Alidenoticias [september-october 2015] - English Special Edition

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Photograph of 45 Ordinary Meeting of ALIDE General Assembly, held in May, 2015, in Cancun, Mexico.

g “Competitiveness with financial inclusion” was the central topic in the XX Forum on Guarantees.

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ALIDE Assembly meets on October 8 in Lima to appoint the new Secretary General


inancial leaders, representatives of ALIDE member entities, will take part in the General Assembly Meeting, that will be held at the institutional headquarters in Lima, on October 8. On this occasion, the professional who will hold the top position at ALIDE General Secretariat will be appointed after it was duly summoned. As we remember, last February, in view of the unexpected demise of the Secretary General, Rommel Acevedo, Maria Soledad Barrera, president of ALIDE and of Corporación Financiera Nacional (CFN), from Ecuador, invited Ricardo Palma Valderrama, ALIDE special representative before international bodies and countries outside the region, to accept the executive responsibility of

OTHER ACTIVITIES u WFDFI BOARD OF GOVERNORS. On October 7, the Board of Governors of the World Federation of Development Financial Institutions (WFDFI) will meet at ALIDE headquarters in Lima. The board comprises the secretaries general of development banking associations of Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia - Pacific, Africa and Islamic countries. u BOARD MEETING. On October 8, ALIDE Board of Directors will also meet at ALIDE headquarters with the purpose of advancing the organization of the 2016 General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro. Additionally, the advances of ALIDE 20152016 working program will be

analyzed, as well as aspects of the Rommel Acevedo Latin American Development Banking Award. The call for this award will be open until February 29, 2016. u CONFERENCE: DEVELOPMENT BANKING IN THE 21ST CENTURY. On the same day, the International Conference on Development Banking in the 21st century will be held, organized by ALIDE and WFDFI, sponsored by the Development Financial Corporation (Cofide), from Peru. This meeting will analyze public policies and development banking in areas such as infrastructure, investments, climatic change, the productive sector, international trade.

the association, as Secretary General a.i. until the new representative of the institution was appointed. This encounter in October will coincide with the Annual Meeting of the Governors of the World Bank/IMF, which will also be held in Lima from October 5 to 12. For this reason, together with the World Federation of Development Financial Institutions (WFDFI), and the regional associations such as the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), the African Association of Development Finance Institutions (AADFI), and the Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank (ADFIMI), ALIDE has organized other activities (see enclosed chart).


Annual Meetings of the World Bank and IMF 2015 in Lima u The Annual Meetings come back to Latin America after 48 years; the last one was held in Brazil in 1967. On October 5 to 12, Lima will be the economic capital of the world when hosting the Board of Governors Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International

Monetary Fund (IMF), which will analyze the world economy perspectives, the evolution of finances, investments, business and financial markets, the critical aspects of development and the fight against poverty. The meetings will gather some 20 thousand delegates, including Ministers of

Finance, and the presidents of central banks from 190 countries, officials from multilateral bodies, cooperation and development agencies, top business executives, investors. ALIDE, as an international body, has designated a delegation to participate in these important meetings.





XX Forum on Guarantees: the central topic was “Competitiveness with financial inclusion”


ith the presence of more than 300 representatives from financial and guarantee institutions from 19 countries in Latin America, Asia and Europe, the XX Ibero-American Forum on Guarantees and Financing Systems for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, was held in Lima, Peru. This forum was organized jointly by the Guarantee Fund for Loans to Small Industries | (FOGAPI), from Peru, and the Ibero

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American Guarantee Network (REGAR), with the support of several institutions, one of which is ALIDE. The central topic of this event was “Competitiveness with Financial inclusion”. It was held on September 24 and 25, with la participation of executives, officials and representatives of the banking system and the productive sector. ALIDE Secretary General a.i., Ricardo Palma, as well of the Head of Training and Cooperation, Jorge

Montesinos, participated representing the association in the central tables and the panels developed. ALIDE economists, Romy Calderón and Javier Carbajal also attended the forum. ALIDE has participated since REGAR started, in 1996, in the organization of the Ibero-American Forum on Guarantees and Financing for SMEs. The purpose of the forum is to share experiences, exchange information, define strategies and look for solutions to help

micro and SMEs, specially helping them to have a better access to financing and public procurement in better conditions, through guarantee systems. Some of the most important topics addressed are competitiveness as a key factor for economic development, the role of the State in financial inclusion, vision, perspectives and challenges of guarantee systems, initiatives, best practices, and studies on Ibero-American guarantee systems during 2014 and 2015.

[1] Ricardo Palma, during the opening of the forum. [2 and 3] Pablo Pombo, Technical Secretary of Regar and Rafael Gamboa , CEO of Fira, [4] During the meeting, ​ a heartfelt tribute to the former Secretary General of ALIDE (20002015), Rommel Acevedo, died in January of this year, was made. Inés Farfan, Rommel wife, and their two sons attended.


RED 2015

u Jorge Montesinos, head of ALIDE Training and Cooperation program, participated in the presentation of the 2015 Economy and Development Report (RED), organized by CAF-Latin American Development Bank America and Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Peru, September4, 2015.

Road to Lima

u Ricardo Palma, ALIDE Secretary General a.i., attended, on September 17, in Lima, the International Conference and the presentation of the book “Perú: manteniéndose in el camino del éxito económico” (Peru: Staying the Course of Economic Success), within the framework of Road to Lima, the preparatory initiative for the Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors of World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), that will be held in October of this year in the capital city of Peru.

Forum on sustainable finances

u Eduardo Vásquez, head of ALIDE Institutional Relations Program and Ricardo Palma Valderrama, ALIDE Secretary General a.i., participated in the International Forum on Sustainable Finances, organized by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund of Peru (SBS) and the International Financing Corporation, Lima, Peru, September 16, 2015.

Cica in Chile

ALIDE collaborated in organizing the international seminar: “Financial inclusion: driver force of development, best practices in microfinances”, carried out in Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 15, organized by Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Bapro) and its subsidiary

specialized in microfinances, Provincia Microempresas (Promesa). Speakers from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Spain shared their experiences in the seminar. The keynote conference was in charge of Romy Calderón, ALIDE head economist.

u Romy Calderón, head of ALIDE Studies and Information Program, was a speaker at the Annual Conference of the International Confederation for Agricultural Credit (CICA), Santiago de Chile, September 20 to 23, 2015.

Human Relations Strategic Management HH

APPOINTMENTS u Econ. Juan Carlos Corrales Salas, general manager of Banco Nacional de Costa Rica (BNCR), Costa Rica.

Financial Inclusion in Microfinances

u Lic. Carlos Noé Ramírez, Executive President of Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (Banadesa), Honduras.

On September 8 to 11, in Quito, Ecuador, the International Certification Program in Human Relations Strategic Management took place. This was organized by ALIDE together with Alfredo

Paredes & Asociados Cía. Ltda., from Ecuador, with the participation of human relations and managers from Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Paraguay and Peru.


u Giorgio Trettenero, Secretary General of FELABAN, visited ALIDE General Secretariat on September 17, 2015. [1] u Mr. Julio Huo, Commissioner for International Cooperation, Mr. Enzo Fan, Assistant to Commissioner for

International Cooperation, and Mr. Li Bin, Project Manager of the China Development Bank, visited ALIDE headquarters on September 22, 2015. u Javier Rodríguez, head of ALIDE Technical Assistance, met in Paraguay with Carlos Alberto Pereira, president of Banco Nacional de Fomento (BNF), on August 31, as well as with Olimpo Quiroga, head of BNF Recoveries Direction, and José Maciel, president of the Development Financial Agency (AFD). u Eduardo Vásquez,head of ALIDE Institutional Relations, met in Brazil with Leonardo Botelho, head of the Fundraising and International Institutional Relations, of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Económico

e Social (BNDES), in the preparatory visit for 2016 ALIDE 46 General. Additionally, on September 22, he met with Alice Pessoa de Abreu, head of International Cooperation Coordination (CINT), to discuss about the participation of Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP) in ALIDE activities and programs. u Romy Calderón, head of ALIDE Economic Studies and Information met in Chile with Octavio Sotomayor, national director, and Luis Alfaro, head of Financial Assistance of the Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Indap); Luis Felipe Oliva, Investment and Financial Manager at Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Corfo), Daniel Titelman, director of the


Economic Development Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and Carlos Martabit, Finance General Manager, as well as with other officials from BancoEstado. u Néstor Pata, Operations and Managerial coordination of the Buenos Aires Guarantee Fund (FOGABA), visited ALIDE General Secretariat on September 22, 2015. [2]

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Banco del Chubut, Argentina, 56 years.

12 Banco de Crédito y Comercio (Bandec), Cuba, 18 years.

27 Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Indap), Chile, 53 years.


Crédito Hipotecario Nacional, Guatemala, 86 years.


Corporación Nacional para el Desarrollo (CND), Uruguay, 30 years.

ALIDE keeps showing the quality of its management


LIDE successfully passed the annual evaluation of SGSSystem & Services Certification. This certification company granted ALIDE Quality Management System the ISO 9001:2008 certification, according to the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accreditation scheme. The scope of the system includes ALIDE process aimed at providing products and services to development


financial entities, by means of studies and information, training, promotion of projects and businesses, advisory and technical assistance, and institutional relations, all of which are supported with financial administration and control, planning and communication systems. This results shows that ALIDE maintains its goal of modernizing and strengthening in favor of their member entities.

Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE), 55 years.

16 KFW, Germany, 67 years. 21

Crédito Agrícola de Habilitación (CAH), Paraguay, 72 years.

Knowledge management The II Seminar on Information and Knowledge of the ALIDE Network in Brazil (Rialide-BR) was held in de Janeiro. In this seminar information and knowledge management practices were shared. The network is coordinated by the Latin American association, while the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) is in charge of the coordination among ALIDE member institutions in Brazil.

Workshop in Paraguay With 50 participants, on September 1 and 2, the Workshop “Structured Operations and Project Financing in Banking” has carried out in Asuncion, Paraguay, organized by ALIDE and Agencia Financiera de Desarrollo (AFD).


Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), 56 years.


Fideicomisos Instituidos en Relación con la Agricultura (FIRA)-Banco de Mexico, 61 years.


Curso a distancia: “Strategic Management of Human Resources by Competences” Virtual classroom | E-learning ALIDE


International Seminar Workshop: “Auditing, internal control and risks in banks and financial institutions” Montevideo, Uruguay | ALIDE/BROU


Internship: “Comprehensive Management of Credits and Subsidies to Housing” Lima, Perú | ALIDE/Fondo MiVivienda


In House Course-Workshop: “Advance Models of Credit Risks: Analysis of Concentration and Notions of Scoring” Asunción, Paraguay | ALIDE / BNF


Meeting: “Insurance and Catastrophic Risks and Hedging Instruments in the Agricultural Sector” Lima, Perú | ALIDE/FAO


International Seminar Workshop: “Institutional compliance in Banks and Financial Institutions” San Salvador, El Salvador | ALIDE/BANDESAL


Distance Course: “Portfolio Recovery in Banks and Financial Institutions” Virtual classroom | E-learning ALIDE


International Seminar Workshop: “Market and Liquidity Risk as a Managerial Tool in Banking” Tegucigalpa, Honduras | ALIDE / BCIE


International Seminar Workshop: “High Yield Management for Heads of Agencies or Branches for Micro financing Entities” Lima, Perú | ALIDE / INDE AlideNoticias - Bimonthly bulletin of the Latin American Association of Development Financial Institutions (ALIDE) / SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2015 EDITING AND DIAGRAMMING: Corporate Communication Unit. Published by ALIDE, Paseo de la República 3211, Lima 27, Perú. (511) 4422400. Fax: (511) 4428105 | E-mail: | Web: | Legal Deposit 2011-05060

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ALIDE has ISO 9001 certification

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