S e c o n d
C h a n c e s ! Thinking of the past to build the future
Fernández, Alicia//García,Joaquín proyectos arquitectónicos 6//Iván Capdevila December 2014//Alicante
Phase 5. Hybridations. Frac
Phase 5. Hybridations. Frac
A corridor guides the user through a series of public spaces that are placed surronding the music hall taking advantage of the views of landscape
Phase 5. Hybridations. Bois le Pretre
Axonometry section E: 1/100
Phase 5. Hybridations. Bois le Pretre
Plan section E: 1/100
Phase 5. Hybridations. Bois le Pretre
Axonometry E: 1/100
Phase Phase1.1.Findings. Findings.Frac. FRAC
Phase 1. Findings. Bois le Pretre.
Phase 2. Reductions. Frac.
Phase 2. Reductions. Bois le Pretre.
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Models. Frac.
Models FRAC
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Models. Bois le Pretre.
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Floorplans. Frac.
Phase 3 & 4: there is a clear double space for two uses that interact with a contact relation.
Phase 5: uses are completely related as public and private spaces develope the first around the second one.
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Floorplans. Bois le Pretre.
Floorplans FASE 3, 4 and 5 E: 1/200
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Elevations. Frac.
The elevation in the different phases in any of the faces of the building does not change much because of the preservation purposes of the project.
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Elevations. Bois le Pretre.
Elevations FASE 3, 4 and 5 E: 1/200
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Sections. FRAC.
Phase 3: the complementary building grows remaining with the shape of the original building.
Phase 4: existing building remains in its originary shape and complementary building is reshaped to lodge a music hall.
Phase 5: the music takes advantage of a central space. Public spaces appear all around the auditorium.
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Sections. Bois le Pretre.
Sections FASE 3, 4 and 5 E: 1/200
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Axonometric drawings. Frac.
Phase 3: Museum + additional public space
Phase 4: Front faรงade is exploded to bring a new public space in front of the building. The museum turns into an auditorium, and the existing building remains the same.
Phase 5: a central auditorium is sourronded by a evolvilg public space.
Phase 3, 4, 5. Homogenizations, displacements and hybridations. Axonometric drawings. Bois le Pretre.
Axonometry FASE 3, 4 and 5 E: 1/200