How To Live A Happy Life “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life. The whole aim and end of human existence--- Aristotle." The very purpose of human life is to have a happy life. However, happiness is that one element that many people find missing and constantly chasing. The reason for this chase is that the people’s perception of things that give them happiness keeps changing. In other words, the reasons of happiness keep changing, like getting salary hike, a better job, etc.
In addition, once the goal is achieved, people consider that their happiness lies in the next goal or the unachieved goal. Thus, people are constantly in search of the unachieved happiness, and lack to enjoy the existing happiness. Thus, various wellness experts say that the reason for our unhappiness is we ourselves. Therefore, the most important thing to realise is that happiness lies within ourselves and not something around us. Having said that, all those people who are searching for happiness are constantly facing the question how to live a happy life? So, here are the tips that would help you lead a happy life: •
It is fact that you cannot control everything. Understand that circumstances are uncontrollable, and all that you can control is your behaviour or the way you respond to the situation.
It is impossible to please everyone so stop trying to be what others want you to be. Instead, be yourself and people who accept you the way you are, are your dear ones.
Life is a journey with positive and negative incidents. When you come across any failure, instead of thinking “why me?” and feeling bad, take it in the right way and say “why not.” Have confidence in yourself and face the challenge.
Start taking things easy. Whenever you are in a tough situation, stop complaining and put yourself in the other person's place. It would make it easy to not hold any complaints against people and also helps you to get a different perspective of the situation.
Mistakes are inevitable, so learn to accept them and move on. Instead of cribbing about them or criticising yourself of making that mistake, consider your mistakes as learning experiences and move on.
Realise that no one can be perfectionist.
Always surround yourself with positive thoughts and positive minded people.
Happiness is not about material well-being, but about personal well being," should be your mantra.
In addition, to the self-help tips mentioned above, people who find it difficult to attain happiness with self-will, can opt for the wellness programs conducted by The Trivedi Effect that help you to realise the true meaning of happiness and also enable you to attain it.