9 minute read
Taking Care of Business Self
You can run (seriously, it helps!), but it’s nearly impossible to hide from stress. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help keep stress under control, all the while enhancing your physical appearance.
The research is clear: stress does ugly things to us.
In a study by the Department of Dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine, 74 per cent of acne patients reported that stress was exacerbating their condition. In another study by Western Kentucky University, it was found that women who experience high stress levels are 11 times more likely to experience hair loss than women with moderate or low stress levels. The study also cited that work stress can lead to weight gain over five years.
The same results have even been found in animals: anxious dogs go grey earlier, and stressed mice age faster. So what’s going on under the surface? “Stressful events cause hormonal changes in the body and the adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol,” explains Wellbeing Expert and Meditation Teacher, Samantha Taylor (thenurtureproject.com).
According to Taylor, activating the stress-response system repeatedly and staying in a fight-flight response for too long can disrupt almost all your body’s processes. Perhaps most alarmingly, research shows that stress may impede digestion, thereby inhibiting absorption of vitamins that are essential for healthy teeth, skin and hair.
As our body’s largest organ, it’s unsurprising that our skin wears the brunt of our emotional strain. “Our skin contains sweat glands, blood vessels, nerve endings and cells that are all controlled by our immune and nervous systems. These can all be triggered by our mental wellbeing especially if we experience stress,” explains Holistic Skin Therapist, Lindy Bekerman (heavenlyrituals.com.au). “When we are consumed by stress, high levels of cortisol rob us of our sleep and keep us feeling wired, which hinders the skin’s ability to produce hyaluronic acid, which is our body’s natural internal moisturiser.” Along with internal inflammation, poor digestion and a sluggish lymphatic system, Bekerman warns that stress and anxiety can trigger rashes, hives, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and hypersensitivity. It can also lead to acne due to the cortisol spike that encourages sebaceous glands to produce thicker oils that dead skin clings to, blocking pores. “Remember our skin is a reflection of how we feel on the inside and when we no longer feel safe and in control, our skin responds in kind,” says Bekerman.
You can’t pour from an empty cup There’s no denying that tomorrow’s to-do list can weigh on our minds, keeping us from getting enough quality beauty sleep. But since you can’t avoid your job, bills or life, the best thing to do is learn to manage the stress and reap the glowy benefits. How do we do this? Two words: self-care.
To the millions already using the word to hashtag bubble baths, selflove journals and turmeric lattes, it’s important you nix the idea that there’s a perfect or correct way to do it. Me-time can come in many forms. The important thing is to find a routine that makes you feel balanced and well-rested in day-to-day life – and it doesn’t need to look ‘insta-worthy’!
Here are some ideas that will equip you with a more relaxed mindset and bring you back to centre:
STRESS-BUSTERS Meditate Meditation can be extremely effective for stress reduction. “It changes the physical structure of the brain, causing the amygdala (part of the limbic system and responsible for the fight or flight response) to get smaller,” says Taylor. What this means is that you are less capable of experiencing stress and fear, and more capable of experiencing compassion and empathy and gaining greater perspective over your life. Get enough sleep Studies show that 35 per cent of adults get fewer than seven hours of sleep a night, with experts recommending closer to 7.5 to eight hours for most people. A sleep deficit can develop, taking its toll on our health over time. Create healthy sleep habits by establishing a bedtime routine, and avoiding screen time late at night and caffeine after 10am. Exercise regularly Making exercise a priority can help decrease stress, so do something that you enjoy. Yoga is particularly helpful in managing stress as it allows you to stay more in the present moment, while still working on strength and flexibility. Get a massage or facial (after social distancing has finished, of course) “Look to incorporate any form of treatment into your self-care routine that uses the healing power of touch, whether it be a skin treatment or body massage,” recommends Bekerman. “Being touched has a profound effect on the skin and body as it strengthens connections and heals and soothes our minds.”
Looking for inspo? Here’s how some of the big-name fitness and beauty personalities reset and recharge.
Georgie Stevenson Founder ofNAKED HARVEST SUPPLEMENTS georgiestevenson.net // @georgiestevenson
What are your favourite self-care rituals? My daily afternoon beach walks – in which I practise ‘shutting off’ from the stimulation of my work day – a beauty hour in the evening where I indulge in a face mask, bath salts and essential oils, and a Sunday morning coffee with my husband and puppies (no phones allowed!). Top stress-busting fitness activities? I’m a huge advocate for walking and yoga. I find them super therapeutic and cathartic, and they’re great for my mental health. What are some small ways you like to show love to yourself? 1. Making time in my busy schedule every day for a sweaty workout or active rest day. 2. Nourishing my body with a nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner. 3. ‘Shutting off’ at 7pm each night to spend quality time with my husband and unwind. What is your fave personal development book? I’m obsessed with Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein. It’s a must-read for anyone embarking on a life-changing personal development journey.
Madalin Giorgetta Frodsham Founder ofWORK IT WITH MG madalingiorgetta.com // @madalingiorgetta
What are your favourite self-care rituals? I tend to listen to my body and ask myself what I need. It could be my weekly deep clean of the house, sweating it out at the gym with a full-body Work It with MG workout, inviting my girlfriends over for pasta and wine, spending time reflecting on my blessings and writing a gratitude list (I do this most nights with my boyfriend in bed, where we name three things we were grateful for that day) or my nighttime skincare routine. How do you like to relax? I love going hiking and walking with my partner. There’s nothing more relaxing for me than being in nature and soaking up the clean air, the birds singing and the smell of the woods. Your top stress-busting fitness activities? It really depends on how I’m feeling. I like to listen to my body to decide what activity I’m going to do when I get in the gym. If I’m feeling irritable and stressed, I love a heavy resistance workout that will make me feel powerful and strong. If my mind is feeling busy and overwhelmed, I love going for a run, as it helps to clear my mind. If I just need to take time to be present, I love hot yoga. What are some small ways you like to show love to yourself? Speaking to myself kindly. I can have a lot of negative selftalk and I like to remind myself that these thoughts are just that – thoughts. I try to be gentle with myself and talk to myself like I would a lover or a friend. Treating ourselves with kindness is the best way we can show love to ourselves.
The art of ritual
If you’re a newbie to the whole self-care scene, or you’re looking for additional goods to add to your lifestyle enhancement arsenal, then look no further.
Your favourite self-care rituals? Meditation is a must – moving my body in the morning is so important. It keeps me motivated, makes me happy and I feel as though I’m less reactive and I’m a better person for it. I write in a gratitude diary every night before I go to sleep, where I’ll reflect on the day and write down three things that I was grateful for that day. Your best mindful beauty hack? I jade roll my face and neck at night before I go to bed. I find it so therapeutic. Your top stress-busting fitness activities? Yoga and walking. I love high-intensity workouts, but when I’m stressed or anxious, they just make me feel worse. What advice can you give busy women when it comes to taking care of themselves? Schedule in your recovery time and ensure you’re organised. Every Sunday, I will write down every daily task in my diary – including workouts, massages, facials or time to myself. If I don’t write it down, I can’t commit. S
1. Li’Tya Kakadu Plum Vitality Cream Mask and Banksia Age Defying Serum, $139 (normally $173), litya.com 2. Wild Rosella Desert Salt Body Polish and Reharmonise Body Oil Blend, $69 (normally $102), litya.com 3. Salt by Hendrix Jade Roller, $39.95, saltbyhendrix.com 4. Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt Candle, $92, jomalone.com.au 5. La Mer The Treatment Lotion Hydrating Mask, $36, cremedelamer.com.au
Creating our own time-out rituals is crucial, especially during challenging times. Li’Tya is an Aussie hair, skin and beauty line whose products rejuvenate guests in luxury spas all over the world, so they know a thing or two about relaxation. “We use highly respected Australian Native Botanicals, which are blended by drawing on Aboriginal Advisory Board traditional wisdoms into formulas perfect for our lifestyle today,” says Anne Warren, Ya-idt’midtung Custodian of Traditional Knowledge and co-founder of Li’Tya. Here’s Warren’s go-to meditative experience you can create in your own bathroom: Ground yourself and take the time out you deserve with Yoodtkarng: spiritual protection.
1. Add two to four drops of Li’Tya Essential Oil into your bath or shower to soothe your senses. 2. Anoint yourself with a lush Li’Tya Active Native Ingredient Body Oil and then massage aromatic Desert Salt all over your body, soothing away dry, rough patches. 3. Apply the enzyme action Kakadu Plum Vitality Mask and slide into your bath or shower. Practise deep breathing. 4. Towel off. Apply two pumps of the Banksia Age Defying Serum and a little more Body Oil for a glowy sheen and fabulous aroma.