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Table of Contents List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. v Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Contextualization ................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Need .................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Project Description.............................................................................................................................. 7 1.4 Goal ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 9 1.6 Users ................................................................................................................................................... 9 1.7 Sponsors ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 2: Theoretical Issues .................................................................................................................. 11 2.1 Degrees of Separation Between Formal Education and The Market Needs ..................................... 12 2.1.1 What is Lacking in Formal Education?...................................................................................... 12 2.1.2 Seizing the Gap .......................................................................................................................... 13 2.1.3 Collaboration and Project-Based Learning ................................................................................ 15 2.2 Architecture and Education ............................................................................................................... 16 2.2.1 Influence of Approach on Design .............................................................................................. 16 2.2.2 Impact of Functional Arraignment ............................................................................................ 17 2.2.3 Social and Educational Type ..................................................................................................... 18 2.3 Transparent Yet Private .................................................................................................................... 18 2.4 Importance of Adaptability ............................................................................................................... 19 2.5 The Building and Its Neighbors ........................................................................................................ 20 2.6 Daylight and Acoustics in Learning Spaces...................................................................................... 21 2.7 Details and Their Intangible Effects on Users ................................................................................. 23 2.8 Building an Educational Program from The Research ..................................................................... 23 2.9 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 29
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Chapter 3: Case Studies ........................................................................................................................... 30 3.1 List of Similar Buildings ................................................................................................................... 31 3.2 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center ......................................................................................... 34 3.2.1 Background Information ............................................................................................................ 34 3.2.2 Urban Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 36 3.2.3 Components ............................................................................................................................... 37 3.2.4 Zoning and Diagrams................................................................................................................. 39 3.2.5 Circulation ................................................................................................................................. 40 3.2.6 Design Principles ....................................................................................................................... 40 3.2.7 Colors and Textures ................................................................................................................... 41 3.2.8 Internal Relationships ................................................................................................................ 42 3.2.9 Environmental Aspects and Ending Remarks ............................................................................ 40 3.3 Career Academy of Pella .................................................................................................................. 45 3.3.1 Background Information ............................................................................................................ 45 3.3.2 Urban Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 47 3.3.3 Components ............................................................................................................................... 48 3.3.4 Zoning and Diagrams................................................................................................................. 49 3.3.5 Circulation ................................................................................................................................. 50 3.3.6 Design Principles ....................................................................................................................... 50 3.3.7 Colors and Textures ................................................................................................................... 51 3.3.8 Internal Relationships ................................................................................................................ 52 3.3.9 Environmental Aspects and Ending Remarks ............................................................................ 53 3.4 Vocational Education Center ............................................................................................................ 55 3.4.1 Background Information ............................................................................................................ 55 3.4.2 Urban Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 57 3.4.3 Components ............................................................................................................................... 58 3.4.4 Zoning and Diagrams................................................................................................................. 59 3.4.5 Circulation ................................................................................................................................. 60 3.4.6 Design Principles ....................................................................................................................... 60 3.4.7 Colors and Textures ................................................................................................................... 61 3.4.8 Internal Relationships ................................................................................................................ 62 3.4.9 Environmental Aspects and Ending Remarks ............................................................................ 63
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Chapter 4: Program .................................................................................................................................. 66 4.1 Schedule of Events ............................................................................................................................ 67 4.2 Program Structure and Description ................................................................................................... 68 4.2.1 Key Components........................................................................................................................ 68 4.2.2 Description ................................................................................................................................. 69 4.3 Functional Program ........................................................................................................................... 75 4.4 Functional Relationships ................................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 5: Site........................................................................................................................................... 81 5.1 Selection Criteria............................................................................................................................... 82 5.2 Possible Sites..................................................................................................................................... 83 5.2.1 Isa Town Site ............................................................................................................................. 83 5.2.2 Um Al Hassam Site.................................................................................................................... 83 5.2.3 Sitra Site..................................................................................................................................... 84 5.3 Selected Site ...................................................................................................................................... 84 5.3.1 Site Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 85
Chapter 6: Technical Issues .................................................................................................................... 90 6.1 Acoustics Control.............................................................................................................................. 91 6.2 Daylight Control ............................................................................................................................... 93 6.3 Transparency ..................................................................................................................................... 95 6.4 Flexibility .......................................................................................................................................... 96 6.5 Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 97
References ................................................................................................................................................. 98
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List of Figures Figure 1 STEM Creative minds learning area. ................................................................................. 7 Source: http://picdeer.com/stemcreativeminds ............................................................................. 7 Figure 2 Saar location classrooms in the repurposed villa.............................................................. 7 Figure 3 The smaller details reflect the focus of each space. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wojtekgurak/6274189573 ........................................................ 27 Figure 1 Approach and relation to context. Source: https://easpecialegronland.wordpress.com/about/ .................................................................... 27 Figure 2 The big picture as a functional organizer. Source: https://easpecialegronland.wordpress.com/about/ .................................................................... 27 Figure 4 Learning pods CSUMB Library. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131284664@N02/23567730611/in/photostream/ ................. 28 Table 1 Educational Building List .................................................................................................. 33 Figure 5 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center. Source:https://www.archdaily.com/800181/sir-sandford-fleming-college-kawartha-trades-andtechnology-centre-perkins-plus-will.............................................................................................. 34 Figure 6 Overall Location map. Source: Google Earth .................................................................. 34 Figure 7 Kawartha center volumes. Source: Google Earth/Personal Archive ............................... 35 Figure 8 Urban zones around the building. Star marks the location of the building. Source: http://www.peterborough.ca/Assets/City+Assets/LIS/Documents/Schedule+A+-+Land+Use.pdf ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 9 Road network around the building. Star marks the location of the building. Source: http://www.peterborough.ca/Assets/City+Assets/LIS/Documents/Schedule+B++Major+Transportation.pdf .......................................................................................................... 36 Figure 10 Ground Level Plan. ........................................................................................................ 37 Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/ ........................... 37 Figure 11 Lower Level Plan. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-tradestechnology-centre/........................................................................................................................ 38 Figure 12 Privacy zones in the building. Green: Public, Blue: Semi-public, Orange: Exclusive to students and staff. Source: Personal Archive................................................................................ 39 Figure 13 Bubble diagram of physical connections. Source: Personal Archive ............................. 39 Figure 14 Horizontal flow and vertical circulation points. Source: Personal Archive ................... 40 Figure 15 Axial arrangement. Source: Personal Archive. .............................................................. 40 Figure 16 Main Entrance. .............................................................................................................. 40 Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/ ........................... 40 Figure 17 Norther orientation. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-tradestechnology-centre/........................................................................................................................ 41 Figure 18 Overlooking the learning factory. ................................................................................. 41 Figure 19 Section A. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technologycentre/ ........................................................................................................................................... 42
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Figure 20 Section B. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technologycentre/ ........................................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 21 Overhead view of the building. Source: Google Earth .................................................. 43 Figure 22 Interior view. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technologycentre/ ........................................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 23 Learning Factory. .......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 24 Axonometric. ................................................................................................................. 44 Figure 25 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/884349/career-academy-of-pella-neumann-monson-architects ... 45 Figure 26 Overall Location map of Career Academy of Pella. Source: Google Earth ................... 45 Figure 27 Career academy diagrams ............................................................................................ 46 Figure 28 Urban zones and road network in Pella. Source: http://www.cityofpella.com/DocumentCenter/View/3735 ......................................................... 47 Figure 29 Career Academy Floor Plans. Source: http://neumannmonson.com/career-academyof-pella/......................................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 30 Privacy zones in the Career Academy. Green: Public, Blue: Semi-public, Orange: Exclusive to students and staff. Source: Personal Archive ............................................................ 49 Figure 31 Bubble diagram of physical connections. Ground level on left, upper on right. Source: Personal Archive............................................................................................................................ 49 Figure 32 Horizontal flow and vertical circulation points. Source: Personal Archive ................... 50 Figure 33 Axial arrangement Career Academy. Source: Personal Archive. .................................. 50 Figure 34 Main Entrance of the Career Academy. Source: http://neumannmonson.com/careeracademy-of-pella/ ......................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 35 Norther orientation. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-tradestechnology-centre/........................................................................................................................ 51 Figure 36 Corridor of the Career Academy. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/884349/careeracademy-of-pella-neumann-monson-architects .......................................................................... 51 Figure 37 Lower level construction picture. https://vimeo.com/109508238 ............................... 52 Figure 38 Upper level construction of Career Academy. Source: https://vimeo.com/10950823852 Figure 39 Overhead view of the building. Source: http://kniakrls.com/2015/08/open-housescheduled-monday-for-new-career-academy-of-pella/ ............................................................... 53 Figure 40 Interior view Career Academy. ...................................................................................... 53 Figure 41 trusses on the Career Academy roof. Source: https://vimeo.com/109508238 ............ 54 Figure 42 Workshop in Career Academy. Source: http://www.moduseng.com/portfolio_page/pella-career-academy/......................................................................... 54 Figure 43 Vocational Education Center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ........... 55 Figure 44 Overall Location map of the Vocational Education Center. Source: Google Earth ....... 55 Figure 45 Conceptual diagrams of the Vocational Center. Source: Personal Archive. ................. 56 Figure 1 Career academy diagrams .............................................................................................. 56 Figure 46 Various density maps in Switzerland and around the project. Source: https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfsstatic/dam/assets/348992/master ............................................. 57
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Figure 47 Lower level in the Vocational Education center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ....................................................................................... 58 Figure 48 Upper level in the Vocational Education Center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ....................................................................................... 58 Figure 48 Privacy zones in the Vocational Education Center. Green: Public, Blue: Semi-public, Orange: Exclusive to students and staff. Source: Personal Archive .............................................. 59 Figure 49 Bubble diagram of physical connections. Source: Personal Archive ............................. 59 Figure 50 Horizontal flow and vertical circulation points in the Vocational Education center. Source: Personal Archive ............................................................................................................... 60 Figure 51 Main Elevation of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/117425/vocational-education-center-durisch-nolli-architetti........ 60 Figure 52 Main faรงade of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/117425/vocational-education-center-durisch-nolli-architetti........ 61 Figure 53 Upper classroom in the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/vocational-education-center/ .................................................... 61 Figure 54 Longitudinal Section of the Vocational Education Center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ....................................................................................... 62 Figure 55 Cross section of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ...................................................................................... 62 Figure 56 View of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ...................................................................................... 63 Figure 57 Interior view of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ...................................................................................... 63 Figure 58 trusses on the Career Academy roof. Source: https://vimeo.com/109508238 ............ 64 Figure 59 Woodworking, Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6 ...................................................................................... 64 Table 2 & 2 The daily and annual schedule of events in the proposal .......................................... 67 Figure 60 Key Components of the proposal. Source: Personal archive ......................................... 68 Figure 61 Administration Structure. Source: Personal archive. .................................................... 69 Figure 63 Visual connections. https://www.vmdo.com/liberty-university-innovation-hall.html. 71 Figure 62 Career Academy of Pella wood workshop. http://neumannmonson.com/careeracademy-of-pella/ ......................................................................................................................... 71 Figure 63 Educational structure. Source: Personal archive. ......................................................... 72 Figure 64 Transformable space. https://www.archbestproject.com/ .......................................... 73 Figure 65 Common Space Structure. Source: Personal archive. ................................................... 73 Figure 67 Services Structure. Source: Personal archive. ............................................................... 74 Figure 68 parking Structure. Source: Personal archive. ................................................................ 74 Table 3 Design Criteria .................................................................................................................. 75 Table 4 References ........................................................................................................................ 75 Table 6 Functional program. Source: Personal archive. ............................................................... 78 Figure 69 Program summary of areas chart. Source: Personal archive. ...................................... 78 Table 8 Program summary of built and unbuilt areas. Source: Personal archive. ........................ 78
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Figure 70 Program summary of built and unbuilt areas. Source: Personal archive. .................... 78 Table 7 Program summary of area. Source: Personal archive. ..................................................... 78 Figure 71 Main component diagram. Source: Personal archive. .................................................. 79 Figure 72 Education component diagram. Source: Personal archive. .......................................... 79 Figure 73 Administration component diagram. Source: Personal archive. .................................. 80 Figure 74 Common space component diagram. Source: Personal archive. ................................. 80 Figure 75 Isa Town site. Source: Personal archive. ....................................................................... 83 Figure 76 Um Al Hassam site. Source: Personal archive. .............................................................. 83 Figure 77 Sitra site. Source: Personal archive. .............................................................................. 84 Table 9 Site Selection Criteria Grading. Source: Personal archive. ............................................... 84 Figure 78 Map of Bahrain: Source: https://www.arcapita.com/investor-enquiries/bahrain-map01/ ................................................................................................................................................. 85 Figure 79 Site Images. Source: Google Earth ................................................................................ 85 Figure 80 Urban Zoning Map around the site. Source: https://www.mun.gov.bh/ppd/indexen.jsp ....................................................................................................................................................... 86 Figure 81 Road network and public transportation. Source: Personal archive. ........................... 87 Figure 82 Physical Factors. Source: Personal archive. .................................................................. 87 Figure 83 Building Heights. Source: Personal archive. .................................................................. 88 Figure 84 Immediate surroundings. Source: Personal archive...................................................... 88 Figure 91 Panoramic view south eastern orientation from the site. Source: Personal archive. ... 89 Figure 90 Residential areas east of the site. ................................................................................. 89 Figure 89 Youth Innovation Center. Source: Personal archive. ..................................................... 89 Figure 88 Kuwait Avenue. Western north bound. Source: Personal archive. ............................... 89 Figure 86 View from residential houses into the site. Source: Personal Archive. ......................... 89 Figure 85 Road coming from Kuwait Venue, south orientation. Source: Personal Archive. ......... 89 Figure 87 Kuwait Avenue. Western south bound. Source: Personal archive. ............................... 89 Figure 92 Figures above illustrate ceiling mounted acoustical control devices that assist in reflection and absorption. Source: Architectural Acoustics, M. David Egan ................................ 91 Figure 93 The figures illustrate the different methods of rear wall treatment. Source: Acoustics in Architectural Design, Leslie L. Doelle ........................................................................................ 91 Figure 94 Different room shapes and their acoustical requirements. Source: http://knaufdanoline.com/wp-content/uploads/Room-shape.pdf .............................................. 92 Figure 95 Noise reduction coefficient of different materials. Source: https://svetlanaroit.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/about_materials1.pdf ................................. 92 Figure 96 The figures above illustrate the various methods of controlling sunlight, first is utilizing landscaping features to limit the flow and heat gain in summer, while allowing it in winter. The other diagrams illustrate methods of blocking and/or diffusing sunlight. Skylights are a bit more difficult to have in Bahrain, however with ETFE glass it could be possible. Source: http://web.utk.edu/~archinfo/Zero_Energy/SmartLab/daylighting.shtml .................................. 93 Figure 97 Horizontal and vertical shading devices. Source: http://www.nzeb.in/knowledgecentre/passive-design/shading/ ................................................................................................... 94
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Figure 98 the relation between the shadow angles and the position/orientation of the solar shading devices. Source: http://www.nzeb.in/knowledge-centre/passive-design/shading/...... 94 Figure 100 Adjustable perforated screens. Source: http://www.smartechdoorsystems.com.au/smartech-folding-systems/smart-folding-facadescreen/ .......................................................................................................................................... 95 Figure 99 Dimmable glass. Source: https://sc02.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1yhs3JFXXXXbGXpXXq6xXFXXXM/Dimmable-glass-film.jpg ..... 95 Figure 101 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center. Source: https://flemingcollege.ca/aboutfleming/kawartha-trades-and-technology-centre........................................................................ 95 Figure 103 Envelope operability within a space. Source: https://www.primecoservices.com/services/operable-walls-and-accordion-doors/ ................... 96 Figure 102 Internal flexibility. Source: @costaemacedo on Instagram ........................................ 96 Figure 104 Space transformability. The Swiss Tech Convention Center auditorium has rotatable seating that can drastically transform the hall from a stepped theater to a multipurpose flat hall automatically. Source: https://i.redd.it/4qxtpnopu3x11.gif ........................................................ 96 Figure 105 Composite construction. Source: https://www.steelconstruction.info/Composite_construction ..................................................... 97 Figure 106 Shallow floor system. Source: https://www.kloecknermetalsuk.com/westok/ ......... 97 Figure 107 Truss system. Source: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Wtc_floor_truss_system.png ........................................ 97
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Acknowledgement First and foremost, most of my gratitude and thanks are towards my instructor Ms. Susana Saraiva for her genuine dedication to teaching architecture and her continuous support and perseverance. The university of Bahrain’s department of architecture is more than lucky to have her in their academic roster. My sincere appreciation goes to the staff of Doroos Educational Center for their help in providing information about their project and their goals in education. And finally, I thank all my family, friends, instructors and others who helped me directly and indirectly in creating this report.
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Abstract A country’s educational system provides the backbone of its society. Children spend most of their early years in schools, with their educators playing a big role in not only educating them but also their upbringing and preparation for the real world that awaits them. Throughout the history of human civilizations, the methods of learning varied, and their end goals were diverse. From learning by doing to survive to current day prevalent inculcation. Bahrain’s educational system started strong and contributed to significantly dropping the illiteracy rates, however, the wheel of evolution slowed down rapidly. The system failed to keep up with the changing contemporary needs of the world and remained rigid in the face of change. The graduating youth of this system struggled in their post-academic lives with a weakness in soft skills and practical application of theoretical knowledge. This inspired a proposal of an educational facility that complements the existing system by encompassing a holistic approach to education that includes hands-on learning in conjunction with theoretical knowledge. Moreover, these scenarios introduce the students to real life complexities of actual projects with multidisciplinary collaboration and problem solving. The overall aim of the proposal is to provide the grounds for the evolution of educational typologies that focus on different pedagogical approaches that are more suitable to the complexities of the human brain and personalities. The proposal is structured into six chapters and it includes:
• Chapter 1 – Introduction: Discusses the historical background of the proposal, describes its intent, goal and description and discusses the possible sponsors and its users.
• Chapter 2 – Theoretical Issues: Delves into topics that define the complexities of the project to understand the theoretical intricacies of such endeavors.
• Chapter 3 – Case Studies: Analysis and illustrates a set of architectural case studies that assist in understanding real architectural application of educational pedagogies.
• Chapter 4 – Program: Describes how the building functions routinely and list in detail the different functional areas and components of the proposal to arrive at the total area.
• Chapter 5 – Site: Evaluates possible sites and analysis the selected site. • Chapter 6 – Technical Issues: Illustrates the different technical aspects of the proposal.
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1.1 Contextualization As the flower of civilization blossomed, mankind settled down in a structured society and progressed. The young members society were trained and educated to be good laborers. But this required that these children had to comply with orders from adults, silencing their intrinsic nature to scout and delight in the world that surrounds them. Human nature is however an untamable beast and that is a reason as to why this approach was not very successful. (Gary, 2008) With the progression of civilization through time, people took a variety of paths to acquire knowledge and skills to reach a certain outcome. Apprenticeships, a trade passed from generation to generation or informal encounters in markets or public forum such as in ancient Greece were all part of a diverse set of ways to become a competent adult or an educated human. (Nickles, 2014) The emphasizing point was that it was to a large extent an endeavor in learning by doing, however, at the expense of suppression of the human will and severe punishment of failure and disobedience. Along the spectrum of religion and secularism the concept of a global and mandatory education spread quickly. This was an understanding that education was equal to inculcation. And as the industrial revolution rose rapidly, many of the young laborer’s jobs were now automated. This set free a big chunk of children to do other things in this free time and this opened the window to actual public education in schools with a defined time and number of years, this took place approximately from the 16th to the 19th century. (Gary, 2008) There are many strong points that can be seen throughout the journey of humans through the process of education, from hands-on approach, to encounters to different thinking minds to a strong systematically built foundation of knowledge. However, a balance that satisfies that contemporary needs with a foresight that considers future change is needed. Bahrain was no different than the rest of the world. In the early 20th century the education in Bahrain relied solely on what is referred to as “katateeb” and these are in the simplest terms people who teach Quran, reading and so on in their own homes or majlises (guest receival rooms). With the rapid advances that Bahrain witnessed in the 20th century, there were rising needs in the educational field and the “katateeb” were not sufficient in the contemporary sense. From there on there was a necessity to take this issue seriously and so the first formal school was founded in 1919 “Al Hidaia Al Khalifia” boys school. (MOFA, 2018)
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After the discovery of oil, changes were happening fast, and adaption was essential. The Standardization of education did gain rapidly on the rates of illiteracy. Public education became free and compulsory through two levels of learning (primary and intermediate) and free in the secondary level. Throughout the 21st century many schools were built in Bahrain exceeding 88 schools, which is a large number considering Bahrain’s geographical size. (MOFA, 2018) Although the public education system quickly provided a solid ground upon which citizens and residents of Bahrain built their knowledge. The train of progress seemed to be slowing down, the same standard schools and their internal spaces became carbon copies of older prototypes irrespective of contemporary changes in society, way of life and contemporary education around the world. This raises questions surrounding the lack of progress and possible rigidity of approach. If all other aspects of life have changed in Bahrain including where people live, work and socialize and all these changes can be seen architecturally reflected, while in education the same copies of schools are still repeated then it can be extrapolated that the approach to learning remains stuck in the past.
1.2 Need Reality of the Bahraini employees and future labor forecasts: From an experience of 12 years as a student in public education, it became evident that the approach of the ministry relies heavily on the aspect of memorization and one-way receival of knowledge. In other words, if attendance was not compulsory, a student can memorize a textbook from home and have the same results as a student that attends as exams carry most of academic weight. However, the implications of this had on Bahraini employees became clear after a survey taken by ‘McKinsey & Company’ in 2005 and it concluded in two points: Private sector companies and organizations found that the Bahraini employee is lacking when it comes to the practical skills needed in the job market (i.e. a deficiency in the field of soft skills). And that there was a limitation in the level of competence when it comes to the application of basic education skills. (MOE, 2005)
From this several educational programs were launched with the aim of strengthening the Bahraini employees and making the private sector into a wheel of development. And the pillars onto which this aim will be achieved are reforms to the job market, economic reforms and the
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most important in Bahrain’s case is the evolution of education and training. The current standardized schools are difficult to change or even adapt due to the many layers of standardization they underwent. The risk factor of uncertainty that usually come along these new educational programs be an element of their underwhelming results. Swarms of displeased or skeptical parents are found in any social media post about these projects as their kids would be forced to choose between the old system they know, or a new system shrouded with uncertainty. This is what points towards a complementary system that supports and fills the gaps in the old system rather than uproot it entirely, thus eliminating the risk factor. According to several human resource executives in the GCC, the next decade of the labor market will witness a concentration on the needs in fields with more practical oriented skills/majors rather than in administrative ones. These executives in a number of fields echoed the importance and role of skills involving engineering (electronics, electrical and mechanical), renewable energy as well as the vital role of programming and coding as a global language of the 21st century. (Bayoumi, 2016)
Scarcity of such a project From here, another issue and opportunity are stumbled upon. When searching for similar projects there is some light in seeing some small projects that have similar aims, however not one of them is a complete approach that creates a facility designed for the purpose nor an attempt to understand the effect of pedagogical approach as a space shaper. Therefore, this project with its focused scope of providing a tailor-made environment for the growth and development of these skills is essential in both shedding more light on the issue and starting a trend the evolution of the educational typology in Bahrain. Doroos and its branch “STEM creative minds” are a part of a small project that is gaining steam in popularity in Bahrain, this project was launched by an educator “Miss Layla” and it revolves around adopting Finnish teaching methodology that are applied in teaching skills essential in the 21st century according to the educational center. Their educational program involves: -
English language (taught in a variety of ways such as stories, VR, games, etc...)
Robotic Coding & Engineering
Games Coding & Development
Computer literacy.
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Occasional short courses such as ‘space invention camp’. [1]
The silver lining lies in taking all these different fields and teaching them with an emphasis on collaboration and application of theoretical knowledge in actual hands-on practice. However, the limitations of the educational center are mainly the lack of appropriate space and resources. The center currently operates in a repurposed villa in Saar with the STEM branch operating in an apartment refurbished for the purposes of the center. Although the center helps in engaging younger minds in advanced topics as well as developing their soft skills, the lack of spaces and resources stunt the development of these skills beyond surface level knowledge and execution. The newest facility is the STEM extension, and the entire operations of this center are done in a single space seen in figure 1 and it involves lectures, hands-on practice as well as testing when it comes to robotics. [1]
Figure 1 STEM Creative minds learning area.
Figure 2 Saar location classrooms in the repurposed villa.
Source: http://picdeer.com/stemcreativeminds
Source: http://picdeer.com/doroos_bh
1.3 Project Description The institute is a proposal that looks at the rigid and strictly linear educational system in Bahrain and question its limitations. The students in that system are locked onto a conveyor belt that moves them from stage to stage in a monotonous way. On one hand this system has its advantages of being easy to monitor and standardize, on the other hand throughout the 12 years of formal education the heaviest emphasis lies on pure theoretical knowledge and memorization of information with almost no practical application. The proposal stands as an independent complementary educational facility to the formal educational system. It would offer a holistic learning experience with a core of personality development (it envelopes leadership, problem solving and communication) with an emphasis [1] Visit and interview with staff of Doroos Education Center. September 15th, 2018.
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on collaborative learning and interdisciplinary dialogue. This core is then applied in several practical oriented courses in areas that have connections in the real world and are emerging technologies with a lot of potential in the future labor market in the context. This is educationally executed by first adopting a project-based learning overall scheme that revolves around learning from working on projects over the period of a semester or course that takes the students through ‘answering complex questions’ or ‘solving real life problems’. (BIE, 2018) The system encompasses learning a variety of skills that are selected based on their employment of higher order skills (chapter 2), being emerging technologies, lack of development in formal education and potential in being major players in the future labor market in the GCC. This approach takes advantage of what is already available and completes what is lacking instead of attempting to uproot the entire system to completely replace it, therefore, saving resources and setting the stage for further development in education in the long run.
1.4 Goal The project aims at creating an environment that evolves the minds of the youth in both the personality and the hands-on experiences. With its focus on the social and educational aspects it will strengthen the idea of collaborative learning among students as well as their individual skills. Experimentation with education is essential for the growth and evolution of the overall system. Architectural Goal It took 2500 years for the first mechanical lift to be invented by the ancient Greeks. But from that moment the evolution and re-envisioning of it has never stopped. From this point the architectural goal of the project stems, it aims at becoming a catalyst to inspire the evolution of educational typologies in Bahrain. Typologies that stray from the copying an outdated template and take full advantage of the potential of human complexity and diversity; personalized and adaptable.
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Social and Urban ‘Community Vision’ The social integration between the project and its surroundings culminates to the create the vision. The project becomes a vital member of its community that is friendly to interaction and thus, welcomes change inspired from its surroundings.
1.5 Objectives I)
Continuous public interaction with education: This comes from the transparency of the project and its effect to engage the public.
Encouragement of collaborative learning: Classrooms, labs and halls designed with groups in mind.
Hands-on experience: Workshops
Continuous external influence: Flexible hall that adapts to change and keeps the environment fresh with new skills.
Strengthening independency: Configuration of spaces that is oriented towards young minds that allows them to explore instead of being chained in one place.
Growing an idea of becoming a self-creator: The overall configuration of spaces and its ability to allow dialoged between different skill areas and spaces.
1.6 Users Even though the project does not necessarily have an age limit, its focus on introducing real life complexities to students that are still in school dictates that the average age would be the transitional period between school and higher education, and that is between 14 to 19 years. The users consist of the body that runs the building and teaches, the students as well as members of the public that interact with the building. The public would be able to interact with the building through the ability to hold seminars, teach unique courses and explore the projects of the students. This is hand in hand with the interaction of the parents of enrolled students. In an interview with the staff of Doroos during September of 2018, it was understood that they house more than 700 students in total distributed in classrooms that hold 20 students each. This number could clarify the relation between scale of the building and number of students enrolled.
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1.7 Sponsors An interview with intermediate school principle in September of 2018 yielded that change in public schools is extremely slow and sometimes non-existent as it is easier just keep things as they are. Three workshops in his school are simply closed with their teachers without work Therefore, the better alternative is a private investor partnership with an entity that backs educational institution such as Tamkeen. [2] According to Tamkeen, the “Tamweel+” program can assist in kickstarting medium to large size projects with upwards of 2.5 million BD with 70% of the profit rates being paid by Tamkeen. The program supports innovation and expansion of these projects. (Tamkeen, 2017) This along with the private investor’s watchful eye will ensure its operational efficiency.
Structure of The Report The report attempts to understand what it takes to create an educational building typology that interjects education and social aspects. The process by which this is done is by first gauging the context of the problem, followed by comprehensive look at the theoretical topic vital to understanding the complexity of the project, then by an analysis of case studies to better see how such building with hands-on learning in mind work in real life. The research conducted then forms the backbone of the functional program. And finally, finer details are discussed and addressed in the technicalities and site criteria. Taking apart the complexities of the project to better digest and fully understand them.
[2] Interview with Ebrahim Salman, principle of Hamad Town Intermediate Boy’s School. September 21 st, 2018.
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The proposal for a building that harbors the education of skills considered useful in life has been brewing for quite some time. The main point of discussion is the very rigid public education system and its lack of experimentation or lack of adaptability to change; this of course considers both the academic side and the architectural one. This chapter approaches the problems that revolve around the proposal of an institute that attempts to fill in existing gaps in education. The chapter breaks down the problem and it chronologically goes through educational issues with the local labor market in mind, architecture and education, transparency of the envelope, adaptability, building’s context, daylight & acoustics and how details affect users.
2.1 Degrees of Separation Between Formal Education and The Market Needs 2.1.1 What Is Lacking in Formal Education? Formal education in Bahrain can be described as very linear, the student progresses from stage to stage in a seemingly one-way street. When this system was implemented it tackled the issue of literacy in a competent fashion, however as time passed and the world changed it seldom tried to keep up. The formal education can be split up into two stages. The first stage is the basic education and the second is the complementary stage. Basic education comprises of a primary stage and the second is an intermediate stage. The complementary stage to basic education is secondary education which is sometimes called ‘high school’ in other countries. Both stages are free, however, only the basic education is compulsory. On paper this system is great as it builds up a foundation of knowledge for students that they can use later to determine which branch of secondary education they would prefer before reaching university. (MOFA, 2018) There are two basic problems that lie in formal education. First, the focus revolves around the monotony of knowledge delivery and it being strictly memorizing text books. And the second is that the attempted solutions that the ministry tries to implement all lie in adding extra secondary education tracks (e.g. vocational, technical, industrial, etc.…) to the existing ones. The outcome of the first problem is lack of competence in applied skills, soft skills and even the application of theoretical knowledge later in life and this was the result of the labor market survey conducted by the ‘McKinsey & Company’ in 2005 mentioned in the introduction. The outcome of the second problem would be the fear in parents when it comes to selecting a secondary education
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track, as there is always a vocal reluctance in social media to try any new project in this regard. And this could be justified as sticking with the old ways that work, rather than going into a new venture blind. From here it is apparent that a mediator project needs to be made before a total paradigm shift. The proposal aims to be that mediator that provides a complementary stage that would stitch gap of soft skills and practical competence in the application of theoretical knowledge. 2.1.2 Seizing the Gap As stated earlier the project will have a focus on a set of skills and competencies in three main strings: Personality development, creative output and self-learning slot reserved for student driven interests and external skills that will keep the educational atmosphere fresh. The project recognizes the necessity of the core cognitive knowledge and skills obtained from formal schools, yet it stands to complement the system, complete it and prepare young minds to deal with the increasing challenges of the professional market. The unpredictability of future and the rate of changes in the job market are much faster than the rate of development in the educational sector in Bahrain. Especially with the rise of automation and the technology's ability to replace humans with faster more efficient robots/AI. The best approach is to see what areas can be taken advantage of by humans and strongly investing them. For the economy of a country to remain in the battle it must transform from a knowledge-based economy to one that is learning-based where learning how to apply knowledge is vital. In a learning-based economy people can apply knowledge as well as continuously produce knowledge, however in a knowledge-based economy, knowledge is static and there is no attempt to learn how to apply it nor produce it. (Horvathova, 2015) If long term is considered for a country's economy to prosper, it will need to focus on the aspects of skills and the competency of its inhabitants to apply them as a driving force. The problem does not lie in the skills or knowledge, but in the lack of a holistic approach that combines personality aspects, knowledge and its application in a skill. A well-rounded student that can understand the complexities of their future life and be flexible, skilled and adaptable will always be steps ahead of a student who has been fed theoretical information throughout their educational life. Cognitive domain, the interpersonal domain and the intrapersonal domain, these are the
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three domains according to research conducted by Pellegrino (2012, p. 1-67), that when brought into focus in education can prepare the youth for the complexities of the 21st century. Cognitive is to an extent covered in the formal education and it involves: critical thinking, reasoning, problem solving etc. What is crucial to the project is the progression of knowledge which goes from information, literacy, communication and to creativity which leads to innovation. Intrapersonal competencies revolve around the self, the fulfilment of curiosity, selfevaluation overall conscious thought, and in here an imagining of the importance of selfexploration is seen and necessity of the individual. Interpersonal competencies cater to the side of collaborative learning and it also involves leadership, therefore it casts light on the importance of actual group learning and its real-life implications. (Horvathova, 2015) Schools and the education system fulfil academic content consumption, but it also prepares the ground for ‘higher order thinking skills’, and this is an umbrella term that includes cognitive and non-cognitive skills that are deemed key skills for the 21st century such as: Creativity: Many say that the distinguishing factor between humans and animals is creativity. However, a better viewpoint is that it is what distinguishes robots from humans, it was the innovation and creativity of humans that made AI possible. So, the more innovation is invested in the better it is for a stronger economy with continuous evolution and competitiveness to solve global problems. (Horvathova, 2015) Collaboration: Businesses flourish more quickly when a good team of thinkers with multiple strong points work together to achieve it. Massive breakthroughs in technology happened due to team work and collaboration. By looking at the real world and actual business environments, you simply cannot survive if you are unwilling or cannot work with others. Therefore, the proposal considers this aspect extremely important and it is something that is completely disregarded in the public education system. (Horvathova, 2015) Problem solving: To know the answer to a question does not equate to becoming a problem solver, but it is the ability to observe an issue, understand its dimensions and complexities and provide a solution
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that optimizes the use of resources and time. To have this skill is an absolute necessity in many fields in all scales. (Horvathova, 2015) Frank Levy and Richard Murnane (2013, p. 1-2) stated that the jobs that are least likely to be replaced by automation are ones that consist of expert thinking involving problem solving skills (e.g. medicine, science, engineering, marketing and design.) Communication: Collaboration and its importance was mentioned, however, for collaboration to happen, communication needs to be made. The skill to communicate with others is a gateway for formal and informal relationships that can lead to something more. That extra step sets up the ground for a strong team that can work well more efficiently. This skill is very crucial as most of work places involve dealing with others, and without it is unlikely that a person would be desirable in any work environment. (Horvathova, 2015) 2.1.3 Collaboration and Project-Based Learning By looking at the current way projects in any educational institution are handled, it is clear that it is very far from reality. Often it is either individual or a group within the same specific field working together. However, a person must work with others to complete projects that span over several fields. The PBL (project Based Learning) is a model introduced by the George Lucas foundation as a model that provides key areas of learning to the youth to introduce them to the complexities of life. The efficiency of a Project-based learning program is increased when certain concepts are emphasized: real world connections (ensuring that the students are connected to the outside world), core to learning (Projects are imbedded within the learning experience and curriculum and not just added at the end), structured collaboration (Strong and meaningful collaborative learning), student driven (the students are a driving force in the learning process and not just on the receiving end of it), multifaceted assessment (ditching the one dimensional approach to assessing student work and instead opting for assessment that considers all the levels of the project and what it took to reach the outcome). (BIE, 2018) By utilizing ideals from this system, an environment that cultivates an education that best simulates real world challenges is created. This ensures that the core knowledge gained in schools (formal education) are put to good use while they are fresh in a young person's mind. The application of practical skills, supported with the theoretical knowledge, all this reinforced with the stimulation group collaboration, and an attempt to provide a simulation of how actual projects are done with their complexities, hurdles and ways to overcome them. Over all it creates
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a very strong complementary system to the existing formal education and a place to absorb any negative energy and convert it into something useful for students, parents, investors and the community. (Boström, 2016) 2.2 Architecture and education: The role of architecture as a major player in education must never be underestimated, in fact it is vital. It is a mistake to confine schools and educational buildings as fixed types that are repeated over and over with little to no change. This section will explore the reflection of education in architecture, the architecture of learning spaces and the overall integration of such a building in a community. For a system that shies away from taking courageous steps in the case of Bahrain, experimentation with ideologies and different styles with alternative ways of education is a gateway to break this monotony. This is not about studying in a building built the 80s or at one that is built recently, this about understanding what it takes to take actual steps toward educational buildings that are personalized, adaptable and create environments that grow and develops education as a system and empower students with a set of skills and personality traits that suits a changing and complex future. (Chiles, 2015)
2.2.1 Influence of Approach on Design “What did they have in mind when they built this educational facility?” Asking this question allows you to imagine the mindset behind the first types of educational buildings. In most cases, a building will be designed to respond to a conceptual problem raised by a client. In the case of education, it would be to set up the ground for a pedagogical approach. The local existing project of “Doroos Educational Centre” is in fact located in a residential villa. Whatever the reasoning behind its location, it restricts the approaches and methods that the center is trying to provide as they must work with the existing spaces and their limitations considering that they were not even build for this purpose. Most of the schools and institutions were built with the same approach in mind. And that approach is to make a group of students sit in front of a teacher that will tell them what they need to know for an hour or so, and the cycle continuous for several hours. However, even if that
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worked for that time when countries were a bit more isolated from the outside world, now there are rapid changes to keep up with happening all around in every field. Bahrain’s educational system must develop an ability to adapt and be flexible, gauge the surrounding and provide necessary adjustments that will provide the most benefit. With a project that favors a holistic approach with personality development as well as hands on learning, the project’s approach to space must be one that confronts these concerns. These are spaces that must have inherent flexibility by design, conform and change to not only short-term lesson-to-lesson basis but to aim at extending the lifecycle of the building by being friendly to future long-term changes that might happen and affect the labor market or teaching methods and education.
2.2.2 Impact of Functional Arraignment "A successful education of building Enriches its users, fosters affiliation and improve the daily functions of students and teachers." (Henning Larsen Architects, 2015) Going back to the project's focus areas, they will need a variety of spaces, and together with flexibility, they should also foster collaboration, dialog and look out for the spectrum of extrovert-ness and introvert-ness that no doubt will be present among its users. So why not just copy an existing system and place it here, well this brings up the important point of the influence of context on shaping spaces. From many contexts and pedagogical styles, there are many approaches to tackle a learning space, a general look over a few will be discussed later in chapter 3. Henning Larsen architects (2015) described their approach to Trondheim University as the concept of towns within cities, this creates a set of buildings that are linked together with covered pathways in an entirely covered environment. The firm describes it as not only provides an external environment for the students to gather, but also makes the overall environment more comfortable. This is an approach that explains further the importance of context as a space shaper. On the other hand, the IT University in Denmark arranges all its functions around a central atrium that acts as the main beating heart of the institution whether a unique set of space is that project into this central space (this includes group study areas, meeting rooms and so on). This creates an approach pivoting on the communication, social interaction and openness.
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Another social approach of theirs is making a large seating style staircase the main focal point around which the spaces are arranged, this fosters a static and strong atmosphere for informal learning and socialization as well as maintaining life at forefront of the building which expresses its intent and activities immediately to its visitors.
2.2.3 Social and Educational Type The typical school favors the individual, the system will always award the best individual. In the real world lone geniuses cannot do as much as a group of good thinkers can. One of the biggest issues with the current type is a lack of consideration to the social aspects that any education of building needs. A building’s focus is never only on knowledge but on raising up and developing attitudes, socialization, personality, etc. of its students. The idea of a building that is designed with these points in mind and that pivots on the importance of social interaction is an interesting one. It sets up the ground with paths and movements that flow through the bigger picture around a major focal point in the project with social aspects embedded within it. This set up complements the receival of the formal education within classrooms and complements it with flowering human relationships that lead to a ground for informal education. (Henning Larsen Architects, 2015)
2.3 Transparent Yet Private. The toughest critics on any educational institution are parents, by considering that fact the importance of counting them as a strong factor in design becomes evident. The idea of transparency of the institution to its surrounding community is a major one, especially in the case of this type of project. Perhaps a school simply cannot or is limited to the idea of being very open, as it needs to maintain a controlled or closed environment. Based on some unchanging factors that are fixed to the current system. However, dwelling on the idea of an institution that focuses on project-based learning with collaboration in mind (and an emphasis on the importance of human interaction and the opportunity of informal education that could happen out of the social nature of the layout) an understanding develops on the power that transparency could have.
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An educational approach enhanced with architecture’s capability of articulating space and creating a segregated set of learning spaces with a one-way visual connection can communicate the entire building’s activity with a simple tour. This coupled with stirring the curiosity of visitors can turn them into future users of the institution. Moreover, by seeing the works of students so easily and their capabilities, this would encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration among the users themselves and between the public/parents and the users, and this multifaceted dialog helps reinforce both educational and social aspects while also preparing the ground for business opportunities. And all of this should be done without compromising the focus of the students in their own learning spaces. This is the potential of a building type that considers the power of space configuration that caters to both social and educational aspects, as well as play with physical and visual connections, with various transparencies and glimpses that integrate the indirect users, provoke curiosity and encourage human interaction as well as set the stage for informal learning opportunities.
2.4 Importance of Adaptability “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future generations to meet their own needs." (Brundtland, 1987) A talk about sustainability in education buildings does not only touch on energy consumption, but it also covers a wide spectrum of factors that provide a well-rounded approach to sustainability. Social, environmental, spatial, economical and so on are all to be considered in these types of buildings. The first major step to confront sustainability is to understand existing conditions and welcome future changes. This is not something that can be seen in existing schools old or new in Bahrain, because they are all built with the same mentality in mind using the same template. The rigid nature of these building only considers one dimension in education that response to a ‘number of students/number of classrooms’ issue. The stiffness simply disregards change and all other factors; however, the fact of the matter is that change is rapid in the 21st century and the future is unpredictable. This means that 25 years from now it is impossible to conclusively say what would be happening at schools on global average or what kinds of technologies would affect the delivery of information.
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However, even with the massive rise of e-learning that allows you to learn whatever you want to learn at home, the importance of a physical learning environment will always be strong and essential. The opportunities, environment and overall essence of an educational building has so much power to change lives that it dwarfs what e-learning can deliver besides the stripped-down form of ‘a lesson to be learned’. Louise Becker (2015) puts it beautifully by saying "The physical learning environment can be something better than the experience of e-learning. Physical learning spaces can support what goes on between the lines and between people. Educational buildings should help to simulate this interpersonal and interdisciplinary space, now and in the future."
2.5 The Building and Its Neighbors "Context largely determines what kind of music is written. Maybe the analogy applies to other forms of creation as well - painting, sculpture, programming or performance�. (Byrne, 2009) The metaphysical link that buildings have with their surroundings is very strong link. The strength of this link is evident in the fact that it inspired entire architectural movements such as critical regionalism. But, this link becomes more important with educational buildings, they serve not only as a permanent member of any community that they enter, but it is also the factory that develops those specific people mentally, emotionally and socially. Of course, there are fixed points of consideration such as the type of urban environment it is located in. In the case of educational buildings, proximity to their users is very vital, so they are close to residential areas. Then there is the invasiveness that could happen, and the most prominent factors in this is acoustical invasiveness (a neighbor to a school will be subject to a lot of noise from the bell or from outside activities) and the other factor is the traffic jams that will be caused around them by the arrival and leaving times. So, the building especially in this project that promotes transparency and openness, needs to consider the complexity of contextual sensitivity. A facet of social integration in the community to become a vital organ in it is essential. Once a group of people can welcome a new member to their community they become a major factor in its sustained success and protection. This mutual respect between the building and its neighbors also builds up a network of trust and long-term engagement and support which brings new opportunities and development of the idea.
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Current schools and educational buildings could be interpreted as externally shy or concealed. However especially with this project exposure is key in sparking public interests and bringing in new users. Moreover, it reinforces the idea of being transparent to the community. (Doorley and Witthoft, 2012)
2.6 Daylight & Acoustics and Learning Spaces In the older days, educational buildings needed a certain amount of light to be usable, as they housed activities with reading and writing. However, the lack of electricity and artificial lights meant they had no choice but to take full advantage of sunlight. After the spread of electrical lights and their low prices, spaces could be supplied with any light requirement regardless of their design or location of the space. This put daylight optimizing in the back seat as it is easier to just put a light where needed. However, this was a major step backwards as the importance of daylight does not only lie in supplying light, but its effect on health, behavior and mood as well as energy consumption of the building and environmental responsibilities. A space created with daylight optimization in mind will always be superior to one that relies on artificial light alone, especially when it comes to learning. This is not to say that more windows are needed, but it is to understand that different spaces need different kinds of design for daylighting. In fact, the best designed manages to create a balance between artificial and natural lighting and to avoid problems that can cause glare and discomfort with control devices. Therefore, an educational building must employ the emerging technologies in (e.g. glazing when it comes to their capabilities of limiting heat gain and the building’s skin ability to filter light so only the useful part is utilized). This creates spaces that fulfill the lighting requirements while being healthy and responsible to the environment as well as contributing to the reduction of the life cycle costs of the building. (Ziva, 2017) Acoustics in any educational building are an important factor that tends to be overlooked. Simplified, it can be viewed as two layers, one is external-internal noise issues and the other one is internal-internal issues. For the first it is mainly an issue of site and its background levels of noise and that is why site selection needs to be careful and take this into consideration as it is better to avoid this problem than it is to try and solve it. But if it comes to that certain points can be considered, such as noise barriers and it ranges from ground preparation, fencing, boundary
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wall and its height and vegetation or a combination of them. On the internal-internal level, there is special configuration and its effect, as certain spaces might have different acoustical requirements and there is the issue of proximity, as noisy areas need to be away from quite areas. (Ahmed, 2017) This issue is important because of its effect on student focus and comfort. Passive ways to control sound prove to be the best approach to long term usage and effectiveness. Within the spaces themselves, geometry, seating arrangement and position of the speaker all can change speech clarity in a room. For this proposal, considerations must be for external-internal relationships to ensure non-intrusiveness to the community and ensure low background noises. On the internal-internal level it must consider the role of spatial configuration as well as proximity, and finally it must employ passive approaches to acoustical design that are complemented with active systems such as sound insolation, vibration control and different kinds of materials that have different acoustical properties and this offers a well-rounded optimum environment when it comes to acoustical comfort. These approaches are illustrated and highlighted in chapter 6.
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2.7 Details and Their Intangible Effects on Users The question of "do you want to be there?" can communicate the role that a person's mindset or desire about educational buildings can be. In this context, most of Bahrain’s schools are monochromatic with only the color white, and geometrically identical. This implies the lack of desire to contemplate on the effect of a multiset of techniques that could have on the mood and psychology that a student might have on educational buildings. First, there's the use of the simple design principle of scale. Care should be taken to appropriate a certain scale of everything about a building with its users. This creates a bond between the building and its users as they develop an understanding that it belongs to them. And then there's the issue of colors, materials and textures. The color theory has an approach with a proven effect on how people feel and perceive things. Warmth, calmness and danger all can be articulated with color and this influences how people can feel about a space or how a space can make them feel. A building that wants to welcome others and have a friendly feeling to it will employ materials that have a warm quality to them. (Neilson, 2017) All these three factors of color textures and materials should complement each other to create appropriate mood settings that are applicable to each space and each privacy setting. A building that attempts to influence its user’s moods and attempts to creates a sense of belonging and facilitates friendliness through the broader community will always be stronger in creating bonds with its users and developing a sense of identity. (Neilson, 2017)
2.8 Building an Educational Program from The Research From the information above about the labor market forecast as well as the case of Doroos that foretell the local response to the educational approaches, the structure of the educational program of the proposal can be created. The method that dictate the style of education is as stated the project-based learning. And this was selected due to the long-lasting impact of learning by making on the students, moreover, the system offers an opportunity to engage in learning environments that are closer to what real world work environments are like. The selected skills are based on the mentioned and on the compatibility with project-based learning whose pillars are: Better student engagement with deeper learning by solving complex
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problems or issues relevant to their community, a sense of purpose through accomplishment, exposure to the real world and careers through public interactions, development of 21st century workplace skills with collaboration and communication , more active student teacher relationships and use of creativity and technology. (BIE, 2018) The skills provided in the proposal are divided into categories. -
Base level in the English language and computer literacy.
Main courses include:
o Programming with courses in computer programming and game coding o Robotics with courses in artificial intelligence programming for robotics, o Design with courses in graphic design and applications of 3d printing in product design o Engineering principles with courses in its application and renewable energy. -
The third category is the external skills, and these encompass a monthly to host workshops, seminars or lectures, thus engaging the public more and highlighting more skills.
Description and requirements a. Base level: The base level is essential as a precursor to the main courses. A developed level of the English language is essential to proper communication which is a vital aspect in the proposal. competent
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level of computer literacy is also very important to dive into more complex computer tasks such as programming and digital design. The spaces required for the base level are sets of classrooms and computer labs. To clear things up, the term classroom is used as a foundation upon which the spaces for the delivery of theoretical knowledge is built. b. Main skills: The main skills all employ learning theoretical principles and then practice and apply them with hands on learning. -
Programming: Computer programming and game coding.
Programming and coding have rapidly gained pace as essential skills. After being mostly taught at university level, the development of simpler coding tools allows this skill to be taught to people of all ages and experiences. Many schools around the world included it as a mandatory subject and in this context, many organizations have launched initiatives to teach this skill such as the One Million Arab Coders initiative by Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum. (Udacity, 2017) Learning these two courses incites interest in the world of programming and allows the students to engage in the real-life implications of what they learn by applying them in actual projects. According to samples of introductory courses in programming and games coding, the spatial requirements include classrooms and computer labs however, a software/game testing and showcasing will be added to increase the exposure of the works of the students to all visitors of the institute. -
The emergence of robotics and their industrial, recreational and personal applications are growing in importance. It is essential to cast light on this phenomenon as well as gain hands-on learning experience on their potential. This sparks interest in the possible pathways the student’s night take in academia or life. Hand in hand with the integration of collaborative learning which is necessary in any path the students might pursue, it is also a gateway to the applications of
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concepts of math and science that would otherwise be only taught on a theoretical level. (Roberts, 2018) According to several syllabuses, introductory courses in robotics goes chronologically from assembling robotic kits, to understanding their components and programming to finally creating their own robots and interacting with complex robots used in the industry such as an assembly arm. The spatial requirements include classrooms, computer labs and assembly and testing area. -
Design and 3d printing:
Design and its principles are ideal engines for creative problem solving that requires collaboration, communication as well as working with real projects. This is also an opportunity to introduce applications of 3d printing in the process of generating design solutions and fully understand their real-world dimensions. According to a sample of design syllabuses, the typical courses of design involve theoretical information, drawing studios as well as computer labs for digitally assisted design. Spatial requirements for design include drawing studios, computer labs and workshops for prototyping and 3d printing which could be expanded to become a fully equipped model making space with a variety of materials and equipment including: CNC mills, laser cutters plus 3d printers. -
Engineering principles with renewable energy:
Formal education supplies students with many engineering principals in a theoretical way, however to generate interest in this field, hands-on learning offers a better way to learn these principles in a practical way that is easier to grasp and comprehend. This not only generates interest in the field of engineering, but it also helps with understanding the fundamental laws of how things work in the real world. The location of Bahrain also highlights its potential as a player in the field of renewable energy and its possible employment in residential, recreational or commercial aspects. This course guides through engineering principles by applying the principles on real world objects and by learning by doing. According to a sample of syllabuses, the spatial requirements
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include classrooms to fulfil theoretical information delivery and workshops for both materials and testing. They would include machine workshops and makerspaces. -
External skills:
As mentioned, the proposal also benefits from having a rotating external skills slot (i.e. regular external instructors are invited to host workshops), however due to the periodic inactivity, the buildings efficiency can be increased by having this space be adaptable to host public events in the schedule of events. The mentioned space is highly conceptual with the idea of a single space being able to transform to host different functions. The capacity can be based on the standards of an events hall with a 50-seat capacity. Reflection of the educational program architecturally: The most crucial takeaway from the chapter of theoretical issues is the interjection of architecture on a multitude of gradually descending levels to ensure the best possible reflection of the intention of the building. The varying scales of this interjection go from the overall approach to the typology, to the big picture of the building itself and then dives into the finer details. From the information gathered a set of parallel lines could be made that could help with initializing the physical embodiment of the proposal. One line how an observation of the architectural experience on multiple scales can reflect at least partially the pedagogical approach of the educational institution in question. The other line would be the possible architectural response that would materialize the scope and intention of this proposal.
Figure 1 Approach and relation to context. Source: https://easpecialegronland.wordpress.com/about/
Figure 2 The big picture as a functional organizer. Source:
Figure 3 The smaller details reflect the focus of each space. Source:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/wojtekgurak/6274189 https://easpecialegronland.wordpress.com/about/ 573
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The figures above showcase an application of the usage of experience as a narrator of the pedagogical approach and intention of an educational institution and in this case, it is the IT university designed by Henning Larsen Architects. Figure 1 shows the how the urban picture of the building intended to create a social link that connects the building on its two opposite sides to the outside context. A large central atrium with a very big volume reflects this social link. The second figure shows how this link is then used as a functional organizer that unfolds the other functions of the building in a gradual manner from the most public in the atrium to the most focused educational areas on the sides hidden from view. The last figure shows how the transparency and the projections play a role in controlling the social interaction between the two sides, with the deeper areas having limited visual connections. Central spaces are social, deeper spaces are private and focused. (Henning Larsen Architects, 2015) With project-based learning scheme, the emphasis on the educational experience becomes learning by doing; this highlights the importance of interaction and collaboration between different students in different courses. Transparency is the keyword, especially when it comes to the hands-on learning spaces, from here, to better expose the activities within to the maximum number of users of the building their location is better suited at the ground floor. From this point, the idea of informal spaces of learning within the building would strongly complement the formal areas for each course. This can be accomplished by creating a space that all of the different courses would use, in this case a resource area with ‘learning pods’ could result in interdisciplinary dialog and exchange of ideas. This interaction and visual connection on multiple levels sets up the stage for the opportunity of a kind of mega project where students from different courses collaborate and use their different areas of skills in creating a big project. Consequently, this becomes a ground for public interaction and even perhaps business interaction with regular events Figure 4 Learning pods CSUMB Library. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131284664 @N02/23567730611/in/photostream/
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2.9 Summary The study of these different topics reinforced the idea of the importance of a project of this type. The link between the future labor market forecasts showcased the effect it should have on the educational system, which is very weak in Bahrain’s context, and even though there were calls to this issue little to no action has been done compared with developed countries. Then an understanding was done on the importance to comprehend the multidimensions surrounding the architecture of educational buildings from the approach, thematic concepts to the configuration of spaces. The necessity to consider a typology that caters to both social and educational aspects became clear, as they both must be employed for a better educational experience with better opportunities.
An understanding of the complexity of contextual sensitivity and the importance of careful selection and respect to the surroundings is developed. Daylight is a strong tool to create a healthy environment that cultivates better learning and promotes environmental responsibly, which in turn ensures that the building that teaches innovation is imbedded with innovation. Acoustics must never be overlooked as noise can be a determining factor in the focus and functional capabilities of students. Moreover, the psychology of the design choices must be considered thoroughly to create a space that attempts to develop a sense of belonging to the students and users as well as attempts to understand the effect each decision will have on the mentality and behavior of its users. In the end the outcome of this research helped create an educational program upon which a functional program can be built.
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This chapter gathers similar buildings to the project in concept and scope to observe real world examples of the design problem. In the chapter, a large list of buildings is observed to examine points of strength and three are architecturally dissected to grasp the finer details of how such buildings work. In the end, a summery is made to cross compare and discuss these different buildings with the findings to see how they approached different parameters.
3.1 List of Similar Buildings With this concept of alternative education, the keyword is experimentation. From that starting point there is no fixed recipe and that is a good thing to diversify information. Programs often contain a mixture of functions and spaces and that will result in different titles for each project, however, since the overall intent remains similar, it is not difficult to find projects that will provide useful insight into the process of design and programming as well as a very similar concept. Case studies were selected on the bases of how useful they will be when it comes to first the overall aim of the project, the scope, functions within and target users. Photo
Anthroposophical School, Netherlands.
Onix Architects
• Application of an educational principle to physical design. • Strong reliance on daylight.
Onix Architects
• Variety of learning spaces. • Injection of warmth into interior environment.
School for Practical Education, Netherlands.
Source:https://www.woodsbagot.com/projects/ knox-innovation-opportunity-andsustainability-centre-kiosc
Knox Innovation and opportunity center, Australia.
Active-Learning School, Denmark. Source: https://www.cfmoller.com/p/NewIslands-Brygge-School-i3412.html
Woods Bagot
• Emphasis on collaborative learning. • Integration and familiarization of green energy with its users.
C.F. Møller
• Strong indooroutdoor relationship. • Creative Landscaping. • Socialization imbedded with design.
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Shiseikan, Japan.
• Flexibility by multifunctionality. Kengo Kuma • Careful integration with the surroundings.
• User inspired space configuration. Kengo Kuma • Unique and site specific bigger picture design.
• Mixture of disciplines inspired the inner McGranahan connectivity. Architects • Heavily technical, yet social.
Source:https://www.archdaily.com/199896/shis eikan-kengo-kuma-associates
Under One Roof, Switzerland. Source:https://www.archdaily.com/801503/und er-one-roof-kengo-kuma-and-associates
Advanced Technology Center, USA. Source:https://www.aia.org/showcases/147496 -advanced-technology-center Source:https://www.aia.org/showcases/147496 -advanced-technology-center
Academy Center for Character & Leadership Development, USA
Smart School, Russia.
Umeå School of Architecture, Sweden.
• Designed to stand out in its campus. • Solar inspired SOM monumentality. • Focus on leadership training. • Complexity and diversity of life MVRDV/ reflected in design. Rudanko + • Personalized design of Kankkunen different zones for different years. Henning Larsen Architects
• Unique continuous internal learning spaces. • Rhythmic porosity in façade.
Henning Larsen Architects
• Spaces centered around open social space. • Utilization of roof as contemplation area.
Source:https://henninglarsen.com/en/projects/0 800-0899/0803-umeaa-arkitektskole
Jatta Vocational School, Norway.
Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy, Source:https://www.archdaily.com/194768/kat hlyn-joy-gilliam-collegiate-academy-shwgroup
• Teacher student transparency displayed in design. SHW Group • Design that promotes individual independence.
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• Unique central digital RKD waterfall. Architects & • Multiple levels of Gensler visual connections.
Liberty University Innovation Hall Study, USA.
• Strong visual connections between casual and innovation spaces. • Design caters to multiple teaching/learning methods
FOCHTA Vocational Training Centre, Malawi.
Sam Crawford Architects
Microsoft HQ Campus, Ireland Source:https://rkd.ie/work/one-microsoft-place/
Source: https://www.vmdo.com/libertyuniversity-innovation-hall.html
• Users involved in construction. • Context sensitive.
Source:http://www.archidatum.com/projects/fo chta-vocational-training-centresam-crawford-
Women’s Opportunity Center, Rwanda. Source: https://www.worldarchitects.com/ca/architecture-news/reviews/women-sopportunity-center Table 1 Educational Building List
• Socially empowering design. Sharon Davis • Unique mini-village Design approach to educational buildings.
This diverse list of buildings highlights the importance of the setting, people, purpose and opportunity. Although the typology is the same, each change in any individual parameter resulted in unique approaches and concepts. And with this list, a shortcut is made for a quick access to any of these buildings for further references, ideas and inspiration.
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3.2 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center
Figure 5 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center. Source:https://www.archdaily.com/800181/sir-sandford-flemingcollege-kawartha-trades-and-technology-centre-perkins-plus-will
3.2.1 • • • • •
Background Information
Architect: Perkins + Will Toronto Office Location: Peterborough, ON, Canada Area: 8082.5 m2 Year: 2014 Site:
Figure 6 Overall Location map. Source: Google Earth
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Why this case study?
This project is selected as an important case study because it was the best fit for the ideation behind the intended project. The functions housed, the area and scope all align in a great way. The design also incorporates some thoughts put into the integration of natural light and green architecture into the design. All of that while receiving a significant place in the architectural world. It received a 2018 Education Facility Design Award of excellence from AIA (American Institute of Architects)
Therefore, with its similar goal of empowering the youth with many skills that they can utilize in their future, this project is a great example to study and look at. Moreover, its excellence in design and creation of innovative learning spaces makes it stand out from other buildings.
Architect’s concept and ideas:
“The 87, 000 sq. ft. multi-level learning center is illuminated by natural light, exposed structural components and open spaces, creating ideal grounds for learning and collaboration - proponents that Perkins + Will find integral to noble design. A series of flexible spaces, including a large ‘learning factory’ allow each trade to work collaboratively within one large floor space. Within this space an innovative 4 storey teaching ‘cube’ provides a flexible framework for electrical and plumbing installations and a more direct simulation of actual site conditions.” - Perkins + Will (2014)
Conceptually the architect wanted to create a building that challenges the image of what a hands-on learning facility looks like. Loosely influenced by industrial typologies, the building consists of two intersecting volumes that conform to the site’s typography.
Figure 7 Kawartha center volumes. Source: Google Earth/Personal Archive
Externally the building blends in with its surroundings with its local cider timber cladding, while internally it provides a touch of warmth by employing corten steel cladding. This creates an overall environment that is friendly and inviting to complement the idea of a training facility that would be otherwise very industrial.
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Urban Analysis
• Surroundings: The building is located on the south-western boundary of the city away from its dense center. Most of the surrounding zones are residential areas which plays in favor of the building both in terms of noise and in terms of proximity to users. The building is also close to natural areas, major open spaces and some commercial areas. Moreover, its south and western edges are dense woodlands. A side note to see is that further down south it can be seen how the rail track separates the cities industrial areas.It should also be noted that the city of Peterborough has over a hundred parks and green areas.
Figure 8 Urban zones around the building. Star marks the location of the building. Source: http://www.peterborough.ca/Assets/City+Assets/LIS/Documents/Schedule+A+-+Land+Use.pdf
• Transport: A strong point for the building Is that it is away from major freeways and only along the edges of two high capacity arterials, this means that it receives lower noise pollution as opposed to locations in the center of the city. The cities friendliness towards bicycles along with the employment of two pedestrian crossings on the street along its eastern face as well as the provision of bike parking spots, it encourages pedestrian and bicycle traveling students and visitors.
Figure 9 Road network around the building. Star marks the location of the building. Source: http://www.peterborough.ca/Assets/City+Assets/LIS/Documents/Schedule+B++Major+Transportation.pdf
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a. • • •
The facility contains: classrooms, laboratories and SMART classrooms all equipped with the latest technology. Workshops: For carpentry, welding and HVAC The most notable space is a large ‘learning factory’ that is created to be a flexible multidisciplinary space. • Presentation areas with a view to the learning factory • Offices for staff and administration as well as outdoor teaching areas. b. Floor plans: •
In the ground level the bulk of the class rooms, offices and common areas as they reflect the lighter and more calmer side of the building, this helps to refrain from flooding the eyes of visitors with chaos and major movement and sound. In here the ground floor which is in this case the topmost level, people passing by or those in the ‘oasis space and close spaces have a strong visual connection with the main ‘learning factory’ which keeps the community within cohesive and always intrigued with the local activity. The project spaces’ location right next to the main entrance also enriches first time visitors with a quick glimpse of what to expect in terms of projects from such a facility.
Figure 10 Ground Level Plan. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/
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In the lower level, all the workshops and the ‘learning factory’ along with some office spaces and a cubical classroom area that helps provide a site like realistic environment for students to apply what they do in the ‘learning factory’ • Another interesting space is an outdoor teaching area which also helps with bringing natural light to the lower level. • The building is also serviced from this level on its eastern side, so the visitors and staff are not bothered by maintenance and delivery trucks. • On the upper (ground level) the main axis of entrance is the northern/southern one, which acts a gateway to channel visitors from the main orientation to the street as well as students from the adjoining campus from the south. In here however, it Figure 11 Lower Level Plan. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/ becomes an eastern/western axis which provides better fire safety. From this, there is a great segregation of light duty and heavy duty learning areas by separating them in two floors while maintaining transparency and dialog between the two through providing a visual connection to the lower level. The building has mono-axiality when it comes to the entrances and exists that starts with a north/south one on top and an east/west one on the bottom, and this helps separate the main visitors from the servicing points. Moreover, it provides extra façade area to be employed for the admission of natural light.
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Zoning and Diagrams
Figure 12 Privacy zones in the building. Green: Public, Blue: Semi-public, Orange: Exclusive to students and staff. Source: Personal Archive
From these two diagrams, it is seen that as the visitor progresses through the spaces they could easily comprehend the activities and functions held within. This is strengthened by the visual connections that are maintained between spaces and between floors. One thing to note is that even in the more exclusive areas, the visual connection is maintained, and the areas retain a quality of transparency.
Figure 13 Bubble diagram of physical connections. Source: Personal Archive
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Figure 14 Horizontal flow and vertical circulation points. Source: Personal Archive
Design Principles
a. The project’s overall layout of spaces involves an asymmetrical balance in terms of both shape as well as in terms of proportions. The western side contains smaller classrooms and eastern overlooks the massive learning factory. b. Contrast: As discussed earlier the employment of contrasting textures in the elevations really adds that extra friendliness and warmth that contrasts the cold industrial functions. c. The massive overhang on the northern elevation also helps
to emphasize the main entrance and singles it out with this unique touch to make it pop out from what would be a very similar look on most sides.
Figure 15 Axial arrangement. Source: Personal Archive.
Figure 16 Main Entrance. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawarthatrades-technology-centre/
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Colors and Textures
Figure 17 Norther orientation. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/
The building internally and externally employs a very simple color and textural pallet that really helps with bringing the whole composition together in terms of elegance, warmth and aesthetics.
Grey and the glass act as a subtle background to the popping local timber cladding that highlights the building yet helps it blend to its surroundings. In terms of textures the rough timber and corten steel cladding complement the otherwise very smooth flooring, glass and ceilings.
In the interiors, the warm and more rough elements placed in locations that would be in the field of view of a person walking through. This optimizes and controls what hues they are seeing to maintain a balance of what to focus on from all the visual stimuli around.
Another point of observation is it is clear in figure how the light and airy the main lobby and its corridor are, this helps set a friendly mood to first timer goers.
The exposed structural members also speak about the nature of the activities within without being overbearing visually. They show formality and a clear message of the industrial nature inside.
Figure 18 Overlooking the learning factory. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/800181/sirsandford-fleming-college-kawartha-trades-andtechnology-centre-perkins-plus-will
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Internal Relationships
Figure 19 Section A. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/
Section A shows how western side of the building’s top and bottom levels are very separated, yet both have that quality of openness and free flow of movement. The very public nature of the upper level is more clearly shown here by the lack of separation or divisions. Vertical movement between levels is somehow limited, and that is perhaps due to how exclusive the lower level is overall, and this does not affect the fire safety aspect because the lower level can be exited directly to the outside without stairs due to the typography of the site.
Figure 20 Section B. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/
Section B shows what was discussed earlier with the asymmetrical proportions. A calmer and smaller western side for lighter activities and a much larger eastern side for the learning factory.
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3.2.9 •
Environmental Aspect and Ending Remarks
Environment: - The building excels in its ability to admit natural light even to the lower level areas. This almost makes the reliance on sunlight almost 100% during the day. Having well light earning spaces and work environments is essential in such a project. - The architect also speaks about the employment of several green and sustainable technologies by saying “The KTTC is designed as a demonstration facility for sustainable technologies with geothermal heating and cooling, green roofs, photovoltaic panels, rainwater harvesting and various heat recovery systems.” - Perkins + Will (2014)
Figure 21 Overhead view of the building. Source: Google Earth
The building’s landscaping favors non-interventionism, aside from a handful of plants at the front, it leaves the green to grow where it naturally does. In hardscaping it just goes with a plain concrete pathway. This lets the natural trees in the background be the star when it comes to vegetation and this again reinforces its integration with the surroundings.
In terms of materials, the base construction element is CMU blocks whose outer plastered faces are either clad with timber, corten steel, concrete panels or plain plaster and paint. And it has ceramic flooring inside. Moreover, there is a large surface area of glass that takes up a considerable print. And they are surrounded with aluminum framing. Steel structural elements that are exposed are more visible in the eastern
side within the learning factory.
Figure 22 Interior view. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technologycentre/
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• Structure: -The building has mostly a post and beam system except for the roofing. The roofing is a bit more hybrid, in some areas it is a standard concrete slab and in the learning factory it is a column free space covered with steel trusses and metal sheets.
Figure 23 Learning Factory. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/
â–Ş Remarks: -
This building stood out from the remaining case studies as a building design to challenge the image of the industrial learning appeal. Its injection of warmth within the building and along its exterior look enhances its friendliness. And above all its experimentation with unique learning spaces such as the learning factory with the teaching cube to mimic real life situations. It also excelled in its environmental aspects, with how well it handled daylight admission and its employment of geothermal heating as well as other green energies. It also provided an open look to its operational life by designing it to be flexible and friendly. And lastly its ability to blend in the surroundings and typography helps it say a statement that it belongs in that place and it bring good and not harm.
Figure 24 Axonometric. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/800181/sir-sandford-flemingcollege-kawartha-trades-and-technology-centre-perkins-plus-will
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3.3 Career Academy of Pella
Background Information
Figure 25 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/884349/career-academy-of-pella-neumann-monson-architects
• • •
Architect: Neumann Monson Architects Location: Pella, IA 50219, United States Area: 2150.0 m2 Year: 2015
Figure 26 Overall Location map of Career Academy of Pella. Source: Google Earth
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Why this case study?
Even though it might lean on the smaller side in terms of area, the brief of the project is rich with spaces that carry a lot of weight in the design area, meaning this project is very useful in learning the design of the functional areas such as workshops and how well they work with other areas in the same compacted space. The project also has a lot of value in the architectural world with two AIA awards (2016 AIA Central States Design Award and 2015 AIA Iowa Design Award) as well as a 2016 design of the year award from The Architecture Master Prize.
It's aim of providing STEM education and training as well as creating an environment that encourages collaboration and innovation, the project is an ideal fit to be analyzed.
Architect’s concept and ideas:
“The 23,000-sf Career Academy of Pella, which provides flexible vocational shops and classrooms, is the product of a unique collaboration among the local school district, community college, private schools, and area industry. Students of all ages gain skills vital to the local economy through STEM instruction, an applied pedagogy integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.” - Neumann Monson Architects (2013)
At first it was integrated into the typography and a double height circulation spine organizes and pumps life and light into the building. This is done to create very light and airy interiors while simultaneously giving each learning space direct access to the exteriors.
Figure 27 Career academy diagrams Source: http://neumannmonson.com/career-academy-of-pella/
The diagrams explain how the program was used to design the exterior envelope of the building as well as organize its solid and transparent surfaces.
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Urban Analysis
• Surroundings: The building has a south-eastern bias from the center of the city of Pella. The building is surrounded by low density suburban residential zones which would be a major contributor to its user base. It is located within a large school parcel with industrial areas being relatively far from it. There are a few parks and recreational areas in proximity to the building thus providing some natural landscapes to the immediate surroundings. There are also some public facilities to the west. It is also noted that there is only one major highway connecting Pella to the rest of the state of Iowa with it being almost isolated. This means that the city is away from major city centers and thus a generally quieter environment.
• Transport: Being only connected to one major highway means that there is a lower volume of traffic compared with major cities in the USA such as Los Angeles or Manhattan, this results in lower noise pollution levels. Since Pella is by majority a suburban area with low density residential zones, it is much friendlier towards cyclists as pedestrians as there is lower considerations for high capacity uninterrupted traffic.
c. The building offers a very versatile set of courses including such as (Agriculture to computer technology, construction technology to fashion, welding technology, Project Lead the Way (Engineering) and robotics). • Classrooms Site • Project Lead the Way + IT classroom. • Industrial technology, welding and automotive and mechanics shops. • Agricultural science lab.
Figure 28 Urban zones and road network in Pella. Source: http://www.cityofpella.com/DocumentCenter/View/3735
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d. Floor plans:
Figure 29 Career Academy Floor Plans. Source: http://neumannmonson.com/careeracademy-of-pella/
• •
Like the previous case study of Kawartha, this building’s relationship with the public and outside is inverted in its levels, the proper interaction with the public happens in the upper level due to the site’s typology and how the building is integrated with it. The lower level houses the bulk of the workshops as they needed to be double height to make them less clustered and airier as well as give enough space for the stronger ventilation system. The administration is the first thing that a visitor would see coming in at the upper level, thus I assume it would make it quicker to located and get things done. All workshops have a support space for storage, tools, offices and so on. In the upper level there are classrooms, advanced laboratories and administration related offices. The public character seen in Kawartha is lost here as there is no transparency with visual connections between the heavier workspaces and other spaces and that perhaps allows the workshops to work with less distractions.
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Zoning and Diagrams:
Figure 30 Privacy zones in the Career Academy. Green: Public, Blue: Semi-public, Orange: Exclusive to students and staff. Source: Personal Archive
From these two diagrams it is evident that there is very poor layering of privacy when it comes to first timer visitors with low visual connections. This happened due to the projects intent of providing direct connections to the corridor to all spaces. Workshops however, do have direct connections to the outside so as to more easily service and maintain them.
Figure 31 Bubble diagram of physical connections. Ground level on left, upper on right. Source: Personal Archive
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Figure 32 Horizontal flow and vertical circulation points. Source: Personal Archive
Design Principles
d. Although the project has symmetrical outline or footprint, it breaks that symmetry by having a single loaded corridor and arranging the bigger workshops on one side. To arrive at an asymmetrical layout and proportions. e. Contrast: Having massive glass areas flanked by rough blocks, highlights the transparent portion of the faรงade especially when it glows at night. f. The entrance is emphasised by the addition of timber clasdding that frame the main entracne on the upper floor.
Figure 33 Axial arrangement Career Academy. Source: Personal Archive.
Figure 34 Main Entrance of the Career Academy. Source: http://neumannmonson.com/career-academyof-pella/
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Colors and Textures
Figure 35 Norther orientation. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/kawartha-trades-technology-centre/
Th outer shells color pallet can be summed up on the eastern façade. This minimalist industrial look is given a hint of warmth with the addition of timber cladding in certain small areas. It remains truthful to what’s inside yet has that slight hint friendliness.
Grey CMU blocks symmetrically on either side of a glazed area balance the look of solid and void, rough and smooth as well as dim and glowing when it at night.
In the interiors, the project neglects that addition of warmth and replaces it with a cold, clean raw industrial appeal that is apparent in all its functioning areas.
The image on the right also shows how the corridors are lit and how these colors make it less appealing to a casual visitor, thus showing the intent of the design or client in this regard. The external walls and flooring also blend into one entity due to their color and textural quality which undermines the strength the flooring could have had on the overall internal appeal.
However, this exposed and raw industrial look does reinforce the message of the activities happening within the building. Figure 36 Corridor of the Career Academy. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/884349/careeracademy-of-pella-neumann-monson-architects
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Internal Relationships
Figure 37 Lower level construction picture. https://vimeo.com/109508238
This image shows the shop areas on the left and corridor/circulation as well as support areas on the right. This shows the clear distinction between public and exclusive that was created by this idea to give direct access to the corridor to all spaces. However, because of how distinct the functions are from left to right, it is quite easy to understand how to navigate in each level as well as how to reach the stairs to travel between the levels.
Figure 38 Upper level construction of Career Academy. Source: https://vimeo.com/109508238
The second image shows the proportional difference cut by the midline in the building. On the left the shops have almost twice the volume as the spaces on the right, and of course this is done to make the shops more light, airy and ventilated well.
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Figure 39 Overhead view of the building. Source: http://kniakrls.com/2015/08/open-house-scheduled-monday-for-new-careeracademy-of-pella/
Environmental Aspect and Ending Remarks
• Environment: -
The building’s first step towards environmental responsibility comes from its integration in the typography as this minimizes earthwork and helps the building seem like it belongs. The architects manly focused on daylight admittance when it comes to natural resource usage. The large glazed surfaces and openings help distribute light to the shops, corridors and support spaces.
The building’s landscaping is very minimal if not any, and this is done to again let the natural vegetation in the background be the star. Some paved surfaces serve to direct pedestrians from the surrounding facilities and from the adjacent street.
In terms of materials, the base construction element is CMU blocks left exposed, raw concrete finishes on walls and glossy concrete surface flooring in most areas. Glass surfaces with matt black metal framing and gypsum ceiling panels or steel sheet roofing in shops. Some structural, mechanical and electrical elements are left exposed in the ceilings and on walls to enhance the industrial appeal and show students how things work in real life.
Figure 40 Interior view Career Academy. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/884349/career-academy-ofpella-neumann-monson-architects
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• Structure: -
The building is constructed with a post and beam system with precast floor slabs between floors on the eastern side, however the workshops with all the upper level are covered with trusses and steel sheets to make the spaces above more column free.
Figure 41 trusses on the Career Academy roof. Source: https://vimeo.com/109508238
Remarks: -
This building compared with Kawartha has a lot more industrial appeal and less overall warmth when it come to the public aspect. The spaces were created to reflect the pragmatism of the activities within. Clean, smooth, shiny and industrial, to be effective and efficient in its capabilities. Flexibility was always in mind when it was designed as it is described as a loose fit to be able to adapt to future needs and that increases its longevity. Again, the building is an inverse of its surroundings when it comes to vegetation. Thick natural vegetation in the background and no created landscaping. And perhaps this is a good thing for site integration. Daylight admittance was key here to make sure the workshops and classes could work in a well-lit environment, and the integration to the typography diversifies movement
Figure 42 Workshop in Career Academy. Source: http://www.modus-eng.com/portfolio_page/pella-career-academy/
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3.4 Vocational Education Center 3.4.1 Background Information
Figure 43 Vocational Education Center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
• • •
Architect: DURISCH + NOLLI Location: Gordola, Switzerland Area: 9328.0 m2 Year: 2010
Figure 44 Overall Location map of the Vocational Education Center. Source: Google Earth
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Why this case study?
This project offers an alternative approach of a single long volume with the different leaning areas place along it as well as it’s unique country side context. One strong emphasis the design has is how well it uses natural light to the advantage of the learning environment as well as how the architects managed to make the accessibility of the project very inclusive to the disabled. With a spin on the typology of hands-on educational facilities and materials that are created within the facility itself, it highlights the real-life implication and capabilities of the skills that can be learned in such projects.
Architect’s concept and ideas:
“The project fits the given program in one, single building set at the edge of the plot of land. The building is a single volume, composed of a serial repetition of simple elements…. The volume containing the workrooms and teaching rooms is designed to be simple, flexible, and functional. Somewhat like an industry building where students and teachers can experience a professional environment.” - DURISCH + NOLLI (2010)
A raised platform elevates the building to its own cloud of focus and the saw tooth roof with its skylights illuminate the interiors. This large volume of natural lights provides perfect color rendering of the interiors while ensuring that the precision and accuracy of its user’s work is not hindered.
Figure 1 Career academy diagrams Source: http://neumannmonson.com/career-academy-of-pella/
Figure 45 Conceptual diagrams of the Vocational Center. Source: Personal Archive.
The diagram shows how the architects laid out the program’s volumes in a longitudinal way, added some elements in other levels and adapted a repetitive saw tooth pattern akin to industrial factories to bring lots of sunlight into the interiors. The building is then raised on columns to utilize the space underneath for parking and storage. This maximizes the covered usable outdoor area significantly, even more than requested by the client according to the architect.
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3.4.2 Urban Analysis • Surroundings: The center is located on the southern country side of the city in a very open area adjacent to agricultural land and some low rise industrial and commercial facilities. The very low density reduces the amount of stress and noise that city centers have. This is a strong point to limit distractions and increase productivity of the users. The city is surrounded by mountains to the north and south as well as a large lake to the west of the project. However, there seems to be a small local airfield to the south of the education center which might cause occasional noise disturbances. It should also be noted that the city of Gordola has many parks, natural woods and water streams that flow through it.
• Transport: The building is located next to a highway that passes to the southern edge of the city, but since it is located along an edge overlooking green meadows of agricultural fields it means that it is one of the quietest spots in the city. The project’s location of being on the farthest southern border of the city relatively away from residential zones means that there is very low convenience when it comes to walkability. Reasonable methods of access are limited to vehicles and public transportation.
Figure 46 Various density maps in Switzerland and around the project. Source: https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfsstatic/dam/assets/348992/master
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3.4.3 Components e. The key word when the idea of the functioning spaces was initialized is flexibility, optimum daylight and ventilation conditions were set up in spaces with appropriate areas to create workshops that can adapt to future changes. • Three Workshops • Classrooms within each workshop. • Offices. • Computer labs. f. Floor plans:
Figure 47 Lower level in the Vocational Education center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
This project completely neglects public interaction in favor of surrounding the functional areas with connections to the outside. Ramps and staircases lead from the road level to the floor level as stated earlier due to the raised floor of the project. The lower level houses three workshops, all have supporting spaces with classrooms, offices, storage and washrooms and perhaps the only bit of connection to the public. Inner focus is seen here by the linear layout as support spaces are nestled between each workshop, thus, completely cutting them off.
Figure 48 Upper level in the Vocational Education Center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
The upper level has computer labs and other classrooms as well as a small storage and office space. This vertical separation gives these lighter duty spaces their privacy away from the heavy and noisy areas below.
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3.4.4 Zoning and diagrams
Figure 48 Privacy zones in the Vocational Education Center. Green: Public, Blue: Semipublic, Orange: Exclusive to students and staff. Source: Personal Archive
• •
The simple linear arrangement of the functions creates a good layering of privacy progressively from outside to inside. It is clear how all areas in the lower level have direct connections to the platform make it easier to service and maintain as well as transport equipment’s.
Figure 49 Bubble diagram of physical connections. Source: Personal Archive
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Figure 50 Horizontal flow and vertical circulation points in the Vocational Education center. Source: Personal Archive
3.4.6 Design Principles
Figure 51 Main Elevation of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/117425/vocational-education-centerdurisch-nolli-architetti
g. Repetition: The most prominent visual feature about the building is the repeating sawtooth element that is combined to create the inner spaces. h. Rhythm: The proportions of the spaces create a musical rhythm in the exterior look that sort of has the effect of musical notes on a linear line. i. Proportion: The elements that make up the building all relate to one another in visual weight and volume. j. Balance: The project’s visual composisiton is in almost in symmetry which is often something avoided for the risk of causing bordom, yet the balance here seems like a perfect fit.
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3.4.7 Colors and Textures
Figure 52 Main façade of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.archdaily.com/117425/vocationaleducation-center-durisch-nolli-architetti
All the outer and inner ingredients of this oddly satisfying visual composition go along with one another in perfect harmony. Light shades of grey, monotonous in color yet stimulating to look at.
In terms of textures they also feature the same idea, as the smooth corrugated sheets, sliding doors and glass frames all go along in harmony.
The project’s choice to go only with cold colors inside and out seems to work in a way, this vibe of the clean, efficient interiors sums up the project’s introvertness and the inner focus of efficiency.
The saw tooth roof’s skylights add a visual stimulating architectural element and also set up very well-lit rooms and workshops all day long, this creates very light and airy learning spaces.
Perhaps if the architects or client decided on adding the element of public interaction, a touch of warmth would be added in some places to make the building friendlier towards visitors and outsiders. Figure 53 Upper classroom in the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://architizer.com/projects/vocationaleducation-center/
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Internal Relationships
Figure 54 Longitudinal Section of the Vocational Education Center. Source: http://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
The section shows us the bigger volumes allocated to the workshops and how each workshop is only related to its own support space and only slightly related to the upper labs and classrooms closest to them. Each support space has a staircase that leads to the upper classrooms acting as the only link they have to the other facilities. The project’s layout as seen in the section shows how easy it is to understand where you are and where you need to go, so there is almost no element of exploration.
Figure 55 Cross section of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
The cross section shows how the project relates to the outside and the overall site, the first layer serves as a usable covered outdoor area for parking and storage.
Second layer is the raised platform and the bulk of the volume where workshops and support areas are.
And in the last layer, upper labs and classrooms are housed and are covered with the sawtooth roofing.
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3.4.9 Environmental Aspect and ending remarks
Figure 56 View of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
• Environment: -
The highlight of the ‘free’ energy the building utilizes is the massive amount of sunlight admittance that limits the reliance on artificial lights. The use of cobiax concrete slab limits the number of columns needed and thus reducing the volume of concrete used overall.
There is almost no attempt to create landscaping as the approach was to leave nature untouched. The building is in a very rich natural area with grassy meadows and that was the reason for rising the building on a platform. However, this approach made the building a shining highlight in a grassy environment.
As discussed earlier, the materials all go along in terms of texture and color. Concrete Cobiax slab Light metal structure with corrugated steel sheets (light steel inox), which can be made within the education center.
Glass and metal framing. White paint finish on the interior walls that add a nice clean surface which also helps in bouncing light throughout the facility.
Figure 57 Interior view of the Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
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• Structure: -
As described earlier, the lower part is a concrete slab on top of which sits a light metal box structure (Montanawall) and finally a reticular metal structure shaped as a Shed covers the entirety of the building, this regular shape simplifies construction and controls cost according to the architects
Figure 58 trusses on the Career Academy roof. Source: https://vimeo.com/109508238
Remarks: -
The building has a unique approach to the typology, a bold statement is made with simple and repetitive elements that really highlights the strength of simplicity. Aesthetic appeal that reflects the efficiency and cleanness of the processes and activities happening within. An interesting approach to outer ‘area vs. land’ use is seen with the raised platform and covered parking spaces. The inclusive accessibility that takes into consideration disabled people and their participation in society. The well-lit and proportionally musical volumes speak of the importance of daylight in educational facilities. The only touch left in this project is what would be different in the case of going with a choice that also favors public interaction, and if it would affect the choice of colors, look and general appeal of the aesthetics and space configuration.
Figure 59 Woodworking, Vocational Education Center. Source: https://www.durischnolli.ch/progetto/6
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This chapter is one of the most important ones for a project of this type because of how it helps with understanding the diversity of approaches to tackle a design problem with this typology. From the list of buildings, it was understood that regardless of the scale of the project in meters, it always had to get in touch with the people it intended to serve; a building that does not respect its surroundings does not belong there. Contextual sensitivity is the first step to even try and create a connection with the people so that they can identify with it and allow it to be part of their community and life. And then after the people were understood, the educational program and approach needed to be understood, so a clear reflection of that in the design was possible, for example how the Perkins & Will reflected the approach to flexibility by creating a large central workshop that represented real life challenges and complexity and from there it turned into a focal point. However, even at the level of the finer details, there is a clear correlation between the intended level of socialization and openness to the public on the emotions and moods generated from the aesthetical appeal, colors and materials of the external skin and interiors of the building. Lessons learned from case studies: The projects tended to inject a unique touch to the typology, weather it was by a unique space, space configuration or context inspired touch. •
Comprehensive educational program architecturally articulated: The background information was properly weighted, and the educational approach understood to represent it creatively in the design.
Transparency: Genuine and meaningful physical and visual connections between the inside and outside and between inner spaces results in a higher level of socialization, curiosity and community integration.
Diverse learning spaces: If an educational building made no steps towards translating advancing teaching and learning techniques into architecture, then the physical learning environment will not progress and its absence in the hearts and minds of its users will always persist.
Flexibility in the design of spaces always enhances longevity and makes the building friendly towards change.
Sustainability: As discussed in the theoretical issues chapter, sustainability needs to be catering to human sustainability as well as green building sustainability.
• •
Changing flow in the circulation. Taking care of social needs as well as educational ones is important.
Interior and exterior connections as well as interior space connections with each other.
Layering of functions to create a gradual shift from public to private.
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4.1 Schedule of Events From observations and visit to similar institutes, it is safe to assume that these facilities operate on a two-periods per day schedule with a break in between, it consists of a morning period (usually from 9am-2pm) and an afternoon period (usually from 2:30/3pm-8pm). The educational schedule is split into either a Saturday-Monday-Thursday or a Sunday-Tuesday-Wednesday per enrolled batch. Therefore, the daily activities within the proposal could be summed up in table 1. (A consideration in mind is of the operating hours of the proposal and the run time of classes/labs with an hour to an hour and a half and the hands-on learning activities being double that with 3 hours) The courses are split into 3 levels of beginner, intermediate and advanced with a period of 3 months for each with a month break after to avoid clashing with exams. Then there is a bimonthly event or external skill taught by an external speaker being open to the public. And lastly the annual showcasing of the projects of students to the public in an exhibition style event. From here and the educational approach of the proposal, a schedule of events can be formed in table 2. The outcome of the table results in 420 total students per day (90 per main skill * 4 + 30 * 2 for the base level and this means approximately 1260 students weekly, distributed in learning spaces with the session rotation in mind) and this corresponds with the number of students in the case study of Doroos with 700 per week, and Kawartha Center with 1000. Classes/labs
Table 2 & 2 The daily and annual schedule of events in the proposal
9am - 8pm
Hands-on learning Break Classes/labs Classes/labs Hands-on learning
Operation of the building, upkeep and educational activities.
Administration Classes Workshops Building upkeep Rotating skills slot
Monthly Every month an external instructor is invited to teach a short course.
Every 3 Public event to exhibit the works of months students Yearly Annual event to showcase new technologies and exhibit the institution’s best projects.
Public event Public event
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4.2 Program Structure and Description 4.2.1 Key Components
Key Components
Common Space
Learning Resources
Staff Parking
Vice Director
Learning Pods
Mechanincal Room & Chillers
User parking
Course Manages
Programming Hands-on Space
Equipment Shops
Electrical Room
Drop Off
Administrative Body
Robotics Handson Space
Events Space
Water Room
Staff Transport
IT Support
Engineering Hands-on Space
Open Discussion
Waste Management
Studetn Affairs
Design Handson Space
Cleaning Crew
Outdoor Area
Office Aminities
Figure 60 Key Components of the proposal. Source: Personal archive
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4.2.2 Description •
To be able to manage the proposal as an independent entity, a standard administration team is needed. From observations of educational buildings’ administrative bodies and structures the roster in the table is selected. With conjunction with the management body, a manager of each course provided is needed to organize and refine the programs. Additionally, an IT support team, PR team to reflect the image of the project and to organize events as well as student affairs are needed.
Administration 33
Administrative Body
Managing body 9
IT Support 7
Accounting & Finance
Director 1 + 1 Assistant
Services 24
1 + 1 Assistant
Course Managers
Prayer Room & Toilets
Human Resouces
Vice Director
Student Affairs
Kitchenette 2
4 + 1 Assistant
Meeting Room 3
30 Capacity
Figure 61 Administration Structure. Source: Personal archive.
The proposal employs a variation on project-based learning as mentioned in chapter 2 and therefore, using that as a base the teacher becomes more like a learning guide with their own
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personalized space to fit their teaching methods. First, according to the case studies, each type of hands-on learning subject has one unique workshop (e.g. fabrication, robotics, mechanics, etc.). •
Base level requirements
In this level, the subjects taught are English and digital literacy, therefore, a pair each of classrooms and computer labs are needed each with a 15-person capacity. •
Main courses
Since this course includes computer programming and games coding, the information delivery could be split into two parts. One part is the delivery of theoretical information and practice on computers and the other part is the hands-on learning space. Therefore, the proposal will have a pair of classrooms and computer labs with a 15-person capacity. Moreover, the hands-on learning space for this course would be the Coders’ Hub, within the activities include pitching ideas, collaboration and games testing with a capacity of 30 according to observations. -
With the spaces observed from research (computer labs, assembly areas and robotics maker spaces) the proposal’s response includes a pair of computer labs with a capacity of 15-person each, a larger robotics assembly with a capacity of 30 and a robotics hands-on spaces comprised of a robotics arena that includes an area for robots testing and industrial payload robotic arm interaction with a capacity of 15 according to observations and research. -
As mentioned prior about the spatial requirements of design courses, the proposal will provide a pair of drawing studios and computer labs each with a capacity of 15 along with the fabrication lab and makerspace for the hands-on learning in this course with a capacity of 30 split into the two zones. -
Engineering Principles
In this course, what was found as spatial requirements included classrooms and computer labs. However, since the proposal also includes renewable energy studies, the spaces could be divided
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into a pair of classrooms with a capacity of 15 each, an electronics lab and a material science lab also with a capacity of 15 along with the space for hands-on learning that comprises of a machine workshop and makerspace with a capacity of 15 each named the engineering ground. Classrooms and laboratories requirements are, according to Neufert: ▪
Abundance of natural light (with glare and discomfort in mind)
Transparency is possible
Acoustical protection (isolation)
Flexibility (Internal layout)
Workshops requirements according to Neufert, with the addition of a storage space, cleaning area and office for its instructor are: ▪
Abundance of natural light (controlled)
One-way transparency (into the workshop is preferable to offer glimpses into the type of activity within the proposal)
Protecting the other functions from possible noise.
Proper ventilation and toxic fumes control.
Flexibility (internal layout as well as indoor/outdoor connection)
Can be serviced easily (directly from service road due to heavy machinery)
Figure 62 Career Academy of Pella wood workshop.
Figure 63 Visual connections.
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Education 340
Robotics Arena
Fabrication Lab
Engineering Ground
Computer Labs
Testing Area
3d Printing
Machine Shop
Robotic Assembly
Pay Load Arm Area
Maker Space
Maker Space
Coders Hub
6 * 15 capacity
Drawing Studios
2 * 15 Capacity
1 * 30 Capacity
1 * 30 Capacity
1 * 30 Capacity
8 * 15 Capacity
1 * 20 Capacity
1 * 20 Capacity
Engineering 2 * 15 Capacity Figure 63 Educational structure. Source: Personal archive.
Public Facilities
As mentioned, the proposal also benefits from having a rotating external skills slot (i.e. regular external instructors are invited to host workshops with unique skills), however due to the periodic inactivity, the buildings efficiency can be increased by having this space be adaptable to host public events in the schedule of events. The mentioned space is highly conceptual with the idea of a single space being able to transform to host different functions. The capacity can be based on the standards of an events hall with a 100-seat capacity. After visiting the local project “Doroos Educational Center”, the importance of the outdoors and landscaping became evident as it is regularly used as a break area for students as well as area to hold events. A café, exhibition
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and resource area are also desired to maximize interaction and the opportunity of informal learning.
Figure 64 Transformable space. https://www.archbestproject.com/
Common Spaces Learning Resources
Informal Learning
Events Space
Outdoor Area
Information Desk
Learning Pods
Sitting Area
Book Shelves
Open Discussion
Kitchen & Sotrage
Shaded Sitting Areas
Equipments Shop
8 * 5 Capacity
Figure 65 Common Space Structure. Source: Personal archive.
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Due to the presence of many machines, computers and high-tech equipment’s, a maintenance team will be needed along with a security team.
Services 12
Cleaning Crew
Security 5
Server Room
Mechanical Room
Maintenance Crew
Electrical Room 4
Maitenance Head
Water Room 1
Waste Management Figure 67 Services Structure. Source: Personal archive.
According to the research, parking lots for institutions: 1 per staff plus 1 per 3 students.
Staff 47
Staff Transport
2 (Mini-buses)
Figure 68 parking Structure. Source: Personal archive.
Visitors & Students
Drop Off
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4.3 Functional Program
Table 3 Design Criteria
Natural Ventilation
Natural Light
Floor Level
Neufert – Architect’s Data
Case Study
Assumed from observations and research
Table 4 References
P a g e | 76
1 1 3 4 10
2 3 2 5 2 24
20 10
Area/Room Net Area
ADMINISTRATION MANAGING BODY 25 1 25 25 25 1 25 25 10 1 30 30 20 1 80 80 4 1 40 40 STAFF 15 1 30 30 15 1 45 45 15 1 30 30 15 1 75 75 15 1 30 30 15 1 360 360 SERVICES & ADDITIONS 4 1 80 80 0.85 2 8.5 8.5 30 1 30 30 4 2 20 40 1 15 15 3 15 45 Total Area + 10% CIRCULATION
15 15 30 15 15
1.8 2.3
30 30 30 30 1
6 6 6 6 1 2
50 10
0.85 4
No. of Units
2.3 2.5
No. of Units
Area/Room Net Area
EDUCATION CLASSROOMS & LABS 6 27 162 8 34.5 276 1 55 55 2 34.5 69 2 37.5 75 3 15 45 HANDS-ON LEARNING 1 180 180 1 180 180 1 180 180 1 180 180 4 15 60 4 2 8 SERVICES & ADDITIONS 4 25 100 2 42.5 42.5 2 40 80 Total Area + 15% CIRCULATION
Circulation& Gross Area References Structure
Design Criteria NV NL T
25 25 30 80 40
NF.307 NF.307 NF.307 NF.307 CS
30 45 30 75 30 360
NF.347 NF.347 NF.347 NF.347 NF.347 NF.347
80 8.5 30 40 15 45
CS NF.585 NF.346 NF.399 AS AS
Circulation& Gross Area References Structure
Design Criteria NV NL T
48.6 82.8 16.5 20.7 22.5 INCLUDED
210.6 358.8 71.5 89.7 97.5 45
NF.319 NF.319 CS AS AS AS
234 234 234 234 60 8
CS CS AS CS NF.320 NF.400
100 42.5 80
CS NF.585 NF.399
ES ES ES PR PR ES PR 2414.54
P a g e | 77
5 50
1.8 2.5
1 1
100 1
50 2 10 2
1.8 10 4 4
30 30
1 1
1 4 1 2 4 2
No. of Units
Area/Room Net Area
COMMON SPACES LEARNING RESOURCES 1 10 10 1 50 50 8 9 72 2 125 250 20 20 1 15 15 1 18 18 EVENTS SPACE 2 80 160 2 17 34 1 15 15 2 20 40 CAFÉ 2 90 180 1 20 20 2 40 80 2 8 16 SHOPS 1 30 30 1 30 30 2 15 30 Total Area + 50% CIRCULATION
No. of Units
Area/Room Net Area
SERVICES BUILDING UPKEEP 20 1 20 20 10 1 40 40 20 1 20 20 15 1 30 30 5 1 20 20 4 2 8 16 2 5 10 BUILDING SERVICES 6% OF BUILT UP 275 2 30 60 1 100 100 2 30 60 1 50 50 1 60 60 1 15 15 1 25 25 Total Area + 10% CIRCULATION
Circulation& Gross Area References Structure
Design Criteria NV NL T
10 65 93.6 275 20 15 18
AS NF.327 CS NF.329 NF.329 AS AS
208 34 15 40
180 21 80 16
NF.456 NF.460 AS NF.399
30 30 30
CS ES ES ES AS(16%of ha l l ) AS ES ES ES NF.399 ES PR
Circulation& Gross Area References Structure
Design Criteria NV NL T
20 40 20 30 26 20.8 10
NF.307 NF.307 NF.307 NF.307 AS NF.399 AS
275 60 100 60 50 60 15 25
P a g e | 78 SPACE
No. of Circulation& Design Criteria Area/Room Net Area Gross Area References Units Structure OUTDOORS NV NL T O F LANDSCAPING 30% OF BUILT UP 1500 INCLUDED 1500 AS G WITHIN LANDSCAPING ARE THE ALLOCATED ACTIVITY AREAS BELOW 1 800 800 INCLUDED 800 CS G 1.5 1 6 6 INCLUDED 6 AS G Total Area 1500
No. of Circulation& Design Criteria Area/Room Net Area Gross Area References Units Structure PARKING NV NL T O F STAFF PARKING 12.5 47 12.5 587.5 587.5 NF.437 G [3] PARKING SPACES 12.5 130 12.5 1625 1625 AS(1/3students) G TRANSPORT 4 18 72 72 NF.437 G DROP-OFF AREA 2 18 1 36 36 36 NF437 G Total Area + Circulation 3132.675 Table 6 Functional program. Source: Personal archive. SPACE
AREA(m2) APPROX. 1087.35 1100 2414.54 2500 1770.9 1800 892.98 900 1500 1500 3132.675 3200 10798.45 11000
Table 7 Program summary of area. Source: Personal archive. Figure 69 Program summary of built up areas chart. Source: Personal archive.
APPROX. 6300 1500 3200
Table 8 Program summary of built and unbuilt areas. Source: Personal archive.
Figure 70 Program summary of built and unbuilt areas. Source: Personal archive. [3] 1 parking spot per 3 students. Source: http://www.slcdocs.com/building/b-parking-calculator.pdf
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4.4 Functional Relationships
Strong Medium Weak
Figure 71 Main component diagram. Source: Personal archive.
Strong Medium Weak
Figure 72 Education component diagram. Source: Personal archive.
P a g e | 80
Strong Medium Weak
Figure 73 Administration component diagram. Source: Personal archive.
Strong Medium Weak
Figure 74 Common space component diagram. Source: Personal archive.
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This chapter builds criteria for evaluating and selecting the appropriate site that is most suitable for the proposal. The set of criteria are built upon the information gathered in chapter 2 and 3. The process will go from listing and describing the criteria, reviewing possible sites, grading the selected sites and then selecting the best site and analyzing it.
5.1 Selection Criteria I. Visibility: The proposal would be a for-profit organization backed by investors and it would rely on generating income. For an educational institute, this translates into ensuring the maximum number of enrolled students, therefore, the proposal needs to be viewed by as many relevant eyes as possible. Relevant eyes could be journeys of parents and their children to and from their schools with a clear view to the site. II. Accessibility: The site of the proposal should be easy to access with a legible approach way. On the other hand, it would be preferable to be pedestrian friendly to encourage walkability in its neighborhood as it was discussed in chapter 2 about the importance of being an integral part of its community. This would also highlight a point about being situated close to a bus stop, this would give students without private transport a chance to reach the proposal. Moreover, it should be easy to service in terms of both building upkeep as well as in case of emergencies. III. Proximity to influencers: Being a project that aims to cultivate interest innovation and hands on project work, as well as holding events related to that field, the project be close to possible influencers such as Tamkeen or Youth Innovation Center. This would make interactions with real organizations much more convenient and frequent. IV. Safety: An environment that harbors a haven to learn and do should be away from any source of harm, interference and distraction. The proposal needs to be to some extent away from very heavy traffic, industrial factories and other sources of toxicity. V. Centrality: Being in a central location ensures that the proposal is convenient to reach to many areas in Bahrain. This criterion also considers being close to the main target users that which are the residential zones. The centrality should however be in conjunction with good surroundings and pleasing views out of the site. This enhances the serenity, contemplation and inspirational qualities within the site.
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5.2 Possible Sites 5.2.1 Isa Town Site The site is opposite to the educational area, meaning many different schools’ users will see the project in their daily journeys as well as many other curious eyes along the main road. The site is also very easy to find and reach, along with being in a very central location close to residential areas. However, the surroundings are very dull. The site is within two kilometers from the ministry of education and the ministry of labor. It also benefits from very high walkability (Al Estiqlal Walkway) and distance from sources of harm.
Proximity to Influencers
Figure 75 Isa Town site. Source: Personal archive.
5.2.2 Um Al Hassam Although the site is very visible from the main road, there are no schools nearby. Therefore, it is not situated along a vital educational rout. The site is extremely easy to find and reach. It has a bit of an eastern bias in location, but it is close to residential areas. Moreover, the surroundings are dull in landscaping.
The site is opposite to the Youth Innovation
Center and within 1.5 kilometers to the society
Proximity to Influencers
of engineers. It is adjacent to a bus stop, with
good walkability. It needs a buffer zone from the main road, otherwise it is away from sources of harm.
Figure 76 Um Al Hassam site. Source: Personal archive.
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5.2.3 Sitra Site The site is situated along a route that is used by the entirety of the population of Sitra including users of many schools such as Al Noor International School. It also has a clear view to the main road. The site is very easy to find and access, however there are some road blocks limiting the exit from the site to only merge with one
road lane. The site has a big eastern bias, but it
is balanced with great views to the sea.
Proximity to
The site is opposite to Tamkeen (in Sitra Mall).
It is accessible by the bus; however, it is not pedestrian friendly to residential areas. Walkability is only around the site as it has frequent visitors to the sea side.
Figure 77 Sitra site. Source: Personal archive.
5.3 Selected Site Table 9 Site Selection Criteria Grading. Source: Personal archive.
Isa Town
Um Al
Hassam Visibility
Proximity to Influencers
P a g e | 85
5.3.1 Site Analysis
Figure 78 Map of Bahrain: Source: https://www.arcapita.com/investorenquiries/bahrain-map-01/
Figure 79 Site Images. Source: Google Earth
The site is approximately 14 thousand square meters and is located in the capital governorate on the edges between Um Al Hassam and Mahooz. It is directly overlooking Kuwait avenue that is connected to Shaikh Isa Bin Salman highway. resides in the meeting point within the sphere of influence of the north eastern region of Bahrain. It is tucked away from the high-speed highway, yet very visible from the arterial road it is adjacent to. This centrality with a proximity to possible influencers allows the proposal to become a main player in the field of experimental learning and prepares a better chance for it to be a hub for innovation. Ease of access, connection to bus stops as well as moderate walkability encourages more casual visitors that could later become direct users to interact with the proposal and see the activities happening within.
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Figure 80 Urban Zoning Map around the site. Source: https://www.mun.gov.bh/ppd/indexen.jsp
From the figure above, the site is categorized as a public services and utilities (PS), the same category as the Youth Innovation Center next to it in light blue. The main surrounding consists of residential houses and apartment buildings as well as recreational spots in the surrounding neighborhoods indicated in light green. Being surrounded by residential areas means that the site is in a good proximity to its potential users and has an opportunity to become part of a larger community.
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The site can be approached from north coming from Kuwait Avenue and south from the high way. Being situated along the arterial means that it is instantly spotted with a legible access path. Surrounded from one side by the arterial and another two sides by inner roads means that three of its facades are exposed with the north and southern orientations being the longest sides. The main and only access point to the site is from the eastern point
High Way
from the inner road. A public transport bus Arterial Road
route is directly on the eastern side of the
Inner Road
site with many more bus stops in the residential area to the east.
Figure 81 Road network and public transportation. Source: Personal archive.
The site is oriented well to receive the southern sun which is much easier to control.
Prevailing Wind
There is an opportunity to receive the prevailing wind direction due to the offset Views only to roads
created by the road to the west and the site is also protected against the south eastern hot and dust winds by the dense residential houses to the southern and eastern sides. There are no good views that the site
Sun Path
overlooks, however, the offsets around the site created on three of its sides by the roads give the site a bit of a room to breathe. And these could even come into play as opportunities for faรงade treatments to enhance the visibility of the functions of the building to the outside.
Figure 82 Physical Factors. Source: Personal archive.
South East Wind
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The buildings immediately surrounding the site are mainly from 2 to 5 floors. The
Low-rise (up to 3 floors)
offset caused by the roads around the site minimize any shadows casted by other
Midrise (4-6 Floors)
buildings on interior of the site. This maximizes the amount of usable daylight that could be admitted into the proposal throughout the day while also protecting the building from the low angle sun. Figure 83 Building Heights. Source: Personal archive.
Figure 84 Immediate surroundings. Source: Personal archive.
To sum up, the site fulfils the requirements of visibility and ease of access to both vehicles and pedestrians especially with its proximity to residential areas and public transport routs. Its position has some centrality. Even though the site does not have vistas and views around, this is balanced by the large portion of its facades being open to adjacent roads. The site overcame the other two options due to its proximity to possible influencers along with the strategic positioning that allows the proposal to give glimpses of its activities to many passing eyes.
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Figure 85 Road coming from Kuwait Venue, south orientation. Source: Personal Archive.
Figure 86 View from residential houses into the site. Source: Personal Archive.
Figure 87 Kuwait Avenue. Western south bound. Source: Personal archive.
Figure 88 Kuwait Avenue. Western north bound. Source: Personal archive.
Figure 89 Youth Innovation Center. Source: Personal archive.
Figure 90 Residential areas east of the site. Source: Personal archive.
Figure 91 Panoramic view south eastern orientation from the site. Source: Personal archive.
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An environment built for education must ensure that it provides a healthy, light, airy and overall optimum atmosphere for its users. Built upon the information gathered in chapters 2 and 3, the different methods for controlling sunlight, acoustics, flexibility and transparency as well as the structure are discussed and illustrated in this chapter. 6.1 Acoustics Control Controlling acoustics and noises in any educational space is vital as it assists in reducing distractions and maintaining focus and attention between students and their teachers or instructors. Two of the most important components are useful reflections and sound absorption. This coupled with in structure wall insulation as well as appropriate materials for furniture and flooring ensures comfortable learning environments.
Figure 92 Figures above illustrate ceiling mounted acoustical control devices that assist in reflection and absorption. Source: Architectural Acoustics, M. David Egan
Figure 93 The figures illustrate the different methods of rear wall treatment. Source: Acoustics in Architectural Design, Leslie L. Doelle
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Room shape can also aid in determining where to place the sound absorbing materials and planning the layout in the space. For small rooms with parallel walls, the emphasis is on ensuring sufficient sound absorption on the ceiling. In large rooms with low ceilings, furniture should be used to regulate the sound on the floor. They also require the employment of sound absorbing material and sound barriers on the ceilings. When connecting two rooms, both must have sound absorbing materials to the walls and ceilings. Inclined roof and ceilings can cause sound spreading and concentration, therefore sound absorption should be applied to the inclined surface and the wall its facing. Narrow rooms mainly need sound absorption on the two long facing walls. Rooms with mezzanine require the application of sound absorbing materials on the ceilings and walls as well as the underside of the
Figure 94 Different room shapes and their acoustical requirements. Source: http://knaufdanoline.com/wp-content/uploads/Roomshape.pdf
mezzanine and its safety railing. (Knaufdan, 2018)
Figure 95 Noise reduction coefficient of different materials. Source: https://svetlanaroit.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/about_materials1.pdf
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6.1 Daylight Control There are 2 elements that go hand in hand when it comes sun light, first is the light and other is heat. There needs to be a balance between blockage and allowance of sunlight when appropriate in a project as well as controlling the glare and other discomforts that could be caused by it. It should also be noted that sunlight control could influence the design of the facades of the building.
Figure 96 The figures above illustrate the various methods of controlling sunlight, first is utilizing landscaping features to limit the flow and heat gain in summer, while allowing it in winter. The other diagrams illustrate methods of blocking and/or diffusing sunlight. Skylights are a bit more difficult to have in Bahrain, however with ETFE glass it could be possible. Source: http://web.utk.edu/~archinfo/Zero_Energy/SmartLab/daylighting.shtml
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Figure 97 Horizontal and vertical shading devices. Source: http://www.nzeb.in/knowledge-centre/passivedesign/shading/
Vertical shading devices are for east/west orientations and they rely on the horizontal sun angle also known as the azimuth of the sun and the width of the window or opening. Horizontal shading devices are for the south orientation and it relies on the sun’s altitude angle as well as the height of the window or opening.
Figure 98 the relation between the shadow angles and the position/orientation of the solar shading devices. Source: http://www.nzeb.in/knowledge-centre/passive-design/shading/
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6.3 Transparency This aspect is crucial for the proposal as it a defining factor in visual connections, lack of them and instigating curiosity. The simplest form of this is the provision of large glazing between spaces where it is needed and opaque walls where it is not. However, as a course, lesson or day progresses different activities might require different levels of transparency. Devices that could assist in this are one-way reflective glass, dimmable glass (frosted), one-way transparent film and movable screens.
Figure 99 Dimmable glass. Source: Figure 100 Adjustable perforated screens. Source: https://sc02.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1yhs3JFXXXXbGXpXXq6xX http://www.smartechdoorsystems.com.au/smartech-folding-systems/smart-foldingFXXXM/Dimmable-glass-film.jpg facade-screen/
However, for all these different transparency control devices to work, the design of the different functions must have an approach that sets up the stage for meaningful visual connections.
Figure 101 Kawartha Trades and Technology Center. Source: https://flemingcollege.ca/about-fleming/kawartha-trades-andtechnology-centre
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6.4 Flexibility For the purposes of the proposal, there are three main types of flexibility: internal and it includes the furniture within a space, envelope operability and a space’s transformability. Each type is illustrated below.
Figure 102 Internal flexibility. Source: @costaemacedo on Instagram
Figure 103 Envelope operability within a space. Source: https://www.primecoservices.com/services/operable-walls-and-accordion-doors/
Figure 104 Space transformability. The Swiss Tech Convention Center auditorium has rotatable seating that can drastically transform the hall from a stepped theater to a multipurpose flat hall automatically. Source: https://i.redd.it/4qxtpnopu3x11.gif
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6.5 Structure The structural systems of educational facilities should have some characteristics to enhance their performance and future needs. A prominent characteristic is speed in construction, as this determines the deadline of finishing the project and operation of the building which is essential for the investors. Composite construction: This overall construction scheme will assist in fulfilling the requirements of the proposal of ease and speed of construction, lightweight structures and long structural spans that helps with flexibility of inner spaces. Main advantages that affect the inner function of the building include increase in span and reduction of slab thickness. These factors contribute to more area being utilized and openness. The utilization of rolled downstand beams can effectively increase the span to more than 20 meters. This approach coupled with shallow floor solutions also minimizes the volume of material used as the flat slabs are achieved with a small thickness and reduced number of columns, thus freeing the faรงade for more creative treatments. (Simms, 2011)
Figure 105 Composite construction. Source: https://www.steelconstruction.info/Composite_construction
Steel truss system: Large halls require no columns to be present in the middle. The utilization of a steel truss system then directly increases the flexibility and openness of the hall.
Figure 106 Shallow floor system. Source: https://www.kloecknermetalsuk.com/westok/
Figure 107 Truss system. Source: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Wtc_floor_truss_ system.png
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