Enhancing Agribusiness Entrepreneurship In rural district Gierstädt -Connecting spaces-

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New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021 Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik Professur Baumanagement und Bauwirtschaft Betreuer: Prof.Dr.-Ing.Bernd Nentwig Shimin Huang M.Sc. / wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Students: Alina-Andreea Miclos Andrei-Bogdan Dumitru Hiwot Girma Manaye


Content -Analysis of the Gotha region -Subproject 1: Local Agriculture /Fruits farming & Distribution: “Building Agribusiness and Social Networks in Fahner Höhe”


Analysis of the Gotha region


Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 4

Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 5

Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 6

Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 7

Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 8


Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet.

Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 10

Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. 11

Enhancing Agribusiness Entrepreneurship In rural district Gierstädt -Connecting spaces-

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021 | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Curent situation

Young population

Unused infrastructures/buildings


The presence of factories Development opportunities

Lack of mobility

Unattractiveness from a touristic point infrastructure – can affect investors/inhabitants/tourists

Absence of small scale business Developed agricultural sector Proximity to a large city- Erfurt

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



Adjacent Towns Großfahner Kleinerfahner Bienstadt

• •




Nearby agriculture • Agrar GmbH Farm • AgrarBienstädt GmbHLandwirtschaftlicher Betrieb) • Fahner Obst (Lebensmittelladen

Potential resources • •


Agriculture and dairy farms Additional population

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021




Our project takes advantage of the position of Gierstadt within the region, very close to adjacent towns like Grosfahner, Kleinefahner and Bienstadt, in which we can find several agribusinesses that can be related to the main economic activity in Gierstadt. Towards these we well develop a number of connections and attractions in order to enhance agribusiness entrepreneurship and agrotourism. If we take a close look at the maps of Gierstadt in the last two decades we can see growth in both the production/ logistics area (in the north) and in the residential area (the south east). There is also place for further development in both areas with empty plots or allotment area, ready to build land, that shows our main potential resources: new agriculture related business and additional population premises.

How can we look at the city?

attractions in the city

the body of the city

outside the city

Micro scale

Mezo scale

Macro scale



1.Improving regional connections -Connections -Bike networks -Exhibition corridor

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

2.Activity hub and links -

City center Open spaces New programms Pedestrian city

In order to reach this potential we have 3 approaches: first, looking at the outside of the city, the improvement of regional connection, with high mobility, safety and exhibition of agro products. At the middle of these corridors, we proposed an activity hub, where the city center of Gierstadt is reshaped in order to accommodate different functions. New programs and a pedestrian friendly city are next on. Zooming in, at city or street scale we are looking to refurbish urban form and create stronger social cohesion, while working on the local identity.

3.Refurbishing urban form -Identification -Local identity -Itinerary


1.Improving regional connections

-Connections -Bike networks -Exhibition corridor

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021




With Grosfahner and Kleinfahner within walkable distances (1, 1.5 kilometers ) and Bienstadt at a bike ride away we propose a landscape design that articulates the connectivity and the socio-economic networks of these rural districts. We based our proposal upon the layout of the relief between the cities, in the first stage trying to improve the monotonous, linear landscape between Grosfahner, Gierstadt and Kleinfahner.

|1.Improving regional connection|

1.1 km Großfahner

1.4 km Kleinfahner


Kleinfahner 4.7 km Bienstadt New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

Bienstadt 18

Bike networks


The Bike lanes are designed to connect these 3 cities together, with a junction in the center of Gierstadt where there is also a possibility of e-bikes rentals. They are positioned on the right side of the road in order to avoid major crossroads and especially the heavy trucks route on Apfelring.

| 1.Improving regional connection |

1.1 km


1.4 km


Kleinfahner Kleinfahner New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

Bienstadt 19

Exhibition corridor


The bicycle and pedestrian routes are spanning along the exhibition corridor. This corridor is following the main driving routes to the north and the south-east, being offset 20 meters on both sides of the road. The two branches of the corridors are divided in 3 segments each with a different purpose.

|1.Improving regional connection |

Großfahner A B C Gierstädt D E Kleinfahner



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Bienstadt 20

Zoom in

Entering and exiting Gierstadt the segments are treated with lines of tall trees, articulating the small park on the north and providing a quiet environment for the residential units to the south east. The main functions are concentrated in the middle segments with birdwatching towers, parkings, picnic spots, interactive street furniture and local products display.

|1.Improving regional connection|

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



To the north part starts from Grosfaner and arrives at the center of Gierstadt. The corridor exhibits mainly apple and cherry trees with different sizes and heights related to the elevation of the road, as it can be seen in the sections to the right.

| 1.Improving regional connection |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



The second branch of the corridor stars from the same mobility hub in Gierstadt and ends at the entrance in Kleinefaner. Along the way pedestrian and bike routes are continuous on the right side with a series of picnic areas, local products kiosks, taking advantage of the direct link to the apple tree farms.

| 1.Improving regional connection |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



Here we have displayed one segment of the corridor where we can see different facilities: the birdwatching tower, art panels, main exhibition of agricultural products and the activities line composed with these wooden modular installations and equipments. The parkings are on the left side to avoid interaction with the bike lanes and the pedestrian walkway, with bumpers at the crossways with the utility roads serving the farmlands.

| 1.Improving regional connection |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



Over these elevations there are different stages portrayed all year long, showing how the exhibition corridor develops over the four seasons.

| 1.Improving regional connection |

25 New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


This transversal section Shows the hierarchy of functions. The bikeway and pedestrian route on the right side are protected from the driveway by a buffer area of two meters with an elevated bumper. Safety is first in line with this road being used by the kids and teenagers from Gierstadt who are studying at the School in Kleinefaner.

| 1.Improving regional connection |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


The main actors in urban life 1.Improving regional connections


With the locals being the first to benefit from the regional network, with safe shuttle paths for children, safe playground, exhibition in nature displaying the local resources and a sales market for the local entrepreneurs.

Community 1.Improving regional connections

shuttle bike path

safe park

safe shuttle for students playground sales market for local producers museum in nature about nature



The municipality is the one who needs to raise awareness regarding safe roads, the use of local goods and the potential of the rural heritage, while supporting new agribusiness to develop using the new market.

1.Improving regional connections

raising awareness

ensuring secure connections

supporting agribusiness entrepreneurship 29


Tourists are benefiting from a multi-sensorial experience and a full range of activities in a nature-based environment. They are reaching out with their stories and using media exposure are a key factor for the branding strategy of the region.

1.Improving regional connections

safe bike line

market with local products

museum in nature about nature

fruit picking

media exposure 30

2.Activity hub and links


City center Open spaces New programms Pedestrian city

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


City center

Being the middle point between the outside exhibition corridor and the inner pedestrian circuit the activity hub is articulating all routes and actions.

| 2. Activity hub and links |

The main road that crosses Gierstadt from north to south divides city center in two, with the plaza used as a bus station. Deviating the main road to the right with a little loop we can obtain a major space for the plaza and a transport hub.

Café/Restaurant Sports/Events/Festivals Gatherings/Workshops Access/Transition Garden/Leisure Area

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New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

With a bus terminal that has a separate enclosure with a e-bikes rental point in direct connection with the main bike network, being also the node of the agricultural exhibition corridors, this can enhance agro-tourism and local mobility.

| 2. Activity hub and links |


Activity HUB

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

These two elements combined results in an activity hub, designed to serve all the main needs of the community. The new main plaza is enclosed as a single public space but it can be subdivided in different areas to serve multi purposes, café, leisure, sports, festivals and local markets or concerts.

| 2. Activity hub and links |



The multipurpose dynamic use of the space is being ensured by the overlapping of green quiet areas and the ups and downs of the perimetral circuit, with a vibrant atmosphere.

2. Activity hub and links

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


Open spaces

| 2. Activity hub and links |


Mapping out the open spaces in the city, that can be either empty plots or inactive buildings, we found opportunity for developing urban forms and functions and a pedestrian circuit connecting these dots.

Kleinfahner Bienstadt New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

Inactive old Buildings Open spaces in the outskirt Open spaces in the city center



New programms

Over this local pedestrian walkway multiple programs can be introduced in order to enhance both the entrepreneurship and the experience of the community public space. Shops and open markets can accommodate and display small local business, while functions like bee farms and urban farms can support the main agricultural occupations of the locals.

| 2. Activity hub and links |

Bee farm /Urban farm


Communal garden Kleinfahner

Open Market New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

Bienstadt Local pedestrian walk way


Communal gardens can create a pause in the cityscape a place to stop and embrace the atmosphere. Refurbishing these green areas in order to make them more attractive.

| 2. Activity hub and links |

Conceptual Approach 1: Introducing new programms in open spaces

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


Conceptual Approach 1: Introducing new programms in open spaces

Corner plots like this one located in the residential area can be shaped into a space for the community, as an opening market for their products, hosting fairs in the weekends and providing a safe playground during weekdays.

| 2. Activity hub and links |

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Conceptual Approach 1: Introducing new programms in open spaces | 2. Activity hub and links |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


Conceptual Approach 2: Improvising and activating exsisting spaces The display of the local products is not well developed and we can take advantage of the existing infrastructure of shops and markets and activating those spaces. This approach can consolidate further the local goods-based economy and activities.

| 2. Activity hub and links |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



Pedestrian city

Along with our strategy of activating and promoting the unused spaces in the city we proposed pedestrian routes to connect these points of attraction. The aim is to provide a safe environment for mobility for all inhabitants and visitors, being kids, disabled or elderly people, by widening the walkways from 0.5 m to 2m.

| 2. Activity hub and links |





Kleinfahner Bienstadt

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021

Local pedestrian walk way


| 2. Activity hub and links | Creating Local pedestrian road network

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The main actors in urban life

All actors are beneficiaries of the stages of urban transformation, but for the optimization of the process only some are directly involved in the configuration and care of the spaces, as the case may be. Equally, both the local administration and the community should be involved in the evaluation and control of all projects and actions carried out.

2.Activity hub and links



For the community, the activity HUB represents a representative space for social gatherings, a place for leisure and sport activities.

2.Activity hub and links

representative space

festival spaces

terrace spaces

safe playground

electric bicycle station



For the municipality it is a representative city center, used for holding festivals, concerts and raising awareness regarding local culture and heritage.

2.Activity hub and links

representative city center

raising awareness

festival spaces

terrace spaces

electric bicycle station 46


Tourists are involved during the time of harvest festivals, and distribute the features of the space through media exposure.

2.Activity hub and links

festival spaces

terrace spaces

electric bicycle station

media exposure


3.Refurbishing urban form

-Identification -Local identity -Itinerary

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



Wondering around the city of Gierstadt we identified a series of key places that can become object of street art, involving both locals and artists.

| 3.Refurbish facades |

Industrial buildings

Residential buildings

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



For example individual housing units that have walls exposed to the street fronts can be used as canvas for painting with nature themes, or can become green walls as well. For instance, Scwhippgasse, a verry narrow street has the potential to become a green corridor in the old tissue.

| 3.Refurbish facades |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



There are also fences or household annexes that can be treated with the same even in different view plans in order to create a homogenous image.

| 3.Refurbish facades |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



The street corners are key points in the city view, with a wide perspective, therefore can be approached in the same manner, refurbishing some old unaesthetique materials.

| 3.Refurbish facades |

New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



Industrial buildings or deposits, with their long facades, provide a canvas with multiple images that can be subject to contests and social interaction. The housing units that accommodates the foreign seasonal workers needs strong refurbishment and we propose a façade design that emphasizes all these people coming and going as being an important part of the city

| 3.Refurbish facades |


New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021



The inner city itinerary begins in the city center, going through the residential area, moving along the collective housing units and the industrial area and returning back again at the activity hub with a based on the pedestrian network we are proposing with wider, safer sidewalks.


| 3.Refurbish facades |

City center

Residential area

Industrial area

Kleinfahner Bienstadt New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


Itinerary | 3.Refurbish facades |

City center



Residential area

Industrial area













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The main actors in urban life 3.Refurbishing urban form



The community is at the center of this project, being able to choose what should be the expression on their public space. They approach the use of their walls and can participate in the conception, building stronger local cohesion.

3.Refurbishing urban form

the choice between a green wall and a canvas wall approaching the use of own walls

connection with artists

participation in conception



In this case, the role of the municipality is to search for artist, promote public-private partnerships in order to make the best use of the built heritage of the city. It also has to ensure the connection and framework between the locals and the artists.

3.Refurbishing urban form

searching for artists

searching for available walls

ensuring the connection between the community and the artists


Tourists 3.Refurbishing urban form

Tourists' involvement in the refurbishing of the urban form is key to spreading the strategy of local branding through media channels and make the areas more attractive.

Gierstädt_ FahnerHöhe Gierstädt, Thüringen, Germany

media exposure

Gierstädt_ FahnerHöhe

Gierstädt_ FahnerHöhe

Gierstädt, Thüringen, Germany

Gierstädt_ FahnerHöhe


This type of interventions, on multiple layers, both inside the city and outside, into the farmlands and along the routes can create a strong sense of community, developing the urban branding at the same time. The key factor in achieving these goals is the understanding and acquiring of a local identity built on the grounds of the community, either as individuals or entrepreneurs, with participation of tourists and the support of the municipality.

Local identity | 3.Refurbish facades |


Local identity



New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021


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