ALGONQUIN PARK IS A PARADISE FOR NATURE LOVERS A canoe tripper could spend a lifetime exploring Algonquin Park. Covering approximately 8000 square kilometers (3500 square miles) of rugged Canadian Shield country, “The Park” is home to an abundant and diverse wildlife population, unspoiled lakes and rivers and spectacular scenery, all found in a unique forest environment – the meeting place of northern conifers and southern hardwoods. Over 1600 km (950 miles) of canoe routes follow lakes, streams and portage trails through the vast interior. Campsites and portages are marked and maintained. Fly-in access is prohibited. Motorboats are restricted to a few lakes and road access to the park is limited to the Hwy. 60 “corridor” and peripheral access points. As a result, most of Algonquin Park is only accessible by canoe. Backpacking and day hiking trails allow travel on foot. In the winter, the park is open to travel by ski, snowshoe and dog sled.