New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021 Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik Professur Baumanagement und Bauwirtschaft Betreuer: Prof.Dr.-Ing.Bernd Nentwig Shimin Huang M.Sc. / wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Students: Alina-Andreea Miclos Andrei-Bogdan Dumitru Hiwot Girma Manaye
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Content -Analysis of the Gotha region -Subproject 2: Wellness & Culture Tourism /in Thuringian Forest and historical architectures: “Promoting Tourism with Kneipp Culture. Identity and Interaction“
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Analysis of the Gotha region
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet.
6 New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet.
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Note: the highlighted area is related to the subproject presented in this booklet. New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Promoting Tourism with Kneipp Culture. Identity and Interaction
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Current situation
Kneipp culture
The Kneipp culture is not very well globally promoted
Tourism Historical heritage Landscape
Friedrichroda New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
A deficit of eco hotels that the site should accommodate
The focus of our study is to improve tourism programmes in the cities of Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda. The whole area, located on the northern slope of the Thuringian Forest, with vast natural resources and dynamic landscape, relays heavily on seasonal tourism. The nature combines with the historical heritage resulting in a high potential of promoting local identity.
Not enough of pedestrian friendly walkways
Bad Tabarz 13
Concept Our first conceptual draft proposed a way to enhance the quality of tourism services and the visibility of the area, we think aspects like local heritage and the kneipp culture must be highlighted and matched together, being equally important for the target group. Over this main frame, we added another layer, that identifies the groups that can put the strategy in motion. A key factor for the success of the strategy is the collaboration between the three main actors involved in the cities: the community, the municipality and the tourists.
Target group: tourists
urban heritage
kneipp culture
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The main urban actors involved:
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Dictionary of terms
the five senses
the five elements
We propose a multisensorial approach, using the five principles of the Kneipp culture, linking them with human senses. We tried to define the features of the Kneipp culture, highlighted by the 5 elements: Water, movement, herbs,nutrition and wellbeing. These elements are present in the daily life of the inhabitants, being also associated with the senses, creating multisensorial links and adapting them into design language, in order to extract directions of intervention that can be implemented in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda.
design language
baseline vector A
texture moodboard white space
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The main actors involved in the definition process
the five senses
the five elements
In our concept, based on the three steps by which we trans late the five principles into de sign language, it is important to take into account the fact that the main actors contribute in this process, they are part of it. Their role is participatory, being also recipients.
design language
baseline vector A
texture moodboard white space
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
the five senses
Baseline New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
the five elements
design language
white space
The invisible line that the objects rest on and align with.
Using paths to create a BASELINE throughout the city landscape on which we can articulate urban form and highlight architectural monuments.
Going one by one each element is linked with a design term that characterizes our approach. The water seen as a baseline represents a central element, the foundation that both orders the interventions and aligns all the urban form around it.
the five senses
Vector New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
the five elements
design language
white space
A vector is a graphic image that is made with mathematical equations - they’re defined in terms of 2D points connected by lines and curves to form shapes. Basically this means that vectors can be resized or scaled to any size without losing quality or getting blurry.
We want to promote accessibility by displaying routes (for hiking, cycling, horse riding) that will function as a network of VECTORS, that can contract and expand, without losing their qualities.
Movement is seen as a vector, representing the whole journey of a visitor and displaying the routes.
the five senses
the five elements
design language
white space
Can refer to either the actual physical feel of a design or the way a viewer imagines a design might feel.
Using gardens in some key areas in order to create a new layer over the city’s image and add TEXTURE to it. 20
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
the five senses
Moodboard New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
the five elements
design language
White space
As an important part of the Kneipp culture, we want to highlight the A collection of like or complementary images chain of local cuisine and and texts that cohesively construct a potential restaurants, with all blending overall aesthetic for a project or brand together to form a gastronomic MOODBOARD.
the five senses
White space New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
the five elements
design language
white space
It is the space, which can be any colour, pattern or texture, between different elements in a design that are essential in creating a successful design. Think of white space as giving a design visual breathing room, like some sort of design meditation.
There are WHITE SPACES in the cityscape where all the design elements merge in order to create a brake, some room to better visualize, meditate and embrace the atmosphere.
Our main goal was to identify and outline these potential White spaces, that can turn into the main tourist attractor, as places in the cityscape where all the design elements merge in order to create a brake, some room to better visualize, meditate and embrace the atmosphere.
Mapping out potential resources water
Friedrichroda New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
We first started the project by mapping the existing element, evaluating the potential resources. There we identified the overlapping of textures that the parks and common gardens provide (so we have herbs as a TEXTURE on the cityscape), we identified a moodboard th at represents the gastronomic diversity of the area, also the water networks that is the potential engine of development in the area, which also overrides all the movement vectors.
Mapping out potential resources water
Bad Tabarz
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The link between tourism and local urban heritage
The first path of our approach is the one that links tourism with the local urban heritage Mediating between the tourists flows and local heritage there are the transportation hubs, that also provides activities based on the Kneipp principles.
tourism Providing an infrastructure that helps improving orientation and safety of access for a high readability of the urban monumentes urban heritage Mediating between the tourists flows and local heritage there are the transportation hubs, that also provides activities based on the Kneipp principles.
Kneipp culture Mediating between the tourists flows and local heritage there are the transportation hubs, that also provides activities based on the Kneipp principles.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The link between tourism and local urban heritage
The community is the first to be served by the mobility system, taking also part in the design process. It also represented by the people that are willing to take care of spaces. The local administration takes the decisions in the process and ensures a publicprivate partnership in order to achieve the goals. It also mediates the relation between the community and the visitors. Tourists are the ones who choose to enter the city through this node.
community = inhabitants who use the tram
inhabitants gardening
municipality = decision-making power tourists
people who choose to get to the city by tram
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
urban actors directly involved
main beneficiaries
All actors are beneficiaries of the stages of urban transformation, but for the optimization of the process only some are directly involved in the configuration and care of the spaces, as the case may be. Equally, both the local administration and the community should be involved in the evaluation and control of all projects and actions carried out.
initial point for a vector Tram stations/ bus terminal
moodboard initial point for a vector
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Pinning out Town destinations and stations
initial point for a vector
Tram sttions/ bus terminal
Friedrichroda New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz
initial point for a vector
Mapping out town destinations and stations, with the main transportation hubs working as entrance and exit points for visitors.
With the tram stations and bus terminals as starting point for our journey we drafted all the movement vectors to start from there. We used elements like water, herbs and movement to develop the design approach.
after movement
initial point for a vector
Tram stations/ bus terminal water
moodboard initial point for a vector
29 New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Over these images we can see the small additions to the existing tram stations with herbs panels making a new layer over the existing cityscape, the water pads, bike rental station and seating areas.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Friedrichroda - City center - Atmosphere Also we can observe how the different layers of the public space and the presence of the five elements can invite new activities and a dynamic in the cityscape.
white space
wellbeing vector nutrition New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Friedrichroda - City center - Atmosphere Friedrichroda Tramstation and the atmosphere created in this area we tried to improve the experience around the public space, using the baseline of the water network, adding an overlapped layer of herbs to provide texture and using the communication panels to pin out main attractions.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz - Proximity of rivers - Atmosphere The same insertion over the tram station in Bad Tabarz, with a before and after representation, emphasizing the range of activities the refurbished space can accommodate.
white space herbs texture movement
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz - Proximity of rivers - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The bound between the visitor and the local heritage is facilitated by the presence of the visual communication maps of the accessibility networks, interactive panels in order to provide both direction and a sense of urban identity.
white space
texture vector
movement moodboard baseline
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
36 New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The link between local urban heritage and kneipp culture
The connections between the local heritage and the kneipp culture are highlighted once again by the local natural assets, water, movement, herbs, nutrition and wellbeing.
The favorable climatic influence consists of low pollution , moderate temperature profile and abundant light and solar radiation - a complex of effects that is ideally linked here on the protected northern slope of the Thuringian Forest These assets are not only creating a climate of wellbeing but can be used in order to better display the local built heritage. • lit water paths – adding reflection, light and glossiness to the monuments • monospaced gardens – adding perspective, providing shadow and shelter • interractive herbs panels – adding overlapping layers that create texture and colour in the cityscape
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The link between local urban heritage and kneipp culture
Municipality is responsible in this case for raising awareness regarding the urban heritage and the monuments, to create partnerships within the community in order to promote both local buildings and the natural resources. Community is concerned at the same extent as the administration to get involved in this process. It is an opportunity for improving the quality of their neighbourhood area and also for their businesses related with tourism. For tourists is a great opportunity to experience a new type of city tour, a multisensorial journey.
community =
owners of heritage buildings municipality =
decision-making power tourists
= people interested in the benefits of Kneipp tourism
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
urban actors directly involved
main beneficiaries Once again, we see that the urban actors directly involved in the process may vary, with the community action in the centre, but all of them benefit at some extent. For instance, the tourists are the main responsible for carrying the concept of wellbeing further on through exposure and local branding.
length of the line b a s e texture l i moodboard n e white space
herbs nutrition
w a t e r
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Pinning out historical sites and tourist attractions
The design insertions are mainly water paths that connects multiple sites around the cities, with the scope of enhancing urban activities and bringing a new perspective on the cityscape.
movement vector initial point for a vector length of the line
Friedrichroda New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz
final point for a vector
b a s e l i n e
w a t e r
Monospaced gardens adding perspective, providing shadow and shelter.
after length of the line b a s e texture l moodboard i white space n e
herbs nutrition wellbeing
w a t e r
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The water paths are adding reflection, Light and glossiness to the buildings
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Friedrichroda – City center
Friedrichroda – Proximity of rivers
white space
white space
movement water
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
We took advantage of the proximity of rivers and springs in order to create a sustainable system of water collecting, and here are some examples from Friedrichroda, where these insertions can change the view on the public space, making the area more attractive.
water moodboard
Friedrichroda - City center - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Friedrichroda - Proximity of rivers - Atmosphere
Bad Tabarz - Proximity of rivers A short view on Bad Tabarz with the atmosphere created and the way people interact with the features of the Kneippe Culture.
white space
movement moodboard
wellbeing baseline New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz - Proximity of rivers - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz - Proximity of rivers - Atmosphere The lightning also adds a new layer, with the area being able to accommodate activities during the evening.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The link between tourism and kneipp culture
Tourist accommodation units in the region: •Hotels •Treatment centres •Guesthouses •Individual Cabins •Camping with mobile cabins
The connection between tourism and kneipp culture are the last point of our journey, the end point of the movement phenomenon. When arriving at their housing the visitors complete the circle their experiences. In order to obtain a successful receipe the accommodation units have to provide multi-sensorial experience.
In order to promote tourism and related activities in the area we propose a project for multi-sensorial accommodation experience. We tried to gather the five principles of the Kneipp culture and articulate them through design elements with all the tourist facilities. Tourist accommodation units need to integrate these elements in their list of services in order to create an overall sense of wellbeing. Promote local eco-tourism through experiences, while taking of the individual facilities: water pad, garden, herbs panel, running track. New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The link between tourism and kneipp culture
The community is represented by the owners of tourism accommodation units and other related facilities that can improve their services and raise their exposure. The municipality is the one that needs to create the regulations framework for the housing estate and once again promote local identity through the kneipp culture. The tourists get the experience of living in setting developed using local natural resources and will a have a participatory role in maintaining the facilities.
community = owners of accommodation units
Inhabitants gardening
municipality = decision-making power
= people looking for new experiences in accommodation
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
urban actors directly involved
main beneficiaries The main actors addressed are the tourists with involvement from the community, in building and maintaining the links between accommodation units and the natural resources.
Accommodation units water
white space
final point for a vector New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Pinning out historical sites and tourist attractions The eco-hotels are not very common, while the local Kneipp culture is not highly promoted in the tourism sector. Considering that some existing buildings are difficult and expensive to adapt to ecotourism requirements, we tried to focus on ongoing projects to adapt new tourist complexes.
The end of the journey Accommodation units
Friedrichroda New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Bad Tabarz
final point for a vector
We tried to gather the five principles of the Kneipp lifestyle and articulate them through design elements with all the tourist facilities.
Accommodation units
nutrition wellbeing
moodboard white space
final point for a vector
54 New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
There are several opportunities to integrate the Kneipp principles in this ensemble, we chose a series of small-scale interventions based on repetitive modules, a small water pad, green trails for movement, herbs vertical panels to bring the sensory experience closer to visitors. of the place, local plants used for teas and in various preparations.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Over this pictures we can observe the atmosphere and the way people interract with the environment and with the elements of design. This type of interventions can create a dynamic framework of activities in the area, contributing to the uniform development of all actors involved in the tourism sector. Promote local eco-tourism through experiences, while taking advantage of the built heritage and the natural resources,in order to obtain These WHITE SPACES for people to stop, visualize and embrace the atmosphere.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Promoting local eco-tourism through experiences, while taking advantage of the built heritage and the natural resources, in order to obtain these WHITE SPACES for people to stop, visualize and embrace the atmosphere.
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Accommodation units - ongoing project - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Accommodation units - ongoing project - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Accommodation units - ongoing project - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Accommodation units - ongoing project - Atmosphere
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
The start of the journey
length of the line
Tram stations/ bus terminal water
b a s e texture l moodboard i n white space e
moodboard nutrition
final point for a vector
wellbeing initial point for a vector
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Accommodation units w water a t herbs e r nutrition
baseline texture moodboard
white space
The end of the journey
The start of the journey
b a s e texture l moodboard i n white space e
moodboard nutrition
final point for a vector
length of the line
Tram stations/ bus terminal
wellbeing initial point for a vector
New Urban Approaches for a smarter and healthier Thuringia SoSe2021
Along this journey local administration, community and tourists contribute to some extent in each small action of refurbishing the urban space using local resources. This framework, that integrates movement, water, herbs, nutrition and well-being,completes the approach to cohesion and a healthy urban devel opment.
Accommodation units
w water a t herbs e r nutrition
baseline texture moodboard
white space
The end of the journey