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JULY, 2013

ALIDE 43 requested more trade and investment in LAC

The governor of Mendoza, Francisco Pérez (at the center), attended the meeting in the inaugural session

The 43 ordinary meeting of ALIDE General Assembly finished successfully in Mendoza (Argentina) thanks to the support of Argentinean Banks members of ALIDE, led by Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior (BICE). The governor of Mendoza, Francisco Pérez, attended the meeting. The central topic: “Development banking and the financing of trade and regional investment”, was in charge of Dr. Aldo Ferrer, Ambassador of Argentina in France and CEPAL financing for development director, Daniel Titelman. It was pointed out in the meeting that the circumstances Latin America and the Caribbean are going through in terms of econo-

mic growth give the opportunity of staring deliberate actions leading to a productive diversification, to the development de knowledge-intensive industries, to the production of goods with added value, to promote innovation and techno-logical development. It was also mentioned that the regional market is strategic for Latin America and the Caribbean, as it is an export market with added value, where in average 52% of intraregional trade are manufactures, while in the rest of the world it is less than 20%. Because of its importance of development banking as a source of financing

development in the region, it is meant to have a leading role. Moderate estimates show that its financing portfolio is equivalent to 33 times the financing portfolio of all the regional financing bodies put together. This indicates that it is a key actor for development in the region, and that if trade and regional investment are to be promoted jointly, its participation is crucial, more so when assuming risks that other financial intermediaries are not ready to face. More information at http://www.alide.org/ np2013_04_alide43_ponencias asp




“It is imperative to increase saving levels and channel them towards investment” Development financial institutions (DFI) gathered at the 43 meeting of ALIDE General Assembly declared to be aware that in spite of the good performance of Latin American economies in the last two decades, it is imperative to increase the level of savings and channel them towards investment, to achieve a wider productive diversification, to develop knowledge-based industries and production with added value, foster innovation and technological development and promote intraregional trade, among others aspects.

insertion in the intra-regional trade flows”. On the other hand, they committed to promote industrialization through medium- and long-term financing for investments in projects giving priority to the modernization of the productive system, competitiveness, the protection of the environment and a higher added value. The financial executives also expressed that they would promote strategic alliances aimed at mobilizing resources to attend the needs of the companies in each phase of their development, in order to facilitate their growth and internationalization.

In the “Declaration of Mendoza” (a document that takes the name of the city at the end of each General Assembly meeting), the participants also declared to be in favor of “facilitating the access to financing for They added that they would small and medium exporting continue supporting the regions enterprises, or with exporting within each country, as many of potential, in order to favor their them are becoming (or have the

potential to become) important poles of development, due to the incorporation of state-ofthe-art technologies. Finally, they emphasized that they would continue promoting the implementation of “new financial instruments and mechanisms to facilitate the financing of intra-regional trade through direct relationships between national DFI and los multilateral financial bodies”. “We commit to continue analyzing Latin American problems and worries, as well as to keep looking for solutions and proposals to face them, especially today as DFI have an important role in financing productive and social sectors”, the financial leaders expressed.




“The great challenge in the region is to growth at higher rates” Latin America may continue growing and at higher rates, in spite of “the problems menacing the world, such as military conflicts with unpredictable consequences”, expressed ALIDE President, Fernando Calloia, during the opening of the 43° Annual Assembly carried out in Mendoza, Argentina. “Can the region growth any further? Definitively. Is there a lot to be done in the social field? The answer is also affirmative, as there are still 100 million people in a situation of poverty” said Calloia, also president of Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay

(BROU). For the Uruguayan banker, “the great challenge in the region is not only to grow, but do so at higher rates”, for this purpose, he warned, it is necessary to increase investment in infrastructure from 3% to 5% of the GNP, to improve the quality of education, increase productivity and domestic savings. Therefore, it is necessary to have a better regional integration with better flows of trade and investment among Latin American countries, added Calloia.

Financial entities from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Peru were presented with ALI2013 Awards Five development financial institutions (DFI) from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Peru, were presented with ALI2013 Awards to Best Practices. This awarding was public during the 43 Meeting of ALIDE General Assembly, carried out in Mendoza (Argentina). Twenty-five proposals from 14 DFIs participated in the contest, but the awards were presented to the following initiatives: In the Financial Products category, “Factoraje Internacional de Exportación e Importación” (International Export and Import Factoring), from Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior S.N.C, de Mexico (Bancomext).

Empresas (MAE)”, from Banco Nacional de Desenvol- viento Econômico y Social (BNDES), Brazil.

In the Technological Management and Modernization category, “Estrategia de Comunicación Digital” (Digital Communication Strategy), from Nacional Financiera (Nafinsa), Mexico; and “Metodologia de Avaliação de

In the Information, Technical Assistance and Social Responsibility category, the program Ciudades Sostenibles and Competitivas (Sustainable and Competitive Cities), from

Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial (Findeter), Colombia. And finally in the Alide Green category, the Cofigas program, from Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo S.A., (Cofide) Peru.



BROU was elected as the “Outstanding DFI of the Year” Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay (BROU) was elected as the “Outstanding Development Financial Institution of the Year” during the most recent ALIDE General Assembly carried out in Mendoza (Argentina) on April 25 and 26. The Uruguayan bank has 117 years of existence, and operates as a retail bank. It has been the most important bank in Uruguay for many years. Its assets amount to about US$ 13,488 and deposits, with a market share million. of 40% and 47.5% respectively. Besides, it is the largest financing Among the most outstanding featu- agent in the industry, agriculture, res which deserved BROU this and the consumption of the acknowledgment, we can mention population. Between 2005 and that this is the biggest bank in 2011, it almost doubled its amount Uruguay, as it represents 50% of the of customers, increased its deposits financial system. It is also the first in US$ 5,000 million and bank in the Uruguayan financial contributed to the State some US$ system measured in terms of loans 900 million.

The bank has a wide network of branches (135) that attend sectors that are located in the most remote areas in the country, besides three branches abroad and 480 self-service terminals. In 2011, it launched República Microfinanzas, to offer financial services to the smallest companies.

A glance at the financing of agriculture and the rural sector To follow, we put forward some precise ideas that emerged at the meeting ALIDE Technical Committee for Financing Agriculture and the Rural Sector, that took place at ALIDE 43 Assembly, on April 26, 2013.

In particular, it was intended to reply to questions such as: how do development banks participate in productive chains: articulator, financier, guarantee provider, facilitating market opportunities, any other? Compared to other financing schemes, how good have the results been to the bank and to producers? Which productive chains have worked better: those related to nationnal markets or those related to international markets? Which are the main problems or difficulties that restrict the expansion of the international productive chains models? What is the most important thing to do to enable more and more rural producers to enter international markets through the productive chains?

The objective of the meeting was to analyze and exchange experiences about programs and initiatives developed by development financial institutions to integrate the producers in the rural sector in the productive, or value, chains to the national and international trade, particularly in the regional area, participating in the provision of financial and nonfinancial services according to their needs, taking into account that the attention to this sector must have an integral approach, where financing is only part of the needs of rural producers, and that is has to be complemented with a variety of supports Additionally, ALIDE work and services provided by other spheres of the public or private program for the agricultural sector. and rural sector was

presented, and the institutions were invited to propose activities to favor a better inter institutional cooperation within ALIDE framework, through studies, seminars, advisories, missions, internships, and the exchange and dissemination of information oriented at making the best use of experiences in financing and development of the agricultural and rural sector. In the meeting, a wider debate and exchange of opinions and proposals was promoted on proposes topics dealing with financing the agricultural and rural development. The following is the result of such ideas and experiences: - The attributions of development banks to work with agricultural producers in


productive chains are sometimes defined in their Act of Incorporation, or in later legislation, that entrust them explicitly to operate with this organization models. In other cases, the policy and the mission of leading the formation of productive chains lie under the responsibility of ministries or secretaries of agriculture, and the development bank adheres to them contributing with the financing if necessary. It would be ideal if ministries or secretaries of agriculture could work jointly with the other stakeholders, among which stand development banks. A third scenario would be when there are not provisions about it and the development bank takes it up to support the productive chains of a few products (for example: cafĂŠ, meat, fodder).


they do almost everything except the administration that is left in the hands of the operator of the chain. The problem here is that they limit the action and scope of the bank, as it needs to have more staff, a difficulty that worsens if it is a wholesale bank. In some experiences of this kind, when the bank selected the operator, instead of doing it together with the producers or customers, some conflicts arose due to the little understanding between them. To overcome these inconveniences, the existence of supply of business operators is of great help. Their pay would be part of the credit contract granted by the bank.

- A second form of involvement would be as promoter for its structure and guarantor of the - The degree of involvement the commitments adopted by those development bank in the producti- who are part of the productive ve chains is also different among chain. A third form would be adinstitutions. It ranges up to those hering to the initiatives prothat identify, structure, finance, moted by other governmental or choose the operator, act as guaprivate entities, as supplier of rantor to ensure that the obligafinancing, guarantees or technitions are honored, that is to say, cal assistance, through specific

programs created with that purpose or attending them with the programs already in operation in the bank, such as financial programs for the corporate purchase of inputs to ensure quality and lower prices; programs to install technical irrigation or purchase of machinery. - A common mistake is to call productive chain any form of association of producers. Another one would be thinking that any product can be eligible for becoming a productive chain or that they are good regardless of the nature of the market or the target product of a chain. For example, in Peru, it is very complicated to operate productive chains for rice and cotton due to the oversupply of mills and cotton gins, which damages the market and makes it difficult to control. - The buyers, generally big companies, offer no financing to producers, they can sometimes become a vehicle through which financing can be channeled.


through which financing can be channeled. They generally participate in the promotion of the productive chain; they ensure the purchase of the production at a given price and offer technical assistance. This last point is of great interest to the companies, especially if the production is for export, as it guarantees the volume of planned production, a quality and standardized product and the timely delivery.


financing. Sometimes, maybe all producers or members of the chain may need financing but sometimes they do not. Therefore, it is necessary to be selective when granting financing. On the other hand, the interest of some producers to be part of a productive chain does not mean they are interested in having access to the credit.

- The experiences of productive chains that failed were generally a result of producers that resorted to partnership with the sole and only purpose of having access to credit, and they after some months, around six, they ended the partnership. Consequently, financing should not be the reason for the partnership, but rather the common interest of selling the production and buying - Partnerships are key to channel inputs or services, and other financial and non-financial services reasons. To avoid this, in Colombia, towards small agricultural and rural for example, harder conditions were producers, but difficult to achieve. imposed for the operator: (1) to be a Productive chains are partnerlarger operator and with the obligaships in themselves, when the tion of providing technical assistance group of producers buy inputs jointly and technological transference; (2) from a supplier or sell the production to promote the projects, to summon jointly to a buyer with a greater and to make it possible for producers capacity for negotiation, and that to get the certifications requested in manage commercialization channels the markets; (3) operators were and market information. Additionally it requested guarantees, so that they is a partnership when they receive would have the incentives to help money from the bank as a group, the producers; and, (4) to transfer where the guarantee depends upon experiences from successful and compliance of the delivery of the failed models. production to the purchasing com- The fact that productive chains pany, so that in turn this company models also fail does not mean that withholds the corresponding amount the model is bad in itself, as it is part to pay the credit. of the learning process. What is clear is that financing alone does not - It is complicated to structure a productive chain because although we guarantee the operation of a know where they start it is difficult to productive chain, but it help other know for sure where they end. In components to work, and better. Colombia, the Financing Fund for the Likewise, not all productive chains Agricultural Sector (Finagro), focuses are beneficial. Some of them generate restrictions for the producer to on the producer and in the next link reach superior stages, for example that may be the export or the from producer to sellers (to grow to transformation of the product, and that is more focused on the long-term other links in the chain). credit for small producers or operators in preferential conditions. On the other - Productive chains models are a very useful mechanism for hand, it is common to think that the development banks in their objecwhole productive chain needs to be tive to facilitate the access of small financed, which is not quite true, producers to credit as they reduce because not everybody in it need

the risk by improving quality, guarantee the market for production, improve income, and credit repayment is achieved more safely as the part of the payment corresponding to the credit is withdrawn at the point of sale. - The operators of productive chains need to have incentives to be successful; otherwise they would do nothing more than receiving the corresponding payment if this is guaranteed beforehand. In Honduras, the Coffee National Institute provides technical assistance and promotes coffee exports, and receives a percentage of the sales. Therefore they have the incentive to promote the improvement of the quality of coffee and productivity, because as the quality and productivity increase, so the production and the sales do, and consequently the income they receive also increases. - It is not possible to constitute productive chains for all agricultural products; it depends on the product, of the market structure, on the legislation and on other aspects. In many cases, the lack of loyalty in the commercialization or of producers that fail to comply with their commitments to deliver production, increase risks and prevent withholding the credit repayment. For example, in the case of rice, if there is a wide supply of mills, producers may easily take their production to any mill and then sell the product outside the chain. To overcome these problems, Panama is looking for a legal mechanism to enforce compliance of all the obligations entered by all the participants of the chain. This is opposed by stakeholders that profit from the current situation.



Towards mutual financing mechanisms Within the 43th ALIDE's General Meeting, the ALIDE's Technical Committee of Business and Investments met to define a framework agreement of technical and financial cooperation between national banks of development in order to promote international trade and businesses, as well as to favour the grants of reciprocal guarantees and financing lines. Details as follows. The meeting, chaired by Mauro Alem, president of the Committee and the Banco de Inversiรณn y Comercio Exterior (BICE) of Argentina also had other objectives such as analyse the exchange of business training platforms and methodologies to export and successfully close an international deal.

of Peru, Alfonso Zรกrate, proposed an initiative to create a Liquidity Latin-American Fund to be used as a financial resources fund to foster the intra-regional trade. It may start with US$ 200 million in order to make it possible the leverage of more resources, in the future.

progressively developing and expanding an, that eventually they may fund up to capital trading. It was stated that to use the Fund resources cooperation from the Corporaciรณn Andina de Fomento (CAF) may be invited/ requested. Likewise, to carry out the required studies by Alide/Cepal sufficient nonrefundable contributions should be provided by the interested national banks of development that would materialize the development of the proposal, the design of new instruments and the definition of a strategy of the banks of development among them and with CAF.

Daniel Titelman, Director of the Development Financing Division of Cepal talked about the need to differenOne of the topics that stood tiate the risks inherent the up during the meeting was payment balance (central the limited intra-regional banks and Fondo Latinoatrade in Latin America and mericano de Reservas, to need to increase it consiFLAR) from the mainly tradering goods with a higher added Dr. Zรกrate pointed out that this ding risks (national banks of devalue; to the limited current use of Fund may be established within velopment and new financial the framework of the banks of the ALADI system for reciprocal instruments); and he ratified development members of ALIDE the will of Cepal to provide payments and credits and how convenient it is to use it more; to with its 45 years of existence, as technical and institutional supthe importance that multinational a trust-building mechanism to port to the proposal. be used as grounds to handle agreements be adopted between financial risks (independent from During the meeting it was ackthe banks of development within the region and bilateral agrements current payment systems); and nowledged that the Liquidity he highlighted that ALIDE with among them. Latin-American Fund would be the joint technical participation an entity to facilitate liquidity from CEPAL may draft the speci- and that commercial risk admiOn the other hand, it was noted fic creation proposal. nistration would have to chanthat the granting of reciprocal lines had been developed among nelize through bilateral agreeCofide chairman stated that be- ments between national banks some national banks of development within the region. This allows sides the banks of development of development. This will facilireducing the use of foreign curren- other non-banking financial enti- tate the analysis of these risks cy and the growing use of domes- ties may be interested in partici- with the policies and filters of pating and that with operational each bank. The operational bactic currency. independence from central kup that may be agreed upon banks, they may fund smaller with the CAF will be a credit enThe chairman of the Corporaciรณn lines for short terms, in the behancement of these bilateral Financiera de Desarrollo (Cofide) ginning, and that this would be agreements.



This intra-regional agreement process shall be done step by step to guarantee the reciprocal inter-institutional knowledge

assessing the commercial risks and looking for the reduction of operative costs, considering that among countries there are

different risk levels which can be imply differentiated "pricings".

MAIN AGREEMENTS AND ACTIONS • To continue entering into bilateral agreements and granting reciprocal credit lines between •

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national banks of development of Latin America in order to start expanding the regional network of these agreements. All of them shall be reported to the General Secretariat of ALIDE. To create within the Technical Committee of Business and Investments of ALIDE a working group with the managers from commercial areas, international business and risk (GTGACR) from the national banks of development. This may be aimed at the Committee work in both the internal and external environment. To strengthen on ALIDE's website the section on the Technical Committee of Business and Investments where the current documents and reports should be uploaded to and, when suitable, the new studies and reports to be drafted. To entrust the president of Cofide, Alfonso Zárate, with the leadership of the relationship with CAF in these topics in order to obtain their cooperation. Alide will invite the banks member of the Technical Committee are any other interested party to significatively contribute to a special fund of resources. This may allow moving forward in the studies and proposals that need the materialization of initiatives aimed at promoting and funding business and investment related to the intra-regional trade, run the section of the Technical Committee on ALIDE's Website, etc. Schedule a video-conference call among the members of the board and other entities willing to participate. Consider a future meeting of the Committee for the second semester in 2013

We need to set the basis for a sustainable banking banking and the funding of sustainable investments" responded to the need of increasing green investments that require moving towards lowcarbon economies in the region. The banks of development may play a major role in this matter, not only by mainly funding investments as an instrument of environmental public policies but During the Alide Environmental also fostering the participation of Committee meeting one of the the private sector by the main conclusions was the need to contribution of Development set the basis to consolidate financial institutions (DFI) sustainable financial projects. towards the green business During the meeting, criteria to market to make it viable a further develop the sustainable investments path. environmental sustainability When addressing the problem, aspect in banking, as well as its one of the main aspects to be participation in the international considered is to start with the climate funding schemes were simple aspects and then escalate reviewed. The alliance with upward. specialized international entities such as UNEP-FI and the InterBased on the experience with the American Development Bank Financiera del Desarrollo (IADB) on these matters. (Findeter) of Colombia, its The meeting topic: "Development process considered three criteria:

Alide's Technical Committee for the Environmental and Climate Funding analysed at Mendoza the progress of the development banking regarding sustainable investment funding. The meeting was held within the framework of the 43th General Assembly.

the first was to set the internal eco-efficiency concept through the measurement of its carbon footprint; and the second and closely related to its credit activity consists in posing the question: how can I make other's funding to properly consider the environmental and social risks of the activities I support? According to this, training activities and products such as guidelines and internal manuals are developed; as soon as I have measured my ecoefficiency (and taken positive steps to improve it), as well as developed standards to manage environmental and social risks within my business I may start seeking for green business opportunities and this is the thirds step: opportunities arising, many of them, from the identification of environmental and social risks within my activities.


PAGE 9 Meeting of ALIDE Environment Committee

The message for DFIs is then to first set the basis as a sustainable banking. This will provide the experience and strength to then enter into the prospection of green business and their funding. An Alide's ally that helps the financial institutions to set their basis is UNEP-FI (the financial initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme) which intends to identify the best sustainable practices and promote their integration at all level of the operations within financial institutions. In Latin America, their training activities are more visible for the Analysis of Environmental and Social Risks (ARAS) aimed at setting a management system for these risks within the financial institutions. UNEP-FI and ALIDE has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to promote sustainability in banking and several banks of development have adhered to this initiative. Another challenge for the development banking now

regarding its participation in funding to fight against the climate change is the role of these institutions to become intermediaries of the available international climate funding resources (funds) to lever the private funding for projects that mitigate climate change at local credit markets.

to development banks in the funding to mitigate the climate change" addressing several critical aspects of this participation within regional workshops.

The next workshop will be held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia on October 17 and 18, 2013, locally organized by Findeter and it will analyse "The role of guarantees in the The Graphic shows, as an indication, the funds architecture at structuring of environmental and climate funding: good practices an international level and their drilling down towards national in the development of risk levels in receiving countries to be transference instruments for green investments". applied through national implementing entities or to become part of the national climate During this knowledge transfer funds. to the bank of development The idea is to have the DFIs involved as part of the architectture at a national level together with the agencies specialized in the distribution and leverage of these resources together with the privet sector. For this, the strengthening of capabilities related to this mediation is required. The IBD with the cooperation from Alide has executed the program" support

important relations with consultancy and technical assistance institutions have been created. These institutions are specialized in climate and environmental issues, such as Eco Ressources www.ecoressources.com that presented to the Committee its solutions to design policies and strategies regarding sustainability and climate.



MEETINGS V Meeting of Credit Institutions specialized in Medium- and Long-Term from Latin America and Europe ALIDE and the Spanish Official Credit Institute organize the “V Meeting of Credit Institutions specialized in Medium- and LongTerm from Latin America and Europe”, in Madrid, Spain, on November 11 and 12, 2013.

credit institutions specializing in medium- and long-term and Latin American banks and development financial institutions, oriented at supporting the economic and commercial integration of the two regions through the financing and The objective of this encounter is promo-tion of joint businesses to promote more financial and and investments, the support to technical integration and internationalization of small and cooperation among European

medium enterprises, and the mobilization of financial resources for the development de Latin America. Additionally, the meeting represents a space for sharing information and experiences on the action and good practices among financial institutions of the two regions. More information at: mzamora@alide.org

Fourth World Conference on Agricultural and Rural Financing El Fourth World Conference on Agricultural and Rural Financing, organized by Crédit Agricole S.A., France and CICAConfederación Interna-cional de Crédito Agrícola, with the collaboration of: African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA), our Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE), Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA), and Near East-North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association (NENARACA). It will take place at

the Hotel Le Méridien Etoile Convention Center, in Paris, France, from September 26 to 28, 2013. The Conference will gather the main financing institutions worldwide dealing with the agricultural and rural financing and rural microfinances with the main objective of promoting agriculture and development activities in the rural areas. The meeting provides the participants with a real opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences, share good

international practices and promote international and interregional cooperation actions in the topics it addresses. For more information about the Preliminary Program, Registration Form and further information, see: http://www.alide.org/act13_09_ sem_cica.asp

Program for Development Bankers of the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) - 2013 The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), member of ALIDE, will organize the el Program for Development Bankers (2013 Training and Information Sharing Program for Development Banks), from September 23 to 25, 2013, at the institutional headquarters of the bank in Montreal, Canada.

Given the success obtained by the programs offered in previous years, the BDC repeats in 2013 this important event with the purpose of sharing its expertise as the development banking for small business in Canada, and also to share information and experiences with

the participating development banking institutions worldwide. More information at: http://www.alide.org/act13_09_ sem_bdc.asp



XVIII Ibero American Forum on Guarantee Systems and Financing The Brazilian Service for Support of Micro and Small Enterprise (SEBRAE), together with the Ibero-American Guarantee Network (REGAR), organize the XVIII Ibero American Forum on Guarantee Systems and Financing for Micro and Small Businesses that will take place on September 25 and 27, 2013 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The central topic is: National Systems of Guarantee – Challenges and Perspectives.

as the Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE), the Latin American and the Caribbean Economic System (SELA), IBERAVAL, SGR, Sociedad de Inversión SA SPGM and the local counterparts that organize the forum every year.

This Forum gathers around 400 participants from 20 Ibero American countries to share The Ibero American Forum on experiences, exchange Guarantee Systems and information, define strategies Financing for Micro and Small and procure solutions to help Businesses has consolidated as micro, small and medium the main event on Ibero enterprises to be more and more American guarantee systems. It competitive and prepared to face has been taking place without future challenges, with a special interruption since 1996 with the reference to facilitating access to support of regional entities, such financing and to public

bids/contracting in the best conditions through guarantee systems. This event is destined to managers, administrators, directives, representatives and experts. The preliminary program, the registration form, accommodation options, and other relevant information about this event, are available at: www.redegarantias.com; http://foroiberoamericano.redeg arantias.com/

ALIDE new members ALIDE welcome the incorporation of the following members:

- Banco Produzcamos, from Nicaragua, active member since March. Its president is Orestes Romero Rojas. Web: www.bfp.com.ni

- Agencia de Desenvolvimento do State do Ceará (Adece), active member since April. Its president is Roberto Smith, ALIDE former president. Web: www.adece.ce.gov.br

- The Superintendence of Banking Institutions (Sudeban), collaborating member since February. Edgar Hernández Behrens is the Superintendent. Web: www.sudeban.gob.ve

ALIDE 2013 Report This Report informs about the several services provided by the Association in 2012, regarding the organization of forums and technical meetings, training, studies carried out, information services, business promotion, technical assistance, internships and advisories, as well as the consultancy services performed. The Association audited financial statements are also included.

Development Banking and Financing for Trade and Investment This document was prepared for ALIDE 43Âş Annual Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly carried out in Mendoza, Argentina, on April 25 and 26, 2103. The documents contain seven chapters: the first deals with the evolution and situation of the international context; the second with Latin America and its participation in international trade; the third review the monetary and financial mechanisms to facilitate intra-regional trade; the fourth deals with regional financial institutions supporting trade and investment; the fifth refers to cooperation and financing of extra

regional development banking in Latin America; the sixth focuses on business relationships, financing and technical cooperation among development financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as on modalities, mechanisms and instruments The last chapter tries to explain, in the way of conclusions, the reason why businesses and a greater cooperation among development financial institutions should be promoted. To see document click here. http://www.slideshare.net/slides how/embed_code/20748777

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Also take note of our new email

ALIDE Headquarters: Headquarters: Paseo de la RepĂşblica 3211, San Isidro, Lima 27, PerĂş. PO Box 3988 - Lima 100

Phones: (51-1) 442-2400 | Fax: (51-1) 442-8105 | Email: jcarbajal@alide.org

If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, you can do it contacting us to: cugarte@alide.org If you do not want to receive this bulletin please send "unsuscribe" to the e-mail jcarbajal@alide.org. Thank you.

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