Eggs benedict
Eggs benedict Ingredients:
½ English breakfast muffin 1 egg ½ avocado 1 slice of soccer ball ham 2 cherry tomatoes Dash of vinegar
Hollandaise sauce Ingredients:
30g butter at room temperature 15ml cream 1 egg yolk 2t lemon juice 1/4t dry mustard 1/8t salt Sprinkling of cayenne pepper
digital camera tripod backdrop props suitable pre-prepared garnishes
Method To prepare sauce: 1. Place a heatproof glass bowl over a medium saucepan that is
quarter filled with water. The bowl should not touch the water. 2. Remove the bowl put the saucepan lid on and bring the water to the boil over a high heat. Uncover and reduce heat to very low so the water is barley simmering. It is important that the water is barley simmering while making the sauce. 3. Place the egg yolk in the glass bowl and place over the pan. Use a whisk to whisk the mixture for 1 minute 4. Add butter, 1 small cube at a time, whisking constantly. Making sure you don’t mix cook the sauce for too long as it will curdle. 5. The sauce should start to thicken up. When done, Remove the bowl from the pan. The sauce should have a consistency of very lightly whisked thickened cream; whisk in the lemon juice, Dry mustard and salt,
To assemble eggs benedict:
Poach eggs in the following way: 1. Place a small saucepan on the heat, filled with about 5cm water. Add a dash of white vinegar to the water. 2. When the water is almost simmering whisk the water in a whirlpool motion, crack the egg into the middle and lower it into the water. 3. Cook for around 21/2-3 minutes 4. Dice the avocado, tomato and ham. Place on the English muffin then place the poached egg on top. Hollandaise sauce on the side. 5. Sprinkle with salt and pepper 6. Serve as desired 7. photograph
In my photograph I have incorporated the use of colors to make the audience feel a certain way. I have proven for example by using the green leaf to make it feel healthy and to also add a pop of color into the dish. The tomatoes, avocado and ham are easily seen, I have done this so the person who is eating it can clearly see the variety of foods and is encouraged to eat the dish. I have used the black plate to make things clean and simple as I think there is a lot going on with colors and I believe the dish will calm it down but still drawing the attention to the variety of foods within the dish.