Mahendra Trivedi Tips to fight depression Are any of your loved ones in depression due to financial or relationship problems? If you can recall of someone, here are a few tips for you on how to fight depression to some extent. Regular exercise: Exercising daily will help you stay fit and energetic. Do try different exercises with a calm mind and relaxed body in order to fight depression. Change in lifestyle: Try to spend your time with your beloved ones to avoid the feeling of loneliness. Differentiate your work space and private space in order to lead a balanced life. Meditation: Meditation will provide a great relaxation to your body and it removes all the negative thoughts from your mind and fills your body with tons of positive energy. Trivedi effect has become very famous throughout the world die to its unique benefits. Mahendra Trivedi has introduced the Trivedi effect to assist human beings in leading a healthier life. Trivedi research on various branches includes microbiology, agriculture, cancer, genetics, animal husbandry and material science. Scientists and students from different parts of the world conducted some thousands of tests on Trivedi healer’s program and they felt so surprised on seeing the results. Changes have been observed at cellular level. The number of people with HIV and cancer are also increasing in number these days. As patients with HIV and cancer feel depressed it is suggested for them to participate in the Trivedi’s energy transmission and healers program to minimize the severity of the disease. Many HIV and cancer patients have got benefited with this program, thus you could suggest this program to your friends or relatives who are suffering with the deadly diseases like cancer, HIV and etc. Depression sometimes also leads to a condition called coma. A number of articles were posted by Trivedi to assist people all over the world. You can also watch his valuable videos available online to find a solution for your
problem up to some extent. However, receiving the positive energy transmissions from Trivedi increases your healing power. Thus you can fight any deadly disease with the help of Trivedi science. Everybody is very thankful for the Trivedi research, as its solutions are doing miracles in all spheres of the world.