Faith inspiring addresses by Hazrat Amirul Momineen Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V a
Tahajjud and five daily prayers in congregation
Darsul Quran and Darsul Hadith by scholars of Jama’at
The Faith Inspiring International Bai’at Ceremony
Atmosphere of prayers, Remembrance of Allah, love & brotherhood
Speeches on religious and scholarly topics by eminent speakers
The Promised Messiah’s e Compassion for Mankind
Mr Fareed Ahmad Naveed. Principal, Jamia Ahmadiyya, Ghana - Urdu
A Source of Unity in the Muslim Ummah
Mr Mubarak Ahmad Tanweer. Lecturer, Jamia Ahmadiyya, Germany - Urdu
The Journey of Ahmadiyyat in Light of the Accounts of Converts
Mr Ayyaz Mahmood Khan. Murabbi Silsila, Wakalat Tasneef, London - Urdu