Hire Our Law Group To Solve Your Issues Atkins law group is a full service law firm in Dallas in Texas. We offer aggressive legal representation to clients throughout state of Texas in various areas. There are various ways through which a person can approach us. The most common reasons for approaching us will be divorce, child support and child custody. The laws apply to Texas family are very complex. Still, when you work with the experienced professionals in at Atkins group, you no need to worry about other things as we will always apply results oriented system. It may be the main reason behind selecting us. When you see divorce case under our firm, Dallas divorce lawyer in Texas will always allow people to file divorce by no fault grounds. No fault divorce grounds means that parties have experienced differences in their relationship. Texas law will also parties to file for divorce and claim specific grounds for divorce like the following,
Cruelty Conviction of felony Abandonment Confinement to mental hospital
Deal With Any Cases: The state of Texas is known as Community Property to designate the division of property in Texas. Property division refers that a judge will divide all marital property between two spouses. This not only means cars, furniture and real estate, but also investment accounts. Atkins law group is working as a team with knowledge professionals in the Dallas, in Texas area. We have successful record of tracking property rights. There are several factors involved in Child Custody Attorney Dallas and they are,
Child’s emotional and physical needs Parent’s history and responsibilities Stability of parent’s employment situation
Our team of Atkins law group has won contested child custody battles for parents who are married and who are unmarried. If you are involved in estate planning, you can approach them to clear your case.
SOURCE: http://bit.ly/2afTZby