2022 Pride of Poland catalogue

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Polski Klub Wyscigów Konnych

CATALOGUE PHOTOS Glenn Jacobs Sylwia Iłenda Patrycja Makowska Nawaf Al Johani


Alim Editrice s.n.c. Viviana Castiglioni


Drukarnia Standruk

on the cover

Czaro (Poganin x Cedora/Kahil Al Shaqab) in front of the Clock Stable in Janów Podlaski



Lot. 1



Lot. 1/S



Lot. 2



Lot. 2/S



Lot. 3



Lot. 3/S



Lot. 4



Lot. 4/S



Lot. 5



Lot. 5/S



Lot. 6



Lot. 6/S



Lot. 7



Lot. 7/S



Lot. 8



Lot. 8/S



Lot. 9



Lot. 9/S



Lot. 10





Lot. 11



Lot. 11/S



Lot. 12



Lot. 12/S



Lot. 13



Lot. 13/S



Lot. 14



Lot. 14/S



Lot. 15



Lot. 15/S



Lot. 16





Lot. 17



Lot. 17/S


Lot. 18





Lot. 19





Lot. 20



Lot. 20/S FRAZZA


Lot. 21



Lot. 21/S






Lot. 23/S EBIRA


Lot. 24/S PATHOS





Pride of Poland Pride of Poland and Summer Sale 14-15 August 2022

4 - www.prideofpoland.eu


Polish National Arabian Horse Show 12-14 August 2022 Janów Podlaski State Stud Wygoda 3 21-505 Janów Podlaski Poland


Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda

XLIV Polish National Arabian Horse Show 12-14 August (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 2022

Show Schedule 12 AUGUST, 2022 (FRIDAY) 11:00 am Performance Championship of Arabian Horses under Saddle 2:00 am Yearling Colts Class A Yearling Colts Class B Two Year Old Colts Class Three Year Old Colts Class Stallions 4-6 Years Old Stallions 7 Years Old and above Geldings 13 AUGUST, 2022 (SATURDAY) 9:00 am Yearling Fillies Class A Yearling Fillies Class B Yearling Fillies Class C Two Year Old Fillies Class Three Year Old Fillies Class Mares 4-6 Years Old A Mares 4-6 Years Old B Mares 7-10 Years Old A Mares 7-10 Years Old B Mares 11 Years Old and above 5:00 pm Horse presentation

14 AUGUST, 2022 (SUNDAY) 9.15 am Polish National Yearling Female Championship Polish National Yearling Male Championship Polish National Junior Female Championship Polish National Junior Male Championship Polish National Senior Female Championship Polish National Senior Male Championship Best in Show Special awards Acknowledgments


Polish Jockey Club phone: +48 22 8531715, +48402709765 e-mail: pokaz@prideofpoland.eu

For eventual changes of the program hours please follow www.prideofpoland.eu

AUCTION PROGRAM Sunday Open Stables 13:30-15:30 16:00 Pride of Poland auction Monday Open Stables 9:00 - 10:30 11:00 Summer Sale auction

GUIDE TO CATALOGUE DETAILS HORSE NAME: Breeder and Owner Horse registered in Polish Arabian Stud Book: Volume / supplement on page number Colour, sex, foaled on (day – month – year) Three basic measurements (in centimetres) Sire line: founded by SIRE (d.b. imp. 1817 to Weil – desert bred imported in 1817 to Weil) Dam line: founded by MARE FOUR-GENERATION PEDIGREE: First two generations in the pedigree include basic data regarding progenitors of the horse (colour, year of birth, breeder and racing record). Racing records in pedigree include: number of seasons / number of starts (first – second – third – fourth – and fifth if placed) number of stake wins. RACING RECORD: Year(s) and number of starts: wins and places BREEDING RECORD: Includes progeny of the mare with sex, sire name, colour, racing records and destination. BREEDING STATUS: The mare is covered by SIRE – date of last service (day, month)



Aukcje Pride of Poland i Summer Sale odbędą się w formule hybrydowej - “na miejscu” w Janowie Podlaskim oraz "on-line” za pośrednictwem platformy www.equibid.pl

Pride of Poland and Summer Sale auctions will be held in a hybrid formula - "live" in Janów Podlaski and online via www.equibid.pl platform.

Licytacja Pride of Poland rozpocznie się 14 sierpnia 2022 o godzinie 17.00. Licytacja Summer Sale rozpocznie się 15 sierpnia 2022 o godzinie 11.00. Aukcja będzie prowadzona w walucie EURO minimalne postąpienia: 1000 Euro dla Pride of Poland i 500 Euro dla Summer Sale. Do ceny przybicia może zostać doliczony podatek VAT (jego wysokość zależy od statusu Sprzedającego). Pełen regulamin licytacji znajduje się poniżej. Konto do wpłat wadium: Operator aukcji - EQUIBID. PL Odbiorca: HS Events Henryk Święcicki Adres odbiorcy: ul. Parkowa 1, 64-500 Baborówko Bank Spółdzielczy Duszniki ul. Rynek 7, 64-500 Szamotuły IBAN: 44 9072 0002 2015 1501 5527 0003 Swift: GBWCPLPP Koszty opłat bankowych z tytułu wadium ponosi Kupujący.

Pride of Poland auction will start on 14 August 2022 at 5.00 pm Summer Sale auction will start on 15 August 2022 at 11.00 am. The auction will be conducted in EURO currency - minimum bidding: EUR 1,000 for Pride of Poland and EUR 500 for Summer Sale. VAT may be added to the knockdown price (its amount depends on the status of the Seller). Full auction regulations can be found below. Bank account to pay the deposit to the Auction Operator -EQUIBID.PL Receipient: HS Events Henryk Swiecicki Receipient address: ul. Parkowa 1, 64-500 Baborowko, Poland Bank name: Bank Spoldzielczy Duszniki Bank branch address: ul. Rynek 7, 64-500 Szamotuly, Poland IBAN: 44 9072 0002 2015 1501 5527 0003 Swift: GBWCPLPP

I. Przeczytaj Regulamin Aukcji.

The cost of the bank fees for the deposit shall be borne by the Buyer.


I. Read the Terms and Conditions of the Auction.

1. Zgłoś chęć uczestnictwa w licytacji NA MIEJSCU w Janowie Podlaskim Organizatorom Aukcji drogą mailową na adres: office@prideofpoland. eu podając swoje dane osobowe/dane firmy i/ lub reprezentowanej stadniny

II. IN CASE OF ON-SITE BIDDING: 1. Notify the Auction Organisers of your wish to participate in the Auction ON SITE in Janów Podlaski by email to: office@prideofpoland.


Wpłać wadium w wysokości 2500 Euro przelewem, gotówką lub za pomocą terminala. W przypadku licytacji NA MIEJSCU wpłata wadium musi zostać zaksięgowana na koncie Operatora aukcji (Equibid.pl) najpóźniej na 2 godziny przed rozpoczęciem danej części aukcji w przypadku płatności bezgotówkowych i nie wcześniej jak 6 godzin a nie później jak 2 godziny przed rozpoczęciem danej części aukcji - w przypadku wpłat gotówkowych. Biuro aukcji będzie otwarte na terenie Stadniny Koni w Janowie Podlaskim w niedzielę 14.08.2022 od godziny 9:00 i w poniedziałek 15.08.2022 od godziny 8:30.

2a. JEŻELI LICYTUJESZ W IMIENIU INNEJ OSOBY musisz posiadać pisemne pełnomocnictwo tej osoby podczas aukcji. Zgłoś ten fakt Organizatorowi podając dane osoby, którą reprezentujesz i pełnomocnictwo. Pełnomocnik powinien mieć pełnomocnictwo w jednej z następujących form: sporządzonym w formie pisemnej albo w formie pisemnej z podpisami notarialnie poświadczonymi albo w formie aktu notarialnego albo sporządzonym w formie elektronicznej (wyłącznie opatrzone kwalifikowanym podpisem elektronicznym). Wedle decyzji Organizatora Aukcji może zostać dopuszczony Uczestnik działający przez pełnomocnika legitymującego się pełnomocnictwem w następującej formie dokumentowej - jako zeskanowany, wydrukowany lub skopiowany dokument stanowiący odwzorowanie dokumentu, który pierwotnie został sporządzony w formie pisemnej (np. skan PDF), umożliwiający ustalenie osoby udzielającej pełnomocnictwa, osoby pełnomocnika, zakresu pełnomocnictwa oraz zawierający odwzorowanie własnoręcznego podpisu reprezentowanego. Jeżeli reprezentujesz więcej niż jednego kupującego wadium musi zostać wpłacone za każdego uczestnika osobno. Nie zapomnij, że rejestrując się jako uczestnik aukcji musisz mieć przy sobie dowód tożsamości ze zdjęciem. 3. Jeżeli udało Ci się wylicytować konia podpisz niezwłocznie w ciągu 10 minut od zakończenia danej licytacji NA MIEJSCU potwierdzenie zawarcia transakcji 4. Dokonaj niezbędnych opłat w terminie 7 dni od zakończenia licytacji. 5. Odbierz i ciesz się wylicytowanym koniem -

eu, providing your personal details/company details and/or the stud represented 2. Pay a deposit of 2500 Euro by bank transfer, cash or using a terminal. In the case of onsite auctions, the deposit payment must be credited to the auction’s Operator (Equibid. pl) account at least 2 hours before the start of the relevant part of the auction in the case of non-cash payments and no earlier than 6 hours and no later than 2 hours before the start of the relevant part of the auction in the case of cash payments. The auction office will be open at Janów Podlaski Stud on Sunday 14.08.2022 from 9:00 a.m. and on Monday 15.08.2022 from 8:30 a.m. 2a. IF YOU ARE BIDDING IN THE NAME OF ANOTHER PERSON, you must have that person's written power of representation during the auction. The proxy should have a power of representation in one of the following forms: drawn up in writing or in or with notarised signatures or in the form of a notarial deed, or drawn up in electronic form (only with qualified electronic signature). At the discretion of the Auction Organiser, a Participant acting through a proxy with a representation in the following documentary form may be admitted - as a scanned, printed or copied document constituting a reproduction of a document which was originally drawn up in writing (e.g. PDF scan), making it possible to determine the person granting the proxy, the person of the proxy, the scope of the proxy and containing a reproduction of the handwritten signature of the person represented. Report this to the Organiser, giving the details of the person you are representing and the power of attorney. If you represent more than one buyer the deposit must be paid for each participant separately. Do not forget that when registering as a participant in the auction, you must have your photo ID/passport with you. 3. If you have successfully bid for a horse, sign the sale confirmation immediately within 10 minutes of the end of the relevant bidding. 4 Make the necessary payments within 7 days of the end of the auction. 5. Pick up and enjoy your new horse - we wish you much success and satisfaction hoping that you will come back to us for the next auction!

życzymy Wam wielu sukcesów i satysfakcji licząc, że powrócisz do nas na kolejną edycję aukcji! III.





1. Zarejestruj się akceptując regulamin na stronie wydarzenia w serwisie Equibid.pl 2. Dokonaj płatności internetowej wadium. 2a. JEŻELI LICYTUJESZ W IMIENIU INNEJ OSOBY musisz posiadać pisemne pełnomocnictwo tej osoby podczas aukcji. W tym przypadku musisz zarejestrować się jako osoba prawna i podać podczas rejestracji dane mocodawcy. Zwróć uwagę na to, że Użytkownik, który zarejestruje się jako pełnomocnik danej osoby prawnej to z danego profilu/ loginu będzie mógł kupić konia tylko w imieniu tego jednego mocodawcy. Jeżeli reprezentujesz więcej niż jednego kupującego, należy założyć osobne konto na każdego kupującego, a wadium musi zostać wpłacone za każdego uczestnika osobno. 3. Jeżeli udało Ci się wylicytować konia ON-LINE (w Internecie) - wpłać zwiększenie wadium - dodatkowe 1000 Euro w ciągu 10 minut od zakończenia danej licytacji. 4. Dokonaj niezbędnych opłat w terminie 7 dni od zakończenia licytacji. Po wygranej licytacji otrzymasz wiadomość z potwierdzeniem zakupu i danymi do płatności. W przypadku licytacji ONLINE do ceny przybicia netto zostanie doliczona prowizja aukcyjna w wysokości 2%.

III. IN THE CASE OF ONLINE BIDDING (ON THE INTERNET) 1. Register by accepting the terms and conditions on the event page at Equibid.pl 2. Make an online payment of the deposit of 2500 Euro. 2a. IF YOU ARE BIDDING IN THE NAME OF ANOTHER PERSON, you must have that person's written power of attorney during the auction. In this case, you must register as a legal entity and provide the details of the principal when registering. Please note that if you register as a proxy for a legal person, you will only be able to buy a horse from the given profile/login on behalf of this one principal. If you represent more than one buyer, a separate account must be created for each buyer and the deposit must be paid for each participant separately. 3) If you have successfully bid for a horse ON-LINE (on the Internet) - pay an increase in the deposit - an additional EUR 1,000 - within 10 minutes of the end of the relevant bidding. 4 Make the necessary payments within 7 days of the end of the auction. Once you have won the auction, you will receive a message with your purchase confirmation and payment details. For ON-LINE bidding, an auction commission of 2% will be added to the net bidding price. 5 Pick up and enjoy your new horse - we wish you much success and satisfaction hoping that you will come back to us for the next auction!

5. Odbierz i ciesz się wylicytowanym koniem życzymy Wam wielu sukcesów i satysfakcji licząc, że powrócisz do nas na kolejną edycję aukcji! PEŁEN REGULAMIN AUKCJI PRIDE OF POLAND I SUMMER SALE 2022


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Pride of Poland LIST OF HORSES





Lot. 3

Lot. 4











Lot. 12





Lot. 6

Lot. 11

Lot. 16

PIRENO Lot. 21

Lot. 7

Lot. 17

Lot. 8

Lot. 18

Lot. 9

Lot. 14


Lot. 10

Lot. 15


lot. 1 ESPARTO

grey, 2002 Michałów Stud 1/4


grey, 2003 Białka Stud 1/5



grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)

Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina



chestnut, 1992 Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-0-0-1-3)

Bandos Eunice


Set Espaniola



grey, 1991 Michałów Stud 2/22 (1-3-5-3)

Palas Arra


Eukaliptus Emigracja



Pamir Bajeczka


Partner Embara

grey, 1986 Białka Stud 1/8 (0-0-2-1-1)

Bred and owned by Białka State Stud MHR sp. z o.o. PASB Vol. XVI-5 grey mare, foaled on 5th of March, 2011 measurements: 147-182-17,5 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi or.ar., imp. 1931 Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2012 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare – Białka (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polska Arabia Festival Warsaw (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Mares 7-10 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Mares 7 Years Old and Above) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL)


2016 colt EGIRIAN (Glorius Apal) grey 2018 colt EGIRIUS (Zundance Jamil) grey 2019 filly EGIRIANA (Pogrom) bay 2020 colt EGESTIS (Kanz Al Bidayer) bay 2022 filly ELLA SENTA (El Jahez WH)


Bred to PALATINO (last service on 4th of May, 2022)

16 - www.prideofpoland.eu

EGIRIA is a decorated broodmare from the barns of Białka Stud. As a daughter of ESPARTO, she ranks high among the mares of the youngest State Stud. This Polish National Champion and multi champion from Middle Eastern Shows was a son of EKSTERN and considered his heir apparent. Sadly, ESPARTO’s untimely death put an end to many hopes and expectations, making us appreciate the crops he had managed to sire even more. Białka was lucky enough to be able to test out ESPARTO as the first of the State Studs. His greatest legacy is no doubt PERFINKA (All Nations Cup Junior Champion, European Junior Silver Champion, World Junior Silver Champion, Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion, Qatar International Arabian Horse Show Junior Silver Champion, among the many of her accolades). EGIRIA’s damline is that of the Michałów-bred EMKA, one of the foundation broodmares of Poland’s youngest Arabian stud. Her full sister EGEMA (also by ESPARTO) is a highly decorated show champion as Wrocław Summer Show Junior Champion Mare, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Champion Mare & Best in Show, Abu Zabi Junior Bronze Champion Mare, UAE National Junior Reserve Champion Mare. Other Białka-bred members of the family of EMKA include EKINA (Vilhelmsborg Junior Top Five), EMIKA (Warsaw Summer Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Warsaw Summer Show Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare), EMON (twice Tenerife Senior Champion Stallion) and endurance horse EMIMBOR (winner of the 100 km Sheikh Majid bin Mohammed Endurance Ride). EMKA further originates from the damline of ELA, one founding broodmares of Michałów Stud, when it was still based in Klemensów. Her many successful descendants in Michałów include champions ESKADRA, chief sires ELDON and ESPARTERO, and the highly decorated motherdaughter group of EGZOTYKA, EGNA, ESKALOPKA & EGZONERA.


www.prideofpoland.eu - 17

lot. 2 MORION

bay, 2013 Michałów Stud

ESPERANA Private Breeders Offer ELERTA

bay, 2012 Jan Głowacki


Marwan Al Shaqab

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

OFW Mishaahl

Mishaah OFW Balarina


Monogramm Ernestyna

bay, 2008 Michałów Stud

Mata Hari

Werbum Martynika



grey, 2005 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/10 (0-0-1-2-4)

Eldon Pipi


Sanadik El Shaklan Antwerpia



Monogramm Garonna


Etogram Eura


chestnut, 2002 Jan Głowacki 1/7 (1-3-1-2)

Bred and owned by Jan Głowacki PASB Vol. XVIII-3 bay filly, foaled on 16th of April, 2019 measurements: 151-176-19 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Sahara d.b imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



2020 Sopot Arabian Horse Show Yearling Bronze Champion – Sopot (PL)


ESPERANA is a young filly at the threshold of her show career. She is a daughter of the Michałów-bred MORION, who has taken the show world by storm and is now doing the same in the breeding barn. MORION’s show record is nothing short of extraordinary. His list of accolades includes Białka Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, World Junior Champion, Qatar International Arabian Horse Championship Junior Champion, AHO World Cup Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion. But his breeding career will be even better. At this year’s Junior Spring Show in Białka, MORION’s get won medals at all the four championships: the gold, silver and bronze in the yearling male championships went to EL MEDAR, DELIKT and LARGO KL, the silver and bronze in the yearling female championships went to ZŁOTA AURA and BELLA MIA, the gold in the junior male championships went to EL BRILLO and the bronze in the junior female championships went to EL MARIELLA. ESPERANA’s granddam on the distaff side, EWITACJA, is the dam of the sire ETERNAL. This lovely chestnut stallion, also bred by Jan Głowacki as ESPERANA, is a Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Austrian International Junior Top Five Stallion, Scandinavian Open Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Polska-Arabia Senior Bronze Champion, Kauber Platte Senior Bronze Champion and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Stallion.

18 - www.prideofpoland.eu

Private Breeders Offer


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lot. 3 POGANIN

grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2)



Imperial Imdal

grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel

Ansata Imperial Dalia

AK Latifa

Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima



Bandos Pemba


Probat Pentoda

Marwan Al Shaqab

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

OFW Mishaahl

Mishaah OFW Balarina



Monogramm Ernestyna


Alegro Ceduła

grey, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/8 (1-1-3-2-1)


bay, 2013 Janów Podlaski Stud

chestnut, 2005 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/10 (3-3-1-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-3 bay colt, foaled on 21st of April, 2019 measurements: 153-178-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 Jarczowce



2021 Junior Spring Show Top Five Colt – Białka (PL) 2021 Polish National Junior Silver Champion Colt – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2021 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Intercup Show – Prague (CZ)

CZARO is a delightful three year old colt, who has been crowned last year as Polish National Junior Silver Champion, right behind Michałów’s incredible FERRUM. CZARO is sired by POGANIN, a multi champion from various European events and Polish National Senior Champion Stallion. POGANIN is an exemplary combination of exotic beauty of the Straight Egyptian with classic Polish bloodlines. His conformation, dished head and show-stopping charisma are the gifts of his sire LAHEEB, twice Israeli National Senior Champion, European Reserve Junior Champion, Israeli National Junior Champion and World Top Ten Junior Stallion. On the distaff side POGANIN traces to Janów’s most iconic damline of PIEWICA, the source of now several generations of international show champions, chief sires, superb race horses and prominent broodmares, including such greats as PIANISSIMA, PINGA or POGROM. CZARO’s dam, CEDORA, is a Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare and class winner at the Polish Nationals from 2015. She is a daughter of CENOZA, a multiple show champion and winner from the race track, confirming the value of Janów Podlaski’s versatile “C” damline. Sired by EKSTERN, CENOZA easily inherited his exotic looks and show charisma. Her first champion title came at one year of age at the Autumn Show in Janów Podlaski, but she really began to bloom in her senior years. Not only did her scores surpass the 90/40 point mark, she also secured the titles of Autumn Show Silver Champion, Scandinavian Open Silver Champion, Prague InterCup Bronze Champion, European Top Five and ultimately - World Top Ten Mare in 2013. Apart from that CENOZA also had a respectable racing career. Representing the famous Polish “bold and beautiful” concept she not only completed two racing seasons, but won on three occasions and coming in second also three times. No wonder CENOZA sparked animated bidding at the 2014 Pride of Poland Sale, where she was sold for 240 thousand Euro to the UK.

20 - www.prideofpoland.eu


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lot. 4 EL OMARI

chestnut, 2008 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-0-2-3)


grey, 2006 Michałów Stud


Padrons Psyche

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone - USA

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar



grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2)

Negatraz Monogramma


Pamir Emanacja



grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Pepton Pestka



Ararat Emigrantka


Piechur Premia

grey, 1999 Michałów Stud 1/7

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-4 chestnut mare, foaled on 10th of March, 2015 measurements: 153-179-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



2016 Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion Mare Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the European Championships – Lier (BE) 2017 Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show – Białka (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Mare Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the All Nations Cup – Aachen (DE) 2018 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show – Warsaw (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2019 European Junior Silver Champion Mare (IT) 2021 Class Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2021 Class Winner (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the Inter Cup – Prague (CZ)


2019 colt (Forman) died 2020 filly PRIMULA (Equator) bay 2021 filly (Morion) died 2022 filly PERISTERIA (Morion)


Bred to MORION (last service on 5th June 2022)

22 - www.prideofpoland.eu

POGANINKA is one of the crown jewels of the 2022 Pride of Poland Sale. She is a Junior Gold Champion & Best in Show from Białka, a Junior Gold Champion from the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival, a Junior Silver Champion from Al Khalediah again and a Junior Silver Champion from the European Championships. Beauty runs gene-deep in this family – POGANINKA is a maternal sister to PROTEKCJA – Białka Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion, Polish National Top Five Champion, twice World Top Ten Champion, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Silver Champion, Inter Cup Senior Silver Champion. Both sisters descend directly from Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Bábolna International Reserve Champion Mare PREMIA and her daughter PREMIERA - a Polish National Junior Champion, Dutch National Senior Champion, Elran Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Mooslargue Senior Champion & Vilhelmsborg Senior Top Five Mare. The Premiera branch of the family has given rise to such show stars as PIACENZA, Polish National Junior Top Five, European Junior Top Five, World Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show, Senior Gold Champion Mare at the Normadie Arabian Festival and Senior Silver Champion Mare title at the Arabian Masters in Bordeaux; World Senior Top Ten, Mercedes Cup Champion, Scandinavian Open Senior Champion & UK International Senior Bronze Champion Stallion PREMIER; Czech National Junior Bronze Champion Mare PORENA; Breeders’ International Championships Europe Junior Bronze Champion & Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Stallion PRIMANUS QATAR. POGANINKA’s sire EL OMARI is royally bred as the son of US National & Scottsdale Champion ENZO and Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion Mare EMBRA from Michałów’s E dynasty of champions.


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grey, 2007 Om El Arab International USA



Sanadik El Shaklan

El Shaklan Mohena

grey, 1999 Om El Arab International USA

Om El Shaina

Carmargue Estopa


Sanadik El Shaklan

El Shaklan Mohena

grey, 1996 Om El Arab International Om El Beneera USA El Paso

grey, 1981 Janów Podlaski Stud 3/17 (4-4-4-2)

Czort Ellora


Palas Etna



Aswan (Raafat) Panel


Bandos Eunice


grey, 1995 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (0-0-1-0-2)

grey, 1985 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/17 (7-4-1-4) C

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVI-5 grey mare, foaled on 31st of January, 2011 measurements: 154-185-18,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Sahara d.b. im. 1845 to Jarczowce


2014-2015: 8 starts: 1xI, 3xII, 2xV

SHOW RECORD: 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2015 2015

Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare – Białka (PL) Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the Inter Cup – Prague (CZ) European Cup Junior Bronze Champion Mare – Prague (CZ) Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the European Championships - Moorsele (BE) Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show – Białka (PL) Polish National Junior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) World Junior Top Ten Mare – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) Polish National Senior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) Class Top Five (Mare 4-6 Years Old) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2015 European Senior Top Five – Verona (IT) 2015 Class Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the All Nations Cup – Aachen (DE) 2015 World Top Ten Senior Mare – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2016 Class Top Five (Mares 4-5 Years Old) at the European Championships - Lier (BE) 2017 Class Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 Polish National Senior Top Five – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 European Senior Bronze Champion Mare (IT) 2020 Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2021 Polish National Senior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2021 Class Top Five (Mares 10 Years Old and Above) – Verona (IT) 2021 Class Winner (Mares 10 Years Old and Above) at the Inter Cup – Prague (CZ) 2021 European Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare – Prague (CZ) 2021 Class Top Five (Senior Mares) at the World Championships Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR)


2017 colt EUZONUS (Ekstern) bay 2018 colt EUZONITOS (EKS Alihandro) grey 2019 colt EXTENDER (Excalibur E.A.) grey 2020 filly EMMANELLA (Pogrom) grey 2022 filly (Haash OSB)


Bred to PROMETEUSZ (last service on 19th of April, 2022)

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Sharem El Sheikh Estopa

EUZONA is a phenomenal Arabian specimen and like the best of wines – she gets better with age. In 2021 at the Polish National Show she won her class with an amazing score of 94.2 pts, including top marks for type from the entire jury panel. She is sired by OM EL BELLISSIMO, a result of the famous program of Om El Arab, the creator of SANADIK EL SHAKLAN - a World Junior Champion, Egyptian Event Supreme Champion, Scottsdale Top Ten Stallion and one of the most respected sires in the world, to whom OM EL BELLISSIMO is linebred through both sire and dam. EUZONA’s dam is EUZETIA, who is also the dam of the following show contenders: Junior Spring Show class top five EUKARIONT and Arabian Trophy Rhône Alpes Senior Champion, Albi International Senior Champion/Best in Show EUMENIDA. The above achievements of her offspring make EUZETIA the best producing daughter of Criterium Stakes winner EUZEBIA. A superb athlete as the winner of 7 races, EUZEBIA is furthermore a sister to the epochal “bold & beautiful” EUROPEJCZYK, Polish National Champion and unbeaten track winner of six stake races, including the Derby and Criterium. Both are out of one of Janów Podlaski’s most memorable broodmatrons, Polish National Senior Champion EUROPA, a full sister to Poland’s first ever National Champion and sire of merit - EUKALIPTUS.


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lot. 6 ASCOT DD

chestnut, 2011 DD Arabians Belgium


chestnut, 2008 Białka Stud 1/9 (0-0-1-1)

Bred and owned by Białka State Stud MHR sp. z o.o. PASB Vol. XVIII-1 chestnut mare, foaled on 26th of April, 2017 measurements: 151-175-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta



2022 filly EVELINA (Paris)


Bred to D KAHEEL (last service on 3rd of March, 2022)



grey, 2007 DST Arabians USA

Magnum Psyche S Justadream

Gloria Apal

Psytadel SA Misha Apal



chestnut, 2007 DD Arabians Belgium

Padrons Psyche Bint Bey Shah

Monogrammed Lady

Monogramm Agracious Lady


Padrons Psyche

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone - USA

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar



Eukaliptus Halfa


Palas Elleida

chestnut, 1999 Białka Stud 1/8 (1-2-1-0)

ELWIMIA is a lovely daughter of the very much in demand ASCOT DD, a highly decorated show star as Menton Yearling Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, DIAHC, Menton & World Junior Silver Champion and European Junior Bronze Champion Stallion, as well as outstanding sire with such champion offspring in Poland as APLAUS (Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Stallion), BENONA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Mare), EL BELLISIMA (twice Polish National Junior Silver Champion Mare), ENCARINA (Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Mare, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion Mare, KAAHC Junior Bronze Champion Mare), ERANTIS (Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion,), PARILLUS (Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion) and PASCUALA (Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare). She is a maternal sister to ELWITA – a Yearling Gold Champion Mare from the Arabia-Polska Warsaw Championship and a Junior Bronze Champion Mare from the International Days For Arabian Horses in Ströhen. Both ELWIMIA and ELWITA are direct female descendants of to the prominent ELLORA, dam of the legendary EL PASO, Scottsdale Senior Champion, US National Champion Stallion and the first Polish horse to hit the million dollar sale price mark. The subline of ELLORA is specifically famous for its athletic-oriented equines, such as stake winners EL GHAZI, EREIZ, ELSANA, EL SARA, Derby winner ELIAT and Poland’s most famous all-around performance Arabian, multiple endurance and dressage medalist, as well as WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Polish Arabian breeding - ELEKT.

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lot. 7 QR MARC

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA



Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Little Liza Fame

Fame VF Katahza


Magic Dream

Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner

Kouream De Ment

Kouros Rawhides Amenda

Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa


Kaborr Edjora


Pepton Etruria


Eukaliptus Emigracja

chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta USA

GAZAL AL SHAQAB EMANDORIA grey, 2004 Michałów Stud

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


grey, 1996 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 3rd of June, 2013 measurements: 154-173-17.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta


2016 – 5 starts: 1xII, 1xIII, 2xV


2018 filly EL ESMERA (Sahm El Arab) grey 2019 filly ESPARELLA (Muranas Jassehr) grey 2020 filly ESCORTERA (Alert) grey 2022 colt EWING (AJ Azzam)


Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 14th March 2022)

ESMERALDIA is a daughter of two World Champions – QR MARC (Gold) & EMANDORIA (Platinum). EMANDORIA is a living legend and an absolute Queen of Michałów Stud. Her collection of prestigious titles speaks for itself. Her beauty exceeds boundaries, as she has been crowned champion mare in Europe, America and the Middle East. EMANDORIA has also received two “lifetime achievement awards” of the highest caliber: the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding Arabian individual and World Platinum Champion Mare. Her producing abilities are also beyond measure, as she is the dam of EMERALD J - Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly World Cup Senior Gold and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival (A cat) Senior Gold Champion. He is also the sire of multi champions GALLARDO J, MOUNIRA J & ADMIRAAL. EMANDORIA’s daughter EMANOLLA is also a talented mare as Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, All-Polish Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion & Polish National Junior Gold Champion. EMANDORIA naturally stems from Michałów’s E-dynasty of champions. Her World Senior Champion dam EMANDA is a maternal sister to EMILDA, EMANTA, EMANOR, ESPADRILLA, EMPIRYKA. All these horses are out of the unforgettable EMANACJA - Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion Mare. Not to be overshadowed by her famous dam, ESMERALDIA also has a champion daughter to her name: EL ESMERA – Białka Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, European Cup Junior Bronze Champion and European Junior Gold Champion Mare.

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Padrons Psyche

Padron Kilika

chestnut, 1995 J.L. & L.H. Havice USA

A Fancy Miracle

Sasaki Medina Azahara


Justafire DGL


chestnut, 1998 Resting S. Ranch Inc. USA

Afire Bey V Mc Justa Kate


Eukaliptus Acquanetta

Private Breeders Offer



Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina


Bandos Eunice


Gedymin Ela


chestnut, 2003 M.J. & R.A. Wilmet USA


grey, 2002 Leszek Jarmuż

grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


grey, 1985 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Wojciech Parczewski PASB Vol. XVI-5 grey mare, foaled on 13th of June, 2011 measurements: 153-191-15.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2013 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the International Championship Wels (AT) 2013 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polska Arabia Festival Góra Kalwaria (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Mares 4-5 Years Old) at the Kauber Platte Championat Kauber Platte (DE)


2016 colt EL VALENTINO (Excalibur E.A.) grey 2017 colt EL SANTIAGO (Emerald J) grey 2018 filly EL ROMANTIKA (QR Marc) chestnut 2020 filly EL SPERANZA (WH Justice) grey 2022 colt (EKS Farajj)


Bred to D NAYEL (last service on 20th June 2022)

ETIFFANI is an exquisite broodmare with three champion produce to her name. She is the dam of EL VALENTINO (Bruges Junior Gold Champion, Ströhen Junior Bronze Champion. Polish National Junior Gold Champion, All-Polish Junior Bronze Champion and Scandinavian Open Junior Bronze Champion Stallion) and EL ROMANTIKA (Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare) and EL SANTIAGO (Bronze Medal Yearling Colts - Cracow International Arabian Horse Show). Her dam EKSTERA, by the “King of the Ring” EKSTERN, an undefeated show champion with nine prestigious titles to their name, among them Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Stallion, 2000 European Triple Crown winner as All Nations Cup, European & World Senior Champion Stallion, Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion and a WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. EKSTERA is walking proof of EKSTERN’s abilities to create champion-producing daughters. Some of his best include PUSTYNNA MALWA (dam of PUSTYNIA KAHILA), MESALINA (dam of MORION), EKLIPTYKA (dam of EQUATOR and EL BELLISIMA) and WIEŻA MARZEŃ (dam of WIEŻA MOCY). EKSTERA has further added to this collection with produce such as ELMARAN (Scandinavian Open International Junior Reserve Champion, Wels International Junior Top Five, Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Senior Gold Champion, Deauville Intercontinental Cup Senior Bronze Champion and Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion) and EUROPESA (Breeders’ and International Championships Europe Senior Reserve Champion). Tail female ETIFFANI hails from the important foundation mare ELA, whose contribution to the breed includes a slew of distinguished show winners, finding acclaim in every corner of the globe, starting from Europe (EKINA, EMIKA, EMON, EDIN, ESPRATERO, EL PIATZOLLA, ELDON, EMERYK, EMESA, EPIMA, ECHO APOLLO, ELTON, EGNA, EGZOTYKA, EWAKUACJA, ELART, EWOLUTA), through the Middle East (ESKALOPKA), North America (EDINA, ESKADRA, EGZONERA, EUSCERA) to South Africa (ELOIDA).

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Private Breeders Offer


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lot. 9 EMPIRE

grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


grey, 2007 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (1-1-0-1)


Padrons Psyche

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone - USA

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar



grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Monogramm Emilda



grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)

Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina



Bandos Eunice


Fawor Algeria

grey, 1999 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (2-2-2-3)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey mare, foaled on 24th of April, 2015 measurements: 151-180-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 to Babolna



2016 All-Polish Junior Gold Champion Mare & Best in Show – Radom (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2016 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2018 Junior Spring Show Junior Gold Champion Mare – Białka (PL) 2018 Polish National Junior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the All Nations Cup – Aachen (DE) 2019 Polish National Senior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2020 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the European Championships Prague (CZ) 2021 Sopot Arabian Horse Show Senior Top Five Mare – Sopot (PL) 2021 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL

BREEDING RECORD: 2022 colt (Haash OSB)


Bred to MORION (last service on 25th of May, 2022)

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ATAKAMA is a phenomenal offer as a highly experienced and decorated show mare. She is the daughter of the late EMPIRE, a Michałów-bred show arena alum as: Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, World Junior Top Ten Stallion, Wels International Junior Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion and All-Polish Senior Gold Champion Stallion. Her dam ATMA – daughter of the late EKSTERN, the undefeated King of the Ring - is herself a Summer Show Senior Bronze Champion Mare from Wrocław & an Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare from Janów Podlaski. ATMA is also the dam of ATANDA - a Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare and a class winner from the Polish Nationals. ATMA is just one of three Janów Podlaski-bred foals of ALTONA, a Pride of Poland high-seller at 180 thousand euro, and best producing daughter of the beloved Kuhailan mares ALBIGOWA and her dam ALGERIA. ATMA’s stellar sisters are ALTAMIRA (Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare, Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare, European Junior Top Five Mare, World Junior Top Ten Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, World Senior Top Ten Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, high-seller of the 2015 Pride of Poland at 250 thousand Euro, as well as dam of champions AMANITO, ANAWERA & ADELITA) and ALABAMA (Scandinavian Open Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Deauville Arabian Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare & high-seller of the 2014 Pride of Poland at 165 thousand euro).


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bay, 2010 Elkasun Arabians Republic of South Africa


bay, 2011 Janów Podlaski 1/3 (0-0-0-1-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 chestnut colt, foaled on 23.03.2018 measurements: 154-176-19 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew

RACING RECORD: 2021 - 1 start


2019 Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Colt – Białka (PL) 2021 Junior Spring Show Top Five Colt – Białka (PL)


Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Little Liza Fame

Fame VF Katahza


Padrons Psyche

Padron Kilika

chest., 2005 Orrion Farms USA

Hafati Julianna

RSD Dark Victory PGN Flirtation



chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm USA

Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane

Silken Sable

Genesis C Touch O Mink


Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora


Fawor Pipi

bay, 2004 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (0-0-1-0-2)

PINITO is a son of multichampion EKS ALIHANDRO and Polish National Champion Mare PINIATA, the best produce of Platinum Champion Mare PINGA. Bred in the Republic of South Africa, EKS ALIHANDRO holds such prestigious titles as Menton Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion and the ultimate honor - World Senior Gold Champion Stallion, among others.This statuesque equine is sired by triple World Champion Stallion MARWAN AL SHAQAB, himself a son of the already legendary GAZAL AL SHAQAB. PINITO’s dam PINIATA is a daughter of PINGA, who besides being Platinum has also been named (among others) PSAIAHF Senior Champion, European Senior Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion and Best in Show on both of these occasions, as well as acknowledged with the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding representative of the Arabian breed. Apart from PINIATA she has also produced PATERNA (Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare) and PETULA (European Yearling Top Five Mare). PINGA’s dam PILAR, herself a Polish National Junior Champion, went on to foal a slew of show winners: PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA, POMIAN and last but not least - Polish National Junior & Senior Gold Champion, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Senior Silver & World Platinum Champion Mare PINGA. PILAR can also be justly nicknamed the “million Euro mare”, with daughter PINTA selling for 500 thousand, PIETA for 300 thousand and PILAR herself at 240 thousand Euro.

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lot. 11 RFI FARID bay, 2007 RFI Arabians Brasil


Altam Yshmayl

bay, 1998 RFI Arabians Brasil

RSD Dark Victory Yamina

RFI Cyntilation

Ninjah El Jamaal C-Cynadra

Shiraz El Jamaal

Ali Jamaal Satyna



grey, 2002 RFI Arabians Brasil

Fire Glory

NV Sure Fire Key of Glory JP

Private Breeders Offer



Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina


Penitent Erotyka


Ernal Emka

ESMETA bay, 2008 Białka Stud

grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


grey, 1991 Białka Stud

Bred and owned by Alicja Najmowicz PASB Vol. XVIII-2 bay mare, foaled on 5th of April, 2018 measurements: 155-178-18 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. imp. 1919 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2019 Junior Spring Show Bronze Yearling Champion Mare – Białka (PL) 2019 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Top Five Yearling Mare Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2020 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2020 Polish National Top Five Junior Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2020 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the European Championships Prague (CZ) 2021 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2021 Polish National Bronze Junior Champion Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2021 European Cup Top Five Junior Mare – Prague (CZ) 2021 World Arabian Horse Championships 10th Junior Mares – Paris (FR)


Bred to MORION (last service on 15th of June, 2022)

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EL FARIDA is an exciting show prospect with several titles to her name already at a young age. She is the daughter of RFI FARID - Italian National Junior Champion, International Kauber Platte Junior Gold Champion, International Verona Junior Gold Champion Stallion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, World Junior Bronze Champion, Austrian International Senior Silver Champion, Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, Sharjah International Senior Silver Champion & Elran Cup Senior Silver Champion Stallion. He is also known for siring champion winners, such as D AJAYEB (World Gold Champion), HDM MARIA APAL (World Gold Champion) & MADINAT AL BAYDAA (World Silver Champion), for which he was named the Leading Sire of the Paris Show in 2016. El FARIDA’s dam ESMETA is sired by the late EKSTERN, a sire that redefined the breed standard. Nine times shown, nine times champion, including the European Triple Crown, EKSTERN has also become known as the “sire of broodmares”, as his daughters have produced the likes of EQUATOR, WIEŻA MOCY and MORION. ESMETA’s dam is EMIKA, one of Białka’s champion greats as Warsaw Summer Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Warsaw Summer Show Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show & Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare. EMIKA is the granddaughter of EMKA, one of the foundation broodmares of Poland’s youngest Arabian stud. EMKA further originates from the damline of ELA, one founding broodmares of Michałów Stud, when it was still based in Klemensów. Her many successful descendants in Michałów include champions ESKADRA, chief sires ELDON and ESPARTERO, and the highly decorated mother-daughter group of EGZOTYKA, EGNA, ESKALOPKA & EGZONERA.

Private Breeders Offer


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grey, 1999 Om El Arab International USA

EMANDILLA ESPADRILLA grey, 1997 Michałów Stud


El Shaklan

Shaker El Masri Estopa

grey, 1983 Om El Arab Germany


Habdan Enzahi Morisca V



grey, 1987 Om El Arab Germany

White Lightning Velvet Shadow


Tabal Uyaima



Bask Negotka


Knippel Monopolia


Bandos Eunice


Palas Emisja

chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians USA


grey, 1986 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVI-4 bay mare, foaled on 26th of March, 2010 measurements: 154-183-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta


2013 - 5 starts: 2xII, 1xIII, 1x


2011 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2011 Summer Arabian Horse Performance Yearling Silver Champion Mare Wrocław (PL) 2011 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare – Białka (PL) 2012 Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 European Junior Top Five Mare – Moorsele (BE) 2012 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the All Nations Cup – Aachen (DE) 2012 World Junior Top Ten Mare – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2014 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2014 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2015 Polish National Senior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the All Nations Cup – Aachen (DE) 2016 Class Top Five (4-6 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (7-10 Year Old Mares) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Senior Mares) at the World Championships – Salon du Cheval (FR) 2020 Polish National Senior Top Five Mare – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2020 European Top Five Senior Mare – Prague (CZ)

BREEDING RECORD: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022

filly EMANNDIA (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay colt EMANDENOR (Emerald J) bay filly ESCADRILLA (Ascot DD) chestnut filly EMPIRICA (Złoty Medal) grey colt EMEND (Morion) bay filly ELARISA (Al Ayad AA) grey colt (Paris)


Bred to MORION (last service on14th July 2022)

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EMANDILLA is without a doubt one of Michałów’s best – an experienced show horse and proven broodmare. Not only is she a numerous championship finalist, but she is also a dam of EMANDENOR – Białka Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion & Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion. EMANDILLA is the daughter of ESPADRILLA, one of the exquisite MONOGRAMM daughters who not only ruled the show arenas, but further proved their worth in the breeding barn. Apart from being Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare twice and Senior Champion Mare from shows in Falborek and Bełżyce, ESPADRILLA is a splendid producer as the dam of Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare ESPINILLA, Wrocław Summer Show Junior Reserve Champion, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five & World Junior Top Ten Mare EMANDILLA, as well as several accomplished foals from Knocke Arabians: ELAN DE MARC K.A. (Wels International Senior Gold Champion, Palermo Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly ABCE Junior Bronze Champion, Milan Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show), EQUIBORN K.A. (Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Chantilly AHO World Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, Chantily AHO World Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Junior Silver Champion, Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, World Silver Yearling Champion, among others), ESTOKADA K.A. (Deauville Senior Bronze Champion, Bruges Yearling Bronze Champion, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion, Belgian National Yearling Gold Champion) and EPICA K.A. (Tulip Cup Senior Silver Champion). The champion genes run deep in this family - ESPADRILLA is out of the iconic EMANACJA, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare and producer extraordinaire as dam of champions EMILDA (progenitor of EMBRA, EMIRA, EL SAGHIRA, EMPIRE, EL OMARI), EMANOR & EMANDA (dam of EMANDORIA).


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lot. 13 PALATINO

grey, 2006 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/9 (2-2-3-1)


brown, 2008 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/1

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey mare, foaled on 12th of February, 2015 measurements: 153-183-18 cm Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 to Sławuta Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 Jarczowce



2021 filly BALETKA (El Omari) chestnut 2022 colt (Haash OSB)


Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 28th of March, 2022)



grey, 1991 Białka Stud 2/14 (2-3-2-3)

Eleuzis Parma


Ernal Pentoza



grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/1

Pepton Etruria


Fawor Pipi



grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Pepton Pestka



Fawor Pipi


Europejczyk Bellona

black, 2002 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/6 (0-1-2-1)

Baskonia is a maternal sister to the exceptional BAMBINA, who received a score of 94,67 (!) from the jury panel upon her debut at the Junior Spring Show in Białka, where she ultimately won the yearling gold medal. Her other titles include Champion from the Al Khalediah Show and World Top Ten and European Top Five. BAMBINA has since gone on to becoming a stellar broodmare, as the dam of BRODNICA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Filly, Polish National Yearling Bronze Champion Filly, European Yearling Bronze Champion Filly, Bruges Arabian Horse Event Junior Gold Champion Filly) and BASILEA – 2nd in class at the Junior Spring Show and Polish National Championships as a yearling. Another sister, BELINDA, is the dam of this year’s Białka Junior Spring Show Top Five BRODIA. Both Baskonia and BAMBINA trace directly to BANDOLA, one of Poland’s legendary broodmatrons (and full sister to epoch-changing stallion BASK). Bandola is also the dam of the iconic sire BANDOS, however it is the females that have recently brought new fame to this family. Bambina’s immediate relatives include BELGICA (Bełżyce Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Top Five Mare, Autumn Show Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show), BERENIKA (Autumn Show Junior Silver & Bronze Champion Mare, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare, European Cup Senior Silver Champion Mare, Ströhen Senior Bronze Champion Mare), BERNADETTA (Inter Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare, International St. Petersburg Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare), BALLENA (International St. Petersburg Cup Junior Silver Champion Mare) and just recently at the 2022 Junior Spring Show in Białka: BELLA MIA (bronze medal). Baskonia is sired by PALATINO - Autumn Show Senior Bronze Champion, InterCup Senior Bronze Champion, twice World Senior Top Ten, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Top Five, InterCup Senior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion. PALATINO’s sire multi champion PESAL remains the “pride of Białka” as their most “winningest” horse in history. His dam, European Senior Champion, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion and WAHO Trophy honoree PALMETA has also produced champions PALABRA, PALATINA, PATRIA & PARIS.

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lot. 14 QR MARC

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA


grey, 1999 Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-1-0-0)


Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Little Liza Fame

Fame VF Katahza


Magic Dream

chestnut, 1995 Virginia Petta USA

Ali Jamaal The Dreamspinner

Kouream De Ment

Kouros Rawhides Amenda



Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina


Enrilo Epopeja


Tallin Wizja

grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


chestnut, 1993 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVI-3 grey mare, foaled on 5th of March, 2009 measurements: 157-176-17.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta

WARANGA is an exceptionally valuable Arabian specimen as an experienced show horse, champion producer and bearer of priceless pedigree. She has ranked high at shows, but most importantly she is the dam of WOJ – Bruges Senior Silver Champion, Prague Inter Cup Senior Gold Champion, Sentower Diamond Trophy Senior Bronze Champion & Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Gold Champion Stallion.


WARANGA is a maternal sister to WILDA, an exceptional show star as Falborek Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Champion Mare, European Senior Top Five and twice World Senior Top Ten, and champion producer as dam of WORONIN, WILANDRA EA & WILDONA.

2012 – 6 starts: 2xIII, 1xIV, 2xV

SHOW RECORD: 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2013

Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show – Janów Podlaski (PL) Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Autumn Show – Janów Podlaski (PL) Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show – Janów Podlaski (PL) Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the European Championships – Verona (IT) Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the All Nations Cup – Aachen (DE) Class Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the European Championships – Verona (IT) 2017 Class Top Five (Mares 7 Years Old and Above) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL)


2014 colt WOJ (Empire) grey 2015 filly WIWERA (Empire) grey 2016 filly WIOSENNA RÓŻA (Empire) grey 2018 colt WIELKI PAN (Sahm El Arab) grey 2019 filly WIOSENNA AURA (Eternal) chestnut 2020 filly WIOSENNA MIŁOŚĆ (Al Ayal AA) grey 2021 colt WARALI (El Omari) grey 2022 colt WARREN (Paris)


Bred to EMPIRE (last service on 11th April 2022)

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WARANGA and WILDA’s dam, WILGA, is a Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare from Białka. The damline traces to founding mare WARMIA through her US National Champion Mare daughter WIZJA. It is exactly this branch of the family that has given the breed such specimen as WIAŹMA, WIEŻA WIATRÓW, WIEŻA BABEL, WIEŻA RÓŻ and the ultimate champion of them all, WIEŻA MOCY: Polish National Junior Champion Mare, European Junior Bronze Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show, European Junior Champion Mare, World Junior Champion Mare, Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Champion Mare, Scottsdale Arabian National Breeders Finals Senior Champion Mare, US National Senior Champion Mare, Scottsdale Arabian Show Senior Champion Mare and Polish National Senior Gold Champion Mare. WARANGA further benefits from two incredible sires: QR MARC & EKSTERN. World Champion QR MARC is a son of triple World Champion, double US National Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB & World Platinum Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB, sire of significance and breed standard setter. Whereas the iconic EKSTERN, affectionately dubbed “the King of the Ring”, remains an undefeated show champion with nine prestigious titles to their name, among them the 2000 European Triple Crown.


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chestnut, 2003 Azienda Agricola Buzzi Giancarlo Italy

Private Breeders Offer GINERVA

chestnut, 2001 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-1-0)

Bred and owned by Waldemar Bąk PASB Vol. XVII-4 chestnut mare, foaled on 19th of January, 2015 measurements: 153-171-17 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



2020 filly GAROSSA SA (QR Marc) chestnut 2021 filly GLORIA SA (Mikon OS) chestnut


Bred to ZEUS E.A. (last service on 5th of March, 2022)


Magnum Psyche

grey, 1999 D. & J.A. Goodrich USA

Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle

Vona Sher-Renea

El Sher-Mann Renea

Padrons Ghibli

Padrons Santanas Dalight

chestnut, 1996 Azienda Agricola Buzzi Giancarlo - Italy


Aktszn Anette



grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 2/23 (4-4-3-2-5)

Tallin Wilejka


Piechur Wendeta



Negatraz Monogramma


Palas Gilza


grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 2/15 (2-3-8-1)

GINEGRA is a daughter of AJMAN MONISCIONE, son of “maker of champions” WH JUSTICE. AJMAN MONISCIONE more than confirms this nickname, as he has catapulted to stardom by becoming Ströhen Junior Champion, “Best Head” winner at the Salon du Cheval, twice European Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, Menton International Junior Champion and St. Tropez Senior Gold Champion Stallion. Her dam GINERVA has produced outstanding full siblings by EKSTERN: GIZELDA - Reserve Champion of Pietrasanta B International Show, Gold Champion at Forssa International Show, Bronze Medal Champion in Westfalen, sold to Kuwait where she produced the colt JAWAHER GHAZY, winner of 3 gold medals in Middle East and Europe and placed top five in Aachen, and another foal by EKSTERN – GAZIR - Bronze Champion at Kauber-Platte B International Show and his full brother Gardens was Bronze at Festival du Cheval Arabe in France. Last but not least GINERVA produced European Cup Junior Bronze Champion Mare GINESSA. GINERVA is a daughter of Michałów’s beloved broodmatron GEORGIA, one of Michałów’s all-time greats, ranking equal alongside her paternal siblings as KWESTURA, FALLADA, ZAGROBLA, ESKALOPKA, EGZONERA, ELANDRA, EMBRA or PALMIRA. Like the finest of wines, GEORGIA delivered her best presentation at the ripe age of 20 (!) last year at the Polish Nationals. Her model Arabian type was awarded with a full set of top marks, her head and neck earned another “20” and her perfectly cadenced trot disarmed the judges, who could only hand her another complete set of “20s”. This translated to a mind-boggling final score of 95,17 pts, the highest score in the show’s history and a Senior Silver Medal. GEORGIA is one of seven extraordinary sisters out of “bold and beautiful” Salon du Cheval class & stakes winner GIZELA. GENEZA, GARONNA, GASKONIA, GEHENNA, GWARANCJA & GIZA and their produce have contributed to the breed with Oaks & Derby winners (GENEZA, GWARO, GEPARD, GARONNA), talented show champions (GARONNA, GANGES, GASKONIA, GEHENNA, GERMANIK) and three champion chief sires: GANGES, GASPAR & GRAFIK. GEORGIA took it a step further, as she established a separate subline of her dam’s family, which already counts three (!) successful generations. The most recent accomplished successor is GEORGIA’s granddaughter GALERIDA, Polish National Champion Mare/Best in Show and Sharjah, Dubai, Aachen & Menton Senior Bronze Champion Mare, out of GEORGIA’s most accomplished daughter - Polish National Senior Champion & World Senior Champion GALILEA.

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Private Breeders Offer


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lot. 16 ERYKS

bay, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1)

EL MEDIARA EL EMEERA grey, 2002 Michałów Stud


Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


Kaborr Edjora



grey, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4)

Negatraz Monogramma


Pamir Emanacja



Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina


Bandos Eunice


Palas Emisja

grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


grey, 1986 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVI-4 grey mare, foaled on 14th of February, 2010 measurements: 151-174-17.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2011 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2012 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2012 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (Mares 4-6 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 Class Top Five (Mares 7-10 Years Old) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL)


2015 filly EL MEDONA (Vitorio TO) bay 2016 colt EL TEMUR (Vitorio TO) grey 2017 filly EL GOTTA (Ascot DD) bay 2018 filly EHANTRA (Ascot DD) bay 2019 colt EL MERIDIAN (Złoty Medal) grey 2020 colt ELDARION (Al Ayal AA) grey 2021 filly ELKAJRA (Al Ayal AA) grey 2022 colt EL MONTE (AJ Azzam)


Bred to ERANTIS (last service on 12th March 2022)

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EL MEDIARA is an experienced show horse and proven producer. She is the dam of All-Polish Yearling Gold Champion EL GOTTA and class top fives EL MEDONA & EHANTRA. EL MEDIARA’s half-sister EL LARINERA made a strong debut at Białka with 93,67 pts and later added the titles of AL Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion Mare and European Yearling Top Five Mare to her name. Both EL MEDIARA and EL LARINERA are daughtera of EL EMEERA, whose pedigree is nothing short of legendary. Not only is she sired by the undefeated European Triple Crown winner EKSTERN, maker of champions and champion producers, she is the last daughter of the legendary EMANACJA, who gave rise to four generations of subsequent show stars, including none other than EMANDORIA herself. Stemming from Michałów’s world renown dynasty of 10 generations of “E” champions, EMANACJA is easily one of the most (if not the most) prominent members of her exquisite family. Herself a Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion & All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare, she has further contributed to the breed with Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion EMPIRYKA, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion ESPADRILLA, multichampion EMANDA (dam of even greater multichampion EMANDORIA), Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show, Canadian National Reserve Champion, US National Champion & Scottsdale Champion EMANOR and Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion & UK National Senior Champion EMILDA, who set up her own clan of superstars - most notably EMBRA, EMMONA, EMMBLA, EL SAGHIRA, as well as three champion chief sires active in Polish breeding today: EMPIRE, EL OMARI & ERYKS (what’s even more interesting is that all of them have been used to cover the elite selection of mares offered at the 2016 Pride of Poland Sale).


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lot. 17 ASCOT DD chestnut, 2011 DD Arabians Belgium




grey, 2007 DST Arabians USA

Magnum Psyche S Justadream

Gloria Apal

Psytadel SA Misha Apal



Padrons Psyche Bint Bey Shah

Monogrammed Lady

Monogramm Agracious Lady


Enos Pentoda

grey, 1991 Janów Podlaski Stud


Palas Endecja



Probat Parma


Engano Elka

chestnut, 2007 DD Arabians Belgium


black, 1999 Janów Podlaski Stud

brown, 1994 Janów Podlaski Stud (2-0-0-0-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVII-5 chestnut mare, foaled on 11th of January, 2016 measurements: 154-185-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Cherifa d.b. imp. 1870 Tiaret


BREEDING RECORD: 2022 colt (Haash OSB)


Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (date of last service 19th of February, 2022)

ELOIZA is the daughter of the very much in demand ASCOT DD, a highly decorated show star as Menton Yearling Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, DIAHC, Menton & World Junior Silver Champion and European Junior Bronze Champion Stallion, as well as outstanding sire with such champion offspring in Poland as APLAUS (Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Stallion), BENONA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Mare), EL BELLISIMA (twice Polish National Junior Silver Champion Mare), ENCARINA (Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Mare, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion Mare, KAAHC Junior Bronze Champion Mare), ERANTIS (Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion Stallion), PARILLUS (Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion Stallion) and PASCUALA (Junior Spring Show Silver Champion Mare). ELOIZA’s dam EL FATHA has produced two successful show contenders: Polish National Junior Champion Stallion EL AZEM, Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Stallion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion & Prague European Cup Junior Top Five Stallion EL PAIS and ESFAHAN – a multi Liberty Championship winner. ELFINA is also a half-sister to EFUZJA, an Autumn Show Senior Champion Mare from Janów Podlaski. All these “E” named equines descend from family founder ELEONORA, a damline especially known for its superior sires, including champion stars ELKIN, ELEMI, ELEUZIS, ELEGION, ENGANO, ENOS, chief sires ERNAL, ELF, ELBRUS, EL BAK, the influential, utilized in Anglo-Arabian breeding sire ELSING & Swedish Champion EXELSJOR sire of BOREXIA & EDJORA, dam of legendary sire PROBAT & granddam of the one and only GAZAL AL SHAQAB, respectively.

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lot. 18 EMERALD J

bay, 2010 Jadem Arabians Belgium


grey, 2008 Michałów Stud


Marwan Al Shaqab

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

Swete Dreams

Magic Dream Kouream De Ment

Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

grey, 2004 Michałów Stud


Ecaho Emanacja



grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)

Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina



Ararat Emigrantka


Wojsław Linda


grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 2/12 (0-3-0-2)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-5 grey mare, foaled on 21st of January, 2016 measurements: 154-174-17.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta


2019 – 5 starts: 1xI, 2xII


2021 colt LAMBERT (Tresor Enzino) 2022 colt LANISTER (Paris)


Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 14th March 2022)

LAMBADA carries an extremely interesting pedigree, which is full of Michałów-bred greats. Not only is she the daughter of the exquisite EMERALD J (son of Michałów’s uberchampion EMANDORIA), but her subsequent maternal sires have are also notable specimens bred at her maternal stud: EKSTERN, EMIGRANT & WOJSŁAW. EMERALD J, bred by Jadem Arabians in Belgium, is a Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Chantilly World Cup Senior Gold and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival (A cat) Senior Gold Champion. He is also the sire of multi champions GALLARDO J, MOUNIRA J & ADMIRAAL. He is out of Michałów’s World Platinum Champion EMANDORIA, adding further glory to the world famous E-line. LAMBADA’s dam is LAWINIA, an experienced show horse and Gold Champion Mare. Her accomplished siblings include Polish Nationals class top three honoree LIZBONA and LANCKORONA (herself a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka) - dam of Kuwaiti National Yearling Gold Champion Mare JAWAHER LEMAR. LAWINIA comes from Michałów’s noble family of LINDA. This small strain of equines abounds in plenty of refined individuals, such as Polish National Senior Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Reserve Junior Champion & European Championships class winner LARISSA, Scandinavian Open Senior Silver Champion, Danish Senior Champion, Normandie Arabian Festival Senior Reserve Champion LISSAR, Kauber Platte Senior Silver Champion & International Kuwaiti Senior Champion LATONA, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion LARANDO and LENKA - Arabhäst i Väst Senior Silver Champion. Broodmares from the “L” line are greatly appreciated by breeders worldwide. The few offered at the Pride of Poland Sales have all been big hits with the buyers - LAVERNA (a sister to LANCKORONA’s dam, purchased for 140 thousand Euro), LARISSA (80 thousand Euro), LOZANNA (58 thousand Euro) - significantly adding to the auctions’ aggregate.

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lot. 19 POGROM

bay, 2009 Janów Podlaski Stud


Marwan Al Shaqab

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

Swete Dreams

Magic Dream Kouream De Ment



Naftalin Presnia


Pepton Pestka

Marwan Al Shaqab

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

OFW Mishaahl

Mishaah OFW Balarina



Monogramm Ernestyna


Ararat Barkarola

bay, 1994 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (1-0-0-2-1)



grey, 2013 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/4

grey, 2005 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/15 (1-3-1-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 bay mare, foaled on 10th of April, 2018 measurements: 144-178-17 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Mlecha d.b. imp. 1845 Jarczowce



BASILIA is an exciting youngster with already a Polish National title to her name. She is the daughter of Janów Podlaski’s best sire of the modern era – POGROM. In 2013 POGROM took America by storm, becoming a US Triple Crown Winner as Scottsdale Supreme Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion & US National Champion Stallion, beating many of the most respected and acclaimed stallions from all over the globe. POGROM is the son of World Champion QR MARC, himself a son and grandson of the world’s most prominent World Champions of today, MARWAN AL SHAQAB & GAZAL AL SHAQAB.

2019 Junior Spring Show Top Five Yearling Filly – Białka (PL) 2019 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the All-Polish Championships Radom (PL) 2019 Polish National Yearling Silver Champion Filly – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival – Nowe Wrońska (PL)

The maternal side of BASILIA’s pedigree traces to BANDOLA, dam of the most influential post-war sire in the country, BANDOS & UK National Champion Stallion BANAT. It must also be noted that that BANDOLA was a full sister to BASK - a numerous US National Champion, Legion of Merit honoree, said to have established a new standard of the breed in North America.


More recently the family has been famous due to BELGICA (Bełżyce Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Top Five, Autumn Show Senior Champion & Best in Show), BERENIKA (Autumn Show Junior Silver & Bronze Champion, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Cup Senior Silver Champion, Ströhen Senior Bronze Champion), BERNADETTA (Inter Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Cup Senior Gold Champion, International St. Petersburg Cup Senior Bronze Champion), BALLENA (International St. Petersburg Cup Junior Silver Champion), BAMBINA (Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Champion, World Yearling Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Top Five, European Junior Top Five) and just recently at the 2022 Junior Spring Show in Białka: BELLA MIA (bronze medal) and BRODIA (junior mare top five).

Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 5th of March, 2022)

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lot. 20 POGANIN

grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/11 (0-5-1-2)

KABSZTAD KWESTURA chestnut, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-4-1-1)


Imperial Imdal

grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel

Ansata Imperial Dalia

AK Latifa

Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima



grey, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/8 (1-1-3-2-1)

Bandos Pemba


Probat Pentoda



chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians USA

Bask Negotka


Knippel Monopolia



Kumir Pesnia


Palas Kometa

grey, 1986 Michałów Stud 1/5

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XV-5 grey stallion, foaled on 22nd of February, 2006 measurements: 149-177-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



2008 Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion Białka (PL) 2008 Polish National Junior Champion Stallion – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2008 European Junior Reserve Champion Stallion – Moorsele (BE) 2008 World Top Ten Junior Stallion – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2009 Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion Stallion - Riyadh (SA) 2009 Junior Bronze Champion Stallion – Dubai (UAE) 2009 International Junior Champion Stallion – Sharjah (UAE) 2009 Junior Silver Champion Stallion – Menton (FR) 2009 European Junior Top Five Stallion – Verona (IT) 2009 World Junior Top Ten Stallion – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2010 Polish National Senior Silver Champion Stallion – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 Polish National Senior Gold Champion Stallion – Janów Podlaski (PL) 2011 European Senior Top Five Stallion – Verona (IT) 2011 World Senior Top Ten Stallion – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2012 World Senior Top Ten Stallion – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2014 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Stallion – Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2017 All-Polish Senior Silver Champion Stallion – Radom (PL) 2017 World Senior Top Ten Stallion – Salon du Cheval, Paris (FR) 2020 European Senior Silver Champion Stallion – Prague (CZ) 2020 Arabian Horse Event Senior Silver Champion Stallion – Bruges (BE)

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KABSZTAD is a champion winning sire with a royal pedigree – a son of Janów Podlaski’s POGANIN from the worldfamous P-line and Michałów’s Platinum World Champion Mare KWESTURA. The legendary KWESTURA is not only a Platinum World Champion, but also (among others) a US National Champion Mare and a double World Senior Champion Mare. KWESTURA was a record seller at the 2008 Pride of Poland Sale at 1.125 million euro. Apart from KABSZTAD she has also produced broodmare KASJOPEJA (dam of Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion Colt KWARC and Denmark Open Senior Silver Champion Mare, Nordic Open Show Liberty Champion, Swedish National Senior Bronze Champion KRAŚNICA) and AJ KAHAYLA – dam of the extremely successful AJ KAFU (Dubai, Emirates, All Nations Cup & Menton Gold Champion Stallion). KWESTURA is out of Polish National Junior Champion Mare KWESTA, sister to US National Champion Mare KAWALKADA. In turn both KWESTA & KAWALKADA are the daughters of Polish National Junior Champion Mare & European Cup Reserve Champion Mare KABAŁA. On the spear side of Kabsztad’s pedigree we find POGANIN, an experienced show horse, he is multi champion from various European events and holds the coveted title of Polish National Senior Champion Stallion. POGANIN is an exemplary combination of exotic beauty of the Straight Egyptian with classic Polish bloodlines: LAHEEB with the iconic damline of PIEWICA. POGANIN’s granddam PESTKA has established her own distinct subline of PIEWICA, having specialized in the production of chief sires. Only in recent years her daughters (and granddaughter) have contributed to the breed worldwide with as many as nine chief sires, show-oriented (POGANIN, PORTO, PERSEUSZ, PEGASUS, PRADO, US Triple Crown Winner POGROM) and performance-bound (PENTAGRAM, POLIGON & PEDAGOG).


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lot. 21 WH JUSTICE

Magnum Psyche

grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen USA

Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle

Vona Sher-Renea

El Sher-Mann Renea




grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium

Ansata Sinan Elizja

Libanon Azadika

Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana

Private Breeders Offer


Marwan Al Shaqab

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

Swete Dreams

Magic Dream Kouream De Ment


Pepton Etruria


Fawor Pipi

SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain


bay, 2013 Knocke Arabians Belgium

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA


grey, 2002 Janów Podlaski Stud

Bred and owned by Paweł Redestowicz PASB Vol. XVIII-1 grey stallion, foaled on 3rd of January, 2017 measurements: 155-182-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew



2017 All-Polish Gold Champion Foal – Radom (PL) 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Inter Cup – Prague (CZ) 2018 European Cup Junior Bronze Champion Stallion – Prague (CZ) 2018 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Stallion – Białka (PL) 2019 European C Show Bronze Champion Stallion – Ströhen (DE) 2019 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the International B Show Ströhen (DE) 2019 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2019 Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Top Five Nowe Wrońska (PL) 2019 Cracow Arabian Horse Show Junior Gold Champion – Cracow (PL) 2020 Class Top Five (Three Year Old Colts) at the Junior Spring Show Białka (PL) 2020 Class Top Five (Two & Three Year Old Colts) at the Sopot Arabian Horse Show – Sopot (PL) 2021 European C Show Senior Gold Champion Stallion - Ströhen (DE)

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PIRENO is highly decorated sire and one of the best SHANGHAI EA’s sons in Poland. This remarkable stallion was a nose away from being crowned European Triple Crown as a junior and senior, unfortunately having to settle on both occasions for “only” the Silver Medal at the World Championships. However in the nature of the Arabian horse he is becoming even more refined with age, which promises to give him the coveted title in the not so distant future. Yet it is not just show successes that have raised SHANGHAI to stardom, but even more so his siring abilities. Already his first crop delivered European Triple Crown Champion (All Nations Cup/European/World) EXCALIBUR EA, ZEUS EA and AJ KAFU. PIRANA K.A., PIRENO’s dam, is bred by Knocke Arabians in Belgium. She descends directly from Janów Podlaski’s famous P-line through perhaps the most decorated branch of the family: PILARKA-PIPI-PILICA. The damline’s first icon, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Champion, European Senior Champion & Show Champion, World Cup Senior Champion & UK National Senior Champion Mare PILARKA, produced Polish National Senior Champion and Elran Cup Senior Champion Mare PIPI. PIPI in turn is the dam of 15 foals, many of which went on to achieve greatness on both the show arena and the breeding barn. PIPI’s male produce include chief sires PILOT and PIAFF and champion daughters PISTACJA, PIKARDIA and PILAR. PIPI’s daughters also inherited her producing abilities and have proven themselves as superb broodmares. PRERIA foaled champion mare PRIMERA, PILAR delivered further champions PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA, POMIAN and World Platinum Champion PINGA, who has by now also produced Polish National Champion Mare & Best in Show PINIATA... while PILICA produced PALMETA - Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Champion & Best in Show both as junior and senior, European Senior Champion Mare and WAHO Trophy honoree - also dam of multi champions PALATINO, PALABRA, PALATINA, PATRIA & PARIS.

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EFFIE Lot. 1











Lot. 4

Lot. 5



Lot. 9


Lot. 10


Lot. 14

Lot. 15











Lot. 16

Lot. 21

Lot. 17

Lot. 22

Lot. 18

Lot. 23

Lot. 19

Lot. 24

Lot. 20

Lot. 25

lot. 1/s WH JUSTICE

Magnum Psyche

grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen USA

Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle

Vona Sher-Renea

El Sher-Mann Renea




grey, 2005 R. Verrijdt Belgium

Ansata Sinan Elizja

Libanon Azadika

Om El Azadik Warandes Shaklana

Private Breeders Offer



Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina


Aswan Panel


Carycyn Espada

SHANGHAI E.A. grey, 2008 Equus Arabians Spain

EL GHAZALA grey, 2002 Michałów Stud

grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)

EMIGRACJA grey, 1980 Michałów Stud

Bred by Michałów Stud and owned by Wojciech Parczewski PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey mare, foaled on 19th of February, 2014 measurements: 151-190-15 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2018 filly EFFERA (Wadee Al Shaqab) bay 2019 filly ESOLA (Wadee Al Shaqab) grey 2020 filly EL PEREŁKA (Eryks) grey 2022 filly (Psytadel)


Bred to STAR FARID (last service on 20th May 2022)

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EFFIE is a direct granddaughter of Michałów’s iconic broodmare EMIGRACJA, the foundress of the most decorated branch in the stud’s show history. EMIGRACJA has been honored as Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare and awarded the WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Polish Arabian breeding. EMIGRACJA’s exceptional produce are none other than EMIGRANTKA, EMANACJA & ERLANDA. These in turn went on to produce a plethora of international champions, such as EMIGRANT, EL DORADA, EMANDA, EMILDA, EMBRA, EMMONA, EMIRA, EMPIRE, EL OMARI, ESPADRILLA, EMANOR, ELANDRA, EJRENE. EFFIE continues her family tradition of producing showquality horses. She is the dam of ESOLA (by WADEE AL SHAQAB) - a class winner from Ströhen and class five finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka and the Inter Cup in Prague as a two year old. EFFIE also benefits from one of the most trendiest stallions of today, SHANGHAI EA. This remarkable stallion was a nose away from being crowned European Triple Crown as a junior and senior, unfortunately having to settle on both occasions for “only” the Silver Medal at the World Championships. However in the nature of the Arabian horse he is becoming even more refined with age, which promises to give him the coveted title in the not so distant future. Yet it is not just show successes that have raised SHANGHAI to stardom, but even more so his siring abilities. Already his first crop delivered European Triple Crown Champion (All Nations Cup/European/World) EXCALIBUR EA, ZEUS EA and AJ KAFU.

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lot. 2/s PARYS K

bay, 2012 Haras Aratinga Brasil


bay, 2014 Białka Stud


Magnum Psyche

grey, 1999 Wendell Hansen USA

Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle

Vona Sher-Renea

El Sher-Mann Renea


Borsalino K

grey, 2002 Haras Aratinga Brasil

Encore Ali Keepsake V

Parys Mist

Parys El Jamaal Satin Mist


DA Valentino

bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians USA

Versace DA Love

Sol Natique

Solstice Natique



Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane


Harbin Elżunia

chestnut, 2008 Białka Stud 1/9 (0-0-1-1)

Bred and owned by Białka State Stud MHR sp. z o.o. PASB Vol. XVIII-2 bay mare, foaled on 28th of April, 2018 measurements: 151-171-17,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta



Bred to D KAHEEL (last service on 19th of February, 2022)

ELWINERIA is a young broodmare with an extremely interesting pedigree. She is sired by Parys K, the best Brasilian son of the “Champion Maker” WH JUSTICE. His dam, POCAHONTAS K, is the daughter of the influential BORSALINO K and granddaughter of US National Reserve Champion PARYS EL JAMAAL. Through both sires she is linebred to the legendary ALI JAMAAL, who was the first stallion in history to win the National Junior and Senior titles in the United States. POCAHONTAS K is dam of ATHBAYAT JJ (Arabian Futurity Europe Silver Champion Yearling Filly and Moroccan Champion Yearling), DIYA FORX (United States National Reserve Champion Mare 6 & 7 Years) & PALLATON K (German National Champion Stallion). ELWINERIA’s dam ELWITA is a Yearling Gold Champion Mare from the Arabia-Polska Warsaw Championship and a Junior Bronze Champion Mare from the International Days For Arabian Horses in Ströhen. She is a direct female descendant of the prominent ELLORA, dam of the legendary EL PASO, Scottsdale Senior Champion, US National Champion Stallion and the first Polish horse to hit the million dollar sale price mark. ELLORA is a daughter of family founder ELZA, whose accomplished members include beloved broodmatrons ETNA, ETRURIA, chief sires ECAHO, ETOGRAM, EQUIFOR and a slew of show champions, most recently ETNOLOGIA - Junior Spring Show Champion/Best in Show, European Senior Bronze Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Champion/ Best in Show, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Gold Senior Champion Mare/Best in Show. Whereas the subline of ELLORA is specifically famous for its athletic-oriented equines, such as stake winners EL GHAZI, EREIZ, ELSANA, EL SARA, Derby winner ELIAT and Poland’s most famous all-around performance Arabian, multiple endurance and dressage medalist, as well as WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Polish Arabian breeding - ELEKT.

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lot. 3/s CHIMERYK brown, 2008 Michałów Stud 1/4 (2-0-1-1)


chestnut, 2007 Michałów Stud 1/6

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-3 bay mare, foaled on 28th of April, 2014 measurements: 154-176-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2019 filly ENDEMIA (Forman) dark bay 2020 filly EMIREMIA (Morion) bay 2021 colt EMANON (Morion) dark bay 2022 colt EBENUM (Paris)


Bred to MORION (last service on 6th May 2022)


Gazal Al Shaqab

d.bay, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1)

Anaza El Farid Kajora


Monogramm Emilda



bay, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1)

Ararat Emigrantka


Probat Cięciwa


Imperial Imdal

bay, 1998 Ariela Arabians Israel

Ansata Imperial Dalia

The Vision HG

Thee Desperado Belle Staar



Negatraz Monogramma


Pamir Emanacja

grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2)

EMBLEMA is the dam of EMIREMIA – a Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion Mare from Białka. Her dam EMMBLA is a Gold Medalist from the Summer Arabian Horse Performance in Wrocław. She is also a maternal sister to EMIRA, double Polish National Champion Mare as both a junior and senior, as well as to Polish National Champion Stallion EL OMARI. Their dam EMBRA is a Las Vegas Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Top Five, All Nations Top Five & World Top Ten Mare. EMMBLA stems from Michałów’s most known damline of more than ten generations of champion equines beginning with the letter E, established by the athletically gifted Oaks & Criterium St. winner ESTOKADA. The most prominent broodmare of the family is beyond doubt EMIGRACJA, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare, a WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Polish Arabian breeding. EMIGRACJA’s contribution to the breed consists of a group of spectacular daughters, such as Polish National Senior Reserve Champion ERLANDA (dam of Scottsdale Senior Champion & US National Senior Reserve Champion ELANDRA), Polish National Champion ELLADA, World Senior Top Ten & Belgian Arabian Prestige International Senior Bronze Champion ETENTA, EMOCJA (dam of Polish National Champion EJRENE) and the grand two: Polish National & European Champion EMIGRANTKA and EMANACJA - Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion Mare and All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare. EMIGRANTKA further contributed to her E line by producing multi-champions EL DORADA & EMIGRANT, but it was EMANACJA who really secured the family legacy with a batch of elite daughters: EMANTA (dam of Polish National Junior Reserve Champion EKSTERNA), World Champion EMANDA (dam of mega multi star EMANDORIA), twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion ESPADRILLA, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion EMPIRYKA, EL EMEERA (dam of the current Junior Spring Show Silver Champion EL LARINERA) and EMILDA - Polish National, UK National & European Champion Mare – dam of the afore mentioned EMBRA.

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lot. 4/s GANGES

bay, 1994 Michałów Stud 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1


bay, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (0-0-0-1-1)



chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians USA

Bask Negotka


Knippel Monopolia



bay, 1985 Michałów Stud 2/18 (4-2-7-1) O

Aloes Fatima


Palas Gilza



El Azrak Bandola


Comet Abhazja


Pohaniec Borexia


Comet Epigona

bay, 1981 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (5-5-1-1) 2


chestnut, 1983 Janów Podlaski Stud

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVI-2 bay mare, foaled on 19th of April, 2008 measurements: 150-185-15 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Sahara d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce


2011-2012: 15 starts: 1xI, 2xII, 3xIII, 3xIV, 1xV


2014 filly EMPUZA (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay 2015 filly EULOGIA (Pogrom) bay 2016 colt EURIKO (Pogrom) bay 2017 filly EURUKA (Pomian) grey 2018 colt EULERTOS (Pomian) grey 2019 colt ERUDYT (Paris) bay 2020 colt EDMUNDO (Pogrom) bay 2021 filly ENIMACJA (EKS Alihandro) bay 2022 colt (Haash OSB)


Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 20th of April, 2022)

EULERTA is a superb Janów Podlaski Stud broodmare, descending from the mare EUNICE, dam of breed icon EUKALIPTUS. She is the dam of EMPUZA, a Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare, Prague Inter Cup Yearling Silver Champion Mare, Prague European Cup Yearling Gold Champion Mare & Qatar International Arabian Horse Show Junior Gold Champion Mare. EULERTA is also a maternal sister to ENERIA – dam of ENCARINA: Białka Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion & KAAHC Junior Silver Champion Mare. EULERTA is a rare daughter of EULA, a double Polish National Champion Mare and Canadian Top Ten. EULA emanated world-class quality and refinement from an early age, earning her first Polish National Champion title in the junior category as a two year old. Her next step was to secure that honor also among the seniors. The title of Polish National Senior Champion has been known to have eluded many supreme broodmares, which already held numerous prestigious international titles to their name. EULA earned that honor as soon as her age enabled her to participate in that category, becoming the youngest Senior Champion Mare in the show’s history at four years old, as well as the Best in Show. With that success Eula brings further prestige to the damline of her grandam EUNICE. One of the cornerstone broodmatrons of Janów Podlaski and Polish breeding itself, EUNICE is first and foremost the dam of Polish National Champions: the epoch-making legendary sire of dams EUKALIPTUS and broodmare of merit EUROPA, in turn dam of Polish National and undefeated racing champion EUROPEJCZYK. Other notable champion members of this damline include EUROS, EURON, EUROL, EURYK, EURYKLES, EPOLET, ELWINGA, EUSKARA, EPRUWETKA, EUMENIDA, EUROPEJKA, EUPERIA and their youngest victorious relative - ETERNAL.

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lot. 5/s ENZO

Padrons Psyche

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone - USA

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar




grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Monogramm Emilda

Private Breeders Offer



grey, 1996 Bábolna Stud Hungary

Balaton Kosmetika

218 Elf Layla Walayla B

Assad 223 Ibn Galal I-13



Wojsław Werda


Monogramm Emanacja


grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


grey, 2009 Michałów Stud

grey, 2002 Michałów Stud 1/10 (1-1-1-1)

Bred by Michałów Stud and owned by Paweł Redestowicz PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey mare, foaled on 3rd of May, 2014 measurements: 151-179-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2018 filly ESTALAVISTA (FA El Rasheem) bay 2021 filly ELKOTTA (Pireno) grey 2022 colt (Orlando)

BREEDING STATUS: not in foal

EL KAHRA is a Michałów-bred broodmare that benefits from a double dosage of her maternal stud’s E-dynasty of champions stemming from EMIGRACJA via both sire and dam. Her sire, the late EMPIRE, is a Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, a Polish National Junior Champion, a European Junior Bronze Champion a World Junior Top Ten Stallion, a Wels International Junior Champion and a Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion. He himself is the son of EMIRA – an immensely decorated champion mare with titles won all over Europe (All Nations Cup, European Championships, World Championships, Ströhen, Prague, Elran Cup, Tulip Cup, Vilhelmsborg, Chantilly, Bruges) and the Middle East (Qatar International), but what speaks about her most are the titles of Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Mare, honors that are harder to claim than the Triple Crown. The distaff link to EMIGRACJA comes via EL KAHRA’s damline and ESPADRILLA, one of the iconic Michałówbred MONOGRAMM daughters that have become the stud’s trademark. As a Bełżyce Senior Champion, Falborek Senior Champion and twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare, ESPADRILLA belongs to the elite collection of the chestnut sire’s Polish get with the likes of DEMONA, EKSCELLA, ESKALOPKA, ETENTA, GEORGIA, PALESTYNA, ZAGROBLA, EGZONERA, ELANDRA, EMBRA, EMOCJA, FALLADA, PALMIRA, EMMONA and last but not least, the one and only KWESTURA. ESPADRILLA proved that her beauty is not just skin deep and carried over her successful streak to the breeding barn by producing Esmirna’s full sister EPIKASJA (twice Junior Spring Show class Top Three finalist, competing directly in the same class as PIANISSIMA & ETNOLOGIA, respectively), ESPINILLA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare & Polish Nationals class Top Five finalist) & EMANDILLA (Wrocław Arabian Horse Show Weekend Junior Reserve Champion, Junior Spring Show & Polish Nationals class Top Five finalist). Esmirna herself is a class Top Three & Five honoree from performance classes at the Autumn Show in Janów Podlaski, where she exhibited flawless gaits in Dressage, Classic Pleasure, Native Costume and Polish Historical Costume classes.

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lot. 6/s VITORIO TO

bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians USA

FONARYSA FORLANDA brown, 2009 Michałów Stud 1/5



bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. USA

Fame FV Precious as Gold

Da Love

Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA



grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation USA

Salon Passionate


Nabor Ruzica



Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane

Silken Sable

Genesis C Touch O Mink

Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora


Monogramm Furora

chestnut, 1995 Coleal Horse Farm USA


brown, 2004 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-5 brown mare, foaled on 11th of March, 2016 measurements 151-167-17.5 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Anazeh Sebaa Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta

RACING RECORD: 2019 - 5 starts: 1xV


2021 filly FAKTORIA (Edmund) brown 2022 colt FARVEL (Morion)


Bred to ERANTIS (last service on 16th March 2022)

70 - www.prideofpoland.eu

Fonarysa’s dam is a maternal sister to chief sire FORMAN, one of the newest sires to take up breeding duties at Michałów Stud. FORMAN raced 15 times over 2 seasons, placing in the money 10 times. As a proud continuer of the athletic tradition of his damline he is expected to greatly contribute to the stud’s racing program. Fonarysa stems from Michałów’s exemplary Kuhailan family of FORTA, famed for stamina, correct build and supreme hardiness. Forta produced a whole line-up of capable performers, including Criterium St. winners CZORT & FINISZ, Derby winners again FINISZ & EQUIFOR and two outstanding Oaks St. winning daughters, who established sublines of their own – DYSKA & FATMA, the direct greatgrandam of our Forlanda. FATMA’s descendants include both valiant racers (Oaks St. winner FISZKA, Sasanka St. winner FUKSJA & Europa Cup winner FORINT, Amurath St. winner FIRO & FIOŁEK - Arabian Produce St. & Criterium St. winner) and stars of the show arena: Polish National & Swedish Champion FURIAT, Polish National Junior Champion Mare FORTISSIMA, Polish National Reserve Champion & InterNucleos Champion FERRYT, Polish National Junior Top Five Mare FORGISSIMA, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five & Polish National Junior Top Five Mare FOGGITA and last but not least - World, European & Polish National Champion FAWOR & one of Michałów’s iconic “Big Threesome” FALLADA - twice Spring Show Champion Filly, Polish National Reserve Champion Filly, Canadian & Polish National Champion Mare and World Reserve Champion Mare.


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lot. 7/s PERSEUSZ

grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (1-1-1-1-1)


grey, 1998 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (1-0-0-2-1)


Imperial Imdal

grey, 1996 Ariela Arabians Israel

Ansata Imperial Dalia

AK Latifa

Ibn Moniet El Nefous Siralima



grey, 1993 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/18 (2-4-1-4-1)

Bandos Eunice


Probat Pentoda



Aswan Panel


Bandos Arba


Negatiw Bandola


Aswan Trapecia

grey, 1991 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/17 (4-0-2-5)


grey, 1983 Janów Podlaski Stud

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVI-3 grey mare, foaled on 14th of March, 2009 measurements: 150-180-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I


2012 – 3 starts: 1xI, 1xII


2014 colt TAMRON (Abyad AA) grey 2015 filly TATRA (Palatino) grey 2016 filly TACJANA (Ascot DD) grey 2017 colt TYROL (Ascot DD) grey 2018 filly TEODORA (Pomian) grey 2019 filly TURNIA (Pomian) grey 2022 filly (Haash OSB)


Bred to SAMEH AL SHAHANIA (last service on 13th of April, 2022)

TARTINA is a daughter of International Poznań Junior Champion, Minće Senior Champion Stallion and St. Petersburg International Cup Senior Bronze Champion Stallion PERSEUSZ. He is the maternal brother to such fames as champion chief sire PEGASUS, POLIFONIA (Umea Senior Champion Mare, Pitea International Senior Champion Mare, Forssa International Senior Bronze Champion Mare, Midnight Sun International Senior Reserve Champion Mare) PERNILA (Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Mare) and the record-seller of the Pride of Poland Sales at 1.4 million euro PEPITA – Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, as well as Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, KAAHC Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Senior Gold Champion and Sharjah Senior Gold Champion Mare. Through his sire, LAHEEB, twice Israeli National Senior Champion, European Reserve Junior Champion, Israeli National Junior Champion and World Top Ten Junior Stallion, PERSEUSZ benefits not only from the exotic beauty of the Straight Egyptian Arabian, but also lays claim to the best NAZEER sons, ANSATA IBN HALIMA & MORAFIC. TARTINA’s dam TARNAWA is herself linebred through both sire and dam to the highly influential Egyptian stallion ASWAN. He stood at Tersk Stud and his offspring were exported all over the world. Whereas TARTINA has distinguished herself as the dam of TACJANA – All-Polish Junior Silver Champion Filly & Sopot Arabian Horse Show Senior Silver Champion Mare. This damline descends from the Tersk-bred TAKTIKA, graded “ELITE”, the highest possible grade in Russian breeding, best known for her influential sires PIETUSZOK & TOPOL. TAKTIKA’s bloodline came to Janów Podlaski with the import of her granddaughter TIWIRIADA.

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lot. 8/s POGROM

bay, 2009 Janów Podlaski Stud


Marwan Al Shaqab

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

Swete Dreams

Magic Dream Kouream De Ment



Naftalin Presnia


Pepton Pestka


Eldon Pipi


Fawor Algeria

Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora


Monogramm Wybranka

bay, 1994 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (1-0-0-2-1)



dark bay, 2012 Michałów Stud

brown, 2016 Janów Podlaski Stud


bay, 2004 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-1 bay mare, foaled on 12th of February, 2017 measurements: 152-174-17.0 cm Sire line: Ilderim d.b. imp. 1900 Sławuta Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta



Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 15th April 2022)

Although she is bred at Michałów, WYGODNA is a stellar combination of two fine Janów Podlaski-bred stallions: POGROM & ALBEDO. WYGODNA’s sire POGROM is Janów’s best sire of recent years. In 2013 he took America by storm, becoming a US Triple Crown Winner as Scottsdale Supreme Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion & US National Champion Stallion, beating many of the most respected and acclaimed stallions from all over the globe. POGROM is the son of World Champion QR MARC, himself a son and grandson of the world’s most prominent World Champions of today, MARWAN AL SHAQAB & GAZAL AL SHAQAB. WYGODNA’s maternal sire is ALBEDO, a royally bred stallion combining two families of historical importance: the “P-line” of PIEWICA and the “A” of ALGERIA. WYGODNA is the granddaughter of the astonishing WKRA, a result of Michałów’s signature nick: GAZAL AL SHAQAB x MONOGRAMM. An extremely successful one, as other specimen bearing the same pedigree include among others PISTORIA, NORMA and EJRENE. Wkra herself is a Senior Gold Champion Mare from the KAAHC Championships in Riyadh and a Senior Top Five Mare from the Polish Nationals and Scottsdale. Apart from Witeria Wkra’s other produce include WAGIRA, Polish National Junior Top Five & Autumn Show Junior Top Five Mare, as well as WKRAZA, a top five finalist from Białka. WKRA descends from Michałów’s all-time beloved broodmatrons WILEJKA. This Polish National Reserve Champion Mare (and full sister to US National Champion WIZJA - progenitor of US National Champion WIEŻA MOCY) is most remembered for her Polish National Champion & Blommeröd Reserve Champion son WOJSŁAW, an archetypal Kuhailan stallion and four race winner. The athletic genes are still strong in this family as seen in “the vanquisher of DRUID”, Derby & Criterium St. winner WILIAM, the best filly at the turn of the new millenium, nine time stakes winner WIENERVA and her produce: Derby & Criterium St. winner WARES and the nine time victorious WESTIM.

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lot. 9/s BAROK

grey, 2011 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/9 (0-1-4-1-2)


grey, 2005 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (1-3-0-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 grey mare, foaled on 29th of April, 2018 measurements: 149-172-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Scherife d.b. imp. 1902 Babolna

RACING RECORD: 2021 – 1 start: 1xIII


Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 29th of March, 2022)


Om El Shahmaan

Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Shaina

grey, 2007 Om El Arab International USA

Om El Benedict

Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Beneera



grey, 1994 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/14 (2-3-0-2-4)

Gwarny Ballada


Bandos Baśń



grey, 1997 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/20 (2-4-3-2-3)

Penitent Erotyka


Banat Pilarka



Bandos Eunice


Fawor Algeria

grey, 2000 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/8 (0-0-0-1)

ARMADA is a young daughter of champion stallion BAROK. Bred at Janów Podlaski Stud, BAROK is a highly decorated sire as Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, Polish National Senior Silver Champion and European Senior Gold Champion Stallion. BAROK is yet another superb male horse from the line of BAJDARA – others in the past have included the “bold and beautiful” stallion BATYSKAF, who excelled as a show horse (Polish National Champion Stallion & Best in Show), athlete (Derby & Criterium St. winner and Racehorse of the Year) and sire of racing greats (multi stakes winners FIOŁEK & MAJOR), Middle Eastern multi show champion BAKARAT & Polish National Endurance Champion BAJUS. ARMADA’s dam is AMIGA, one of Janów Podlaski’s classic broodmatrons that bloom over time. At the age of 9 AMIGA gave a splendid performance at the Polish Nationals in the demanding senior mares’ category, earning 93,33 pts (!), with top marks for head and movement. But more importantly she is an outstanding producer, the dam of show champions ADYGA (Intercup Junior Silver Champion Mare, Porsche European Cup Junior Silver Champion Mare, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Mare), AMARENA (Porsche European Cup Junior Top Five Filly) and Junior Spring Show class top five AMORENA. AMIGA is the daughter of Polish National Champion & Best in Show AMRA. In turn AMRA belongs to a splendid group of elite daughters of ALBIGOWA, the finest and most lookalike produce of legendary Polish National Champion Mare ALGERIA and foundress of Janów’s renown A-line. AMRA’s siblings include ALHAMBRA, ALTONA, ALBANA & ALIARA, who further contributed to the breed with such show stars as ALMANZOR, ARMANDA, ALBANO, ALEGRA, ALTAMIRA, ALABAMA, ATMA, AMANITO, ANAWERA, ADELITA, ATANDA & AL JAZEERA.

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lot. 10/s FS BENGALI


bay, 1994 Frank Spönle Germany

Balaton Kosmetika

Om El Sanadiva

Sanadik El Shaklan De La Reina




chestnut, 2002 Jan Głowacki 1/7 (1-3-1-2)

Monogramm Garonna


Etogram Eura

Private Breeders Offer


El Paso

grey, 1981 Janów Podlaski Stud 3/17 (4-4-4-2)

Czort Ellora


Palas Etna



Banat Arba


Eskimos Gildia


chestnut, 2008 Jan Głowacki


dark bay, 2002 Jan Głowacki 1/3 (0-0-0-1)

Bred and owned by Jan Głowacki PASB Vol. XVII-1 bay mare, foaled on 19th of March, 2012 measurements: 153-178-19 cm Sire line: Bairactar d.b. imp. 1817 to Weil Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



2013 Polska-Arabia Yearling Bronze Champion Mare – Góra Kalwaria (PL)


2016 colt GOMER (Emerald J) bay 2017 filly GENESA (Psytadel) bay 2019 filly GRATELLA (Morion) bay 2020 colt GARIS (Morion) bay 2021 filly GRANETA (Morion) bay 2022 colt (Złoty Medal)


Bred to ZEUS EA (last service on 28th of June, 2022) mare for sale with colt foal Greno by Zloty Medal born on 29.04.2022

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bay, 1990 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-0-2)

GRATENA is a medal-winning broodmare with a titlewinning daughter – Białka Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare GRATELLA. GRATENA is a maternal sister to Autumn Show Junior Gold Champion & Concours D’Albi Junior Gold Champion GADNES, as well as class top five finalists GRAMET & GASTOR GRATENA’s dam, GRATKA, has also produced the Derby winner GAFAL and GWARKA, whose foal collection encompasses GARUNA (St. Petersburg International Junior Champion Mare), GERARD (Junior Spring Show Top Five Stallion), GOOD BOY (Breeders’ & International Championships Europe Junior Top Five, Babolna Senior Bronze Champion Stallion), GATAKA (Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Junior Gold Champion & Best in Show) and GENETRIX (Arabia Polska Warsaw Championship Junior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Stallion). On the spear side of the GRATENA’s pedigree is another magnificent horse bred by Jan Głowacki at his home stud – ETERNAL. This lovely chestnut stallion has been named Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Austrian International Junior Top Five Stallion, Scandinavian Open Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Polska-Arabia Senior Bronze Champion, Kauber Platte Senior Bronze Champion and Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion Stallion. Tail female ETERNAL descends directly from the iconic EUROPA, Polish National Senior Champion Mare. EUROPA produced several champion foals, including EUROPEJKA, EUROL, EURYK & EURON, but is most remembered as the dam of chief sire EUROPEJCZYK - another stellar equine exhibiting the Polish “bold and beautiful” vision of the Arabian horse. Not only was he unbeaten at the racetrack in all his eight outings (winning the Derby, Janów Podlaski (Arabian Produce), Criterium, Sabellina, Sambor & Bandos St.), he also took the Polish National Senior Champion title.

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lot. 11/s POMIAN

grey, 2010 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (1-0-2-0)


grey, 2008 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/6 (1-0-1-0)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 grey filly, foaled on 13.01.2018 measurements: 153-183-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew



Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 28th of May, 2022)


Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


Kaborr Edjora



grey, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1)

Probat Fatma


Banat Pilarka



grey, 1990 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/20 (2-4-7-2)

Bandos Pemba


Palas Etna



Fawor Pipi


Visbaden Petra

dark bay, 2002 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1)

PENTANEA is a daughter of POMIAN: Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion Stallion, European Senior Top Five Stallion. POMIAN himself is a mix of two living legends: World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB, and the outstanding broodmatron PILAR. Herself a Polish National Junior Champion, PILAR went on to foal a slew of show winners: PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA, POMIAN and last but not least - Polish National Junior & Senior Gold Champion, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Senior Silver & World Platinum Champion Mare PINGA. PENTANEA is a maternal sister to Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Prague InterCup Junior Champion and Prague European Cup Junior Champion Stallion PEON, as well as Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five PERKUN. Their dam PENTA, a Junior Spring Show class top five finalist, is the daughter of PEPINA by PILOT. PEPINA herself is a sibling to five chief sires utilized in breeding in recent years. The most prominent of these is none other than POGROM, an absolute phenomenon and greatest stallion to come out of the barns of Janów Podlaski in the last decade. Masculine, commanding and energizing, POGROM claimed the titles of Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, the 2013 American Triple Crown as Scottsdale Senior Champion Stallion & Supreme Champion, US National Senior Champion & Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Champion Stallion. On home soil he further won the title of Polish National Senior Gold Champion Stallion. Other chief sires include Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show PRADO and performance-oriented PENTAGRAM, POLIGON & PEDAGOG, utilized in sports breeding.

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lot. 12/s ENZO


grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


grey, 2007 Michałów Stud

Padrons Psyche

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar


grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Monogramm Emilda



Aswan Pchelka

Gza Gza

Negatraz Gay Zaza


Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA


grey, 1994 G. Janssen 1/5 (1-1-0-1) Germany


grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-0-0-0-3)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey mare, foaled on 18th of April, 2014 measurements: 153-180-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta


2017 – 7 starts: 1xIII, 2xIV, 2xV


2019 filly ENTITA (Shams Sharav AA) chestnut 2020 colt EMPIREUM (Muranas Jassehr) chestnut 2021 colt ERAST (Złoty Medal) grey 2022 colt (AJ Azzam)


Bred to MORION (last service on 1st June, 2022)

EMFIRIA embodies the best characteristics of her strong Michałów-based heritage of family foundress ESTOKADA through both sire and dam. Her sire EMPIRE Polish National Champion & European Bronze Champion Stallion, among others, descends from the branch established by the iconic EMIGRACJA through an impressive lineage of champion broodmares in the likes of: EMIRA (Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Mae, among many others) – EMBRA (All Nations Cup Senior Top Five Mare, European Senior Top Five Mare, World Senior Top Ten Mare, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion) – EMILDA (Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion, UK National Senior Champion) – EMANACJA (Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion) – EMIGRACJA (Polish National Senior Reserve Champion and the WAHO Trophy honoree). On the distaff side EMFIRIA is the granddaughter of an extremely interesting broodmare, especially in terms of genotype. ERNERA is not only a full sister to champion sire EKSTERN, but she is the ONLY female sibling of this extraordinary Arabian stallion. EKSTERN, the “King of the Ring”, is Poland’s most renowned stallion of the new millennium and one that has also made the biggest impact on worldwide breeding. Undefeated in all of his nine showings, EKSTERN proudly bears the titles of, among others, Polish National Junior & Senior Champion, 2000 European Triple Crown winner as All Nations Cup, European & World Senior Champion, Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion and a WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. His breeding achievements are just as noteworthy, with a plethora of female champion get in the shape of WILGA, PALANGA, BIRUTA, CENOZA, PINTA, PSYCHE VICTORIA PSYCHE KREUZA OR WIEŻA RÓŻ, but most importantly he has given a worthy successor in European & Middle Eastern champion ESPARTO.

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grey, 2008 La Movida Arabians Austria


Private Breeders Offer EMOCJA

chestnut, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-0-1-2-1)


Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


Kaborr Edjora


Ludjin El Jamaal

grey, 1999 La Movida Arabians Austria

Ali Jamaal Lydira El Shaklan

Lilyh El Jamaal

Ali Jamaal Lyria El Hardun



Bask Negotka


Knippel Monopolia

chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians USA

EMIGRACJA grey, 1980 Michałów Stud

Bred by Michałów Stud and owned by Lech Błaszczyk PASB Vol. XVII-4 grey mare, foaled on 26th of March, 2015 measurements: 160-190-21 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



2020 colt EMOCJER (Paeks) grey 2021 filly EMWITA (Elgast) bay


Bred to ELGAST (last service on 23rd May 2022)


Aswan Panel


Carycyn Espada

EMOCJANA is a broodmare from Michałów’s leading family of E-champions with a dosage of two of the most influential foreign sires in Poland’s breeding over the past three decades: GAZAL AL SHAQAB & MONOGRAMM. Maternally EMOCJANA is out of EMOCJA, daughter of the legendary EMIGRACJA, and therefore a sister to such acclaimed names in the world of Arabian horse breeding as EMIGRANTKA, EMANACJA, ERLANDA & ETENTA. Apart from EMOCJANA, EMOCJA has also produced the highly decorated EMILIUSZ (Tulip Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Scandinavian Open Senior Champion, Swedish National Senior Champion, Rio Arabian Show Senior Champion), ESPRESSIVO (Menton Junior Bronze Champion, Elran Cup Junior Reserve Champion, Belgian National Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Reserve Champion, West Coast Cup Senior Silver Stallion, Bruges International Senior Champion Stallion & Best in Show, Wels International Senior Champion Stallion) and the sensational EJRENE (twice World Junior Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Champion Mare, Polish National Junior Champion Mare, twice Wels International Senior Gold Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Silver Champion Mare, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Gold Champion Mare (Sint-Oedenrode) and Tulip Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare). EMOCJANA’a sire, European Silver Champion Stallion LAWRENCE EL GAZAL, is the son of Platinum World Champion Stallion GAZAL AL SHAQAB, a breed standard setter that has left his mark all over the world. In Poland, GAZAL is responsible for a plethora of exquisite daughters, including as many as three Platinum World Champion Mares: PIANISSIMA, PINGA & EMANDORIA. The second influential stallion in EMOCJANA’s pedigree is her maternal sire, MONOGRAMM. This chestnut propelled Michałów Stud to stardom with the likes of EKSTERN & GANGES, as well as stellar mares in the shape of KWESTURA, ZAGROBLA, FALLADA, PALMIRA, ESKALOPKA, EMMONA, ELANDRA, ESPADRILLA, EGZONERA, EMBRA & EMOCJA (Emocjana’s dam).

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lot. 14/s ASCOT DD chestnut, 2011 DD Arabians Belgium


chestnut, 2012 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (0-0-0-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-1 chestnut mare, foaled on 26th of February, 2017 measurements: 147-177-17 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Sahara d.b. im. 1845 to Jarczowc


BREEDING RECORD: 2022 filly (El Jahez WH)


Bred to PICASSO DI MAR (last service on 21st of February, 2022)



grey, 2007 DST Arabians USA

Magnum Psyche S Justadream

Gloria Apal

Psytadel SA Misha Apal



chestnut, 2007 DD Arabians Belgium

Padrons Psyche Bint Bey Shah

Monogrammed Lady

Monogramm Agracious Lady



grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)

Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina



Banat Arba


Probat Eunice

bay, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (0-0-0-1-1)

EUBENA is a young daughter of ASCOT DD, a highly decorated show star as Menton Yearling Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, DIAHC, Menton & World Junior Silver Champion and European Junior Bronze Champion Stallion, as well as outstanding sire with such champion offspring in Poland as APLAUS, EL BELLISIMA, ENCARINA, ERANTIS, PARILLUS and PASCUALA. EUBENA’s dam EUNITA is a stellar combination of two renown “E” Polish damlines - that of Michałów’s champion dynasty of ESTOKADA through “King of the Ring” sire EKSTERN and that of Janów Podlaski’s EUNICE, dam of iconic sire and the very first Polish National Champion Stallion EUKALIPTUS. EUNITA is out EUNICE’s granddaughter, the prized Janów Podlaski broodmare EULA - Polish National Junior Champion Mare, Polish National Senior Champion Mare & Best in Show and Canadian Senior Top Ten. Apart from EUNITA, EULA has also produced EULERTA (dam of EMPUZA, a Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Mare, Prague Inter Cup Yearling Silver Champion Mare, Prague European Cup Yearling Gold Champion Mare & Qatar International Arabian Horse Show Junior Gold Champion Mare) and ENERIA (dam of ENCARINA, a Białka Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion & KAAHC Junior Silver Champion Mare). The sire of Eunita, EKSTERN, needs no introduction. An undefeated champion in nine showings, including the European Triple Crown, he has really proved his value in the breeding barn with daughters that have become stellar producers. Suffice to say that his female get have produced the following recent show champions: MORION, PUSTYNIA KAHILA, WIEŻA MOCY, EQUATOR.

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lot. 15/s ENZO


grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


Private Breeders Offer EMFONIA

grey, 2007 Michałów Stud

Padrons Psyche

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar


grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Monogramm Emilda



Aswan Pchelka

Gza Gza

Negatraz Gay Zaza


Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA


grey, 1994 G. Janssen 1/5 (1-1-0-1) Germany


grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-0-0-0-3)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-3 grey mare, foaled on 18th of April, 2014 measurements: 153-180-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta


2017 – 7 starts: 1xIII, 2xIV, 2xV


2019 filly ENTITA (Shams Sharav AA) chestnut 2020 colt EMPIREUM (Muranas Jassehr) chestnut 2021 colt ERAST (Złoty Medal) grey 2022 colt (AJ Azzam)


Bred to to MM Shalimar (last service on 19th.June 2022)

EPSA is a broodmare in the prime of her life, linebred to the iconic PADRONS PSYCHE through both her sire PSYTADEL and maternal sire FIREBALL. PSYTADEL, Belgian Junior Champion and Belgium Challenge Cup, is a third generation of champion males, beginning with his grandsire PADRON, sire PADRONS PSYCHE and his progeny – PSYTADEL, MAGNUM PSYCHE, ENZO & LD PISTAL. Used in Poland on a small scale, PSYTADEL managed to aptly sire several accomplished equines, including Junior Spring Show Top Five & Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion SIMON BEJ, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion LORD BEY SHAH, Polish National Junior Top Five MELODY, Mińce Junior Reserve Champions ARISTA & ZORIAN, Autumn Show Junior Top Five ZACHARY, Albi International Junior Champion & Autumn Show Junior Champion GADNES, Autumn Show Junior Bronze Medalist FILUS SHAH, Breeders’ and International Championships Europe Senior Reserve Champion EUROPESA & Breeders’ and International Championships Europe Junior Top Five GAJA HERA. Casino Cup International Junior Reserve Champion Stallion FIREBALL, a grandson of PADRONS PSYCHE, hails from the athletically gifted damline of FORTA. FIREBALL’s branch of the family (through FELLUKA) has gifted the breed such champions as FAIR, FORDA, FABRYSZKA, FERBIS and the recent show sensation FUERTE – Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion Colt, Dubai Junior Gold Champion Colt, Menton Junior Gold Champion Colt, European Junior Silver Champion Colt, World Junior Silver Champion Colt, KAAHC Senior Silver Champion Stallion. EPSA’s own damline is that of family founder ELEONORA, a damline especially known for its superior sires, including champion stars ELKIN, ELEMI, ELEUZIS, ELEGION, ENGANO, ENOS, chief sires ERNAL, ELF, ELBRUS, EL BAK, the influential, utilized in Anglo-Arabian breeding sire ELSING & Swedish Champion EXELSJOR - sire of BOREXIA & EDJORA, dam of legendary sire PROBAT & granddam of the one and only GAZAL AL SHAQAB, respectively

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lot. 16/s PEGASUS

grey, 2003 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (1-0-1-2)

PIĘKNA DAMA PIĘKNA PANI grey, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/5 (0-1-0-1)


Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


Kaborr Edjora



grey, 1993 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/18 (2-4-1-4-1)

Bandos Eunice


Probat Pentoda



Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina


Tallin Wilejka


Eukaliptus Pascha

grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


bay, 1995 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVI-5 grey mare, foaled on 8th of January, 2011 measurements: 154-171-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I



2016 filly PIĘKNA PANNA (Empire) chestnut 2017 colt PIĘKNODUCH (El Omari) grey 2018 filly PIĘKNA MUZA (Ekwist) grey 2019 filly PIĘKNA HELENA (Muranas Jassehr) grey 2020 colt POLEMISTA (Muranas Jassehr) grey 2021 colt PIĘKNY DZIEŃ (Al Ayal AA) chestnut 2022 colt PIĘKNY GEST (AJ Azzam)


Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 8th May 2022)

PIĘKNA DAMA (“Beautiful Damsel”) is a daughter of PEGASUS - Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion Stallion, World Senior Top Ten Stallion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Stallion - a chief sire from the world famed damline of PIEWICA, through her granddaughter PESTKA. Dubbed as the “sire making” branch of PIEWICA, PESTKA’s female descendants have produced as many as nine champion stallions. This group of versatile males includes sport-oriented stallions (PENTAGRAM, POLIGON, PEDAGOG) and high quality show stars (PRADO, PERSEUSZ, POGANIN, POGROM, PITAWAL). PEGASUS is the maternal brother to a slew of highly decorated siblings, including PERSEUSZ (International Poznań Junior Champion, Minće Senior Champion Stallion and St. Petersburg International Cup Senior Bronze Champion Stallion), POLIFONIA (Umea Senior Champion Mare, Pitea International Senior Champion Mare, Forssa International Senior Bronze Champion Mare, Midnight Sun International Senior Reserve Champion Mare) PERNILA (Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Mare) and the record-seller of the Pride of Poland Sales at 1.4 million euro PEPITA – Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, as well as Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, KAAHC Senior Gold Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Senior Gold Champion and Sharjah Senior Gold Champion Mare. PIĘKNA DAMA’s dam, PIĘKNA PANI (“Beautiful Lady”) is a full sister to POLONIA, a top five class honoree from Salzkotten, Prague, Kauber Platter & Överkalix, dam of successful show contenders PANTHEROS, PYRONIA K.A. & PENELOPE K.A. The sister duo of PIĘKNA PANI & POLONIA are granddaughters of one of Michałów’s finest and most accomplished EUKALIPTUS daughters - PASSA, a living example of the Polish “bold and beautiful” breeding program concept. PASSA excelled as an athlete (winning the Amurath Stakes) and a show horse - securing the title of World Junior Reserve Champion Mare, the first official World Championship title for Michałów. PASSA stems directly from one of the iconic broodmatrons of world breeding, the bay TAKTIKA, an All-Union Champion in the then USSR and graded “ELITE” at Tersk Stud, the highest possible honor in Russian breeding.

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lot. 17/s ABYAD AA

grey, 2009 Ariela Arabians Israel


grey, 2012 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (1-0-2-2-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-1 grey mare, foaled on 6th of February, 2017 measurements: 147-178-17.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew


BREEDING RECORD: 2022 colt (El Jahez WH)


Bred to POGROM (last service on 13th of April, 2022)


Ansata Sinan

grey, 2004 Two Silos Farm USA

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Nefara

Savannah CC

Thee Desperado Miss Maggie Mae


Halim Shah I

bay, 2002 Ariela Arabians Israel

Ansata Halim Shah 214 Ibn Galal I

The Vision HG

Thee Desperado Belle Staar



grey, 1994 Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)

Negatraz Monogramma


Piechur Erwina



Bandos Eunice


Fawor Pipi

chestnut, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/13 (2-4-2-2)

PETRONA is a daughter of ABYAD AA from the worldrespected breeding program of Ariela Arabians, an Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Foal and Israeli Reserve Champion Foal. He is a grandson of the iconic mare THE VISION HG, dam of champion chief sires AL LAHAB, AL MARAAM, AL AYAL AA. PETRONA’s maternal sire, EKSTERN, needs no introduction. Affectionately dubbed “the King of the Ring”, EKSTERN remains an undefeated show champion with nine prestigious titles to their name, among them Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Stallion, 2000 European Triple Crown winner as All Nations Cup, European & World Senior Champion Stallion, Mercedes Diamond Cup Champion and a WAHO Trophy honoree for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding. But more importantly EKSTERN is a producer of champions and even more - of champion producing broodmares. PETRONA is out of POLKA, a sister to two successful show mares: POTENTILLA (Polish National Junior Top Five Mare, Prague Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion Mare, Prague European Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare - Prague, World Senior Top Ten Mare) & PROMETIDA (Junior Spring Show Yearling Silver Champion Mare). The stellar producing abilities of the sisters’ dam PANONIA are the gifts of her regal dam PILAR, one of the leading continuers of the “P” line family of PIEWICA. A Polish National Junior Champion, PILAR ultimately bloomed in the breeding barn, producing a host of champion-winning offspring: PINGA, PINTA, PIETA, PIBA, PIZARRO & PILAROSA. PILAR is by far the best daughter of the beloved broodmatron PIPI, Polish National & Elran Cup Champion, whose breeding accomplishments also greatly surpassed her show achievements. Throughout her lifetime she produced champion chief sires PILOT & PIAFF, champion daughters PYTIA, PISTACJA, PIKARDIA, and superb dams, who have gone on to prolong this incredible heritage: PILICA (dam of PALMETA), PILINA (dam of PILIN PSYCHE & PIBER), PRERIA (dam of PRIMERA) and PIPI’s flagship offspring PILAR.

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lot. 18/s ERYKS

bay, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1)


bay, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1)


Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


Kaborr Edjora



grey, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4)

Negatraz Monogramma


Pamir Emanacja



grey, 1991 Michałów Stud 2/22 (1-3-5-3)

Palas Arra


Eukaliptus Emigracja



Pohaniec Borexia


Palas Cedzyna

grey, 1987 Michałów Stud 2/15 (2-2-3-1)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVI-2 brown stallion, foaled on 14th of January, 2008 measurements: 152-167-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta


2011 - 4 starts: 2xI, 1xIII, 1xIV (Carogród St.)


2009 Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion - Białka (PL) 2009 Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Junior Spring Show Top Five Stallion - Białka (PL) 2010 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2010 Autumn Show Junior Top Five Stallion - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2012 Class Top Five (4-8 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2013 Class Top Five (4-8 Year Old Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2015 Class Top Five (7 Years Old and Above Stallions) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Russian Silver Senior Champion Stallion – Novotersky (RU)

CHIMERYK is a versatile stallion, performing well both in hand on the arena, as well as under saddle. He is the sired by ERYKS, son of World Platinum Champion Stallion GAZAL AL SHAQAB. ERYKS himself is a Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion Stallion & Best in Show and a Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion. Apart from Chimeryk, Eryk’s best get include chief sire CEFIR (Junior Spring Show Top Five Stallion, Polska-Arabia Junior Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five Stallion, PolskaArabia Senior Silver Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & St. Petersburg International Cup Senior Top Five Stallion) and DIARA (Junior Spring Show Silver and Bronze Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion Mare). Maternally Chimeryk stems from CANARIA, dam of one of Poland’s legendary chief sires, CELEBES (sire of such great broodmatrons as EKSTAZA, MITRA, ELEWACJA, ALGERIA and chief sires ALOES, PEPI & ALGOMEJ). Interestingly CANARIA is the daughter of SAGA, making her a maternal sister to ESTOKADA, foundress of Michałów’s widespread “E” dynasty of show champions. Chimeryk’s dam CHIMERA has also produced CHARUNA (French National Junior Reserve Champion Mare and French National Senior Champion Mare) & CHERONEA (Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare, Barcelona International Senior Bronze Champion Mare & Best Mover). He is ridden under saddle and has competed in various sport events: dressage, Classic Pleasure, Native Costume, Polish Historical Costume classes.

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lot. 19/s EMPIRE

grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


Padrons Psyche

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone - USA

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar



Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Monogramm Emilda

Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


Kaborr Edjora



Probat Fatma


Banat Pilarka

grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1)



grey, 2009 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/8 (0-1-3-1)

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 grey mare, foaled on 11th of February, 2018 measurements: 156-179-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew


2021 – 3 starts: 1xI, 1xIII (Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Association St. cat. B)


Bred to MORION (last service on 23rd of March, 2022)

grey, 1996 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1)

PAQUITA is a daughter of a full sister to World Platinum Champion PINGA. This young mare descends from Janów Podlaski’s most famous P-line of PIEWICA. The link to the family foundress in PAQUITA comes through the most renowned branch of PILARKA-PIPI-PILAR. PILARKA, Polish, UK, European & World Champion, forever etched in history as the “flying beauty” for her phenomenal trot, is a direct female ancestor of the legendary PIANISSIMA. However her best producing daughter is PIPI, known as broodmatron extraordinaire. Named Polish National Senior Champion and Elran Cup Senior Champion Mare, PIPI’s true value lay in her producing abilities. She is the dam of 15 foals, many of which went on to achieve greatness on both the show arena and the breeding barn. PIPI’s male produce include champion chief sires PILOT and PIAFF and champion daughters PISTACJA, PIKARDIA and PILAR. PIPI’s daughters also inherited her producing abilities and have proven themselves as superb broodmares: PRERIA (dam of PRIMERA), PILICA (dam of PALMETA, who in turn is the dam of multi champions PALATINO, PALABRA, PALATINA, PATRIA & PARIS) and PILAR – PAQUITA’s granddam who delivered further champions in the shape of PIETA, PINTA, PIZARRO, PILAROSA, PIBA, POMIAN and the afore mentioned PINGA, who has by now also produced Polish National Champion Mare & Best in Show PINIATA. PAQUITA is also lucky to benefit from another famous damline, that of Michałów’s E-dynasty of champions stemming from EMIGRACJA via her sire EMPIRE. The stallion EMPIRE, a Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, a Polish National Junior Champion, a European Junior Bronze Champion a World Junior Top Ten Stallion, a Wels International Junior Champion and a Polish National Senior Bronze Champion Stallion, passed away in May of this year, making his get even more sought after.

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lot. 20/s VITORIO TO

bay, 2008 Thirteen Oaks Arabians USA




bay, 2003 Dolorosa Arabians Ltd. USA

Fame FV Precious as Gold

Da Love

Padrons Psyche Magnifficaa FA



Salon Passionate


Nabor Ruzica

Anaza El Farid

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa


Kaborr Edjora


Probat Fatma


Probat Fabiola

grey, 1993 Interfund Corporation USA


dark bay, 2004 Michałów Stud

bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

FORTISSIMA brown, 1993 Michałów Stud

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-5 brown mare, foaled on 28th of April, 2016 measurements: 150-170-17.0 cm Sire line: Mirage or.ar. 1919 Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta

RACING RECORD: 2019: 4 starts


2017 Class Winner (Yearling Fillies) at the All-Polish Championship - Radom (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL) 2017 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the European Championships - Verona (IT)


2021 colt FRASCATI (Morion) bay 2022 colt FREETOWN (Ganges)


Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 8th March 20

FRAZZA is a distinguished broodmare sired by US, Canadian and Brazilian Champion Stallion VITORIO TO. She is a full sister to FORGISSIMA - Polish National Junior Top Five Mare and maternal sister to FOGGITA - Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five Mare and Polish National Junior Top Five Mare. Both sisters are out the exceptional GAZAL AL SHAQAB daughter FOGGIA, who herself is a half-sister to the stallion FERRYT (Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Stallion, Wels Top Five Senior Stallion, Festival De Iverno Senior Reserve Champion Stallion, Brazilian National Top Ten Senior Stallion, Braganca Paulista InterNucleos Senior Champion Stallion, Sao Joao da Boa Vista Top Ten Senior Stallion). The dam of FOGGIA and FERRYT - FORTISSIMA, a Polish National Junior Champion Mare - is a maternal sister to the world famous FALLADA, twice Junior Spring Show Champion Mare & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, World Senior Reserve Champion Mare, twice World Top Ten Senior Mare, Polish National Senior Champion Mare, Los Robles de Oro Senior Champion Mare, Canadian National Senior Champion Mare, US National Top Ten Mare, Wels Top Five Senior Mare, European Top Five Senior Mare. Interestingly, FORTISSIMA has an inbreeding to her family foundress FORTA through both her damline and World, European & Polish National Champion Stallion FAWOR. Famed for stamina, correct build and supreme hardiness, FORTA produced a whole line-up of capable performers, including Criterium St. winners CZORT & FINISZ, Derby winners again FINISZ & EQUIFOR and two outstanding Oaks St. winning daughters, who established sublines of their own – DYSKA & FATMA, the direct great-grandam of our Forlanda. FATMA’s descendants include both valiant racers (Oaks St. winner FISZKA, Sasanka St. winner FUKSJA & Europa Cup winner FORINT, Amurath St. winner FIRO & FIOŁEK - Arabian Produce St. & Criterium St. winner).

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lot. 21/s KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

ZATOKA WENECKA ZATOKA PERSKA bay, 1999 Michałów Stud 2/14 (0-4-5-2-1)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-2 bay mare, foaled on 2nd of May, 2013 measurements: 154-178-18.0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I


2016 – 8 starts: 1xI, 1xII, 1xIII, 1xIV, 1xV


2018 colt ZIMNY WIATR (El Omari) bay 2019 filly ZATOKA EMPATII (Ganges) bay 2020 colt ZACARIOS (Alert) bay 2021 filly ZORAIDA (Edmund) bay 2022 filly ZAGARA (Haash OSB)


Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 15th February 2022)


Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Little Liza Fame

Fame VF Katahza



bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr USA

JK Spartan Mistral Bey

OFW Balarina

RSD Dark Victory Balaquina



brown, 1990 Michałów Stud 3/29 (5-2-6-4-1)

Banat Arba


Tallin Wendeta



Tallin Wilejka


Probat Zazula

bay, 1993 Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-2-0-0)

ZATOKA WENECKA is a proven broodmare with several foals on the ground. She is a daughter of World Platinum Champion Stallion and heir to the “Al Shaqab” dynasty, KAHIL AL SHAQAB. A grandson of GAZAL through his son MARWAN AL SHAQAB (yet another World Champion Stallion), KAHIL stood at the Polish studs in 2012-2013 and his first crops literally blew the show scene away. These included the likes of MORION, PARIS, BAMBINA, AL JAZEERA, PUSTYNIA KAHILA & PARIS. In a short period KAHIL AL SHAQAB has established himself as a sire with the golden touch, making his get very sought after. Maternally ZATOKA WENECKA stems from ZŁOTA IWA, through her European Senior Reserve Champion & All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare daughter ZAZULA. The “Z” family is responsible for show champions ZIGI ZANA, ZŁOTY MEDAL, ZAGORA, ZMOWA, ZIGI-ZAN, ZŁOTA BAŚŃ, ZŁOTOGŁÓW, ZENIA, ZALETA, ZALOTNA, ZŁOCIEŃ, ZACHARY, ZIMARC and the phenomenon which is ZAGROBLA - twice Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, twice Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Bábolna International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Reserve Champion, Bábolna International Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, twice European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Reserve Champion & US National Champion Mare. The family is also known for its accomplished track performers: ZŁOTA WIEŻA - a winner of 3 races (including the Amurath St.) and having placed in the money in the Oaks, Sabellina & Sambor St. and stake winners: ZAWADIAKA (Sasanka St.), ZAFIR (Kabaret & Wielki Szlem St.), ZALEW (Piechur & Kabaret St.), ZŁOTY POTOK (Sabellina, Sambor, Criterium, Skowronek St. & Europa Cup), ZAKUS (Piechur St.), ZBÓJNA GÓRA (Wielki Szlem St.), ZIKO (Amurath, Michałów &Derby St.).

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lot. 22/s POGROM

bay, 2009 Janów Podlaski Stud


Marwan Al Shaqab

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

Swete Dreams

Magic Dream Kouream De Ment



Naftalin Presnia


Pepton Pestka

Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

Lara El Ludjin

Ludjin El Jamaal Lilyh El Jamaal


Monogramm Ernestyna


Metropolis NA Cyfra

bay, 1994 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (1-0-0-2-1)



bay, 2014 Białka Stud

grey, 2008 La Movida Arabians Austria


grey, 2008 Białka Stud

Bred and owned by Białka State Stud MHR sp. z o.o. PASB Vol. XVIII-3 bay colt, foaled on 5th of June, 2019 measurements: 151-178-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Bent-El-Arab or.ar. imp. 1885 Bábolna



2020 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2020 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Polish National Show Janów Podlaski (PL) 2021 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2021 Class Top Five (Two Year Old Colts) at the Sopot Arabian Horse Show Sopot (PL) 2022 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Stallion – Białka (PL)

CELADON is an extremely promising youngster at the threshold of a show career as a senior. He is improving with time, proof of which is the bronze medal of the male championships won at the Junior Spring Show in Białka just recently. CELADON is the son of Białka’s leading broodmares: CELITA, an experienced and highly decorated show mare from the extremely rare damline of Bent-El-Arab or.ar., represented in Poland only by horses from Białka. She is the daughter of the maternal sister to Polish National Senior Champion Stallion CEFIR. CELITA’s list of accolades is also a prominent one, with the most notable being Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polska-Arabia Junior Silver Champion & Junior Spring Show Top Five Champion, where she won her class with an amazing score of 93,17 pts. One of the most important pillar broodmatrons in Białka’s history was CUDNA from the Bent-El-Arab d.b. damline. A wonderful producer, she gifted Białka with as many as five daughters, including: CELIA, CYKATA, CEDONIA and CYFRA, the latter which has now prolonged CUDNA’s heritage and grown into one of Białka’s premier broodmares. CYFRA (Celita’s direct great-granddam) is the dam of show competitors CYMRA, CYRUS, CYRKA and CELINA (Celita’s direct granddam) – a class top five finalist from the Junior Spring Show in Białka, Bełżyce, Falborek & the Polish Nationals. CELINA brought even further glory to her family - she is the dam of the above mentioned CEFIR, a Junior Spring Show Top Five Champion, Polska-Arabia Festival Junior Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five Champion, Polska-Arabia Festival Senior Silver Champion & most importantly Polish National Senior Champion Stallion, as well as CELLA (Celita’s dam) - Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare. On the spear side of the pedigree we find POGROM, the most outstanding male equine to come out of the barns of Janów Podlaski in recent years as the winner of the US Triple Crown Winner: Scottsdale Supreme Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Champion & US National Champion Stallion.

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lot. 23/s ENZO


grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


grey, 2011 Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-0-0-0-2)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-5 bay mare, foaled on 1st of January, 2016 measurements: 157-177-18.5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

RACING RECORD: 2019 – 4 starts: 1xV


2017 Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion Filly – Białka (PL)


2021 filly (Alwaro) died 2022 colt EBINUR (Morion)


Bred to MORION (last service on 8th February 2022)

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Padrons Psyche

Padron Kilika

RD Bey Shahmpane

Bey Shah Bey Shahdar


grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1)

Imperial Imdal AK Latifa


Monogramm Emilda



grey, 2005 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/10 (0-0-1-2-4)

Eldon Pipi


Sanadik El Shaklan Antwerpia



Monogramm Ernestyna


Ecaho Ebola

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA


grey, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/4

EBIRA embodies the best characteristics of her strong Michałów-based heritage of family foundress ESTOKADA through both sire and dam. Her late sire EMPIRE Polish National Champion & European Bronze Champion Stallion, among others, descends from the branch established by the iconic EMIGRACJA. He is already the sire of several show champions, including EL LARINERA, KRESZ, WOJ, ATAKAMA, BACHMAT PA & EMA AVI. The distaff side of the family stems from the branch of ESTONIA and her exquisite granddaughter EGINA - Polish National Junior Champion Mare, European Junior Reserve Champion Mare, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion Mare. EGINA’s granddaughter EBERIA, bearing a distinctive bloody mark on her arched neck, is the model Saklavi representative. Offered at the 2005 Pride of Poland Sale at Janów Podlaski EBERIA was one of the top five high-sellers. The investment proved profitable for the new owner, for whom EBERIA earned the titles of International UK Reserve Champion Mare and World Top Ten Champion Mare. EBERIA proved to be a valuable producer as the dam of International Arabequus Senior Champion Mare, Saint Pierre International Reserve Senior Champion Mare, Travagliato Cavalli Senior Champion Mare/Best in Show & Festival du Cheval Arab Silver Champion Mare EBLA, ELATEA (dam of Czech National Gold Champion Mare EDELMIRA) and Prague European Cup Senior Gold Champion Mare, Intercup Senior Bronze Champion Mare, Best Czech Horse & Best Mover of the Show EBORA (dam of Intercup Junior Silver Champion Mare & Prague European Cup Junior Silver Champion Mare ELIHANDRA SW and EBRA, Ebira’s dam).


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bay, 2010 Elkasun Arabians Republic of South Africa


grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/1

Bred and owned by Janów Podlaski Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-2 grey colt, foaled on 06.05.2018 measurements: 152-182-18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Szamrajówka 1810 Biała Cerkiew

RACING RECORD: 2021 -1 start: 1xIII


2019 Class Top Five (Yearling Colts) at the Junior Spring Show – Białka (PL) 2019 Polish National Top Five Yearling Colt – Janów Podlaski (PL)

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Gazal Al Shaqab

Anaza El Farid Kajora

bay, 2000 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Little Liza Fame

Fame VF Katahza


Padrons Psyche

Padron Kilika

chest., 2005 Orrion Farms USA

Hafati Julianna

RSD Dark Victory PGN Flirtation



grey, 1990 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/20 (2-4-7-2)

Bandos Pemba


Palas Etna



Probat Fatma


Banat Pilarka

bay, 1994 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/7 (0-0-1-1-1)

PATHOS holds an exceptional pedigree as the son of two greats: EKS ALIHANDRO and PALMETA. Bred in the Republic of South Africa, EKS ALIHANDRO is a multi champion holding such prestigious titles as Menton Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion and the ultimate honor - World Senior Gold Champion Stallion, among others.This statuesque equine is sired by triple World Champion Stallion MARWAN AL SHAQAB, himself a son of the already legendary GAZAL AL SHAQAB. PATHOS’ dam PALMETA is a living legend at Janów Podlaski Stud. She has been numerously acknowledged at the show arenas with titles of Junior Spring Show Champion, European Senior Champion, World Top Ten Mare and Polish National Junior & Senior Champion Mare with a “Best in Show” honor on both occasions! In 2015 PALMETA received the WAHO Trophy for an outstanding individual of Arabian breeding and an ambassador of the breed. Her achievements on the show arena was splendid, but those in the breeding have been even more spectacular. She is the dam of the following champions: PALATINO (Prague Intercup Senior Silver Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion Stallion), PALABRA (Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion Mare and high-seller of the 2011 Pride of Poland at 400 thousand Euro), PALATINA (Junior Spring Show Champion, Prague Intercup Junior Champion, Arabia-Polska Warsaw Championship Senior Gold Champion & Best In Show, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion Mare), PATRIA (Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Top Five, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion Mare) & PARIS (Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Bronze Champion Stallion).


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lot. 25/s GANGES

bay, 1994 Michałów Stud 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1

WIEŻA ORIENTU WIEŻA MOCY dark bay, 2010 Michałów Stud



chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians USA

Bask Negotka


Knippel Monopolia



bay, 1985 Michałów Stud 2/18 (4-2-7-1) O

Aloes Fatima


Palas Gilza


Marwan Al Shaqab

bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame

Swete Dreams

Magic Dream Kouream De Ment



Monogramm Ernestyna


Arbil Wizja

dark bay, 2002 Michałów Stud 1/4 (1-2-0-0)

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-1 dark bay mare, foaled on 14th of May, 2017 measurements: 151-170-18.0 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 Gumniska Dam line: Szweykowska 1800 Sławuta

RACING RECORD: 2020 – 6 starts: 2xV


2022 colt WITEZAR (Morion)


Bred to EL OMARI (last service on 7th June 2022)

WIEŻA ORIENTU (“Tower of the Orient”) is the first Polishbred produce of the phenomenal champion WIEŻA MOCY. WIEŻA MOCY, known as the “Tower of Power”, is a breed icon, defining the standard of the modern Arabian mare and having wowed judges at the most significant shows on both hemispheres alike. WIEŻA MOCY’s walk of fame started on home soil (Polish National Junior Gold Champion Mare, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion Mare/Best in Show in Białka), spreading across the border to take the Junior Gold Medal at the European Championships and then the most coveted of all titles - the World Junior Gold Champion Mare honor. Having conquered Europe, WIEŻA MOCY turned her attention to America and claimed the Arabian Breeders World Cup in Las Vegas, the Arabian National Breeder Finals in Scottsdale and ultimately - the title of US National Champion Mare, becoming the ninth winner of this title for Michałów Stud. By winning the US National Champion Mare title WIEŻA MOCY repeated the feat of her great-granddam WIZJA, who claimed the very same honor 37 years earlier. After returning to Poland WIZJA secured her legacy with daughter WIAŹMA, an exemplary specimen as Junior Spring Show Champion Mare and producer extraordinaire, source of the entire “Tower-named” collection of exquisite equines. WIAŹMA’s two daughters, WIEŻA BABEL & WIEŻA WIATRÓW, have both won the Junior Spring Show and become Best in Show while there. A third daughter, WIEŻA MARZEŃ, was a class winner at the Polish Nationals, but by producing WIEŻA MOCY, another Tower equine crowned Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, she fulfilled the family’s grand tradition. Last year WIEŻA MOCY completed her list of accolades with perhaps the most important for our Arabians - Polish National Senior Champion Mare. WIEŻA ORIENTU also benefits from her Michałów-bred sire. The “bold and beautiful” GANGES represents the very core of the Polish breeding program as a victorious race horse (winner of the Koheilan I St.) and show star, wielding the titles of Blommeröd International Senior Champion/Best in Show, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, Columbus Senior Champion & US National Senior Reserve Champion.

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