Bubble : container of meaning

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container research




expedition foray jaunt journey outing ramble run tour


container research

container receptacle vessel holder repository canister drum box case

daily life



% balance

a bubble as a second skin

how to escape


container research



private moment

beer factory

mental silence

moving bubble


public transport as a private moment



. rythm . home

daily life

. people we know . place we go

% balance

a bubble as a second skin

how to escape

daily life in eindhoven as student DAE




basic needs

container research

So the daily life in Eindhoven = mainly Design Academy because: . I have no family to visit in Netherlands . Eindhoven is not a big/cultural attraction city . the important amount of work we have to produce . the friends and link I have in Netherlands are through Design Academy This daily life shapes my way of life and my habbits. At the beginning it was a soft bubble quite big because it was new and fresh. It was nice to discover a new rythm, a new daily life. But it becomes smaller and smaller because you do school-home-school-home. It becomes mentally insane. And you see the same people and you see the blue sky only though the window of the 4th floor because all your day are dedicated to your work. And it becomes normal because you know that to learn you have to follow this working rythm so it becomes soon your second skin until the moment you want to get some imput from the outside world and you finally open your eyes. And this first bubble is really sticky. daily life in eindhoven as student DAE



basic needs


becomes a second skin that you really want to take off


material/ unmaterial

digital to analogue

spirit   8

container research

What to bring with you for a short trip? Nowadays the material part are such a big importance when you travel. We can define two different type of items that you need to take with you during a trip. - the objects which are their meaning on their own : clothes, food, basic need items - the «unmaterial» items which links you to the outside world : phone, computer, credit card, transport card When I had to pack my stuff it wasn’t a problem to think about what to bring along regarding clothes and material objects. You just take the minimum, 2painties, 1 short, 2pair of socks... I had so much more trouble to decide which of my «unmaterial» items I should pick to bring along. I finally decided to let my computer at home even if I could work on it during the traject. So instead of a computer I took my notebook. From the digital to the analogue again. But the most important preparation was to organise the trip and the events which were happening in Amsterdam to entertain my family. So the spirit preparation was the most important because next to all you want to bring with you, you need this spirit of meeting your family.



private moment

mental silence

moving bubble

public transport as a private moment


container research

mental silence: Because I’m a foreigner in Netherlands, taking public transport become a peacefull moment. I don’t speak dutch so when people speaks around me I can’t understand and it becomes so much more relaxing than in France when I can rich everything surrounding me. Because public transport is the moment the least private, sharing a space with so many people for an amount of time. Suddenly I feel completely in a private bubble because nobody can rich me or catch my attention.


moving bubble

field around as public surrounding (share with 1000 people)

train as a public/private container (share with 50 to100 people)


container research

sit as a private space (shared with 1 to 8 people)  13

city or con


container research


The city as a ontainer of information, culture, people, events, energy... But a city is framed by its structure. Urban plan, street, buildings. Seems like boxes and squares put next to each other fullfill by life, people, objects, content. In big cities like Amsterdam you got this impression of accumulation of boxes. It’s like you have one chablon which repeats itself in the city. So for that I create cubes to show that the structure of a city is always the same fillfull by different patterns of information, places, people... To walk through Amsterdam, following my instinct to find the place I will meet my family made me discover a complete new Amsterdam. Avoiding touristic streets.

ntainer of density?




container research

When my family left I spent one night in Amsterdam alone. I asked on facebook who could accomodate me for one night. And Kiki van Caspel proposed me to sleep at her place. I didn’t know her so much and I was super impressed by her house. She’s living in a old factory of beer. Her parents discovered it in the 70’s and it was empty since two years so they could move in. It’s a huge building, on three floors. There is several flat where 3 to 7 people lived. They share kitchen and bathroom. It’s a community buidling but at the same time because of the size of each room you can have your private bubble.

On the way back, I came back by car with Kiki. Compare to the train it’s a really different sensation : it’s more intimate. It’s smaller but the feeling bubble you have is also bigger.



container research

Japanese Paper bubble A container really thin, fragile almost invisible, easy to open. It’s ephemeral box which contained all the new ideas and the input I had during this trip. You have to break your daily life rythm to discover and appreciate your surrounding again.


Peter Sloterdijk Spheres 1 Volume 1 The idea of life as a shape story : life equal sphere. It means that everywhere we find human life, nomadic or sedentary, there is inhabited globes , moving or fixed. A child making soap bubble : While the soap bubble are evolving in the space, the creator is out of himself, but in the soap bubble. A soap bubble is a ulterior momentary life. And it becomes for the child creator an expansion of the soul. The spirit is in the space.


container research


Another scale of architecture JUNYA ISHIGAMI Today, however, we can no longer draw a line between the natural environment and man’s artificial environemnt in our conception of architecture. The artificial environment we are creating has grown enormous in extent. So much so, it has even affected the natural environment, and te natural environment in its turn is heavily affecting our artificial environment. As the boudary between these environments, natural and artificial, has grown steadily more ambiguous, a new environment is taking shape. Architecture as a shelter- such an image is unsuited to this newly emerging environment. To see architecture not as a shelter but as environment, itself.


Scale gives a dimension to things, creates classes and hierarchies, and makes each world something concrete. The fundamental concept behind all origins and all behavior is scale. Until now, the natural environment has been something that contained this entire spectrum of scales.

container research


4 ideas of containers on different scales




ing lugga

container research



Triumphant Red by Alexander Calder


I believe that all object have a soul. Designers, lovers of objects have all an attraction to old object because they have an history, a past, a soul. Because they are not clean or perfect but they just get more beautifull and used by time and people. They becomes a trace. Somehow you want to fix them to make them functionnal again but you also want to keep this spirit.

I have fascination for mobile and all objects which are somehow in suspension in the air and ask for movement.

How a container can bring movement ? I was really interested in container that you have to activate to get the funtion of it. An object which triggers you, ask for action, movement.

container research

Just about now by Marteen Baas is a sand timer that indicates the passing of time with the sounding of a gong.


Hour glass by Lihi Svirsky   28

If you use the hourglass with an equal amount of sand in a coffee cup, the flow of sand is about 5 minutes.

container of time

container research

flip it uspide down

A glass hour in two part : a blue liquid which going to create a perfect geometric shape inside the cube and show when the time ran out.  29


hanging bath

container research



balance system research

balance contains the weight of things

container research




container research


container o Combining movement and container made me think about those small caroussel lamp which were making shadows in my room when I was small.

I wanted to make a container which content the objects but that you are able to see them from outside the container. Create a changing pattern on the wall thank’s to the different object there is in. To make sure that you see the object I wanted to put light in the container. The light is the central point.


container research

of shadows

You have to pull the container down to be able to put stuff inside. Then which a mechanical arm is going to go up slowly alone at the same place.



container research

Wo and WĂŠ collection



container research

It’s not the lamp itself which gives a particular shaddow but the shaddow is given by the object which are put in the container lamp. So the shadows evolved with the content. The light inside intensity is shaped by the content.






container research


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