7 essential strategies for converting your Pinterest traffic into leads for your business!

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February 15th, 2013

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com

7 essential strategies for converting your Pinterest traffic into leads for your business! 7 essential strategies for converting your Pinterest traffic into leads for your business!

In this article you are going to learn how to master turning the traffic that you have generated to your Pinterest content into a steady flow of leads for your home based business‌ Create a minimum of one original eye catching image for each of your blog posts The age old saying that a picture tells a thousand words is the true marketing power behind Pinterest. As I highlighted in my previous article, with your Pinterest marketing your focus should be on defining how your products or services fit into the lifestyles of your target audience Write a message on top of each of your images As I have already mentioned, Pinterest is a very visually focused social network and therefore, most people will not view your image description unless they click on it first. So writing a message on to each of your images, will allow you to get your message across to them without the need for them to even click on your image first.

If you have been following my internet marketing tips for Pinterest series of articles, at this stage I am assuming you have taken action on my last articles and learned these basics: You understand the benefits of Pinterest to your business, have set up your profile and learned how it works, if not start here You now know that your success in using Pinterest to generate traffic for your business will completely depend on how good you become at creating eye catching, visual content that motivates, touches emotions or inspires people’s imaginations Once you have the creative content you then need to learn these 7 simple tips to maxamise the traffic to your Pinterest content

If you write a catchy message that grabs their attention, you could increase your traffic ten fold. Always include your logo or website name on each of your images If your images become viral or even shared a few times, having your company logo or website name on the image is an extra opportunity to promote your business in a very discrete way. Include a call to action in the description to share or repin your images As with all your marketing efforts, it is very important to include a call to action and Pinterest is no different. If someone takes the time to click on an image and read the description, you want to be sure you have included a short, sharp and clear call to action so that you are telling the potential customer what to do next.


February 15th, 2013

This could be a simple as telling them to click on the link to view more detailed information on your website or you may direct them to repin your image and share it with their friends on Twitter or Facebook. The optimal length of an image description is 250 characters

Published by: alifeoffreedom.com

We are known simply as Joe & Clare, a couple dedicated to helping you promote your home based business on the internet so that you can achieve financial freedom as soon as possible and start living a life of freedom. We do not claim to be internet marketing guru’s…

Too little text on your descriptions and people won’t have enough information in order to arise their curiosity to make them take action on your call to action.

Clare and I are simply teaching others what we have learned from the business promotional system and training provided by some of the leading internet marketing experts in the world.

Likewise too much information on your descriptions and you could put them off reading them at all as it may seem too time consuming.

We like to learn new online strategies for generating traffic for our business, breaking them down into an easy to understand process that you can pick up in a matter of minutes and begin brining in new traffic for your business.

Research has suggested that the optimal length of your image description is just 250 characters, that is just less than two times the length of a SMS or Twitter update, so get creative with your limited space and this must include your link and call to action! Label your images appropriately on your website If you have installed a Pinterest ‘Pin It’ button on your website or blog which you should do, you want to try and make sure each of your images are labelled correctly. The reason being that if users take the time to pin your content but cannot be bothered to write a description which will mostly be the case, your beautifully creative image will not have a beautifully creative description to match it. So by taking an extra 10 seconds to label your images when you upload them will make all the difference to your Pinterest marketing efforts.

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Make sure each of your landing pages linked from Pinterest are well structured to capture your traffic and turn it into leads Ensure that all your content on Pinterest is linked to high quality converting landing pages or your entire efforts of generating traffic from Pinterest will be a waste of time and effort. Further more each of your blog images need to link directly back to the exact blog post from which they relate too and again each blog post needs to contain high quality converting calls to action to ensure the traffic turns into leads. This means you will be building direct links back to your blog from Pinterest each time your pin a new image.

So follow these three simple steps below: 1] – Click on this link 2] – Input your email address and click submit 3] – Watch the video and decide to take action!

As with all your marketing efforts, it is very important to measure the results of your time invested. (Be sure to look out for my future blog post where I will cover this in great detail) If you would like to join our email list so that you receive our internet marketing tips for home based businesses delivered directly to your inbox, please send a blank email by clicking on this link and you will immediately be added to our list. Are you looking to earn an income online while working from home, OR maybe you are struggling with your current home based business? Check out the number one home based business in the industry with step by step training from some of the leading internet marketing experts in the world, better still you make 100% commissions! Welcome to our blog…


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