Al Hakam - 12 April 2019

Page 1

Responding to Allegations

From the Markaz

Apostates – Did the Promised Messiahas agree with the killing of renegades?

NGOs, member of European Parliament and Uganda’s high commissioner to the UK meet Huzooraa

Part II

100 Years Ago... An interesting encounter with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi Al Fazl, 12 April 1919

Page 3

Page 8

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Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana’s activities in March 2019 The Promised Messiah Day, outreach efforts and services of Jamaat departments

Page 5


A AL HAKAM | Friday 12 April 2019 | Issue LVI Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL. UK | F: +44(0)208 544 7673

Energising young Waqifeen

Precious words of advice by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa n 6 and 7 April 2019, Hazrat Amirul O Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V addressed the Ijtemas of Waqifaat-e-Nau aa

and Waqifeen-e-Nau respectively. Founded in 1987, the Waqf-e-Nau scheme has thus far produced an entire generation of servants for the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Islam. Those who belong to this generation are now passing on this blessing through sacrificing their own children’s lives

in this cause. On Saturday, 6 April, Waqifaat-e-Nau in the UK gathered at Baitul Futuh, London for their annual Ijtema. Lajna and Nasirat were fortunate that Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, graced the occasion at around 4pm local time. Throughout the day, all Waqifaat-e-Nau above the age of 7 were taken through a

programme starting at 9:30am. Participants were able to revive the pledges they have made as life devotees through various presentations and workshops on topics that included: What it means to be a Waqf-eNau; How Waqifaat-e-Nau should respond to peer pressure; Priorities of a Waqf-e-Nau before and after marriage, and Mothers’ role as a Waqf-e-Nau. Waqifaat then had an examination

which assessed their general knowledge and understanding of Islam. The highlight of the event was the address delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The final session proceeded with the recitation of Surah Al-e-Imran, chapter 3, verses 36 to 39, followed by its translation. This was followed by the recitation of a Continued on page 10


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Foundationstone laying of mosque in Hauts-de-France Mansoor Ahmed Mubashir France Correspondance


n 31 March 2019, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat France had the opportunity to lay the foundation-stone of a mosque – the first Ahmadi mosque is in Saint Prix, the national headquarters of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya France, while the second is under construction in Strasbourg. The ceremony began after the Zuhr and Asr prayers with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Following that, the history of the local Jamaat was presented. The Amir of France, Ashfaq Rabbani Sahib thereafter spoke about the grace and mercy of Allah on the French Jamaat. He also thanked the local mayor and neighbours. 38 Ahmadis had the opportunity to lay bricks, along with two of our nonMuslim neighbours. The first brick was laid by Amir Sahib France. Amir Sahib told us that that brick was blessed by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for the occasion. The ceremony was concluded with silent prayer. Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya France requests the prayers of all Al Hakam readers for all our activities and efforts.

Inter-religious conference Earlier, in the same region of Hauts-deFrance, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya France organised its seventh inter-religious conference on 17 March 2019 in Beuvrages, France. The theme of the conference was “La sacralite de la vie” (the sanctity of life). The chief guest of this conference was Mr Ben Yahya, Deputy Mayor of Beuvrages. In total, there were five speakers: four religious representatives and a president of a peace organisation. Naseer Ahmed Shahid Sahib Missionary In-charge France, Ms Mme Martine (Church of Scientology), Mr Pierre Lavoisier (Christian Church), Mr Lefèvre JeanJacques (Buddhist) and Mr Jean Henry (President of the Family Federation for World Peace). Towards the end, gifts were distributed to all speakers, and before the silent prayer, the press release of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa about the recent New Zealand terror attack was read out in French, which the guests appreciated highly. A book stand, as well as a Humanity First stand, was also installed in the conference hall. There were more than 60 people in total with 22 guests.

This Week in History 12 - 18 April 12 April 1914: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra addressed representatives gathered in Masjid Mubarak, Qadian for mutual consultation. Huzoor’s words on this special occasion were later printed in bookform under the title Mansab-e-Khilafat (The Status of Khilafat). During this historic gathering, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra laid the foundation of Anjuman Taraqi-e-Islam to propagate the message of Islam to the world. 12 April 1920: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was in Sialkot and he delivered an hour-long speech in Punjabi to ladies of the Jamaat. This speech was later published under the title Faraiz-e-Masturat (Responsibilities of Women). 12 April 1925: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced his fourth nikah for the sake of religious education of Lajna with Hazrat Sara Begum Sahiba. The nikah was announced in Masjid Aqsa, Qadian. 12 April 1938: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud started the spadework for the extension of Masjid Aqsa, Qadian. 12 April 1953: The Ahmadiyya Jamaat was under a heavy spell of persecution across the country. To take precautionary measures, Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra announced the establishment of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Karachi. 13 April 1919: The Indian subcontinent was experiencing unrest due to the commonly known Rowlatt Act (The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919) which was a legislative act passed by the Imperial Legislative Council in Delhi. On this day, Colonel Reginald Dyer ordered gunfire at a gathering of locals in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra strongly denounced this barbaric massacre. 13 April 1920: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a historic speech on the topic of world peace and discussed in detail whether its foundation could be laid on the teachings given by Christianity. This speech was made in Vande Matram Hall, Amritsar. 14 April 1941: Yadvinder Singh Mahendra, the last Maharaja of Patiala, reached Qadian for his two-day visit. Patiala State was an important selfgoverning princely state of the British Empire in India and was situated near Qadian. The Maharaja was given an apt welcome and he had the honour of meeting with Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. 14 April 1944: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra shared a revelation he had received: � �  ‫روز  �ا‬ �  ������ �  ‫��  �  اور  راہ‬ 14 April 1945: Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Zafarulla Khanra and Hazrat Jalaluddin Shams met Ahmet Muhtar Zogolli who had served the Albanians in the capacity of prime minister, president and finally as king of Albania. He was conveyed the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat by the delegation. 14 April 1946: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra sent groups of Ahmadi missionaries to post-War Europe. On this day, Master Muhammad Ibrahim Sahib and Muhammad Usman Sahib embarked on their journey to Sicily, Italy from London. Their efforts bore fruits and two locals entered the Jamaat, but

unfortunately, the authorities refused to extend the visas of the missionaries so they had to depart. 15 April 1946: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra laid the foundation stone of a physics lab of Talim-ul-Islam College in Qadian. 13 companions of the Promised Messiahas were also present on this occasion. 15 April 1949: The first ever Jalsa Salana Rabwah took place. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered the inaugural speech and Friday Sermon. A Shura session was also conducted after the Isha prayer. The number of attendees reached 16,000. During the speech on the second day of Jalsa, Huzoorra announced a concise scheme consisting of printing and distributing books for the educational uplifting of Jamaat members. This idea shows Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra outstanding and firm resolution as the whole country was still coping with scars of the 1947 partition. 15 April 1954: A delegation of Jamaat-eAhmadiyya Karachi met with Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The Saudi king was in Pakistan during his worldwide tour. The Ahmadi delegation extended congratulations and well wishes. 16 April 1923: A group of 19 Ahmadi volunteers embarked from Qadian on their journey to counter the ongoing Shudhi activities (mass conversion of Muslims to Hinduism) in central provinces of the subcontinent. 16 April 1939: Sir John Douglas Young, Chief Justice of Lahore High Court, visited Qadian on this day. 16 April 1944: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered his speech in Delhi on Jalsa Musleh-e-Maud in front of 5,000 people. To create disturbance, some opponents on this occasion began pelting stones, injuring Ahmadis. 16 April 1954: The Jamaat’s 35th central Shura commenced in Lajna Hall, Rabwah. 30 companions of the Promised Messiahas were also present along with 433 representatives from 12 countries. During the inaugural session, Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra blessed the occasion with his presence. Historically, this presence was uplifting for Ahmadis because for the first time, he had come out of his residence to see his Jamaat after an attempt was made on his life. Huzoorra announced a special scheme concerning the contemporary issues prevailing in the country. Huzoorra also appointed Mirza Abdul Haq Sahib of Sargodha as chairman of the Shura. On the third day of the Shura, Huzoorra again graced the venue and made a short speech too. 17 April 1905: Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra authored an article about the recent earthquake in Kangra, India in accordance with the prophecy of the Promised Messiahas. 18 April 1934: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra started his tour of Gujranwala and Lahore, which concluded on 23 April. 18 April 1936: Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad-uddin Sahib began his journey from Qadian for Albania to serve as a missionary.


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

From the Markaz

NGOs, member of European Parliament and Uganda’s high commissioner to the UK meet Huzooraa

eople from all walks of life request an P audience with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V and discuss a variety of aa

issues with him. Recently, on Saturday, 30 March, a delegation of a South Korea based NGO visited Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, may Allah strengthen his hand, and spoke on topics of mutual interest. They had specially travelled for this audience. They invited Huzooraa to attend the World Congress that they organise every year in September with the aim of promoting global peace. They showed Huzooraa a video to give an idea of the scale and nature of the event and its objectives. Huzooraa appreciated their efforts and expressed that it was indeed a time where all groups needed to work together for the

felt that the message of Ahmadiyyat should be more commonly known in Germany than it was now and also voiced certain suggestions that he had for the Jamaat’s outreach schemes. He was of the opinion that Ahmadi requests for political asylum were straightforward and should receive immediate response and a positive outcome. “Once a friend, always a friend” were the words that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa concluded this meeting with. Mr Lucke highly appreciated this gesture of goodwill and expressed that he too felt the same about the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. His Excellency Julius Peter Moto, Ugandan High Commissioner to the UK also had an audience with Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. He found a common interest and informed Huzooraa that he was a farmer before becoming a politician. Huzooraa,

with his particular interest in agriculture, discussed with him many areas of agriculture and mentioned his own experiences in the field. Huzooraa expressed his opinion that if African leaders focused on remaining honest to their peoples and duties, Africa could soon become the “breadbasket of the world”. Agriculture made its way back into the discussion and Huzooraa advised the high commissioner, Mr Moto, that since the African climate was favourable for all types of crops, more areas should be explored and not limit the agricultural pursuits to only a certain type of crops. Huzooraa said that this could lead to more exports and, subsequently, a better economy.

There were questions on women’s rights, terrorism, economic system, treatment of non-Muslims, hijab, among other subjectmatters. Every question was answered with reference to the Holy Quran and it was made clear that the Quran is a timeless teaching and is applicable in any era in the past or the future. Everyone who attended was extremely happy to have listened to this lecture because many of their doubts and misconceptions about Islam had been

cleared. At the end of the event, many students purchased Jamaat literature in Spanish, such as The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, Jesus in India, An Elementary Study of Islam and the Holy Quran. It was a great blessing of God that this opportunity arose in such a sensitive time for Muslims. Due to this event, many bonds of friendship were created and many barriers of hate and ignorance were broken.

cause of establishing world peace. They presented to Huzooraa some souvenirs and literature about their organisation. Huzooraa presented newly published books of the Jamaat where Huzoor’s addresses to various parliaments and dignitaries around the world have been collated. German MEP Bernd Lucke paid Huzooraa a visit on Tuesday, 2 April and discussed various matters to do with the current situation of the region. Mr Lucke has founded a new political party Liberal Conservative Reformers (LKR) and Huzooraa enquired about their agenda and manifesto. This naturally led the discussion to the political climate of Europe and how it is influencing the world at large. Mr Lucke

Lecture about Islam at Universidad Anahuac Amen Aqeel Haider Mexico Correspondent

n opportunity arose in the state of A Querétaro, Mexico to defend and demystify misconceptions about Islam.

Imam Adnan Haider, along with his wife, was invited to a private Catholic university in Universidad Anahuac to give a lecture about Islam. The event was open to all students and a

total of 65 students attended this lecture. A presentation about the basics of Islam was presented and a question and answer session followed, which lasted for almost two hours. For the majority of the students, this was the first time they were meeting a Muslim and hearing about Islam from a Muslim. The knowledge they had of Islam was from what they had seen on social media or had heard on news channels. Therefore, the questions ranged on a variety of topics.


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad ra Zafrulla Khan Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra was a companion of the Promised Messiahas, member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council, judge of the Federal Court of India, president of the International Court of Justice, Pakistan’s first foreign minister, Pakistan’s representative to the UNO General Assembly and a devout servant of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Islam.

Part III wearing brand new shoes, which looked very nice. On leaving the mosque after prayers, when he was putting his shoes back on, a very close friend looked at those shoes with surprise and remarked in a curious manner, “Chaudhry Sahib! These shoes are new.” Chaudhry Sahibra understood his comments full well. He smiled and said, “Well, a new bar of soap can be fused with an old one, but an old shoe cannot be blended with a new one”. Simple lifestyle Once, Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Zafrulla Khanra in Tanganyika’s (now Tanzania) self-help projects | The Sphere, 12 January 1963 expressed his desire to have lunch at an average restaurant Ataul Mujeeb Rashed nearby. I found such a place on Garratt Missionary In-charge, UK Lane, near the mosque. One day, we set out on foot after the Frugality and economising prayer and got there within a few minutes. I am now going to mention another unique This small restaurant was rather clean, feature of his life that I have observed and Chaudhry Sahibra liked it. When he myself very often and most of his friends would have witnessed. It is to do with his took his seat, I went to the counter, briefed the restaurant owner about Chaudhry quality of frugality and economising. ra It is a common observation that when Sahib and placed the order. Fried fish ra a bar of soap used for washing is reduced was Chaudhry Sahib’s favourite dish. to a very small size – known as “chipper” in The owner fried the fish very carefully Punjabi – it gets discarded as it remains of and served it with essential sundries very ra no further use. However, Hazrat Chaudhry respectfully. Chaudhry Sahib liked the Sahibra used to press this “chipper”, or food very much and ate it with pleasure. As we were leaving, the owner sliver of soap, onto a new bar of soap using thanked Chaudhry Sahibra and bade his two hands to fuse them together and ra get more use out of the remaining sliver him farewell. Chaudhry Sahib liked the whole arrangement and that reflected his of soap. If anybody expressed their surprise simplicity and informality. We walked ra about it, he would respond with a simple back and, on the way, Chaudhry Sahib argument: “If this soap sliver was good said, “By the Grace of Allah, the food enough to be used yesterday, then there was very delicious. We should come is no reason why it can’t be used today!” I here again some time, if Allah provides observed him, on some occasions, fusing the opportunity”. However, such an together two different coloured bars of opportunity never arose. Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra was not in the soap. There is an interesting incident in that habit of slipping in English words here and context. One day, Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra there when conversing in Urdu. He made came to the Fazl Mosque for Zuhr prayers sure of that himself and advised others to

do the same. I recall, a young man adopted the practice of mixing English and Urdu during a conversation with him. Chaudhry Sahibra counselled him most amicably. He said, “Look! I know both Urdu and English. Speak in whichever language you please, but do not intermingle the two.” I noticed that his advice did have the desired effect temporarily, however, the deep-rooted habit soon took over again. Undeterred, Chaudhry Sahibra persevered with this Jihad of reformation. A memorable dinner Once, an Ahmadi friend who resided in the suburbs of London, invited Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra to his place for dinner. Chaudhry Sahibra usually did not like late night dinners as it affected his routine of sleeping and getting up. However, on his sincere insistence, Chaudhry Sahibra agreed. During those days, the Jamaat was campaigning for inviting one or two tabligh contacts to such dinners to fulfil the obligation of tabligh. Accordingly, the host had invited a young English friend. He was seated next to Chaudhry Sahibra and throughout that time, the two were engaged in conversation centred around Islam Ahmadiyyat. Following the dua, when it was time to go after dinner, the host requested to have a group photograph with Chaudhry Sahibra. Chaudhry Sahibra was not fond of being photographed. Whenever someone wished to have a photograph with him, he usually suggested, “You may photograph me as I am, seated or standing; I am not for formalities.” That night it was getting quite late and we had to get back to London. Therefore, he wanted to leave as soon as possible. He agreed to the photograph on the insistence of the host but was in a hurry. Everyone gathered around Chaudhry Sahibra. Everyone except an English guest was wearing a cap. After the photograph, the young English gentleman realised that he was the only one without the cap and wanted to have another photograph taken, this time wearing a cap. Chaudhry Sahibra could not refuse out of respect for the guest. Then the search for a suitable cap started. He tried one, looked in the mirror, asked the host if it was good. You can well imagine how the time would have appeared to drag on for Chaudhry Sahibra. Finally,

when the young man got his cap sorted out and was ready for the photograph, Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra advised him in one comprehensive sentence. Very affectionately he said, “Look young man! Don’t worry about your cap. It is what is under the cap that matters!” Everyone was amused by that spontaneous advice and the guest also took it well. Eloquence Hazrat Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrulla Khan Sahibra was blessed with excellent language skills by Allah. He delivered powerful speeches in large chambers of the world, where he demonstrated his God-given intelligence, insight and reasoning. He had very good command over the English language. His style of speech-making was very effective and had an exceptional impact on the audience. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh had directed him during his stay in Holland that he should visit London monthly and devote some time for the tarbiyat of the Jamaat there. Accordingly, he used to visit London, take talim and tarbiyat classes and deliver one Friday sermon, usually in English. The members, especially the young Khuddam, benefitted greatly. I remember that on one occasion when he stood up for the sermon, he said, “Usually, I deliver Friday sermon in English, but today it will be in Urdu because I will not be able to express a special message that I want to impress on the minds of the members in English.” That was just an example of his humility and modesty otherwise he was blessed by Allah with a good mastery of English. The other reason was probably that vocabulary in English is not as vast as it is in Arabic or Urdu. Chaudhry Sahibra used to state in a lighter vein that English was not a language of spirituality and one cannot always find suitable words for many spiritual insights and subtleties. Sittings with Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra used to be very beneficial and enjoyable. He would talk on scholarly points and insightful matters and, when appropriate, narrate light-hearted jokes and humorous anecdotes. Once, he narrated that during his tour of East Africa, he happened to be in Nairobi. There he was invited to attend and address the meeting of the local Punjabi Continued on page 7


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana’s activities in March 2019 Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana

The first speech was delivered in English by Abdul Hameed Ismael Sahib on The Promised Messiah’sas Love of the Holy Quran. The next speech was in Arabic by Fahad Muhammed Alghazo Sahib, lecturer at Jamia Ahmadiyya on The Life of the Promised Messiahas followed by an Urdu speech by Sajid Mahmood Butter Sahib, a lecturer, on The effect of the writings and discourses of the Promised Messiahas. Towards the end, the chairman, Mirza Khalil Baig Sahib, spoke on The Importance of the Promised Messiah Day.

Live translation of Friday Sermon into two local languages

n Saturday 23 March, Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana celebrated the O Promised Messiah Day. This programme

was held by the Majlis-e-Irshad and was attended by all staff members and students. During the programme, lectures were delivered in Urdu, Arabic and English about the blessed life of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. Likewise, poems of the Promised Messiahas were recited and a local poem was also sung, which explained the blessed life of the Promised Messiahas. During the Jalsa, Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat was also hoisted. During the event, Muhammed Naseerullah Sahib made an introductory presentation about flag of Ahmadiyyat, its history and the protocol regarding its hoisting. He also repeated the pledge which was recited by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra during the first hoisting of Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat on 28 December 1939.

The live translation of the Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’saa Friday Sermon has commenced from the Wahab Adam studios into Twi and Yoruba, local languages of Ghana and Nigeria respectively. These translations began broadcast on MTA Africa starting from 15 March 2019. Before this, there had been lots of work going on at different stages concerning the preparation for a live translation. For this, four students of Jamia Ahmadiyya, each of Ghanaian and Nigerian origin, travel to the Wahab Adam studios at Bustan-e-Ahmad, Accra every Friday to translate Huzoor’s sermon live from Urdu.

Commencement of a weekly seminar On 26 December 1905, whilst advising the missionaries of the Jamaat, the Promised Messiahas drew their attention towards acquiring worldly knowledge along with religious knowledge. He also expressed the desire that a day be set aside in a week during which students of the college be taught by way of lectures. In these lectures, they should be taught teachings of the Holy Quran and various other subjects, and likewise, responses to the objections levelled against Islam. This directive of the Promised Messiahas has been implemented for the past five years in Jamia Ahmadiyya International – Alhamdolillah. Every Saturday, instead of regular studies, students are taught answers to various allegations against Islam and Ahmadiyyat. In this regard, as per the

directives of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, every Sunday students receive questions through a GTV helpline provided and during the week, their answers are prepared and delivered to the callers on phone. These very answers are then shared with the students on Saturdays so that their knowledge may increase and that they may be prepared for future responsibilities.

Annual games 2019 In accordance with Jamia’s calendar, this year’s annual games were held on 27-30 March. Aside from daily exercises and jogging, competitions consisting of football, volleyball, table tennis, taekwondo, bodybuilding and cycling were held. In addition, during the year, cross-country race, swift walk, tug of peace, meeru dabba and relay race competitions were held. For the group competitions, students were divided equally into four different groups. During the annual games, all final matches were played together with other games like sabit qadmi, shotput, discus throw, wrist wrestling, long jump, 100 metre race, 400 metre race, observation test, catapult shooting, arm wrestling and obstacle race. The opening ceremony for the games was held on 27 March. After the recitation of the Holy Quran and the issuing of directives, the special guest in the person of Syed Nematullah Sahib commenced the games with a silent prayer. During the last day of the games, the special guest for the day was Ahmad Suleiman Anderson Sahib (Naib Ameer III, Ghana). After recitation from the Holy Quran, a poem and a presentation of the annual sports report, the special guest distributed prizes, after which the principal of Jamia, Fareed Ahmad Naveed Sahib, also presented gifts to some invited guests.

Majlis-e-Ilmi On 7 March, under Majlis-e-Ilmi department, a competition was held on the sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. Another competition for memorisation

of prayers was held on 14 March. On Thursday 21 March, a religious quiz programme was held.

Recordings for MTA Ghana On 2, 9 and 16 March, the MTA Ghana crew came to Jamia Ahmadiyya for regular recordings. During March, a total of 25 programmes were recorded. The subject of these programmes is based on the teachings of the Holy Quran, the blessed life of the Holy Prophetsa, matters of jurisprudence and the history of Ahmadiyyat. The programmes were recorded in English, Twi and Hausa. So far, programmes have been serialised and 269 programmes have been recorded.

GTV helpline Questions received as a result of a Jamaat’s programme broadcast on two Ghanaian TV channels – GTV and CINE PLUS – were answered through phone calls by a panel of students under the supervision of teachers. Most callers expressed emotions of happiness and satisfaction. A total of 114 individuals have joined Islam Ahmadiyyat through this programme.

Sports department In Jamia Ahmadiyya International, under the department of sports and in the supervision of their teachers, students go through exercise and jogging after which they join any sports of their choice which lasts for an hour. Aside from daily sports, football and volleyball matches are organised for students with neighbouring Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi friends.

Preparation for new uniform of Shahid students Every year the final year students are provided with a special suit for their convocation. According to this tradition of Jamia Ahmadiyya International, during the month, new uniforms were prepared for the 14 final year students for the coming convocation ceremony on 23 June 2019.


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM 100 Years Ago...

An interesting encounter with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi Al Fazl, 12 April 1919 Once a proponent and supporter of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi became one of the fiercest opponents of the Promised Messiahas. However, when the time came for him to consider his children’s welfare, with the advice of Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira, he chose Talim-ul-Islam School, Qadian for their education. Below is an interview an Ahmadi conducted in 1919. Ghulam Muhammad Khan MA Firozpur

aving read the name of Maulvi H Muhammad Hussain Batalvi in the books of the Promised Messiah, peace be

upon him, I always desired to meet him and ask him certain questions that had occupied my mind for some time. Therefore, I planned to meet him prior to this year’s Jalsa Salana in Qadian, provided he was in Batala [Maulvi Sahib’s home town] at the time. He accepted my request. As I was not personally acquainted with him, I wrote a letter to Munshi Fazlur-Rahman Sahib, munsif [judge] in Batala, to take my request and inform me of the response. Maulvi Sahib accepted my request as a result of Munshi Sahib’s efforts and agreed to meet me at his house. He also said that I should meet him prior to visiting Qadian so that I do not end up going to Qadian, a skill that he was known for being an expert in as he had been successful in stopping many others from visiting Qadian before. Thus, in the early hours of 16 March 1919, I reached Batala. After resting at Munshi Sahib’s house, I arrived at Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi Sahib’s house. After seeking entry, I was asked to come in. Upon entry, after seeing an aged man over the age of 80 surrounded by books, seated on a charpoy, with a fair complexion and henna-coloured beard, I expressed my curiosity about certain matters. Maulvi Sahib peered up towards my direction and asked, “Where have you come from?” I replied, “I am from Mianwali but reside in Firozpur nowadays and am the treasurer there. I am on my way to Qadian for the Jalsa. As you have served as a fertiliser for our Jamaat and around six to seven hundred thousand people have entered its fold, for a long time I had the desire to meet you. If I enquire about certain matters concerning Hazrat Mirza Sahib, you won’t get cross?” Maulvi Sahib replied that he wouldn’t. I reached into my pocket, pulled out one rupee and placed it in Maulvi Sahib’s hand so that the hand that wrote words of praise for Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya and for whom the Promised Messiahas wrote the following wouldn’t go empty-handed: ّٰ َ َّ ً ‫ظت‬ ‫مخلصا‬ ‫و لِل ِہ َد ّرک حین قر‬ ّ ّ ّ َ ‫ضال مخف ُر‬ ٍ ‫لکل‬ ِ ‫کتابی و صرت‬ [And what a wonderful review you wrote – with sincerity – for my book, Barahin-eAhmadiyya, becoming a guide for everyone fallen astray!] [Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part V (English translation), p. 453] Initially, Maulvi Sahib declined and said that he had plenty of money, but I insisted,

“No, please take this because this hand deserves it.” Only then did Maulvi Sahib accept it and the following conversation ensued: Me: Were you a fellow student of Hazrat Mirza Sahibas in your youth because Hazrat Sahibas says in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part V [English translation, p. 454]: َ َ ً ‫طعت‬ ‫ودادا قد غرسناہ فی الصبا‬ ‫ق‬ ّ ‫و لیس فؤادی فی الوداد‬ ُ‫یقصر‬ ِ [You cut off the tree of friendship that we planted in our youth; But my heart did not fall short – whatsoever – in this friendship.] Maulvi Sahib: Mirza Sahib’s father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza Sahib owned a house in Batala and would reside in it. Mirza Sahib and I would study with a Shia teacher, Gul Ali Shah Sahib. Hazrat Mirza Sahib was studying a book of medicine [Asbab-e-Tibb or Asbab] while I studied a book of grammar [Hidayat Nahv]. We studied together for about four months. Thereafter, my father sent me to another city for education. When I returned after my pursuit of education, after a long period, Hazrat Mirza Sahib’s book, Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya had been published. Clerics opposed the book. Meanwhile, I wrote a review saying that ilham [revelation from God] was possible and that review was published in my

Batala Railway Station | Wiki Commons

Ludhiana, the documents of which I still have and which Mirza Sahib had published under the name Al-Haq [Mubahisa Ludhiana]. The details in the book are correct, however there are some additional details. Me: Have you read all of Mirza Sahib’s books? You have seen Mirza Sahib’s Arabic works; is the Arabic substandard as you have suggested? Maulvi Sahib: I would only read the books that were sent to me. I have not read all of them. I have pointed out mistakes in Mirza Sahib’s Arabic books, and this list has been published in Ishaat-us-Sunnah. [Thereafter, there was a short discourse on supposed grammatical errors found in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’sas books] Me: Hazrat Mirza Sahibas wrote books in Arabic with full conviction and challenged scholars to step forward and write in Arabic. You used to say that Mirza Sahib did not know a single root word of Arabic, whereas Hazrat Mirza Sahibas prayed to God and in one night, he was taught 40,000 words. Even the most famous poet/playwright of the world knew only 25,000 words. So did you write any book in response to this challenge, or even half a page for that matter? If so, could you please show me so that I may read it?

An issue of Ishaat-us-Sunnah

magazine, Ishaat-us-Sunnah. When Mirza Sahib claimed to be the Promised Messiah, that was when I opposed him and prepared an istifta [questionnaire] that was signed by around 200 clerics. I still have that document. I also had a debate with Mirza Sahib in

Maulvi Sahib: I have not written any book in Arabic. My only work is Ishaat-usSunnah, which published for many years in the beginning, then ceased publication for nine years and again continued later. Me: When Mirza Sahibas made such a bold claim with great conviction … and got your attention, you should have written something in response if you didn’t consider him to be true. Maulvi Sahib: Mirza Sahib had a lot of money flowing in; with money, a person can

do a lot. He had a Syrian write Arabic for him and would not write Arabic himself. Me: Maulvi Sahib, how unfortunate that in response to this very allegation of yours, Hazrat Mirza Sahibas wrote the Arabic part of Anjam-e-Atham. (I then drew the attention of Maulvi Sahib towards the Arabic poetic verses written at the end of Anjam-e-Atham by quoting them [the last three couplets on page 274 up to the ninth verse of page 275 of Anjam-e-Atham, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 11] (After hearing these verses, Maulvi Sahib was left stunned and said, “Mirza Sahib must have studied Arabic.” He then told me to dictate those verses to him so that he could write them down. I told Maulvi Sahib that when Hazrat Sahibas wrote Ijaz-ul-Masih and made his claim with full conviction, I did not know Arabic at the time. Thus, I could not determine the standard of Hazrat Mirza Sahib’sas claim regarding Arabic. However, since I passed my master’s degree in Arabic in 1912, I realised that his level of Arabic was very high and erudite. I realised that even Al-Hariri’s Arabic did not compete with it. (Thereafter, Maulvi Sahib read out a two-word sentence of Arabic from one of his writings, to which I responded that those words were taken from the end of two couplets written by Al-Hariri and then recited them. Similarly, when Maulvi Sahib began quoting a Hadith from that same piece of writing, I carried on the Hadith from memory, to which Maulvi Sahib said, “You seem to know Arabic and you are acquainted with Islamic teachings.” In this manner, the discussion carried on and Maulvi Sahib gave me one of his writings, which was a challenge worth 100 rupees concerning the verse of Khatam-unNabiyyin. He also gave another document, which consisted of errors he had noted from the first part of the Holy Quran that was


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM printed in Qadian. I handed the former to Pir Akbar Ali Sahib, whereas the latter is still with me. The conversation continued.) Me: Did you attend the Martyn Clark court hearing to testify against Hazrat Mirza Sahibas? Maulvi Sahib: Yes, he called me. Me: I am also a magistrate and deal with criminal cases on a daily basis. Can you please tell me what the meaning of “discharge” is? (Upon hearing this, Maulvi Sahib became astonished and surprised. He could not answer the question.) Me: Do you define “discharge” to mean “to acquit” or “to free”? (Even at this question, Maulvi Sahib remained dumbfounded and did not know how to respond.)

Henry Martyn Clarke

Me: You define it to mean “to set free” and you say that Hazrat Mirza Sahibas was discharged in this court hearing, not acquitted. Maulvi Sahib: Yes, of course. I define it to mean “to set free”, not “to acquit”. Me: Are you aware that Hazrat Mirza Sahibas tore this allegation apart. Discharge in Arabic means “bari” [to acquit] and “acquit” is translated as mubarra in Arabic. (I then drew Maulvi Sahib’s attention to an Arabic sentence: َ َ​َ َ َ ٌ َ​َ ‫انا بَرِ ّی ِم ْن ذال ِک َو انا ُمب َ ّر ٌء‬ ([I am innocent of this and thus acquitted.] I also reminded him of two verses of the Holy Quran [Surah al-Nisa, Ch.4: V. 113 & Surah al-Nur, Ch.24: V.27]. After hearing these passages, Maulvi Sahib was silenced. I then informed him that Hazrat Mirza Sahibas had discussed this extensively in his book Taryaq-ul-Quloob and drew the attention of commentators and interpreters of law towards this … After this, I drew Maulvi Sahib’s attention towards Barahin-eAhmadiyya Part V.) Me: Maulvi Sahib, have you come across Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part V? Maulvi Sahib: No. Me:

ٌ ‫ُح‬ ‫دشت کربلا‬ ‫سین دفاہ القوم فی‬ ٰ ّ ُ ٌ ً ‫و کَلمنی‬ ُ ‫ظلما حسین ا‬ ‫خر‬

[There was a Hussain who was killed by the enemies in the desert of Karbala. But there is another Hussain (of Batala) who wounded me out of mere cruelty.] You caused great pain to Hazrat Mirza Sahibas, but despite that, Hazrat Sahibas showed immense love: َ ‫کنت تمدح منطقی‬ ‫ایا‬ ُ ‫راشقی قد‬ ّ ُ ُ‫وقر‬ ّ ‫و تُثنی‬ ِ ‫لفة و ت‬ ٍ ‫علی با‬ [O you who shoots arrows at me! There was a time when you used to praise my words – You would praise me with love; you would honour me.] ّٰ َ َّ ً ‫ظت‬ ‫مخلصا‬ ‫و لِل ِہ َد ّرک حین قر‬ ُّ ّ ّ َ ‫ضال مخفر‬ ٍ ‫لکل‬ ِ ‫کتابی و صرت‬ [And what a wonderful review you wrote

– with sincerity – for my book, Barahin-eAhmadiyya, becoming a guide for everyone fallen astray!] ‫و انت الذی قد قال فی تقریظ ِہ‬ ُ‫کمثل المؤلف لیس فینا غضنفر‬ [And you are indeed that very one who had written in his review, that there is absolutely no lion among us like this author in the cause of the Faith.] َ َ ً ‫مدبرا‬ ‫عرفت مقامی ثم انکرت‬ َ ُ ‫کنت‬ ‫تشعر‬ ‫فما الجہل بعد العلم ان‬ [You recognised my status and then denied me – What ignorance is this that was deliberately manifested after knowledge!] ‫فطنة‬ ‫علم بحالی۔ و‬ ٍ ٍ ‫کمثلک مع‬ ُ ُ ‫عجبت‬ ٰ ُ ‫لہ یبغی الہدی ثم‬ ‫یاطر‬ [It is astonishing indeed that a man like you who knew me so well should have found guidance only to then let go of the right path.] َ َ ً ‫طعت‬ ‫ودادا قد غرسناہ فی الصبا‬ ‫ق‬ ّ ‫و لیس فؤادی فی الوداد‬ ُ‫یقصر‬ ِ [You cut off the tree of friendship that we planted in our youth; But my heart did not fall short – whatsoever – in this friendship.] ً ُ َ ُ ٰ ‫علی غیر شی ٍء قلت ما قلت عجلة‬ ٰ ٌ ُ ّ ّ ‫َو َواللہ انّی صادق لا ا‬ ‫زو ُر‬ ِ [Nothing you said was uttered but in haste; for – by God! – I am truthful and have never lied.] [Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part V (English translation), pp. 452-454] Look Maulvi Sahib, how Hazrat Sahibas showed love to you! Maulvi Sahib: Please tell me the page number. Me: Do you also know that Hazrat Sahibas made a prophecy concerning you that you would eventually return to the truth? Maulvi Sahib: Yes, I am aware that he did. If it is fulfilled, then fine, otherwise it is merely a guess. Me: No, Maulvi Sahib, it will be fulfilled. Let me show you from Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part V [English translation, pp. 416-417]: ّ ‫سیہدیک ربّی بعد‬ ‫غی و شقو ٍة‬ ٍ ُ‫و ذالک من وحی اتانی فاُخبر‬

Continued from page 4

Literary Association. He added that when going there, he thought that though they were Punjabi, they would not be free of the imprint of English. Sure enough, every speaker there spoke in English. When, at the end, his turn came, he said, “I started my speech in Punjabi and thereupon the eyes of the audience lit up. When Chaudhry Sahibra completed his speech in typical Punjabi, a Sikh blurted out, “Aj te swad aa gya” [I really enjoyed it today]. A humorous anecdote An interesting anecdote narrated by Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra comes to my mind. When Chaudhry Sahibra went to Tashkent, the Muslims there invited him to a dinner. Among the guests was the Mufti of Tashkent who was quite huge. When the dinner started, some of the participants realised that the Mufti was feasting at a galloping speed. Impressed by his swiftness, one of the diners asked him rather facetiously, as if seeking his ruling on the issue, “Mufti Sahib! At what point do you say that (so and so) is fully satiated,” or “How can you tell that he is really satiated?” Mufti Sahib was a very experienced and seasoned person; he understood fully where he was coming from. He replied very confidently, “People may have their own experiences in this regard. However, in light of my prolonged experience, you can only pronounce someone ‘satiated’ when either the food before him is finished or he himself is finished.” Chaudhry Sahib used to narrate this anecdote in such an interesting manner that each time it was amusing in a new way. Regularity One salient feature of Hazrat Chaudhry Sahib’s life was the regularity of his habits. He did everything in a methodical and precise manner. His style of putting his signature was also unique; he did it slowly and nicely; observing that one could guess that his life followed the same pattern.

[God will soon guide you after your going astray; I have come to know this by revelation of God Almighty, so I hereby inform you.] ٰ ّ ‫المنتہی من‬ ‫ولینا‬ ‫و نحن علمنا‬ ُّ َْ ّ َ‫ف‬ ‫قرت بہ عی ِنی و کنت اذکر‬

[The end of your affair was revealed to me by my Friend, God Almighty. It brought solace to my heart and I am reminded about it.] ّ َ َ ٰ َ ّٰ ‫مان تعلق‬ ‫َو َواللہ لا انسی ز‬ ّ ‫ولیس فؤادی مثل ارض‬ ‫تحج ُر‬ ٍ [By God, I do not forget our past relationship; My heart is not like stony soil.] (I read out three more couplets like this, when Maulvi Sahib said, “Read this out to me so that I may write it down.” Eventually, when I sought leave from him, he said that I had become stuck. I replied that he too was stuck as he had written HaqiqatunNubuwwah, Al-Nubuwwah fil-Islam, Haqqul-Yaqeen and had continued to serve as a fertiliser for our Jamaat. I said, “May Allah guide you quickly.”)

Coming to London from Holland over the weekend, he used to give me a brief telephone call from his office in the International Court of Justice saying, “Rashed Sahib, I am about to set out, you should get going too.” Immediately, or a few minutes after the phone call, I would set out for the airport. As I reached the airport, Chaudhry Sahibra would come out of the airport with his compact brief case. Sometimes, he would be waiting for me before my arrival. His favourite route to or from the airport was via Richmond Park, a beautiful park in the natural environment not too far from the Fazl Mosque. Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra liked going through the park because of

the fresh air and scene of thousands of deer and stags roaming freely in the park. “A leisurely walk to complete the journey”, he would say. Informal, free and easy manner of conversation Informal sittings with Hazrat Chaudhry Sahibra were wonderful experiences. He used to converse with loving kindness. He talked about religious and spiritual matters, intellectual and scholarly topics and narrated his personal anecdotes that were both very enlightening and lighthearted. When narrating incidents, he gave full details with remarkable clarity – date, day, location, atmosphere and the weather. How he managed to remember all such details boggles my mind even to this day. Some narratives he repeated in different meetings but with remarkable consistency of details with no contradictions. Another good quality of his was that he was never offended by any question and happily gave a brief or detailed reply as the situation demanded. One day, while we were both seated at the dining table, a strange question sprang up in my mind out of the blue. I asked him, “Chaudhry Sahib! Allah has blessed you abundantly. He has granted you knowledge of many sciences. I would like to find out what it is that you do not know about.” He smiled and said, “You have asked a very good question. Nobody has ever asked me such question before.” After a brief pause, he said: “You are right. By His Grace, Allah has indeed blessed this humble one abundantly. Every bit of my being is always in obeisance to Him with gratitude. However, there are a few things that I do not know about. One is driving, and the other is typing.” He immediately added, “It is my Lord’s benevolence towards me that the lack of these skills has never caused any difficulty or hindrance in my work in my entire life.” He elaborated further: “I have spent my life in travels which are ongoing. Whenever I have had to go anywhere, my Lord provided me not only with a car, but also a driver as well. I have never had a problem because of not knowing how to drive.” He added, “Similarly, I have been occupied with writing throughout my life and that has been my most important engagement. It was my Lord’s Grace that whenever I had to get a letter or a composition typed, I had the services of a typist and very often, full office facilities were available and, by the Grace of Allah, all my needs were fulfilled without any problem. And such kind treatment of Allah the Exalted for me is continuing.” I realised that while uttering these words, he was overcome with emotions time and again, and tears welled up in his eyes as he was overcome by feelings of gratitude.


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM Responding to Allegations

Apostasy Did the Promised Messiahas agree with the killing of renegades? Part II

hose who have studied Sirrul-Khilafa T know that Hazrat Ahmad quoted in Arabic: as

“And Aishara states, ‘When my father was appointed as Khalifa and Allah gave him leadership, he had to witness storms of discord from every side due to this, as well as the scores of false prophets and liars, and the rebellion of the hypocrites and renegades. He then had to face such difficulties as would have rendered asunder and crushed mountains instantly had it fallen upon them, but he was granted patience like that of the prophets until the help of Allah came, the false claimants were killed, the renegades perished, the discord vanished, the distressing ordeals were over, the matter was settled and Khilafat was established.” (Sirrul-Khilafa, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 8, p. 335) The words “rebellion of the hypocrites and renegades” present in the abovementioned paragraph are of considerable importance, as these words highlight the fact that Hazrat Abu Bakrra faced individuals who were not mere apostates, but instead, were guilty of rebellion. Opponents refer to just a portion from the letter of Hazrat Abu Bakrra present in Sirrul-Khilafa. The founder of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas has cited this letter on page 66 and 67 [first edition] of his book SirrulKhilafa and on the preceding page 65, citing two paragraphs from Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, under the title Khuruj Mudda‘i alNubuwwah [appearance of false claimants of prophethood]. Hazrat Ahmadas states: “All the false claimants of prophethood rose up, namely Aswad of Yemen, Musaylimah of Yamama and Tulayha ibn Khuwaylid of Bani Asad (Ibn Khaldun, Part II, p. 60). Sajah bint Al-Harith of Bani Aqfan claimed false prophethood. Huzail bin Imran of Bani Taghlib, Uqba bin Halal of Bani Nimr, Salil bin Qays and Zayd bin Bilal of Bani Shayban became his followers. [The

false claimants of prophethood] along with the tribes present in the [Arabian] peninsula advanced towards Medina, in order to wage war against Hazrat Abu Bakrra (Ibid., p. 65).” (Sirrul-Khilafa, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 8, p. 394) Take another look at the last sentence, in which Imam Ibn Khaldun points out that “[the false claimants of prophethood] along with the tribes present in the [Arabian] peninsula advanced towards Medina, in order to wage war against Hazrat Abu Bakrra.” Then, under the heading [Arabic] “Revolt of apostates after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa – the Imam of mankind and the greatest of all prophets”, citing three paragraphs from Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Hazrat Ahmadas states: “Arabs apostatised after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa. In some cases, an entire tribe rebelled, while at other times, a part of the tribe. Hypocrisy took root and Muslims – because of their weak strength and being subjected to a great number of opponents and owing to the gloomy atmosphere formed by the demise of their Prophetsa – resembled sheep and goats in a rainy night (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Part II, p. 65). “Ibn Khaldun further writes, ‘All and sundry from the Arabs apostatised. Banu Tayy and Banu Asad reunited at the hand of Tulayha, while Banu Gatfan apostatised. Banu Hawazin rebelled and refused to offer Zakat funds. Moreover, the leaders of Banu Sulaym apostatised. Similarly, all the rest did the same.’ (Ibid., p. 65). “Ibn Athir states in his book, Tarikh [Kamil], ‘When the Holy Prophetsa passed away, the news of his demise reached Mecca and its governor, Atab bin Usaid, disappeared. The entirety of Mecca shuddered, and it was highly probable that its inhabitants would have left Islam.’ (Ibid., Part I, p. 134) “He further states that all high and low from the Arabs apostatised. Hypocrisy became evident. The Jews and Christians

stretched their necks to examine the situation. Moreover, Muslims, owing to the demise of their Prophetsa and because of their weak strength, faced a great number of enemies resembling sheep and goats in a rainy night. In these circumstances, people turned to Hazrat Abu Bakrra saying that the masses only considered the battalion of Hazrat Usamara to be the army of Islam and he should realise that Arabs had rebelled against him. So, they said to him, it was not reasonable to separate himself from this company of Muslim men. Hazrat Abu Bakrra responded by saying, ‘I call to witness that Entity in Whose Omnipotent Hand lies my life! If I become certain of the fact that predators may snatch me, even then I would send the expedition of Usamara, in accord to the instructions of the Holy Prophetsa. I cannot annul the decision of the Holy Prophetsa.’ “Abdullah bin Masudra said, ‘After the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, we went through such a phase that if God had not showered His mercy in the person of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, we would quite possibly have seen ruin.’ He reunited the Muslims on this objective that they should fight to collect the obligatory funds of Zakat on bint-e-makhad (one year-old she-camel) and bint-e-labun (two year-old she-camel), and that they quash the settlements of Arabs and continue to worship Allah the Almighty till the last breath (Ibid., p.65).” (Sirrul-Khilafa, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 8, pp. 393-394) In the above mentioned paragraphs, “a great number of enemies” and “they refused to offer Zakat” carry significant importance, as these words indicate that a great number of opponents along with the apostate tribes had refused to offer the obligatory Zakat funds towards the treasury, thereby openly rebelling against the Islamic state. Moreover, the request made by the Companionsra to stop the company of men under the command of Hazrat Usamara, the reply of Hazrat Abu Bakrra that no matter the consequences he would not stop the expedition of Usamara even if the predators clawed his corpse and then the words of Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud, ‘After the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, we went through such a phase that if God had not showered His mercy in the person of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, we would quite possibly have seen ruin’ highlight the perilous situation of those times and the extreme threat posed by the apostate tribes to the inhabitants of Medina and the Islamic state. It is stated in Tarikh Al-Tabari: ‫وکان اول من صادم عبس و ذبیان عاجلوہ فقاتلھم قبل‬ ُ ‫رجوع اسامۃ‬ “He [Hazrat Abu Bakrra] was the first person who confronted the tribes of Banu Abs and Zibyan as both these tribes advanced towards him unexpectedly [to wage war] before the return of Hazrat

Usamara.” (Tarikh Al-Tabari, Vol. 3, p. 278) Ibn Khaldun states: ‫فعاجلتہ عبس و ذبیان ونزلوا فی الابرق ونزل آخرون بذی‬ ‫القصۃ‬ “Thus, Banu Abs and Zibyan advanced towards him [Hazrat Abu Bakrra] unexpectedly [to wage war]. Most of them camped in Abrak and others camped in Zhu Qissa.” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Vol. 2, p. 65) It is evident from the above quotes that these tribes waged war against the Islamic state before the expedition of Hazrat Usamara could return to Medina, and in response to that, Hazrat Abu Bakrra had to fight a defensive war. It is stated in Tarikh Khamis: “And Kharijah bin Hisn bin Huzaifa bin Badr advanced towards Medina. He was one of those who apostatised along with the horsemen of his tribe. He wanted to deceive the people regarding the war or to attack them unexpectedly in a state of heedlessness. Thus, he carried a surprise attack against Hazrat Abu Bakrra and against those who stood by him.” (Tarikh Khamis, Vol. 3, p. 173) Ibn Khaldun states: “The tribes of Banu Zibyan and Abs assaulted those Muslims who were present within them and martyred them. Similar was the conduct of those apostates who came after them.” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Vol. 2, p. 66) Al-Tabari states: “So, the tribes of Banu Zibyan and Abs attacked those Muslims who existed within them and vehemently martyred them. And those who came after them followed their footsteps.” (Tarikh Al-Tabari, Vol. 3, p. 280) The author of Tarikh-ul-Kamil states: “The dispatching of the expedition of Hazrat Usamara proved beneficial for the Muslims. Therefore, the Arabs said, ‘Had they [the Muslims] lacked strength, they would not be able to dispatch this expedition.’ Thus, they refrained from doing all that they had planned to do.” (Al Kamil Fi Tarikh Ibn Athir, Vol. 2, p. 200) Badruddin Ainirh states: “Surely, Hazrat Abu Bakrra fought against those who refused to offer the Zakat as they sought protection under the sword and declared war over the Ummah.” (Umdatul-Qari Sharah Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 24, p. 119) Al-Tabari states: “[After the defeat of the tribes] Hazrat Khalidra accepted [the request for forgiveness] from every person belonging to the tribes of Banu Asad, Gatfan, Hawazin, Sulaim and Tayy, only on the condition that they give up those individuals who burned alive, mutilated and attacked the Muslims in their state of apostasy.” (Tarikh Al-Tabari, Vol. III, p. 289) It is very obvious from the abovementioned statements that the apostates


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM burned Muslims alive, mutilated the bodies of their martyrs and attacked them. Ibn Khaldun states: “Banu Rabia apostatised and they chose Munzir bin Numan bin Al-Munzir – famous by the name of maghrur [the arrogant] – as their leader and accepted his authority; similar was the case of his own people of Hira.” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, Vol. II, p. 76) Thus, it becomes vividly clear from all these historical references that the apostate tribes refused to offer obligatory Zakat funds – they forcefully refused to pay the tax of the state. Moreover, they looted the funds of Zakat from several treasuries, organised an army, eventually attacked the capital Medina and martyred those Muslims who refused to follow them in their revolt against the state.

Some people were burned alive by them. Consequently, these apostates of the state deserved the death penalty on the charges of armed rebellion, looting the funds of the state, murdering Muslims and burning Muslims alive. It is stated in the Holy Quran: ُْ ٌَ َ ُ َ​َ ‫اء َس ِّيئ ٍة َس ِّيئة ِّمثل َها‬ ‫جز‬ “The recompense of an injury is the injury the like thereof.” (Surah al-Shura, Ch.42: V.41) At another place, it is stated: ّٰ َ ُ َ ُ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ َّ ْ‫الل َه َو َر ُسوْل َ ُه َويَ ْس َعوْ َن في الْأَ ْرض َف َس ًادا أَن‬ ‫ِإنما جزاء ال ِذين يحارِبون‬ ِ ِ َ َ ُ َْ َ ِْ ‫يُقَ َّت ُلوْا أَ ْو يُ َص َّل ُبوْا أَ ْو تُقَ َّط َع أَي‬ ‫اف أ ْو يُنفوْا ِم َن‬ ‫د‬ ٍ ‫يه ْم َوأ ْر ُجل ُه ْم ِّم ْن ِخل‬ ِ َْْ ‫ض‬ ِ ‫الأر‬ “The reward of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to create disorder in the land is [only this]

that they be slain or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on alternate sides, or they be expelled from the land.” (Surah al-Maidah, Ch.5: V.34) “And strive to create disorder in the land”, shows the meaning of waging a war against Allah and His Messenger. The usage of “and” in this verse is grammatically considered as tafsiriyah (explaining the previous statement) and elucidates the fact that those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger – create disorder in the country, cause bloodshed, steal, ransack and armed rebellion – their punishment is that “they be slain or crucified”. It should be noted here that the words: َّ َ ُ َّ َ ُ ‫يقتلوْا أ ْو يُ َصل ُبوْا‬

The London Book Fair 2019

Nauman Hadi Al Hakam Correspondent

hen Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, he set in motion a W renaissance that would forever change the

course of human history. It was from that point on that the spread of books gained momentous speed, something which has morphed into the spread of ideas at a cataclysmic rate in the 21st century. Standing in the Olympia Exhibition Centre during the London Book Fair perfectly fulfils the prophecy of the Holy Quran that a day would come when books would be spread far and wide, they would be published in numerous quantities and become widely available. This is certainly true when we learn that more than 25,000 publishers, booksellers, literary agents, librarians and industry suppliers from over 100 countries now attend the Fair making it a global marketplace for the industry. Though the Fair is more themed towards the buying and selling of rights, it is as useful a place to assess and learn from the global trends in the publishing industry. This year’s Book Fair took place between 12-14 March and was themed around Indonesian culture. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat’s publishing body, Islam International Publica-

(Research conducted by a panel of scholars)

(they be slain or crucified) used here,

A Global Book Market tions was located at a prominent place next to Amazon Publishing. The exhibition hosted translations of the Holy Quran in various languages, as well as a selection of books that would be of interest to passers-by. The Review of Religions’ exhibit was adjacent to this. Speaking to Mohammed Arshad Ahmedi Sahib, we learnt that there were two presentations held daily in the morning and afternoon on the book World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, which attracted many people. The presentation was followed by a prize draw in which any member of the audience could win a prize. On the first day, Islam International

according to Arabic grammar, fall in the category of taf ‘eel, which is used to indicate the intensity and severity of an action, thereby carrying the meaning of strictness in the punishments of slaying and crucifixion. We pray to the Merciful and Most Forgiving Allah that as He granted Abdullah ibn Saad ibn Abi Sarah the strength to repent, in the very same way, may Allah the Almighty strengthen the hearts of those people who were once part of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya but left on account of misinformation. May they leave this materialistic world firmly believing in the Promised Messiahas and the Akharin.

Publications invited around 40 people from the Indonesia Exhibit for dinner, which turned into a meet and greet. A number of talks also began on the printing of Jamaat books with various printers which we are hopeful will turn into something fruitful. Students of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK were also present and were tasked with visiting as many exhibitions as possible and introducing the Jamaat alongside attending to visitors that came to the exhibit. A separate floor was dedicated to meetings with literary agents, also numbering in their hundreds. Again, this was related to rights negotiations, however we were able to speak to a few individuals and gain invaluable insight into the functioning of the publishing industry. The energy in the grand halls was mesmerising; every inch of the space was occupied with something related to books. Were you to display the words “And when books are spread abroad” on the entrance in bold letters, then every passing eye would attest to the magnificent fulfilment of this Quranic prophecy.

Ahmadiyya outreach event in Belgium Mohammad Arsalan Belgium Correspondent

amaat Ahmadiyya Oostende, Belgium JAhmadiyyat had the opportunity to introduce Islam to various people in the event

of Profundo. Profundo is a platform which is organised by the city hall of Oostende for all religions to introduce themselves to people. Before the programme, sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, qaid of the local Majlis and secretary of tabligh held a meeting to discuss all the matters to make the programme successful. The programme was held on 17, 18 and 26 March 2019. The programme started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Aziz-ur-Rahman Butt Sahib, secretary tabligh. The welcome and introduction speech was given by Adeel Ahmad Sahib, qaid of the local Majlis. A presentation on Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya was also shown to the visitors. A newly converted Ahmadi, Bilal Sahib, gave a speech on his experiences as an Ahmadi Muslim. The programme concluded with a question and answer session presided by Chaudhry Muhammad Mazhar Sahib, missionary of Belgium. In total, 348 visitors attended the programme. All the guests enjoyed the event and visited the bookstall as well. At the end, refreshments were offered to the participants.

Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

10 Continued from page 1

poem by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud . A short report was also presented by the Waqf-e-Nau team to Huzooraa in which a backdrop of the event was described, as well as the happenings of the day. In his address, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa began by drawing the attention of the Waqifaat-e-Nau towards their responsibilities towards Allah, after which Huzooraa explained that the best form of guidance for all of us was in the form of the Holy Quran – a set of commandments that are “as applicable today as it was in the time of the Holy Prophetsa.” As the first addressees of the speech were women and girls living in the UK – a Western country – Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa guided the Waqifaat by saying: “No matter what allegation or criticism is levelled against Islam, you must never feel any embarrassment or complex over your faith. There is no allegation and no criticism that cannot be refuted.” Huzooraa went on to explain: “To understand the deeper meanings of the Holy Quran, it is essential that you read the books of the Promised Messiahas, as well as the other books published by the Jamaat. Certainly, in this era, it is only by reading the books of the Promised Messiahas and his Khulafa that we can truly comprehend our faith and respond to those who level false allegations against Islam. “Many of you are now in your teenage years … while many of you are now adults and have been blessed with your own children. As you have reached an age of understanding and maturity, you must make it a habit to set aside time every day to read the books or writings of the Promised Messiahas as they will furnish you with the necessary means to defend your religion.” With respect to the job of Waqifaat to promulgate the message of Islam throughout the world, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said: “Irrespective of whether you are working full-time for the Jamaat or not, as a member of Waqf-e-Nau, it is your duty to propagate the true and peaceful teachings of Islam through your words and conduct. It has always been my experience that when worldly and materialistic people, who consider themselves extremely advanced and educated, are presented with the true and beautiful teachings of Islam, they cannot help but be impressed, particularly considering the raging conflict and division in the world.” Huzooraa went on to explain the importance of taking pride in the identity of an Ahmadi Muslim and not holding back from flaunting the beauties of Islam. “Unfortunately, some young Ahmadis, particularly teenagers, develop an inferiority complex or feel humiliated and rejected by such ridicule. However, if you are ever mocked for acting upon your religion, you should never take it as a personal humiliation, rather you should consider it to be a badge of honour and feel pride in the knowledge that you stayed strong in your faith in the face of adversity. “Showing patience and keeping your head held high in such circumstances is the true means of establishing your honour and self-respect in the world. We are the fortunate ones as we have not forgotten our values.” After this, Hazrat Khalifatul ra

Masihaa described the current social climate, where people have disregarded their religious identities and have given preference to materialistic values. In explaining this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that we were the ones who were strong in our character for not compromising our values and so, there was no need for any such complex. Huzooraa not only explained the duties of Waqifaat to the world, but towards the family unit also. Huzooraa said: “Peace in the home is based on good morals and mutual respect between the husband and his wife, and between parents and their children. Thus, always keep in mind that as members of Waqf-e-Nau, it is essential that you manifest the highest morals of all times. “All of you, whether you are children, teenagers or adults, must fulfil the rights of your parents, your siblings and other family members. Those who are married must treat their children and spouses with love; fulfil their rights and ensure that their home is a mirror-reflection of Islam’s teachings.” Addressing the married Waqifaat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained that they must ponder over the pledge their parents made and the pledge they have now made with respect to their children. They must, Huzooraa said, make a pious example for their children. In this manner, we shall be able to ensure that Islam flourishes throughout the world. “Only if mothers play their crucial role can the great values of our religion remain firmly instilled in our future generations. Otherwise, we could suffer the same fate as other religious communities who have lost their traditions and values over time.” Huzooraa expressed the importance of adhering to our religion and the principles it instructs us to adhere to so that there always remains a group of people calling towards the true religion and the One God. Giving comprehensive guidance to the Waqifaat-e-Nau towards the end of his address, Huzooraasaid: “Be righteous, observe the highest morals, always speak the truth, uphold Islamic principles and strive to be better Muslims every single day of your lives. Only then can we ensure that our children and generations who follow are in safe hands and will grow to be a source of pride for our Jamaat.” Huzooraa concluded this address with the prayer that we are all able to be part of the victory of Islam and, along with the coming generations, become “shining stars of Ahmadiyyat and a continuous source of pride for Ahmadiyyat”. Thereafter, Huzooraa led the congregation in a silent prayer. The event saw a total of 1,154 Waqifaate-Nau, an increase of 15 from the previous year. There were 649 Waqifaat-e-Nau between the ages of 7 and 15, while there were 505 Waqifaat above 15. The following day, with the recitation of Surah Al-e-Imran, verses 33 to 36 and translation, the UK Waqifeen-e-Nau Ijtema’s concluding session commenced in the presence of Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa in Baitul Futuh, London on Sunday, 7 April. Following the recitation of the Quran was the recitation of a poem written by

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. In the report presented by the Waqf-eNau Department, UK, it was said that the Ijtema had been a means of inspiring the Waqifeen towards various disciplines and careers that they may pursue after they have reinstated their pledge of Waqf. Along with presentations on Jamia Ahmadiyya, career choices, the true meaning of Waqf, Huzoor’s instructions to Waqifeen-e-Nau in the past, a presentation was also given on the inspirational life of Prof Abdus Salam Sahib by his son, Ahmad Salam Sahib. An exam was also conducted that assessed the general knowledge and Islamic understanding of Waqifeen. This year, 1,394 Waqifeen-e-Nau attended, an increase of 30 Waqifeen as compared to last year. Along with guests, the total attendance was 1,725. Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa began his speech by saying that it was encouraging to see that the number of Ahmadi parents dedicating the lives of their children to the scheme of Waqf-e-Nau was increasing. Addressing the Waqifeen-e-Nau, Huzooraa said: “Some [of you] are in school whilst many have completed their higher education. Having done so, some of you are serving the Jamaat full-time as Waqf-e-Zindagi, whilst quite a number are now posted in the field as missionaries after completing their studies and training from Jamia Ahmadiyya. There are others who, with the permission of the Jamaat, are pursuing various professions, however it is vitally important that those who are working privately must set aside as much time as possible for the service of their religion and should always keep in mind that they are Waqf-e-Nau. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then emphasised the worship of Allah, establishing a strong bond with Allah and the five obligatory prayers. Huzooraa said that the youth should make every effort to attend congregational prayers at local mosques and Salat centres. Unfortunately, there were some who, when asked, admitted that they did not offer the five daily prayers as is required. “If you are not fulfilling the basic duty of worship of Allah, how can it be possible to form a relationship of fidelity and sincerity with Him. So, if you want to show that you are not just a Waqf-e-Nau in name and that

you have genuinely given your lives for the sake of Islam and are determined to fulfil the pledge made by your parents, you must prioritise this indispensable aspect of your faith.” While drawing the attention of the Waqifeen towards Salat, Huzooraa added that responsibilities of Waqifeen-e-Nau included that they fulfil their rights to Allah, whilst also fulfilling the rights of fellow beings. For this, Huzooraa drew the attention of the parents of Waqifeen to ensure that their tarbiyat was being done to the best level. Coming back to the Waqifeen, Huzooraa said that to understand what is required of us, we must study the books and words of the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa went on to summarise instructions of the Promised Messiahas that he gave to his Jamaat, which included expectations Hazrat Ahmadas had of those that had committed their lives to the Jamaat. Thereafter, Huzooraa added: “…you should understand that even though you are living in a Western society, you must live your lives in an Islamic way, seeking to attain the pleasure of Allah the Almighty. You must resolutely keep hold of your religious values and traditions. You must bring about those pious changes in your life that will enable you to fulfil the rights of Allah the Almighty and His creation.” Huzooraa said: “The Promised Messiahas also taught that those who associated themselves with him should devote their lives to their faith in the same way he did. So, we must keep the great personal example of the Promised Messiahas firmly within our sights at all times. “During his life, the Promised Messiahas devoted his every day and every night for the sake of Islam till his final breath. Every moment of the Promised Messiah’sas life was spent in fulfilling his divine mission to revive and spread the true teachings of Islam throughout the world. “For example, on one occasion, the Promised Messiahas said that he continued to work until he felt as though he was about to collapse due to extreme exhaustion. Only at that point of complete fatigue would the Promised Messiahas lie down and rest for a short period. This was the noble example of the Promised Messiahas and it is our task to follow in his blessed footsteps. “I have no doubt that if the members of

Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM Waqf-e-Nau are able to collectively follow his example even to a very small degree, they will be able to bring about a spiritual and moral revolution in the world.” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa explained that as the younger Waqifeen entered adulthood, they should remember that it was not essential that they would be immediately called for the service of the Jamaat. In such circumstances, the Waqifeen should not let the world consume them and they should try their utmost to increase their spiritual conditions and religious knowledge. Regardless of where they work, they should become a practical example of the true teachings of Islam. Only if they do this can they say that they have fulfilled the rights of their Waqf. Referring to the verse “And Abraham who fulfilled [the commandments]” (Surah al-Najm, Ch.53: V.39), Huzooraa said that it was essential for all Waqifeen to live their lives with the same loyalty as Hazrat Abrahamas. “Sometimes, young married couples come to meet me and the husband proudly says that, ‘I am a Waqf-e-Nau’, ‘My wife/ husband is Waqf-e-Nau and now, so is our child’. It is good that their entire family is part of the blessed scheme, however, as I have said many times, just holding the title of Waqf-e-Nau is meaningless. It becomes meaningful when a member of Waqf-e-Nau understands the demands of their pledge and faithfully strives to fulfil it to the best of their abilities. “To honour your pledge requires constant effort, great passion and enormous sacrifices. It requires complete devotion to your Creator. The Promised Messiahas once said that the means to gain Allah’s nearness is to manifest complete submission to

11 Allah the Almighty in the way of Hazrat Ibrahimas who sacrificed his entire being and tolerated every possible hardship for the sake of Allah. It is for this reason that Allah the Almighty has testified to the obedience and sincerity of Hazrat Ibrahimas in the Holy Quran.” Another instruction of the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa described, was that devotion required us to completely immerse ourselves in the service of God’s religion. Huzooraa said that we must avoid all forms of distractions that take us away from our actual purpose and our devotion to Allah the Almighty. “All of you should deeply reflect upon this point and assess your own lives to see if you are being taken away from your faith by the many worldly activities and superficial pursuits that are common today. If such material interest causes a person to forget Allah the Almighty, how can he or she claim to follow the example of loyalty and obedience displayed by Hazrat Ibrahimas or to reach the standards expected by the Promised Messiahas. “Though many Waqifeen-e-Nau are busy with their professions or business, they must not let their worldly work interfere with their worship of Allah the Almighty. Similarly, children who play computer games or have other hobbies must ensure that these pursuits do not lead them to neglecting their prayers and religious duties.” Just being part of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme, Huzooraa said, is “nothing to be proud of … until and unless they solemnly strive to reach the high standards of obedience required by the Promised Messiahas. Until you prioritise your religion over all worldly matters, being part of Waqf-

e-Nau is just worthless.” Addressing the younger Waqifeen, especially Atfal and young Khuddam, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said: “…as Waqf-e-Nau, you must be very active members of Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya and Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. You should be role-models for the other Atfal and Khuddam and be ready for any duty or sacrifice required.” Alongside the obligatory prayers, Huzooraa said to the Waqifeen that they should also offer nawafil – voluntary prayers. Waqf-e-Nau, especially the older Atfal and Khuddam, should carefully read the translation of the Holy Quran, as well as the commentaries of the Promised Messiahas and the Khulafa. The commandments of Allah should be well understood, and only when this is done can one call themselves a good Waqf-e-Nau. Additionally, Huzooraa instructed that Waqifeen should address others respectfully. Thereafter, Huzooraa listed each individual responsibility of Waqifeen by saying: “Compared to girls, boys are more easily influenced by the immodesty and indecency prevalent in the modern society. However, our boys should always guard their modesty and not fall prey to immoral and indecent activities. Only then can you call yourself a Waqf-e-Nau. “You should respect your parents, listen to them, care for them and pray for them. Only then can you call yourself a true Waqfe-Nau. Likewise, treat your brothers and sisters with love and affection and set a pious example to learn from. Only then can you call yourself a true Waqf-e-Nau. “If you are married, you must set the best possible example for your wife and children. Treat them with love and care, and fulfil

MTA International launches live streaming on local TV channel in Suriname

Laiq Ahmad Mushtaq Missionary In-charge Suriname

uriname is the smallest independent S country situated in South America and it is also the sole Dutch speaking nation on the continent. It is bordered by Guyana on the west and French Guiana on the east. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the north of the

country and it also shares a land border with Brazil. Due to the location of Suriname, receiving sustainable signals from the MTA satellite was difficult. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his helper, graciously approved the live broadcasting of MTA International on a local television channel through web-streaming.

Rapar Broadcasting Network (RBN) is the oldest and one of the most popular TV channels in Suriname with coverage in most parts of the nation. The channel also demanded 50% less monthly charges compared to other popular channels. By the grace of Allah, for the first time in the history of Suriname, the TV channel license was issued within three working days, even though the Telecommunication Authority Suriname (TAS) normally takes 4 to 6 weeks for this purpose. On 15 March 2019, the official launch ceremony was held at the capital city’s famous Lala Rookh hall. The ceremony was attended by various dignitaries including the director of the TAS, director of religious affairs, parliament members and representatives from interfaith and social organisations. Syed Naseer Ahmad Sahib, Director Satellite Operations for MTA International was also among the attendees. The ceremony began with the recitation of the Holy Quran and its translation, followed by an introductory presentation about MTA International. Speaking on the occasion, the director of the TAS, Mrs Wendy Klaas-Jap A Joe said: “Usually I don’t attend the launch ceremonies of TV channels, but for the first time, we received an application which was

their needs. Strive earnestly to ensure that the next generation of Ahmadis remains faithfully attached to the Jamaat. Only then can you call yourself a true Waqf-e-Nau. “Similarly, those of you who are looking to get married should seek pious Ahmadi girls so that your future generations are raised in a righteous environment. Only if you are playing your role in protecting the future of your Jamaat can you call yourself a true Waqf-e-Nau.” Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa emphasised that along with strong bodies, strong minds were also important to face the many challenges that lie ahead. In terms of tabligh, Huzooraa said that Waqf-e-Nau should be at the forefront. To understand their faith and religion, Huzooraa reminded attendees that the Holy Quran and the Jamaat’s publications and magazines should be studied. “Always remember that it is the duty of a Waqf-e-Nau to propagate the mission and objectives of the Khalifa-e-Waqt and to be his constant helper. You can only do this if you are completely obedient to Khilafat; only if you are following the guidance and instructions of Khalifa-e-Waqt can you urge others to do the same.” Towards the end of his address, Huzooraa reminded the Waqifeen to listen to his sermons on MTA and to make those instructions a part of their daily lives. Concluding his address, Huzooraa prayed that the Waqifeen were able to fulfil their responsibilities and that their understanding and knowledge of their faith increased. Huzooraa prayed that the Waqifeen were able to remain loyal to the Jamaat and fulfil their pledges to the best of degrees.

complete in every aspect, and I was very much impressed in the way the application was submitted. That is why I decided to attend this ceremony to meet the people behind these efforts.” Speaking on the occasion, the director of RBN said: “We, Rapar Broadcasting Network (RBN), Suriname’s oldest broadcasting company, are honoured to partner up with the Jamaat. This organisation, as you know, will transmit its Islamic content through our channel, 5.3. “It is the first time in our history that we are going into a partnership with a third party to broadcast their feed on a daily basis.” He also remarked: “The programmes of MTA will open a new experience for the Surinamese audience because the peaceful religious information will be broadcast in proper English and Urdu. The Surinamese audience can not only learn about the religious information but also hear the proper use of the Urdu and English languages.” At the end, the Jamaat’s literature and MTA souvenirs were presented to some of the dignitaries. The ceremony was closed with a silent prayer and afterwards, lunch was served to all attendees. By the grace of Allah, the launch of MTA International in Suriname got a lot of media attention, both in electronic and print media with coverage in almost 30 different articles and reports.


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Friday Sermon 15 March 2019 Delivered from Baitul Futuh Mosque

Men of Excellence – The Prophet’ssa Mosque After reciting the Tashahud, Ta‘awuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

he first companion that I shall mention today is Hazrat Saib bin Usman. He T belonged to the Banu Jumah tribe. He was ra

the son of Hazrat Usmanra bin Mazoon. His mother’s name was Khaulah bint Hakeem. He was from among the early Muslim. Hazrat Saibra bin Usman participated in the second migration to Abyssinia along with his father and his uncle, Hazrat Qudamahra. After the migration to Medina, the Holy Prophetsa established a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Saibra bin Usman and Harithahra bin Suraqah Ansari. He was among the companions who were appointed as the archers of the Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Saib bin Usmanra participated in the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq and all other battles alongside the Holy Prophetsa. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, pp. 396-397, Saib bin Usmanra, Dar-ulKutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Al-Tabqaatul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, pp. 306-307, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (AlAsaba Fi Tameez Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 20, Saib bin Usmanra, Dar-ul-Kutb Al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1995) The Holy Prophetsa appointed him the Amir over Medina during the Battle of Buwaat. Regarding the Battle of Buwaat, which took place in 2 AH, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra has written: “During the last days of this Rabiul Awwal or in the beginning of Rabiul Sani, the Holy Prophetsa once again received news of the Quraish. Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa took along a group of companions from among the Muhajireen and set out himself. He appointed Saib bin Usman bin Mazoonra as the Amir of Medina in his absence. However, the whereabouts of the Quraish could not be ascertained and upon reaching Buwaat, the Holy Prophetsa returned.” (Sirat KhatamunNabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, p. 329) Buwaat is the name of a mountain situated near the tribe of Juhainah, located about 48 miles from Medina. (Subul AlHuda, Vol. 4, p. 15, Baab Ghazwa-e-Bawaat, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1993) Hazrat Saibra bin Usman participated in the Battle of Yamama. The Battle of Yamama took place in 12 AH during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr, in which Hazrat Saibra was struck by an arrow, which later led to his martyrdom. He was over the age of 30 at the time of his demise. (AlTabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 307, Saib bin Usmanra bin Mazoon, Dar-ul-Kutb

al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) The next companion to be mentioned is Hazrat Dhamrahra bin Amr Juhni. Hazrat Dhamrah’sra father’s name was Amr bin Adi. Some also report his father’s name as Bishr. He was a confederate of the tribe of Banu Tareef. However, according to some, he was a confederate of the tribe of Banu Saaidah, which was the tribe of Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaadah. (Confederate means that they had a mutual agreement to help each other, should a need arise.) Allamah Ibn Athir writes in Usdul Ghaba, “This is not a contradiction because Banu Tareef was a branch of Banu Saaidah.” Hazrat

amongst those four companions from the Ansar who collated the Holy Quran during the lifetime of the Holy Prophetsa. His son, Umair bin Saad was a governor in one of the regions of Syria during the caliphate of Hazrat Umarra. According to one narration, Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid used to lead the prayers in the Quba mosque during the lifetime of the Holy Prophetsa. He was also appointed to lead the prayers during the caliphates of Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra. Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid was martyred during the Battle of Qadisiyyah in 16 AH. He was sixty-four years of age at the time of his martyrdom.

Dhamrahra participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud and was martyred during the Battle of Uhud. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, pp. 60-61, Dhamrahra bin ‘Amr Juhni, Darul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) The next companion to be mentioned is Hazrat Saadra bin Suhail. Hazrat Saadra was from among the Ansar. Some have reported his name as Saeed bin Suhail. Hazrat Saadra participated in the Battles of Badr and Uhud. He also had a daughter, whose name was Huzaila. This is all that is known about him. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 439, Saadra bin Suhail, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 395, Saadra bin Suhail, Dar-ulKutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Next I will mention Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid, who also participated in the Battle of Badr. Hazrat Saadra bin ‘Ubaid participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophetsa including the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. His name has also been reported as Saeed. He was known by the title of Qari and also commonly known as Abu Zaid. Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid is counted

Abdur-Rahman bin Abu Laila narrates that during the Battle of Jisr, which took place in 13 AH, the Muslims were defeated and suffered a great loss and Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid had to retreat from the battle. Upon his return, Hazrat Umarra asked Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid that if he had the desire to go for Jihad in Syria. For Muslims had been brutally attacked there and suffered greatly. If he agreed, he should go there as the enemy had become brazen due to the injury and bloodshed caused to the Muslims. Hazrat Umarra further added that perhaps he would be able to heal the scar of humiliation owing to their defeat. This is because he had retreated from the Battle of Jisr and the Muslims had suffered a great loss. Hence, Hazrat Umarra said to him that if he wished to remove the scar of the humiliation and defeat, there was a battle taking place towards Syria as well. However, Hazrat Saadra replied that he would not go to any other land besides the land from where he had fled or returned unsuccessfully. Furthermore, he said, “I will only go after the enemy, who succeeded

in what they set out to do against me.” In other words, he referred to the enemy that had become victorious in the battle against him. Hence, Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid returned to Qadisiyyah and was martyred in combat. Abdur-Rahman bin Abu Laila relates that Hazrat Saadra bin Ubaid addressed the people and said, “We will fight the enemy tomorrow and we shall be martyred. Therefore, you should neither wash the blood from our body, nor dress us in any other clothes for burial besides the clothes we are wearing.” (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 445, Saadra bin Ubaid, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Al-Tabqaat-ulKubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 349, Saadra bin Ubaid, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Al-Asaba Fi Tameez Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 57, Saadra bin Ubaid, Dar-ul-Kutb AlIlimiyya, Beirut, 1995) I mentioned a brief account in relation to the Battle of Jisr in one of the previous sermons, but I will share a few more details. As I have mentioned, the Battle of Jisr was fought in the 13 AH on the bank of the Euphrates between Muslims and Iranians. The commander-in-chief of the Muslims was Hazrat Abu Ubaid Saqfira, whereas the commander-in-chief of the Iranians was Bahman Jadhawiyah. The number of the Muslim army was 10,000, whereas the Iranian army numbered 30,000 and they also had 300 elephants. During the course of the battle, the opposing armies met at the Euphrates, which proved to be an obstacle in the battle and thus fighting ceased between the two armies for some time. This continued to the extent that a Jisr – that is a bridge – was constructed over the Euphrates with both parties being in agreement to it. Due to this very bridge, it is known as the Battle of Jisr. Once the bridge was completed, Bahman Jadhawiyah sent a message to Hazrat Abu Ubaidra saying, “Will you cross the bridge and come to us or will you permit us to cross it?” Hazrat Abu Ubaidra was of the opinion that the Muslim army should cross the river and fight the opposing army. However, the leaders of the army, which included Hazrat Salitra, were against this opinion. Nevertheless, Hazrat Abu ‘Ubaidra crossed the Euphrates and attacked the Iranian army. The battle continued in this manner for a short period. A short while later, Bahman Jadhawiyah saw his army scattered around. He saw that the Iranian army was retreating

Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM upon which, he ordered the elephants to be moved to the front. As a result of the elephants moving to the front, the rows of the Muslims were broken and became disorganised. The Muslim army began to scatter to different places. Hazrat Abu Ubaidra said to the Muslims, “O servants of Allah! Attack the elephants and cut off their trunks.” Having said this, Hazrat Abu Ubaidra himself advanced and attacked an elephant and cut off its trunk. Seeing this, the remaining army also quickly began to fight. They cut off the trunks and feet of several elephants and killed those that were riding on them. Coincidentally, Hazrat Abu Ubaidra came face to face with an elephant and he struck his sword and cut off its trunk. However, he was trampled under its feet and was martyred. Following the martyrdom of Hazrat Abu Ubaidra, seven men, one after the other, grabbed hold of the Islamic flag and each one was martyred during the battle. The eighth individual was Hazrat Musannara who grabbed hold of the Islamic flag and intended to launch another valiant attack. However, the rows of the Muslim army were unorganised and having seen seven of their leaders being martyred one after the other, people began to disperse in different directions and some jumped into the river. Hazrat Musannara and his companions continued to fight courageously. In the end, Hazrat Musannara was wounded and whilst continuing to battle against the enemy, he crossed the river and returned. Muslims suffered a great loss during this incident. Four thousand Muslim men were martyred, whereas six thousand Iranian soldiers were killed. (Tarikh ibn Khuldoon, translated by Hakim Ahmad Hussain Al-Abadi, Vol. 3, pp. 270-273, Dar-ul-Isha’at Karachi, 2003) The reason why the Battle of Jisr occurred in the first place was because the Iranians launched continuous attacks against the Muslims. Therefore, in order to stop these attacks, permission was sought to fight. The next companion to be mentioned is Hazrat Sahlra bin Atik. His name is also mentioned as Suhail. The name of his mother was Jamila bint Alqama. Hazrat Sahlra bin Atik participated in the second pledge at Aqabah along with seventy Ansar. He had the honour to participate in the battles of Badr and Uhud. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 578, S Sahlra bin ‘Atik, Dar-ulKutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Al-Tabqaatul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 387, Sahlra bin ‘Atik, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) The name of the companion to be mentioned next is Hazrat Suhailra bin Rafey. Hazrat Suhailra bin Rafey belonged to the tribe of Banu Najjar. The piece of land on which Masjid Nabawi [mosque of the Prophetsa] was constructed was the property of Hazrat Suhailra and his brother, Hazrat Sahlra. The name of his mother was Zughaiba bint Sahl. Hazrat Suhailra participated in all the battles alongside the Holy Prophetsa, including the battles of Badr, Uhud and the Ditch. He passed away during the caliphate of Hazrat Umarra. (AlTabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 372, Suhail bin Rafi’, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) With regard to the migration of the

13 Holy Prophetsa to Medina, I will mention what Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has written. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra writes: “While the Prophetsa was in Medina, everybody longed to have the honour of being his host. As his camel passed through a lane, families would line up to receive him. With one voice they would say, ‘Here we are with our homes, our properties and our lives to receive you and to offer our protection to you. Come and live with us.’ Many would show greater zeal, go forward and hold the reins of the camel and insist on the Prophet dismounting in front of their doors and entering their houses. Politely, the Prophetsa would refuse saying, ‘Leave my camel alone. She is under the command of God; she will stop where God wants her to stop.’ Ultimately, it stopped on a site that belonged to orphans of the Banu Najjar tribe, which was situated to one side of Medina. The Holy Prophetsa dismounted and said, ‘It seems that this is where God wants us to stop.’ He made enquiries as to who the owner of that plot of land was. It was discovered that the land belonged to a few orphans. A trustee of the orphans came forward and said that the property belonged to such and such orphans, and offered the site for the use of the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa replied that he would not accept the offer unless he was allowed to pay. A price was settled, and the Prophetsa decided to build a mosque and some houses on it.” (Deebacha Tafsir-ulQuran, Anwar-ul-Aloom, Vol. 20, p. 228) Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra Sahib has mentioned more details about this account in Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin. He writes: “Upon arriving in Medina, the first task was the construction of Masjid-eNabawi. The place where the camel of the Holy Prophetsa chose to rest was the property of two children from Medina named Sahlra and Suhailra, who lived in the guardianship of Hazrat As‘adra bin Zurarah. This was a vacant land (which was barren and uninhabited), on which a few date palms had been planted in one area. In another area, there were ruins, etc. The Holy Prophetsa selected this plot to construct the Masjid-e-Nabawi, and his own livings quarters. This plot of land was purchased for 10 Dinar. The surface was levelled and cleared of trees, after which the construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi began.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, p. 269) According to another narration, the payment for this piece of land was made by Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra. (Sharah Zurqani, Vol. 2, p. 186, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1996) Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra further writes: “The surface was levelled and cleared of trees, after which the construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi began. The Holy Prophetsa supplicated to Allah and laid the foundation stone himself. Just as in the construction of the mosque at Quba, the Companionsra worked as builders and labourers. The Holy Prophetsa would also participate at times. Occasionally, while lifting bricks, the Companions would recite the following couplet of Abdullahra bin Rawahah: َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َْ ‫ هذا أب َ ّر َربّ َنا َوأط َه ُر‬،‫هذا ال ِح َمال لا ِح َمال خ ْيبر‬

‘This burden is not the burden of Khaibar’s commercial goods, which arrive loaded on the backs of animals; Rather, O our Lord! This is the burden of virtue and purity, which we bear for your pleasure.’ “At times, the Companions would recite the following couplet of Abdullahra bin Rawahah: ٰ ْ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ّ ُ ّٰ َ َ ُْ َ َ َ َْ ْ َ ْ َ ‫اج َرہ‬ ِ ‫ فارح ِم الانصار والمہ‬،‫اللھ ّم اِن الاج َر اج ُر الا ِخ َرہ‬ ‘O Our Allah! True reward is merely that of the hereafter. By Your Grace, send down Mercy upon the Ansar and Muhajirin.’ “When the Companions would recite this couplet, at times, the Holy Prophetsa would also join in. In this manner, after a long period of hard work, the mosque was completed. The structure of the mosque was made from slabs and bricks, which were assembled between wooden pillars. (In those days, the way they would build a solid structure was to make columns from wood and in between they would place bricks and mud in order to strengthen it.) The roof was covered by trunks and branches of date palms. Trunks of date palms were placed inside the mosque to support the roof. Until the building of a pulpit was proposed, the Holy Prophetsa would lean upon one of these trunks when delivering his sermon. The floor of the mosque was unpaved, and since the roof would leak after heavy rainfall, the floor of the mosque would become muddy. As such, in light of this difficulty, later on a floor of gravel was paved. Initially, the direction of the mosque was towards Baitul-Maqdas, but after the alteration of the Qiblah, this orientation was changed. At that time, the height of the mosque was 10 feet, the length was 105 feet, and the width was 90 feet. Later on, however, this was extended. (This area of 105 feet by 90 feet can accommodate approximately fifteen–sixteen hundred worshippers.) To one corner of the mosque, a veranda was built, which was referred to as Suffah. This was for those destitute Muhajirin who were homeless. These people would stay here, and were known as the Ashabus-Suffah. As such, they would remain in the company of the Holy Prophetsa day and night, perform worship and recite the Holy Quran. These people possessed no means of permanent subsistence. The Holy Prophetsa would take care of them personally and whenever the Holy Prophetsa would receive a gift or there was something available at home, he would especially separate their share. As a matter of fact, at times, the Holy Prophetsa would himself starve and send whatever was in his home to the Ashabus-Suffah. The Ansar would also remain engaged in their hospitality as much as possible and would often attach clusters of dates within the mosque. However, despite all this, they lived in a state of adversity and would often reach a state of starvation. This state continued until some found work due to the expansion of Medina and others began receiving support from the national Baitul-Mal [treasury]. (When the overall conditions of the Muslims improved, they began to receive support.) “A place of residence was constructed for the Holy Prophetsa adjacent to the mosque. His home was a small chamber of merely ten to fifteen feet. A single entrance

led from this chamber to the mosque, from which the Holy Prophetsa would enter the mosque to lead the Salat, etc. When the number of his wives increased, additional living quarters were also built for the Holy Prophetsa alongside the first. The homes of various other companionsra were also built in close proximity of the mosque. This was the Masjid-e-Nabawi, which was constructed in Medina. In that era, since there was no other public building where tasks of national importance could be performed, the mosque also served as the headquarters of administration. The assembly of the Holy Prophetsa would take place here. It was here that all types of consultation took place. Legal verdicts were passed from here. It was from here that injunctions would be issued forth. This was the official guesthouse. In short, it served as a centre of any task of national importance. If required, it would be used as a confinement for prisoners as well.” When the prisoners saw how the Muslims worship and their mutual love and respect, many of them converted to Islam. Nonetheless, in this regard even Sir William Muir, an orientalist, has written the same. He has written many things against Islam and the Holy Prophetsa, however, regarding the mosque, Sir William Muir writes: “But though rude in material, and comparatively insignificant in dimension, the Mosque of Mahomet is glorious in the history of Islam. Here the Prophet and his companions spent the greater portion of their time: here the daily service, with its oft-recurring prayers, was first publicly established: here the great congregation assembled every week, and trembled often while they listened to the orations of the Prophet and his messages from Heaven. Here he planned victories. From this spot he sent forth envoys to kings and emperors with summons to embrace Islam. Here he received embassies of contrite and believing tribes; and from hence issued commands which carried consternation amongst the rebellious to the very outskirts of the Peninsula. Hard by, in the room of Ayesha, he yielded up the ghost; and there he lies buried alongside his two Caliphs.”(Quoted in Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, pp. 269-271) Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra further states: “This mosque and its adjoining chambers were constructed in a period of seven months, more or less. The Holy Prophetsa took up residence in his new home along with his wife Hazrat Saudahra. Various other Muhajirin also acquired land from the Ansar and built homes in close proximity of the mosque. Those who could not obtain land near the mosque constructed their homes at a distance from the mosque. Others were fortunate enough to procure pre-constructed houses from the Ansar.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, pp. 269-271) Nonetheless, Hazrat Suhailra and his brother had the good fortune of offering their land for this great centre of Islam. The next companion is Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah, who belonged to the Aus tribe. His mother’s name was Hind bint Aus. The Badri Companion, Abu Dhiyaah Numanra bin Thabit was his half-brother

14 from his mother’s side. He was known by the titles of Abu Khaithamah and Abu Abdullah. The Holy Prophetsa established a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah and Hazrat Abu Salmahra bin Abdul Asad. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 429, Saadra bin Khaithamah, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (AlTabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, pp. 366-367, Saadra bin Khaithamah, Dar-ulKutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Hazrat Saadra was one of the twelve chiefs, appointed to supervise the Muslims of Medina during the second pledge at Aqabah. With regards to how the twelve chiefs were chosen and details about the incident, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra Sahib has written the following in Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin: “The following year, that is, Dhul-Hijjah of 13 Nabawi, on the occasion of Hajj many hundreds of people from the Aus and the Khazraj came to Mecca. Among them, there were seventy such people who had either become Muslim or now desired to become Muslims, and came to Mecca in order to meet the Holy Prophetsa. Musabra bin Umair was also among them. Musab’sra mother was alive, and although she was an idolatress, she loved him very much. When she was informed of his coming, she sent word that, ‘First come and meet me, then go elsewhere.’ Musabra responded, ‘I have not yet met the Holy Prophetsa, I shall come to you once I have met him.’ Therefore, he presented himself before the Holy Prophetsa first and briefed him on key issues, then visited his mother. She was very upset. When she saw him, she began to weep and complain. Musabra said, ‘Mother! I tell you something wonderful which is very beneficial for you and shall put an end to every disagreement.’ She enquired, ‘What is that?’ Musabra quietly responded, ‘This, that you forsake idol worship and become a Muslim and believe in the Holy Prophetsa.’ She was a firm idolatress, and as soon as she heard this, she began to put up a commotion saying, ‘I swear by the stars that I shall never enter your religion,’ and signalled her relatives to capture Musabra, but he escaped. “The Holy Prophetsa had been informed of the arrival of the Ansar by Musabra, and a few of them had also met the Holy Prophetsa personally. On this occasion, since a collective and private meeting was necessary, after the rites of Hajj, the middle dates of the month of Dhul-Hijjah were set for this purpose. On that day near the middle of the night, all these people were to come and meet the Holy Prophetsa in the same valley as last year, so that a private meeting could be held in peace and complete attention. The Holy Prophetsa ordered the Ansar that, ‘Do not come as a group, but arrive in pairs of one or two to the valley at the appointed time (lest they attract the attention of the enemy). Do not wake the sleeping and do not wait for the absent.’ Therefore, when the appointed date arrived during the night, when about a third of the night had passed, the Holy Prophetsa left his home. He took his uncle Abbas along with him, who was still an idolater, but loved the Holy Prophetsa and was a chieftain of the Hashim dynasty. Both of them reached this valley, and it was not

Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM long before the Ansar began to arrive in pairs of one and two. These were seventy souls from the Aus and the Khazraj. In the very beginning, Abbas (who had not yet accepted Islam) began the discourse saying: ‘O party of the Khazraj! Muhammadsa is revered and beloved within his dynasty. To this day, his dynasty has always remained responsible for his protection, and in times of danger has always come forward. But now, Muhammadsa intends to leave his homeland and reside with you. As such, if you wish to take him, you must protect him in every way, and will have to face every enemy. If you are prepared for this, then well and good, otherwise give a forthright answer, for true speech is good.’ “Al-Bara bin Ma‘rurra an aged and influential man from the tribe of the Ansar, said, ‘Abbas, we have heard your address, but we would like to hear the Holy Prophetsa from his own blessed tongue, that he may expound the responsibility which he wishes to put upon us.’ “Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa recited a few verses from the Holy Quran and described the teachings of Islam in a brief address. Whilst alluding to Huququllah [rights of Allah] and Huququl-Ibad [rights of fellow creation], the Holy Prophetsa said: ‘With regard to myself, all I desire is that, just as you protect your dear ones and your kindred, if need be, you deal with me in the same manner.’ “When the Holy Prophetsa had completed his address, as per the custom of Arabia, Al-Bara bin Ma‘rurra took the hand of the Holy Prophetsa into his own, and said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah! We swear by the God Who has sent you with truth that we shall protect your with our lives, for we have been raised under the shadows of swords and…’ he had not yet completed his statement, when Abul-Haitham bin Tayyihanra – who was among those who accepted Islam – interjected and said: ‘O Messengersa of Allah! We have had long relations with the Jews. By supporting you, they shall be severed. May it not happen that when Allah grants you victory, you leave us and return to your homeland, and we are left with nothing.’ “The Holy Prophetsa laughed and said, ‘Nay, Nay! That shall not happen. For your blood shall be mine, your friends shall be my friends and your enemies shall be my enemies.’ Upon this, Abbas bin Ubadah Ansarira looked to his companions and said, ‘O People! Do you understand the purpose of this treaty and pledge? This means that you should prepare yourselves to confront everyone, no matter who they may be, and should be ready to offer any sacrifice.’ “This means that they had to now be prepared to face every opponent of the Holy Prophetsa, and to offer every kind of sacrifice. “The people said, ‘Yes, we understand, but O Messengersa of Allah! What shall we receive in exchange for this?’ The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘You will receive the paradise of Allah, which is the greatest of all His rewards.’ “Everyone said, ‘We agree to this bargain. O Messengersa of Allah, extend your hand.’ “The Holy Prophetsa brought forth his

blessed hand, and this group of seventy devotees were sold at the hand of the Holy Prophetsa in a defensive pact. The name of this Bai‘at is ‘The Second Bai‘at at Aqabah’. “When the Bai‘at had taken place, the Holy Prophetsa said: ‘Mosesas appointed twelve chiefs among his people who served as their supervisors and protectors. I also wish to appoint twelve chiefs from among you who shall be your supervisors and your protectors. They shall be like the disciples of Jesusas unto me, and they shall be answerable to me regarding the people. As such, propose the names of worthy men before me.’ “Therefore, twelve men were proposed, who the Holy Prophetsa approved, and appointing each as a supervisor to one tribe, he explained to them their duties. For some tribes, the Holy Prophetsa appointed two chiefs. In any case, the names of these twelve chiefs are as follows: “As‘ad bin Zurarah, Usaid bin AlHudair, Abul-Haitham Malik bin Tayyihan, Saad bin Ubadah, Al-Bara bin Ma‘rur, Abdullah bin Rawahah, Ubadah bin Samit, Saad bin Ar-Rabi, Rafiey bin Malik, Abdullah bin Amr, Saad bin Khaithamah (The companion whose account is being narrated; he was appointed as one of the chiefs) and Mundhir bin Amr.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, pp. 227-232) During the migration to Medina, the Holy Prophetsa resided at the house of Hazrat Kulthumra bin Al Hidam in Quba. It is also narrated that the Holy Prophetsa stayed at the house of Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah. Likewise, it is narrated that although the Holy Prophetsa stayed at the house of Hazrat Kulthumra bin Al Hidam, when he left the house to go and sit amongst the people, it was at the house of Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah. (Al-Sira AlNabwiyya Li ibn Kathir, pp. 215-216, Kutub Al-Illmiyyah, Beirut, 2005) After the first Bai‘at at Aqabah, the Holy Prophetsa sent Hazrat Musabra bin Umair for the moral and spiritual training of Medina’s new converts. Shortly after, Hazrat Musabra sought permission from the Holy Prophetsa to lead their own Friday prayers. Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa granted him permission and guided him on the matter. Accordingly, the first Friday prayer offered in Medina under these guidelines was at the house of Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, pp. 87-88, Mus’abra Al-Khair Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990). This narration is from Al-Tabqaat-ulKubra. Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah owned a well in Quba which was called “Al Ghars”. The Holy Prophetsa would regularly drink from that well and had said regarding the well, “This is from the fountains of Paradise and its water is excellent”. Meaning it is palatably sweet and cool. Upon the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, it was from this well’s water that his body was washed. Hazrat Alira narrates that the Holy Prophetsa had said “Upon my demise, take seven buckets of water from the well of Ghars to wash my body.” Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali narrates that the Holy Prophet’ssa body was washed thrice. He was washed with water and

leaves of tamarisk without removing his upper garment was still left on, i.e. his shirt was not taken off. Hazrat Alira, Hazrat Abbasra and Hazrat Fazlra washed the body of the Holy Prophetsa after his demise. According to some narrations, Hazrat Usamara bin Zaid, Hazrat Shukraanra and Hazrat Ausra bin Khawali also took part in washing the Holy Prophet’s blessed body. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 2, pp. 214, Zikr Ghusl-e-Rasool Allah, Darul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Sunan ibn Maaja, Kitabul Janaiz, Baab Maa Jaa fi Ghusle Nabi, Hadith no. 1468) (Subul AlHuda, Vol. 7, p. 229, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1993) For many Muslim migrants escaping the persecution of the Quraish of Mecca, and upon reaching Medina, the first place of arrival would often be Hazrat Saadsa bin Khaithamah’s house – that is, all who would arrive after migration would temporarily rest at his house. Some of the known names of those people are as follows: Hazrat Hamzara, Hazrat Zaidra bin Haritha, Hazrat Abu Kabshara, who was a slave freed by the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Abdullahra bin Masud etc … When these companionsra migrated, upon reaching Medina, they stayed at the house of Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Saad, Vol. 3, p. 6, 32, 36, 112, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Suleiman bin Abaan narrates that when the Holy Prophetsa set out for the Battle of Badr, both Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah and his father made intent of setting out with him. When it was brought to the attention of the Holy Prophetsa that both father and son – from a single household – were setting out together, he instructed, “Only one shall set out, and to decide who goes, they should cast lots.” Hazrat Khaithamahra told his son Saadra, “As only one of us can go for battle, I advise you to stay at home with the women to protect and guard them.” Hazrat Saadra replied, “Had this been a matter related to something other than Paradise, I would surely have given precedence to your request. But I myself am desirous of martyrdom.” Upon this, they both casted lots which came in favor of Hazrat Saad. He thus set out for battle alongside the Holy Prophetsa and was martyred in the Battle of Badr. (AlMustadrak Ala Al-Sahihain Li Hakim, Vol. 3, p. 209, Hadith no. 4866, Dar-ul-Kutb AlIllmiyyah, 2002) He was martyred at the hands of Amr bin Abd Wudd while according to another narration, it was by Tuaimah bin Adi. Hazrat Hamzara killed Tuaimah in the Battle of Badr whereas Hazrat Alira killed Amr bin Abd Wudd in the Battle of Khandaq. According to one narration, Hazrat Alira said: “On the day of Badr, when the sun had fully appeared, the Muslim and Meccan armies clashed, meaning that the battle had begun. I went in pursuit of a person and saw Saad bin Khaithamahra fighting an idolater atop a sand-dune, and the idolater martyred Hazrat Saadra. The idolater was on horseback and was wearing a chain armour. He got off the horse, for he had recognised me, but I had not recognised him yet. He

Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM invited me to engage in a battle with him, and I responded by pursuing him. When he came forward to attack me, I evaded his line of attack because he was coming from atop and this was disadvantageous to me – this is a technique in battle – I couldn’t afford him attacking me from above. When I was stepping aside for this reason, the idolater shouted, ‘O son of Abu Talib! Are you running away?’ “So I responded: َ ّ َ ٌ ْ َ ‫بن الش�راء‬ ِ ‫ق ِریﺐ مفر ا‬ ‘It is impossible for the son of Ishtira to run away!’” Meaning that he could never run away. The term Ishtira had become proverbial among the Arabs. They say that history relates an incident of a thief who would come to steal from people, and when they attacked him, he would run away. However, his running away was only temporary, for he would strike again at the first opportunity. Thus, this gained fame as a proverb among the Arabs, i.e. you evade the enemy as a strategy to attack again. Hazrat Alira further states, “When I planted my feet to fight, he approached


15 me and attacked me with his sword which I blocked with my shield, and I swung my own sword at his shoulder with such force that it penetrated his armour. I was convinced that my sword would bring about his end when I noticed the silver glimmer of a blade in my periphery. Hazrat Alira explains, “I was about to attack a second time, but immediately lowered my head when I noticed another sword coming towards me from behind. The second sword missed me and hit my opponent with such force that his head altogether became severed from his body along with its helmet. Hazrat Alira goes on, “When I turned around to look, it was Hazrat Hamzara, saying ‘Let’s see how you defend yourself against this! I am the son of Abdul Muttalib!’” (Kitabul Mahazgi Li Al-Waqadi, pp. 92-93, Ghazwa-e-Badr, Alam-ul-Kutb, 1984) (Lughaatul Hadith, Vol. 2, p. 431, Ali Asif Printers, Lahore, 2005) From this narration of Hazrat Alira it seems that Tuaimah bin Adi martyred Hazrat Saadra, and subsequently was killed there as well.


Dr Noureen Ahmad General Practioner, Belgium

An allergy is an exaggerated response of the immune system against harmless substances which are called allergens. Allergies are quite common in Europe as more than 150 million Europeans suffer from this chronic disease. Studies even predict that by 2025, 50% of Europe’s population will be affected. The UK has some of the highest rates with more than 20% of the population suffering from allergies and most of them suffering from more than one allergy. The fundamental causes of allergic diseases are complex, and the development of an allergy involves both environmental and genetic factors. Interestingly, there have been a few genes identified that can play a role in an allergy, although the precise mechanism is unclear. Allergies can develop in adults but are more common in children. Some can disappear at an older age whilst some allergies can just suddenly develop. Allergens can be found in foods such as nuts, fish,

shellfish, eggs and milk. They can also be found in the air such as pollen, particularly in the spring and summer season, and this is also known as hay fever. Some allergens can be hidden in animals, house dust mites, house cleaning products, fungus, hair dye or medication. Individuals with allergies also have an increased chance of developing asthma or eczema. Allergic reactions occur when the body comes into contact with the allergen. At first contact, the body starts to make antibodies called IgE antibodies. The second time when the body comes in contact with the same allergen, these antibodies bind to the allergen and provoke the release of chemicals such as histamine and leukotrienes. These chemicals cause a local inflammation resulting in the damage of local tissues, which leads to immediate symptoms. These symptoms can occur quickly after exposure to the allergen in different organs such as the nose (runny nose, sneezing), skin (irritation, itching, swelling), eyes (redness, swelling, itching) and lungs (coughing, shortness of breath).

According to a narration, during the Battle of Badr, the Muslim army had two horses. On one of the horses, Hazrat Musabra bin Umair was sat and on the other was Hazrat Saadra bin Khaithamah. Hazrat Zubairra bin Awam and Hazrat Miqdadra bin Aswad also took turns to sit on them. (Dalail Al-Nabuwwah Li Al-Bahqi, Vol. 3, p. 110, Siyaq Qisatu Badr, Dar-ul-Kutb AlIllmiyyah, Beirut, 1988) There are various narrations in the accounts of history in relation to the number of horses the Muslims had during the Battle of Badr. According to Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, during the Battle of Badr, the Muslims had seventy camels and two horses. (Sirat KhatamunNabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, p. 353) However, other historical sources cite the number of horses as three and five as well. (Sharah Zurqani, Vol. 2, p. 260, Darul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1996) (AlSira Al-Halabiyyah, Vol. 2, p. 205, Baab Zikr Maghazia, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002) Irrespective of the amount of provisions

Sometimes a serious medical condition known as anaphylaxis can occur. This is a generalised allergic reaction of the body with breathing problems, swelling of the tongue, low blood pressure, increased heart rate and, if untreated, it can lead to a cardiac arrest and can be fatal. These symptoms usually begin within minutes and are life threatening. An immediate injection with an adrenaline (epinephrine) is essential. In children, the common cause of anaphylaxis is due to nuts, whilst in adults it is usually from consuming fish in food. Allergies can be diagnosed by different tests including a skin prick test. This is where the skin is scratched with a probe containing different allergens. It can be done on the forearm or on the back and is not painful. When an irritation at the site of the prick occurs, it means that the body reacts to that specific allergen. Prior to the skin prick test, antihistamines should be stopped to exclude false negatives. A blood test (RAST test) can also be performed for checking IgE antibodies level in the blood, however this is less sensitive than the skin prick testing. The treatment of allergies fundamentally lies in avoiding

and the number of horses and camels the Muslim had, it was incomparable to the provisions and number of horses which were in the possession of the enemy. When the Muslims were attacked and the Muslims were compelled in engaging into a battle, the non-believers came with intention to completely obliterate Islam. At that moment, the Muslims did not look at their provisions and horses, in fact they had a fervent passion to offer sacrifice in the way of God as is evident from their response. They did not have any worldly desire at all, rather it was simply the desire to offer their lives for the sake of God Almighty. It was for this reason that a son said to his father that he could not give him precedence. In any case, it was a heartfelt passion [to offer a sacrifice] which God Almighty accepted and granted them victory. May God Almighty continue to elevate the station of the companionsra. (Translated by The Review of Religions) (Originally published in Al Fazl International,

the allergen and avoiding allergy symptoms that can affect the normal activities. This could mean removing pets and avoiding food that cause symptoms. In the pollen season, it is advised to keep windows shut and avoid grassy spaces. People who have an allergy from house dust mites should ventilate their house regularly. There are covers available for mattresses and duvets which are mite-proof. Regular washing of the bed clothes (60°C) and removing carpets in the bedroom can also reduce symptoms. Patients who have a history of anaphylaxis should always carry an adrenaline auto injector pen. Individuals who have had a severe allergic reaction to medication (for example antibiotics), should always carry an allergy card in their wallet so health professionals are aware. In some situations, the exposure to the allergen cannot be avoided and medication may be required to relieve symptoms. The most common medications used for allergies are antihistamines. These prevent the release of the chemicals induced in an allergic response and thus minimise the symptoms. Antihistamines can be divided into two groups: the older (promethazine,

5 April 2019, pp. 5-9)

hydroxyzine) and the new (cetirizine, loratadine, ebastine) antihistamines. The recent or the new antihistamines are less sedative and are mostly the preferred choice. These antihistamines are available in many forms such as tablets, creams, eye drops, syrups for children and nasal sprays, and are available in the stores without prescriptions. When antihistamines are ineffective, steroids can be prescribed by the doctor for temporary use. If severe reactions occur to a specific allergen, it is advised to have a desensitisation procedure in an allergy clinic. In this procedure, the body is exposed to small amounts of the allergen through injections and each time the dose of the allergen is increased. By building up the dose of the allergen gradually, the body builds up protective antibodies, which can result in reduced symptoms of allergy. The overall effect of this therapy is seen in the first year of treatment. (Please always consult a doctor or specialist to diagnose health conditions and follow the advised plan of a qualified doctor)


Friday 12 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

MKA Pakistan observes Waqf-e-Nau Day Jamaat

Cambodia football team hailed as champions

Awais Rabbani Muawin Sadr Waqf-e-Nau, MKA Pakistan

n 3 April 1987, under divine guidance, O Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV launched the Waqf-e-Nau initiative. The purpose rh

was to encourage parents to devote their children to serve the community in various capacities. In connection with the future generations of Waqf-e-Nau, Huzoorrh instructed, “They should grow up with the conviction that they were born for a great purpose at a great time.” To commemorate this blessed scheme and to inculcate within Waqifeen the spirit to uphold their sacred pledges, the Waqfe-Nau department of Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya Pakistan observed a nationwide Waqf-e-Nau Day. In light of the address given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on 28 October 2016, which outlined the responsibilities of Waqfe-Nau and underlined the steps to becoming a “special Waqf-e-Nau”, a programme was devised keeping in view the spiritual and physical reformation of Waqf-e-Nau Khuddam. Apart from the five congregational prayers, the programme included individual Tahajud prayers, giving charity, writing letters to Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, arranging academic and sports competitions and seminars that aimed to highlight the essence of the scheme. Firstly, meetings were arranged with muawin qaids Waqf-e-Nau. Keeping in view the directives of Khulafa, they were instructed that being office-bearers, it was their utmost duty to greet everyone humbly and observe forbearance. Since almost all of them belonged to this prestigious scheme themselves, they had the foremost duty to become role models for other Waqifeen in their region. They were advised to demonstrate high moral standards and only through their own examples would the Waqifeen adhere to their advice. Secondly, a hardcopy of this programme was distributed to them and they were advised to make full preparations beforehand. Each muawin was instructed to meet Waqf-e-Nau Khuddam residing in their respective regions and encourage them to uphold their oaths and devote their lives for the community. On 3 April 2019, this schedule was enthusiastically followed by Waqf-eNau Khuddam all over Pakistan and the response was exceptional. Muawins had already conveyed the message to Waqifeene-Nau to start their day with individual Tahajud prayers. This too was in the spirit of the wishes of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa that the standard of their worship ought to be far higher than the others, and that apart from obligatory prayers, they ought to observe nawafil (supererogatory prayers). Furthermore, muawins personally visited the Waqifeen-e-Nau and encouraged them to adopt a career that would prove to be in correlation with the spirit of their vows and benefit the Jamaat as a whole.

Fajar Ayyub Ahmad Missionary In-charge

he Ahmadiyya football team of T Phnom Penh participated in a local football championship in Phnom Penh,

A number of districts also celebrated Parents Day (Yaum-e-Walidain) in which parents were invited to partake in the seminars as well. Again, in accordance with the instructions of the Khulafa, the speakers expounded the responsibilities and duties laid on parents and how they can contribute in raising Waqifeen-e-Nau in accordance with the demands and wishes of our beloved Imamaa. The purpose was to raise their children in a manner that when they grow up, they devote their lives on their own accord and attain high moral and spiritual standards. The message also included that children were not special just because they were enrolled in the scheme, rather they would only be special if they strived to attain a lofty status in the eyes of Allah the Almighty and be His true servant.

The seminars were attended not only by Waqf-e-Nau Khuddam but also Atfal and Ansar, which created an atmosphere of unity and brotherhood. Majalis arranged academic and sports events in which Waqf-e-Nau Khuddam took keen interest and participated in large numbers. Waqifeen Nau were also encouraged to give alms and charity and write to Huzooraa asking for prayers and guidance for their Waqf. Waqf-e-Nau Khuddam of Pakistan celebrated this event by renewing and affirming their pledges that they would strive their utmost to stay sincere and loyal to their promises, to constantly struggle in raising their moral and spiritual standards, be ardent servants of Allah the Almighty and abide by the wishes and instructions of their beloved Imam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa.

the capital city of Cambodia. The tournament was held around the city from 26 January to 24 March 2019 with an 18-man football club. Our team itself consists of Ahmadi students studying in universities around the city. The main purpose of the event was to establish friendship with other teams. Our team faced defeat in the very first match, but by the grace of Allah, throughout the tournament we were able to defeat many strong teams. At the final match, our team was behind two goals before we equalised. The match ran into penalties and we won by four goals to three, Alhamdolillah. It was only through the sheer blessings of Allah that we were hailed as champions because other teams had much more experience than us. Many people praised our team because of the good conduct we displayed throughout the tournament. The head of the tournament himself said that the Ahmadiyya team won the tournament with the best mannerism and without any protests. Becoming the football champions in local tournament was a special gift from Allah the Almighty for Jamaat Cambodia.



Editor: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Design & Layout: Jalees Ahmad | News: Ata-ul-Haye Nasir | © Al Hakam 2019

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