A Lifestyle Magazine

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Thec i t yt hat ne v e rs l e e ps


T o mo y as uHo t e i

Desi gner :Har ki r ans/SameerPhot ogr aphy

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An intelligent

and luxurious magazine has been carefully developed for you by us at Asian Lifestyle; we’ve added a little something to make you think, something to make you laugh, something to inspire and to soothe you, something for your mind, body and soul. This is the magazine for today and tomorrow, with thought provoking and intelligent editorials, which, we hope, will take you on a journey of health, beauty, and learning; all peppered with our distinctiveness, psychological slant and good humour. Asian Lifestyle is insightful, practical and appropriate for the Asian Lifestyle of today. Our aim is to bridge the gap in current publications, with fresh and inspiring stories, relevant to you with a strong sense of cross over; after all, we can see ourselves as Asian, British Asian or British. Asian Lifestyle has something at each level, for each part of your identity. The magazine features something for all tastes and interests. Introducing the latest in Fashion with Runway, Our ‘Film’ section covers both a bit of Bollywood and Hollywood, bringing you our very distinctive “Hinglish” view of cinema. Jewels of the Capital explores the decadent and eccentric bars and restaurants from around the world. The best and hottest global spots covered for the discerning traveller in our Travel section, we’ve made sure you have your finger on the pulse of all trends! We provide you with those oh, so vital relationship tips and there’s something for the men too, with our ‘Man’ section. There are also our regular columns ‘The Voice’ - expressing opinions about the issues that matter to you; and ‘Delve Deeper’ will give you an insight on a celebrity face. Our dedicated and talented team have shed laughter and tears, blood and sweat to bring you the new wave in magazines. Enjoy reading it as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you. Viraj Yadav Group Chief Editor

Sublime Global Media Ltd (SGM). All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part in any material form (including photography or storing in any medium by electronic means) is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright owner. Applications for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to: Sublime Global Media Ltd, 3rd Floor, 14 Hanover Street, London W1S 1YH. Opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of SGM or Asian Lifestyle Magazine. The magazine contains references to third-party websites. These sites are beyond the control of SGM and Asian Lifestyle Magazine accepts no responsibility for their content. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, SGM and Asian Lifestyle Magazine cannot accept responsibility for any errors in articles or advertisements. All product and price information correct at time of going to press. Asian Lifestyle Magazine is brought to you by Sublime Global Media Limited. Printed in the EU ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Runway Bint Thani Bint Thani

Kaveke Kaveke




Kaveke Yu:I&Me


Yu:I&Me Yu:I&Me 16



Bint Thani Omar Mansoor

Asian Lifestyle Magazine International were invited to the bi-annual London Fashion Week Catwalk show ‘A La Mode’. Taking place in London, highlighting the fashion industry. ‘A La Mode’ showcases some of the most outstanding emerging and Independent designers to an audience of buyers, press, upscale consumers and other fashion professionals. Some of the Designers that were showing their latest collections: Malam, Cristina Cernei, Malgorzata Dudek, Anniss, Yu:I&Me, Nad Lynski, Luna Sky, Dina Said, Omar Mansoor, Alja Slemenšek, Bint Thani, Kaveke, Ghori by Azim Khan ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE - TOP DESIGNER CHOICES Omar Mansoor Returning to London fashion week for his third consecutive season, Omar Mansoor has notified the fashion world that he is not a force to be reckoned with. Designing beautiful dresses for ‘real women’ is where his passion lies. His delicately designed dresses have even been worn by royalty from the middle-east and supermodel Sophie Anderton. Yu:I&Me Yu:I&Me is a newly launched label by CEO of fashion consulting company mottoel, Rami Joo and Independent designer, Yu:l Seo. With their combined years of experience, passion and knowledge of the industry they both joined forces to create the contemporary brand. Bint Thani Dubai based fashion label ’Bint Thani’ is a fashion brand that combines the Haute Couture of Paris with the trendy style of the high street. Brand Owner Khulood Althani is the first UAE national to have graduated with a Masters degree in Fashion Management and Marketing at the prestigious ESMOD Paris. Ghori by Azim Khan Moving from his hometown of Karachi to London led Azim Khan to launch his fashion label entitled Ghori. Ghori is an innovative womans wear label, creating utterly attractive and sexy looking clothes that give women a positive attitude to feel and look beautiful in their femininity. Azim most recently showcased his creations at Brighton Fashion Week and the fabulous J Summer Fashion Show.

Omar Mansoor



Of f i ci alMedi aPar t ner





ASIAN CUP POLO MATCH 2011 BETWEEN INDIA & ENGLAND, HELD AT HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN’S PRIVATE GROUNDS; GUARDS POLO CLUB. Asian Lifestyle Magazine were the official sponsors at the event, which was attended by VIP’s from India & UK




THE BRIT ASIA MUSIC AWARDS 2011 This Year 2011 saw the Brit Asia Music Awards take the HMV Apollo by storm, showcasing a glittering awards ceremony complimented by some of the most striking, grand performances witnessed on stage to-date. The stage was set, the cameras were rolling and the rows were ďŹ lled by masses of applauding public from across the UK. Hosted by Hardeep Kohli, the Brit Asia Music Awards has marked a turning-point for British Asian music by raising the bar of quality and eminence held by our industry.





i nf o@omar mansoor . com www. omar mansoor . com

The Voice Update Status

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Ask Question

...Have we evolved into narcissistic, finger tapping individuals, more concerned with our Facebook image than other facets of our lives?

Can you remember the pre Facebook era? The epoch that existed prior to the Facebook domination was clearly marked a primitive level of communication in our age. There is a clear cleavage within the followers. Facebook is either the most efficient form of maintaining social relations or the bane of our existence! The former being those whose sole manner of communication is via this network, the latter being the disparate group who feel we are living in a tragic era where cyber interaction takes precedence over good old fashioned face to face dialogue, those who make a concerted effort to avoid the social forums. Writing messages to our friends on their walls hardly denotes soul enlightening conversation! I myself am confused as to which fraternity I belong to. At times I tire of it, at times my curiosity is roused as to what others are doing. Yet will I reveal my own activities. No! Is this unfair Facebook etiquette? Perhaps. I wonder, since the 28


advent of Facebook culture (or epidemic depending on which school of thought you follow), have we evolved into Narcissistic finger tapping individuals, more concerned with our Facebook image than other facets of our lives?

and amorous messages, hopeful for a response which for the sender will induce a titillating exchange of words. These strange desperate types (-does that sound a tad superior?!) use Facebook to be able to disappear into reclusive anonymity thus

Umbreen Ali Facebook gives us the unique freedom to embellish upon our traits and credentials, allowing one to create for themselves the type of profile we wish we had in our three dimensional lives! Like Comment See Friendship September 7 at 4:47pm you and Asian Lifestyle Magazine like this. View all 4 comments

And when discussing Facebook etiquette, cyber flirting is a topic that must be given due mention. My friends and I discuss with much amusement the random men that send friend requests

liberating the salacious side of their nature. The initial complimentary message, on account of our profile pictures, we can be assured has been sent out to a multitude of women. Girls, you haven’t been singled

The Voice out. Still flattering? No! A friend, Naheed, had received such a request from a gentleman, (-I use the word ‘gentleman’ in a highly paradoxical manner), and subsequently by investigating his wall she discovered all 75 of his friends names were in fact Naheed. Strange? Very. Freakish? Yes! Amusing? Oh yes! Although we may evince distaste towards such advances we will always question the appeal of our profile picture if time passes without receiving such a request. Are we ever happy??

accepted me as your friend or should I be injured at the fact that I can see nothing about your life?! Perhaps I am being overly dissecting the issue, but does that not defeat the whole purpose of this exercise? What does Facebook etiquette dictate for this situation? Do I remove myself as your friend and put us both out of our misery, or should I feign oblivion to your hindrance? Yet having highlighted the side effects of this, we cannot deny our surprise when someone admits

Like Facebook gives us the unique freedom to embellish upon our traits and credentials, allowing one to create for themselves the type of profile we wish we had in our three dimensional lives!

Facebook gives us the unique freedom to embellish upon our traits and credentials, allowing one to create for themselves the type of profile we wish we had in our three dimensional lives! Is it bordering on fictional? Furthermore, so many discrepancies are created through online dialogue. Tones mistaken, choice of words questioned, the confusion is endless! For example, my status updates, when I can be bothered to do them, unintentionally sound like Bridget Jones laced with peremptory satire. This most definitely does not adequately reflect my calm and demure demeanour! Too many ensuing social politics have emerged in our lives due to the advent of Facebook through our own insecurities and mental complexities. For example, why accept me as a friend to only subsequently block me from your wall? Should I be gracious that you magnanimously

to not being on Facebook! Aside from widening eyes from bewilderment we internally question their technological abilities and their general savoir-faire! I myself would inadvertently compare them to my seven year old son who is well able to set up his own profile on various games

websites and wonder if I should offer to send him over to teach a lesson in basic computer skills! Facebook, without a doubt, has become a part of our daily lives. We turn on the laptop, we check our emails and then Facebook, and then move onto the other items on our to-do list. Yet the magic of creation has simultaneously given birth to an arena of social contention. What is it about Facebook that simultaneously induces enjoyment and anxiety.in our already over complicated, hectic and highly stressful lives. Even my therapist expressed a cause for concern about Facebook affecting relationships when my ex added all my male cousins to his friend list, men he had never met before! Not appropriate Facebook conduct in my estimation. Furthermore, I defy you to claim you have never asked the following questions: Why have I been removed from someone’s friend list? Why haven’t I been accepted as a friend yet? Why is someone’s wall blocked from me? Why can’t I see their photos? These social insensitivities spoil all the fun that Facebook is essentially all about. Which leads me to ask the peremptory question, has Facebook redefined the art of socialising?

Umbreen Ali


i why accept me as a friend to only subsequently block me from your wall? ...

Umbreen Ali is typing...




w w w . s t r a n d o f s ilk . c o m

Your Body


by Asian Lifestyle Magazine Team

Her passion and desire to promote a life of balance has led her to work alongside international athletes and entertainers such as Derek Evans, the UK’s Breakfast Television fitness Guru, better known as ‘Mr Motivator’, and other television personalities in the sports and entertainment industry.

vette Shaw’s portfolio of success has been accomplished by her achievements as an International Lifestyle, Fitness and Nutrition Specialist. For nearly two decades, Yvette has coached individuals and organisations on integrating fitness with nutrition. In doing so, encompassing healthy eating, routine exercise and positive behaviour change has enabled Yvette’s clients to become their own personal engineers of life. I could not take my eyes of Yvette’s lean, sculptured physique which is an epitome of the product she offers. She believes that whilst ‘getting older is inevitable, feeling older is optional’.

A women of character for sure, the mother of a son with multiple special needs (low functioning autism, complex learning difficulties, severe challenging behaviour, epilepsy and speech disorder), her vision and unique initiatives have enabled her to break down numerous ‘negative barriers’ which adversely affect others with psychological , sociological and physical challenges. As a true Gladiator, Yvette continues to provide insights for achieving positive lifestyle changes that encourage self-liberation for all. The seeds were sowed in my head and made me question if I was “in Denial”? I had a few thoughts of my own. It wasn’t like listening to a personal trainer or a motivational speaker; in fact it was a combination of both and more. I could relate, things made sense,

and I understood the difference in “Needs and Wants”. She asked me if I really wanted to lose weight, tone up, get healthier and fitter. Naturally, I would have been a fool if I said No! The answer was yes for sure. Then Yvette put forth a challenge. A 90–Day Challenge introducing a healthy balanced diet in association with her ViSalus Body by Vi™ products, exercise regime and lifestyle change. It is true, many of us are looking for a microwavable instant solution for an easy way to lose those pounds and get into shape! On-off fad diets often leave us bored, hungry and miserable as we battle to maintain any weight that has been lost. In addition, the many exercise videos that were purchased way back when, now lay somewhere as a distant memory, as we procrastinate with making the decision to start an exercise program… yet again! I’ve never considered that, “muscles are made in the kitchen as much as they are in the gym”. Considering, I have always struggled with my weight, to the extent I have days I feel fatter and days I feel slimmer – it does raise the question, “is it all in my head”? This made me consider, am I in “denial”? I have taken up the challenge, with Yves support, nutritional advice and exercise regime, so watch this space. I will be sharing my diary, trials and tribulations, my battle with wants and needs, temptations and my tears in the next edition. So no more denial, only change, goodbye to photoshop!



Lifestyle hour I usually take in the shower. The downside is that sleeping on wet hair means waking up looking like the 6th member of the Jackson 5. Thankfully my trusty GHD comes to my rescue.

8:30 am After spending what feels like an eternity taming the beast of a mane I have gracing my head, I dress in the dark (which explains the mismatching socks I notice later in the day), down a cup of tea and run out of the door. Looks like another day of having breakfast at my desk.

8:45 am




I can hear an annoying buzzing sound in the distance somewhere. I am also watching my boss wrangled in a wrestling match with a unicorn. Something tells me that I am in a dream. One thing’s for sure, the inventor of the snooze button should be sainted. That grating buzzing sound has stopped so I can return to the world of battling unicorns in peace.

7:45 am I finally wake up – I can’t remember the dream exactly but I get the feeling that it was odd. Also, my alarm clock is on the floor. How did it get there? I swear those elves have been at it again. The neon display on the clock says 7:45 AM. 7:45 AM?! B*****ks. I’m late. Again.

by Suborna Basu

7:50 am One saving grace is that I showered the night before so already I can save that whole

I arrive sopping at Clapham Junction station all ready with Oyster card in hand – I assume the name implies that the world is my Oyster (card). There was really no need to battle with my hair this morning because a combination of gale-force winds and torrential rain has meant that I have returned to looking like Diana Ross - alas, I have learnt the hard way that only Diana Ross can pull off that hairstyle. I do have an umbrella but I am the first to admit that it’s not of the best quality (£3 from Primark, or as I like to call them, Primani) so I prefer to get drenched rather than take shelter under an umbrella that goes inside out all too often.

8:50 am Not to worry, it’s not all doom and gloom in my story: I make it on the platform just in time to get onto a train to Victoria. Of course I’m meant to be at work for 9 but, as far as I am aware, teleportation is not a service that Transport for London provides just yet. Amid all the armpits and bodies squashed against each other in an over-full carriage, I find kindred spirits: judging by ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Lifestyle everyone else’s expressions it be another healthy breakfast at looks like they have had just my desk. Of course no doughnut as miserable a morning as I breakfast is complete without a have. You also have to love the caffeine fix so there’s a pit-stop complete absence of spatial at Starbucks as well. awareness AND GENERAL DECORUM in the mornings: 9:20 am toes get stepped on, there are several elbows to ribs and Breeze into the office with the there will always be someone obligatory apologies and blaming launching themselves into the of public transport before settling tiniest area possible just as the at my desk. 40 emails already? train doors close, AS WELL AS Looks like other people do not THE CUSTOMARY ODOURS have the same THAT ARE ‘transport INESCAPABLE LUCKILY I HAVE LONG FOUND issues’ as me. HOW LONG A FUNCTIONING ANTIDOTE I also have CAN ONE TO THE MONDAY FEELING: a look at my HOLD THEIR REGULAR CIGARETTE BREAKS calendar and BREATH remind myself ALL WHILST of the 9:30am MAINTAINING A meeting (for which I now officially FAÇADE OF OBLIVION? have 10 minutes to prepare) as well. I psych myself into full blag I withdraw into my own thoughts mode. Switch to serious work contemplating on what the shoes as well which hopefully day has in store for me; mainly should get other people to because I didn’t manage to get take me seriously too. Oh, and a free newspaper on my way healthy doughnut #1 to complete to the station, and there’s only my preparation. so many times you can read the advertising boards in trains. As I listen to the Dirty Dancing 9:30 am soundtrack on my iPod, I can already visualise the hours I The meeting itself was a bit of a will be spending at my desk blur, but I do sometimes impress in front of a computer screen myself with how I have turned surrounded by empty cups blagging into an art-form. You of teas and coffees and could call me the Monet of maybe the occasional blag. The Van Gogh of blag doughnut. I WONDER if you prefer. There were IF MY LATEST facts, there were figures, OFFICE CRUSH WILL there was dramatic GRACE ME WITH HIS 6FT gesturing, some actual TALL PRESENCE. I then also tears and I think I even remember the meeting I have quoted Martin Luther-King’s “I at 9:30am for which I am wholly have a dream” at some point. All unprepared. B*****ks. in all it was a successful meeting and the shoes played their part 9:05 am beautifully. On the other side, I replace my semi-retired umbrella with a cigarette and brave the rain. I say a small prayer as I skip over puddles in my flattering trainers while I pass others doing the same in stilettos. I try to skip past a Krispy Kreme Donuts vendor – fail. Correction: it will 34


11:00 am I get back to my desk. 63 emails? Okay, I steel myself for furious email-typing with a few games of Solitaire and a congratulatory doughnut #2. The problem with pretending to know what I am

talking about is that people actually ask me about things and expect a sensible response. An example of one of the pearls of wisdom I imparted is: Colleague: For some reason I can’t see the spreadsheet you sent to me last week. Me: Have you switched on your computer screen? Colleague: Oh Luckily I have long found a functioning antidote to the Monday feeling: regular cigarette breaks with a colleague who also indulges in my bad habit.

11:30 am In our smoking area – which consists of two broken chairs, a bin filled to the brim with last week’s cigarette butts and a plastic sunflower with sunglasses – we regale tales of our weekends. I tell her of falling on my arse after twelve too many sambuca shots and she tells me of a quiet weekend indoors snuggled on the sofa with a few DVDs and a bottle of wine. I should highlight here that she recently got married. Secretly we are both slightly envious of one another: she envies my hangover from hell on Sunday mornings, and I envy her settled Sunday morning routine of newspapers and croissants in bed.

11:45 am On returning to my desk I get a call from my manager summoning me to his office. Well, his words are, “a quick chat” but I know better. I am sure he’s finally cottoned on to my Solitaire-addiction. Queue ominous drum roll to the beat of my dragging feet.

Lifestyle Me: Erm… you called? Big boss: Ah yes. Take a seat. Oh, and close the door behind you. [Sound of door closing and heart thumping] Big boss: You’re probably wondering why I’ve called you in. Me: I am a little curious. Big boss: I just wanted to let you know that… I’m leaving. I just feel like I’m ready for a new challenge. I will miss this place though. Without giving away too much about my age, I have been here for 15 years. Me: That’s a shame. You will definitely be missed here. Big boss: Thanks. Now, why I called you in here is to discuss the fact that they will not be replacing me here but instead split the team up. This may IT APPEARS MY OWN LITTLE mean added responsibilities OFFICE INDISCRETION for all of you. IS STILL VERY MUCH A Also you will be CLANDESTINE AFFAIR managed by X. [Sound of me gulping a bit too loudly.] I know she can be a bit of a handful but don’t worry, I know you can handle her. Anyway I was hoping we, as a team, could all go out tonight, to show you all my appreciation of the hard work you have put in the last year. Me: Sounds like a great idea. Count me in. B*****ks. That means I will need to finish everything on my to-do list and respond to all my emails by 5pm even though I waltzed in late today. Lunch at my desk it is again.

12:15 pm After a satisfying tray of Tesco’s processed sushi and healthyeating reward doughnut #3, I commence my furious bout of email-responding: Yes, I can deliver that report by the end of the week. No, I cannot pick up a QuarterPounder meal from McDonalds

when I get lunch tomorrow, even if you do have a voucher for the both of us (a McDs meal after my doughnut-intake today would not be wise). Yes, I can come in on Saturday to help with the department’s move to a new building. No, I cannot come in on Sunday - best friend’s birthday party is scheduled for Saturday night and recovery time is scheduled for Sunday.

5:00 pm (After 2 more healthy doughnuts and 6 cigarettes) As soon as 5pm arrives a head comes around the door; my fellow team member asks me if I am ready to “partay” on the boss’s credit card. There’s only one answer to that. With my ‘tousled’ hair and make-up that I applied this morning running halfway down my face. I do not feel particularly in the ‘partay’ spirit. However, a pitcher of Long Island Iced Tea on an empty stomach solves that (SHE STATED SHE HAD 2 MORE DONUTS ALREADY, THERFORE STOMACH IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT EMPTY!!)- for some reason I wasn’t worrying about my hair or much else any more.

5:30 pm to erm… not entirely sure… We start with the unavoidable work talk at first: who’s got what projects on their plates and which deadlines to meet. Then as the evening progresses (and the booze continues to flow) the conversation takes an interesting turn: who’s sleeping with whom, who the butt belonged to that ended up on the photocopying machine and who’s the office kleptomaniac. IT APPEARS MY OWN LITTLE OFFICE INDISCRETION IS STILL VERY MUCH A CLANDESTINE AFFAIR. Before I know it, I am divulging to my

boss about how my parents messed me up as a child and way too much about my sex life, OUTSIDE THE OFFICE THAT IS. It’s time to stumble home.

11:30 pm As I get onto the Northern Line to make my way to Waterloo and then somehow try to get onto the right train for Clapham Junction, I realise for the second time today that my fellow commuters share my plight: bleary-eyed from illadvised work drinks on a school night and now making their way home a little worse for wear. Even in my drunken stupor I realise that I’m not alone...

12:15 am …that is until I fall asleep on the tube and end up at Morden station at the very end of the Northern Line. B*****ks. Here’s some local information to add to the Lonely Planet’s guide to South London: Morden station can be a creepy place on a Monday night nearing midnight. Taxi it is, via KFC’s lesser known compatriot, PFC, of course.

1:30 am As I get into bed (forgetting to set my alarm for the morning) I reminisce over the day I have had. All in all I have to admit it’s been pretty successful. More of the same tomorrow. Ah, now back to the unicorns… ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Feature Article



s the age old secret finally out, have men actually cracked what women want?

It is no longer “Me Tarzan, you Jane”. But rather women want to feel safe, they want to be cherished, they want a man who isn’t afraid of being vulnerable. What once may have been seen as a little effeminate, has now become the entire craze. This is where dance comes in! Thanks to many prime time shows, the skill, stamina and strength needed to dance appears to have replaced some misconceptions. Dancers with their agile bodies and delicacy of movement are much more desirable than a football player, beating his chest in celebration. Women love a man who can dance. It’s attractive, shows confidence and self-assurance. Most women love to dance themselves and desire a bit of romance. How romantic is it to 38


be held firmly in someone’s arms whilst being lead, no conversation is needed and the chemicals in the brain are racing. The lyrical Waltz or the passionate Tango – all expressions of the complicated mating ritual men and women engage in.

Plus, it’s no wives tale, the connection between a man who can dance and sex is not just a myth, it’s a fact! It’s all in the rhythm! Courting a woman through dance is an age old human practice; the caveman did it, the tribal warrior and the Victorian gentleman. It seems men have come to realise the aphrodisiac quality dancing has on women; the proof is in the pudding, with an increase in men taking up dance.

Read the full article in the next Once a woman has been edition. captured in the magic of dance and has flowed in a man’s In the meantime if you fancy a arms there’s surely no going back. HOW ROMANTIC IS IT TO BE HELD FIRMLY IN SOMEONE’S Not only is dance ARMS WHILST BEING LEAD, NO CONVERSATION IS magical, it NEEDED AND THE CHEMICALS IN THE BRAIN ARE RACING. also gives THE LYRICAL WALTZ OR THE PASSIONATE TANGO women an indication of the man. (After all a man who appreciates bit of Salsa, Tango or Ballroom, the arts is always a tick on any Dance of Life Studio have kindly checklist). A man willing to offered a limited number of dance is confident in his own one to one introductory dance body and aware of his own lessons. Contact Dance of Life masculinity. Studio and mention this article. Sincerity can be assessed during the dance; women can assess whether a man is shy, confident, uninhibited, passive or aggressive, purely through his movement and interactions. It’s a strong man who can lead his partner confidently across a dance floor.

Website www.danceoflifestudio. com Enjoy your new pass time, but be warned you may be addicted. Dont forget to download the Asian Lifestyle Magazine app from Apple Newsstand for more details and pictures

What’s Happening


by Pia Khan



t’s the summer of the sequel or prequel, with Hollywood churning out 27 franchised films over the course of four months; the first wave included “XMen: First Class” and “The Hangover Part II”, it will undoubtedly end some time in early autumn with the last pained breaths of the newest instalment of “The Twilight Saga”. The words “I’ll be back” sound far more ominous now than they ever did before! So, why has Hollywood gone all postmodern on its audience? Well, like everything else these days, let’s blame the economy. The film business is, after all, a business - arguably, the most lucrative in the world - and when money is tight only the very brave or the very foolish want to take a risk; the Hollywood bigwigs have yet to be accused of being either! In the worldwide top ten grossing films of all time, six are sequels. Franchises are safe, there’s a staple audience of over-excited twelve year olds for them. If a film does well enough to spawn a sequel - no matter how bad the second coming - the loyal audience of the original will go and see it, at least once. Costs recovered, a big woo 42


hoo for Mr Big-wig Studio Man! Case in point, “The Matrix”, brilliant film but did we REALLY need two more? Don’t even get me started on “Meet the Parents”! The point is, a sequel, prequel or the recent disease, a reboot, no matter how pointless (see what I did there?!), is a sure thing - there’s an established fan base willing to shell out the price of a cinema ticket, the much feared death by lack of audience is avoided. It makes good business sense. Take the Harry Potter franchise, the most successful in the world (yes, more than the 22 Bonds all you doubters), the eight films have earned an approximate £7 billion globally, and the final instalment hasn’t even finished selling yet; each film in its own right is a big hit but the eight together are a phenomenon, that’s why the studio felt safe to divide the last book into two films because they knew the fans would come. The same is true for “Breaking Dawn” the final chapter of “The Twilight Saga”, part 1 this year, part 2 next year. At least, Harry Potter and Twilight spawn sequels with integrity and follow the demands of a preset story, but what about the “Fast and Furious”

Top page: a scene from X-Men: First Class Left: poster lists from left to right: X-Men: First Class, The Hobbit, Happy Feet Two

Top page: poster lists from left to right: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, The Hang Over part 2

franchise, which is what, five films old now; “Fast & Furious”, “2Fast & 2Furious”, “Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift”, “The Fast and the Furious”, “Fast 5”, what’s next Even Faster & Highly Furious?! We’ll find out as no. 6 is due for release summer 2013! Sequels, prequels, and reboots are not necessarily the devil’s work; sometimes they are better than the original. Christopher Nolan’s Batman reboot being a prime example, as is perhaps more controversially, JJ Abrams’ 2009 revisioning of “Star Trek”. Some stories are just longer than others or some characters too compelling to not revisit. “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” did much better at the box office than the original, indeed in the global top ten grossing films of all time, 3 out of the 6 sequels present belong to the Pirates franchise (and there you were thinking they weren’t really THAT good!), Johnny Depp’s Captain Sparrow is so compelling that he was paid $45 million for the fourth outing. This summer does see the highest number of fourth sequels, with films such as the already mentioned “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”, “Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol” and “Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World”, being released. The problem becomes one of choice, the audience starts getting a feeling of déjà vu when on a diet of more of the same, for instance, who, except perhaps diehard fans, can differentiate between the 5 or so “Final Destination” movies? (Diehard? Gettit?) And how many “Saws” was it at last count? As sequels, prequels, reboots find success at the box office it gets harder and harder for upcoming writers/directors to get an original script financed

in Hollywood. It’s not that sequels aren’t good films, mostly they are or at least, can be but when they become endemic it means that Hollywood invariably looses a significant, if quieter, contingent of its audience, namely older adults who care less about special effects and more about storylines; quiet, intelligent films don’t tend to have sequels. Maybe those people should only visit the cinema autumn through to spring – i.e. awards season. The sequel is not a new concept in Hollywood, after all there were 16 Andy Hardy films starring Mickey Rooney produced by MGM from 1937 to 1958, and there is no end it; already slated for release in summer 2012 are the Spiderman and Superman reboots, and the third instalments of “Madagascar” and “Men in Black”. One can understand the dilemma the studio executives are facing; thus far in 2011, 8 out of the 10 top ten grossing films have been sequels, the other two, animation and superhero! Sequels, prequels, reboots make money, though film critics may be complaining, the audiences are still going to the cinemas to watch “Cars 2” and “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”, the studios are giving the people what they want or perhaps it’s a case of the people wanting what they are given. The point is in this is time of financial crisis the Hollywood machine is whirring away, making money and if it’s at the cost of originality and/or creativity, well, we can always look to Bollywood for that! Hold on, wasn’t the second biggest Bollywood hit of last year a “Golmaal 3”?! OH DEAR GOD. TOP MY TOP 5 PICKS OF THE 27 FOR AT LEAST LOOKING INTERESTING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol Johnny English Reborn The Thing Footloose Happy Feet 2



Hearts & Minds


by Asian Lifestyle Magazine Team

Tomoyasu Hotei and Koji Kikkawa left an influential footstep in the Japanese rock scene. 21 years after remaining out of the public eye, they decided to go back on the stage at Tokyo Dome, to perform “Japan as a whole heart” The reason being to support the affected areas by the Eastern Japan earthquake on 11th March 2011. 46


Hearts & Minds

here was a piece posted by a calligrapher, Ms Sisyu on her own website on 20th March, after the earthquake, ‘Japan should achieve its full recovery by uniting the heart of as many people as possible’. These legends of rock were going to awaken the public to be the power of Japan. “Japan as a whole” was performed over two days at Tokyo Dome and attracted approximately 100,000 people. Hotei and Kikkawa walked out from both sides of the stage, they firmly shook hands at the centre of the stage and at that moment there was a whirl of emotion and feverish excitement. Twenty one songs were performed, their last performance was 8th November 1990, 21 years later, and they were back. The crucial difference between the ’90s show and this performance was the thinking behind it, to raise money for this cause.


Kikkawa spoke to the audience ‘Good evening, we are COMPLEX. Thank you very much for coming to join our concert by agreeing to support the Eastern Japan earthquake recovery charity. Under the flag of Japan as a whole nation, we now congregate all together to be a comrade who has the same aim. Every one of us are comrades, let’s enjoy singing and dancing together! Thank you!’ Hotei was playing with dapper steps. Kikkawa performed his legendary cymbal kick. The two images that stuck out were, one of a dancing guitarist and one of a jumping vocalist. It was such a picturesque setting. The sense of unity was touching. Both of them used the phrase ‘I sing and I play’. So there was a scene where Kikkawa was playing

the guitar and Hotei sang. The audience were singing when the song ‘Do not stop loving’ was performed. The last part of the lyrics from the ‘1990’ version were changed to ‘Go forward without looking back’. The last encore was ‘AFTER THE RAIN’ and the profound voices of Hotei and Kikkawa really bought out the message of the song, hope and love. The concert clearly demonstrated what emerges when love, courage and wisdom are assembled, anything is possible. TOMOYASU HOTEI VISIT TO THE DEVASTATED AREA “It was my first visit to the area after the earthquake and my knowledge was as far as what the media had projected. And what I was witnessed was far worse than I could have imagined” One month after the earthquake, the wreckages should have been divided into certain categories. But the site was literally ‘A lost world’. The Tsunami had destroyed such a rich and peaceful environment. Countless beautiful memories were destroyed by the natural force beyond anyone’s imagination, far beyond human comprehension. Anguished pain and uncertainty was overwhelming, those affected had to live in surrounding shelters. People I knew from the recovering support organizations of CIVIC FORCE and JUST GIVING told me there was one seat available in a car going to the devastated area. Naturally I wanted to join them. The state of the area differed from site to site, the confusion of information was obvious, where or who needed what most. It was certain that careless activity could cause further turmoil. The priority of my mind was set “Prompt and appropriate actions for given tasks.” Furthermore, respecting feelings of people involved in this disaster

was nothing but priority, and “not to disturb and one further.” I helped clearing up the wreckage in a shrine and as we were returning to the car after having finished our tasks, a local gentleman approached us and tried to give us a tin of juice “Hey! Thank you guys! Please have a drink!” We tried to turn his kind offer down saying “That’s too much! We just came here to help you” but he persisted “It is not that big deal, do not worry.” I was filled with emotion knowing his thoughtfulness towards us and other volunteers. We helped loading of supplies at shelters, we handed out towels. The old and the young expressed their gratitude and thanks. We met the Mayor who asked me “Can you sing something for us today?” and I replied “We are here to offer our support and help”. Then he firmly said “Mr. Hotei, we have already stepped into a new start to go forward, we are not staying in sadness. When you visit us next time, please give us energy with your singing”, I was moved with his words. I was prepared for some hard work, after all that was the reason I was here, not as a musician. However local volunteers insisted “You are already here, please cheer people up, they would appreciate meeting you.” So I met every one I could in the shelter and attended a local interview. I was welcomed by dazzling smiles and warm handshakes. I then found myself genuinely wanting to be as “Tomoyasu Hotei” if ‘he’ could encourage people even for a second and bring some joy in to their lives it was definitely worth it. I will never forget those energising smiles, which came through so much sadness. ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Hip List

Eccentric bars around


Giger Bar

Skeleton Bar

Chur & Château St Germain, Switzerland

Ljubljana, Slovenia

If the architecture reminds you of something, then you’re probably thinking of the scary sci-fi horror film ‘Alien’. That’s because Hans Rudi Giger - the Swiss artist who created the set for the movie also designed this place. Complete with of spinal chord-like skeleton decor that kind of gives you the impression you’re sitting inside the stomach of a giant fossilised beast. Which is cooler than it sounds. Like the movie it’s massively atmospheric, but we don’t know if just like the film plot, ‘no one can hear you scream’.

Unsurprisingly given its name, skeletons are the general theme in this Slovenian bar. And there are a lot of them. Whichever way you turn, they’re there watching you from their numerous positions. There’s also wacky deaththemed art adorning the walls. The party atmosphere, friendly staff, cheesy music and happy hour cocktails are enough to prevent it being particularly haunting though just don’t knock back so many that you forget the toilets are conspicuously concealed behind bookcases.

Depeche Mode Bar

Big Baobab

Taalin, Estonia

Limpopo, South Africa

How much you like this bar/club in the Estonian capital directly correlates with how much you like Depeche Mode. If you ‘Just Can’t Get Enough’ of the electronic 80s band, you’ll love the constant loop of their songs, pictures of Dave Gahan and Co. decorating the walls and cocktails named after their tracks. If you’re not a fan, you’ll hate this place for all of the above reasons. You might even bump into them – the Basildon boys have been known to party there when they’re in town.

With the capacity for about 50 people, it might not be the big for a bar, but it’s pretty massive for a tree. Located on the grounds of Sunland Farm, at 72 feet high, with a circumference of 154 feet, the owners have managed to pack a whole British-style pub into its hollowed out trunk, complete with draught beer, bar stools and dart board. The shade inside the tree provides a perfect cool store for the beer, and there’s even a wine cellar squeezed in to boot.


Hip List

the world

Not the kind of drinking establishments that go down as just another bar, some places that give a whole new meaning to the term ‘crazy night out’.

By ait Laura T

The Clinic

Tokyo, Singapore

Clarke Quay, Singapore

Claustrophobic? Then give this one a miss – they have a capacity of about ten. At a push. It doesn’t even have its own loo – every bar on Shomben Yokocho, the street where it’s located, shares one toilet. Those points aside, it’s worth a visit - the tiny but quite glamorous bar is spread over three levels, one of which is a tiny art gallery and another with a chandelier that takes up most of the room. And because there’s hardly any room the waiters hand you your drinks through a hole in the floor.

Walk into this bar in downtown Singapore and you might think you’ve entered a medical clinic, complete with surgery room lighting and hospital paraphernalia. But that’s customers – not patients - sitting on the hospital beds separated by hanging white curtains, or in wheelchairs sat at wheelchair tables. And that’s booze – not medicine – in the syringes and test-tubes. And that’s red cocktails – not blood – they’re drinking from bags attached to drips. The design is in fact a

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Manila, The Philippines

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The Hobbit House Named after the benevolent dwarf in ‘The Lord of The Rings’, only Philippine midgets and dwarfs get to work here. Perhaps their laws on discrimination are laxer than ours. It works though – the staff are friendly, there’s a good drinks selection and great live music. Plus it doesn’t seem to be the kind of place that attracts much trouble, which is lucky because their smallest midget is the bouncer. It’s not just the staff that will make you feel like a giant – you’ll need to duck to get through the doorway.




Feature Article


AQUA NEUVA Regent Street, London

by VY

Aqua Neuva, one third of the international Aqua restaurant group, is an exquisite piece of Spanish treasure in the heart of London. A revolutionary restaurant whose principal objective is to invite the patron to discover an elite Spanish culinary experience and thrill the palate.

this page: Aqua Neuva tapas bar

Boasting a chef with an historic culinary heritage, he creates food that depicts a great Spanish personage. The modern and innovative menu is constantly developed to create a customised array of regional food. The menu typifies the elegant and flavour infused food that distinguishes Spanish cuisine from other food styles. Aqua Neuva possesses the ability to express the Spanish uniqueness and its proud culinary heritage.

Aqua Nueva Regent Street, London

Paramount restaurant and bar New Oxford Street, London

Cocochan Restaurant & Bar James Street London

Shaka-Zulu 52

Camden, London


PASSIONATELY DEPICTS AN AVANT GARDE TAKE ON SPAIN’S CULINARY HERITAGE, WHILST AT THE CENTRE OF LONDON’S CULTURAL EPICENTER. The vibrant authentic food is mirrored in its exuberant décor. The clever combination of modernity and authenticity results in a warm and contemporary atmosphere. The interior style, including a unique catwalk made of glass, creates a blend of energy and excitement that extends to the diner an exquisitely pleasurable dining experience. With an 120 capacity dining area, as well as a more intimate private dining room, the ambiance is assuredly a cultural and spiritually energising one. Furthermore, Aqua Neuva hosts a trendy tapas bar allowing for a more informal taste of Spanish cuisine. Aqua Neuva has eclipsed other Spanish restaurants and guarantees a wonderful dining experience combined with an enriching and vibrant cultural experience. Aqua Neuva passionately depicts an avant garde take on Spain’s culinary heritage, whilst at the centre of London’s cultural epicenter.

Jewels of the Capital

PARAMOUNT New Oxford Street, London

left: stylishly designed bar area in Paramount. right: Stylish, yet unpretentious Cocochan dining area

Paramount, a restaurant and bar, contemporary in style and age, can be located in the heart of London, a prestigious spot on New Oxford Street, a buzzing and vibrant location. Upon instant viewing the restaurants décor is an allure in itself, with an inviting interior stylishly designed with modern panache concatenated with vintage intimacy. What grants Paramount exclusivity is the view of London that it boasts from all angles of the restaurant, a sensational sight that illustrates the effervescence of the city, paralleled further in the venues own ambience. The sentiment only enhanced by the dedicated and committed staff. The alluring European menu depicts a wonderful array of items, clearly created with ardour. The exquisite cuisine consists of delightful flavours that enthuse the passion of the chef, food made with élan, resulting in a superior dining experience. What is further impressive is the staff knowledge of food and wines. If there are dietary requirements or food allergies, waiters are happy to make suggestions and then adapt dishes accordingly. Furthermore, Paramount offer a breakfast and brunch menu exclusively. The menu is cemented by an elegant wine list which features an infusion of contemporary cocktails amalgamated with classic drinks. What projects this modern restaurant from its peers is its 400 capacity events space that it hosts in addition to the dining area and bar.

next page: Shaka Zulu, London’s largest South African restaurant

Paramount is unequivocally the dominant eminence of the West End, a venue that not only guarantees a unique and elite dining experience stimulating the taste buds, but also embodies the true spirit of the modern Londoner. Paramount exudes a profusion of chic suavity that is de rigueur of London life.


James Street , London

Stylish, yet unpretentious – Cocochan Restaurant

offers contemporary Pan Asian cuisine with a very reasonable price for this quality of food in the heart of Marylebone.

STYLISH, YET UNPRETENTIOUS Created by former Cocoon executive chef Ricky Pang, well-selected menu offers light nibbles from Dim Sum & Sushi selection to a signature dishes such as mouth-watering Oven Baked MisoChilean Seabass. Cocochan also specializes in sous-vide cooking – it is a slow-cooking technique which keeps nutrition - great news for the health-conscious Marylebone high-flyers. There’s also the option of trying out a Bento Box which start from £13.50 for the Vegetarian option, seafood £15.00 and the meat box for £16.50. Sushi is options are available at £17.50 Each Bento Box includes main, side, salad, starter and a soup. Tucked away downstairs, all polished wood and private booths like secret domes, Cocochan Lounge Bar, an intimate yet energetic destination for postdinner or after-dinner drinks. Originally created by the master of mixology Andreas Tsanos, Cocochan’s cocktail menu consists of delicate cocktails such as Tangy Lilly– fizzy champagne imbued with light citrus flavours and a single floating berry – to more firely yet aromatic cocktails such as Negus Harbour, which comes with an additional Absinthe. Classy and effortlessly cool –Cocochan Lounge Bar is a hidden gem for serious cocktail lovers Cocochan Restaurant & Bar is 5min walk away from Bond Street Station and opens 7days a week.



Jewels of the Capital CONTACT


Aqua Nueva, 5th Floor, 240 Regent Street, London, W1B 3BR (Entrance at 30 Argyll Street, opposite The Palladium) Telephone Number: +44 (0)20 74780540 For reservations: reservation@aqua-london.com www.aqua-london.com

Camden, London

Paramount restaurant and bar, Centre Point, 101-103 New Oxford Street, WC1A 1DD Telephone Number: +44 (0)20 7420 2900 www.paramount.uk.net

Shaka Zulu,

London’s largest South African restaurant, opened its doors in August 2010 with a special royal blessing from the Zulu King, HRH Goodwill Zwelithini. Set over a groundbreaking 27,000 sq ft in The Stables Market, Camden. Carved wooden murals cover every inch of Shaka Zulu’s walls and ceiling. A beautiful space to host private events in. The lower floor complimented by a display of 20ft high warrior statues. The Mezzanine level offers a champagne bar and cocktail lounge overlooking the stunning braai restaurant. The hub of the restaurant, is where the ‘Theatre of Food’ comes alive with a line-up of world class chefs stoking the fires and creating a multitude of wondrous dishes from the best and freshest ingredients available, in the open plan kitchen. Serving choice dishes such as Seared Ostrich Carpaccio



with Peppadews; Marinated Springbok with Blackcurrant and Balsamic Jelly; Mechoui Karoo Lamb with Pomegranate and Mint to name a few, means diners will be transported to the very heart of South African style food. Also, the only restaurant worldwide to be able to offer discerning diners rare British Red Poll Beef and Dorper Lamb from the Royal Estate in Sandringham, as well as a wide selection of international dishes to tempt every palate and taste To complete the experience, there is a variety of African entertainment and DJs with music and dancing until 2am. Become a member at Shaka Zulu’s King’s Club and get exclusive benefits, express entry at club time after dinner, plus preferential seating locations, a direct line managers, who will be delighted to assist with last minute bookings and the very best booths when Shaka Zulu dims the lights and the dancing starts to our world class DJ’s.

Cocochan Restaurant & Bar, 38-40 James Street London W1U 1EU Telephone Number: +44 (0)207 486 1000 For General enquiry: info@cocochan.co.uk For Reservations, Events & PR: Marketing – yoshiko@cocochan.co.uk Opening times: Restaurant – from 12:00 noon until 00:00 midnight, 7days a week. Lounge Bar – from 17:00 until 00:00 midnight – Wed, Thurs, Fri and Saturday www.cocochan.co.uk

Shaka-Zulu, Stables Market,Camden, London NW1 8AB Telephone Number: +44 (0)20 3376 9911 For General enquiry: info@shaka-zulu.com For Reservations: reservations@shaka-zulu.com www.shaka-zulu.com

DUBAI THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS A scintillating experience across the deserts of Arabia By Sanober Irshad



Up Town


hen we talk about a place with mega structures, an active nightlife and amazing shopping, Dubai, instantly strikes the mind. Dubai, an amalgamation of east and west and a second home to many South Asians, has become one of the fastest growing tourist destinations. It attracts people from numerous backgrounds to experience the endless travel opportunities offered in its secure environment. The city besides its growing skyline encloses within it the traditional Bedouin feel. Dubai downtown offers a rustic experience and entertainment for the culturally starved. The spice soak, Dubai Museum and Shindagha are just a few places to explore the ethnicity of the Emirates. Some visit Dubai for its beaches, some for the heritage, and some for the vigorous nightlife; no matter what they come for, they end up going back with unforgettable memories of a wonderful holiday. Discotheques, plays, concerts and exhibitions are all found in abundance and cater to the taste of every visitor. Dhow dinners, cruises, dune bashing, desert safari, golf, bird watching, you name your interest and it is present here.


Dubai is greatly influenced by the west. It is not only a shopper’s paradise, but movie lovers too can take pleasure, watching movies in its luxurious cinemas. Following the footsteps of the capital, AbuDhabi, Dubai also has started working on its infrastructure, making it a traveler’s desire. DINING THE NIGHT OUT Be it themed or roadside restaurants, Dubai offers a wide range of cuisines, from Lebanese to Thai and American. Many restaurants are also situated in the malls serving ethnic

specialties. Ambience is given importance and hygiene is well looked after. A typical Arabic cuisine consists of a proper four-course meal, that is, the salads, appetizers, the main course and finally the dessert, which is followed by coffee or tea. Dinner for Arabs lasts hours, it is a meal


where family and friends gather together and enjoy indulging in various discussions. Usually the traditional shisha (hookah or hubbly-bubbly) is served as well. Dhow dinners are very popular among foodies who want to enjoy a bit of the Arabic culture, belly dance, ethnic music spiced up with some adventure on the sea. BUBBLING THE BLUES AWAY Hookah smoking is an experience on its own. Shisha is also very popular in coffee shops and restaurants at night. Its an important part of the social scene in Dubai, where friends plan a shisha evening, play dominoes or cards and unwind from the stressful day. Shisha smoking has its own etiquettes and requires a relaxing environment however, since the past few years, many shisha bars and lounges have popped up in streets and malls of Dubai. Many hookah lounges in Dubai are posh and classy places therefore its advisable to dress accordingly if you ever plan to try out a shisha here. ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Up Town The Shisha is available in many flavours. No matter how many flavours you try the aroma and the ambiance keeps you coming back for more. ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS PEAK Concerts, plays, fashion and comedy shows are very common in Dubai. Many cultural and social societies have emerged which hold theatre plays and promote the local budding talent. Dubai being a multicultural city caters to the entertainment of all its masses. Usually plays and concerts are held in different languages with the international artists flying in to make it a one in a lifetime experience.


Many sports, music and film events have become so popular that they are held once a year to provide a platform to unleash the region’s hidden talents. Dubai Desert Rock Festival is a remarkable music event held annually in Dubai. This two-day festival features world music and extreme sports that pull the crowds attention. Dubai Summer Surprises and The Dubai Shopping Festival are two most publicized events each year. Visitors from around the globe flock to enjoy tax-free discounted shopping; sports, the cultural shows and stalls that showcase their tradition. Then there is the DIFF (Dubai International Film Festival), which celebrates the best work in regional and international cinema, while providing knowledge and entertainment. 58


AS THE SUN GOES DOWN IN DUBAI… As the sun goes down in the cosmopolitan and multicultural Dubai, the nightlife starts blooming. Best clubs and discotheques are found in this part of the Emirates. Neighborhood bars and pubs are very popular. Most bars are situated in hotels where people can also eat and listen to or watch live music and performances. Many pubs run special ladies nights, karaoke and themed nights to cater to different tastes. Piano and jazz bars offer a memorable evening with good music, food and cocktails. If you want to dance, it’s best to locate a good nightclub and swing your night away at the beat of music played by some of the most sought after DJ’s of the region. The clubs are safe to party in, with cozy interiors, interesting cocktails, a peaceful ambiance and pleasant crowds. You can dance the night away at a club of your choice ranging from Western to traditional Arabic and Indian music.


Up Town

RECOMMENDED BARS AND CLUBS TO VISIT: THE BUDDHA BAR located at the Grosvenor House Hotel, is without doubt a place to go to. Dark and seductive interiors, soothing music, a crowded bar and delectable food can aid you in your search for nirvana. BOUDOIR; a snazzy, chic and luxurious place you would not want to miss out. Situated in Jumeira, this club has turned out to be one of the most popular in Dubai. BARASTI is an open-air bar on the beach front in the heart of Dubai Marina. It’s a tranquil place for people who like good food, cocktails, soothing music, a bit of dance and shisha all in one place. CAVALLI is a recent and exclusive club launched by designer Roberto Cavalli himself. A lifestyle club that is quite popular among the elites and international celebrities alike. Designed magnificently with gemstones and Swarovski crystals, it is one place the classy you should be spending at. Situated on the 44th floor in the Grosvenor House Hotel, Bar 44 has a splendid view to offer. Tasteful and retro this bar looks over the ever developing and dazzling skyline of Dubai.


The currency used in U.A.E. is Dirham and credit cards are accepted everywhere.

The best time to visit Emirates is from October to April. In summers, it gets extremely hot; even then, there are various activities to enjoy.

Shopping is tax-free. It is definitely a good place for shopaholics!

Arabic is the official language; English and Urdu are also widely spoken here.



Dubai ,Uni t edAr abEmi r at es–At l ant i s–t hef l ags hi pr es or tonT hePal m –wast hef i r s tr es or tt oopeni t sdoor s onDubai ’ sr evol ut i onar yi s l and.Cr eat ed byKer z nerI nt er nat i onalHol di ngsL i mi t ed,a l eadi ng i nt er nat i onal devel operandoper at orofdes t i nat i onr es or t s ,t hes t unni ng1, 539r oom r es or twel comedt hei rf i r s tgues t son 24Sept ember2008. Wi t hi t senvi abl el ocat i on at op t he cr es centofT he Pal m,t he openi ng ofAt l ant i swasa l andmar kevent , r edef i ni ngt our i s mi nDubaiast hef i r s tt r ul yi nt egr at edent er t ai nmentdes t i nat i onr es or t .Ref l ect i ngChai r man andCEO SolKer z ner ’ svi s i ont ot r ans por tgues t si nt oadaz z l i ng,i magi nat i vewor l d,t her es or tencompas s es a 46hect ar es i t ewi t h17hect ar esofwat ert hemed amus ementatAQUAVENT URE,ex t ens i vef r es hand s al t wat erpool sandl agoonex hi bi t s ,anopenai r edmar i nehabi t ats econdonl yt oMot herNat ur e,as eemi ngl y endl es ss t r et chofbeach,l ux ur ybout i ques ,numer ousdi ni ngchoi cesi ncl udi ngt hr eewor l dr enownedchef r es t aur ant s ,anex ci t i ng ni ght l i f e ex per i ence,Shui QiSpa & Fi t nes s ,and 5, 600m²ofmeet i ng and f unct i on s pace. ‘ ‘ Outofavi s i ont hatmar r i edt hewonder sofmar i nel i f ewi t hs t unni ngel eganceands weepi ngvi ewsoft he Ar abi anGul fal ongs i det hemos tex ci t i ngwat erpl aygr oundi nt hi spar toft hewor l d,wehavedevel opedan ex per i ence wi t hi n At l ant i st hati st r ul ydi f f er entt han t he ex i s t i ng pl eas ur esofDubai . We' r e ver ypr oud, " s har edSolKer z ner .

Angles & Degrees


Following a lively debate between law firm Eversheds on the topical issue of ‘Women on Boards’, Jacqui Grey and Denise Jagger build on their respective articles, Bringing Women on Board and Women on Boards: Progress in Sight by offering recommendations for what must change in order that more female executives reach the boardroom.

Top Tip 1: Support of the Chair and CEO is critical to success Engagement of the Chair and the CEO is critical to more women being given the opportunity to obtain executive/non-executive board positions. Top Tip 2: Shift in thinking at the top is required Whilst, in the past, there was perceived to be conscious bias against women in organisations, this is no longer the case. It is regarded as an unconscious bias; women are just not ‘in the frame’ when conversations take place about who would be potential promotion material. A shift in thinking must occur at the top of organisations and women must be prepared to put their heads above the parapet and be noticed. Self promotion, networking and ‘playing the game’ are key. Top Tip 3: Targets or Quotas? The question of targets and quotas has been raised frequently recently and the majority around the table agreed that, whilst targets are a good thing, quotas are ‘a step too 62


far’ – a view consistent with the findings of the recent Davies Report. However, there is some sympathy with quotas if things do not start to improve soon. The debate is seen to have gone on long enough. The main reason for not having quotas seems to be that women might be seen as getting there by default, rather than on merit. Top Tip 4: Headhunters must bear some responsibility

she is representative of female views and behaviours. Top Tip 6: The 80/20 Rule Women still suffer from the 80/20 confidence rule. Men with 80% of the required skills for a job will see themselves as perfect for the role whereas a woman may focus on the 20% she doesn’t have and be (too) open about any lack of experience. Top Tip 7: Dare to be Authentic

In our discussions, it is clear that headhunters should be more persuasive with reluctant Chairmen in the introduction of women candidates to short lists and that they should be more creative in their searches. Top Tip 5: Once on the board, women should promote others Existing and newly engaged/ promoted women should actively promote the appointment of more women to their boards. They have the opportunity to provide exposure and profile for female talent and should use this actively in support. It is important to go beyond a lone female board member as there is a risk that her male colleagues will assume that

Whilst our colleagues at this discussion acknowledged that,

WOMEN ARE JUST NOT ‘IN THE FRAME’ WHEN CONVERSATIONS TAKE PLACE ABOUT WHO WOULD BE POTENTIAL PROMOTION MATERIAL in some organisations, it is necessary to ‘play the game’ to some degree on the way up, it is also vital that we have more executive role models on boards who are not women trying to be men. This was seen as promoting valuable diversity which has been shown through numerous studies

Angles & Degrees to lead to greater profitability. Both the McKinsey report in 2007 and the recent Eversheds’ report on board composition, support this. See the article, The Board Report: the composition of the board & its impact on company success, for more information on this report. Top Tip 8: Recommend women for NED positions When any senior person (male or female) is asked for recommendations for NED positions, they should actively promote women and be prepared to take a risk. There was some discussion at this event around ‘the same old names’ being mentioned, as no-one wants to take a risk with a new person that no-one has heard of. The consequence of this is that women, who are largely new, are consistently being overlooked. Top Tip 9: Women need to network more Women still don’t network in the same way as men. They rarely prioritise a drink with colleagues after work and few play golf or attend sporting events. Organisations need to recognise this and provide opportunities for women to socialise and network by building on each others’ experiences. Moreover, women need to recognise that networking and raising their profile is vital to commercial effectiveness. Membership of an organisation such as Criticaleye is a good way to start. Top Tip 10: Women want more flexibility The issue of flexibility, particularly as women are still often primary carers for children and older relatives, is still seen as a major barrier. How can they do it all and still function at board level? Top Tip 11: Mentoring and Development Programmes

Mentoring programmes are phenomenally successful at helping women get ahead. A large proportion of the group at this event had benefitted from (mainly male) mentors. The lack of female role models at the top of organisations, even when the workforce is predominantly female, is still a problem. Organisations should set aside budget for this if they are serious about gender diversity at the top and women should not wait for formal mentoring programmes but rather seek out mentors for themselves - even on an informal basis. Development Programmes including Coaching are also essential to women making the leap onto the board. A lack of confidence and self belief is still seen to be a problem. Women need specialist programmes to help them get ahead. Womens’ networking organisations have started to offer programmes (for example, Jacqui’s programme for ‘the Pearls’ part of the Two

Percent Club) as are forward thinking FTSE 100 organisations. Finally, despite comprehensive research by government bodies, business schools and thought leaders over the past 20 years, change has been painfully slow. However, following the publicity surrounding the Davies Report, the environment is now conducive and it is time for organizations and women themselves to step up. Government bodies, large organisations, business schools and lobby groups should continue to share knowledge in this area as we achieve greater organisational diversity and change. Organisations should identify budgets and programmes to work towards greater diversity in the boardroom and individuals at the top (of both genders) must be prepared to think more creatively about skills, expertise and personal chemistry in their leadership teams. If all this happens, we ought to witness a real shift in numbers.

Author profile Jacqui Grey Managing Director Transition Ltd Jacqui is MD of Transition Ltd, a transformational change management, leadership, executive coaching and coach training business. Prior to her current role, Jacqui was First Vice President HR EMEA for Merrill Lynch. She has also worked globally for many blue chip companies on innovative

Denise Jagger Partner Eversheds Denise has extensive experience of operating at board level both as a lawyer and in a general management capacity. Denise joined ASDA as part of its recovery team in the early 1990s as Company Secretary and General Counsel. At ASDA she championed Diversity and was responsible for a number of the

development programmes, including BT, Vodafone, eBay, Cisco, Standard Chartered, GSK and top business schools on MBA programmes. Jacqui has a special interest in the development of top female executives (she was previously a board member of Opportunity Now), has a doctorate in Executive Anxiety and a Masters in Change Management.

company’s successful employment policies. She has held a number of non-executive appointments in the retail, financial services, construction, health and education sectors. She is currently Non-executive Director of the British Olympic Association, Chairman of the York Museums Trust and a Non-executive Director of the Northern Ballet.



Inspector Gadget





Inspector Gadget


ith the arrival of the iPhone 4S, you can see some significant improvements over the iPhone 4. For one thing, the processor of the iPhone 4S has been upgraded to the A5 chip, compared to iPhone 4’s A4 chip. There’s also an improvement in the resolution of the camera, upgrading it to 8 megapixels. As for its design, little has changed compared with the iPhone 4, It’s just like having a girlfriend (or boyfriend of course) who got a new haircut; same old girl/boy, with a whole new head of hair. However some of the most prominent features that give it an edge over its predecessors are as follows: SIRI VOICE CONTROL With the Siri Voice Control, iPhone 4S becomes a more intelligent voice recognition device. Unlike common linguistic search, Siri can understand what you say, see what you mean and even answer your question like a private assistant to some extent. With natural language support, you can just speak as usual and interact with the iPhone 4S to realize the weather, text messages, maps, search and other functions, all through the voice control.

Compared with iphone 4, iphone 4S increases the camera’s sensor to 8 Mega pixels with flash, F2.4 aperture and improved light sensitivity and now supports 3264 x 2448 resolution. The backside illumination can reportedly achieve 73% more light and 33% percent faster capture. In addition, its camera is added with an IR filter, allowing

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better color accuracy and more color uniformity. Moreover, the phone is now capable of full 1080P HD video recording, realtime video image stabilization and temporal noise reduction. A5 DUAL-CORE PROCESSOR With A5 dual-core processor and dual-core graphics, the CPU of iPhone 4S runs twice as fast as iPhone 4. The graphics performance of iPhone 4S is seven times of that of iPhone 4. Whether you start an application or browse the Web you can enjoy its rapid speed and sensitive reaction.



Although available on both iPhone 4 and 4S, iCloud allows you to sync documents, apps and books among iOS devices. It helps to store your music, photos, documents and more and wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. Thus, you can share them on other devices, without the need of a cable or a USB drive.

In addition to the above, it is also worth mentioning that iPhone 4S has longer battery life. Apple states that the new phone will offer up to 8 hours of 3G talk time, 14 hours of 2G talk time, 9 hours of and six hours of 3G internet use. With it, you can also watch 10 hours of video and up to 40 hours of music listening. Unlike previous iPhones, the 4S is a dual-antenna phone and supports both GSM and CDMA. Also, it is equipped with


Bluetooth 4.0, 3.5-inch IPS 960 x 640 retina display and 16GB, 32GB and 64GB Storage.

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Real colours, Results beyond reality...



ou’re life has been turned upside down, the anger and pain is too much to manage, let alone the amount of questions that go through your head. What did I do? Is it my fault? Was I not good enough? Feelings of rejection, betrayal, anger with a plummet in selfesteem and confidence. Years of devotion and what you thought was matrimonial bliss, well at least most of the time, and now you’re left with a broken heart. The person you felt you were the closest too, the one you shared tears and joy with, now has only 74


left you with tears and anguish. Where do you go from here? Can you go anywhere? It feels as if you are in a black hole and continuously slipping further. The emotions are all consuming and the confusion keeps rising. Pain, as if you have been struck by a lightning bolt and the weight of the world rests on your shoulders. Before any movement can take place, it is a case of accepting what has taken place and accepting what you are feeling. Naturally, the internal battle is on and the inner voice is growing. This may be the biggest betrayal you have ever faced; hence, you

need to face it. Infidelity is far THE LACK OF VALUE YOU from easy to HAVE FELT, THE PAIN, OF work through NOT MATTERING IN THE and time is EYES OF THE ONE THAT needed purely to process YOU LOVED. the shock and the range of thoughts and emotions that are rocketing. Disgust and hate would not be uncommon, this is due to the level of betrayal and the investment you had in your partner. The anger will subside and may be replaced with pain. No two people will behave in the same



way, someone may become very cold and almost numb, whereas someone else, may feel incredibly empowered and go in to over drive as far as it goes for controlling and moving forward their life.

does that say about us? Are we accepting someone else actions and approving of them? Will they repeat the same action again? By forgiving are we approving? Endless questions set in.

We are only human and for the majority of us, we may want to see our partner hurting, we cannot tolerate the sight of them, we want nothing to do with them. All those years spent together are clouded purely with pain.

What most of us fail to recognise is that forgiveness is for us? How long can we stew and fester, build up negative emotions that effect us psychologically as well as physiologically. Hence, by forgiving we are at

by Viraj Yadav

feel stronger and better about yourself. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said, “Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong� Psychological hurt is what can take its toll. The injuries left by the loved ones, the betrayal, violation of trust, broken promises, shattered dreams. The lack of value you have felt, the pain, of not mattering in the eyes of the one that you loved. If you want your relationship to


However, it is not the right time to make life changing decisions. Time is still the essence as well as a great healer. After all it is only when we feel more in control of our emotions, we are able to contemplate decision making. Only then can you explore if the relationship can be salvaged, whether you can forgive this betrayal, re-build trust. Whether, the both of you have the commitment and will to grow together once again. On such occasions forgiveness is hard and seems like a huge challenge. We question if we should forgive, if we forgive what

the same time looking after own health. Psychological research into the subject, displays the importance of forgiving within personal relationships. It makes us healthier and happier, the research says; it makes you

grow and work then forgiveness is a key element, firstly for yourself and then for the relationship. Ask yourself can you forgive? Then your journey will begin. ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Up Town

LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR Time releases a spectacular car, the wait was worth it…



Hot Seat

Sometimes the best is always

developed over time. True for malt whisky, and true for a new Lamborghini revealed at this year’s Geneva motor show. The LP700 – 4 or known more commonly as the Aventador is a blistering package of 6.5 litre V12, housed in a carbon fibre body that looks like Tom Cruise’s new stealth plane. As a supercar that reaches 62 mph in a stunning 2.9 seconds it keeps up with the breed of Murciélago

THE ULTIMATE JOY AS YOU TURN THE KEY AND UNDERSTAND YOU ARE DRIVING A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY and then leaves it behind to hit a top speed of 217mph. It certainly uses every last one of the 700 horses propelling it. If you are stunned by the statistics then you will marvel at a sculpted body shape and luxurious interior that is full of LCD screens and padding, that complete the experience that you are driving in a plane, and not a car attached to the road. The interior can be highly customised with colour, as with any Lamborghini the brighter you go then the better it looks. Time to bring out the orange leather and drive with sunglasses in winter! As for more on the engine, the gear box delivers the power through a new ISR transmission, which Lamborghini say is faster, and ‘more emotional’, of course we hope more emotional does not mean you begins to cry with joy every time you go up a gear. The gear box is frighteningly quick and out paces dual clutch models so that even if you blink you will have changed gear, long before you got your eyes open again.

A BEAST THAT IS BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT The feeling you will get from driving this is one of insanity, firstly the consideration of why you bought on at over £200,000, and then the ultimate joy as you turn the key and understand you are driving a little piece of history. With Lamborghini there are only 4 models, unlike other car makers they get it right first time, and keep refining that model. Waiting for these models is worth it, and is often a lifetimes pursuit.

Finally the Aventador name is associated with a courageous bull, courage that drivers will need to tame this wonderful machine, a beast that is beautiful and elegant when sliding round a corner on a track. A track is where this car has grown from, and the road is where you can experience what other car makers have never achieved, the joy of driving. Want one, desire one, they will be available later this year, for the most passionate. ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


What’s Happening



e all have felt degrees of jealousy at different points in our relationships, the situations may vary, however, the feelings and thoughts still remain. As much as jealousy is a normal emotion, it is the extent of it, which can be a problem. Now, the area of the brain which controls jealousy has been located. It is the same part which detects real physical pain – perhaps explaining why feeling envious of your lover’s philandering ways hurts so much. There is a difference between men and women. Men’s jealousy, more than women’s jealousy, is triggered by thoughts of a mate’s 78


sexual infidelity and women’s jealousy, is triggered by a mate’s emotional infidelity. Even though there are gender differences and cultural differences, jealousy can be corrosive and ugly, detrimental to any relationship. Are you the man who gets agitated when others simply look at your partner? Do you have irrational thoughts?

If you are a jealous man, you probably have a hard time appreciating a lot of good things that are out there, because you’re too busy worrying.


Does your blood boil? Do you feel over protective and come across as controlling? On retrospect, how attractive are these feelings and how constructive are they to you?

Let’s take a scenario; you’re both going out for a romantic dinner, she walks down the stairs and is looking absolutely stunning. You’re relishing in the thought that she’s for your eyes only and she’s with you.

Relationships All is going well and you’re feeling confident, proud and incredibly lucky. And you’re enjoying, that she knows she looks good, sexy and is radiating charisma. A glass of champagne or two later. She catches the eyes of someone, you notice and look over. Thinking, who is that model type man she is exchanging, looks with? Mr tall, dark and handsome walks over with confidence; you’re holding a gimpy smile, whilst at the same time your mind is flooding with irrational thoughts. She introduces you and you grudgingly shake his hand. Suddenly, you get the impression that there may be some flirting going on between them, (this is probably a figment of your imagination). Time seems to stand still, conversations are exchanged, however, you feel there is more conversation between the two of them and you are the odd one out, (probably once again in your head). Your blood is boiling and you can imagine throwing model wannabe over the profiteroles that just arrived. Basically, you’re having a full fleshed jealousy attack and are about to turn from Bruce Banner into the big green monster – the jealous rampaging Hulk. Just as well you didn’t know he was an ex! Jealousy is a human emotion; it is the degree that can be the worry. Why are you feeling this way? Are you doubtful of your partner? Are you feeling threatened by her interactions? Are these feelings going to continuously grow? How are you going to feel, when she’s out with her friends, if she talks to men, if you think she looks too good?

The green eyed monster. As much as jealousy can be healthy in a relationship, it is when you begin to question her loyalty, her movements and you feed those obsessive and irrational thoughts that the problems emerge. You inherit low tolerance and before you know it, you’re controlling and over protective. In fact you’re suffocating. In reality you have two options; deal with your jealousy and understand where it stems from or leave the poor girl alone. It’s your problem, not hers! In essence jealousy is a by product of your own issues with self confidence and self esteem as well as being influenced by your past experiences. Have you been cheated on? Have you cheated on someone? If so, is there a fear of history repeating itself, the fear of it happening to you?

If you want to build a relationship and want a future, then kick yourself up the butt and get on with it. Remember, if theres no trust theres no relationship, with yourself or with anyone else. To get you started; Try to identify where your jealousy stems from. Recall one of your first episodes of jealousy and all the feelings and thoughts that went with it. Put it into perspective Look at your own behaviour patterns and the consequences of them. Question how your behaviour affects not only you but your relationships. Rationalise what is really happening and what you are

IF YOU ARE A JEALOUS MAN, YOU PROBABLY HAVE A HARD TIME APPRECIATING A LOT OF GOOD THINGS THAT ARE OUT THERE, BECAUSE YOU’RE TOO BUSY WORRYING. As trust is one of the key foundations that holds relationships together, there’s no space for the green eyed monster. Not only is it self-destructive, it is destructive to the relationship. Just imagine when you feel jealous, you’re feeding the green eyed monster and it’s growing bigger and bigger right in front of your very own eyes, it’s about to tear through your shirt and leave you in the rags of your trousers! If you get to the point, that the majority of your day is concentrating on irrational and fearful thoughts. Before you know it, you’re focusing on what could happen in your relationship as opposed to what is happening.

creating. Fact or fiction? Is your imagination running wild and dictating the kind of person you think she is? Be honest with yourself and question your own self-confidence and self-esteem Open up to your partner and re build the trust together. Reflect on why you got together in the first place. Jointly set some ground rules for acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and develop a dialogue of communication. Crush that monster and live your life! ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


The Man

by Joyeeta Basu



The Man So, you’re on a night out and you’d like to get some action? You head to the bar and then look around for the kill. You mark her out and then instinctively give her your sexiest smile. Subtle maybe, but with little result? Your alpha male zeal may lack foresight. It may not be your mannerisms, but your clothes that killed it. If you want some action, start looking the part. Dating can be challenging for most of us. However, a few alternate tips to dress down can up your sexual ante, say sex gurus. Follow a five-step mantra and watch her grow from a sex kitten at the bar into a tantric tiger in your bed, (if you’re brave enough that is...) Adhere to the following principles to get women to come to you, rather than having to chase them. So, get ready to rev up your usual routine and live out your deepest fantasies. If you think money, good looks, power or a fast car were the only basis of getting a woman,

A SUIT MAY WELL BE IMPRESSIVE, BUT SOLELY IN THE BOARDROOM. IN ORDER TO GET HER ATTENTION AT A BAR, DITCH IT FOR SOMETHING BETTER – ATTITUDE. your beard or goatee. Don’t forget the deodorant and if you have chapped lips, make sure to apply some balm. Rule 2 Dress the part. A suit may well be impressive, but solely in the boardroom. In order to get her attention at a bar, ditch it for something better – attitude. Picture this- you’re in a crowded bar when you spot her. A great way to get her to notice you is to hang out with friends who give you attention. Women are social creatures and they hang out in groups. She will be interested in someone who knows how to act in social situations. She’ll like the

PRACTICE THE ART OF MAKING SMALL TALK SEXY, AND IT’LL WORK LIKE MAGIC TO INCREASE YOUR ROMANTIC SUCCESS. be careful because you might be slipping into “lazy” thinking. Sure they’re great and they do something to most women, but there will usually be something they would be more interested in – yes, You! Be it a one night stand or something more, a little bit of charm and confidence can get you a lot further than your fat wallet.

image of a man who takes on the role of leader when surrounded by others. Because of biological programming, an easy way to attract women is to seen as a leader by your peers. The more men a woman sees looking up to you… the more likely she will find you attractive.

So listen up and follow a few tips to a great night ahead.

No one has told you this before maybe, but one of the easiest ways to get a woman is to just be ‘fun’. Lighten up and put any nervousness or insecurity at bay. Remember, if you can be the rare guy who can allow a woman to relax and have fun around him, you will be three steps ahead of the game. A good way to be is

Rule1 First impression is key, so pay heed to your appearance. Here are a few handy tips – be well groomed. Make sure you have showered and shaved; trimmed


to flirt, tease and be playful with them. Women like men who know how to talk to them in a flirty and confident way. Confidence is an inimitable turn on for women. Practice the art of making small talk sexy, and it’ll work like magic to increase your romantic success. Rule 4 So now that you’re feeling fun and confident, time to turn on that charm. Remember, keep cool and relaxed and let your personality show through. Keep lecherous lop-sided grins or gregarious instincts at bay and try to start with a friendly, warm smile. When speaking to a woman, notice her body language and act accordingly. If she’s giving you signs of attraction, increase your efforts. But if she’s not, it’s best to focus your energies elsewhere. Attraction is created through the subtle build up of touching and physical contact. If she allows you to touch her during a conversation and reciprocates your advances, then you know she’s definitely attracted to you. Rule 5 If she’s with her friends, ask what she’s doing afterwards. If she wants to be with you, she’ll make it clear with her answer. If not, you’ll know. The trick is not to be overtly sexual. Leave that for the bedroom but create an atmosphere where she can sense the great possibilities with you. Be gentle and easy. And remember; if you make her feel safe, she won’t have any hesitations about kissing you and perhaps, a lot, lot more. ASIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE


Food & Recipe

CHILLI PANEER by Rishi Kainth

If mother taught you well, you’re ready to make Chilli Paneer the Rishi Kainth way This dish is inspired from Mumbai which is made from curded milk then formed into a block in which you can cut into bite size pieces. It is the equivalent to cottage cheese and is a very versatile ingredient in Asian cooking and also in Chinese cuisine. It is widely available from Asian stores and your local supermarkets and you can make a lovely curry, scrambled or in stir fry. Paneer is a good source of protein for those of you who are vegetarian and is a bit bland in taste but buy adding all various Asian spices you can make a mouth watering dish. Chilli paneer is everyone's favourite and one of our most popular dishes at the restaurant. It is a great dish for people who think they cannot eat a proper meal without meat, as most people who eat it cannot tell the difference between this and some popular meat dishes.

Chilli paneer is an Indo Chinese dish which is a fusion of Asian and Chinese ingredients; it is best cooked in a Chinese wok for full flavour and a healthy and quick way of cooking this dish. Ingredients 300g Paneer 1 Red pepper 1 Green pepper 3 Green chillies 1/2 Sliced Onion 1 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp Ajinomoto (Chinese salt) 1/4 tsp White pepper 1 tsp Sugar 100g Cornflower 4 Tbsp Soy sauce Handful of fresh coriander 1 tsp Garlic 1 Sprig of spring onion Oil for frying

2. Cut Green pepper, Red pepper and Onion into slices. 3. Vertically slit the Green chillies in half. To temper their heat, you can de-seed them. 4. Finely chop the Garlic and keep aside. 5. Coat the paneer pieces in the Cornflower and fry until golden brown. 6. In the wok, heat 3 tbsp oil and when very hot, add the chopped Garlic and the slit Green chillies and fry for 2 minutes. 7. Then add the Green and Red pepper and sliced Onion and fry for another 2 minutes. 8. Then add the paneer, Soy sauce, Salt, Ajinomoto, Sugar and Coriander. 9.Mix well and stir fry well for 2 minutes. 10.When cooked garnish with finely chopped Spring Onions and serve hot.

Method 1. Cut the paneer block into about 30 pieces cubed and keep aside.

This dish is best eaten as soon as it is cooked because paneer tends to harden after being cooked in this dish.

Rishi Kainth aged 35 a trained chef with a vast amount of talent who has cooked for a number of celebrities and launched a cook book. Rishi’s inspiration comes from his family who gave him the encouragement and determination to create new healthy and tasty cuisine, which he has chosen to share with others and show that it is not difficult to put together simple and healthy home cooked food. Main areas Rishi cover’s are in training is Indian and Indo Chinese foods, the course goes through starters, mains and desserts and running a very successful restaurant and catering company.

About the Author 84


Rishi’s target audience are experienced cooks who want to enhance their cooking skills, also people who are going to be entertaining clients and want to learn specialist cuisine.

Rishi also run’s specialised training courses for new brides before they get married where they can do a 10-12 week course to learn basic cooking skills and cuisines. And not forgetting courses for couples etc and men. One lesson varies from 2-3 hours where you learn 3 dishes of your choice and if you what to spread that you can do it over a period of 10 weeks once a week for 2-3 hours. The courses are developed to give individuals the confidence and skill’s that they can cook good Restaurant cuisines in there very homes.

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