How To Use Body Language To Improve Your Self-Confidence Body language can tell so much about a person. It can be an expression of how someone truly
and is responding to their surroundings. The subject has
emerged as a significant aspect of modern day communication and professional relationships. It’s no secret that body language speaks volumes and is just as important as words that are spoken. It’s important to know that body language should point to high self confidence levels and show people that you are an open and friendly person.
There’s a statistic about body language that is "7 percent of our influence comes from the words we say. 38 Percent comes from our tonal quality while saying it. 55 Percent by what our body is doing while we are saying it"
This is especially important to remember in situations such as job interviews, meetings, negotiations, business presentations etc. Here are a few tips to start to improve your body language in the workplace:
1. Don’t cross your arms or legs – Crossing your arms and legs can give the appearance that you are defensive and closed, having your arms and legs unclosed will make you seem more open and friendly to people.
2. To increase participation, look like you’re listening: Nod once in a while whilst someone is talking to show that you are listening, but don’t overdo it. Don’t multi task while someone is speaking. Avoid the temptation to check your text messages, check your watch, or check out how the other participants are reacting. Instead, focus on those who are speaking by making eye contact. Leaning forward, nodding and tilting your head are other nonverbal ways to show you’re engaged and paying attention. It’s important to hear people.
3. Don’t be afraid to take up some space – Taking up space can be a good way to building self confidence, if someone is not confident then they will tend to take up the least space possible, sit with your legs unfolded
arms apart if you want to come across as very confident
4. To stimulate good feelings, Smile and Laugh - Lighten up a little and don’t take yourself too seriously. A genuine smile not only stimulates your own sense of well-being, it also tells those around you that you are approachable, co-operative, and trustworthy.
5. To improve your speech, use your hands: Instead of fidgeting with something whilst you’re talking, try using hand gestures to add more meaning and force to the point that you’re trying to make, this will make you appear more confident in what you are saying and you’ll come across as more genuine.
6. To show agreement, mirror expressions and postures - When you’re talking to someone, subtly copy their body language movements, if they scratch their neck then a few minutes later scratch yours, mirroring someone can dramatically reduce the time in which it’ll take for someone to warm to you, they will feel you are genuine and a little like them. Mirroring can start to take place automatically when two people start to interact and enter a conversation.
7. Notice: Last but not the least “Notice” what your body is communicating, and make sure it backs up the words you’re saying. Saying the right things isn’t enough, unless your body says the same thing too. Actress and playwright Mae West rightly said, ‘I speak two languages: English and Body’. Our body language conveys our confidence, attitude and thoughts to a large extent. Adopt a couple of these body language ‘tips’ to work on every day for three to four weeks. After a short period of time they should have developed into new habits and something you'll do without even thinking about it. If not, keep on until it sticks. Then take another couple of things you'd like to change and work on them. These tips are effective to building self confidence. Mahendra Trivedi, Dahryn Trivedi, and Master Gopal have the incredible ability to transmit the Trivedi Effect®. The impact of this phenomenon has been measured, validated, and documented in over 4,000 studies at the top research institutes throughout the world resulting in several publications in leading international peerreviewed journals. Tens of thousands of people throughout the world have experienced this phenomenon and are now enjoying the precious journey of their life. “Our non-verbal actions govern how other people think and feel about us.”