Definition Of Mutvatir and Engineer Ali Mirza [1440\04\03]

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Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and the Definition of Mutva:tir H:adith: Engineer “Ali Mirza of Jhelum has made some Amendments in the Principles [‘Us:u:l ‘Al H:adi:th:] Na”u:dh:ubillah. This is a proof that he is a great Heretic of Twenty First Century of Common Era [CE]. So it is required to prove that he has done such a Heresy. According to all Muh:addith:i:n the Definition of a Mutva:tir H:adi:th: is a follow: A Speech of Holy Prophet that is Conveyed to Us BY SUCH A Large Number of Narrators /Reporters such that their agreement on Falsehood is Naturally Impossible [‘Al-Muh:a:l ‘Al “A:di:].

Hadith al –Muta:vatir is taken as an absolute truth and one who rejects it is considered Ka:fir. Mutawatir has following types: 1] Mutva:tir bil lafz: 2] Mutva:tir bil ma”na:

This [i.e Mutva:tir] is very difficult to prove. How ever it must be noted that Qur’a:n is conveyed to us WITH Tava:tur [Consecutively]. But Engineer |Ali Mirza of Jhelum has made a simple Formula: If Shaikh: ‘Al Ba:ni: [RH:] and Zubair |Ali: Zai agree on a Tradition that it is Mutva:tir then it becomes a Mutva:tir regardless of the Definition of the Mutva:tir H:adi:th: . So he at times present their agreement [which is often a coincidence] . But this is a heresy. If any one of the above stated persons declares or both of them declare that a Tradition is Mutva:tir. Meare the declaration cannot make the Tradition Mutva:tir. One must have to study that whether the tradition satisfieth the Definition of the Mutva:tir or not. If it doeth not then the declaration is wrong , incorrect ,inaccurate and invalid. This is the basic point. So in this case both or one of the two is accused for committing an Error or a mistake. This accusation in such a case shall be True , But one shall not go beyond it. Since to commit an Error is Humans Property in general. Page 3 of 10

Page 4 of 10 Some times some Scholars declare a H:adi:th: as Mutva:tir in Virtual meaning. For example if there are a number of S:ah:i:h: ‘Ah:a:di:th: which agree in the Text either Proximately or Approximately but differ in the Chains of Narrators /Reporters. For example if the number of such Tradition become Nine or Twelve or Fourteen etc. some say it has become a Mutva:t:ir. But actually what they mean is that it has come close to Mutva:t:ir. But this is just an opinion that may be rejected. According to us Either a Tradition is Mutva:t:ir or it is Not. If it is not Mutva:t:ir then it can not be near to Mutva:t:ir. Since there is no positive and definite Number which can be said that this is the least Number of Mutva:tir and that Tradition is less than the mentioned number but very close to it. Now it can be shewn that A number of Sa:h:i:h: Traditions cannot be declared as Mutva:tir unless and Otherwise it is conveyed to us by a Multitude of Reporters that it becometh Naturally Impossible that these people could agree on Falsehood, Now five or twelve or fourteen such traditions cannot constitute a Mutva:tir Tradition. How did such a confusion arose: It may be noted that a Number of Weak Tradition [with the Necessary Condition of Not So Weak] converge they become H:asan Li Gh:airihi. Similarly a number of H:asan Li Dh:atihi Traditions converge they become S:ah:i:h: Li Gh:airihi:. So some people extrapolated this idea and began to declare that a Number of S:ah:i:h: Lidh:atihi Traditions converge then they become Mutva:tir or become close to Mutva:tir. But this extrapolation is incorrect. What the Engineer of Khelum did is that when he finds that there are a Number of S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:atihi Tradition with Similar Texts or with Texts concerning about same event , they combine to constitute a Mutva:tir. This heresy was actually emphasized by the former Teacher of the Engineer OF Jhelum whose proper noun was Zubair “Ali: Zai. Engineer is still doing TAQLI:D of such people when he finds that such a thing is in his favour. There is an other law which is less stated that if a large number of D:a”i:f [Weak] traditions converge then they make them more weak , since this implieth that such a Tradition as constituted as a conspiracy. D:a”i:f cannot become a Sah:i:h: Li Gh:airi: even if thousands of them converge, and H:asan Lidh:tihi: cannot become S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:atihi: even if thousands of H:asan LiDh:a:tihi converge. Their maximum limit is to become S:ah:i:h: Li Gh:airihi: . A Single S:ah:i:h: Lidh:a:tihi is more powerful that a S:ah:i:h: Li Gh:airihi: regardless of the Number of H:asan Li Dh:atihi: which constitute the S:ah:i:h: Li Gh:airihi: . Problems in declaration Sometimes a group of scholars declare a H:adi:th: as Mutva:tir but some other scholars differ. This is due to certain reasons. One of the reason is that those who declare a H:adi:th: as Mutvatir OPINE that Page 4 of 10

Page 5 of 10 A number is sufficient to declare it Mutva:tir and the other scholars deny this number opined by them. For example a Number is 14. Suppose a person claims that if there are fourteen S:ah:i:h: Traditions then then the become Mutva:tir. So he calls such a tradition as Mutva:tir. But an other person may disagree on the number. He may suggest a greater number . In any case if this is the case then the Tava:tur of the tradition is disputed. A disputed Mutva:tir is not a Mutva:tir in such cases.

IS MAN CUNTU MAULA: a Mutva:tir H:adi:th: This tradition is claimed to be Mutva:tir but when there is a dispute whether a Tradition is Mutva:tir or nor one must refer the definition of the Mutva:tir H:a:di:th: . If it is conveyed to us by such a large number of people that there Agreement on Falsehood [Kidh:b] is Naturally Impossible only then it canbe Mutva:tir otherwise not , since in such a case the Definition is satisfied. Let the number of traditions be n, where n is a Natural Number. First one must discard all the Weak Traditions from it. Since Weak Traditions are neither significant nor considerable. They are immaterial and theire Existence and Non –existence are Equal. Let the number of suct traditions is m So the total number of tradition left is “n-m”. Now deduct all the H:asan LiDh:atihi: from them. Let the number of H:asan Lidh:atihi is p. So the left Traditions are n-m-p. Let n-m-p =a. Let a be all S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:atihi: . But in such a case is the natural number “a” so great that it is Naturally Impossible for persons of this number to agree on Falsehood? Is the Number Five, or Twelve or Fourteen. What is the number? Suppose that some one claims that the number fourteen is such a Number. But then he must have to provide Citations from the Authentic books of Principles of H:adi:th: . His own claim claim of some one How so ever great scholar he may be, is useless and obsure. Page 5 of 10

Page 6 of 10 Engineer “Ali Mirza: Of Jhelum declare any one who denies the Tradition Man Kuntu Maula …. Or even accepts it but deny its claimed Tava:tur as Ka:fir. So it is up to the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: to provide:= 1] Total Number Of S:ah:i:h Traditions of this H:adi:th: . Is the number Eight or Eleven or Twelve or Fourteen or Else? 2] He had to provide the References from the Authentic books of ‘Us:u:l ‘Al H:adi:th: that this number is sufficient enough to constitute a Mutva:tir H:adi:th: . As the Heretic Engineer is ready to declare any one as Ka:fir , who declare this H:adi:th: as Gh:air Mutva:tir, it is quite saf not to say any thing in regard to its Tava:tur in this composition. Only he is questioned , and it is upon him to prove FROM THE TEXTS OF AUTHENTIC BOOKS OF ‘US:U:L ‘AL H:ADI:TH: and not just opinions of great scholars. If a books not an authentic book on the subject yet it is written by a great scholar, and he says a tradition as Mutva:tir yet on the definition it is not so , he has erred and one must not do his Taqli:d. Some scholars are of the view that:1] If there is a consensus on a Tradition that it is Mutva:tir then that Total number of S:ah:i:h: LI Dha:tihi: which constitute the Mutva:tir Tradition is either the Necessary or Sufficient contition for declaring another constituted Tradition as Mutva:tir or not Mutva:tir. But if there is no consensus then such a Claim is Proofless. H:asan Li Dh:a:tihi and D:a”i:f Traditions are not considered. 2] There is an ‘Ijma:” on the Tava:tur of the Tradition. 3] Controversial and Disputed Tavatur is not considered at all. ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili made an other Creteria that if a large number of people accepts a Tradition , it becomes independent of its Sanad, that is it becometh Mutva:tir. But this is incorrect. It is possible that with a large number say η of S:ah:i:h: Traditions , the claim of Tava:tur is also required, and with out the claim the number is just Necessary but not Sufficient. But this can not be accepted η =5 or 8 or 12 .

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Questions for the Jhelumite Engineer In Regard to Tava:tur :1]The Quran is considered Mutva:tir because all verses are Muta:tir. Is the H:adi:th: “Man Cuntu Maula: …..” is Mutva:tir like the verses of Sacred Qur’a:n?

2] What is the Criteria of Tava:tur , according to the Engineer Of Jhelum? 3] If a person accepts the Text of a Mutva:tir Tradition as S:ah:i:h: but does not accept it as Mutva:tir, then Is such a person a Ka:fir? 4] What are the types of Mutva:tir Traditions? 5] Are there some Traditions of H:adi:th: [‘Ah:a:di:th:] whose Tava:tur is disputed and controversial among Sunni: Scholars of ‘Ah:a:di:th: [Muh:addith:u:n]? 6] Is there a difference between Mutva:tir and Close to be Mutva:tir? 7] If a Traditions is claimed to be Mutva:tir then the claim requires a Proof. What the proof is according to the definition of the Term Mutva:tir or it is just on the claim that a Tradition is Mutva:tir? 8] Is the Claim of Tava:tur in regard to a H:adi:th: is the Proof of Tava:tur? 9] If some one denieth a Tradition that is Not Mutva:tir but “Close to Mutva:tir” , is such a person Muslim or not a Muslim? If not then what is the difference between Mutva:tir and “Close To Mutva:tir” in regard to the denial of each of two types? 10] Is S:ah:a:biah of Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: Bakr RD: Muta:tir? 11] Is ‘I:ma:n of Saiyiduna: “Abu: Bakr RD: Mutva:tir? 12] Is the ‘Ijma:” on the Kh:ilafah of Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: Bakr RD: Mutva:tir? 13] Is the ‘Afd:aliah [Supermacy] of Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: BakrRD: over all companions Mutva:tir? 14] If a Scholar declareth a Traditions as Mutva:tir and an other declareth it “Close to Mutva:tir” then, is it the case that one of the two is Ka:fir? 15] Can the Mutva:tir be divided into two : 1] MutvaLtir Li Dh:atihi: ,2] Mutva:tir Li Gh:airihi: ?. Page 7 of 10

Page 8 of 10 If so then is it the case that Mutva:tir Li Dh:a:tihi: is ‘Al Mutva:tir ‘Al LafzI: , and Mutva:tir Li Gh:airihi: is ‘Al Mutva:tir ‘Al Ma”navi: ; or these two sub divisions are different from the terms as stated above? 16 ] Is the Tradition that No one gets any thing in heritance from Prophets [La: N-R-Th:] , Mutva:tir? If it is Mutva:tir then ;are all those who deny this Tradition Ka:fir? If this Tradition is Not Mutva:tir then how many Traditions it lacks from being Mutva:tir? 17] If Zubair “Ali: Zai declared a Tradition as Mutva:tir and some one denieth that it is Mutva:tir then is such a person a Ka:fir, when Zubair “Ali: Zai has his own Criteria of Tava:tur? 18] What is the Criteria of Tava:tur according to Zubair “Ali: Zai if H:ad:ru: . 19] Is it possible that Zubair “Ali: Zai committed an error according to his own Criteria of Tava:tur, while declaring a Tradition as Mutva:tir? 20] Questions 18 and 19 are repeated for Shaikh: ‘Al Ba:ni RH: instead of Zubair “Ali: ? 21] Is Tradition of ‘At:t:air Mutva:tir? 22] Can a very large Number of Weak Traditions only constitute a Mutva:tir Tradition? 23] Can a Very Large Number of H:asan Li Dh:atihi Traditions Only constitue a Mutva:tir Tradition?

POINTS TO BE NOTED:ONCE AGAIN IT IS INFORMED THAT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND:Why we are asking this questions and conundrums , may be answered as follow:Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: declares great scholars of Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah as COMMITTER OF KUFR on the bases of some Theological Errors. These questions and conundrums may reveal the fact that Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is a Mu’’t-z-li: minded person and his ‘I’’t-za:l can be unveiled if he attempts to answer these questions and conundrums. His own beliefs are full of contradictions, inconsistencies And Absurdities. In this situation Engineer o Jhelum Must accept that his there is some Kufr in his beliefs ACCORDING TO HIS OWN STANDARD.DISCLAIMERTHE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF ANY DISTORTION OF MEANING DUE TO TYPING ERRORS AND SPELLING ERRORS COMMITTED BY THE TYPIST.A possible allegation:-Some people who are not the students of Theology and Dialectics may declare that such questions are Disgrace and Disrespect in Divine Glory. To them it is responded that this is not the case, but if so then why Engineer of Jhelum is declaring Great Scholars as COMMITER OF KUFR when he himself does not know that his declaration requires a deep research. TO THE FOLLOWERS OF THE ENGINEER OF JHELUMENGINEER OF JHELUM HIMSELF USE THEOLOGY TO DECLARE SOME GREAT SCHOLARS AS COMMITER OF KUFR SO THEN ONE MUST INVESTIGATE HIS THEOLOGICAL GROUNDS. THINGS ARE VERY DEEP AND HE CONSIDERS THEM JUST STICKING ON SURFACE

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