NovaLash NewsfLASH Summer Issue

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LETTERFROMCEO&FOUNDER s ophyme r s z e i IHOPE EVERYONE I S ENJ OYI NG THEI R SUMMER AS MUCH AS WE HAVE HEREATNOVALASH!Wehadasuccessf ulshowatI ECSCi nLasVegasandwer et hr i l l ed wi t ht heamountofl ashar t i st swewer eabl et omeetf ort hef i r stt i me!Weal sol aunchedanew t r adeshowconcept :NovaLashBeaut yLoungeatTheI mageExpoi nHoust on, TX. Checkoutsomephot osoft hel oungeandourguest swhi l et heyst r ut t edt her edcar pet ,i ndul ged i nCupcakesAGoGot r eat sandr ecei vedf ul l set sofl ashext ensi onsf r om advancedt r ai ned l ashar t i st sf r om TheLashCo. !Nextyearwehopet oseeever yoneatt hi sshow!TheFi r st AnnualLashOf fCont esti si nt hevot i ngphaseoft hecont est ! ! !Besur et ocastyourvot eand youwi l lbeputi nar af f l et or ecei veaf r eesetofl ashext ensi onsbyoneofourCel ebr i t yChoi ce LashAr t i st s!Wer ecei vedover30vi deosubmi ssi onsf r om someofourver ybestl ashar t i st s f r om al lar oundt hecount r yandar ebeyondt hr i l l edwi t ht hebeaut i f ull ashar tf eat ur edi nt he vi deos. Thankyousomuchf orever yonewhopar t i ci pat ed-wear eonami ssi ont of i ndourt opar t i st s i nt hecount r yf orsomef ut ur ei ncent i vepr ogr amsandhavebeenver yi mpr essedwi t ht hel ash ar t i st swhosubmi t t edavi deo!Thepanelofj udgeswi l lhaveadi f f i cul tt i mechoosi ngt hewi nner s oft hi sone! !Wel ovehear i ngf r om ever yonei nt heNovaLashf ami l yonFacebookandTwi t t er sokeept hel ovecomi ng!Wewi l lhavespeci al sexcl usi vet oourFacebookf ansandTwi t t erf ol l ower ssobesur et ot akeadvant ageoft hat .Ourmar ket i ngdepar t menti sobsessedwi t hsendi nggi f t st oourl ashar t i st swhokeepi nt ouch-t heyj ustcan’ thel pi t !Remember :I t ’ sNovaLash ornot hi ng!



buy3di f f er entl engt hsofl as hes &r ecei veaf r eewi ndowcl i ng!


Co ur t ne yAkaiLas hBo ut i q ue ne wy or kc i t y

t s a c VOTE y our

vi s i t f acebook. com/noval ashus

LAS H T I P S Choos i ngt her i ghte x t e ns i onse ac h&e v e r yt i me !

No8mme x t e ns i onsus e d

Lot sof8mme x t e ns i onsus e d


TEAM NOVALASH!Al i ci aAl ani z,Bet hFet zer , “ Beaut y+Br ai ns”LashAr t i st sf r om TheLashCo. Sophy Mer szei ,Li ndsey Mayf i el d,Heat her Hughes,Car aShanks,&Al iMoon NOVALASHmodel s:Li ndseyandAnael i

Leave NO LASH BEHI ND! Lashi n’away al lday maki ngHoust onmor ebeaut i f uloneeyeatat i me!

Heat herHughes&Al iMoon: Br unet t evs.Bl onde

Car a Shanks:Ourador abl e newmar ket i ng&PR i nt er n!

Ce l e br i t ySpot l i ght Wea s ke dCa r r i et os ha r ehe rbe a ut ys e c r e t swi t h us -t hi si swha t s heha dt os a y : “ Nowt ha t i ha v enov a l a s he s , al i t t l ef ounda t i ona ndal i t t l ebl us ha ndI ' mout t hedoor . If e e l s o goodt ha t wa y-na t ur a l a ndf r e s h. ”-Ca r r i eAnn I na baf r omDa nc i ngwi t ht heSt a r s

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