Coming Out Of Manic Depression With The Trivedi Effect Most of the people across the world undergo loads of stress and become victims of mental disorders leave small or large impact on their life. Manic depression is one such severe form of mental disorder that is caused by genetic or non-genetic conditions. It causes severe mood swings related to clinical depression or anxiety often making the patient paranoid.
Manic Depression affects the 15 to 24 age group and continues throughout the lifetime. Sometimes this diseases runs in the family while sometimes external factors like stress, accidents, etc. can play a major role as the cause of this disorder. People undergoing manic depression do not lead a very normal life, and their work performance is also below average. The symptoms of man depression include loss of appetite, chronic fatigue and difficulty in decision making. Other symptoms include mood swings, pessimistic thoughts, restlessness, irritability and suicidal thoughts. Often insomnia is also linked to manic disorder as it is one of the most prominent symptoms of the same. Patients who are prone to suicidal thoughts are often hospitalized in order to prevent any risk activity or behavior. There are no lab tests that can be carried out to confirm this disorder. A doctors usually interviews the family members and the patient and learn the family history and assess the condition. As per the signs and symptoms, therapy is provided by a doctor. Doctors prescribe mood stabilizers like lithium and other anti-psychotic drugs as a part of the therapy. Anti-depressants are provided if the patient exhibits such symptoms. Counseling is an important part of the therapy. Talking about the condition and concerns, makes the patient feel better and also helps in achieving improved the quality of life. Patients with Manic Depression Disorder need the company of sensitive people and require a lot of patience and love to come out of the condition.
The Trivedi Effect ® is an innovative therapy that involves the implantation of Energy Transmissions to impart a healing effect on both the living and non-living. It is a therapy introduced by Mahendra Trivedi and helps in alleviating manic depression symptoms. It has a calming effect on both body and mind and thus reduces symptoms like restlessness and irritability. In the long run, The Trivedi Effect® enhances positivity and also eradicates any kind of suicidal tendencies. It has helped hundreds of people to overcome severe physical and mental health concern. If you’re wondering why you should opt for The Trivedi Effect ® then here is the answer- The Trivedi Effect ® heals using Energy Transmissions that originate from an individual's self. The concept does not believe in use of drugs like antidepressants that have strong side-effects. Antipsychotic drugs and mood stabilizers like Lithium have physical side effects. The Trivedi Effect® has no side effects and bears life-long positive results. Eradicate all negativity in life and health with The Trivedi Effect.