digipak formats, like FRONT 242 for example who kind of make a tradition out of it now for the standard editions of their albums! But I do agree with you, these ones are also much more fragile…

Some of your artists have many projects. Why are sometimes not all of their projects on Alfa Matrix? Seba. Well… All this really depends and varies artist from artist. First of all, sometimes we are ourselves unable to release all of their projects, sometimes because of a lack of time in our schedule or because we think a particular project does not always fit our label music genre. We indeed have electronic music with attitude

ons some artists involved in totally different kind of music genres so it is quite logical to see them releasing other projects on other labels active on other music scenes, etc. Some artists also try and live from their music, which is getting more and more difficult nowadays. When you totally depend from your music, it can be quite logical to see some artists sign projects on many different labels. This way they do not put all their eggs in one same bag and when any label would end up having financial trouble or whatever, they do not lose everything. Seeing labels going bankrupt or not paying their artists is quite common on the music market, so let's say such artists also work strategically or simply think some labels better fit to one project than another. As long as we do not enter in a self-competition war between 2 projects from one same person released simultaneously, it's quite okay for us. Now we also have some artists who prefer having a privileged collaboration with only one label. I think it's more up to the artist in question each time. Artistic freedom!!!

Can we expect a new edition of the Endzeit Bunkertracks compilation box series? Please say yes? Seba. Hmmm! This one seems to be one of the most frequently asked questions we received and keep receiving… I really feel under pressure now!! Hmmm Should there be an [act 6] to this compilation series is a question I've been toying with over the last couple of months to be honest with you! Doing the "Electronic Body Matrix" box was a very exhausting and time-consuming exercise… And all I need is to make it fit my agenda. But OK, I have to dare making a decision today and jump into the void: "YESSSSSSSSSSS"… Let's do it! Please spread the word around electronic music with attitude

you, as of today, I start accepting submissions for the 6th edition of our "Endzeit Bunkertracks" compilation box series. Submissions must be sent to as mp3's or download links. Or per post to: Seba Dolimont (endzeit), 32 avenue albert jonnart, 1200 Brussels, Belgium (NO registered post please!). Deadline for submission will be December 1st 2011 so we can make it an early Spring release. Priority goes to previously unreleased songs / mixes in the usual genre of the series: dark elektro, power noise, harsh industrial dance…

PSY'AVIAH is making a new album. They released clips of synthesizer, studio and more. Do they make everything themselves? Seba. PSY'AVIAH belong to what I enjoy calling the "new generation" of artists. They were born with internet and are therefore naturally using this medium to inform and entertain their fanbase. And they are also enjoying discovering new techniques and experimenting with new tools, so yes, and we can be proud of them, they do manage the whole communication on their own and shoot most of their video's let it be previews or complete videos on their own with a bunch of devoted friends around them! You will not be deceived by their new album "Introsepction / Retrospection" actually. It is in my personal top-5 from the Alfa Matrix repertoire! Check it out, especially with the limited bonus disc which is totally complementary to the main album disc!

Have you recently signed new bands to the Alfa Matrix label family? Seba. We have been talking with a couple of artists the last few months. It is very possible that we might soon announce 1 or 2 additions to the label. But let's say

we are not really in "hunting mode" these days on the current very difficult market and with so many artists around not always really aware of the real situation. We want to focus our energy and time on privileged artists who choose to work with Alfa Matrix and recognize themselves in our label concept and approach. I made a very pleasant discovery from Germany lately. A cool female fronted duo… But it's too soon to announce anything at this point. We also just added some fresh East European blood to our family roster with Alexey and Natasha of SUICIDE INSIDE and AMBASSADOR21. So this already makes 2 new bands on the label actually with the new SUICIDE INSIDE album coming out very soon actually!!

Are MENTALLO & THE FIXER working on anything new? I read on forums that he was preparing a new release? Seba. I am aware things have been very silent around MENTALLO & THE FIXER the last few years. Gary sometimes needs to isolate himself from the outside world to focus on his music. He is also so much of a perfectionist that getting him say an album is "ready and complete" has not always been the easiest thing to do (laugh). But that is also why we all love his production work so much! All these little mixing fx and tweaking production details that make an album a MENTALLO release, an album that makes our head turn and our brain go wild… I am very confident that 2012 should be a prolific production year for MENTALLO & THE FIXER. With Gary, we've been working together on his new album and we also discovered a bunch of impressive unreleased material from his archives… We just need to get it all out of his system, and that should be soon now.

alfa matrix 35

alfa matrix electronic music with attitude...

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