chichikova alina portfolio

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a.chi | tecture chichikova alina

architecture•installations•land art /1

Alina Chichikova Personal: date of birth: 8.03.1991 languages: Russian, English, Italian(basic), French(basic) Education: MArchI (Moscow Architectural Institute) 2008-­2014 Urban Strategies Employers: 2010-­2013 /Yunaya Bureau, Moscow ( 2014-­2015 /internship at Junya.Ishigami&associates, Tokyo 2014-­2015 /internship at Junya.Ishigami&associates, 2015 -­ until now /bureau W.A.L.L., Moscow

Graphic skills: AutoCAD, Photoshop, InDesign, SketchUp, ArchiCAD

Contacts: +7 (967) 078 10 87

2007-­2014____ Studying in MArchI, Urban Strategies faculty 2010____ GORODA festival (goroda-­ Greece, Vido island prize for the most intellectual object 2011____ Exhibitions with Yunaya.Bureau ( The Museums Night 2011, Moscow Darwin Museum MIGZ Festival 2011, Moscow festival area design/ Flying Whales installation Moscow Design Week 2011 Sea creatures installation on Tsvetnoy Boulevard 2012____ exhibition Arts&Crafts, Gallery VKHUTEMAS, Moscow workshop with Werner Sobek as a part of Germany-­Russia friendship year winter GORODA festival, ArchFarm, winter GOROD installation Sun summer GORODA festival, ArchFarm installation Nature Chapel 2014____ internship at Junya.Ishigami&associates

Contents: 1. Student projects 2. Work and internship 3. Art and installations 4. Projects and competitions 5. Installations with Yunaya.Bureau 6. Other works

Student projects



MArchI, 4 year 2011 /7

Building area is located in Moscow, 8 Marta street. It is a territory of an existing school which does not fulfill required capacity. The residential area is outside the city center, it is very green and it is full of arhitectural monuments of architecture of art nouveau. The idea was to create a building that will use the whole site and also create an inner yard for children to play. The building itself is wooden and should not burden the environment and the atmosphere. A school where children can feel themselves like in a countryside. Classes should have a lot of light and there should be a lot of space in school where children can play and use their imagination to transform the spaces.

The morphogenesis of the building was done in a principe of filling the area and creating an inner courtyard for safety when children playing outdoors. The form was cut to create s passage and it was lifted in some places to make a view into the courtyard. In some way the classes are located in a circular bulding from left to right in order of rising class number. The highest part of the building is holding the higher classes and their laboratories while the lowest and closest to the yard have the space for the first class students. Construction is done by light wooden shell with a pitched roof, where the classrooms are hanged up, creating a lot of free space between them.


Morphogenesis scheme Classrooms Location

Filling the area

Creating the courtyard

Creating a passage and colonnade

Differ the classrooms location

Auditorium Hall

Gym High School


Different activity hall


Classes are located according to their number increase, clockwise and the last classes are at the highest part of the building. Primary School



Romb ornament traditionally express the Grain idea.

1.Entrance hall 2.Classes 3.Administry 4.Elective courses 5.Studio 6.Universal hall 7.Library 8.Canteen

1st level

1.Classes 2.Bedrooms 3.Language rooms 4,Studios 5.Computer classes 6.Drawing studio 7.Gym 8.Auditorium




2nd level





MArchI, 4 year 2011



The decisive moment in choosing a theme for a museum project was a mistake found at YandexMaps while searching a free area in the center of Moscow. This phantom building on the Hitrovskaya square has dissappeared in the plan, but in the street view it can still be seen. Museum in a meaning of a monument for a place. A monument for another lost building in our city which can also work as a storage for information about all ruined historic houses. Main collection could consist of information gathered by ArchNadzor, MoskvaKotoroiNet, MAPS (and other organizations that save our historical buildings and collect data about the lost ones). A timeless place, that can regenerate the surroundings and become a new city landmark. An activity point and a collection of memories about the city that does not exist anymore.

Collective memory is an image of the city. Now City is rejecting the Citizens and Citizens reject the City. The town is hidden under layers of symbolic people activity (ex. street chaotic advertisement). Pedestrians don’t feel the space. They try not to raise their sight up from the road they’re walking. They are lost on faceless streets, and anyway pedestrians find themselves in the center. City does not offer you any rhytm, it only have pulsar activity flowing in the center. And the City itself - sensitive, interactive , alive - remains only in memory. Instead of the feeling of the City people get only sight on the cars and advertisement rubbish. Nowadays museum is a very strong formation. It can regenerate culturally extinguished parts of the city, divide pedestrian flows (rhizomatic scheme instead of overcrowded center). Museums can create activity points that become meeting places. We can hardly resist demolition of historic buildings and the best thing we can do - create an organized curtural center that will store the information and show exhibitions about history of the city architecture and remind us past of the place.




Library/Lecture Hall Dominant (tower of memory) This part of the building is seen from every side-street. Tower as a monument of a Place. It sustains the scale of a previous building, creates a pedestrian landmark. At the top of the tower there is a viewpoint terrace.

The bulk crossing the building has a pass-through planning with big windows at both sides, allowing pedestrians from Hitrovka and Petropavlovskaya street look inside and get interested to walk in.

View from the Podkolokol’nyi side-street (from center)

View from the Hitrovskiy side-street

View from the Petropavlovskiy side-street View from the Pevchenskiy side-street

Through the columns supporting the library one could see the onner courtyard View from the Podkolokol’nyi street








New Moscow area development Bachelor project MArchI, 4 year 2012



Development territory is located in 40 km from the center, the so-called Big Moscow area. The bachelor project consists of two parts - urban development - new residential area project and typical housing for the district. The project had a real client, and his main points were declared as: - redevelopment of the area, creating comfortable environment for people of all ages; - new city has to be tolerant to the existing environment; maximise the usage of the land; - create a fully equiped infrastructure.

Main issue in this project was how to create a typically new environment - a critical edge between city and the village. How can one live with all the infrastructure needed 40 km away from the city center? What is the feeling one should get not to be disappointed with inadequate ÂŤcityÂť? How to get rid of the disadvantages of living in a coutryside or city and make a hybrid settlement that would be comfortable? Main criterias that I made out during the analisys period are: - sensitivity in relation between heights of the City anfd the Village - simple transport system (two main roads connecting the primary entrances in the area + the railway station - public transport system + bycicle routes - try to use remodelled typical elements, make them livable, rethink the standart techniques - create a nature friendly environment, semi-village semi-city feeling


First schemes


Height scheme/ Activity center creation

Height boundaries

Existing village Green areas Boundaries Existing entries New roads

The area has a sophisticated form that’s why sophisticared form that’s why main idea was to connect transoort entrances by straight roads and create a city activity center in their node - equidistant ti the boundaries. The roads are followed by green boulevard chords, which will give a space for meeting points and markets. Building heights increase approaching the center.

Local activity and production is to be used.



Romb ornament traditionally express the Grain idea.

1.Entrance hall 2.Classes 3.Administry 4.Elective courses 5.Studio 6.Universal hall 7.Library 8.Canteen

1st level

1.Classes 2.Bedrooms 3.Language rooms 4,Studios 5.Computer classes 6.Drawing studio 7.Gym 8.Auditorium




2nd level





Bachelor project MArchI, 4 year 2012



One of the first row blocks of the urban design project of a new residential area in a Big Moscow territory (closed square form) was chosen for the design. Main issue was to create a universal housing model, giving space for all family types. The house should be made of redesigned typical elements allowing to use them in a different order for a different situation. The elements stacked together create variable building height according to the context. This allows creating an interesting environment with complex perspective although using typical elements.t

The typical housing block (100m by 100m) consists of four types of apartments (three, two, onebedroom studio and two level aprtmentc) and 2 types of stair sections. The house has an underground parking on the -1 and -2 floors. The first floor is empty and has only entrances for lifts and stairs. Empty space can be used as needed (ex. bycicle parkings). Big inner courtyards create space to rest and its greenery lets the City breathe. The houses can be different colours to evoke a new and yet sterile environment. Outer walls are made by concrete panels. While in prodution, the coilour is added, and the panels varify in tone from each other to create an effect of squama.





bedrooms: 3 orientation: 2 sided on 2nd floor 1st floor - east or west

Apartment types

lifts/stairs location

bedrooms: 3 orientation: 2 sided north-south

Different floor numbers

bedrooms: 1 orientation: only south lifts/stairs Volume searching model

Section types



Romb ornament traditionally express the apartments for 4 people Grain idea.

orientation: 2-sided view: inner yard, outer street S: 88m2

apartments for 2 people orientation: south view: inner yard S: 48m2

1.Entrance hall 2.Classes 3.Administry 4.Elective courses 5.Studio 6.Universal hall 7.Library 8.Canteen

section A-A

section B-B

1st level

1.Classes 2.Bedrooms 3.Language rooms 4,Studios 5.Computer classes 6.Drawing studio 7.Gym 8.Auditorium

2nd level

apartments for3 people orientation: 2-sided view: inner yard; outer street S: 72 m2 apartments for 4 people two levels orientation: 2-sided view: inner yard; outer street S: 98 m2








Moscow district redevelopment MArchI, 5 year 2013



Development territory is Lefortovo - a historical district in Moscow 10 minutes away from the center. Territory is full of architectural monuments and beautiful streets. Main problem in the area is existence of huge area of former industrial factories. KamerKollezhskiy ring out of the Sadovoye road ring in 19 century was the periphery of Moscow where these fatories were working. After extremely fast growth of Moscow agglomeration, the ÂŤindustrial ringÂť became derelict useless territories which although are still polluting the city air. Our project idea was to use the derelict territories to create new clusters there and also recreate and save all the monuments and historical buildings on the site.

First, the analysis of the site was made. Several analysis maps were made: -history of the area -functional zoning - terms of demolition for all the buildings - cultural heritage of the site - transport situation - existing green areas - main perspective activity aggregators This way we get the whole image of the area and this works for revitalisation processes.



Lefortovo history

Lefortovo functional zoning Firstexisting schemes

Landcape/transport scheme

Lefortovo terms of demolition Existing village Green areas Boundaries Existing entries New roads


Monuments/historic sites

Transport/activity points

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Fragment Analysis Functional zoning

Fragment Analysis Functional zoning

New transport system

Terms of demolition/ Transport

New park/boulevard system

Green areas/ Project streets mesh

Fragment plan

Romb ornament traditionally express the Grain idea.

1.Entrance hall 2.Classes 3.Administry 4.Elective courses 5.Studio 6.Universal hall 7.Library 8.Canteen

1st level

Functional zoning

1.Classes 2.Bedrooms 3.Language rooms Green areas/transport 4,Studios 5.Computer classes 6.Drawing studio 7.Gym 8.Auditorium

2nd level






Sortavala city redevelopment Diploma project MArchI, 6 year 2014



Centralized systems

Linear system

The project was based on idea of Decentralization of territories and research on Linear urban strategies. This system is the most appropriate decision for Russian situation where all the big cities are extremely centralized. Cities pull all the activity on themselves including all infrastructure. This causes huge problems in cities around and almost makes living there a survival. Other fact that centralized activity makes the periphery practically deserted. Though it should be right conversely. Regions/countries/city districts focus all the insfrastructure in their center, althouh that are the Borders which should bear the function. On the borders informational activity reaches its maximum level - two different regions/countries/etc recieve all possible characteristics from both sides which rises the level of activity and give a space for a new formation (example could be any small European country which has regional particular qualities which meet at the border and through the mixing we can see new cultural formation). So this way borders are no more dividing - they become perspective development directions, where unlimited motion and exchange is provided. Centralized systems are blocking themselves allowing only circular development.

This idea was developed into a project of Local Systems of Settlements along the border of Russia and Finland. Previously in our class several diploma projects were made creating the Linear Settlement along the border of Russia and Europe from Black Sea up to Gulf of Finland. My diploma finishes this whole project opening the Line into the Barents Sea. This programm is called ÂŤ33 MeridianÂť and goes along it all the way. This idea involves creating the systems of connecting the cities located on the program territory, analyzing the transport infrastructure, natural complexes including creation of continuous system of reserves; cultural heritage complex - which allows tourists easily transferring from one place to another. The cities included in program are given a strong development impulse and when the exchange system starts working every element of it increases the gain. On the territory on the Russian-Finland border a big reservation territory is settled allowing the continous motion between reservation parks and this limits possible activity on the site to preservation and new forest growth. There is a big difference between relations to land in our country and in Finland, so this way we will have a chance to save the Karelian forests and bring them to sustainable level. Karelia itself was one land with one nation (Karels) which were divided into two countries and recieved different evolution process. Karels can still be found in Russia. So this was one of the main points - to make this land integral as it is possible. Through the history of Karelia the territory was divided several times, passing from Finland to Russia. This left a lot of finnish architecture in the cities and their urban structure is most of the times finnish too. This all comes with incredible Karelian nature with lakes with granite shores, and forests with 600 years old fir trees.


33 Meridian program Territorial settlement system Linear urban complex from Black Sea to Barents

Existing village Green areas Boundaries Existing entries New roads

Karelian nature


Natural reserves in Karelia




park existing reserve territories planning reserve territories perspective tourism area

Urban skeleton


Territorial strategic settlement scheme Perspective direstions of development During the analysis pairs of cities from different sides of the border were chosen for development: Kuusamo - Kandalaksha Sotkamo - Kosotmuksha Joensuu - Sortavala Last pair was chosen for development, because it is more perspective for development and has lots of profits.

Kostomuksha population:28 716

Sotkamo population:9 182

Joensuu population 74 416

Sortavala population:19 034

city industrial complex cultural complex urban complex perspective directions


Analysis schemes Urban During the analysis of pair of cities JoensuuSortavala this scheme was made - combining all the complexes together.

Natural reserves




Analysis schemes Agricultural

Agro complex Urban complex

Sortavala city analysis Although th theecoty city is almost alike Joensuu, its territory is not being used properly.



Main problem is the hghway p a s s i n g through the city center (blue on the scheme)

Sortavala has a lot of historical buindings of 20 century - finnish romantism and art-nouveau.

Functional zoning

Green zones

Sortavala hasn’t got p r o p e r cultural and educational centers. In whole Karelia there’s only one University in Petrozavodsk. While in Joensuu which is almost alike in its planning there is one of the most perspective universities of Finland.

Sortavala has vast green area around the city and also the shore greenery is very essential.



S o r t a v a l a redevelopment plan Transport problem was solved by moving the highway away from the center along the railroad. Also several district roads were added and local roads created in new districts.

Several new zones were added on the deserted lake shore - University cluster(tuquoise); Sport cluster(sea green); Museum clusters(grey blue). All the city factories move to industrial cluster(grey). Orange colours are for living area. On the periphery the agricultural area is located.




Art / Installations




Greece, Vido island Installation Bachelor project GORODA Festival 2012 MArchI, 4 year natural materials, 2012 /5 synthepone


The installation was created during the Goroda architectural festival. Festival task was to create an object according to any philosophical thesis. In our project we tried to express the Jilles Geleuze’s «Rhizome» theory and develop a spatial composition. The construction was made of natural materials found nearby. This expresses the idea of particles flowing into the center and creating the Object. Every piece of nature find its own place in a new organized formation.

Rhizome is a philosophical concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972–1980) project. It is what Deleuze calls an «image of thought», based on the botanical rhizome, that apprehends multiplicities. The Rhizone does not begin and doesn’t come to an end, iit is always in the middle, between prophetic,between-life, an intermezzo. The tree is a continuity, and a rhizome - the Conjunction, only the Conjunction. The tree imposes a verb to «be», and a rhizome is weaved from the сonjunction ы«both..and..and». In this conjunction there is enough force to crack and uproot a verb to «be». Where do you go? When do you leave? Where do you want to come. These are useless enough questions. To come back to tabula rasa and again to begin with zero, to search for the beginning or the base - all it includes the false concept of travel and movement. The matter is the middle at all average, on the contrary, is a place where things speed up. «Between the things» means not a localized relation which goes from one to another and back, but a movement in perpendicular direction, cross movement which transfers one and others, a stream without beginning and the end, which washes away the coast and is dispersed in the middle.



is located nearby in the forest, reflecting the rhizome


as a metaphore of a birth, center, core material:synthepone


in the object it is warm because of specificity of construction and lighting devices; softness because of natural materials


walls made with the materials found on the island - bamboo contructoin. branches weaving and filling the voids with found nearby materials(leaves,sticks)

Window Intro

A hidden footstep, connected to sound elements(metal sticks), located in the construction of the installation; this part denotes Beginning of interaction material: wooden plank, rope, metal tubes

In the center of the Rhizome takes us back to ourselves, to the place where we all started; at the very culmination we suddenly appear face to face with ourselves in the vacuum space darkness. Through the window we see our reflection in the mirror. Because of location specifity we see only a lighted face in the dark.



Romb ornament traditionally express the apartments for 4 people Grain idea.

orientation: 2-sided view: inner yard, outer street S: 88m2

apartments for 2 people orientation: south view: inner yard S: 48m2

1.Entrance hall 2.Classes 3.Administry 4.Elective courses 5.Studio 6.Universal hall 7.Library 8.Canteen

section A-A

section B-B

1st level

1.Classes 2.Bedrooms 3.Language rooms 4,Studios 5.Computer classes 6.Drawing studio 7.Gym 8.Auditorium

2nd level

apartments for3 people orientation: 2-sided view: inner yard; outer street S: 72 m2 apartments for 4 people two levels orientation: 2-sided view: inner yard; outer street S: 98 m2











Installation ArchFarm Festival 2012 ice blocks, lighting /15

The installation was made during Goroda (Cities) architectural festival. It took place at ArchFarm - a renovated farm 200 km away from Moscow. Main task was that the participants should rethink in their objects the festival theme which was «Fire». We analyzed the meaning of this term and came to Heraclitus ideas. Fire as eternal motion. As a seen form of burning process - it is the most suitable definition of the Element itself in a meaning of a substance that is a everlasting process, «blazing» dynamics of matter. So the fire is constant although it can damp. He also understood outer space as a process of constant burning. So in our object we tried to freeze the moment and stop the constant motion and have it for as long as we want. The edge of the sun, or maybe an unknown star constantly rising on the horizon or constantly setting. Or this is an enormous scale disk which has crashed into a frozen lake and now is glowing illuminating all around.

Object was made with the ice blocks which were pulled out from the lake near the installation area. Due to the fact that the winter was very strong, the ice was thick enough to make a firm wall and also very clear for the lighting. The blocks were stacked one on the other and after fitting with chainsaw they were poured with water and this made them sealed together firmly. The lit object was seen from any part of the ArchFarm territory as the exhibition day was very misty and the light column was very high. The «Sun» stood on its place until the springtime.


lifts/stairs location

Volume searching model
















Archfarm Installation Bachelor project GORODA Festival 2012 MArchI, 4 year wood trunks, wood for 2012 /23 the float


The installation was created during the Goroda architectural festival in the ArchFarm. The festival theme was «In the place». The little chapel is a chapel for nature. Chapel of a place. A little fragile constrution in a shape of a house with a pitch roof. There’s no inner space, one can just pass through the «concentration» but at the same time be in the environment and see all around.

The object was made with wooden materials. First, the float was build as the object could be installed either in the field or it could be put on the lake. After the volume was made with small aspen trees cleared from the branches and painted white. Installed object had to be lighted and be a point in a route through the ArchFarm lands.








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Installation projects/ competitions






competition entry short-list x Yuriy Milevskit 2010



The project was created for the «12 Towers» competition for a monuments at the entramce roads to Moscow. With this simple dot-object qwe tried to solve several problems of our city : -supersaturation of center -excess of car number -a complex and difficult for understanding post-capitalistic environment with excess of street advertisement -ansence of effective system of public transport -very poor involvement of citizens in life and development of the city

To realise the program, we chose a simple form that will work - a volumetric screen with different zones. A person Object was made with the which were pulled out from the lake near the installation area. interacting with the screen canice getblocks any information needed:

Due to the fact that the winter was very strong, the ice was thick enough to make a firm wall and also

very clear for the lighting.and Theroutes blocks were stacked one on the other and after fitting with chainsaw -public transport timetables they were poured with water and this made them sealed together firmly.

-city events

The lit purchase object was seen from any part of the ArchFarm territory as the exhibition day was very misty -tickets and the light column was very high. The «Sun» stood on its place until the springtime.

-take part in interactive discussion of city problems and connect to the city portal

Car users passing by will see the latest news, temperature, traffic jam information - all the needed information. This simple form can make the environment react on it, interact with it and use it. It can become a fullsize screen in the evening, and attract people of the nearby district.

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Volume searching model




Moscow activity is very centralized, all the main functions flow to the center and this causes lots pf problems. The city needs to distribute its life into several functional centers.


Following the «national idea» of modernisation and innovation, we suggest 8 popular functional city strategies for every administrative district (except central), which would distribute Moscow functions evenly on its territory. As a result secondary centers are formed due to their function (art-center, financial center, education cluster, R&D, etc).





Participation Reactivation

Stimulation of participation - is the main problem in cause of city self-realisation. Function of traditional society of 19 century in the century 21 is always working in the internet area, flowing into the concept of city public space 2.0 - a new instrument of people working reactivation.


The city center2.0 forms as an interaction of multiplicity of ideas - instead of concentration of sovereign government. From now on the center is not only forming the «national idea», but that’s the ideas interlacing makes it real. City center now is an open public space for unlimited interaction.

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People should be the mechanism that creates the City - not only government and business. City can recreate itself only by active participation of people in its life. City as an integer, realising the potential of identity.










Installation project Werner Sobek workshop 2012 /37


The installation project was made during the workshop with Werner Sobek as a part of year of friendship of Germany and Russia. The object literally connects two countries as a portal to another city. An interactive window to another place.

The portal installs in popular spots in cities of Russia and Germany - preferably in the places that resemble each Object other. was made with the ice blocks which were pulled out from the lake near the installation area.

Due to the fact that the winter was very strong, the ice was thick enough to make a firm wall and also The interactive shows the street view from installed the frame the screen veryscreen clear in forthe the lighting.mode The blocks were stacked onethe on webcamera, the other and afterinfitting withofchainsaw located in another city. Into one of the frames the motion sensor is installed, so when one comes closer tp the they were poured with water and this made them sealed together firmly. screen - the traslation begins.

The lit way object seen from any part of thecan ArchFarm territory the exhibition day was very So this twowas people from different countries communicate with as each other. In the standby mode themisty advertisement the information aboutThe the friendship yearon canits beplace shown. and the light and column was very high. ÂŤSunÂť stood until the springtime. Thr screen can be either plasma with waterproof protectiion or the LED display. The frames are made of metall profile, and motion sensor and the webcam are installed inside.




Principal Scheme Webcamera

Motion sensor


PC module

Volume searching model






Installations with Yunaya Bureau


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Metamorphosis installation at Darwin Museum for the ÂŤNight in MuseumÂť 2010






installation for MIGZ music festival 2011 Red October, Moscow




Other works


Organ installation, 2012 VKHUTEMAS gallery Artc & Crafts student exhibition













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