Learn turkish yourself with self study turkish courses

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Learn Turkish yourself (with your Turkish language teacher) with SELFSTUDY TURKISH COURSES for beginners & pre-intermediate learners! Beside intensive Turkish courses and Turkish classes online via Skype, Dem Turkish Center also offers a self-study Turkish course for beginner & pre-intermediate Turkish language learners who want to obtain practical use in speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar of the modern Turkish language.

1. What is self-study Turkish course? Self-study Turkish Course is an intensive Turkish language learning program for beginners designed by your Turkish language teacher who assists you to study and learn Turkish language effectively. Your Turkish language teacher designs your self-study Turkish course and provides Turkish language materials, lessons and available online when you need! Self-study Turkish course for beginners provides motivated Turkish language learners with the knowledge, guidance and support to make learning Turkish a permanent part of their life. Contact us by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details of your Self-study Turkish Course.

2. What does your Turkish teacher do? Unlike scheduled classes, your Turkish teacher designs your Turkish course and is available to help you online and of#line, whenever you need him to help you with your Turkish study. Your Turkish teacher is someone who; • Designs your Turkish language course. • Gives you self-study Turkish lessons and monitor what you are learning. • Available online and of line for your questions & explanations.

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• Connects with you online to revise and practice what you have learned. • Helps you stay encouraged, motivated and excited about learning Turkish!

Contact us by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details of your Self-study Turkish Course.

3. How does the self-study Turkish course work? • The teacher sends short lessons to the student (every day or every 2 days). • The student study the lessons himself / herself. • The teacher helps the student by email or Facebook if he / she needs help with the lessons. • The teacher and student connects online via Skype once a week to revise and practice what he / she studied.

Online Support The idea of the self-study Turkish course is to help you learn Turkish language yourself with the support of your Turkish language teacher. Your Turkish language teacher is available online 7/24 via; • email Send him/her emails when you need help with Turkish in general or the worksheets you are studying. • Private Facebook Group You Turkish language teacher opens a private FB group for you to say hello to you, ask you questions, answer your questions, explain things when you have a problem with Turkish or your Turkish materials etc.

Why Facebook? Because almost everyone is on Facebook these days and it is a good way to be in contact with your Turkish language teacher any time you need.

4. What’s the level of the self-study Turkish course? Self-study Turkish course is designed for beginner and pre-intermdiate Turkish language learners (Intermediate self-study Turkish lessons are coming soon) who would like to study Turkish with a professionally designed course program and a Turkish language teacher.

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Is this course compatible with A1, A2 levels? Yes. SSTC covers the grammar, vocabulary and skill work taught in A1 & A2 levels. Contact us by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details of your Self-study Turkish Course.

5. What’s the duration of the self-study Turkish course? Self-study Turkish course for beginners has 25 lessons. You can study 4-5 lessons a month. If you want to take 4 lessons a month, you complete the beginner level in 6 months. If you take 5 lessons a month, you complete the course in 5 months.

6. What are the lessons in the SS Turkish course? Visit Self-study Turkish Lessons For Beginners and Self-study Turkish Lessons For Pre-intermediate Learners for the lists of self-study Turkish lessons. We are adding new lessons every week.

7. What is the structure of each lessons? In each lesson, you will do the following worksheets: • Vocabulary Worksheets Learn the words in the lesson and extra words and phrases to build up your vocabulary. • Communicative Lessons Study communicative lessons. You will practice these lessons with your Turkish teacher online. • Grammar Worksheets Learn and practice the grammar points in the lessons. • Letters Study the letters at the end of each lesson for reading practice as well as learning new words. These letters are also used for writing practice because you write a similar letter and send it to your teacher for correction. • Everyday Turkish Learn everyday Turkish words, phrases and dialogues. • Interview Questions Asking questions is very important when learning a foreign language. Ask these interview questions to Turkish speaking friends and your Turkish teacher when you connect for practice. • Extra Worksheets & Materials You will also receive easy reading worksheets (with exercises) and relevant worksheets for extra work.

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Did you know the lessons have audio (mp3) iles so you can also improve your listening skill while studying Turkish yourself! Contact us by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details of your Self-study Turkish Course.

8. What are the materials used in the self-study Turkish course? We are using Turkish worksheets (vocabulary, communicative lessons, grammar worksheets, easy reading & writing letters and list of questions) in our lessons. Beside the worksheets, you will receive easy reading worksheets (with vocabulary and comprehension exercises and audios) and other relevant materials. By taking SSTC, you will start learning Turkish and improve your Turkish with skill works: • Reading You will study the letters in each lessons and study the easy readers including Turkish fairy tales, biographies, news, myths, funny stories, folk tales etc. • Writing You will study the letters in each lessons, write a similar letter and send it to your Turkish teacher for correction. • Listening You will connect with your teacher online once a week to revise and practice what you have learned. Plus you will receive easy reading worksheets with audios. • Speaking You will connect with your Turkish teacher online via Skype to practice what you have learned. • Contact us by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details of your Self-study Turkish Course.

9. Online Lessons via Skype You will connect with your Turkish teacher online via Skype 4 or 5 times a month (depending on how many lessons you want to take a month) to revise and practice what you have learned. Your Turkish teacher will also be available by email (or Facebook if you on Facebook) if you have questions or need help and further explanations.

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10. What’s the price of Self-study Turkish Coursefor beginners? The course lasts 6 months (4 self-study lessons a month & 1 hour online lessons a week to revise and practice with the teacher) and the total price of the course is 1800 TL. The learner pays 300 TL a month (5 hours x 60 TL = 300 TL / 4 hours for online lessons + 1 hour for online availabilty) including: • Turkish language learning materials • Online availability via email and/or Facebook • 4 hours online lessons (a month) via Skype for revision and practice

11. Can I try a sample lesson? Sure. Contact us using the form on this page or by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details, take a short basic Turkish lesson and try lesson 1 for a week. Contact us using the form on this page or by email at info@demturkishcenter.com or aliakpinar@hotmail.com to discuss the details, take a short basic Turkish lesson and start learning Turkish yourself with your Turkish language teacher in the right way!


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