c h e r y l a n n wa d l i n g t o n barrie blau m i tja b oz i c eric ouaknine aston Martin rapide
m a m i m ag a z i n e.co m
mami magazine
mami magazine
mami progressive global fashion and entertainment
publisher cd algie dewitt IV vp Algie dewitt v fa s h i o n e d i t o r ari wilson
contributors ann brown jessica tuccillo
photographers barrie blau eric ouaknine cyril lagel m i tja b oz i c special thanks to jake and august a d s a l e s M A M i m e d i a 856-637-2560
Mami Magazine is a product of MAMi Media, llc / Lord Algie Artworks copyright 2002- 2008 all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, reprinted, or distributed in any form without express permission from MAMi Media, llc and or the copyright holders of the content within this publication. All inquiries may be addressed to info@mamimagazine.com. MAMi Media, llc PO Box 63993 Philadelphia, PA 19147.
mami magazine
fa s h i o n a r t C yr i l L a gelTota l L ook p 16 Barrie Blau Q ueen of Bizarre p 26
MAM i S p o tlightC h e r y l A n n Wad lin gto n p 40 Toys Sa m sung Lux Galaxy Tab p 44 E r i n Wa sson Collect ion p 45
Camille Sledge by lord algie p 46 BEAUTE D ’HIVER Eric Ouaknine p 53 2011 Aston Mart in Rapide p 64
B O DY S H I NE E ric O u a k n i n e p 6 8 C y ri l Lagel Ma da m e F i ga ro R u sse p 77 D e ko r shel l si nks p 82 Th e Gir l Effect p 87 Mit ja Bozik p 58
Cheryl Ann Wadlington, CEO/Creative Director Evoluer Image Consultants, LLC www.evoluerconsultants.com
Lauded as one of the nation's premier journalists, Cheryl Ann Wadlington is a lea field of personal growth. As an accom television personality and sought-after mo has reached millions of people with her a Wadlington is a co-author and contribut Black Women Redefining the Color of Fash 2000). An accredited member of the fash York City’s annual “Mercedes Benz Fa festivities, she has also served as a contrib Savoy, Black Enterprise, Heart & Soul, BET W New Generation (NG), The Clevelan Philadelphia Daily News, The NBC Universal BET.com, and as a fashion & beauty editor f
Ms. Wadlington majored in Advertising and Communications at Technology in New York and Fashion Merchandising at Bauder Fashion This strong educational foundation in fashion communications and hi an exceptional style of fashion reporting. This style established her a consultant throughout the East Coast. Wadlington formerly served a Products, Black Opal Cosmetics and Luster Products. She has held a
mami magazine
mami magazine
C y r i l l a g e l : t o ta l l o o k
Photographe Cyril Lagel w w w. c y r i l l a g e l . c o m a s s i s t ĂŠ d e D av i d M a r v i e r Stylisme: Irma Birka assistĂŠe de Julie Allard Make up: Eny Whitehead H a i r : Y u s u k e Ta n i g u c h i Mannequins N ata l i a C o s ta , A d e l a C a p o va , G a b r i e l a C u b e r t - w w w. n e x t m o d e l s . c o m S t u d i o / D ay l i g h t
T o ta l l o o k H u g o B o s s , L a c o s t e , C h a n e l , Burberrys
mami magazine
C y r i l l a g e l : t o ta l l o o k
mami magazine
C y r i l l a g e l : t o ta l l o o k
mami magazine
C y r i l l a g e l : t o ta l l o o k
mami magazine
i just got these new dresses f r o m u n i q u e v i n ta g e . c o m a n d...
i cant stop modeling t h e m... 1950’ s E r a R e p r o d u c t i o n B l a c k P o l k a D o t S w i n g D r es s w i t h S l e e v es $100 u n i q u e v i n ta g e . c o m
mami magazine
Photographer: Barrie Blau Model: Erica Gooding M a k e u p : D a r ya L at h a m H a i r : S i n a Wa s h i n g t o n Clothing Designer: Queen of Bizarre ( S i n a Wa s h i n g t o n )
mami magazine
mami magazine
B L AU mami magazine
Photographer: Barrie Blau H a i r & M a k e u p : Ly s e Model: Lacheln
mami magazine
Photographer: Barrie Blau Model: Raquel Reed Clothing Designer: S i b y l Va i n
mami magazine
Photographer: Barrie Blau M o d e l : J a c q u e ly n M a r i e
mami magazine
a dver tise h ere. Lo n g b efore Ame ri ca was col on ized , com m erce f lou r ish ed in th e O ld Wor ld whe re va rio u s methods we re use d to p rom ote trad e. N otice b oard s p laced ou tsid e ho us e s in d icated what coul d be had wi th in . W in e sellers gave f ree sam p les in th e st re et s . An d a cto rs parade d i n the stre ets attem ptin g to entice on lookers into th eatre s . T he id ea o f comme rce i s ve r y ol d i ndeed , an d th e m ean s of in d u cin g oth ers into exc ha nge relation s hi ps was not far be hi nd in its d evelop m ent.
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listen to interview!
mami spotlight
Cheryl Ann Wadlington, CEO/Creative Director Evoluer Image Consultants, LLC www.evoluerconsultants.com
Lauded as one of the nation's premiere fashion and beaut journalists, Cheryl Ann Wadlington is a leading consultant in th field of personal growth. As an accomplished writer, popula
L au d ed a s on e of the nati on' s pre mi e re fash i on a n d b ea u ty journal i sts, Che r yl A n n Wad l i ngton is a l e adi ng consul tant i n t h e f ield o f p ers o n a l grow th. As an accom p lish ed writer, p op u l ar te l evi si on pe rsona lity an d sou g ht-after moti vati onal spe ake r, sh e h as re a c h ed m illions of pe ople wi th he r ad v ice a n d p ers p ec ti ve . Wa d lin gton i s a co-author and contr ib u tin g e d itor of Sou l Style : Bl ack Wome n Red ef in in g t h e Co lor of Fashi on (Uni ve rse Publish in g , 2 00 0). An a c cre di te d me mbe r of the fash ion p res s corps for New York C i ty ’s annual “M erc e d es Ben z Fashi on We e k” i ndustr y festiv it ies , s h e h a s al so se r ve d as a cont r ib u tin g w riter to Es s ence , S avoy, Bla ck Ente rpri se , He art & Sou l, BET Weeken d , London-base d New Ge n eration ( NG), Th e Cleve l and Pl ai n De al e r, Th e P h iladelp h ia Da ily News, The NBC Uni ve rsal C om pa ny iVillia ge .com, BET.com, and as a fash i on & b ea u ty e di tor for Bri de sNoi r m agazin e. Ms . Wa d lin gton majore d i n Adve rti s in g an d C om m u n icati ons at the Fashi on Inst itu te of Tech n olo g y i n New York and Fashion M erc ha n d is in g at Baude r Fashi on Col l e ge in Atla nta , Ga . Thi s strong e ducati onal fou n d at ion in fa s h ion communi cati ons and h istor y led h er to d eve l op an exce pti onal sty le of fas h ion rep o r ti ng. Thi s style e stabl i sh ed h er a s a h ig h ly s ought afte r consul tant t h rou g h o u t th e Ea st Coast. Wadl i ngton for m er ly s e r ved a s a consul tant for Ambi P rod u cts, B l a c k Op a l Cosmeti cs and Luste r P rod u cts. S h e h a s h eld audi e nce wi th such retail g ia nts a s th e Target Corporati on and ser ved a s th e a p p ointe d spoke swoman on h air an d s k in ca re fo r The Procte r & Gambl e C om p any. Sh e co ntinue s to se r ve as a l e adi n g fash io n co rres p o nde nt and anal yst for num erou s
telev ision sh ows: NBC ’s I n th e L oop wi t h i V i l lage an d P h ilad elp h ia area af f iliate s WPV I - T V 6 (ABC), K YW- TV 3 (CBS ), WCAU- TV 1 0 (C BS ), WT FX- TV 2 9 (FOX ), CN 8 (Com cast N et wo r k ) an d WYBE P u b lic Telev ision . A f ter d ecad es of wor k in g in th e inte r nat i o na l fash ion an d b eau ty in d u str ies, Wa dl i ngto n lau n ch ed Evolu er im age C on su lta nt s to a dd ress th e im age n eed s of tod ay ’s fe m a l e s , a g rou p d iverse in cu ltu re an d u n ique i n pe rson ality. “I t is tim e for tod ay ’s fe m a l e s to ‘evolve,’(as th e n am e Evolu er im pl i e s ) – a nd ex p er ien ce th e ty p e of excellen c e Evol ue r an d its team of sp ecialists d elive r.” U nde r Wad lin gton ’s creative d irection , Evo l ue r e s tab lish ed itself as th e p rem iere a c c e l e rator for fem ales w h o want to m ax im ize t he i r pe rson al or p rofession al im ages an d st yl e s . T he agen cy h as a cad re of n ation ally re cogni ze d sty le ex p er ts, w h ose b eau ty and fa s hi o n, m ake- u p , an d h air sty lin g cred its i nc l ude a h ost of n ation al m agazin es, com m e rc i a l a dver tisem ents, an d telev ision p rogra m s i nclu d in g T h e Swan , A m er ican I d ol a nd O pra h.
mami magazine
Evolu er ’s col l e cti ve cl i e nte l e roste r in clu d es Beyo n ce, Q ue e n Lati fah, NBC ’s A m er ica’s Go t Ta lent wi nne r Bi anca Ryan, Mar y J. Blige, Ty ra Ba n ks and Ji l l Scott. Establ i shi n g Evolu er wa s a n atural evol uti on for Wad lin gton , w h o f rom 1986 to 1995 owne d and op erated Life Mod eling Workshop Inte rnati o n al. H er n u rtu rin g infl ue nce can be se e n th rou g h h er fo rm ers stude nts, whi ch i ncl ud e, n eos ou l record i ng arti st Ame l Larri e ux , D ar k & Lovely Ha ir Products mode l She i l a J oh n son a n d off-Broadway and Cosby Show actress Nicole Davenport. For de cade s, she h as also b een a cata l yst for e mpowe ri ng you th . S h e h a s o rch estrate d i nte rnshi p oppo r tu n ities at s om e of the most pre sti gi ous fash ion h ou s es a n d publ i cati ons i n the world su ch as Gu c c i a n d BCBG Max Az ri a and InSt y le m ag a zin e. In a ddi tion, she has deve l op ed an d op erated Pe rsonal Deve l opme nt p rog ram s fo r over 700 di sadvantage d youth in m ore th a n 28 rec re ati on ce nte rs, housi ng au th orities a n d communi ty ce nte rs throug h ou t th e tri-state (Pe nnsyl vani a, De laware , N ew J ers ey ) a rea in conjuncti on wi th gover n m ent, s oc ia l, c ivic and communi ty-base d agen cies.
T h ese h ig h ly su ccessf u l award w i nni ng te e n g ir l wor ksh ops led to th e fou n d at i o n o f T he Evolu er H ou se in 2 0 0 4 . T h is n on p ro f i t o rga n ization n u r tu res g ir ls to h elp the m a c hi eve th eir f u ll p otential an d b ecom e pro duc t ive m em b ers of th eir com m u n ities by deve l o pi ng social an d acad em ic com p eten ce . A gl o ba l au d ien ce w itn essed M s. Wad lin gto n’s te e nim age ex p er tise d u r in g a p an el d is c us s i o n on p arentin g th at was b road cast on C - SPAN a nd ad ver tised in T h e N ew Yor k T im es . Wad lin gton h as received cou ntles s pro c l a m a tion s for h er contr ib u tion s to th e fa s hi o n a nd b eau ty in d u str ies an d you th d eve l o pm e nt f rom th e G over n or of th e C om m o nwe a l t h o f Pen n sy lvan ia, th e M ayor of W ilm i ngto n, D e l aware, th e M ayor of H am ilton , B e r m uda a nd m ore. S h e h as also received th e Pe nnsyl va ni a Ch apter of th e N ation al Coalition 1 0 0 B l a c k Wom en M ad am C . J. Walker A ward, a s we l l a s th e P h ilad elp h ia C h apter of th e N at i o na l A s sociation of N eg ro B u sin ess an d P ro fe s s i o na l Wom en ’s Clu bs’ P rofession al A c hi eve m e nt A ward . S h e ser ved on th e facu lty of t he Te m pl e
U n i vers ity Sc h ool of Communi cati ons teach in g fash ion w r itin g an d ser ved on th e A d v i s o r y Bo a rd o f C h ey n ey Uni ve rsi ty ’s Fashi on Me rch an d isin g P rog ram . S h e contin u ou sly en h an c e s he r po s i t io n a s a p re-emi ne nt me di a authority in im age an d sty le as a m otivation al sp ea ke r, fa s hi o n a na lyst a n d j o urnal i st, spe aki ng and facilitatin g sem in ars ab ou t p erson al g row th a nd dre s s for s ucc es s at colle ge s, confe re nce s and wom en g rou ps th rou g h ou t th e U n ited S tates a nd a bro a d.
mami magazine
A n d r o i d fa n s a r e i n f o r a t r e at w i t h S a m s u n g ’ s L u x u r y e d i t i o n G a l a x y Ta b . T h e C r y s ta l G a l a x y Ta b i s e n c r u s t e d w i t h 5, 700 S wa r o v s k i c r y s ta l s a n d t h e l o g o i s d o n e i n J e t H e m at i t e .
e r i n wa s s o n c o l l e c t i o n
“Erin has an incredible body a n d fa c e , a n d s h e u n d e r s ta n d s b e t t e r t h a n a n y o n e t h e idea behind her designs. The c lot h es w e r e n ot n ec es sa ry!” S o s ay s p h o t o g r a p h e r Pa o l a K u d a c k i o f h e r c o l l a b o r at i o n w i t h E r i n Wa s s o n o n t h e n e w l o o k b o o k f o r Wa s s o n ’ s L o w Luv jewelry line.
F o r h e r S p r i n g / H o l i d ay c o l l e c t i o n , e x c l u s i v e ly s e e n h e r e f i r s t, Wa s s o n d r e w o n s y m bolism from va r i o u s cult u r e s , f r o m N at i v e A m e r i c a n (in a thunderbird pendant and necklace) to Middle Easte r n ( E v i l Ey e s ta c k e d r i n g s a n d bangles, which, according to E r i n , “ m e a n m a n y d i ff e r e n t things according to how and w h i c h c u lt u r e y o u l o o k at ” ). “ I u s u a l ly d e s i g n w h at I f i n d i n t e r e s t i n g a n d p o w e r f u l ,” s h e s a i d s i m p ly. “ I wa n t p i e c e s t h at l o o k i n t e n s e a n d h av e m e a n i n g .” M u s i c p l ay e d a pa r t i n h e r p r o c e s s , t o o, e s p e c i a l ly t h e l at e Egy p t i a n - b o r n s i n g e r O u m K a lt h o u m , t h e s o - c a l l e d S ta r o f t h e E a s t. “ O n c e t h e m u s i c r e f e r e n c e s s ta r t p o p p i n g u p, I wa n t e d t o p o r t r a i t h e r l i k e a g o d d e s s , l i k e N e f e r t i t i ,” K u d a c k i a d d e d. Wa s s o n ’ s h a mm e r e d r i n g s , c h a n d e l i e r e a r r i n g s , a n d c r o s s e s s t u d d e d w i t h r o u g h c r y s ta l s a n d b l a c k a g at e s a r e f l a s h y e n o u g h f o r t h e r u l e r o f a n e m p i r e — o r , pa i r e d w i t h Wa s s o n ’ s u s u a l o u t f i t o f c u t o f f s a n d v i n ta g e t e e s , f o r a c at wa l k e r o f f d u t y. —K i k i G eo rg i o u v i a st y l e.co m P h o t o s : Pa o l a K u d a c k i
mami magazine
ca m ille sle d ge
photography lord algie model Camille Sledge Clothing U n i q u e v i n ta g e
mami magazine
mami magazine
mami magazine
BEAUTE D’HIVER Photography & retouching : Eric Ouaknine M a k e - u p/ H a i r s : A n n e A r n o l d Models : Gemma & Lisa
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
2011 a s t o n m a r t i n r a p i d e
The 2011 aston martin rapide is a four-door sedan, which will be produced for Aston Martin by the Austrian Magna Steyr, since the company ’s own capacity is occupied by sports bodies. 2011 Aston Martin rapide family car Serial Rapide has undergone ver y mild changes compared to the prototype shown two years ago. The front is typical of Aston Martin, but the line of headlamps is highlighted by modern LEDs, which ser ve as day time running lights. Rea r car again in the style of the brand by muscular wheel arches highlight the potential of sport and luxur y sedan. 2011 aston martin rapide has full glass roof, merges with front and rear glass. Car doors are frameless, giving the four-sedan broadcasting as a sports coupe. Inside the interior there are four individual seats.More details about the 2011 aston martin rapide will be announced at its premiere in Geneva.However, it became clear that Kuwaiti investment fund Dar, which bought 50% of Aston Martin in 2007, is considering the possibility of selling part of its stake transmit Speed-Press.
mami magazine
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mami magazine
body shin e
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
eric ouaknine
mami magazine
Madam e F i gar o R usse Robe Fendi, b o u c l e s d ’o r e i l l e s pav é e s de diamants Cartier.
Gilet en cashmere, blouse en voile , jeans et chaussures compensées Chanel, b r a c e l e t s M a r i o n G o d a r t. Tim le chien porte un collier Les Cadors, pouf Leblon Delienne
Crédits : P h o t o g r a p h e : C y r i l L a g e l - w w w. cy r i l l ag e l.co m R é a l i s at i o n : R i c h a r d V o i n n e t C o i ff e u r : R i c h a r d B l a n d e l @ b 4 a g e n c y av e c l e s p r o d u i t s W e l l a proffesionnels Maquilleuse: Corinne lebreton @ b4 a g e n c y av e c l e s p r o d u i t s C h r i s i t i a n Dior Beauté, eau de toilet te Miss Dior Chérie. M a n u c u r e : K a m e l B o u r i @ b 4 a g e n cy
cyril lagel
mami magazine
R o b e e n s at i n i m p r i m Ê e V e r sace, minaudière Elie Saab,chaise Lisaura
Robe en mousseline Sonia Rykiel, b i j o u x M a r i o n G o d a r t, chaise Lisaura
mami magazine
Robe Elie Saab, escarpins vernis P i e r r e H a r d y, bracelets et minaudière Marion G o d a r t, Tim porte porte une laisse et un collier les Cadors, siège Leblon Delienne
R o b e e n s at i n d e c o t o n J o h n G a l l i a n o, pochette Chanel, Tim a un collier Les Cadors, banquette en vinyl blanc Marie’s Corner
mami magazine
mami magazine
p h oto by m i c h e l l e g Lei Row is an independent singer/songw r i t e r / v o c a l p r o d u c e r o r i g i n a l ly f r o m H a r r i s b u r g , PA a n d s h e h a s a fa m i l i a r s t o r y o n h o w s h e g o t s ta r t e d. S h e ’ s b e e n s i n g i n g s i n c e s h e wa s a l i t t l e g i r l a n d h e r m a i n f o u n d at i o n a n d i n f l u e n c e s c o m e from growing up in the church. During h e r t e e n a g e y e a r s , L e i R o w wa s a pa r t o f an R&B girl group called “Untitled” who were the protege group of a then popu l a r R & B m a l e g r o u p “ T r e S a n .” T h r o u g h t h i s e x p e r i e n c e , ( e s p e c i a l ly u n d e r t h e i n fluence and mentorship of former memb e r n o w r e p u ta b l e s i n g e r / s o n g r w i t e r / p r o d u c e r / m u s i c i a n J a m e s “J i m B e a n z ” Wa s h i n g t o n ), L e i R o w wa s i n t r o d u c e d t o the arts of song-writing and vocal production and hasn’t stopped since! y o u c a n f i n d l e i r o w at http:/ / w w w.rever b n at ion . co m /leirowofgri pproducti ons
wat c h l e i r o w ’ s e x c l u s i v e m a m i magazine interview
mami magazine
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ºBILL CREDIT/PROGRAMMING OFFER: Free SHOWTIME for 3 months, a value of $38.97. Free Starz and SHOWTIME for 3 months, a value of $72. LIMIT ONE PROGRAMMING OFFER PER ACCOUNT. Featured package names and prices: CHOICE XTRA $63.99/mo. Upon DIRECTV System activation, customer will receive redemption instructions (included in customer’s first DIRECTV bill, a separate mailing, or, in the state of New York, from retailer) and must comply with the terms of the instructions. In order to receive full $29 credit in first 12 months, customer must submit rebate online and consent to email alerts prior to rebate redemption. Online redemption requires valid email address. Rebate begins 6-8 weeks after receipt of rebate submission online or by phone. Timing of promotional price depends on redemption date. †FREE HD OFFER: Includes access to HD channels associated with your programming package. Number and type of HD channels based on package selection. To be eligible for Free HD you must activate and maintain the CHOICE XTRA Package or higher and enroll in Auto Bill Pay. Also requires at least one (1) HD Receiver and activation of HD Access. Account must be in “good standing” as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion to remain eligible. IF BY THE END OF PROMOTIONAL PRICE PERIOD(S) CUSTOMER DOES NOT CONTACT DIRECTV TO CHANGE SERVICE THEN ALL SERVICES WILL AUTOMATICALLY CONTINUE AT THE THEN-PREVAILING RATES INCLUDING THE $5/MO. LEASE FEE FOR THE 2ND AND EACH ADDITIONAL RECEIVER. In certain markets, programming/pricing may vary. **24-MO. LEASE AGREEMENT: Must maintain 24 consecutive months of any DIRECTV base programming package ($29.99/mo. or above) or qualifying international services bundle. DVR Service $7/mo. required for DVR and HD DVR lease. HD Access fee $10/mo. required for HD Receiver and HD DVR. Lease for first two receivers $5/mo; additional receiver leases $5/mo. each. FAILURE TO ACTIVATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EQUIPMENT LEASE ADDENDUM MAY RESULT IN A CHARGE OF $150 PER RECEIVER. IF SERVICE IS TERMINATED EARLY, A CANCELLATION FEE OF $20/MONTH REMAINING WILL APPLY. ALL EQUIPMENT IS LEASED AND MUST BE RETURNED TO DIRECTV UPON CANCELLATION, OR UNRETURNED EQUIPMENT FEES APPLY. VISIT directv.com OR CALL 1-800-DIRECTV FOR DETAILS. RECEIVER UPGRADES: Second advanced receiver offer requires activation of an HD DVR as the first free receiver upgrade and subscription to Whole-Home DVR service ($3/mo.). Advanced receiver instant rebate requires activation of the CHOICE XTRA Package or above; MÁS ULTRA or above (for DVR Receiver, OPTIMO MÁS Package or above); Jadeworld; or any qualifying international service bundle, which shall include the PREFERRED CHOICE programming package (valued at $38.99/mo.). Additional advanced receiver upgrades available for a charge. INSTALLATION: Standard professional installation only. Custom installation extra. DVR Service required for DVR and HD DVR Receivers. HD Access required for HD DVR. Local channels eligibility based on service address. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Pricing residential. Taxes not included. Receipt of DIRECTV programming subject to DIRECTV Customer Agreement; copy provided at directv.com/legal and in first bill. DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design logo and CHOICE XTRA are trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
THE GIRL EFFECT, n. --- The unique potential of 600 million adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and the world. Adolescent girls are uniquely capable of raising the standard of living in the developing world.
Today, the world is starting to see that the cost of excluding a girl doesn’t just impact her. It impacts everyone.
It’s been shown: she will reinvest her income and knowledge back into her family and her community. As an educated mother, an active citizen, an ambitious entrepreneur or prepared employee, a girl will break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.
The ranks of girl champions around the world are growing, including the Nike Foundation, the NoVo Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the Coalition for Adolescent Girls, the International Center for Research on Women, the Population Council, CARE, the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, the Center for Global Development, Plan International, and the Global Business Coalition, among others.
That is the girl effect. Yet, despite her proven potential, she is more likely to be uneducated, a child bride, and exposed to HIV/AIDS. Less than two cents of every international development dollar is directed to her.
Progress has been made and solutions identified, yet more must be done. The 600 million adolescent girls in developing countries are ready to change the world.
Brent Stirton/Getty Images
For more inFormation about the girl eFFect, contact media@girleFFect.org.
Brent Stirton/Getty Images
INVESTING IN GIRLS HAS THE HIGHEST UNTAPPED RETURN IN DEVELOPMENT. IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT. She’s the economic backbone of her family: the chore doer, the caretaker, the insurance policy. She’ll be the mother oft the next generation. She will reinvest 90 percent of her income into her family, generating a powerful ripple effect. Her brother? Thirty to forty percent. When she’s educated through secondary school, she’ll bring 25% more income into her family. When she’s healthy, her community’s health will improve as
maternal mortality and child malnutrition drop, and HIV rates decline. She will drive 70% of agricultural production. She is an unrealized economic force, accelerating growth and progress in every sector. Exclude her and the world misses out on an enormous opportunity. Kenya would gain $27 billion in potential income per generation if its female secondaryschool dropouts continued their
education. Brazil foregoes an average of $17.3 billion per year as a result of girls’ joblessness. India sacrifices a potential of $100 billion over a lifetime due to adolescent pregnancy. There are 600 million adolescent girls in the developing world. Invest in their lives, and many more lives benefit.
For more inFormation about the girl eFFect, contact media@girleFFect.org
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