Dahryn Trivedi Can Help With Irregular Menstruation Irregular menstruation is a common problem among women of all ages. This problem is more pronounced as a woman becomes advanced in age and approaches menopause. Along with irregular menstruation there are other problems like painful cramps, mood swings etc that many women suffer from. Sometimes these problems are so severe that it becomes necessary to take treatment for them. The usual treatment given by doctors is certain multi vitamins and also hormonal pills. However, these often do not alleviate the problems and the hormonal pills can also have some harmful side effects.
The Trivedi Effect速 on the other hand has helped many women with menstruation related problems successfully. This is a method of energy transmission in which the healer uses the power of thoughts to channelize the universal life force energy. This energy in turn reaches into the deep recesses of the sub conscious mind and removes the negative thought and belief patterns which are causing the problems. It has been accepted by medical professionals worldwide that most of the physical and mental ailments faced by people are psychosomatic. The root cause of these psychosomatic problems lies in the sub conscious mind in the form of negative thought and belief patterns. These patterns are formed due to the experiences that we have since our childhood and they decide the circumstances in our lives. The energy transmissions given by the Trivedi Healers are able to reach into the depth of the sub conscious mind and change the negative patterns into positive ones.
Dahryn Trivedi has used this method to alleviate the menstruation related problems faced by many women. Another benefit of taking energy healing and advice from her is that being a woman herself she understands some of the trauma and confusions faced by many women. In fact it is this affinity with women that draws them to her in large numbers. She is working incessantly for uplifting women who come to her. Being an empowered woman herself she is able to guide them in such a way that they also become empowered. This has caused a sea change in many areas of the lives of women coming to her for help.