14 | Milan, an inclusive city? Non places for non citizens

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Controversy Documentation Contemporary Cities: Descriptions and Projects Politecnico di Milano - MSc Urban Planning and Policy Design Prof. Laurent Devisme Alice Buoli, Matteo Del Fabbro, Mario Paris [GROUP 14] Juliette Hautbergue, Theodora Pappas, Ana Sofia Quiros, Laraine Anne Valles

INTRODUCTION & CONTEXT “Space is political. Space is not a scientific object removed from ideology or politics; it has always been political and strategic.” —Henri Lefebvre (1976) Since time immemorial, spaces have held unspoken power. Not only are they considered arenas for action, but they can also be viewed as opportunities and vessels wherein - or upon which - citizens are able to mobilize for change, influence policies and discourse, and ultimately impact their lives and interests. As of 2018, more than 600,000 migrants had reached the shores of Italy by boat - all over the course of just five years. Due to immense pressure from the sheer number of arrivals, the “frontline” state’s nationalist-populist government has adopted a more hardline approach towards the migrant crisis - a controversial stance that has sparked backlash and diplomatic rows with the EU. With the advent of the “Decree-Law on Immigration and Security” pushed by interior minister and far-right league leader Matteo Salvini, new procedures to fast-track the expulsion of “dangerous” asylum seekers have been put into action. This includes the opening of detention centers across the country as part of its efforts to speed up expulsions of illegal migrants. Migrants intercepted or rescued are held in detention centres to await repatriation, however, these detention centers have become synonymous with mistreatment, deplorable conditions and long processing times. Critics claim that the centers are not only inhumane but also fail to produce the desired result. In fact, according to the Extraordinary Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights of the Senate of the Republic, after the first nine months of 2016, only 44 % of the people who walked into a CIE were deported to their countries of origin. In previous years, the percentage was also only around 50%.

This is where the focus of our Controversy Documentation comes into play: In 2014, the CIE (Center for Identification and Expulsion) of Via Corelli - first created in 1998 - had been reformed into a CAS (Centro d’Accoglienza Straordinaria, a reception center providing humanitarian support and assistance to asylum seekers) in 2014. Following “Salvini’s Decree” in 2018, it was closed down and is now undergoing transformation to become a CPR. Expectedly, the decision has been deemed repugnant and problematic by those in the opposition. At first glance, the controversy stirred up at a local level is this spatial issue of reconversion. On a broader scale, it is about the space becoming emblematic of the rivalry between two clashing responses to the migration phenomenon happening in Italy - one of “rounding up and expelling”, the other of “protection and decentralized integration”.





CPR VIA CORELLI SPACE AND DISINTEGRATION Closed space and expulsion : an access limited by the government, restriction and limitation on an identity base






CONTROVERSY TIMELINE JURIDICAL TIMELINE Legge Turco-Napoliano CPT Centro di Permanenza Temporanea 30-90 days


Legge Bossi-Fini CIE per l’Identificazione l’Espulsione 60 days


Pachetto Sicurezza Ddl 733-B CIE Centro per l’Identificazione l’Espulsione 180 days



Legge 30 ottobre 2014 CIE Centro per l’Identificazione l’Espulsione 90 days


Decreto Sicurezza Ddl 840/2018 CPR e Centro di Permanenza per il Rimpatrio 90-180 days







Legge 189/2002 SPRAR Sistema di Protezione per Richiedenti Asilo e Rifugiati Full reception (accoglienza integrale)

Decreto Legge 89/2011 CIE Centro per l’Identificazione e l’Espulsione 18 months

Decreto Minniti-Orlando CPR Centro di Permanenza per il Rimpatrio 90-180 days


Decreto 10 agosto 2016 Stabilization of SPRAR as single reception system

VIA CORELLI ‘Osservatorio Corelli’ Associations demand an observation center for legal council, information and report human rights violations.

Hunger strikes inside Procedure against Chief CPT, revolts and Police Inspector accused denounciations againts the for trying to rape a prisoner. police.





The CIE reopens as a CAS (Centro d’Accoglienza Straordinario)



manifestation against CPR 200.000 participants







CPT news about prison conditions.

Internal revolts denouncing violence, intimidation and bad living conditions. Prisoners and ex-prisoners ask center to be closed.

From CPT to CIE Suicide scandal inside center.

Center closes due to a fire.

Salvini declares conversion of Via Corelli to CPR


01/10/2018 Mai più lager - NO ai CPR Movement against reopening of CPR in Via Corelli.

cpt, cie, cpr?

Where are the CPR?

Established with the Legge Turco-Napolitano, the Centri di Permanenza Temporanea (CPT) was created in 1998 with the objective of detaining foreigners staying illegally in Italy prior to their repatriation. This then became the Centri d’Identificazione ed Espulsione (CIE) with the Legge Bossi-Fini, and finally in September of last year, the Centri di Permanenza per Rimpatrio (CPR) under the Legge Minniti-Orlando. CPR are regional centres (one centre assigned per region) that are built in order to gather and hold a capacity of up to 300 people. They are, by law, placed in the peripheries of cities and are in close proximity to important transport infrastructures.

Five regions in Italy are equipped with CPR to date: Piemonte (in Settimo torinese), Lazio (Roma), Puglia (Bari e Brindisi, the only region with two CPR), Sicily (Caltanissetta) and Lombardia (Milano, coming soon).

FOR WHOM? All persons found without valid documentation, i.e. permesso di soggiorno, in Italy can be held in the CPR

HOW LONG? The historical evolution of the legal detention durations are outlined in the following table: From the year



30 days

2013 2015 2017

90 days 30 days 30 + 15 days if needed

Possible Prolongation 18 months in case of special difficulties with repatriation none 12 months in special cases 12 months in special cases

WHo manages them? The CPR are overseen by the Ministry of Internal Affairs via the regional prefects. The latter are in charge of finding private companies able to manage the CPR.

Other structures for migrants Other structures are in place to welcome, protect and/or facilitate migrants’ application for a permesso di soggiorno. Structure Hotspot

Function Location First sanitary help, Lampedusa, Pozzallo, Trapapre-identification, inni and Taranto formation on requests for asylum and relocation procedures Help for asylum seek- Calabria, Caltanissetta, Fogers gia, Brindisi, Bari, Mineo

CARA (Centri d’Accoglienza per i Richiedenti d’Asilo) CAS (Centri Help for people arriving from the sea by d’Accoglienza Straordinaria) boat in the first instance, then any person in general

Several in important cities. Example of Milan : two (that is three minus the one that is being reconverted into a CPR) in Via Corelli and Via Aquila (same area) SPRAR (Sistema Network of local struc- 1.200 municipalities involved in Italy di Protezione tures of integration of dei Richiedenti foreigners Asilo e Rifugiati)

One should also mention the other places run by charity foundations and associations like Caritas Ambrosiana, Progetto Arca, Grangia Monluè, Naga, etc. - all notably located in peripheral areas.




For more structures for people requesting asile and refugees Alerting on the detaining conditions in CPR, human rights

Against CPRs


Government European Union (Frontex)

UNHCR ASGI (informing the population on legal aspects) Charity associations (Caritas Ambrosiana,...) SPRAR ANCI CAS

Mai più lager - no ai CPR NAGA


Legal argument : necessity of an authorization to stay on the Italian territory

Legal argument (1) : the protection of the refugees by international agreements

Ethic argument : defence of the free circulation of people in the world

Security argument (1) : people illegally present on the territory can represent a threat because they may be delinquents ; invoke the feeling of insecurity brought to the inhabitants by immigrants

Legal argument (2) : the rights of people, even in irregular situation, are frequently disregarded in detention centers

Ethic argument (2) : the detention of people who haven’t committed a crime is unethical, reference to ‘lager’ (camps) of the concentrationary nazi policy

Ethic argument : the Decreto Sicurezza restricts the acceptable causes for asylum request, increasing the number of people who should be detained in CPRs Security argument (2) : not controlling the borders of Italy may let terrorists in

Pragmatic argument (1) : immigration, legal or illegal, is inevitable and integration is a more rational response Pragmatic argument (2) : the scale of CPRs is not adapted, immigration policies should involve a national network of local actors

Actions engaged

Legal : Change of the immigration laws (see timeline)

Legal and information : network of law professionals to gather and spread information on immigration legislation

Physical : Opening of CPRs

Communication : donation made by the refugees of the former CAS of via Corelli to the restoration and preservation of the Duomo cathedral

Policy and budget : Weakening of alternative immigration policies and structures (SPRAR, CAS)

Physical and policy : support of alternative immigration policies (SPRAR) Physical : humanitarian support to immigrants

Communication : awareness-raising campaigns through social networks and sites, protests against the opening of Corelli CPR, cultural events, debates








6 11


















Milano - Condannato per aver detto la verità sul CPT di via Corelli

Against CPT of via corelli


https://www.meltingpot .org/Milano-Condannat o-per-aver-detto-la-verit a-sul-CPT-di-via.html#.X McOuOgzbIU

Milano, allerta sugli anarchici pronti alla battaglia per il Cpr di via Corelli

Against violence of anti-CPR anarchists





Jan 2019

May 2017

Jan. 2019




Government Ecco i nuovi 11 centri response to per i rimpatri migration «Identificare gli equipaggi delle Ong»

Le periferie, i migranti e il bisogno di sicurezza

In what kind of spirit Italy elected Salvini

https://milano.corriere.it /notizie/cronaca/19_gen naio_04/viminale-allerta -anarchici-cpr-via-corell i-villa-litta-vegan-vetriol o-lotta-armata-494cb15 a-0ff0-11e9-979d-2767d7 2e669d.shtml

National https://www.corriere.it/c ronache/17_maggio_09/ migranti-nuovi-centri-cl andestini-identificare-e quipaggi-ong-f21d08763422-11e7-8367-3ab733a 34736.shtml?refresh_ce -cp National https://www.corriere.it/o pinioni/19_gennaio_30/p eriferie-migranti-bisogn o-sicurezza-6b3eac0a-2 4b8-11e9-a99c-48a2f60 b960f.shtml


Sept 2018 internazionale.it Cosa prevede il decreto Salvini su immigrazione e sicurezza

Juridical information

National https://www.internazion ale.it/bloc-notes/annalis a-camilli/2018/09/24/de creto-salvini-immigrazi one-e-sicurezza


Apr 2017

internazionale.it Il decreto Minniti-Orlando sull’immigrazione è legge

Juridical information

National https://www.internazion ale.it/notizie/annalisa-ca milli/2017/04/12/decreto -minniti-orlando-legge


July 2018



June 2018


Milano, Matteo Reopen Via Salvini riapre il Cie di Corelli as CIE via Corelli per le espulsioni. Il Comune insorge

Salvini: "Basta migranti dei Cie a spasso per le città". Succede davvero?


https://milano.corriere.it /notizie/cronaca/18_lugli o_26/milano-matteo-sal vini-riapre-cie-via-corelli -le-espulsioni-comune-i nsorge-e8144c84-909411e8-bee6-2347460b1b2 1.shtml

National https://www.repubblica. Denounces of the restrictions it/politica/2018/06/07/ne imposed for ws/salvini_basta_migra people in the nti_dei_cie_a_spasso_pe



https://roma.corriere.it/ notizie/cronaca/19_febb raio_11/cie-regia-anarchi ci-rivolte-66bfa77e-2e3b -11e9-b2ba-a8cdeed988 4a.shtml


https://thesubmarine.it/ 2018/11/29/no-cpr/?fbclid =IwAR2ApXb3Vc4-abiVt JglZZegPQ7bzkTmPyld EqHBv4jo7b_BSLJLK7zl Hvs

Creation of spatial zoning : accessibility reduced for migrants


https://milano.corriere.it /19_aprile_10/zone-rosse -migranti-vietato-avvici narsi-scuole-985f0ec8-5 bc2-11e9-ba57-a3df5eac bd16.shtml?refresh_ce-c p&fbclid=IwAR1iOZbf58 0cH9vmRDXpnZrBVMK 6ByaFP_ITfi3B44-BzsTZ YYpaRG5W1Ek

“Prima le persone,” 200 mila in piazza a Milano contro le politiche razziste del governo

protest against Salvini and the government anti-racism


https://thesubmarine.it/ 2019/03/02/people-prim a-le-persone-milano/?fb clid=IwAR1WjRwA9riISJ xIT0-_EP6hbcDLy_pI577 pFM-X7r06f3vHOLBdQ Z4ROHs

progetto melting pot europa

Milano - Il CIE di via Corelli diventa un centro di accoglienza

Via Corelli, from CIE to CAS


https://www.meltingpot .org/Milano-Il-CIE-di-via -Corelli-diventa-un-cent ro-di.html#.XMghy_ZuJ 7g

progetto melting pot europa

CIE - Incendio in via Corelli: struttura di fatto chiusa Dopo Gradisca, Bologna, Modena e Crotone anche il CIE lombardo ha vita breve

Important incident in Via Corelli


https://www.meltingpot .org/CIE-Incendio-in-via -Corelli-struttura-di-fatt o-chiusa.html?fbclid=Iw AR2C5fF1SE3tufL0LUIQI 9ygslH2pSO03egAEDN KE2OaWglpKYuq0NJFP 6Y#.XMdQpegza00

Actions of the anarchist against the police in favor of migrants.


Feb. 2019


Cie, la regia degli anarchici sulle rivolte. «Grazie ai migranti che hanno dato fuoco» - Corriere.it


Nov. 2018

the submarine

Perché ci opponiamo Against the alla riapertura dei Cpr re-opening of the CPR


April 2019 corriere

Calolziocorte, zone rosse per i migranti: vietato avvicinarsi alle scuole


March 2019



Oct. 2014



r_le_citta_succede_davv ero_-198353807/

reflections on the contoversy The controversy surrounding the transitional space occupied by CIE, then CAS and now CPR is a prime example of the new problem faced by contemporary cities today: the issue of increasing migrations. The shifts in immigration policies at the European level have a physical translation in contemporary cities and calls to question the image and values of the city of Milan. The city advertised as inclusive and open (through universities, international corporations, transport infrastructure, etc.) is paradoxically drawing new internal borders - the border between the center and the periphery becomes the border between legal and illegal inhabitants. The periphery here is reinterpreted from the concentration of poorer populations to that of irregular immigrants, and the security measures and issues associated with suburbs have a new translation in urban policies.

redrawing the border The current migration scenario forces us to rethink the actual place of a border. The CPR are a clear example of non-places inside the city. As holes inside the urban tissue, people in these places are not seen as part of society and therefore are turned into non-citizens revoked from their basic right to move freely. Other places such as bus or train stations could also be read as borders inside the city, deciding who is allowed to move and who is not.

how temporal is the migrant crisis? When temporality becomes the main focus to describe a crisis, short term solutions seem to be preferred by politicians. The current migration status is seen as a problem that can be solved by simply locking those people in and sending them back to their countries. Although politically appealing for some, this solution lacks vision and integrity. In an aging continent, to idealize the past only creates more problems and conflicts, looking forward and realistically to the current situation will open new windows of opportunity and development.

peoples vs. political response

mobility and globalization

On the one hand, when looking at the political situation of Italy we see a clear tendency to right-wing parties that blame migrants for the economic crisis the country is living and idealize the nationalistic past of the country. On the other hand, the big manifestation of march in Milan against the CPR shows us there is a big polarization in society. Therefore we can only conclude that there is no clear direction in how the migration issue will evolve.

While there is a general tendency of people becoming more mobile in our global society, we need to ask ourselves the question if mobility is a right for everyone or if we are systematically excluding people from this right. The strong division between the developed world and developing countries, also divides society in first class and second class citizens, this division is sometimes stretched even further when people looking for better opportunities in other countries are instead stripped away from all their rights and put into cells waiting for deportation.

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