Trivedi Science Research Laboratory – Cancer Research The word ‘Cancer’ frightens many people, as it is an incurable or untreatable disease. In most of the cases, it is life threatening, but miracle cures have become possible due to a variety of cancer treatment options. Cancer experiments and treatments are the procedures claim to treat cancer by replacing conventional methods and supplementing the effects that cause cancer.
Cancer research in India Researches are being conducted to determine if the cancer treatments actually work. It is also important to know if the treatment work, then what are the safety levels. Medical research for cancer is similar to the research for any other disease. The pre-clinical development of cancer drugs start at different laboratories across the country. The researchers are carried out either on small cells or animals such as rat, mice, rabbit and cat. In some cases, the proposed treatment is already in use for any medical condition to know about its potential efficiency. Clinical trials are conducted on humans to study the effect of treatment. Phase I studies is the first test of potential treatment in humans. During this phase, a very small number of patients are enrolled. The purpose of this phase is to identify the safety issues and maximum tolerated dosage that does not produce chronic side effects. This stage may involve healthy people, where 95% of the patients do not receive any benefit and are exposed to harmful side effects. During the Phase II and Phase III, more people are enrolled to know if the treatment actually works or not. The results of experimental treatment will be compared to the best available treatment. A treatment with better result is proposed for treating cancer. Different kinds of cancer treatments
There are a number of methods and treatment options such as – chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, radiation, etc. that are used in cancer treatment in India. Many of these treatments help against specific kinds of cancer. These treatment options vary depending on the type of cancer and how far it is grown. Below are some cancer treatment options1. Surgery – Through this method, the cancerous tumor is cut. Medications are given to the patient to diminish the growth of cancer cells. 2. Chemotherapy – This is another kind of treatment that can be used to cancer cells. According to cancer cells research, the growth of cancer cells can be stopped by using chemotherapy. There are different kinds of medications that are used in chemotherapy, where each medication or drug has its own significance. Based on the type of cancer being treated, the medication varies. 3. Immunotherapy – There are some cancer treatments that help to develop an immune system that fight against cancer. This kind of treatment involves injection of antibiotics into the body, to destroy certain type of cancer cells. Besides the above said, there are other treatment options such as – stem cell transplant, gene therapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. A variety of experiments are being conducted to find out new ways to treat cancer. If researches and experiments can find the exact reason, then it will be more easier to find remedies for cancer.