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10 Tips To Get Motivated & Stay Motivated


youtube.com/thesuccessmessenger facebook.com/successmesenger Twitter: @SuccessMsnger Instagram: @successmessenger


With all the stress in today’s world; rapid changes in our economy, competition becoming fiercely intense and having to consistently provide value to our customers and our clients, it’s no wonder that it can be extremely difficult to stay motivated in both daily business and our lives.

Staying motivated allows us to push through any obstacles that we may face and overcome any challenges that may plague us. We begin to get motivated, and then before we know it, that motivation is lost. Developing a momentum as it relates to motivation is essential. Keeping that ball of energy rolling may take a little more effort, but reaping the reward is well worth it. When it comes to accomplishment; consistency is power. Doing certain things every day can help keep you in moving forward. Here are 10 tips I put together on how to get and stay motivated.

1. Reward yourself for small achievements.

If you have a large task to accomplish, break it up into smaller goals. Every time you achieve each one of these mini goals, you give yourself a reward of your choosing. This will allow you to have something to look forward to while completing the entire task.

2. Fill your mind with inspiring material.

Just like we are what we eat, we are also what we think, read, write, and speak. Read books that will motivate you! Listen to motivational speakers during your commute. Those who are social media fans can set up their news feeds to display motivational content; such as pictures, quotes or videos. Speak to yourself and others using positive terms. Having your daily dose of inspiring messages will feed your mind the fuel it needs and give you that extra drive.

3. Visualize yourself already in possession of your goals.

Visualization is a powerful tool. Live as if you have already accomplished your goals. This will reinforce to your subconscious mind that you are striving for something. Visualization will trick your subconscious into thinking that it is already in possession of the goal, and you will feel a sense of accomplishment, allowing you to further accelerate.

4. Do not compare yourself to others.

Comparing yourself to others can be very detrimental. People are unique and we are all equipped with different talents, ideas and strategies. The only person that we should compare ourselves to is the person who we were yesterday. Only then can we reach the true potential of our personal power.

5. Spend your time with the right kind of people.

Spend time with people who have their own goals and those who will help you achieve greatness. You will feed off that energy and it will help you progress.

6. Set goals, write them down and tell others about them.

Setting goals is very important. Without them, you will never know when you’ve reached your destination and become fulfilled. Write down your goals on a card and place it in an area where you will see it multiple times a day. Preferably, once when you awake in the morning, and once before you go to bed. The mind thinks in pictures and the visualization of your goals will seep into your subconscious, and thus attaining those goals will become an impulse.

Telling people about your goals and future plans will create accountability. This will give you that extra push because someone may possibly inquire about its status.

7. Find a mentor.

A mentor is an example of the kind of person you want to be like. Model your mentor. Someone who has fifteen to twenty years of experience can teach you what he or she knows in two to five years. A mentor is sure to keep you on track, conditional upon your willingness to put in the effort.

8. Although it may seem counter productive - take time to relax.

Recharging is crucial when it comes to success. In order to have a clear mind that will allow you to work at your peak performance, you must take time to rest. You will simply discourage your-self if you are feeling drained.

In the Bible it says, “work six days; rest one.” However, do not confuse this by resting six days and working one. If you rest too long, the weeds will take over the garden!

9. Learn to overcome failure.

Failure is a part of success. It is essential to know the power of failure. Look at it as a challenge rather than the end. Failure offers the gift of teaching us lessons, and helps us to develop into the best possible version of ourselves. Under-stand that it is only temporary defeat. Keep going!

10. Have faith!

Believe in yourself and what you are trying to accomplish. Napoleon Hill wrote in his book, ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ “one may develop faith by voluntarily suggesting to the subconscious mind that one has faith. The mind comes to take on the nature of influences, which dominate it.

Faith will permit you to see your end result and allow you to believe in your endless possibilities.

youtube.com/thesuccessmessenger facebook.com/successmesenger Twitter: @SuccessMsnger Instagram: @successmessenger

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