Economic Botany Documentation Book

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Contents Project Past


Who Am I?


Economic Botany: Project Brief










Economic Botany: Game Play & Rules






Past Project Project Past

Why Project Past?

History is bunk – “[It] is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon,” according to Napoleon. Project Past is a space to scrutinize the nature of history, turn over artifacts to find what (else) lies beneath, discover the stories that emerge from reading between the lines, and unleash alternate points of view through new creative

History consists of a corpus of ascertained facts. The facts are available to the his-torian in documents, inscriptions and so on, like fish on the fish-monger’s slab. The historian collects them, takes them home, and cooks and serves them in whatever style appeals to him. - E. H. Carr

pieces that embody textures from the past.

The mediator can chose his or her way of representing it. The project allowed me to combine history and illustration to create my final outcome.

Everything before this moment is history, so there’s a lot more to it than kings and queens, or wars, and it encompasses infinite topics beyond the rise of nationstates. Each aspect of life, from the clothes we wear, to the music we enjoy, to the roads we travel upon, the food we eat, is part of a historical trajectory. The origin of the word “history” means “an act of interpretation.” Who decides what really happened or what’s important? What happens when one sees beyond what’s “official” and oversimplified? -This was the class breif given by the Alison Byrnes.

Also, Alison Byrnes was facilitating the project which was another key element in choosing the project. I knew the project would be well structured and the final outcome would be concrete.



Who Am I?

I am a visual artist from a fine arts background trying to fit into the design world.I try combining the two often and by the end of third year i have come close to creating works that reflect both aspects. Over the years I have also experimented courses from different design departments such as product, space and animation apart from visual communication and CCAP. I have worked with different kinds of printing techniques such as letter press, screen printing, lino and wood cut. This year I interned at Amar Chitra Katha which helped me expand my horizon in the field of children’s illustrations and advertising through illustrations.



Left: Ink on paper and mixed media illustration Right: Character design for Franklin and Tempelton during internship at Amar Chitra Katha.



Economic Botany Project Brief Economic Botany is the global exchange of plants, which was given great importance during the colonial era by the British. They looked at these plant specimens as something of great value. In India especially in Bangalore, they grew all kinds of plants and trees for both economic and ornamental purposes. The project takes inspiration from Economic botany and create a game that allows the player to learn and distinguish between exotic and native trees if Bangalore.


MaP of India in he 1700


Research Methodology The first research topic was inspired from Indian Mythology and Historical facts/ events associated with them. The idea of working with the annual Hindu festival of Durga Puja emerged here. The research was split into three aspects: Mythological, Historical and in context to contemporary times. For the mythological aspects, passages from the Puranas (ancient Hindu texts) were referred to. The Historical data was found in both the internet and in books available in the college library.

Several mind maps were made using hash tag words to help us look at different aspects related to the research topic. During this process hash tags like Colonial India, Devi- the goddess, feminism, Ramayana , community, food and culture in India, Idol worship emerged and opened up sever other avenues for research. Taking the has tag colonial India forward new fields for research opened up.Provines that were developed by the British like Calcutta Bombay, Madras and Bangalore were secearched on.


History The British chose Bangalore as a centre for Horticultural Development. The ‘Garden City’ has been referred to as ‘barren land’ or ‘naked country’ in the 1800’s by Vijay Thiruvady in his book Heritage trees, due to the plateau on which it is located. It consisted of a 40-acre garden, which was created by Hyder Ali 1760 and later the project was taken up by Tipu Sultan. Bangalore was chosen as a centre for Horticultural Development by the British. the ‘Garden City’ was once known as the ‘Barren Land’ or ‘naked country’ due to the plateau on which it was located in the 1800’s. It consisted of a 40 acre garden which was created by Hyder Ali 1760 and later the project was taken up by Tipu Sultan. Under his rule a community of farmers were encouraged to settle down in the area called the ‘thigalas’. They were the first farmers to work on the Lalbagh. This community still exists near Siddapura now. Apart from the garden which was later named Lalbagh , Bangalore consisted of many small sacred groves or Deverakadus and wood lots called Gundutopus around temples and villages. The terrain of Bangalore greatly changed after the British annexed it in 1799. Several trees were planted during the British Raj. These consisted of tree plantations not only in parks but also by the sides of roads for providing shade for pedestrians and travellers. The story of Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel, the man behind the Garden city. Most books and papers do not mention the name of the German landscape artist, perhaps the British did not want to advertise him due to his German origin. In a recent multi-media art exhibition, historian Suresh Jayrama (1 Shanti Road) shines light on Krumbiegel life and work. Bangalore was chosen as the hub for Horticultural experimentations. Large Plant and tree samples were 10

imported from all over the world. There was a trade of

plants carried out globally called Economic Botany. Under the directing of John Cameron, Lalbagh was the center of trade and seeds from all over the world were brought in. The City was known as the Garden City by the 1960s, it was thriving with beautiful trees and water bodies. However, this setting did not last too long. By the early 1970, Bangalore faced rapid urbanization. Large number of trees were felled and water bodies were covered to make room for the growing demands of urbanization. The city skyline was dominated by high-rises by the 1990’s. Today, Bangalore is the second fastest growing city in India, with a population of over 7 million and is also known as the Silicon Valley of India.

Hyder Ali Muslim ruler of Mysore princely state and started the construction of Lal Bagh in 1760.

Tipu Sultan Tipu Sultan in his tenure finished the construction of Lal Bagh which was started by his father Haider Ali. The garden has a large collection of tropical plants and a lake.

Krishna Raja Woodyer IV

A myth has been handed down orally, Krumbiegel came to live in Bangalore after the King of Mysore and Krishna Rajendra Wodeyar were once playing cards, lost the game and had to give up his horticulturist to Wodeyar.

Gustav Herman Krumbgile

A German Botanist and landscape artist, best known for planning Lal Bagh and the avenues of Bangalore.


Impact Most of these heritage trees are over 100-150 years old and have been a witness to the changing pattern of the cities landscape and livelihood. Heritage trees of Bangalore was the chosen research topic. Bangalore faces an urban day problem, due to a large dominance of exotic plant species. Around 77% of the tress in the city are exotic or introduced species of plants. A part of this practiced can be traced back to the time of the 1800 during the British raj, when a large number of trees were imported from all over the world. An initiative was taken by the British to beautify the city, mainly flowering plants were chosen. Not much attention were paid to the indigenous plants of the region. The Ficus Benjamina (java fig) was variety of fig brought in from Java in 1861 by then superintendent Mr. New. Many surveys haven been conducted by Botanists today to understand the distribution of flora in Bangalore.


Many surveys haven been conducted by Botanists today to understand the distribution of flora in Bangalore. Studies suggest that most trees in Bangalore are exotic species, with a very low dominance of native species. Polyalthia longifolia (Indian Mast), a variety introduced from Sri Lanka, Spathodea Campanulata (African Tulip), Delonix Regia (Gulmohar) was South America all these plants are primarily ornamental and we see them in spread all over in the city. Introduced species like Indian Mast and the African tulip have adjusted to the biodiversity of the city and have become a part of it. On the other hand introduced species such as Gulhomar and Copper pods have been part of the biodiversity for a long time now, but are not well adjusted to the environment. They have large canopies that require pruning and are less stable during rains, causing tree falls. A recent introduction of the royal palm has been of no benefit to the environment. They don’t provide shade nor do they support fauna. There is a need to understand the biodiversity of a region while urban planning. Many studies and initiatives have been carried out to understand the biodiversity of the city. Yet a large number of newly planted trees are ornamental. Planting of regional trees, that provide shade also consume large amounts of carbon-dioxide and helps refine the air we breath, they provide shelter to fauna and can with sand climatic conditions better. It is not only economically beneficial, but also sustainable. Some Botanists say that the combinations of native and exotic trees are beneficial. In a city like Bangalore where 4 out of 5 trees are exotic, a negative impact has been noticed due to this practice. A dominance of introduced species of flora and fauna alters the biodiversity of the environment.

The Research Topic ‘ Heritage Trees of Bangalore’ has a strong historical aspect, and it is part of the urban day Bangalore. The aim of the project is to help people understand different species of native and exotic plants in and around Bangalore. Urbanization in Bangalore

List of some common trees around Bangalore ,Image source: Street trees in Bangalore: Density, diversity, composition and distribution by Harini Nagendra and Divya Gopal



Form Why Game Design? During my school life I have found it easier to understand and learn through visuals. So I wanted to choose a form which was both interactive and fun. I was looking for a form that communicated facts to help the audience identify trees around. I wanted to work with print media instead of something computer based. I wanted it to engage the audience. Make them engage in activities to facilitate learning. During the same time I was introduced to Monopoly deal, a card game version of the board game Monopoly. It seems a good fit to communicate facts about trees through the concept of exchange. The concept of Economic Botany, the global exchange of trees was being practiced in many parts of the world including India.A

Benifits of teaching through games play: 1.Engaging the audience 2.Breaks away from computer 3.Strategic thinking 4.Learning from mistakes 5.Benificial for students with low attention span or learning probems 6.Breaking away from text books 7.Learning through visuals


MonoPoly Deal The Game was released in 2008 by Hasbro. The objective of the game is to be the first one to create three full sets of different colour properties. There are action cards and money cards to enhance the game play.

Monopoly Deal Cards


Adaptaion of the Game Some card adaptations are mentioned here. The structure and aim of the game has been retained.But instead of collecting property, the payers collect trees to start thier own gardens.

Cards during the ideation phase



Evolution Seminar 1 Feedback

Seminar 2 Feedback

You have immersed yourself to become well-­‐ informed about the history and facts that have caused current scenarios, which offers more complexity to a topic that many have a stake in. Before coming to aesthetics and illustration-­‐style, the logic and complexity of the game design must come first. You can further complicate the message of the game so that your objectives come across, through elements in the game play itself. Help others understand how your game is played easily through different visual methods. Clearly state the learning objectives for the players if its goal is to be educational. As mentioned, bibliography must be formatted to Chicago style.

You have successfully kept some learning possibilities while maintaining potential for fun and social interaction between players. Consider how to scaffold the game play to different levels and new kinds of complexity beyond the basic play, and how to integrate with nature itself. Some 3D aspect can make the game more engaging. Locating the game in specific places/neighborhoods in Bangalore is also a compelling possibility. Illustration style is appropriate to the needs of the target audience.



Game Developtment The first set of cards I created, were to test the basic frame work of the game. It helped me understand what elements to add and subtract. I played trial games with several people, including a game designer Yadu, from college. This exercise allowed me to understand the structure of information design on the cards. It also allowed me to make a quick prototype and play the game without wasting too much time on designing it at an early stage.

Trial game with the first card prototypes.


Second set of playing cards prototype.



Game testing I created another set of cards and printed them. These were colour coded with clear instructions. I put all the information that needed to be included to see how much space each element took up. This made it easier to play with more people and get a better idea of the game play.


Game Time:16mins No. of players: 3 5 cards are dealt at the Begining of the game. Player 1: picks up 2 cards in the begining of the game. puts two seeds down and one action card: seed collector as money Player 2: picks up two cards and plays two seed cards and a nbtf card and receives 3 seeds. Player 3: picks up two cards and plays two seed cards and a nbtf card and receives 3 money card and seed collector as money. Player 1: puts down ornamental tree card, asks for rent. Player 2: player one puts down tree card and asks for rent and puts down money. Player 3: plays the woodier card steps one house plant card. and puts down two tree ads. Player 1: plays skip and puts down water n compost card as money. Player 2: player two plays 2 seed collector cards and a sacred cards Player 3: puts down scared card and a ntf card and double rent as action. Player 1: puts down skip and two money cards Player 2: puts 3 action cards as money. Player 3: puts down 3 tree cards ornamental and insect host. and makes a set of insect host


Player 1: Plays skip and puts down water n compost card as money. Player 2: Plays two plays 2 seed collector cards and a sacred cards. Player 3: Puts down scared card and a ntf card and double rent as action. Player 1: Puts down skip and two money cards Player 2: Puts 3 action cards as money. Player 3: Puts down 3 tree cards 1 ornamental and 2 insect host. Makes a set of

insect host.

Player 1:Puts down 2 ornamental and 1 insect host card. Player 2:Puts down waterline card on insect host card Player 3:Puts down two trees and money. Player 1:Puts down 2 trees and pest control as money. finishes all cards. Player 2:Plays two tree cards and money. Player 3: Plays three tree cards and wins the game.


Game testing with second card prototype


Hand Drawn Explorations


Hand Drawn Explorations

Selection of Illustration Style Initially I had decided to hand draw the cards. I created a few sample pieces with water color pencils and pen.

Hand Drawn Explorations


The digital exploration style was chosen. It was realistic and enhanced the identification element of the game. It was a faster and more effective method as well.The image were easy to associate to and brought out rich colours.


Final Illustration Style Selected



Production List of Trees Illustrated Sacred Peepal Tree Ficus religiosa Temple tree Plumeria Magnolia Magnolia champaca

Insect Host Red Silk Cotton Bombax ceiba Oleander Nerium oleander Curry tree Murraya koenigii

Flowering Copper Pod Peltophorum pterocarpum Gulhomar Delonix regia Palash Butea monosperma Pink trumpet tree Handroanthus impetiginosus

Fruit Bearing Banana Musa acuminate Mango Mangifera indica Custard apple Annona reticulate

Medicinal Neem Azadirachta indica Ankol Tree Alangium salvifolium Sandalwood Santalum album

Shade Giving Rain Tree Samanea saman Pride of India Lagerstroemia speciosa Blue Jacaranda Jacaranda mimosifolia

Wines and Climbers Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Morning Glory Ipomoea nil Blue butterfly pea Clitoria ternatea



Some of the Plant Illustrations


Action Card Illustrations

Hyder Ali


Gustav Herman Krumbgile

Krishna Raja Woodyer IV

Tipu Sultan

Lady Bug Pest Control Card Illustration

Lead Hopper Insect Infestation Card Illustration



Economic Botany:Game Play & Rules Economic Botany : Game Play Number of Player : 2-5 players Age group : 8+ and above



Tree Name

Sientific Name




Tree Name

Sientific Name

General game play: The objective of Economic Botany is to be the first player to complete 3 full Tree sets on the table in front of you to start your own Garden. Each tree card tells you how many cards you need of that color to complete the set. For example the brown (timber ) card set only needs 2 brown cards to be completed and the blue (ornamental) set only needs 4 tree cards to be a completed set . Starting and dealing the game Step 1:Shuffle the deck. Step 2:Deal out 5 cards to each player. Step 3:Put the remaining cards in the center face down. This will be the draw pile. Step 4:All players can pick up the Economic Botany cards that have been dealt to them but do not show anyone else your cards.


1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific Name


1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific Name


1 Ornamental

2 Fruit Bearing Tree Name

Sientific Name


2 Fruit Bearing Tree Name

2 Fruit Bearing Tree Name

Sientific Name


Tree Name

Sientific Name


1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific Name


Winning Hand Of Economic Botany

Cards dealt during a 2 player Game.


What the player does on their turn


Action Card Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel

Each player must pick up 2 cards from the draw pile during each turn.

You can exchange any tree with another player.


Then each player can play 3 cards on their turn. (a play is considered any card you lay onto the table such as money into your bank, property cards on the table, action cards played into the middle, etc). There will be 3 places where cards can be played during a turn: 1.A player can place seed cards or action cards (seed collector, double seed collector, exchange cards, pest control, skip, etc) face up in their bank, 2.A player can play property cards face up in front of them in their property section, 3.A player can play action cards in the middle discard pile.

Sientific Name


1 Ornamental

Seed Card

Sientific Name

Sientific Name

Tree Name

Sientific Name



2 Fruit Bearing

Tree Name

Sientific Name


Tree Name


1 Ornamental



2 Fruit Bearing

Tree Name


Tree Name

Sientific Name


a. b.

Three locations to play your cards. a. Seed bank b. Tree Stack c. Action Card Pile 3

Action Card Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel

You can exchange any tree with another player.

c. Sientific Name


1 Ornamental

Seed Card

2 Fruit Bearing

Tree Name

Sientific Name

Sientific Name



Tree Name

Sientific Name


Tree Name

Sientific Name

At the end of a turn, a player cannot have more than 7 cards in their hand. If they do, they need to discard the excess cards into the discard pile in the middle.


2 Fruit Bearing

Tree Name

Sientific Name


Tree Name


1 Ornamental



a. b.

3 er TimbName





Action Card

5 Act

Gustav Herma nn Krumbiegel




d Car


can of tr destr ee oy an card y s. set


You can exch ange any another playe tree r.



d Ad

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rd d Ca


d ad

Draw two Cards in the begining of each turn and play 3 cards.


How to win The winner of Economic Botany is the first player to complete 3 full tree sets on the table in front of them to start their Garden. Each Tree card tells you how many cards you need of that color to complete the set. For example the brown (timber ) card set only needs 2 brown cards to be completed and the blue (ornamental) set only needs 4 tree cards to be a completed set .

Seed Seed Seed Card Card Card

1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific Name


Exotic/Nativ e

1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific SientificName Name

Exotic/Native Exotic/Nativ e

1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific Name

Exotic/Nativ e

1 Ornamental Tree Name

Sientific Name

Exotic/Nativ e

2 Fruit Bearing


Sientific Name

Tree Name

Sientific Name

Sientific Name

Exotic/Nativ e

2 Fruit Bearing Exotic/Nativ e


Tree Name

Tree Name



3 Fast Growing Tree Name

Sientific Nam eE

xotic/Nativ e


Tree Name

Sientific Name


2 Fruit Bearing Tree Name

Sientific Name

Exotic/Nativ e

A wininning Hand of Economic Botany with 3 full tree sets 41

Bibliography •Saswati, Mukherjee. “No More Gulmohars, Says BBMP.” Http:// May 14, 2014. Accessed August 13, 2015. •Nagendra, Harini. “• Tree Diversity, Distribution, History and Change in Urban Parks: Studies ¬in Bangalore, India.” Http:// files/articles/2010_urbanecosyst_parks_bangalore. pdf. April 14, 2010. Accessed August 13, 2015. •Neeraja Ayala, Prama. “Who Created the Garden City? In Search of Gustav Krumbiegel’s Bangalore.” Http:// March 4, 2014. Accessed August 10, 2015. •Thiruvady, Vijay. Heritage Trees. Second ed. Vol. 1. Bangalore, Karnataka: Bangalore Environment Trust, 2014.


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