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Honorary Chair Sheldon Stewart
The 32nd Annual Citizens Bank Pops by the Sea doesn’t happen overnight. It requires months of planning and preparation takes on look easy. His team brings enthusiasm and thoughtfulness to the task.” As the Honorary Chair, Sheldon, who will be Kevin Shanley, AFCC’s Director of Operations and Events and Sheldon Stewart of Stewart Painting and the dedication of countless individuals who do the accompanied by his wife Salijane and their two sometimes small, thankless tasks that can get overlooked daughters, Shayla and Shelby, will be led out to his table by audiences. by the Cape Youth Orchestra. The orchestra will be filling This year’s Honorary Chair, Sheldon Stewart of in for last year’s Honorary Chair Lt. David Cameron, a
Centerville, is a perfect example. Without him and his bagpiper who traditionally joins the Colum Cille Pipes & dedicated staff at Stewart Painting, the Pops would not Drums in leading out the guest of honor. (Cameron will be possible. be out of town this year.)
Over the past seven years, Stewart and his crew have Sheldon’s commitment to the arts and the community developed a routine the day before the event. It starts goes well beyond the one day he devotes to the Pops. with an early morning breakfast before they depart to the He currently sits on the Pops by the Sea Steering
Hyannis Village Green where the work begins. They split Committee; has regularly donated a week of painting up into small crews, each tackling a section of the Green that has been auctioned off at the AFCC’s Spring Soiree; where they set up the chairs, tents, tables, gates, and helps maintain the appearance of the Cotuit Center for walkways that provide a sense of comfort and order to the the Arts; and donates $10 from each power wash his
Pops backdrop. company does to the Cape & Islands United Way.
It’s a behind-the-scenes moment that is not As a lifelong Cape Codder, he understands the glamorous, but is necessary for the show to go on. “We importance of giving back to this place where he grew up, honestly could not do the event without his help,” AFCC where he started his own company, and where he raised a
Executive Director Julie Wake said. “Sheldon deserves family. “We live in this community, we should give back this recognition. He makes the enormous job that he to it,” he said.