Arakan of salah

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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah Conditions, Pillars, and Wajibat of the Salat, by Shaikh Taraheeb ad-Dosiri The following is a summary of the conditions, pillars and wajibat of the salat, from four lectures given by Shaikh Taraheeb ad-Dosiri (hafidhahullaah). The Shuroot (Conditions) of the Salat are Nine The conditions are prerequisites that must be met and fulfilled for the salat to be accepted. The nine conditions are: 1- Islaam (Islaam; one must be a Muslim for any deed to be accepted) 2- 'Aql (Must be of sound mind - not insane) 3- Tameez (Must be at the age of understanding, which is seven) 4- Rafi` al-Hadath (Removal of hadath, i.e. with wudhoo) 5- Izalat an-Najasa (Removal of impurities; from body, clothes, place of salat) 6- Sitra al-'Awrah (Covering 'awrah) 7- Dukhul al-wakt a salat (Entrance of salat time) 8- Istiqbal al-Qiblah (Facing the Qiblah) 9- Niyyah (Intention [in the heart, not tongue] to pray that specific salat)

The Pillars (Arkan) of the Salat are 14 The pillars of the salat are 14. These 14 pillars must be done for the salat to be accepted. Sujud assahuw will not make up for someone neglecting one of these pillars - even out of forgetfullness. If, for example, someone realizes during the third rak'ah of the 'Isha prayer that he left out a rukn (pillar) during each of the first two rak'ah, then he must make up those first two rak'ah. Additionally, before taslim, he should make sujud as-sahuw. But if he were to say, "I'll just make sujud as-sahuw at the end" and not make up those first two rak'ah in which he left off a rukn, then his salat would be null and void. The 14 pillars are: 1- Qiyam ma'il Qudrah fil fard (Standing, if able) 2- Takbeerat ul-ihram (Opening Takbir) 3- Qir`aat al-Fatihah (Recitation of Surat al-Fatihah) 4- Ruku` (Bowing) 5- Rafi' min ar-ruku' (Standing from bowing position) 6- Sujud 'alal a'dha a-sab'a (Prostrating on seven bones) 7- Al-i'tidhan min a sujud (Rising from sujud) 8- Al-jalsa bayna as-sajdatain (The sitting between the two sajdas) 9- Abta ma anina fi jami' arkani salat (Tranquility in all the pillars of the salat) 10- At-tartib baynal arkana salat (the proper order of the pillars of the salat) 11- At-tashahud al-akheer (The final tashahud) 12- A-julus li tashahud al-akheer (The sitting of the final tashahud) 13- A salatu 'ala nabiyan, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (Sending salam upon the Prophet, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) 14- Taslimatan (The two Taslims) [Note: the first time, the shaikh said "Taslim"; the second time he said, "taslimatan"]

The Wajibat of the Salat are Eight The Wajibat (obligatory) matters are similiar to the Arkan (pillars) in that they cannot be left off on purpose. However, the wajibat are different in that if left off unintentionally (out of forgetfullness), sujud as-sahuw at the end make up for it; whereas the neglected arkan (pillars) must be repeated even if

unintentionally left off. As the shaikh often asked, "Waadih (clear)?" 1- Jami'ut takbirat 'ada takbirut il-ihram (All the takbirs besides opening takbir) 2- An ya Qulla al musali fi ruku'a, "Subhana Rabbi al-'Adheem" (saying "Subhana Rabbi al-'Adheem" in ruku') 3- An ya Qulla min raf'ihi min ruku'a, "Sami' Allaahu liman Hamidah" (to say, after standing from ruku', "Sami' Allaahu liman Hamidah") 4- Thumma Qawl "Rabbana wa lakal Hamd" (Then to say "Rabbana wa lakal Hamd") 5- Qawl "Subhana Rabbi al-A'la" fi sujud (The statement "Subhana Rabbi al-A'la" in prostration) 6- Qawl al Musali bayn as-sajdatain "Rabb ighfirli, Rabb ighfirli" (The statement between the two sajdas: "Rabb ighfirli, Rabb ighfirli") 7- At-Tashahud al-awal (the first tashahud) 8- Al-Julus li Tashahud al-awal (sitting for the first tashahud) * All these conditions and pillars are for the one who is saleem (able, normal). It is upon him to do what he is able to do. For example, if a person is not able to stand or is handicapped and cannot sit, then Allaah does not place a burden on a soul more than it can bear.(Al-Baqarah 2:286) However, if he is able to stand and do ruku', but not sit or make sujud, then he is obligated to stand and do ruku', as these are pillars and he has the ability to do these. So whatever he is able to do, then these conditions and pillars apply to him.

Source: a Masjid Rahmah CD, under the title "Conditions of Salat and Wudhoo" Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan

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