Who I am... C oop e r at i ve
A dve nt ur ous
A dap t ab l e
...what I like to do
0982-717-827 ...what I can do
L e ade r s hi p
A nal yt i c al
S N AI L P HON E / Cl i mb Cl i m b Cl i mb speaker l e t yo u Y OY O S P E A K ER / Amemory of childhood
product witch could S PEAKE R L A M P/ One combine speaker and lamp
TR E E BANK / Just Hangi n g your cl o th i n th e 鉛 千 (Chi a n - c h i a n ) /A great i d e a o f s h a p e r CIT Y LAM P/ A Ch al l enge Of Ma te ri a l
Snail Ph
Get back home
Your mobile phone is out of battery
Put your mobile phone in your snail phone for charging
If someone call you, just use your bluetooth phone “snailphone”
Cl i m b Climb Clim b
Snail Phone is a bluetooth phone. It’s diffirent from another traditional modeling. When you get back home It would be just like a cute little pet in your house.
I referenced modelings of natural element.
It’s combined with magnetic force
The answering bottom
Mobile phone could be charged with base
I made a poster to communicate my idea.
Yoyo speaker
YOY O SP E A KER A speaker makes you recall childhood
Wire of yoyospeaker is designed more thick for hanging on
l love toys, so i combine the concept of toy into my design
We are all carzy for yoyo ball in childhood. People always memory of happiness of childhood when they see yoyo ball.
It could be a cable winder to carry easierly.
Speaker Lamp
Sp e ake r La mp A product which combine speaker and lamp
It’s a ring shaped lamp We could play music which we like by speaker lamp.It could create any atmosphere which you want.
No matter what is today. It’s always your day.
I t’s th e pow e r source of speaker
A bluetooth speaker
Tree Bank
TR E E BANK Just Hanging on your cloth in the tree bank When you come home you could save change in tree bank.
P r oblem Sometimes we would found change in our pocket. It may be lost easily without noticing.
鉛 千 (Chi a n - c h i a n ) A g re at idea of shaper
Chan-chan is designed for a design competition of office souvenir. Top was named Chan-chan (千千) in the past time. l love toys, so i combine the concept of toy into my design.
How to play You could use the pen which too short be a handle and play this shaper.
City Lamp
C ity Lamp A C h a l lenge Of M at e r i al
We drink cups of coffee everyday
P rob l e m In the city, people always hold a cup of coffee. I wondered what can I do with coffee ground.
C o ffe e g ro u n d is pretty nutrient witch could do deodorization
New Life!
I was once a part-time clerk in 7-EVELEN. I almost make coffee all the time ,but coffee ground always being garbage even if it’s pretty useful. From that time on I consider the all posibilities of coffee ground.
Blending epoxy and coffee ground