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Guide to Be A Girlboss

Try this as an affirmation. I don’t chase, I attract. “ What belongs to me, will simply find me.” She thinks of this mantra while curled up in her cozy-as-a-cloud comforter, makeup running down her face. She is a lost and confused young person, navigating the trenches of college life. Not to mention, she is living through a pandemic. This shit is hard! She wishes that her life was filled with plentiful opportunities, but she lost her sense of motivation.

So how does she find her go-getter mindset in times when opportunities seem limited? The answer… she needs to become a GirlBoss.

But what exactly defines a “GirlBoss?” In simplistic terms, a GirlBoss is someone who takes control of their own destiny. They are this idea of a person, someone who has achieved living their ideal dream life.

But how does one become a GirlBoss? The answer… manifestation.

Now, this practice is founded upon the Law of Attraction, which is a universal principle that states that we can attract anything in life that we focus on. We are always creating pictures of our intended life– our hopes, dreams, and goals. Manifestation is about making choices and taking action in order to achieve what we desire. It’s definitely not a “make a wish and watch what happens” type of deal, it involves effort.

There are 5 stages to this practice: Dreaming, Seeking, Action, Attraction, and Celebration.

The Dreaming: The first step is to know exactly what you want in life. She knows that she wants to get out of her dreadful abyss and go out and live her life to the fullest. GirlBosses make their intentions as specific as possible. This is done by letting go of that cycle of fear, worry, or negativity that holds the dreamer back. She must get into the nitty-gritty of what she wants: qualities, characteristics, values, passions, etc. These categories include physical and mental well-being, style, career, finances, love, and friendships.

The Seeking: Now that she has an exact picture of what she wants in her head, it’s time for her to start picturing her dream life. One approach to this method is journaling. According to a study done in 2015 by a psychology professor at the Dominican University of California, people become 42% more likely to achieve their goals and dreams simply by writing them down on a regular basis. One way to enhance the GirlBoss process is to write down goals and break them down one by one by going through the release process. The release process is when the seeker writes down one goal, then writes out any limiting beliefs that come up, and finally asks their subconscious for the solution and writes it down. Another method of seeking involves the use of daily affirmations. According to a study in the journal “Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience” done in 2016, self-affirmations activate the reward centers in your brain by firing up the neural pathways. Making changes to those areas of the brain makes you happy and positive. A powerful affirmation that can help to achieve GirlBoss energy goes like this: “I am in control of my own reality. I attract all that is good in this universe. I find myself in a state of perpetual happiness.” Getting creative through methods of art, such as vision boards, is indeed the most aesthetic element of the GirlBoss process. This involves finding images and words that speak to you and your goals and turning them into a collage. It’s cute, it’s fun and it can motivate you to turn your visual dreams into a reality.

The Action: This is the physical “doing” stage in the GirlBoss process. She puts on her grind-it-out playlist and gets to work! Gabrielle Bernstein, author of “The Universe Has Your Back” states that manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the universe. What is shooting for the stars if not involving follow-up actions? One of the best ways to go about the “action” process is by living life with five hobbies. Those five hobbies include one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, one to keep you creative, one to build your knowledge, and one to evolve your mindset. Henceforth, she creates her own personalized routine and follows it as strictly as possible. And, she reaches out to people. The more help she receives from others who can help her achieve her dreams, the closer she is to actually achieve those dreams herself. And what is the secret to really getting what she wants? She needs to live her day-to-day life as if she already has everything that she wanted. This involves asking questions such as: “how would a future version of me carry myself? What would she write? How would she talk?” She needs to know that GirlBosses exude confidence. So she goes to the gym every day. She makes sure to keep up on journaling her dream life, but she does it with ease. And when she is taking phone calls, she acts as the CEO of her own PR firm, wearing a designer Blaser and speaking with strong confidence.

The Attraction: This is where all of that hard work starts to pay off. There will come a moment in the near future of her manifestation journey where she literally starts to see signs of attraction regarding her goals. People will begin to reach out to her with job opportunities. She will feel secure in her body regarding her mental and physical health. But do not stop working because attraction is a process. She must keep up with the steps in her action process, but now she has reached the level where she can incorporate methods of gratitude toward the things that are starting to happen to her. Gratefulness and dedication are the keys to having manifestation pay off in the end.

The Celebration: This is indeed the hardest step to get to in the manifestation process, but it is so worth it once it is achieved. There will be this feeling that sinks in. It’s a feeling of satisfaction. She was finally able to achieve that dream job. She feels confident, she feels beautiful. She found a balance in her mental and physical health. She feels powerful, and that power exudes from her. She inspires others to take control of their own destinies. When it all comes down to it, manifestation is about using your brain and aligning your energy in order to get what you want. That is how you become a GirlBoss.



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