Sun Pitcher

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SUN PITCHER Heliamphora chimantensis These are a variety of pitcher plants found in the Guiana Highlands of South America. In this region, near the common borders of Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana, are vast flat-topped mountains called Tepuis that rise 600-1000 meters above the surrounding geography. Rain is nearly constant, with 200-400 cm annually. These chilly rains wash loose material off the mountaintop, so soil accumulation is rare. These plants have evolved into a goblet structure to get their nutrients from another source altogether. They have adapted to their environment and have evolved to survive in the low-nutrient environment. They have lines of nectar along the neck of the pitcher to attract their prey and digestive enzymes in the hollow pitcher-shaped leaf structure to digest their prey. These organisms are hermaphrodites.

Fig.1.Heliamphora chimantensis

Fig.3.Stage 2

120 million years ago

80 million years ago




d) Fig.2. Parts of the Plant; a) Androecium;b) Stamen; c)Pistil; d) Transverse section of the Ovary

Fig.4.Stage 3

50 million years ago

Fig.4.Stage 5

10 million years ago

Fig.5.Stage 6

5 million years ago

Fig.6.Stage 7

2 million years ago

Fig.7.Stage 8

1 million years ago

Fig.8.Stage 9

100 thousand years ago

Fig.9.Stage 10. Hermaphrodites with the Reproductive System

80 thousand years ago


Sperm Duct


Oviductal Funnel

Uterus Ovaries



Fig.11.Expanded view of the Hermaphrodites Reproductive System.


Egg Polar Nuclei


Sperm Oviductal Funnel


Sprem Nuclei

Sperm Nuclei Fig.14. One of the Sperm fertilizes the Egg to form the Diplooid Zygote.The other Sperms fertilizes two Polar Nuclei to form the Triploid Endosperm, which will become a food for the growing Embryo.




Vagina Cloaca

Fig.11. The Sperm adhere to the Oviductal Funnel. It contains two celles a generative cell and a tube cell.

Fig.12. The Tail of the Sperm grows into the Oviductal Funnel. The Sperm Nuclei travels throw . the tube to fertilize the Ovary.

Fig.13. The Tail penetrates an opening in the Ovule called a Micropyle.





Vagina Cloaca

Vagina Cloaca

Fig.15. Formation of the Fetus in the Uterus at 4 weeks.

Fig.16. Formation of the Fetus in the Uterus at 6 weeks.

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