Alice Morris COP 3 Proposal

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To what extent has Graphic Design constructed our understanding or view of historical events and perceptions of truth?

Alice Morris

Rationale In conjunction to the question, a broad range of topic areas will be initially explored, although these may not be mentioned within the dissertation it is essential that a range of sources are uncovered surrounding the topic area, in order to formulate the strongest response possible. An interest in political propaganda will be outlined, with references to world war one, the cold war, and tensions within the Soviet Union being discussed. These will be analyzed, with sources demonstrating how these pieces of design have altered the ways in which we perceive history, and how they positioned civilians at the time to believe manipulated historic events. The ways in which media have previously covered events will be explored, focusing specifically upon how they often change truths for profit. Times magazine is a key example of this. Times magazine is internationally recognized as a reliable source, although propaganda has appeared within the publication previously. Examples of this may be outlined, alongside that of other magazines/newspapers in which have manipulated the truth through design. Branding may be outlined, showcasing how brand posters positioned women within the 60’s. This will be explored alongside other evidence in order to determine whether sexism was as prominent as promoted through design. As the above topic areas appear to manipulate the truth, Adbusters will be studied in order to promote the ideology that there are designers who seek to promote the truth. Ethical implications will be explored within further research.

Related Topic Areas Design propaganda Graphic Brandings, specifically, 60’s-insight into the perception of women Media constructions -magazines, newspapers etc Time magazine covers The soviet Union Adbusters-attempting to remove highly constructed perceptions

Relevant quotes In relation to the Soviet Union ‘The most common examples of photograph alteration and falsification come from communist Russia. Unwanted persons, so-called "enemies of the people" were not only killed, but also removed from photographs where their presence was unwanted. Photographs were altered with the intent of changing the past.’-"Falsification Of Photographs". N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.

'The history we read [...] though based on facts, is, strictly speaking, not factual at all, but a series of accepted judgements.' Carr, Edward Hallet, and R. W Davies. What Is History?. 1st ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1988. Print.

Relevant Quotes In relation to Times magazine’s OJ Simpson cover ‘The Newsweek cover is the original mugshot, whereas the Time cover is digitally manipulated. O.J.Simpson's face is darker, blurrier and unshaven. The photographer that manipulated the picture said that he "wanted to make it more artful, more compelling"3. It is here that the ethical issues arise. News photographs should either be authentic or not be published at all. Any manipulation distorts the truth.’- "Falsification Of Photographs". N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017. In relation to propaganda ‘Propaganda is everywhere and has been around for a long time. Every newspaper, magazine, news channel, radio station, advertisement, or any other types of mass media contain elements of propaganda. Propaganda is often given a negative connotation due to its history of power and control; as in the Hitler’s regime, but in reality the definition is very simple.’ "Propaganda Is Everywhere". N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Apr. 2017.

Relevant Quotes ‘Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language. ‘-(Marx 1852 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte)

Books What Is History? by E. H. Carr Art and its Historie s- Steve Edwards Edward Said (1978) Orientalism First things first-Adbusters Soviet Poster-Maria Lafont

Websites aigns.pdf

Supporting Images

Contextual Sources Theorists-Walter Benjamin, Hegel, and Garland da ulated+historical+understandings&source=bl&ots=dPqc7SvVW9&sig=jax2mAdBsz0DFdd0dcz_4f--7 HM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIpZPolK7TAhUCXRoKHXxlDDMQ6AEIODAE#v=onepage&q=how% 20has%20art%20manipulated%20historical%20understandings&f=false etic-meanings-and-aesthetic-emotions-how-historical-and-intentional-knowledge-expan d-aesthetic-experience/68EBF5BEBB1FF3494955B427226A3FCF

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