Al Hakam - 10 January 2025

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As success grows, so do enemies and ‘animosity will also spread in the West’

Khuddam from Virginia and North Carolina meet Huzoor

Islamabad, Tilford, UK, 30 December 2024: A group of 21 khuddam from Virginia and North Carolina, USA, was graciously granted an in-person mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, at Islamabad, UK.


Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa greeted the khuddam, and first addressed Regional Qaid Sahib. Following this, Huzooraa interacted with each khadim individually as they introduced themselves. During the introductions, the khuddam expressed gratitude for being able to offer five daily prayers behind Huzooraa during their stay. Several khuddam described their academic pursuits and future plans, with some expressing the desire to devote their skills to serving the Jamaat. One khadim mentioned that he and his sons were all khuddam, adding that one of them intended to enrol in Jamia Ahmadiyya. Huzooraa remarked on the makeup of the group and asked whether they had brought only those of Pakistani or Bengali origin, or if they had any local converts. Qaid Sahib explained that while

some local converts of African-American origin could not attend due to various constraints, efforts were made to include as many khuddam as possible.

Following introductions, the khuddam sought Huzoor’saa permission to ask questions, which he graciously granted.

Role of religion in shaping morality

A khadim asked Huzooraa about the role of religion in morality, stating that many people claim they do not need religion to be moral, possess integrity, or stay on the right path, and sought an explanation of why this assertion might be incorrect.

Huzooraa said:

“It is not necessary that those who possess good morals always be the followers of a religion. There are many who claim to be Muslims, but look at the actions of those Muslims these days. Their morals are not good as such. There are some atheists who possess better morals than them. Some of the people from among those who are

Repentance remains open

Hazrat Abu Hurairahra narrated that the Holy Prophetsa said: “When a person commits adultery, he does not commit it while being a believer; and when he steals, he does not steal while being a believer; and when he drinks alcohol, he does not drink it while being a believer. Yet repentance remains available thereafter.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-hudud, Bab ithmi z-zunat, Hadith 6810)

The Ease in Our Spiritual Quest

Our community should not lose hope. The things just mentioned are not severe hardships. I truthfully say that God Almighty has eased our difficulties, because the pathways of our spiritual quest are different from those of others.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words

Announcement of the 68th year of Waqf-e-Jadid

On 3 January 2025, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, announced the commencement of the 68th year of the Waqf-e-Jadid during his Friday Sermon delivered at Masjid Mubarak, Islamabad, Tilford, UK.

• Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa prayed for all those who presented contributions to Waqf-e-Jadid during its 67th year that Allah the Almighty bless their wealth and lives abundantly.

• All the amirs, missionary in-charges, local presidents, and Waqf-e-Jadid secre-

taries are requested to commence the process of collecting promises for the new year. To this end, hold Ashra Waqf-e-Jadid, during which, every effort should be made to ensure that each member of the Jamaat – regardless of age – participates in this blessed scheme, even with a modest contribution.

The state of our spiritual quest does not arch our backs, or require us to lengthen our nails, or stand in water or sit in seclusion for extended periods of time, or freeze our hands in a certain position until they become lifeless, or ruin our physical appearances. By adopting such practices, in their own fancy, there are some who seek to become godly. But I observe that let alone finding God, these people even cease to remain human beings. However, this is not the manner of our spiritual quest. In fact, Islam has prescribed a very easy way and it is the wide and spacious path that is described by Allah the Exalted as follows:

Guide us in the right path.

Now when Allah the Exalted has taught us this supplication, He has not done so without providing us with the relevant means. Instead, on the one hand, where He has taught us this prayer, on the other hand He has also provided the means for its acceptance as well. As such, in the following chapter, He alludes to this acceptance where He states:

This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it.

• Moreover, utmost efforts should be made to include new converts in this scheme.

• After the process of collecting promises is complete, the reports should be submitted.

• May Allah the Almighty greatly bless your endeavours and grant you the best of rewards.

This is a spiritual feast, as it were, with all the necessary arrangements made in ad- vance. Therefore, if a person makes use of the faculties with which they have been endowed, they can most definitely become a saint. I declare with certainty that many people are born in this community who possess immense power and who are replete with light, devotion and loyalty. No one should consider themselves deprived. Has God Almighty published some list of saints, so that one should think that they cannot be among them? God Almighty is remarkably generous. His generosity is a very deep ocean that can never be exhausted. No seeker or searcher has been left deprived. Therefore, you ought to wake during the night and offer supplications and seek God’s grace. There are numerous opportunities to offer supplications in the Prayer—the bowing position, while standing and sit- ting, and in prostration, etc. There are five Prayers that are to be offered in twenty four hours: Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. Above and beyond these there is the Ishraq Prayer and Tahajjud. All of these are opportunities for supplication.

(Malfuzat [English], Vol. 2, pp. 66-67)

This Week in History

A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya

10 January

10 January 1968: Due to Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr in December 1967, the previous year’s Jalsa was not held. Thus, on this day, Jamaat’s central Jalsa Salana commenced. During the night between 10 and 11 January, bakers, who were hired to prepare rotis (Indian flat bread) for the Jalsa Langar, went on strike. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh appealed to every Ahmadi to eat only one roti. The total attendance was 100,000. Thus, even this roguish ploy could not hinder the programme of Jalsa Salana, and all the programmes, by the grace of Allah, took place as planned. All Ahmadis set a great example of selflessness. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 24, p. 465)

10 January 1997: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh delivered a Friday sermon at Masjid Fazl London, urging members of the Jamaat to offer special prayers in connection with Ramadan and Friday the 10th. He also issued a challenge to the opponents of the Jamaat, asking them to pray to Allah that whichever party is false and persists in falsehood, may the curse of Allah be upon them. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 16, p. 19)

10 January 2015:During his Friday sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa categorically condemned the Charlie Hebdo attacks that had taken place in France and prayed for peace in the world. (Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community condemns Terrorist Attacks in France, www.

11 January

11 January 1935: During his Friday sermon on this day, Hazrat

Khalifatul Masih IIra urged the Ahmadi youth – particularly the students of Madrasa-e-Ahmadiyya and Jamia Ahmadiyya – to make a habit of reading newspapers. Huzoorra said that the Promised Messiahas would also read newspapers regularly, and he then mentioned his routine of reading some newspapers before going to sleep. Huzoorra continued by saying that reading newspapers was essential for effective tabligh – preaching. (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 16, pp. 3637)

11 January 2005: On this day, during his tour of Spain, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa visited Gibraltar and granted an audience to its governor, Sir Francis Richard (Governor and Commander-inChief of Gibraltar). During this halfhour meeting, the governor showed keen interest in Jamaat activities globally. Huzooraa presented him with a copy of the Holy Quran, The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, and Revelation Rationality Knowledge and Truth at the end of this meeting. The host also presented Hozooraa a souvenir of Gibraltar, depicting its map. (Al Fazl International, 25 February 2005, pp. 11-12)

12 January

12 January 1913: On this day, Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, returned to Qadian after performing Hajj. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira travelled a relatively long distance to welcome home the young Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra. During his journey back home, on 6 January 1913, the Mansoora ship carrying the entourage arrived at the shores of Bombay from Jeddah. At the port, Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmadra and Hazrat Bhai Abdur Rahman Qadianira were present to welcome them back. On 10 January, Hazrat Mahmudra left Bombay via train and arrived at Lahore on 12 January.


Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

10 - 16 January

To read more about this journey, see: “A young Mahmud’s pilgrimage to Arabia” at (19 February 2021, pp. 30-32).

13 January

13 January 1892: On this day, the Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Noor-udDeenra in which he informed him that Khanbahadur John White, who was an educated, wise, and knowledgeable young Englishman and was employed in Madras [now Chennai] as a judge, had done bai‘at Huzooras added that the gentleman seemed to be jolly and upon hearing all beliefs, he replied by saying, ﺎﻨ�ا

“We have believed; we have believed,” and further said that the Muslims and maulvis who opposed the Promised Messiahas were not only the opponents of the Messiah, but were the enemies of Islam. Huzooras further instructed Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Noor-ud-Deenra to remain in contact with the gentleman. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 131-132)

13 January 1954: Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra went to Lahore, where a court of inquiry was established to look into the Punjab Disturbances, which were caused by agitations against the Jamaat. On this date, Huzoor’sra statement started being recorded, which was completed by 15 January. This statement was transcribed by the court in English, while its Urdu text can be read in Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, volume 15 (pp. 371-413).

13 January 2003: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh encouraged Ahmadis to visit African countries and meet with new converts during a meeting with French-speaking members,

broadcast on MTA. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 916)

14 January

14 January 1929: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was in Lahore, In the first part of the day, Sir Geoffrey Fitzhervey de Montmorency, Governor of Punjab, met with Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra.

After this meeting, Huzoorra proceeded to the Ahmadiyya Mosque located outside Delhi Gate, Lahore, and delivered a speech of approximately one hour on the insights of the Holy Quran. The aforementioned governor of Punjab was highly impressed with the educational progress of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Consequently, either during this meeting or on another occasion, he remarked:

“A community that is relatively small in number and has limited financial resources has achieved remarkable progress in the field of education. This, in itself, is an astonishing example for the entire Muslim ummah as a collective. I do not have sufficient words to express my admiration for those who have led this great movement and for those who have supported and assisted it.” (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 5, p. 124)

14 January 2005: During his Friday sermon on this day, delivered from the Basharat Mosque, in Spain, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa urged

the Jamaat in Spain to build a mosque in Valencia, which is the third most populous city in the country.

Later this second mosque was built and inaugurated by Huzoor in March 2013; for details see: www.

15 January

15 January 1934: The 1934 NepalBihar earthquake was one of the worst earthquakes in the history of Nepal and Bihar, India. This 8.0 magnitude earthquake occurred on this day at 2:28 pm and caused widespread damage in northern Bihar and Nepal.

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra wrote an article about this sad calamity, highlighting the scores of prophecies about heavenly signs in favour of the Promised Messiah’sas claims. The Jamaat took part in humanitarian efforts conducted after the earthquake. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 6, pp. 174-176)

15 January 1983:On this day, a reception was held in honour of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh at the Hilton Hotel in Lahore. Huzoorrh delivered an address on this occasion and met with distinguished guests. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 821)

16 January

16 January 1979:

On this day, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last Iranian monarch, was forced into exile, marking the final collapse of the monarchy in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. On 15 January 1906, the Promised Messiahas received the following revelation:

“Shaking in the palace of Chosroes.” (Tadhkirah [English, 2019], p. 814)

At first, it seemed the monarchy was strengthening when Mozaffar ad-Din Shah accepted constitutional reforms in 1906, bringing optimism and progress. However, the prophecy foretold its ultimate downfall. Its fulfilment began in 1909 with the severe weakening of the Qajar monarchy – Mohammad Ali Shah was deposed and fled to Russia after revolutionaries overthrew his rule – continued in 1941 when Reza Shah abdicated under Allied pressure, and was witnessed again in 1979 with the end of the Pahlavi dynasty, marking centuries of monarchy in Iran coming to an end.

16 January 1987:

On this day, during his Friday sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh launched an appeal to members of the Jamaat for financial contributions amounting to 2.6 million rupees for the construction of the central offices of Lajna Imaillah Pakistan and a large hall. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 6, p. 37)

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not practising Muslims or who are not Christians or who do not adhere to any religion, may also possess good morals. It is not the case that Islam or religion does not teach morals. In fact, every Prophet who has come into this world has taught good morals. It is a common teaching amongst them all. They taught that one ought to believe that God is One, worship Him and treat others with good morals. This is also the teaching of Christianity, Judaism of Mosesas; and the Holy Prophetsa in Islam. So, every Prophet taught morals, which demonstrates that the basis for morals stems from religion. So, as such, we can say that those who learned good morals did so through religion.

“It is a completely different matter when they say that they do not believe in God and in religion. The fact of the matter is that there are people who develop good morals without believing in any religion, but Allah the Almighty states that if you believe in religion, fulfil His rights and possess good morals, then He will reward you manifold. That is why Allah the Exalted has mentioned in the Holy Quran that those people who believe in religion and who seem to offer prayers, but if they do not fulfil the rights of the poor and do not speak the truth, if they are involved in quarrels and if they usurp the rights of others, then God will not accept their worship and they will be sent to Hell.

Developing love for Allah and recognising His blessings would transform salat from a mere obligation to a source of pleasure.

“Thus, Allah the Exalted has made this clear Himself that it is not only sufficient to simply believe in religion, but good morals are also paramount. Just as there are the rights due to Allah, similarly, there are also the rights of mankind. Allah the Exalted commands us to fulfil those rights too. They are called huquq al-‘ibad; the rights of mankind. If one does not fulfil the rights of mankind, then the rights of God that one perceives to be fulfilling in his own estimation will not be accepted by God.

“Thus, those people who say that religion has ruined us, explain to them that this is not the case. It was the basic teaching of religion that enabled you to develop morals within you. It is a different matter if one has gradually forsaken the teaching of their religion but has adopted good morals from it. However, [...] we believe that real life is the life of the Hereafter, and we will be rewarded by Allah the Exalted manifold in the Hereafter, and this reward may not be afforded to those who do not believe in religion.

“We believe and have firm faith in the life of the Hereafter. One will depart from this world after 80 or 100 years of age. One

may live up to the age of 100 years or 105 years of age. Yesterday, one of your previous presidents, Jimmy Carter, passed away at the age of 100. There are very few people who live longer than this. Otherwise, normally the life expectancy for people is between 80 and 90 years. So, Allah the Exalted will reward a [religious] person more in the Hereafter. This is our perspective. We believe in religion and God and possess firm faith and certainty about the Hereafter. And that is why it is necessary to have good morals along with religion.

“To merely say that you are a Muslim who offers his salat [is not sufficient]. Allah the Exalted states that He will throw the salat of one [who is unmindful of good works] in their face. Thus, Allah the Exalted has Himself mentioned this. Explain to them that we never say that Allah the Exalted will only forgive those who offer salat and not those who do not. Indeed, if you are doing good work, then He may well forgive you. Allah the Exalted is All-Powerful and He is the Master. He is not a mere judge [without sovereignty]; rather, He is the Master. He is not bound to always dispense justice; rather, He can also forgive anyone as He so pleases if they have performed virtuous deeds.”

Our responsibilities towards nonAhmadi relatives

Another khadim enquired about the responsibilities of Ahmadis towards their non-Ahmadi relatives, asking how they could fulfil these duties while also guiding them to recognise the truth of Ahmadiyyat and accept it.

Huzooraa replied:

“There is no coercion in religion. There is no compulsion. Those relatives that are not Ahmadis – if they have a good relationship [with you], then they are doing so on the basis of considering you to be good. Some have non-Ahmadi relatives who say that due to the fact that someone has become Ahmadi, they would boycott them. They do not speak to them. They speak against them. They try to cause them harm. However, those relatives that keep a connection with you, that means that their nature is good. So maintain friendship and a connection with them.

“According to the Islamic teachings, show them your good morals. We were just talking about morals. And wherever they require any assistance, assist them, be beneficial to them, pray for them. So when they witness your behaviour and attitude towards them, then they shall realise that these are good people and gradually a time shall come when Allah the Exalted will open up their hearts, and they shall become Ahmadis as well.

“Allah the Exalted has not just said that you must only fulfil your commitments to those of your kin and close relatives who are Muslims. Allah the Exalted has commanded that you take care of your close relatives, be mindful of your blood relations, and also look after the blood relations of your wife.

“So when you behave in this way, then whoever it is, when you do this, it shall have a good impact and peace and security will be established in those surroundings. And gradually, when that time comes, if Allah the Almighty has decreed for them that they are to accept religion or accept Islam, then

Profusely seek forgiveness and supplicate in your prayers that, ‘O Allah! Grant us Your love.’ It is only then that a person becomes a true believer.” “

they shall do so. If not, then you at least will be rewarded for your good conduct.”

How to maintain focus in salat

Next, a khadim asked Huzooraa how one can maintain focus and attentiveness in salat and avoid laziness in offering prayers on time, seeking guidance on methods or strategies to achieve this.

Huzooraa explained that focus and dedication in salat stem from a heartfelt desire. He said, “The fact of the matter is that whatever work you do, you do it because you have a heartfelt desire to do it. Why do we need to offer prayer? Is it only for your own sake? There are two things for a person: the first is that to achieve a target, a person works, and the second is that if someone loves another person, then in order to attain their love, that person does something for it.”

Huzooraa illustrated this with an example of a child’s relationship with their parents. A person loves their parents and follows their guidance, not for material rewards like food or clothing but because of the care and affection parents provide. Similarly, Allah commands us to love Him even more than we love our parents. [Surah al-Baqarah,

It is not only sufficient to simply believe in religion, but good morals are also paramount.

Ch.2: V.201] When one truly loves Allah the Almighty, worship and prayer become natural expressions of that love. Huzooraa further elaborated that Allah states in the Holy Quran:

“And I have not created the jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.” [Surah adh-Dhariyat, Ch.51:V.57]

He explained that Allah does not benefit from our worship; rather, the benefit is for us. Allah rewards even the smallest effort with immense blessings, both in this world and the Hereafter. Recognising Allah’s

countless bounties – such as the provisions we enjoy, supportive parents, educational opportunities, and other blessings – should naturally lead us to gratitude. Huzooraa remarked, “Allah the Almighty says that if you are thankful to Him, then He shall grant you even more. [Surah Ibrahim, Ch.14: V.8] So when a person is grateful, then he expresses it, right? If you wish to express your gratitude, then [Allah says] you will have to go to Him five times [a day].”

Huzooraa highlighted that developing love for Allah and recognising His blessings would transform salat from a mere obligation to a source of pleasure. Citing the Promised Messiahas, he reminded that salat offered hastily or as a burdensome obligation lacks value. He stated, “Allah the Exalted has said in the Holy Quran that the prayer of such people who do not fulfil the due rights of prayer, their prayer shall be thrown back on them.” [Surah al-Ma‘un, Ch.107: V.5-6 and Surah an-Nisa’, Ch.4: V.143]

Huzooraa cautioned against praying solely out of social or familial pressure, such as fulfilling a parent’s instruction, attending a Khuddam meeting, or adhering to routine. He emphasised that salat should stem from a genuine love for Allah. This love, Huzooraa said, should surpass one’s love for even their parents.

Huzooraa concluded with practical advice, urging the khuddam to consistently seek Allah’s love through heartfelt supplications, saying, “Profusely seek forgiveness and supplicate in your prayers that, ‘O Allah! Grant us Your love.’ It is only then that a person becomes a true believer.”

Future of Muslims in the West

Following this, a khadim enquired about the future of Muslims in the West, asking whether Huzooraa foresaw a time when Muslims might face difficulties, including being stripped of their freedoms, and how this could impact the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in particular.

Huzooraa began by stating that Islam’s true progress would occur through Jamaate-Ahmadiyya, placing the Community at greater risk as compared to other Muslims. “There will come a time when certain people will stand against Islam and ultimately against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. It is possible that those animosities grow and progress if you do not bring about a revolutionary change before that happens,” he observed. He added that success invariably attracts enemies, so such hostility would inevitably extend to Western countries as well.

He noted that certain entities always sought ways to harm Khilafat, employing various tactics and engaging in extensive lobbying efforts. “It is quite apparent that with increased success comes an increase in enemies, and this animosity will also spread in the West.” Huzooraa further added, “In fact, they are always up to something and plotting; [...] they think of ways that they might be able to cause harm to Khilafat. To achieve this, they use different tactics,” Huzooraa said. Allah knows best how far opponents might go, he remarked, but with the right efforts, divine grace, and persistent prayers, it is possible for the Community to be safeguarded.

Citing the ongoing tragedy in Palestine,

The prayer that stems from the heart is accepted by Allah Almighty.

he highlighted how people in the West – be they Christians, Jews, or atheists –only began protesting the injustice and describing it as genocide after tens of thousands of Palestinians had already been killed by Israel. This belated response, when the majority of casualties were children, underscored the need for the Jamaat to be proactive. He urged Ahmadis not to wait until they too became victims of severe oppression and injustice, but rather to publicise their peaceful goals and intentions before hostilities gained momentum.

He recalled instructing the Jamaat 15 or 20 years ago to convey its message to ten percent of the local population, saying that had this guidance been heeded, far more people would already be aware of Ahmadiyyat.

Huzooraa added:

“ This will come to pass, but what are the measures we can take at this time? We must introduce ourselves, and even before that, we must convey that we are peaceloving people, we have no ulterior motives or agenda, and our only goal is that you recognise Allah the Almighty. We are not seeking power. This is what politicians and worldly people fear, that others would come into power and take away their rights. We have no such ambitions. We are people of faith and convey the teachings of our faith. They can keep the power and authority that they have. If they realise this, their enmity may decrease to some degree. Nonetheless, enmity is inevitable when the time comes for the Jamaat to progress.”

Huzooraa warned that opposition would

intensify as the Jamaat’s efforts in spreading Islam lead to growing numbers and increased visibility. Currently, many regard the Community as a small group made up primarily of Pakistanis, with a few members from other backgrounds such as African Americans, white Americans, and Asians, and thus do not consider it significant. However, he highlighted that opponents are aware of the Jamaat’s unity under Khilafat, which serves as a central leadership, and may seek to target this core. He stressed that worldly powers often plan decades in advance – thirty years or more – and urged the Community to adopt similarly longterm, strategic planning.

How to deal with domestic abuse

A khadim asked how to address a situation in which one spouse’s abuse towards the other often goes unnoticed yet causes lasting harm, and how the Jamaat could assist the individual suffering from it.

Huzooraa observed that in many such cases, wives complain about misconduct on their husbands’ part. The Jamaat offers support through its Islahi Committees, established so that husbands and wives may reconcile and move forward. Lajna Imaillah and Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya also explain that each spouse must fulfil their respective obligations. He noted that disagreements often arise because neither party recognises that both possess shortcomings. Each person should refrain from constantly identifying the other’s faults, as an overemphasis on pointing out mistakes only widens the rift.

Huzooraa highlighted that if a husband and wife truly observe their respective rights and responsibilities, conflict diminishes. Both should reflect on the root cause of their problems and strive to resolve them. However, it remains challenging for the Jamaat to intervene if each spouse denies responsibility and places all blame on the other.

Consequently, he emphasised that righteousness, fear of Allah, and a spirit of

giving others their due rights are essential. Islahi Committees, Lajna Imaillah and Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya can only function effectively when couples adopt these principles. “Islam doesn’t just state that one should acquire their own rights; Islam states

Every Prophet taught morals, which demonstrates that the basis for morals stems from religion. So, as such, we can say that those who learned good morals did so through religion.

that one must give others their rights. When both of them have this mentality, then no confrontation can exist,” Huzooraa said.

Supplications of the Promised Messiahas

Towards the end of the mulaqat, a khadim enquired whether the Promised Messiahas regularly recited a specific supplication of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

In response, Huzooraa explained that the Promised Messiahas would recite many prayers of the Holy Prophetsa at various times, and some prayers were even directly taught to him by God Almighty. Among these was the Durood Sharif, which the Promised Messiahas emphasised should be recited frequently.

Huzooraa shared an incident, saying,

“The Promised Messiahas once elaborated on the significance of Durood Sharif in such detail that Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahibra remarked, ‘I will not offer any other supplication in the prescribed prayers other than Durood.’ The Promised Messiahas responded, ‘What better prayer is there than this? This is excellent, and I too recite it.’” Huzooraa continued, “The Promised Messiahas explained that the angels once gathered and said that he had attained his lofty station because of his immense love for the Holy Prophetsa and his consistent recitation of Durood Sharif. It was due to this prayer that he received everything. What better supplication can there be than Durood Sharif?”

While highlighting the significance of fervour and passion in prayers, Huzooraa said, “There are many other prayers that the Promised Messiahas would recite from time to time, but he also taught that a prayer should emanate from your heart.” Huzooraa noted that the prayers prescribed by the Holy Prophetsa are filled with blessings, yet, in addition to them, one should also pray earnestly in one’s own language, especially during the five daily prayers, to cultivate true fervour, because “the prayer that stems from the heart is accepted by Allah Almighty.”

Huzooraa further stressed that there are no shortcuts in matters of worship. Merely reciting a particular prayer a set number of times does not guarantee forgiveness if the five daily prayers are not observed properly. The consistent offering of these obligatory prayers, he explained, provides the foundation upon which personal supplications become truly effective.


At the conclusion of the mulaqat, the khuddam were granted permission for a group photograph. After the photograph, Huzooraa graciously distributed pens and engaged in conversation with them before taking his leave, bringing the mulaqat to a close.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

10th Jalsa Salana held in Jamaica

Misbah Anmol Tariq Jamaica Correspondent

On 23 and 24 November 2024, Jamaate-Ahmadiyya Jamaica held its 10th Jalsa Salana. With the gracious permission from Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, the chief guests for this year’s Jalsa Salana were Ibrahim

bin Yaqub Sahib, Amir and Missionary-inCharge Trinidad & Tobago and Maqsood Mansoor Sahib, President and Missionaryin-Charge Guyana.

The first session was presided over by Maqsood Mansoor Sahib. A recitation from the Holy Quran was followed by a Hadith and a speech by Ghulam Ahmad Sahib, a mu‘allim, who spoke on the topic of “Justice within the Family” highlighting the fair and kind treatment of children. The second speech was delivered by another mu‘allim, Abdullah Malcolm Sahib, about the Promised Messiah’sas book, Fath-eIslam. The last address of the first session was delivered by Maqsood Mansoor Sahib on “How can we establish peace around us?” Tariq Azeem Sahib, President and Missionary-in-Charge, read out the special message from Huzooraa, followed by silent prayer.

The concluding session was presided

over by Ibrahim bin Yaqub Sahib and started with a recitation from the Holy Quran followed by a Hadith and a speech by Tariq Azeem Sahib, emphasising the theme “True Justice and Pathway to Peace.” He shared stories from the Holy Prophet’ssa blessed life while touching upon some of the clear injustices in the world today. Ibrahim Forson Sahib then delivered a speech on “The Role of Service and Charity in Promoting Peace” highlighting the Islamic teachings and the efforts of our Jamaat in this regard. The concluding speech was delivered by Ibrahim bin Yaqub Sahib, who spoke on “True Justice and Pathway to Peace.”

After the address, an awards ceremony recognised 11 individuals for their academic, athletic and community service achievements. Lunch was served to the guests and shortly after, Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered to conclude the Jalsa Salana.

Every Prophet taught morals, which demonstrates that the basis for morals stems from religion. So, as such, we can say that those who learned good morals did so through religion.

Two mosques inaugurated in Issia, Ivory Coast

Shahid Ahmad Masud


In November 2024, two mosques were inaugurated in Ivory Coast.

On 9 November 2024, the inauguration ceremony of the Bait ul Hafeez Mosque was held in Ivory Coast, which was attended by Amir Jamaat Ivory Coast, Abdul Quyyom Pasha Sahib, along with the national amila members. Deputy Governor, Mr Edi Andre, was also present at the ceremony. The ceremony began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and an introduction to Islam Ahmadiyyat. Afterwards, Amir Sahib spoke on the importance of building mosques. In the end, the Deputy Governor spoke and praised the efforts of Jamaat-eAhmadiyya for world peace. Amir Sahib, along with the Deputy Governor, unveiled the plaque of the mosque, followed by silent prayer. About 300 people participated in this blessed event.

Thereafter, on 10 November 2024, Bait ul Hameed Mosque and a library were inaugurated in Issia City. Amir Jamaat Ivory Coast, the Governor’s representative, the Deputy Governor, the Deputy Mayor, and the Chief Imam were present. The formal proceedings started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a brief introduction of Ahmadiyyat. National President of Humanity First, Yahiya Ouattara Sahib, spoke about Humanity First. Amir Jamaat Ivory Coast delivered a speech on the importance of mosques and the responsibilities of Ahmadi. The Deputy Governor praised the humanitarian works of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and expressed personal admiration for the Jamaat. At the end, they unveiled the commemorative plaques of the mosque and library. About 215 people participated in this event.

Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka held its


A. Abdul Aziz

Sri Lanka Correspondent

On 24 November 2024, Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka held its ijtema at the Baitul Basit Mosque in Pasyala, with the theme “Importance of Salat.” The sports competition had been held on the previous day. The ijtema started at 9:30 am with the flag-hoisting ceremony, followed by a silent prayer led by S. Nizam Khan Sahib, National President of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka. The formal proceedings commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran.

N. Nasir Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka, read out the Ansar pledge. After an Urdu poem, the inaugural speech was delivered by the National President of Jamaat Sri Lanka, who emphasised the importance of observing daily prayers and prayers in congregation with full attention, quoting from the writings of Promised Messiahas Missionary-in-Charge and National Vice President, Javed Rahim Sahib, addressed in Sinhala on the topic of the blessings of connection with Khilafat. A. B. Musthaq Sahib, T. A. Tahir Sahib and a few others also addressed. The programme included academic competitions as well. The annual report was read out by I. A. Masood Ahmad Sahib, General Secretary of Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka. A vote of thanks was given by Arshad Sahib, Officer Ijtema, and the daylong programme concluded with silent prayer. In total, 222 members attended.

Majlis Ansarullah

The Gambia held its 17th ijtema

Alieu Fatty Missionary, The Gambia

On 1-3 November 2024, Majlis Ansarullah

The Gambia held its 17th annual ijtema at the Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School, Mansakonko. The programme included an address by Sadr Majlis


Secretary Tabligh, Lajna Imaillah Canberra, Australia

Lajna Imaillah Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, hosted its 4th Peace Symposium on 3 November 2024 in which 32 external guests attended the event. This year’s theme, “Voices for Peace: Empowering Women to Shape Society” was inspired by the global “Voices for Peace” campaign launched by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya to bring an end to the war in Gaza and establish peace in the world. The event focused on women’s transformative influence in driving meaningful and positive change. The programme began with a recitation from

Ansarullah The Gambia, Kemo Sonko Sahib, who urged members to uphold the standards of being ansar and fulfilling the expectation of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa The ijtema also included sports competitions and two educational seminars where two missionaries, Dawda SK Cham Sahib, spoke on Zakat and Bah Sahib addressed the topic of inheritance. In his closing remarks, Amir Sahib Jamaat The Gambia, Baba F. Trawally Sahib, emphasised the importance of leading righteous lives and fostering a better future for upcoming generations.

the Holy Quran, an Acknowledgement of Country, honouring the First Nations people on whose land we gathered and an introduction to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya.

The guest speakers included people from various faiths and walks of life. Durreadan Amir Sahiba, Sadr Lajna Imaillah Canberra, presented the Islamic view. Some distinguished women leaders sent video messages and written messages on the theme of the event. After the formal programme, guests were invited to reflect on the symposium through interviews for MTA. An exhibition was also displayed with information on the status of women in Islam, translations of the Holy Quran, Jamaat literature, and artwork.

Symposium held by Lajna Imaillah Canberra, Australia
— Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa
AMJ Jamaica
AMJ Ivory Coast

Waqf-e-Jadid and prayers for the New Year, 2025

During his Friday sermon, delivered on 3 January 2025, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, highlighted how the spirit of financial sacrifice continues to flourish among Ahmadis worldwide. Huzooraa also announced the start of the new Waqfe-Jadid year and shared that UK Jamaat secured first place globally, with Canada closely following. Huzooraa then said:

“May Allah Almighty grant boundless blessings upon the wealth and lives of those who offered these sacrifices.

“Also pray that the year 2025 may be a year of blessings for the Jamaat. May Allah Almighty safeguard the Jamaat from every evil. In Pakistan, extremist groups and their factions grow agitated from time to time, and in certain places, under the guise of law, they endeavour to inflict every form of oppression; neither graveyards nor homes are spared. May Allah swiftly bring about means for the accountability of such oppressors, and may He keep Ahmadis under His divine protection. These people also maintain a

What is ‘time’?

significant focus on Rabwah; may Allah continue to protect it.

“Some time ago, I drew attention to reciting Durud Sharif and certain supplications; Ahmadis in Pakistan should give special heed to this, and so should every other Ahmadi around the world. Pray for the Ahmadis in Bangladesh, that Allah Almighty shield them from the harm of extremists. A new government has taken office in Syria; may Allah Almighty also protect Ahmadis there from every form of evil and keep them under His shelter. Likewise, in other countries – among them the nations of Africa – may Allah Almighty preserve Ahmadis everywhere in His care.

“It is incumbent upon every Ahmadi to devote themselves to fervent prayer in this regard: for themselves, for their homelands, and also for Pakistan, even if [the Pakistani Ahmadis] are residing abroad. Then pray for the overall state of the world and the situation of wars. May Allah Almighty save every innocent and oppressed soul from their ill effects.

“People host grand celebrations on New Year’s

May Allah Almighty grant boundless blessings upon the wealth and lives of those who offered these sacrifices. “

Eve, with extensive fireworks and sparklers, but each person thinks only of their own happiness, lacking any empathy for the pain of others. The impoverished, the disadvantaged nations, the oppressed – all are repeatedly wronged by the powerful nations. May Allah Almighty thwart the plans of such powerful nations this year. And may we witness the establishment of His Oneness in the world. May Allah Almighty also grant us the ability to partake in this effort.” [Amin]”

Some reflections as the new year begins

With the year 2024 behind us, we step into the new year. A time when many around the world reflect on the year gone by, and the year to come.

With celebrations and countdowns in major cities of the world; and with New Year’s resolutions, a deeper question often goes unasked: What is time? Is time merely a sequence of moments measured

Let it be clear that whether we truly grasp what time is, we must remember that time is not ours to own; it is ours to manage. After all, time, once spent, can never be reclaimed.

by the ticking of a clock? Or is it something far beyond our comprehension? Is time something profound, something that speaks to the essence of our existence? There is one thing we are sure of, and that is: time waits for no one. It is the one thing humans want the most, yet may not fully comprehend. And herein lies the paradox, we want something we don’t fully understand.

When we look at time from the Islamic lens, it is clear that time is a trust from Allah, a gift that we are advised to use wisely in righteous deeds:

“By the [fleeting] Time, Surely, man is in a [state of loss], Except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to [accept] truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast.” (Surah al-Asr, Ch.103: 2-4)

This chapter of the Holy Quran reminds Man of the fleeting nature of time and advises us to act accordingly lest we become losers in the race against time.

The nature of time

As humans, we are forced to think and contemplate: What does it mean to truly understand time?

Philosophers, such as Parmenides, Heraclitus and Al-Ghazali, as well as scientists, have long debated the nature of

time for years and decades. A saying that is often attributed to Aristotle is that time crumbles things; everything grows old under the power of time and is forgotten through the lapse of time. From this, we can deduce many things. One point to keep in mind is that time passes, stopping for no one.

And then, to some, time is a progression – a straight line that stretches from the past, through the present, and into the future. Others may see it as a cycle, like the changing of seasons or the orbits of celestial bodies. In the Islamic world, time is both a creation of Allah and a mystery. Simply put, time is a dimension in which events occur according to God’s divine decree.

Consider this: if time is a creation, what exists beyond it? If everything decays with the passage of time, will time decay too? And will that be within its passage? Allah describes Himself as al-Awwal and alAkhir, existing outside the bounds of time and space. This realisation should serve as a humble reminder to be grounded. It serves as a reminder of our temporal nature and reliance on the One who transcends time and, in fact, all limitations.

Time as a test

If time is a test, will we pass it? One thing is certain: time itself will always pass, whether we use it wisely or waste it.

To further understand time, we must

take a step back and observe life. The Islamic understanding of life puts great emphasis on time as a test. Every single second, minute, hour, or moment is an opportunity to draw closer to Allah or drift further away. The Holy Prophetsa is reported to have said:

“Two blessings that many people squander are good health and free time.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab az-Zuhd, Hadith 417)

This hadith forces us to consider how we spend time. It asks us to look within and see whether we are investing it in pursuits that matter, such as acts of worship, kindness, and personal growth, or are we letting it slip away in distractions?

While the Gregorian calendar is merely one of many systems devised to organise time, the arrival of a new year often prompts reflection. In fact, each day, not just the new year, offers an opportunity to renew one’s intentions.

Let it be clear that whether we truly grasp what time is, we must remember that time is not ours to own; it is ours to manage. After all, time, once spent, can never be reclaimed.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Malta Jamaat’s participation in the interfaith school visits

Laiq Ahmed Atif

President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta participated in the Interfaith Diversity Week visits of six Maltese schools, organised by the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of the Society, between 18 to 22 November 2024. Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro

Foundation of a new mosque in New Yundum, The Gambia

Preca, the former President of Malta and the Chair of the Foundation, together with the faith leaders delivered very encouraging messages during these visits. On behalf of Islam Ahmadiyyat, my humble self highlighted the importance of interfaith harmony, tolerance and peace-building in light of the Islamic teachings.

Alieu Fatty Missionary, The Gambia

On 20 November 2024, the foundation stone of a new mosque was laid in New Yundum, The Gambia, by Baba F Trawally Sahib, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, The Gambia. In his address, Amir Sahib emphasised the role of mosques in the lives of Muslims as places of worship and as beacons of peace and harmony. He mentioned that the first brick of the mosque was sent from the UK after it was blessed with prayers by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. He narrated a brief history of the land, whereby he made mention of the fact that the land was donated to the Jamaat by a member of Lajna Imaillah The Gambia.

Message of Islam Ahmadiyyat conveyed in six cities of Finland

Basharat ur Rehman

Secretary Tarbiyat, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Finland

A five-day tour was conducted by Jamaat-eAhmadiyya Finland’s Tarbiyat Department to visit six cities of the country with the purpose of meeting with Jamaat members, visits to city officials and mayors, introducing and presenting the latest Finnish translation of the Holy Quran to libraries and engaging with media representatives for interviews.

The tour began with prayers from the Jamaat Mission House, led by Missionaryin-Charge Finland, Shahid Mahmood Kahloon Sahib. The delegation included National President, Ata-ul-Ghalib Sahib; Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland, Farid Ahmad Sahib; and my humble self, Basharat-ur-Rehman, as Secretary Tarbiyat. The first stop was Vaasa, approximately 430 kilometres away from the capital, Helsinki. Upon arrival, Jamaat members warmly received the delegation. A dinner meeting was held where members asked questions on various matters.

The next morning, a meeting was held with the Mayor of Vaasa, Mr Tomas Häyry, wherein an introduction of the Jamaat was provided and the Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa efforts for world peace were highlighted. The Mayor was presented with the Finnish translation of the Holy Quran, who appreciated the Jamaat’s global and local initiatives, especially the annual New

Year cleanup in Vaasa. The mayor endorsed the Jamaat’s slogan, “Love for All, Hatred for None,” as a perfect approach to fostering harmony. Following this, the mayor facilitated an interview with the Finnish National Media YLE, where the delegation discussed the Jamaat’s peace efforts, the Holy Quran’s translation into Finnish, and local social activities. The Holy Quran’s Finnish translation was also presented to the journalist. Later, the delegation visited Vaasa’s central library, where a copy of the Holy Quran was introduced to the librarian and a copy of it was added to the library collection. The YLE coverage featured the Jamaat’s activities, beliefs and services under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. It also included details about the Holy Quran’s translation. The media outlet, which reaches millions weekly, broadcasted this news during its evening bulletin.

The newspaper wrote:

“In Vaasa, the Ahmadiyya Muslim

January: A Month of 2 Prophecies

The birth of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra on 12 January 1889 ful lled a divine prophecy. That same year, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was founded, marking a pivotal moment in history.

“Even if all people leave you and I am left alone, I shall stand by you.”
– Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra

Community cleans the city every year after New Year’s celebrations, with the purpose of spreading a message of peace and presenting a positive image of Islam. This practice is in accordance with the instructions of their Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his helper), who encourages his followers to demonstrate goodwill and service to society.

“This community believes in spreading goodness through small but impactful actions, not just in Finland but globally. Their core message is ‘Love for All, Hatred for None,’ which they promote through various initiatives. Recently, the Ahmadiyya Community published a new Finnish translation of the Holy Quran to make its teachings more accessible to Finnishspeaking people. The Imam (Missionary) of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, Shahid Mahmood Kahloon, presented this translation as a gift to the Mayor of Vaasa and the city library, aiming to eliminate misconceptions about Islam and promote interfaith harmony.”

YLE is Finland’s national media agency and currently the most trusted news source in the country. YLE’s website and other media platforms are accessed 26.6 million times weekly, both in Finland and internationally. It is estimated that approximately 2.1 million Finnish people read or watch YLE’s content, with 28% (around 588,000) tuning in to watch the evening news live when the Jamaat’s story was broadcast.”

The delegation travelled 320 kilometres to Oulu. Amidst harsh winter conditions, all members gathered and welcomed the delegation with prayers and a communal dinner. Discussions included plans for setting up a prayer centre in Oulu and regular Friday prayers. Individual meetings

with members addressed personal and Jamaat-related concerns, and gifts were distributed to children.

Late at night, the delegation reached Rovaniemi, located in the Arctic Circle north of Finland. Despite a peak trading period for them, Jamaat members gathered and warmly welcomed the delegation. On Friday, 14 December, a meeting was held and a copy of the Finnish translation of the Holy Quran was presented to Rovaniemi’s central library, followed by the Jumuah prayer. Later, a local journalist met with the delegation to discuss the Jamaat’s global mission, peace efforts, and Quran translation. The journalist praised the efforts of Jamaat to society, especially the translation’s simplicity and accessibility for youth and expressed interest in writing an article on it.

The delegation travelled 340 kilometres to Kajaani, meeting a Syrian Ahmadi, performing prayers and discussing their issues over dinner.

The next morning, the delegation journeyed 170 kilometres from Kajaani to Kuopio, presenting a copy of the Holy Quran translation to the central library and meeting Jamaat members over lunch. The final stop was Joensuu, where the delegation met newly arrived students, answered their questions and introduced them to Jamaat activities.

The delegation covered approximately 2,100 kilometres, met a city mayor, introduced the Holy Quran’s translation to seven officials and journalists, including three libraries, and conducted two media interviews. Over 30 Jamaat members were directly contacted, gifts were distributed to children and the Jamaat’s global and local mission was widely promoted.

AMJ The Gambia
AMJ Finland


A new convert’s letter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II and expansion of Islam Ahmadiyyat in America

Mr Mott (Abdullah Din Muhammad) is an enthusiastic Ahmadi Muslim convert residing in New Orleans, America. Below are excerpts from his recent letter, shared for the readers’ benefit:

“To the best of my understanding and knowledge, I continue to preach the message of Islam [Ahmadiyyat] to the people [of America] and convey to them the glad tidings of the advent of the Promised Messiah[as]. Many individuals have become receptive to the message. If Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] were to visit America personally, a significant group would be ready to repent, embrace Islam, and pledge allegiance at his hands. As the Khalifa was not able to visit, the arrival of a scholar for a short period could yield remarkable success. I bring people closer to Islam, but I lack the strength to bring them fully into its fold.

“Nevertheless, by the grace of God, a young African woman named Mrs Mabel has accepted Islam. I have sent her signed form to Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra]. I have named her ‘Aisha’ because this name, being that of the beloved wife of the Holy Prophetsa, holds great affection for me. Despite severe challenges, this young lady remains steadfast in her faith. Her parents have completely barred her from meeting me or other Muslims, but she conveys messages affirming her commitment to prioritising faith over worldly matters. Friends are requested to pray for her steadfastness.

“Another young woman who has converted to Islam is Mrs Bruno, whom I have named ‘Jamila’ in honour of the pious daughter of my dear friend Miraj-ud-Din Sahib of Bareilly. There are several other individuals who, God willing, will accept Islam in due course.

“When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] arrived in Europe, I wrote him the following detailed letter:

“To Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II[ra], London, England

“Your Holiness, assalamu alaikum!

“I am not in a position to personally appear before Huzoor[ra] at this time to renew my pledge of obedience and loyalty at his blessed hands. Therefore, I pray that his arrival in the capital of Great Britain, accompanied by his companions, may be marked by health, safety, and success.

“May this occasion draw the attention of the distinguished individuals and scholars of this country toward the religion of Islam, and may it establish a solid and enduring foundation for [Islam] Ahmadiyyat in this land.

“In addition, I extend a heartfelt invitation to Huzoor[ra] to visit the great

nation of America. The remarkable and grand mission established here by our venerable elder and distinguished scholar, Dr Mufti Muhammad Sadiq[ra], and now being continued by the esteemed Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra], would gain new vitality and explosive energy through his visit.

“Specifically, if Huzoor[ra] were to grace our city of New Orleans, I am confident that numerous individuals, who are currently being preached to and are inclined toward Islam, would, divinely inspired by the blessings of his presence, humbly submit themselves at the threshold of Islam.

“I was deeply grieved to learn from Brother Yusuf Khan’s letter about the tyranny inflicted by the Amir of Kabul upon our dear brother, Nematullah Khan[rh]. I firmly believe that such a cruel oppressor will not escape divine punishment for long. Kindly convey heartfelt condolences to the family of the martyred brother on my behalf.

“[I have also learned that] a council is being convened in Egypt or Medina regarding the matter of Khilafat. My heart yearns to be present there to guide these individuals toward the divinely appointed Khalifa so that they do not waste their time in futility.

“Whatever means possible should be employed to continue publishing The Moslem Sunrise. Its benefits have proven to be innumerable. [I would also like to bring to your attention that], at the request of a gentleman named Mr De Witt, Mr Holt has published an article on Islam in the Adventure magazine. I am enclosing the addresses of both individuals for the reference. They should be conveyed the message of Islam [Ahmadiyyat], and some literature should also be sent to them.

“Waswalam, [Abdullah Din Muhammad].”

American mission and progress of Islam Ahmadiyyat

By the mercy and grace of Allah the Almighty, the people of America are steadily drawing closer to Islam. This rapid progress of Islam is soon to manifest the authenticity of the blessed prophecies made by the Chief of Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, over 1,300 years ago, as well as the prophecies disseminated by the Promised Messiahas. Today, through the efforts and sacrifices of our beloved leader, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra], these prophecies are being fulfilled. This is not merely our claim; even the Christian world now acknowledges that without adherence to Islamic teachings, peace cannot be established on earth. They

accepting the Foundersa of Islam that God save us all.

However, truth shall ultimately prevail over falsehood. The efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra], which have caused a stir in the Western world, will soon bear fruit, and the results of this transformation will become evident.

Dr Zwemer and Ahmadiyyat

The efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra], which have caused a stir in the Western world, will soon bear fruit, and the results of this transformation will become evident.

admit that Islam is the only religion through which salvation and eternal peace can be achieved.

While Christians boast that salvation is impossible without believing in Christ as the son of God and that faith in his blood washes away all sins, a closer examination of this claim reveals its hollowness. The foundation of Christianity rests on doctrines such as the divinity of Christ, trinity, and atonement –teachings so flimsy that no rational person can accept them. To this day, no Christian has been able to substantiate these doctrines with evidence.

As science and other fields of knowledge and arts advance, the world continues to distance itself from Christianity. In the present age, a large group identifies as Christians only in name, while in reality, they are completely disenchanted with Christian teachings. Despite their rejection of the Christian faith, their hearts remain filled with deep prejudice against Islam. Outwardly, they practice principles aligned with Islamic teachings, but due to centuries of misconceptions and bias instilled in them by the priests, they are so terrified of

Dr Zwemer, editor of The Moslem World, who visited Qadian last summer to observe the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, recently published a circular letter. In this letter, he fervently appeals to the Christian world, emphasising the need for special preparations to counter the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Movement. He writes:

“Islam, through the new Ahmadiyya Movement, is steadily gaining a firm foothold in Europe and America.”

Although he erroneously used the term “new,” perhaps he employed this term because it is through Ahmad[as] and Ahmadiyyat that Christ and Christianity have been dethroned. It was Ahmadiyyat that brought to light the tomb of their “Lord” in Srinagar, and inflicted such a defeat upon Christianity that it had not encountered in the past 1,300 years. Dr Zwemer may have coined the term “new Islam” to reflect this unprecedented resistance, mistaking it for a new version of Islam, when in fact, he should be informed that it is the same Islam taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa of Arabia.

There is no doubt, however, that Hazrat Ahmadas infused Islam with a renewed spirit and revived its teachings in the exact form prescribed by the Holy Prophetsa. He introduced no new doctrines. Dr Zwemer and the Christian world seem to fear that Islam will soon overwhelm Europe and America.

[Despite his apprehensions], Dr Zwemer is an enlightened and broad-minded scholar. Occasionally, he publishes articles by Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra] in his magazine and maintains correspondence with us. He also shares the addresses of individuals interested in learning about Islam, enabling us to connect with them. Through his assistance, we have established contacts with several Christian clergy.

New converts in Cleveland

Friends will be pleased to learn that, by the grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty, 49 men and four women have embraced Islam in Cleveland over the past three to four weeks. We request prayers for the strengthening of their faith.

Approximately six months ago, Hazrat Maulvi Sahib[ra] spent two weeks in Cleveland, delivering lectures to various gatherings. This sparked widespread interest in Islam throughout the city. Furthermore, the sincere efforts of Shaikh Abdullah have significantly expanded the scope of the mission. Abdullah, an enthusiastic new convert, actively preaches Islam at all times and in every gathering.

In his spare time, he travels to nearby villages around Cleveland in his automobile to spread the message of Islam. In one of his letters, he writes:

“I am always determined to eradicate disbelief. Whoever crosses my path, I deliver to them the message of God.”

Islamic literature has been sent to these new converts via mail, and correspondence has been maintained. However, we eagerly await the arrival of Maulvi Sahib[ra] so he may visit Cleveland to teach these new converts about Islamic practices, including prayer.

There is also a jamaat in St. Louis, and I feel it is equally important for Maulvi Sahib to visit them as well.

Chicago Jamaat

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the jamaat here [in Chicago] continues its activities unabated. Regular gatherings are held, prayers are offered, and the exemplary character of Maulvi Sahib[ra] has inspired a deep affection for him among the members. The jamaat earnestly prays for his return and awaits him with great anticipation.

The Moslem Sunrise

Our magazine, The Moslem Sunrise, is currently on hold due to two primary reasons: first, a lack of funds, and second, the absence of Maulvi Sahib[ra]. We request prayers from friends that, by the grace of Allah, these challenges may be resolved. The Moslem Sunrise has accomplished significant work in America, and I constantly pray that Allah enables its continuation.

At times, I wonder if a lack of subscribers in our Jamaat is the cause of this financial shortfall. But then I remind myself that our Jamaat is composed of many poor members, and the scope of work is immense. How can all the needs be fulfilled simultaneously? Therefore, I earnestly appeal to all the friends to offer special prayers for the continuation of this magazine.

An urgent need

The greatest need at present is for copies of the Holy Quran. The Jamaat is growing here, but we lack Qurans to distribute to new members. There is an urgent requirement for an abridged English translation of the Quran that is affordable so that it may be easily purchased by the general public. As our preaching efforts expand, so do our responsibilities.

In conclusion, I pray that Allah grants us the strength and capability to fulfil our duties and earn His pleasure.

Wassalam, Muhammad Yusuf Khan, BSc, Chicago

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 6 January 1925 issue of Al Fazl)

33rd Jalsa Salana held in Benin

Mirza Farhan Ahmad Baig Benin Correspondent

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Benin held its 33rd Jalsa Salana on 20-22 December 2024, at Bustan-e-Mahdi, located in the city of Ketou. The Jalsa began with the Jumuah prayer, after which all attendees listened to the live Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The flag-hoisting was held at 4 pm, followed by the opening session, which began with a recitation from the Holy Quran and was presided over by Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Benin. During this session, some senior officers expressed their impressions and appreciated the efforts of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in establishing peace throughout the world in general and particularly in Benin. This was followed by a speech by Amir Jamaat Benin who exhorted the attendees to raise their academic and moral standards in light of the Promised Messiah’sas teachings and guidance of Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat.

The second day of the Jalsa began with congregational Tahajjud prayer, followed by Fajr prayer and dars. The first session of the second day was chaired by Missionary-inCharge Benin, and began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by an Urdu poem and two speeches on the prophecies

Quran exhibition held by Majlis Ansarullah

New Zealand

Saqib Ahmad

Qaid Tabligh, Majlis Ansarullah New Zealand

Majlis Ansarullah New Zealand held a Quran exhibition in Masterton on 2 November 2024. A delegation of Majlis Ansarullah flew from Auckland to Wellington. The exhibition was set up at the local Salat Center and displayed translations of the Holy Quran in 40 different languages. The venue was adorned with pull-up banners, book displays, and a small break-out area for the seminars. The Te Reo Māori translation of the Holy Quran was at the forefront, the language of the indigenous Māori people. Two informative seminars on the topic of the Quran and extremism were held as advertised, which were attended by about a dozen guests. Many visitors took a special interest in the visual displays and engaged in detailed discussions about the posters and the mission of the Promised Messiahas. Some visitors wrote their remarks in the guest book, appreciating the effort to the promotion of peace, harmony, and tolerance. Another visitor expressed gratitude for being introduced to Islam and requested a copy of the Holy Quran with a French translation. The programme was advertised in the Wairarapa Midweek print media as well as on social media. Approximately 20 external guests from various walks of life visited the exhibition.

regarding the Promised Messiah’sas advent and the blessings of Khilafat. The second session was chaired by Naib Amir Jamaat Benin. After a recitation from the Holy Quran and a poem, speeches were delivered on the importance of the remembrance of Allah and the Promised Messiah’sas love for the Holy Prophetsa. After the Maghrib and Isha prayers, a session was held on the introduction of Ahmadiyyat.

The second day of the Jalsa also began with

the congregational Tahajjud prayer. The closing session of the Jalsa was chaired by Amir Jamaat Benin. After a recitation from the Holy Quran and a poem, His Majesty the King of Portonovo expressed his impressions. After this, a speech was delivered on the “True Jihad”, followed by a speech by Amir Jamaat Benin on the Islamic teaching that one’s love for the country is part of their faith. The Jalsa was attended by over 3700 members.

Jalsa Salana 2024 held in Kenya

Tahir Ahmad Machengo Kenya Correspondent

The 57th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kenya was held at the Mubarak Mosque on 7-8 December 2024, on the theme “Taqwa”. After a flag-hoisting ceremony, the formal proceedings started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and short speeches from distinguished guests, including His Majesty King Nabongo of Wanga Kingdom, Nakuru County officials, bishops, reverends, pastors, and Sunni Muslims. The special message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was read out by Amir Jamaat Kenya, Nasir Mehmood Tahir Sahib. After this, Amir Sahib led all attendees in a silent prayer which marked the end of the first session. Throughout the first day, five speeches were delivered: “The Journey Towards Islam Ahmadiyyat: Stories from New Converts” by Sheikh Abdallah Hussein Juma Sahib, “Reconciling Family Disputes” by Sheikh Faheem Lakhan Sahib, “Acceptance of Prayers is a Sign of Existence of Allah The Almighty” by Sheikh Rashid Yusuf Obatt Sahib, “The Promised Messiah’sas Compassion for Mankind” by Sheikh Malik Basharat Sahib, and “The Holy Prophetsa: A Manifestation of Allah’s Noble Attributes” by Sheikh Ahmad Adnan Hashmi Sahib. After Maghrib and Isha’s

prayers and dinner, members convened at the jalsa gah for a question-and-answer session. This concluded the first day.

The second day started with Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, and Darsul Quran, followed by four speeches: “The Concept about Magic in Islam” by Abdulaziz Gakuria Sahib, “The Miracles of Holy Prophetsa” by Sameer Sheikh Sahib, “Some of the Heavenly Signs of the Promised Messiahas” by Sheikh Iddi Abwao Sahib, and “Khilafate-Ahmadiyya: The Source of Unity in Islam” by Habib Shatry Sahib. Thereafter, Amir Jamaat Kenya gave the closing address, wherein he urged members to strive on the path of Allah the Almighty and to keep in mind their responsibilities as Ahmadis and adhere to the ten conditions of Bai‘at

The total attendance was 1,602 and the Jalsa was streamed live through the YouTube channel and was covered by national media houses.

AMJ Benin
My heart bursts with grief for the people due to the plague; nay, this is no plague, it is a raging storm.

UnitedHealthcare CEO killing: Does Islam allow vigilante justice?

On the morning of 4 December 2024, Brian Thompson was shot to death in Manhattan, USA. Thompson was the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, a health insurance company in America. Thompson had worked with the UnitedHealth Group since 2004 and served as CEO of their government programmes before becoming CEO of their insurance branch in 2021. (“Who was Brian Thompson, the UnitedHealthcare CEO shot dead in Manhattan?”,, 10 December 2024)

A murder suspect, Luigi Mangione, was arrested on 9 December in Pennsylvania. He faces allegations that include first-degree murder, an act of terrorism, criminal possession of a weapon and forgery for using a fake ID in the days before the murder. Mangione has pleaded not guilty to all charges. (“Luigi Mangione pleads not guilty in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO on N.Y. state charges”,, 23 December 2024)

Hero for the working class

This murder stands out for two key reasons: the public’s extraordinary reaction and the “hero” status seemingly bestowed upon the accused killer, Luigi Mangione.

The first reason is the public’s visceral response to the death of UnitedHealth Group CEO Brian Thompson. A Facebook post by the company expressing sadness over his death received 77,000 laughing emojis, signalling widespread anger and a sense of justice among many. For many, Thompson’s death represented retribution for the harm caused by the healthcare insurance industry, with his passing evoking feelings of excitement or even celebration.

The second reason is Mangione’s remarkable ability to elude capture for five days after killing Thompson in broad daylight in Manhattan, fuelling the perception of him as a modern-day hero. His escape and the widespread support for him underscore

the deep frustration many Americans feel toward the wealthy, especially within the context of the healthcare system. Mangione’s actions, though violent, were seen by many as a stand against the “1%,” with his status as an anti-establishment figure growing despite his alleged crime.

It’s no surprise that the murder of Brian Thompson was seen by many as justice, considering the struggles that many have with health insurance in the US. One critic puts it well:

“Luigi’s alleged assassination – horrifying as it is in isolation – becomes intelligible as a desperate assertion of agency in a system designed to neutralize it. In such an environment, the moral calculus shifts: what options remain for those who lack wealth, power, or institutional support? The answer, for many, is despair – despair that, over time, metastasizes into rage.” (“Luigi Mangione: An Icon of Rage”, omarnajjarine., 24 December 2024)

The health insurance industry has long been criticised for prioritising profit over providing quality, affordable healthcare to people. Almost every US adult has had issues with health insurance claims. One in five had a claim denied in the past year. This is twice the rate of those who were on Medicare or Medicaid. (“Killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO prompts flurry of stories on social

media over denied insurance claims”,, 6 December 2024)

UnitedHealthcare was also the target of a class action lawsuit in Minnesota last year alleging that the company used AI when processing claims to streamline the process and save money. The suit claims this led to claims, especially of elderly patients, being wrongfully denied. Companies use prior authorisation to decide if claims are medically necessary or backed by scientific evidence, which is also conducive to their bottom line. (“UnitedHealthcare lawsuit: Physicians allege delay, deny, underpay practices”,, 12 December 2024)

But does that justify the murder?

Islamic teachings on vigilante justice Islam places a high emphasis on absolute justice. The Holy Quran says, “Verily, Allah commands you to make over the trusts to those entitled to them, and that, when you judge between men, you judge with justice.”

(Surah an-Nisa’, Ch.4: V.59)

However, the Holy Quran also places an extremely high value on human life. It prescribes that whoever kills one life, “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind.”

(Surah al-Maidah, Ch.5: V.33)

While Islam does place a preference on forgiveness over retribution, it still allows

for punishment to occur. However, it is important to recognise who is responsible for administering justice.

The Holy Quran says, “And the recompense of an injury is the like thereof; but whoso forgives and [his act] brings about reformation, his reward is with Allah. Surely, He loves not the wrongdoers. But there is no blame on those who defend themselves after they have been wronged. The blame is only on those who wrong men and transgress on the earth without justification. Such will have a grievous punishment.” (Surah ashShura, Ch.42: V.41-43)

These verses also touch on one of the problems at the heart of the murder: vigilante justice. Brian Thompson is considered to fall in the second category of men, i.e., those who wrong others without justification. He and his company made millions by profiting from the pain and suffering of others.

However, the verse says that these men will have their punishment with Allah, not with their victims. This rejection of vigilante justice is also seen in the Charter of Medina. Whenever there were disputes, they would be resolved in the legal system or by the Holy Prophetsa himself, never by individuals or vigilantes. (“A Good Vigilante?”, www., 12 December 2024)


It is clear that while Islam places a heavy emphasis on justice, it rejects the notion of vigilante justice. Justice should be carried out by Allah or by the existing legal systems, not by individuals. While Brian Thompson may have committed injustice and profited off suffering, a vigilante should not have delivered his punishment.

And although it shouldn’t have reached this point, this situation can serve as a wakeup call for society; human lives should not be left at the mercy of insurance companies. It should also prompt legal authorities to explore ways to safeguard the sanctity of life and regulate the structure of health insurance companies more effectively.

Fayzaan Virk
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdias

The world’s first Tahajjud of 2025

A familiar feeling of home in a corner of the world

A few months ago, I received word that my posting as a missionary had changed from the United States of America to the country of Kiribati (read: Ki-ri-bas). I had heard of it before due to a close friend of mine, Khawaja Fahad Ahmad Sahib, being posted there as a missionary, but when I went to find it on Google Maps, the pin was dropped in what would seem like the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Only when I kept zooming in, was I able to see the outline of the island that was to be my new home.

Far from where I grew up and considered to be “home”, with a climate and culture I am still getting accustomed to, I found that same familiar “home” feeling on New Year’s Eve. In the new year, I was able to partake in one of the world’s first Tahajjud prayers read in 2025.

In order to understand how it was one of the world’s first Tahajjud prayers, we have to understand how dates and times are calculated in the world today.

There is a line drawn in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that essentially divides today from tomorrow, called the International Date Line. If it’s January 2nd west of the line, then it’s January 1st on the east side. There needs to be a start and stop line to our 24hour day cycle somewhere, and this is that line.

Since the Earth turns in a counterclockwise direction, the new day starts to the west of this line, continuing through nations you might know like New Zealand, Australia

and Japan. (“Royal Greenwich Observatory: Science and Engineering Research Council”, That day continues through Asia, Africa, and Europe before finishing in North

By the Grace of Allah, Islam Ahmadiyya is established in many of these far off islands. Therefore, before the rest of the world could enter into the New Year, a humble group of passionate Ahmadi Muslims in Kiribati, Tuvalu, Fiji and the Marshall Islands had already begun 2025 with the remembrance of Allah.

15 November 1901

This Week in History

On this day, Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra reached Qadian with a phonograph. It was the latest technology available at the time to record sound.

The Promised Messiahas spared his time a er the Asr prayer to examine this device. Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Sialkotira recorded two cylinders in his melodious voice.

(Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 2, p. 193)

and South America. But if you zoom into the apparent nothingness that is the water around the International Date Line, you will find that that water is actually spotted with various Island nations that make up the population of the Pacific Ocean. One of these countries is the Republic of Kiribati, a collection of atolls in the central Pacific Ocean. Due to its location, it boasts one of the most unique collections of geographical oddities of any place on Earth.

It is the only country in the world that exists in all four hemispheres at once. Both North and South of the Equator, as well to the East and West of the 180th Meridian. Due to the fact that the islands of Kiribati are the first ones west of the Date Line, it is the first country that welcomes each and every calendar day, and by extension, the New Year as well.

By the Grace of Allah, Islam Ahmadiyya is established in many of these far off islands. Therefore, before the rest of the world could enter into the New Year, a humble group of passionate Ahmadi Muslims in Kiribati, Tuvalu, Fiji and the Marshall Islands had already begun 2025 with the remembrance of Allah.

On the evening of 31 December, Ahmadi Muslims gathered at the Baitul Ahad Mosque in Bonriki on the island of South Tarawa, Kiribati. The evening was spent engaged in activities such as Maghrib and Isha prayers as well as sports. However, the members most enjoyed a quiz competition reviewing facts about Islam

and general knowledge between members. In the morning, the mosque was full of worshippers, thanking Allah for the year that had just passed and beseeching His help for the days we are about to embark on. Following Fajr and a short dars, members were treated to a special traditional breakfast consisting of fish sandwiches and local style scones.

It is very heartwarming and speaks to the unity of Jamaat Ahmadiyya that the same way I grew up celebrating the New Year is also being practised in a place I had never even dreamt of visiting. Walking into the Mosque and seeing the faces of worshippers who preferred the company of their Lord and their brothers and sisters in faith over worldly pleasures, is a feeling I have experienced growing up and one that will never get old.

The familiar feeling of “home” is only due to the blessings of Allah that He has blessed us with a community that is reaching the corners of the Earth, with tens of thousands I consider to be my brothers and sisters in faith, even if our language, culture and backgrounds are different. The message of Islam Ahmadiyyat resonates with these people in a way that teaches me over and over again, that our claim of Islam being a universal religion is not merely simply a claim, but a reality.

May Allah accept the prayers of this Jamaat and may the true message of Islam spread further in the Islands of the Pacific. Amin

Friday Sermon

Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford, UK

13 December 2024

Muhammadsa: The Great Exemplar

After reciting the tashahhud, ta‘awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

With regard to the life of the Holy Prophetsa, I will be mentioning an expedition, which is called the Expedition of Qurta. This expedition took place on 10 Muharram in the sixth year after Hijrah. The Holy Prophetsa sent Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra and thirty cavalrymen under his leadership towards Qurta. Qurta was a branch of [the tribe of] Banu Bakr bin Kilab. They lived in a place called Bakarat, in the surroundings of Dariyyah. Bakarat was located at a distance of a seven-night journey from Medina and Dariyyah was an old village belonging to [the tribe of] Banu Kilab. This was also located at a distance of a seven-night journey from Medina; according to old historical traditions. Distances have most certainly shortened nowadays. In one tradition, it has also been recorded that Dariyyah is located at a distance of one or two nights’ journey from Medina. (Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 2, p. 60, Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut; Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen, pp. 663-664; Furhang-e-Sirat, Zawar Academy, Karachi, pp. 60 and 233; Subul Al-Huda Wa AlRishad, Vol. 6, Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, p. 71)

Among these thirty companions were Hazrat Abbad bin Bishrra, Hazrat Salamah bin Salamahra and Harith bin Khazmahra The Holy Prophetsa instructed them to travel by night, hide by day and to launch a sudden attack on them. When they reached a place called Sharabbah, which was located in Najd, they received some mounts. Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra sent one of his comrades to go and inquire as to who these people were. He went and, upon returning, said, “They belong to the tribe of Maharib. They have set up camp nearby and have left their animals to graze.” The Muslims gave them time until their animals had rested near the water. Upon this, the Muslims attacked them. They killed some, and others fled. Those who had fled were not pursued.

The companions seized the camels and sheep but left their women alone. They then set out from there, and when they reached a place from where they could see Banu Bakr,

circumstances. Following this, Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra set out with his comrades and launched an attack on Banu

Bakr. They killed ten of their men, seized their camels and sheep, and quickly headed towards Medina. Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra left some of his comrades behind with the sheep and brought the camels to the Holy Prophetsa in Medina. Thereafter, the sheep were brought as well.

The Holy Prophetsa took out a fifth and distributed the remainder among the comrades of Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra. One camel was considered equal to ten sheep. (Subul Al-Huda Wa AlRishad, Vol. 6, Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, p. 71; Furhang-e-Sirat, Zawar Academy, Karachi, p. 217)

This is a tradition from a book of history. Since some details are missing, it appears as though many cruelties were perpetrated. However, this will be clarified later.

There were a total of 150 camels and 3,000 sheep. (Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, p. 60)

For the purpose of this expedition, Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra remained outside of Medina for nineteen nights and returned to Medina on 29 Muharram, in the sixth year after Hijrah. (Subul Al-Huda Wa Al-Rishad, Vol. 6, Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, p. 71)

Detailing this, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra has referenced various books and historical references and written the following:

“At the time, 6 A.H. had only begun and it was in the first month of the Lunar Year, i.e., the early dates of the month of Muharram, when the Holy Prophetsa received news of danger from the people of Najd. This threat was from the Qurta tribe, which was a branch of the tribe Banu Bakr and resided in an area called Dariyyah in Najd, situated at a distance of seven days’ journey from Medina. Upon receiving this news, the Holy Prophetsa immediately dispatched a squadron of 30 mounted troops to Najd under the command of one of his companions, Muhammad bin Maslamah Ansarira. However, Allah the Exalted instilled such awe in the hearts of

Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahrasent Hazrat A’iz bin Busrra towards Banu Bakr in order to gather information. Upon returning, Hazrat A’iz bin Busrra informed
Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamahra of the

the infidels that they took to flight after only a minor confrontation. As per the custom of war at the time, this was an opportunity for the Muslims to take the women and children of the enemy captive, as they had left them behind and retreated. However, Muhammad bin Maslamahra did not detain the women and children, and returned to Medina with general spoils of war, which consisted of camels and goats.” (Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen, pp. 662-663)

This clarifies the fact that the Holy Prophetsa sent this envoy in order to stop the opposing people from launching the attack on Medina that they were planning. There, too, he displayed leniency as nothing was said to the women and children.

On this occasion, Thumamah bin Uthal’s imprisonment and acceptance of Islam are mentioned upon the return from the expedition of Qurta. The details of this are recorded in The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets as follows:

“This clarifies the fact that the Holy Prophetsa sent this envoy in order to stop the opposing people from launching the attack on Medina that they were planning. There, too, he displayed leniency as nothing was said to the women and children.

“Upon return from this expedition (i.e., the expedition of Qurta), the instance of the capture of Thumamah bin Uthal took place. This individual resided in Yamamah and was a very influential chieftain of the tribe of Banu Hanifah. He had exceeded so far in his enmity towards Islam that he let no opportunity for killing innocent Muslims pass. Therefore, on one occasion, an ambassador of the Holy Prophetsa went to his region and he, ignoring all the laws of war, conspired to kill him. As a matter of fact, at one time, he even planned to assassinate the Holy Prophetsa himself. When the party of Muhammad bin Maslamahra captured Thumamah, they were unaware of the identity of this individual. As a matter of fact, they had captured him only on the basis of suspicion. It seems that by his extraordinary intelligence, Thumamah also did well in concealing his identity from the Muslims. For he knew that he had committed heinous crimes against Islam and that if the indignant Muslim soldiers were to find out who he was, they might deal with him harshly or kill him altogether. (He had committed many such deeds that caused harm to the Muslims.) He expected kinder treatment from the Holy Prophetsa himself. (He thought that once he reached the Holy Prophetsa, he

would be given good treatment.) As such, until their return to Medina, the identity of Thumamah remained hidden from the party of Muhammad bin Maslamahra

“Upon arriving in Medina, when Thumamah was presented before the Holy Prophetsa, he recognised him at first glance and said to Muhammad bin Maslamahra and his companions, ‘Do you know who this is?’ They expressed their lack of knowledge in this matter, upon which the Holy Prophetsa enlightened them. After this, the Holy Prophetsa ordered the good treatment of Thumamah, as was his custom, and went to his home and instructed that whatever food was available should be sent to Thumamah. Then the Holy Prophetsa instructed that instead of keeping Thumamah in another house, they tie him to a pillar on the veranda of Masjid Nabawi. By this, the purpose of the Holy Prophetsa was so that his gatherings and the Muslim salat be held before his eyes and so that these spiritual sights influence his heart, so that he become inclined towards Islam.”

This is how he was tied up. It does not mean that he was tied up in a way that would affect him and keep him in a state of anger; rather, he was tied up gently and tenderly, just as a prisoner is able to move his hands and feet when tied up.

“During those days, the Holy Prophetsa would go to Thumamah and inquire of him, ‘Thumamah! What are your intentions now?’ Thumamah would respond, ‘O Muhammad[sa]! If you kill me, you have the right to do so, for I have been charged with murder, but if you deal with me in goodness, you shall find me grateful. If you wish to accept my ransom, I am willing to pay my ransom as well.’ This exchange of questions and answers continued for three days. Finally, on the third day, the Holy Prophetsa himself ordered his companions to release Thumamah. The companions released him at once and Thumamah hurriedly left the mosque. Perhaps the companions thought that now he would return to his homeland, but the Holy Prophetsa had understood that his heart had been won over. (The spiritual power of the Holy Prophetsa had influenced him. He then writes:) As such, he went to a nearby garden and returned after bathing and immediately accepted Islam at the hand of the Holy Prophetsa. After this, he said to the Holy Prophetsa, ‘O Messenger of Allahsa! There was a time when I hated your person, and your religion and your city more than anything in the world, but now your person, and your religion and your city are most beloved to me.’

“That night in the evening, when food was customarily brought for Thumamahra, he ate a little of the food and left the rest. The companions were surprised that until that morning, Thumamahra would eat extravagantly and was a glutton (he was captured and tied up, so it is proven here that he was tied up in a manner whereby he was able to eat and drink, and he was well looked after), but now he had eaten only a little. (He used to eat and drink a lot previously, but now he had eaten only a little.) When this news reached the Holy Prophetsa, he said, ‘Until this morning Thumamah ate like the infidels and now he has eaten like a Muslim.’ Then the Holy Prophetsa explained this saying, ‘An infidel eats in seven intestines while a believer eats in one alone.’ By this, the Holy Prophet’ssa

intention was (to express) that where an infidel is so absorbed in the pleasures of this world and is forever engrossed in them, on the other hand, a true believer limits his physical needs only to the extent as is necessary for the sustenance of life. This is because a believer finds true delight in religion alone. It should also be kept in mind that here, the number seven does not refer to the actual numerical value, but in light of Arabic idiom, the number seven is used to imply ‘abundance’ or ‘completion’ as well. In other words, the meaning is that an infidel remains engrossed in worldly comforts and all his attention is spent in worldly affairs, but a believer restrains himself from the comforts of this world and does not cross the boundary of necessity, because the true means of his delight is something else. This teaching is a true illustration of the natural inclination and personal character of the Holy Prophetsa

“After becoming a Muslim, Thumamahra said to the Holy Prophetsa, ‘O Messenger of Allah! When your men captured me, I was on my way to the Ka‘bah for ‘Umrah. What do you now order?’ The Holy Prophetsa granted him permission and prayed, and Thumamahra left for Mecca. Due to his passion for his faith (now his passion for his faith had completely transformed. How he changed from opposition to the passion of his faith!), upon reaching there (i.e. Mecca), he began to preach openly within the Quraish. At this sight, the eyes of the Quraish gorged with blood in extreme rage. They captured Thumamahra and planned to kill him, but upon the thought that he was the chieftain of the region of Yamamah, and keeping in mind that Mecca had historic trade relations with Yamamah, they abandoned this idea and released him, after some mere verbal abuse. However, the disposition of Thumamahra was full of passion and all the cruelties inflicted upon the Holy Prophetsa and his companions were before his eyes. Upon leaving Mecca, he addressed the Quraish saying, ‘By God, from now on you shall not receive a grain of corn from the region of Yamamah until the Holy Prophetsa grants permission.’

“Upon reaching his homeland, Thumamahra actually stopped the caravans of import and export to Mecca and since a large portion of Mecca’s food supply came from Yamamah, upon the halt of this trade, Mecca underwent a great trial. Not long had passed before they became worried and wrote a letter to the Holy Prophetsa, that he always instructed the kind treatment of relatives, and they who were their brothers were trapped, so please may they be granted salvation from this trial. At the time, the Quraish of Mecca were so worried that they did not rely on this letter alone, but also sent their chief, Abu Sufyan bin Harb to the Holy Prophetsa. He verbally lamented before the Holy Prophetsa and whilst presenting his difficulty, he began to seek mercy.

Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa sent word to Thumamah bin Uthalra that the import and export of caravans which contained food supplies for the Quraish, should not be blocked. Therefore, the circuit of this trade recommenced and the people of Mecca received salvation from this difficulty.

“On the one hand, whilst this occurrence is a clear proof of the unprecedented tenderness, mercy and forgiveness of the Holy Prophetsa, on the other hand, it also

proves that initially, the true purpose of the systematic interception of various caravans of the Quraish by the Holy Prophetsa, was not to force the Quraish’s destruction by famine. The true purpose of this was to secure the borders of Medina from the threat of the Quraish. This occurrence also proves that in light of Islamic teachings, it is not permitted in normal circumstances to stop the free movement of an enemy at war to the extent that they are deprived of their bread and butter (i.e. their food).

Nonetheless, the import and export of weapons of war or other items excluding the basic necessities of life, can be intercepted as per the requirements of war.”

Yet, how strange a spectacle is the world displaying today as they are not even allowing food to reach the poor and deprived people in wartime, then making the excuse that it is because there are terrorists or so and so in that area. In any case, this is the work of worldly people. This is not the teaching of Islam. [He continues:]

“If however, the case is that the enemy cuts off food supplies to the Muslims, then as per the principle teaching of the Quran:

“[the recompense of an injury is an injury the like thereof], it is permissible to cut off this supply as well (and this will suffice as a recompense).

“As mentioned above, Thumamah bin Uthalra was a very influential chieftain of his region. By his fervent preaching, many people of Yamamah entered Islam. Later, near the demise of the Holy Prophetsa and in the beginning of the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, when many Bedouins of Yamamah were led to apostasy by the false claimant to prophethood, Musailamah Kadhdhab, not only did Thumamah stay firm upon his faith, but through his passionate efforts he was able to safeguard many people from the evil of Musailamah and kept them gathered under the banner of Islam. He played a great role in combating the mischief of Musailamah.” (Sirat Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen, pp. 663-666)

These are all the details regarding this expedition.

Today, I will lead some funeral prayers. One is a funeral, that is present. [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then enquired whether the funeral had arrived and was informed that it had arrived.]

This funeral prayer is of respected Abdul Latif Khan Sahib, who previously served as the Regional Amir of Middlesex. He passed away on December 11th at the age of 85.

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

He was the son of Hazrat Muhammad Zahoor Khan Sahib Patialvira, who was a companion of the Promised Messiahas. He was the nephew of Hazrat Dr Hashmatullah Khan Sahibra, the physician of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. Dr Hashmatullah Khan Sahibra served as Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra physician. Abdul Latif Khan Sahib was among the pioneer members of the UK Jamaat.

He had the honour of serving at both local and national levels for over 55 years. He was the first local president of the Hounslow Jamaat, and served in national roles such as Secretary Wasaya, Secretary Tabligh,

Secretary Rishta Nata, and Regional Amir. The deceased was diligent in offering prayers and fasting, and possessed excellent morals. He was a compassionate, sociable, eloquent, very hard-working, obedient, righteous, and sincere person. He had a deep bond of love, devotion and sincerity to Khilafat, and was always ready to serve the Jamaat. He played a significant role in collecting donations for all the mosques being built in his region.

He was also very passionate about tabligh. He maintained a good relationship with the Hindus and Sikhs in Hounslow, and would frequently bring large groups of them to Jamaat events. The deceased was a musi. He is survived by two daughters and four sons. His sons are also involved in Jamaat activities. He has many paternal and maternal grandsons and granddaughters. He belongs to a good family. May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness, show him mercy, and keep his children and future generations steadfastly attached to Khilafat and the Jamaat.

The second funeral prayer is in absentia, for Tayyib Ahmad Sahib Shaheed, son of Manzoor Ahmad Sahib, of Rajanpur, currently residing in Rawalpindi. Tayyib Ahmad Sahib was martyred in Rawalpindi on 5 December when an opponent of Ahmadiyyat attacked him with an axe.

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

According to details, Tayyib Ahmad Shaheed had travelled from Rajanpur to Rawalpindi some days ago to assist his brother, Tahir Ahmad Qamar, with his business. The deceased was sitting in his brother’s shop when an individual came and began arguing with him. The deceased martyr asked why the man was troubling him, and that he was only a guest there. Despite this, the attacker paid no heed and struck him on the head, neck, and back with an axe, due to which Tayyib Ahmad Sahib was martyred at the scene.

When Tahir Ahmad Qamar Sahib, who was some distance away, rushed to help his brother, the attacker also charged at him with the axe, but he managed to save himself with great difficulty. During this incident, the murderer kept shouting anti-Ahmadi slogans, saying, “Qadianis, I have told you many times to leave this area.” Nonetheless, after committing the attack, the murderer fled the scene. However, the police later apprehended him. It remains to be seen how the case progresses.

The martyr’s brother, Tahir Ahmad, and other family members have been residing in Rawalpindi due to their business. Over the past year, they faced opposition and threats, forcing them to change their business location four times. Three months ago, they were also evicted from their home. They repeatedly faced stone-pelting and financial losses at the hands of opponents. After accusing them of baseless allegations, the police would call them in due to multiple requests. Despite these conditions, they faced everything with great patience.

Ahmadiyyat entered the deceased martyr’s family through his paternal greatgrandfather, Umar Deen Sahib of Qadian. The martyr’s grandfather, Ahmad Deen Sahib, had the honour of contributing as a mason in the construction of Minaratul-Masih. He also served in the Furqan

As per the custom of war at the time, this was an opportunity for the Muslims to take the women and children of the enemy captive, as they had left them behind and retreated. However, Muhammad bin Maslamahra did not detain the women and children, and returned to Medina with general spoils of war, which consisted of camels and goats.”

Battalion. When Pakistan was founded, he was part of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra entourage during the migration. After moving to Pakistan, he helped establish the Jamaat in the town of Qandhara Singh, District Rahim Yar Khan, and also had the honour of serving as its president, and played a significant role in the construction of the Ahmadiyya mosque there, Bait-ulZikr.

Due to an illness, the martyr had not been able to attain an education, however, he knew how to read and write. He was of a simple disposition and was well acquainted with the profession of farming and labour. The martyr was regular in offering the five daily prayers as well as tahajjud and he would advise everyone at home to offer prayers as well. He had profound love for Khilafat and he served his parents a great deal. His kindness towards his relatives was prominent. He was especially particular about offering the Friday prayer. He would arrive at the mosque as early as possible. The deceased martyr’s father, Manzoor Ahmad Sahib, says that when the martyr was young, he fell asleep without offering the Isha prayer. In a dream, the martyr saw that someone woke him up with great force and asked why he hadn’t offered the prayer. He says that since then, the martyr must have never missed a prayer; in fact, he was also regular in offering the tahajjud prayer.

His wife, Ghazalah Sahiba, says, “We were married five or six years ago and the thing that he always enjoined me to do was to offer prayers regularly.”

Mahmood Ahmad Rind Sahib, the district missionary, says, “During my first meeting with the deceased martyr, he said that he would always be ready for any service the Jamaat required of him and that if he was ever needed, I should certainly tell him. The deceased martyr had a great deal of love for life-devotees. He was simple and a man of few words. Whenever he came to the mosque, after offering his sunnah prayers, he would remain engaged in the

remembrance of Allah.”

The deceased is survived by his father, his mother, Maqsoodah Bibi Sahiba, his wife, Ghazalah Sahiba and two brothers. One of his brothers is a mu’allim under Waqf-e-Jadid. The deceased did not have any children. He also has two sisters. May Allah the Almighty elevate the deceased martyr’s station and grant his entire family patience.

The next funeral prayer in absentia is of Muhannad Mu’ayyad Abu Awwad of Gaza, Palestine. He was also martyred in a drone strike at the age of 20.

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

Sharif Odeh Sahib, Amir of Kababir, writes that Muhannad Mu’ayyad Abu Awwad was a 20-year-old shy, quiet youth who always remained happy and positive despite the conditions of the war. He was with his parents in the South of Gaza at a Humanity First camp near Khan Yunis where they lived in a tent. He also worked with Humanity First and served others. Not only did he reside in the camp; rather, Humanity First says that he was a good volunteer for them.

Ahmadiyyat was introduced to his family through his father, Mu’ayyad Sahib, who accepted Ahmadiyyat along with his family in 2009 or 2010. As I mentioned, the late Muhannad had the opportunity to serve on the Humanity First team as a volunteer and was a very active member. Muhannad was aware of the difficulties and needs of his family and would try to alleviate them. There was no food in that area, which is why finding even a morsel of food was nothing short of a blessing. The situation there these days is very dire. The Israeli government has imposed restrictions on food reaching them. The aid trucks that are dispatched are stopped.

A few days prior to his martyrdom, Muhannad went to Rafah in the South of Gaza to search for food. Vehicles carrying aid would pass through this area, but they are often attacked, destroying everything or looting them. Hence, some youngsters go to that area in hopes of finding food in the rubble. Sometimes, flour mixed with dirt can be found. Even if they find some, it is mixed with dirt, yet even this is an extraordinary blessing for them. Once, when Muhannad went there, he was fortunate to find some flour for his family and neighbours, which he brought back home. His mother was happy as this would help many people stay alive; however, his father scolded him, telling him never to go back there because returning from there was nothing short of a miracle. He was young and had a great deal ahead of him in life and so it was not wise for him to go there just for a few kilograms of flour while putting his life in jeopardy.

In any case, he went back there on 3 December along with two of his friends in search of food. While there, they came across the dead body of a fellow Palestinian. There were some dogs roaming around in the area and were clawing away at it. This greatly pained them and so, forgetting their actual purpose of being there, they carried the corpse and took it to an ambulance in order to take it to safety so that it may be buried.

During this time, they heard the

screams of a wounded woman and her daughter who were calling for help. After carrying the corpse to the ambulance, the three friends got a stretcher and returned to get the wounded mother and daughter. They were carrying one of the wounded back on the stretcher when an Israeli plane suddenly dropped a missile on them. Muhannad, one of his friends and both wounded women were martyred on the spot, while the third friend survived and recounted this entire incident. He says, unfortunately, whoever went to recover the body of Muhannad and his friends was also killed on the spot. Eventually, his body was recovered a day ago.

The martyr’s father, Mu’ayyad Sahib is a sincere and humble member of the Jamaat. He always looks for opportunities to serve the Jamaat. At the Humanity First camp, he does not let anyone else clean the area reserved for offering prayer; rather, he cleans it himself. He always works with sincerity and trustworthiness.

After accepting Ahmadiyyat, his father also faced many difficulties. Since he was very courageous, he would go to various mosques, and in a loud voice he would announce that the Messiah had come. Due to this, he would often be beaten. In fact, because of accepting the Promised Messiahas, the local government accused him of apostasy and kept him in jail for many weeks. However, even in the face of all these difficulties, he remained resolute, and his faith never wavered in the slightest. While in custody, an investigator punched his ear, after which he was unable to hear anything in that ear.

Hence, the deceased martyr’s father has also made great sacrifices and this family has made great sacrifices for the sake of the Jamaat and for the sake of their faith. May Allah the Almighty protect them from every evil in the future, and may He elevate the station of the deceased martyr.

The next funeral is of Maulvi Muhammad Ayyub Butt Sahib, a dervish of Qadian. He recently passed away at the age of 100.

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

In one of his statements, Ayyub Butt Sahib wrote that Ahmadiyyat was introduced into his family through his mother, respected Karim Bibi Sahiba, who lived in Mirpur, Kashmir. One of her brothers, Syed Arshad Ali, had studied in Qadian, and it was through his preaching that his mother accepted Ahmadiyyat. Later, his father also accepted Ahmadiyyat. According to the dervish records, during his youth, the late Ayyub Butt Sahib saw the Holy Prophetsa riding a horse in a dream. His mother interpreted this dream to mean that Allah the Almighty would grant him the opportunity to serve the faith.

In 1939, Maulvi Sahib dedicated his life [to the service of Islam Ahmadiyyat], and the administration instructed him to go to Iran. He served there for five years, after which he was instructed to go to Kabul, Afghanistan. On his way to Kabul, he was in Quetta when Amir Sahib of Jamaat Ahmadiyya Quetta told him that he had been summoned to Qadian. This was during the time of the partition of India and Pakistan. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra had

migrated and was in Lahore. When Maulvi Sahib arrived in Lahore, he was told that there was one final truck going to Qadian and there would perhaps not be another truck going, so he should go to Qadian. Upon arriving in Qadian, Maulvi Sahib had the opportunity of performing security duties at various places.

Then, according to the instructions of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, teachers were sent to various places in India for the propagation of the message, and he was also among them. He was sent to the Yupi district in Jhansi, where he propagated the message in an excellent manner. He also had good relations with Hindus. He writes that once, a Hindu guru fell ill, and his followers asked Maulvi Sahib to give them some medicine. He told them to return in the morning. He says that he prayed, and at night, he saw Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in a dream, who opened his medicine box and said that he should give such and such medicine. The late Maulvi Sahib says that when he woke up in the morning, he was holding the vial in his hand. He gave three doses to the guru, and he recovered.

He also had the opportunity to serve in various places in India and he attained a degree in homeopathy whilst serving in the field of service. Many pure souls had the opportunity to accept Ahmadiyyat through him. One of his sons is Dr Mahmood Ahmad Butt Sahib, and his wife (i.e., the deceased’s daughter-in-law) is Dr Manju Butt; they are both Waqf-e-Zindagi and served for a long time in Ghana and currently are serving in the Noor Hospital in Qadian. He also has another son who is a doctor and resides in the USA.

May Allah the Almighty elevate the rank of the deceased and enable his progeny to continue his good deeds.

The next mention is of Dr Masood Ahmad Malik Sahib, who previously served as the Naib Amir of the USA Jamaat. He recently passed away at the age of 86.

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, he was a musi. He was the great-grandson of Hazrat Al-Hajj Maulvi Muhammad Abdullah Sahibra, who was a companion of the Promised Messiahas and the grandson of Malik Abdul Rahman Sahib. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, he was a Musi, and he also had the opportunity to do the Hajj in 2000. After completing his education in Pakistan, he went to the USA and attained a PhD from the University of Nebraska in Animal Nutrition and thereafter worked in various places. The deceased had the opportunity to serve the Jamaat as the Naib Amir of the USA from 2013 till his demise, and from 1988 to 2013, he served as the General Secretary of the USA Jamaat. Apart from this, he also served as the local president in various Jamaats and also served as the local president in Washington as well.

He also had the opportunity, along with his team, to help locate references from various scientific journals and magazines for Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth, the book of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih

IVrh. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh also assigned this work to them and this project spanned a few years.

Amir Sahib of the USA writes, “Dr Sahib served the USA Jamaat for many decades with great sincerity and devotion. He was always obedient to the institution of Khilafat and would always fulfil the instructions of the Khalifa of the time. He had a lot of knowledge about the Nizame-Jamaat [administrative system of the Jamaat] and understood its importance. We always found him to be adhering to the Nizam-e-Jamaat.”

His wife, Fareedah Sahiba, says, “Malik Sahib would try and spend as much time of his as possible in serving the Jamaat. He would work for 10 hours in his job for four days in the week so that he could spend the entire Friday, Saturday and Sunday working in the General Secretary’s Office. Even after completing a 10-hour shift at his work, he would at times, go straight to the mosque and remain engaged in work till late in the night. He would also take his breakfast with him and eat it on the way in the car, in order to save time and utilise it in Jamaat work.”

He took great care in safeguarding the resources of the Jamaat and whilst spending it. In fact, he once told a fellow Jamaat worker that although resources have now increased, people do not spend them with the true pain [of safeguarding these resources] and, at times, spend unduly.

The senior members often feel great pain over the fact that the resources of the Jamaat are not spent with due care and attention as they ought to be. The office bearers should keep this point in mind.

The daughter of the deceased says, “We always saw him engaged in serving the Jamaat. He had a large sign at home displayed in front of his table which read: ‘What have I done today in the service of my Jamaat?’ He truly spent every day in the service of the Jamaat.”

His brother, Malik Mubarak Sahib, says, “After the construction of the Baitur Rahman Mosque, he would daily go to the mosque after his work and stay there till late at night engaged in Jamaat work. Particularly during the days of Majlis-e-Shura, his responsibilities would significantly increase, and he would spend many weeks doing Jamaat work for long periods of time.”

Those who knew him have written –lots of people have written about him – that deep down, he had the utmost respect and honour for the system of the Jamaat and he would instil this love within his children as well. He would adhere to the path of righteousness and would encourage his children to do the same. A salient feature of his was that he would show kindness to all his relatives, whether they were distantly related or close relatives. He would always help those in need and would be the first to visit those who are sick. He was very humble, hospitable and an intellectual person who exemplified sincerity and loyalty. He would do everything meticulously and go into the finer details. He would fulfil his responsibilities devotedly. He tried his best to spend as much time in the mosque as possible. May Allah the Almighty bestow upon him His forgiveness and mercy and elevate his status. May Allah enable his

children and progeny to continue his virtues.

The next mention is of Respected Shabir Ahmad Lodhi Sahib, who was the son of the late Mian Muhammad Shafi’ Sahib and father of our missionary, Farrukh Shabir Lodhi. He passed away recently at the age of 62.

[“Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”]

Ahmadiyyat entered his family through his paternal grandfather, Mian Shihabud-Din Sahib of Lodhi Nangal. He had the opportunity to pledge allegiance at the beginning of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’sra Khilafat and join the Jamaat. The deceased was a musi. His eldest son, Farrukh Shabir Lodhi is a missionary in Liberia and has been serving there for many years. Owing to his duties, he was unable to attend his father’s funeral and burial.

Farrukh Shabir Lodhi Sahib, who is a missionary, writes about his father: “By the grace of Allah the Almighty, he was regular in offering the Tahajjud prayers and the five daily prayers. Until he was able to, he would offer prayers in congregation. He always gave precedence to their faith over all worldly pursuits. He would recite the Holy Quran and study the literature of the Jamaat. He had the utmost love for Khilafat and would always listen to the sermons of the Khalifa. He would always partake in various initiatives and would keep voluntary fasts up until his health permitted. He was ever ready to serve the Jamaat. He had a special admiration for life devotees and honoured office bearers. He had great zeal for the system of the Jamaat and would impart guidance in a loving manner; he would overlook the faults of others, endure trials with patience and had complete trust

in Allah the Almighty. When faced with any difficulties, he would submit before Allah the Almighty with fervency, and when others were faced with any difficulties, he would strive to help them. He would never get angry and always attributed any success to be a blessing of Allah the Almighty. He was just, would always impart excellent advice, was hospitable, and would generously assist people financially. He would deal with his workers with kindness.” And this is not only the opinion of the son, but many other people have written this to me as well. He was a pious and sincere individual.

When the campaign of removing the Kalimah [declaration of faith] from our mosques began, the Kalimah was removed from our mosque in Gujranwala. He has written that every time it was removed from the mosque, Shihab Sahib would immediately go and write it again. He worked with great courage. He further writes: “One salient quality of his was that even if he was hurt by someone, he would never reply to them. Rather, he would always show patience and resolve, trusting his affairs to Allah the Almighty alone. He would resolve his issues through his prayers.”

In the school where he used to teach, his colleagues opposed him greatly. In fact, one student was told that if he shot him, he would get a reward. Nonetheless, Allah the Almighty always safeguarded him and he continued to work with great courage. May Allah the Almighty bestow His forgiveness and mercy, and elevate his status. May Allah keep his children under His protection.

After the Friday prayers, I will offer the funeral prayer [of the deceased].

(Official Urdu transcript published in the Daily Al Fazl International, 3 January 2025, pp. 2-6. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

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