DDF - M1 Journal_AlisonFong

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ALISON PUI YAN FONG (830833) Joshua Russo + No.1



Triangulation: Used as an economical method to strengthen stool; requires less material to provide strength

Hole/ Empty space in between: Save on material and still provide same amount of stability

Material: Plastic; cheap to produce at large quantities


Critical Joints: The joints are slotted as tongue and groove. It allows for the stool to be folded back as a flat pack and ensures that the stool is stable when sat on

Digital Model





Digital Modelling Process

1. Building guides based on the different drawings, mainly used ‘polyline’ and ‘curves’ for rounder edges, then ‘mirrored’ most of line work as stool is symmetrical

2. Position curves into correct positions for preparation of extrusion

3. ‘ExtrudeCrv’ is used and a solid volume is produced, then rotated so they fit in place with each other. I also placed them in different layers and changed their display colour for easier identification and placement.


Joint Issues - It was difficult to have all the joints join up in place as the drawings did not reflect a lot of the overall measurements in real life, such as the actual depth of the joint itself. Hence it was at times an estimate and trial-anderror approach in order to have them fit perfectly together.


Sketch Model

INSPIRATION - I was intrigued by the joints that were used in the stool and realized that I could elongate one piece and still apply the same circular movement. So combining a dowell and flat balsa wood pieces, I created a structure based on the movement of the joints seen in the stool, as well as utilised the joints themselves in my design.


FINAL PIECE - Perspective view + Zoom in on joints

Modelling Process

1. Using a drill I drilled holes in balsa wood

2. Then I cut a 0.5mm balsa dowell into different heights and inserted them into the hole

3. I then formed the structure above where I continuously repeated in my design

4. As I continued to repeat the forms, I made sure that the structure was stable and made my foundation structure; from there I made the final piece shown above


Sketch Design #1 Flexibility, Movement, Boundaries

INSPIRATION - I was interested in how our personal space can change and so used the circular movement idea from the stool’s joints and created a moveable structure.

ELEVATIONS (FRONT)- when model is closed and opened

How does this respond to your personal space?

MOVEMENT- diagram of how the design opens according to owner’s needs


It’s movement reflects our ability to change our personal space according to the individual or people we are with, but also time of day.

Sketch Design #2 Restrictions, Enclosure, Defensive, Protection INSPIRATION - I interested in the skin-bone structure in ‘Snowdon Aviary’ that was created with the use of the wire and translucent skin. I made mine instead a lot more wavier to translate the fluctuation of our change in personal space depending on where we are, what we are doing and who we are with.

ELEVATION (FRONT) Snowdon Aviary (Cedric Price) image from LMS

How does this respond to your personal space? Reflects on our reaction (psychological withdrawal) towards the unknown space/individuals/time and how we enclose ourself from the outside to protect our personal space.



Sketch Design #3 Invisible, Camouflage, Disappear, Reflection

INSPIRATION - A mirror is able to reflect an image, and within personal space, we do not like being intruded, this including being seen. Hence this design is composed of mirror sheets that are stuck together, to hide the owners presence from others and avoid making contact with others.


ELEVATIONS (FRONT) Image retrieved from Live Science, http://www.livescience.com/48110-reflection-refraction.html

MOVEMENT- diagram of reflection of other individuals gaze on the owner becomes reflected back to them instead

How does this respond to your personal space?

Express our discomfort of intrusion of our personal space when we feel our glance from other individuals, and the feeling of wanting to be unseen.


Appendix Rhino Exercises





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